Material on the topic: Didactic games for color consolidation

Colors can be studied not only, but also at home!

We select cups to saucers.

We are looking for paired socks.

We help colorful fish swim to the lakes of their color.

We plant butterflies on flowers of the desired color.

We repeat the given sequence of colors.

We collect "droplets" of a certain color in a glass of the same color.

Sort Denyesh blocks by color. You can add a form attribute.

We play "flying carpets". We plant colorful toys on colored cardboard leaves. If the passenger is selected correctly, the flying carpet takes off.

The wind blew away the petals of the seven-flowered flower, we return the missing ones. We put the bugs-clothespins on the petals of the desired color.

We lay out the mosaic berries on colored plates. The task can be complicated by using a spoon.

We select clothes for the dolls by color - hats, coats and boots of the same color as the dresses, and send them for a walk. Meet, we have Amanda and Carolina, two favorite dolls of the Main Reader.

The wind blew away the roofs of the houses, we select matching colors and repair the houses.

We arrange cars in garages of the desired color (according to the color of the cabins).

We feed the toys with colorful cubes - “candies” (“The doll loves red candies, and the hare loves blue ones”).

We play "find in a bottle". We take many small objects of the same color (Lego parts and kinder surprises are suitable), prepare a card with the image of these objects (you can draw or photograph), paint rice in the color of the objects, pour everything into a transparent plastic bottle, twist and glue the lid, hang it on the neck an elasticated card and the game is ready. Now it remains to shake the bottle to find all the items depicted on the card. I usually do this on trips.

Collecting colored puzzles.

We select bottle caps of suitable colors and fasten them. This game requires a cardboard blank with necks from plastic bottles, removable cards and colored caps.

We dress Amanda (you already know her :)) in dresses of different colors. You can prepare the same game by printing 2 photos of your baby, then he will be able to dress himself.

We play "Color shop". You can pay for goods of a certain color only with money of the same color.

I buy tomatoes. The seller counts the red bills, issues a receipt and packs the goods.

I order yellow, orange and green products, the seller chooses them himself. Then we change roles.

The bus driver drops the passengers (toys of different colors) at the colored stops. There are many variations: a postman delivers letters of different colors to colored streets, or a ship's captain takes pirates to colorful uninhabited islands, etc.

We play "Colored dominoes", where instead of dots there are different colors.

We cut out stencils from cardboard (vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers) and apply them to various sheets of colored paper and things in the house, naming the color.

Stencils can be parts of a drawing.

And you can also select not only the color, but also the shape - insert cut-out objects into the cells.

Solving "color examples".

We play "visual" games. Hiding places are popular with us (for example, we hide yellow mice from a cat by painting them with yellow). We return to the place the confused caps from the markers. We draw colored fireworks on black paper, yellow dandelions on green, etc.

For clarity, you can hang such a poster.

For printed materials for games, you can

The development of color perception is one of the most important components of sensory development. Color, along with the size and shape of objects, is a sensory standard on the basis of which knowledge about objects and phenomena is based. The sooner these standards are formed, the more useful information the child will be able to understand and assimilate, which will affect the development as a whole.

Game "Beetles on Flowers". This game will help your child learn the basic colors, as well as better distinguish shades of the same color. Invite your child to plant bugs of different colors on flower petals of the same color. Do not forget to speak the names of the flowers with your child during the game.

Flowers of the same color will help teach your child to better distinguish shades of the same color.

Print templates:

The game "The Sun and the Snowman".

For this game, I took palette sets from Obi's store and cut them into cards. At first I tried to explain to the child what warm and cold colors are.
Cool colors are those that create the impression of coolness, and warm- joy, cheerfulness, warmth. To warm colors include - red, orange, yellow. They resemble fire, the sun. A to x young - blue, blue, purple. They resemble ice, water. Green can be both warm and cold, as it can be said by the ratio of blue and yellow in it. If there is more blue in green, then this color is cold, and if yellow, then it is warm.
Then I invite the child to choose warm shades of color for the sun, and cold shades for the snowman.

Game "Find a Pair". The task is to find cards of the same color.

