Why do you need a small pocket on jeans - find out right now! Why do young children need a story What can be put or how to apply it

A small pocket on jeans has always interested inquisitive people. It has even become the subject of much controversy, because it is not easy to get something out of it, but at the same time it is difficult to lose it. Let's try to figure it out.


Jeans were originally used as work clothes for gold miners and, of course, an attribute of cowboys. Pockets on cowboy jeans are an indispensable condition for their uniform for combat operations, because they could hide a folding army or percussion cap (detonator, piston for a powder charge in a firearm). Invented this type of clothing from Levi Strauss in 1853 and called it "topless overalls". It seems that all five pockets of the overalls went to the trousers. This was the period of the "gold rush", when it was convenient for seekers of the precious metal to store small nuggets in a tiny fifth pocket. The first small pocket appeared on Levi's jeans in 1873. It was a Levi's 501 XX. Such a pocket in the company's catalog is listed as a watch pocket, and its creator is the American designer Michael Regalo.


We have already named two versions. But there are other assumptions as well. The number of versions of why jeans have a small pocket is amazing.

  1. Handymen kept nails or small coins in a small pocket.
  2. According to one version, Michael Regalo, as a joke, invented a small pocket for those who, during a police raid, could hide ecstasy (an illegal drug) in it. Therefore, the nickname “drugs packet” was assigned to the pocket - a pharmaceutical package.
  3. According to another version, the fifth pocket was sewn by Mark Lidin especially for his talisman - a small stone that brings him good luck.

If you continue to think about what a small pocket on jeans is for, you can find out that:

  • An important accessory for cowboys has always been a lighter. The size of the small pocket was allegedly specially adjusted to fit a Zippo lighter. Nowadays, the pocket takes on the dimensions of a Cricket accessory that has earned a good reputation.
  • Such an element of clothing was used for watches, which were previously worn on a chain attached to the belt.
  • They kept contraceptives, the packaging of which corresponded to the size of the pocket, as well as romantic messages or engagement rings.


You can continue to investigate the fact why you need a small pocket on jeans for a long time. But it is still interesting to see how in our time they manage to squeeze a mobile phone or catch sunglasses into this small pocket.

And now attention, surprise! Levi's - the most famous brand in America and the world - focusing on innovative technologies and creativity, has developed a new stylish model of Levi's Redwire DLX jeans, which contains built-in retractable headphones, joystick, contact terminals under white leather on a small pocket. The four-position joystick allows you to adjust the volume of the player without taking it out of your pocket. The user also has the ability to control the image on the screen of his iPod thanks to jeans. Jeans can be safely washed, because all devices come unfastened along with the pocket.

Now you know what a small pocket on jeans is for, but do not rush to conclusions. Surely he will find some other application that can surprise with its novelty. And the small pocket will again become the subject of great controversy.

Jeans are a very conservative piece of clothing. Above the right front pocket, for example, they must have another small pocket. And without it, jeans are no longer jeans at all. True, about why they once began to do it, they still argue. It is clear that this is not about aesthetics. After all, jeans were originally intended not for fashionistas, but for working people. That is, the pocket had to have some kind of application function.

AiF.ru gives the most common versions of why a small pocket was sewn onto jeans, and how it acquired its modern form.

Chain watch protector

In the 19th century, one of the hallmarks of the prosperity of the American worker was a watch on a chain. They were quite expensive for a simple hard worker, so he treated them incredibly reverently. So that they would not be scratched in the pocket by keys or coins, they were put in that very separate small pocket. In support of this version, one can cite the fact that in the catalogs of the legendary American jeans manufacturer Levi’s this very pocket is called the “watch pocket” (translated from English - “watch pocket”).

Child of the gold rush

In the middle of the 19th century, a gold rush began in the United States, and people from all states, wanting to get rich, rushed to California. Gold was washed in streams, and grains of the precious metal weighed only a few grams. In order not to lose the prey, the miners carefully put it in a small jeans pocket, which they originally sewed on themselves. Realizing that they could earn money in this way, denim manufacturers hurried to change the design of their products by attaching an additional mini-pocket to it.

