History of the board game “Monopoly. How to play Monopoly? "Monopoly" (game): rules

Board entertainment for the whole family, popular for many decades - this is a classic Monopoly. A game that is not just fun, but also an economic strategy: you need to think quickly and carefully consider every step, and not just rely on luck. A rational approach and the ability to think ahead are important. It gained its popularity back in the last century, becoming famous in different parts of the world: including in the USSR, reaching us in the late 80s.

It will be an excellent gift for a birthday, Defender of the Fatherland Day or New Year.

is a board game that is played by over half a billion people, and that number is growing every day. But what did this game do to deserve such wild popularity, sales and devotion? Monopoly, whose logo is a mustachioed rich man in a top hat, is loved by people of all ages because of its features. We should tell you more about them.

Difficulty level: Average

Number of players: 2-6

Develops skills: Intelligence, Communication, Planning

About the board game Monopoly

The board game Monopoly was created by American Charles Darrow more than 80 years ago. A large company refused to release his project, so he produced and sold several thousand copies on his own. The game was soon noticed, and sales became enormous, making him an incredibly rich man.

But what is Monopoly? In it, you buy, rent and sell property, trying to get rich by beating your competitors. It is designed for two or more players: the battle will continue until there is only one lucky person left who has not gone bankrupt. It's really fun to play with the whole family - the rules of the classic version are designed for ages 8 years and older, not to mention the simplified versions designed specifically for younger children. But there are many subtleties and conditions in card Monopoly that you should be aware of in order to truly enjoy the gameplay. That's why it's so important to first look at the description of the Monopoly game.

Game description

In the classic version, you need 2-6 players: each must have their own chip. The rules of the Monopoly game should be studied in detail before starting: look at the values ​​of the various squares along which participants move depending on the value of the number rolled on the die. The economic board game is tied to the profitable purchase and sale of real estate, in which the funds available to the participants are invested. At first, everyone is given the same amount, so at first everyone has equal opportunities. Money for playing Monopoly is used not only for the purchase and sale of real estate, but also for paying taxes or rent if the player enters the territory of a competitor.

But, although a lot depends on the player’s actions, luck greatly influences the further course of events: the roll of the dice largely determines whether he will get rich or fail. The Monopoly game field consists of cells on which various properties with a specified value are located, sectors “”, “ Jail" and others. Monopoly and its rules may seem complicated even for adults, but after reading the details and gaining practical experience, everything becomes crystal clear.

Preparing for the game

The number of players affects the number of chips on the field: everyone must choose one for themselves and place it at the start. It is also necessary to determine among the participants banker, who will be responsible for auctions, surveillance of bank funds and, in special cases, “printing money.” Players receive salaries and bonuses from the bank, and it also collects taxes and fines from them. With its help, property is traded in Monopoly. Next are the shuffled cards "" and " Public treasury» are laid out on the appropriate sections of the playing field. The basic preparations for the game are completed: next you need to learn the rules in order to have a good time with your friends.

Interesting fact, if you take your friends and ask them to list the board games they know without thinking, we bet they will be one of the first on the list. Since childhood, it has been on the lips of many and, as a rule, every third person has played it. The principle and rules of the game have not changed much over the past decades, but it is a game where each player adds something of his own to the rules.

The game is very famous, even “Mr. Monopoly” - the central figure from the Monopoly universe - was once the Man of the Year, and in England in the past, for about 20 days, there was an event where real real estate was bought and sold, and real cars rushed along the avenues, which were made to match the classic images from the 1946 tabletop set. During the 80s, this game had a clone - “Manager”; businessmen of that time had heard well about it, because it was very interesting to run a business and experience it in the game.

The essence of the game

The game mechanics, diluted with a simple and convenient model, shows the main points of the emergence of large economic structures: the purchase and sale of land, money circulation, competition, issues with the bank, work on obtaining loans, as well as relations between market participants. There is a large amount of randomness here, which makes Monopoly even more attractive. Your farsightedness, ability to manage resources, investing them wisely, as well as luck are of great importance. If you are lucky, you will quite often run away from competitors - but sound calculation and response actions are still much better, and your soul is somehow calmer.

Is this game so useful?

“With the help of Monopoly, the basic principle of the Smithsonian economy is achieved, and the Lyuli begin to understand that money is just a means to an end. It seems that the highest psychological aspect of the game is the realization that there is no need to save them, it is better to immediately invest in something. This is how a large number of successful people grew up on games like these.

A game of all times and peoples, it was one of the first to appear on store shelves in different countries and won the hearts of millions of people. Every self-respecting person should play it sooner or later. Some people begin to understand an interesting economic game in childhood, and others only after many years. You can buy Monopoly only because it will prove itself more than once in the cozy company of family or friends!