Game "Rug for a cat". The task is to assemble a mat for a cat of the same color from the darkest shade to the lightest or vice versa.

Game "Caterpillars". In this game the rules are the same as in the game "Collect a bouquet" - you need to collect 2 caterpillars of warm and cold flowers.

For younger children, you can simplify the rules and collect caterpillars of just one color.

Game "Multicolored caterpillars". With caterpillars, it will be very interesting to play another game to fix the names of colors. To do this, you need a cube with flowers. The players take turns throwing a dice, which color fell on the dice, the player takes this color circle for his caterpillar. It is very important that there will be no winner in this one, and the baby will not be upset.

For older children, the game can be complicated and 2 dice can be thrown - one colored, and the other with dots. Then the player attaches to his caterpillar as many circles of the dropped out color as on the cube with dots. The winner is the player with the longest track.

With a caterpillar, you can also complete tasks to develop thinking. The adult begins to lay out the caterpillar alternating circles of different colors, and the child must continue.

Game "Collect a bouquet". This game will also help introduce children to the concepts of cold and warm colors. To play you will need 2 vases - red and blue and flowers of warm and cold shades. The adult invites the child to collect 2 bouquets - one for the Snow Queen, the other for the Sun.

Didactic color consolidation games for children 3-4 years old "Autumn Leaves"

Author: Zakharova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher of the correctional group
Place of work: MADOU No. 35, Novaya Melnitsa, Novgorod District

Work description: This series of games is designed for children 3-4 years old in the younger group of kindergarten. Games will help to fix the names of flowers, names of trees. In addition, the leaves themselves can be used as stencils for painting. This manual will be useful for teachers and parents of children 3-4 years old. The assignments are designed to work in a group, but some of them can be carried out individually.
Target: Fixing primary colors.
Materials used: Red and yellow cardboard leaves.
Making a manual:
Large leaves of different types of trees are cut from red and yellow cardboard. For greater durability, you can glue them over with tape or laminate. To complicate the games, you can add green leaves.

1 game "Collect a bouquet"


Game progress:
Children are given 1 leaf of red or yellow color. They join hands and lead a round dance, while saying:
Autumn, autumn has come
I plucked the leaves from the branches.
Circled them for a very long time,
And I collected them in a bouquet.

The children stop, and the presenter says further:
One two Three,
Collect a bouquet of red (yellow, different) leaves.

After these words, the children who have leaves of the indicated color converge in a circle, raising the leaves high, and, as it were, form a bouquet. After that, the game is repeated.

2 game "Falling Leaves"

-To consolidate knowledge of red and yellow.
-Develop auditory attention and perception.

-To educate the ability to work in a team.
Game progress:
Children choose a leaf for themselves and name which leaf of the tree they have chosen and what color it is.
The presenter says:
Leaf fall! Leaf fall! All the kids run in circles
Different leaves are flying!
Yellow leaves
Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.
spin beautifully.
Red leaves
Actions are performed by children with red leaves.
They spin beautifully.
Further, in a different order, you can list which leaves, what they are doing. (... the leaves fell to the ground, ... the leaves flew in a circle, etc.)
At the end:
Different leaves
They fell to the ground.
A light breeze flew in, blew. They blow.
Leaves rose Scatter ..
scattered in different directions.

3 game "Run for the leaf"

-To consolidate knowledge of red and yellow.
-Develop auditory attention and perception.
-Develop responsiveness
Game progress:
Leaves are scattered on the floor, with one less yellow than children and one less red.
The presenter says:
One two Three
Run to the yellow (red) leaf.

Children should take a leaf of the color named by the presenter. Anyone who lacks a leaf of the desired color is eliminated from the game. The game continues until the last person. He becomes the winner.

4 game "What color?"

-To consolidate knowledge of red and yellow.
-Develop auditory attention and perception.
Game progress:
Each child is given two leaves (1 yellow, the other red). The facilitator asks questions such as: What color is the chicken (poppy, sun, strawberry, dandelion, etc.)? The task of the children is to pick up a leaf of a certain color.

5 game "Find a pair"

-To consolidate knowledge of red and yellow.
- Fix the names of the trees.
-Develop auditory attention and perception.