Wild Bill's Little Helper

The development of the Wild West laid the foundation for the attitude of Americans to firearms, which to this day is considered one of the symbols of national identity. So far, no American president has succeeded in banning it, although there have been plenty of such attempts. A small jeans pocket in the 19th century was used to store primers: miniature metal cylinders used to ignite a powder charge in a firearm. Cowboys, by the way, also seriously influenced denim. Metal studs on the back pockets of jeans were no longer made due to the fact that they spoiled the fit of the saddle.

antidepressant lighter

The small pocket received its standardized size only in the 30s of the twentieth century. The United States was then going through the Great Depression. Despite the fact that many farmers and workers were below the poverty line, the American entrepreneur George Grant Blaisdell launched a very bold campaign for that time, whose slogan read: “Lighter! This is what a person constantly needs, whatever his financial situation! He advertised in this way the Zippo gasoline lighter, which soon became very popular indeed. They wore it then for show: in a small pocket of jeans. But there was one problem. In some jeans, the lighter was immediately buried in the mini-pocket, and no one could see it. And it did not fit into the pockets of other jeans at all. In this regard, denim manufacturers decided to correct the size of the small pocket and make it the way we know it today.

We come to the opening on a weekday. First, there are far fewer people. This is very important when visitors are twenty meters tall! Secondly, children

fresh and ready to receive information. And thirdly, all the workers at the fair are cheerful and cheerful.
The first rule (as with visiting museums) is to first discuss the rules: how to behave; what is possible and what is not; what to do if lost; when there will be a break and lunch, and so on.

After that, we sit in a corner (in the morning there are free lecture halls) and talk about publishing books, about small and large publishing houses, about the path that a text goes through before it becomes a book, about editing, translations and illustrations. This year it turned out funny - a week before the exhibition, the guys and I looked at the book in English, told what we saw in the pictures, tried to guess the plot without understanding the text, and at the exhibition among the new products we saw the published translation of this book. We learned, were delighted, fixed in memory the important role of the translator.

Having discussed all this, we go to look at books. Glory and respect to all representatives of publishing houses at the stands - they always communicate with us very attentively, politely and answer questions in detail. Questions are different. Do you have books about mermaids? What about hockey? And books about magic, how to learn it? .. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the baby, looking for books “about real magic”, bought a collection of first experiments in chemistry and was completely happy (and her mother was not quite).

At the publishing house "Polyandria" the stand is made just for the growth of seven-year-olds, at the "Scooter" stand there is a "real" lighthouse and brave sailors in vests, "Labyrinth" offers to be photographed in London of the times of Sherlock Holmes. The children do not yet know who Holmes is, but they learn on the go, flip through the book, look at the pictures and have fun reading the caption under their own photo: “The most dangerous man in London.”

We meet the books that we read in the lessons, our favorite characters.

Mom, look, there's a Gruffalo!

Oh, is that Mowgli? May I see this book?

We leaf through, listen, ask advice from publishers.

And which book do you like the most? Alya asks seriously.

Is this our book or a translation? Boris clarifies.

When all the halls are passed, the pockets of all the children are full of sweets, postcards and calendars. And in the notebooks there are notes: “ask the Compass Guide about the calendar” or “Pink giraffe, a book about dragons”. Notes are very important, otherwise you can get confused and forget where exactly you saw a cute book with a kitten on the cover (did two extra circles, found it).

We agree in advance with parents that each child will receive three hundred rubles to visit the fair and will be able to buy a book. Someone had exactly three hundred with them, someone had five hundred, someone was given a thousand and asked to return the change. The next stage begins - you want to buy everything! If not all, then a lot, certainly not one book - I liked so many things!

We sit with Boris on the floor and are sad - the book that he likes costs six hundred, and he has three hundred.

You know, I figured it out. I can't have lunch!

Well, what are you, Borya, you must definitely have lunch. Let's better write this book in a notebook, and you will talk with your parents - maybe they will buy it separately or give it to you for the New Year?

O! Fine! And now I'll buy about the Pacific Ocean then, and another one for dad as a gift.

This is also important: some of the guys want to buy a book for their younger brother, some for their parents. Someone asks to add thirty rubles, someone unexpectedly lively trades at the stand.

By the end of the tour, everyone is very tired, but not dissatisfied. After the purchase, you can go to a master class, take part in a quest or a game, get an autograph from a Real Living Writer, or even ask an artist to draw a huge shark on your book...

On Monday, at the beginning of the lesson, we discuss who bought what, whether they are satisfied, whether they started reading. I show my purchases.

Wow, is that Odysseus?

Show Elena!

I will bring the book when my grandmother has finished reading it to me.

And I will bring experience, about magic foam!