The Monopoly set includes: game rules, a playing field, game notes, a pair of dice, participant chips, chance cards, public treasury cards, real estate, utilities and railroad cards, as well as special cards for some game actions.

The essence of the game

The goal of the monopoly game is to remain the richest and try not to become bankrupt. After all, we know what a “monopoly” is; this term means a person or company that controls a huge part of a segment in one type of product or service or another. Therefore, the essence of the game comes down to becoming a monopolist.


According to the rules, up to 8 people can play Monopoly. Each participant places his chip on the “Start” field. The first player to go is determined by rolling the dice, as usual, the one with the highest number goes first. All players are first given a certain amount of money, which they must manage wisely. For the convenience of working with the bank (the place from which salaries and various payments will be paid in the future), you should select one player who, in addition to the game, will issue currency and deal with banking matters. In addition to game currency, the bank has various cards confirming ownership of various real estate and services in the game.

Progress of the game

The first player rolls the dice and, depending on the result, moves forward the required number of fields. There are several different activities in Monopoly, the outcomes of which depend on the board where you land.

Same number on both dice

If, after throwing the dice, you get the same number, then you move the corresponding number of fields forward and after you perform an action on the field you are on, you have the opportunity to roll again. This action can only be performed twice; if the third time you get the same number, you will be sent to prison.

Passing the field "forward"

After passing the field forward, the player receives a salary. Monopoly has special cards that can give you a chance to move forward on the field and immediately receive a salary. Thus, if you are lucky, you can get rich in a few moves just by moving across this field.

Real estate

Once on a field with real estate, you can buy it for the specified price. If you don’t have enough finances, or you don’t want to buy it from the bank, it goes to auction, where any player can take part. You also have the right to participate in it, even if you refused to purchase before. Real estate gives the owner the right to collect rent from players who enter its field. Once you have seized control of all properties of the same color, you have the opportunity to build houses and hotels. If you enter a field with someone else's property, you will be charged a fee in the amount indicated on the card. If the opponent owns all the property of the same color, then the price doubles. Developed real estate requires payment of an even larger amount; all data is indicated on the document cards of the real estate in question. If the property is mortgaged, then the player does not have the right to take money for stopping on this field until he buys it back.

There are 3 types of utilities. If you find yourself on a field that does not belong to anyone with one of the services, you have the right to buy it, otherwise an auction begins. If you land on someone’s field with such a service, then you pay the amount of money multiplied by the total value that rolled on the dice before you landed on this field. If the opponent owns several such fields, then the pay coefficient increases.


Stopping at an open field with a station allows you to buy it. A player who lands on someone else's station pays a certain amount, which depends on the total number of stations owned by the owner.

Field of Chance and Public Treasury

When stopping on these fields, the player takes the corresponding card from a special pile and performs the action that it prescribes for him.

Houses and hotels

Each player is given the right to buy houses on their plots. But the property in these areas must be purchased in full, that is, all streets of the same color must be yours. You can buy houses either on your own turn or before other players roll their dice. On each plot you can build up to 4 houses, and you need to build evenly; you cannot build 3 houses on one, and 1 on another. Until there is 1 house on each plot, it is prohibited to build second ones. Houses on the streets allow the owner to charge a premium. According to the rules of the game, there is a limited number of houses, so all controversial issues with the remaining houses are resolved by auction. Houses can be given to the bank as collateral and then bought back. Once all the streets of the same color are completely built up, you have the opportunity to build a hotel. To build a hotel you need to pay the amount indicated on the street card and return 4 houses from this street to the bank.


If you run out of finances, you can pledge your property to the bank. The pledged property will still belong to you. No rent will be charged to other players for this property. If you want to return it, you will need to return the deposit amount + 10% to the bank. Pledged property can be traded with other players. If another player buys the pledged property from you, in order to return it he will have to contribute 20% of the cost.

If you don't have enough funds to pay the bank or another player, you become bankrupt. If you are bankrupted by a player, all your property is sold to the bank for half the price and all the money is given to the player. Your funds are also transferred to the player. If you had a mortgaged property, the other player must pay 10% to the bank and decide what to do with it.

The winner in Monopoly is the player who is the last one standing.

You can see the full rules of the game

About the board game Monopoly

- a game with an economic bias, participants compete in an attempt to become a monopoly and not go bankrupt. The task is to buy real estate, make transactions, work with the bank. There is a principle of luck in the game, but if you play according to all the rules, it does not greatly affect the outcome.

Charles Darrow
George S. Parker.

Game mechanics:



Bids and auctions


Compilation of the set

Saw the light in 1933.


USA, Europe, Russia - Hasbro

DIY Monopoly

If you don't want to spend money on buying a game, or you just want to get acquainted with it, I suggest. It is better to print on colored paper and, if possible, protect the cards with tape. Chips and other gaming accessories can be easily replaced with various gizmos from everyday life. We think it won’t be a problem to find the cubes.