-To educate the ability to work in a team.
Game progress:
Each pair of children is given 1 leaf from 1 tree, but of a different color. Fast music turns on, to which children scatter in random order, as soon as the music stops, children must quickly find their mate. Further, children with yellow leaves change leaves among themselves and the game continues, then children with red leaves change, and so on.

6 game "Alternation"

-To consolidate knowledge of red and yellow.
-Develop auditory attention and perception.
-Develop the ability to navigate in space.
-To learn to work according to the scheme.
-To educate the ability to work in a team.
Game progress:
Children are given 1 leaf of red or yellow color. The music sounds, as soon as it ends, the children should line up in a certain order, focusing on the diagram shown by the presenter. The diagram is a sheet on which red and yellow circles are drawn in a certain order. (For example, red-yellow-red-yellow, or red-red-yellow-red-red-yellow, etc.)
From the first days of a baby's life, a diverse multi-colored world surrounds, however, in infancy, he is not yet able to distinguish all colors and shades, a person's color vision changes gradually. To make your child's life brighter and more colorful, so that he learns to recognize and memorize colors, play "color" games with him.

The knowledge that children gain about color contributes to sensory and mental development, helps to form new skills. Color, as a shape and size, is one of the standards for a child on which he can base his knowledge of certain objects and phenomena. And the sooner these standards are formed, the more useful information the baby can understand and assimilate, the faster, more consciously and more accurately he will navigate in the world around him, and the better he will develop as a whole. In addition, color discrimination is a great exercise in observation, attention, and artistic taste. Improving in the study of colors, the baby learns that colors can be divided into warm and cold, pastel and contrast.

Even without buying manuals, you can easily find basic colors in everyday life: draw your child's attention to the juicy colors of greens and fruits, rich colors of toys, colorful patterns on fabrics. In order to introduce a child to different colors and their names, you do not need to wait for a special age. You can play “colored” games from birth, just by telling your little one about the multicolor around him. When dressing a child, name the colors of the clothes: "What kind of T-shirt will we wear - red or blue?" While doing your homework, draw your child's attention to the color of the plates and cups, to the different shades of linen that you take out of the washing machine “Here's our yellow blanket!”. Collecting the pyramid with the baby, pronounce the names of the flowers: “Let's put a red ring on the rod. And this ring is blue. ” During the walk, you can also discuss the colors and shades of everything around. It only seems to us that these are simple conversations between times, and the baby pays attention to the color, learns speech, learns to hear and understand you.

All colors are divided into two groups: chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet) and achromatic (white, black, and shades of gray). Each color has a thousand shades. In addition to these characteristics, there is hue, lightness, brightness, saturation. How can a kid not get confused and learn to feel all the beauty of the colorful world? Artists consider the main three colors - red, yellow, blue, from which all the rest can be obtained by mixing. Let's add green to them, and we get those four basic colors, with which we should begin acquaintance with the kids. After the child learns to easily recognize and distinguish these colors, you can introduce him to the white, black, orange and violet colors of the spectrum.
You should not learn colors in turn (we will separately remember red, then yellow, etc.) and denote them with diminutive words (red instead of red). It is important not to name several colors by the same name, for example, purple, blue and cyan colors - just blue. The child perfectly distinguishes shades and will not understand why different colors are denoted by the same word. In the future, it will be difficult for him to explain why blue has always been blue, and now it suddenly needs to be called blue.

You should study colors with children in stages:

The first stage is the development of color perception. Acquaintance with color in newborns occurs during the third or fourth month of life, when cones begin to work hard - cells that "see" colors in bright light. Therefore, it is from this time that color can be purposefully introduced into games (you can try it already from two months, in some children the cones ripen earlier).
Games: Hang objects of different geometric shapes over the baby's cradle and periodically change their color and size. To fix the color, alternately (at an interval of 30 seconds) show the baby two pictures with a simple silhouette image, differing only in color (the shape and size should be the same).