But this girl, Hilda, she has blue hair, and she is friends there with such a little man ...

No obligation, no pressure. It's just that there is a big book festival and pleasure that you want to share later. Having visited this holiday, little people see how great it is to be among books and their lovers, how many wonderful books are ahead and how many people are ready to help you with their choice.

Olga Lishina
Photo by Natalia Lapkina

The history of jeans began in 1973, when Levi Strauss separated the top from work overalls and received a patent for his invention. Since all other details of the resulting pants remained unchanged, it can be assumed that the builders had a small pocket before this modernization. Therefore, the main version of why jeans have this detail is that the workers put nails, screws, nuts and other small building materials into it.
Denim's rise in popularity coincided with the gold rush in North America. Therefore, prospectors often put washed nuggets into it. And adventurers who especially believed in luck hid talismans there.


The name of a small pocket on jeans sounds coin pocket, "pocket for coins." And indeed, at the time when jeans were invented, paper banknotes were little used, coins were used, because the price level was not the same as now - for 25 cents you could eat in a tavern. Therefore, the version that a pocket was specially sewn onto denim trousers, in which it is convenient to hold coins, is quite justified.
If you remember that jeans were worn by working people, it becomes clear that they did not need wallets and purses, and a trifle from a small dense pocket does not get enough sleep.


The smallest detail of jeans is also a swatch pocket. Therefore, it is easy to come to the conclusion that a watch was previously kept in this pocket. We must pay tribute to this version, because in the 19th century they were mainly worn on a chain, wrist bracelets were not used. And if you remember that jeans were often used as overalls at construction sites or land works, it becomes clear that a person could simply not have other pockets - they could not be sewn onto a robe or T-shirt. On the other hand, pocket watches are uncomfortable to wear in this place, because while sitting they can put pressure on the thigh and cause discomfort.

little things

It is clear that the pocket on jeans was invented to put various little things in it, which sometimes need to be quickly obtained. It fits snugly enough to the body, so in order to extract something, it needs to be slightly expanded, but the little thing will definitely not be lost. There are versions that it has a certain size so that a condom, a guitar pick, a lighter fit into it.
It is believed that in the days of cowboys, the size of the pocket corresponded to the Zippo lighter, since it was the steppe guys who loved it. Now it is customized for Criket, because lighters of this format are the most popular in the world.

Most likely, the use of the pocket has already been found as needed. For example, in certain circles, this detail of jeans is called funny pocket or drugs pocket and illegal drugs are hidden there.

Why do little children need a story?”

(From the experience of teachers of the highest category, honorary workers of general education of school No. 551 Filippova T.P. and Khilkevich O.I

At present, in the conditions of modernization of many spheres of society, one

of the main tasks in the field of education is the education of patriotism and citizenship

veins, as these are the foundations of the continuity of generations, the viability of any society and state. In solving this, the developing system of L.V. helps us. Zankov, who sets herself the goal of optimally developing the personality of younger students. The optional course "I am a citizen of Russia" helps to achieve this.

The purpose of this course is to expand the socially significant knowledge of the child about himself with the addition of knowledge of history - about our distant and recent past, about the social beginning of a person, about his formation and development based on the experience and lessons of the past.

The more consciously the child learns a certain minimum of historical and social science knowledge, the faster he will take the personal and civic position necessary for everyone, the more adequate and active he will live and act in a complex, contradictory, far from always predictable system of relations “I - my country - my world". History - further contributes to the expansion of the scope of thinking, giving the ability to "think of the past."

So what is history? This is a science that studies and describes the past of peoples, past events, people's lives ......

History teaches us justice, helps us take a fresh look at the world around us. And our goal is for children to love this subject and understand its significance.

We succeeded. The kids love the new item. They realized that history is “a road through time”. And this fascinating "road" must be passed. Schoolchildren learned to keep track of time by centuries and eras, build a family tree, learned about the history of Russia from the time of Ancient Russia to the present day. And most importantly, children have learned to understand and learn about the world around them, that is, to meaningfully apply the acquisition of knowledge to solve educational, cognitive and life tasks.

At the beginning of our work, the question was asked: “Why do young children need history?”.

The child enters the world as a great explorer. The level of his curiosity is so great that it would be a crime not to use it. We are trying to convey to children that it is necessary to listen to the voice of history, comprehend its connection with modernity, opening the door to a whole layer of human knowledge - History.

1. Reception of observation (it opens up scope for active mental activity of children, for discussion and comprehension of what they see).

2. Work with the textbook.

3. Various game forms.

4 Tasks in the form of exercises of a logical nature.

5 Compilation and solution of crossword puzzles.

6. Mini essays and mini presentations on various topics.

7. Creative homework.

8. Thematic drawing.

9. Excursions to historical places.

1. Observations.

The history textbook “I am a citizen of Russia” is bright and entertaining, there is a lot of material and therefore a strict selection for the lesson is necessary. Since the goal of the history course is for the student to think about the problem situation and try to solve it, observations are needed here. For example: when conducting a lesson on the topic “Vladimir-Suzdal Rus”, we started with the task: “Put the tablets in order

Settlement of the Scythians.

The resettlement of the Slavic tribes

The rise of Kiev, the unification of Russian lands

Rise of Kievan Rus.

The weakening of the state and the collapse of Kievan Rus

Question: “Why are they arranged in this order? Justify."

That is, the teacher asks to observe and draw conclusions. And this means that students begin to comprehend the knowledge gained and they develop the necessary skills and abilities.

2. Mini essays and mini messages.

A history lesson is a great opportunity for children to communicate. Communication can be different.

One of the types is mini-compositions. With their help, children learn the ability to coherently, competently build their speech, master historical vocabulary. In addition, these essays reveal the individuality of the student and his attitude to this issue. Here are some mini essays on the topic "My opinion about the wonders of the world."

My impression of the seven wonders of the world.

I am very sorry that six of the seven wonders of the world are gone. After all, it would be very interesting to look at the Colossus of Rhodes, see the temple of Artemis of Ephesus and visit the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. But most of all I regret that the Gardens of Babylon have disappeared. It's so beautiful there! Stairs with white and pink tiles, picturesque trees! And the pyramids are very beautiful! This is a true piece of architecture and art.

And it’s good that at least one wonder of the world has survived!

Vasilyeva Sonya 3_A class 551 school

My impression of the seven wonders of the world is different. Miracles are a mystery to me. For example, the Egyptian pyramids are very large. Can you imagine how they were built? Huge blocks were dragged by people. There were no machines for lifting two-ton limestone blocks. It is even hard to imagine that these stone mountains are built by human hands.

The pyramids served as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaohs. Too bad it was all looted. I really want, and I hope to see with my own eyes this wonderful wonder of the world!

Gulneva Zhenya 3-B class 551 school

I really liked the statue of Olympian Zeus. This is a wonderful architectural monument for the whole of Olympia! If this best work of art remained, it would be the pride of the country! But, unfortunately, everything is perishable. So that this monument disappeared for centuries. Zeus was made of ivory, gold, and many jewels, so during the wars and invasions, everything was destroyed and plundered.

Arkhipov Stas 551 school

These types of work for children are an exciting and joyful process, which ultimately leads to high-quality results of this topic and increases interest in the subject.

3 . game forms .

With each year of work, a lot of material accumulates on history. But gaining experience, we met with certain difficulties. It is not always easy for younger students to compose a story of a historical nature, using the right topics and the right dates. And the dates (even the most important ones) did not want to be remembered ... And then the game came to the rescue. The students took turns taking a card with a date from the pile and, naming the corresponding event, received a token. The best "chronicler" was determined by the number of tokens.

4 .Tasks in the form of exercises of a logical nature.

When studying history, it is necessary to strive to enhance imagery, develop logical thinking in children, and expand their horizons. And for this, exercises of a logical nature are used:

a) Continue the chain of words:

    Maslenitsa, Trinity ... - (holidays).

    Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Ear of Rhodes ... - (Seven Wonders of the World)

    Prince Oleg, Prince Igor...

b) Mark the correct answer:

1. In what year was Christianity adopted in Russia?

1054 988 964

2. Which ruler refers to the words: "I was diligent about books, reading them night and day"?

Svyatoslav Yaroslav Vladimir

    Restore the correct order of the reign of the first Russian princes: Yaroslav the Wise, Olga, Oleg, Vladimir, Igor, Svyatoslav

5. Tests

Due to the fact that the volume of material on the subject is large, it is necessary to regularly check the readiness of students for the lesson, check the level of formation of ideas and concepts.