The second stage is the identification of objects. Teach the kid to choose from the objects in front of him of the same color, while saying "this - not the same, the same - different". At this stage, children often touch objects close to each other in order to compare and find pairs. Name the colors, but don't ask for repetition.
Games: find paired socks, pick up cups to saucers, help fish swim to lakes of their color, multi-colored butterflies - sit on flowers of the desired color, collect paper "droplet" circles of a certain color in a glass of the same color, arrange colored toys in colored boxes, pick up by the color of patches to clothes, populate a house with colored windows with tenants, feed toys with colored bagels (rings from a pyramid), play flying carpets (place colorful toys on colored cardboard leaves by color. If the passenger is selected correctly, the flying carpet takes off), or on the "train" (multi-colored passengers can be seated in carriages, which will be rings from the pyramid. If someone has taken the wrong carriage, the train does not move).

The third stage - finding an identical object in color - "Give the same", perception of color at a distance, the choice of color according to the sample. First, take two colors, gradually add all the main colors: red, blue, yellow, green.
Games: Find objects in the room that are the same color as the card or toy shown. You can add an element of competition to this game, and look for two of us, who is more (if you accidentally make a mistake, and the baby notices it, it will be great), repeat with colored circles the given sequence, located first in a row, then chaotically, the difficulty can be multiplied by adding the number circles, repeat the sequence of colors with toys of the same colors. Sort items of different colors into groups using counting sticks, mosaic details, large buttons, etc. (sorting can be complicated, for example, by arranging the berry mosaic on colored plates not with your hands, but with a spoon, or adding a shape feature to the color feature). Put colored butterfly clothespins on petals of the same color or make tails out of clothespins for colorful fish, and clothespins for colored hedgehogs that match the color. Pick up clothes for dolls by color - hats, coats and boots of the same color as dresses, and send them for a walk. Build colorful houses from cardboard squares and triangles-roofs, then let the wind blow away the roofs, and the kid will need to pick up the matching color houses and fix the houses.

The fourth stage is the consolidation of ideas about color in the word. At this stage, children distinguish colors by name, without touching objects to each other or comparing them with a color sample.
Games: give the baby mugs of different colors, then name the color and ask them to find mugs of the same color, “feed” the toys with colorful cubes - “candies” (“The doll loves red candies, and the tumbler loves yellow ones”), melt the colored ice cubes in warm water alternately, observe how the water is colored. You can play dynamic role-playing games, for example, a customer in a store decided to buy all the red goods or a doctor was called into a blue house, and a bus driver must drop toys of different colors at colored stops: a bear on a blue one, a bunny on a green one, etc. ...

The fifth stage is the formation of the child's ability to verbally designate a color. First, help the baby: name the color yourself and ask to repeat the name, suggest the beginning of the word, ask a leading question.
Games: give the kid different colored mugs and ask them to name each one, play colored dominoes, where instead of dots there are different colors, while pronouncing the color. Cut out stencils from cardboard (vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers) and apply them to various sheets of colored paper and things in the house, naming the color. On the street, draw colorful circles on the asphalt with crayons and tell each other what color to jump onto.

The sixth stage is learning to generalize and classify objects based on color.
Games: build colored fences by choosing "boards" of the same color, find extra red carpet bricks (add green and blue bricks), "Build a collection" (put items of the same color in a box), arrange pencils in jars, arrange cars in garages by color ... You can arrange colored days - let all clothes, food, toys and even the water in the bathroom be green on Wednesday, and red on Thursday, look for items of the selected color outside.

It is very important to teach the child how to convey the color of an object in productive activity (draw green grass, dazzle a red flower, stick a yellow sun, etc.).
It is the productive visual activity - drawing, modeling, applique - that perfectly introduces color. Here, acquaintance begins with random scribbles, strokes, spots. The kid still cannot hold the brush and makes the first drawings with his finger, palm. Such exercises not only develop coordination of movements, but also contribute to the accumulation of color experience. Early on, children are attracted to the purest colors. Later, the child becomes interested not only in the process of painting, but also in the perception of the spot, the child has associations in color and shape. The associative drawing differs from the first scribbles in that the crumb already gives a color characteristic. At the beginning and at the end of the third year of life, the drawing process is significantly different. This speaks of the development of perception, ideas, the figurative and semantic side of the activity. Children have a desire to find as many color shades as possible and come up with names for them. For example, red is brick, tomato. Thus, a typical association is assigned to each color. Of course, it can be different for all children. But the most popular ones stand out, such as red - Santa Claus, tomato; Orange Orange; yellow - the sun; green - frog, grass; blue - sky, water; blue - the sea; purple - beets, eggplant.
Many color names are themselves associative. For example, lilac (like lilac), lemon (like lemon). It will not be difficult for the baby to remember such names if you think together why this or that color or shade is called that way. This game will not only help you learn new colors, but also expand your vocabulary and train your observation skills. Here are some more examples of such colors: chocolate, pistachio, raspberry, cornflower blue, straw, olive, gold, turquoise, sea wave, plum, steel, peach, cherry, etc.
Sculpting and applique work perfectly complement the paint lessons. After all, the baby not only sees, but also feels with his hands the koloboks of multi-colored plasticine, crumples colored paper.
Play visual games. For the smallest, "hide and seek" is suitable: hide the yellow mice from the cat by painting them with yellow. Have your child continue to draw the lines you started in the same color, or replace the mixed pen caps. Play "Magic Water", for this, prepare transparent jars of water in advance, apply a little colored gouache on the lids and close gently. Have the baby shake them and watch the water color. Give your child a black sheet, let him draw a colored fireworks in the sky, or a field of flowers on green paper.
Children's books with good illustrations develop remarkably the color perception. There are special editions dedicated to different colors. But for studying color, fiction books with large drawings on each spread are also suitable - for the smallest readers. Without turning reading into a didactic process, sometimes mark the color of several objects on the page, after a few days select other objects. There are stories for kids that are specially written about different colors, for example, "The Rooster and Paints" by Vladimir Suteev. There are literary works for acquaintance with the colors of the rainbow, from the well-known saying "Every hunter ..." to wonderful poems: A. Wenger "The colors of the rainbow", L.B. Deryagin "The Tale of How Colors Appeared in the World", N. Efremova "Colored Country".

After the child learns to recognize and distinguish between the primary colors, you can move on to the study of shades. Games for the difference in shades help to introduce the baby to the generally accepted system of color tones, which includes both transitional phases from one color tone to another, and variants of one color by saturation, and also allow you to classify colors depending on their properties: light - dark, warm - cold ...
Color matching games: match the colored cardboard circles with the closest colored objects and furniture in the house. Make a sensory box of colored rice and toys in the same color but different shades. You can prepare special cards of different shades for classes or use ready-made designer fan-pantones. It's summer already, which means - panton in hand and onward to the street - to match shades of cards to flowers in flower beds, greenery in parks, etc. There are a great many shades in nature!
Light versus dark game: paint a street in the daytime and evening, match dark and light jerseys to two teams of football players. Pour the same amount of paint solution into several transparent glasses, add a different amount of water to each glass, and see how the shade changes from dark to light. More complex versions of games are exercises for the selection of shades of the same color with a gradual transition from dark to lighter and vice versa. For example, the game "Caterpillar", in which you need to choose from the proposed circles samples of the desired shades and make a color stretch from the light head of the caterpillar to the dark tail with a gradual transition.
Games for the difference between cold and warm colors: make a bouquet of paper flowers in cold shades for the Snow Maiden and warm ones for the sun. Older children can be invited to draw the Firebird and the Snow Queen, the desert and the North Pole.
Games for the difference in shades of one: make stencils with images of plants that are similar in color: tomatoes and carrots, poppies and rose hips, forget-me-nots and plums, roses and lilacs, cornflower and eggplant. Or play a color lotto with items of different shades of the same color. Match paper dresses with a belt of a suitable shade (dresses of the same color, but different shades, it is convenient to cut out from clothing catalogs or fashion magazines).

You and your baby are having a wonderful time playing color games, but how do you know if your child's color perception has developed? The answer is yes if he can:
- correlate colors with the sample;
- find colors and shades by name;
- to name colors and shades correctly.
And if so far something fails, we continue to play!