Test control is an operational check of the quality of assimilation, immediate correction of errors, filling in gaps

On the topic History - the science of the past, the following test was conducted:

1. List what holidays you know ________________________________


2. Write: in what century were you born?

19th century 20th century 21st century

3. Find the word that meant the beginning of civilization:

a) Diploma.

b) The birth of Jesus Christ.

c) writing.

d) Archaeologists

6. Crosswords..

The history lesson is special, you can’t spend it just like that. And for it to pass like a holiday, a lot of preparation is needed. And therefore, various forms of work were used: crossword puzzles.

a) Children compose and solve crossword puzzles with pleasure, repeating and consolidating the knowledge gained. Crossword puzzles enliven the survey, activate the cognitive activity of students.

Crossword puzzles are compiled on the basis of program material; historical concepts are encrypted in them. Children are also involved in this work:

    Winter holiday, during which fortune telling. (Christmas time)

    Christian holiday celebrated at the beginning of summer. (Trinity)

    Our Motherland. (Rus)

    Slavic holiday. Seeing off winter. (Maslenitsa)

    Decorating an object with patterns from another material (Inlay)

    The god of fire among the Slavs. (Perun)

    Ancient chronicler (Nestor)

    Ancient tribes living on the Black Sea coast (Scythians)

    The level of development of human society (Civilization)

The crossword puzzle was made by Kapitanova Dasha 3-B class

1. Militia military unit. (Squad)

2. Fortress on the "Hare Island". (Petropavlovka)

3. The first name of the city. (Petersburg)

4. State official. (Deac)

5. The name of the river in St. Petersburg. (Neva)

6. The eldest son of Peter I. (Alexey)

7.Where did Peter I live with his mother in childhood. (Preobrazhensk)

8. The name of the king. (Peter)

The crossword puzzle was Belyakova Polina 3-A grade

7. Creative homework.

To help children consolidate the material they have learned, to understand the meaning of the data in the textbook articles, we used creative homework. I would like to note that the conscientious fulfillment of these tasks forms the child's independence, various volitional qualities. The forms of tasks were different. These are crafts, and drawings, and reports, and essays.

Homework options:

a) Studying the topic "Wonders of the World", the task was given to write an essay or a message on the topic: "My eighth wonder of the world."

For me, the "Eighth Wonder of the World" is the largest museum in our country - the Hermitage. The riches of this museum are famous all over the world. There you can see the creations of great artists, get acquainted with the culture of the peoples of the world. Also known is a monument of Russian architecture - the Winter Palace. It seems to me that the halls of this Palace are endless ...

I have never seen in my life more beautiful and impressive. Therefore, I think that this museum in its beauty and scale can be the "8 wonder of the world"

Kovika Kostya

b) When getting acquainted with the topic "Ivan the Terrible - the first Russian Tsar", the children made Monomakh's hats. They came in different sizes and shapes:

c) Theme "Pages of World History". The children were given the task to depict how the first letter was written:

d) We believe that for every child the first step to learning about the Motherland is the study of their family, family heirlooms. When studying the topic “Journey to Heraldry”, the children were asked to come up with the coat of arms of their family and talk about it.

Coat of arms of the Stepanov family Zaitsev family Koshkin family

e) Genealogical tree of your family.

Summing up, I would like to say that the following words appeared in the vocabulary of our children: “I think ...”, “I like ...”, “I think, I suppose ...”. And they use them not as synonyms, but as tools in a dispute, proving their point of view. The history lesson has become their favorite lesson, the children are waiting for it with great interest, as evidenced by their writings:

My favorite lesson.

I love all the lessons. They are interesting and varied. And especially the lessons of history. I really look forward to every history lesson.

When it starts, it seems to me that I find myself in an extraordinary fairy tale, where Olga Ivanovna, like a kind sorceress, gives the children a rain of knowledge. After these lessons, I dream of visiting the pyramid, being at the site of the battle with Napoleon, going into space ... I want to learn the history of my Motherland and other countries.

What lesson do you like?

Khorina Maryana 4-B

My favorite lesson is history. There you will learn about ancient events that took place 100 or 1000 years ago. With a time machine we find ourselves in the past and the future. Learn new things about our distant ancestors.

Not knowing history is a shame and disgrace!

Kikhtyanin Alyosha 4-A

History lessons carry a charge of personal involvement in the past, give rise to interest, awaken curiosity in children, work of thought, research beginning, which, you see, is worth a lot. We make every effort to teach children to see in today what may be of interest for their future, in order to cultivate deep respect and love for their country.

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