List of used literature:
1. Wenger, L.A. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers: A guide for kindergarten teachers / L.A. Wenger, E.G. Pilyugina, Z.N. Maksimova, L.I. Sysueva; ed. L.A. Wenger. - M .: Education, 19737. - 110p.
2. Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for the development of speech - Moscow: Education, 1983 - p. 64
3. Bashaeva, T.B. Development of perception in children. Form, color, sound: A popular guide for parents and teachers. / T.V. Bashaeva. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. - 240p.
4. Dubrovskaya, N.V. Color and peculiarities of its perception by preschool children: / N.V. Dubrovskaya // Journal of Preschool Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 6 (15) - S. 21 - 26.
5. Deryagina, L.B. Rainbow-arc: We memorize colors, develop speech and artistic taste: a guide for children, parents and educators / L.B. Deryagin. - SPb .: Publishing house "Litera", 2005. - P.32.

The correct combination of colors and color perception is one of the greatest strengths of a designer. With the help of color, you can not only emphasize something, but also convey the mood or importance of information.

In today's selection, we have collected 13 games that will help not only develop the skill of color perception, but also master the technique of drawing up color codes.

Well, you can also save the world from colored aliens :)

Kolor- a game of matching colors. Your task: choose from 4 options the color that matches the one displayed on the screen.

With each guessed color, the difficulty increases: the differences in colors become less and less noticeable.

Hex Invaders

The game Hex Invaders, developed by web agency 352inc, is built to master the RGB color palette. You will have to try on the role of the designer-savior who destroys the space aliens of color! Shoot the alien whose RGB code is displayed on the screen!

RGB Guessing Challenge

After successfully mastering the game Hex Invaders, you can safely move on to RGB Guessing Challenge - a complicated way of orienting in GRB color codes.

By the color code displayed on the screen, you need to recognize this color.

A color matching game

A color matching game divided into 6 sections, each of which has tasks related to finding the desired color on the color wheel.

In each section, which opens after the completion of the previous one (regardless of whether it is successful or not), the level of difficulty increases: first you need to select only 1 desired color on the circular palette, then select the desired color and its saturation, after which the number of colors that you must choose correctly grows: first 2, then 3 and 4.

After completing all the sections, you receive a score on a 10-point system.

Odd one out

Odd one out- the classic game "find the difference": a field is displayed on the screen, on which all cells are the same color and only one is different. This is what you need to find.

With each new level, the difficulty increases: it becomes quite problematic to distinguish the desired cell from the rest.


ColorRun is a mobile game developed for iOS and Android devices. The essence of its game is exactly the same as that of A Color Matching Game - you need to find a lighter shade of the displayed color on the screen. But there will be 2 blocks in total on the field: i.e. you do not need to first inspect the entire field, as in A Color Matching Game (which is logical, because the screen of a mobile phone is not so big), but immediately click on the right or left half of the screen - whichever is lighter.


The game ColorMindblow will help develop attentiveness to color and text: you need to press the T (if true) or F (false) buttons if the word written on the screen indicates the background color of the screen.

It's pretty easy to play in English, because we don’t really read words, but in Russian such a game would cause big problems.

Online color challenge

The task of the game Online color challenge develop color perception: it is necessary to build the correct gradient from one color to another, using 20 blocks with a slightly different color.

Of course, it all depends a lot on the calibration of your monitor, but most tasks are not as difficult as they seem, and they are easy to handle.


blendoku is another game for iOS and Android in which the player is required to compose the correct gradient transition.

The higher the difficulty level, the more blocks you need to place: first - only 4 blocks, then - 6, and then - gradient transitions between colors from more than 20 blocks.

Color Practice

Color play Color Practice designed for iPad users only. In this game, your task is to arrange all the color blocks on the screen in the correct order: saturation, brightness and color.

Color sheep

Another mobile game Color sheep, in which you, as a sheep, must cope with packs of RGB-wolves, choosing the right "weapon" in the form of color against each opponent.


In Rigibi, the main task is to correctly combine the colors of the RGB model. There are 99 levels in the game, after passing which you will definitely understand the principle of forming color codes and mixing them to obtain the desired shades and colors.


Dots- the first game from the developers of the very popular game Two Dots. The essence of the Dots game is to correctly connect dots of the same color, combine colors, and build the correct gradient.

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