A few words about Monopoly

“Millions, or even billions, of people all over the world have played Monopoly since 1933. The game has been published in a large number of different versions, and there are about twenty translations into various languages. The principle and rules of the game, if compared with the original, which was written by Charles Darrow, have not changed, and anyone has the opportunity to read them, due to the fact that they are inside the game box. However, it is surprising that few people have any idea what they are talking about.

Why? To put it simply, from the very beginning of the publication of Monopoly, the rules of the game were passed down orally from generation to generation from father to son. The trend goes back even further, with grandfathers reciting the rules of old board games to their grandchildren, and nowadays we are required to think of Monopoly as a "game concept" with the most player-friendly rules.

Yes, most people do not use the “original” rules, but if you dig, then those rules that are inside the box with Monopoly are also not 100% original. This was established as a result of the research of Ralph Anspach, which he collected specifically to protect the rights to Antimonopoly, which he came up with in 1974.

Brief background

Beginning in 1933, Charles Darrow, a man who always had different ideas in his head, was temporarily out of work. It dawned on him to create a game, the name of which, as you probably already guessed, became . After he tried to show the game to Parker Brothers in 1934 and they found many design flaws, Darrow began creating and selling it himself. But in 1935, Parker Brothers' opinion changed and they received the authority to print Monopoly. After some time, their factory churned out copies of the game, the number of which reached 100,000 per month, which made Darrow the richest man. This story can be seen in the original Monopoly rules and is probably familiar to many fans. In truth, 29 years before Darrow's Monopoly, Elizabeth Maggie created a game called "The Landowner's Game" in order to make Henry George's "Single Tax Theory" more popular. The year was 1904, and the playing area of ​​the "Landowner's Games" was similar to the Monopoly field, there were four railroads, two types of utilities, twenty-two stops where you could rent property, the well-known "prison", the "go to" cage prison”, as well as parking and others. After Maggie renewed the patent in 1924, the game contained the main principles of Monopoly. Surprisingly, decades before Charles, Maggie took this game to the same familiar Parker Brothers, but as you might guess, she was also refused. "The Landowner's Game" was never released (translator's note - Here the author of the article is wrong, they say that it existed in 1913 in England under the name "Brother Fox and Brer Rabbit"), if you do not take into account a couple of samples , which Princeton and Harvard students created with their own hands and added several changes to the original rules. These same changes created the second game with the big name “Finance”, developed by Lyman Dan. Most likely, Darrow’s friend played “Finance” and became acquainted with his creation.

A little about the rules of the game Monopoly

This is essentially what people know about Monopoly, and no one can say with certainty whether the rules of the game were appropriated by Charles, but it is still worth doubting it. It has already been proven that those rules that lie in each Monopoly box are not “original”, they are called the result of a long evolution of the rules that Elizabeth created, but it is also impossible to say that Elizabeth did not borrow this idea somewhere.

Next, only a few of the changes will be described, since there is not enough time to describe everything and it does not make sense, because it is worth noting that these changes are inherent in different countries and each country will have some of its own pitfalls, because the rules of monopoly began to change back in 19 century.

Most of the rules were “reprinted” for children, since they were not interested in playing with rules that were too complex, as they thought. After all, children are mainly interested in those games in which a lot depends on luck, and according to “those” rules, monopoly was not such. As we know, in the world of board games, children are special customers and this factor could not be ignored. Then these children grow up their own, and since the rules of the game are transferred with the person from his childhood, they are therefore passed on in the form in which they were first learned. That is why most people do not suspect that they are playing not according to the original rules, but according to those they remember from their childhood.

Before we touch on the rules, I’ll tell you a little about one story; it served as a prerequisite for how I began to consider this phenomenon. In 1987 I worked for Editrice Giochi, an organization that has been selling Monopoly in Italy since 1935-1936 (we will look at the interesting Italian history of Monopoly development later). At EG, we communicated with clients by telephone, and I was one of the people receiving calls. I was already prepared for a bunch of calls from people who didn’t like that the game’s components were missing or that the rules weren’t right. But my expectations were not met; most of the calls were with questions about the rules of the game. For example, a group of young guys call and ask me to refresh their memory and clarify some information about the game. Imagine their surprise when it turned out that they were playing by completely different rules and did not even open the original ones. That is, what I want to say is that when people bought the game they simply forgot about the original rules and started playing according to their own, which someone taught them.

It seemed to me that only Italians had this, but later, when I had to work with foreign colleagues, I saw that such “house rules” are common in all countries.

There is one field where no action occurs: Free Parking. “Why did they make this useless stopping point,” most people think, because of this, the “house rules” did not avoid this problem. Here are the most popular ones:

When players have to pay a tax, instead of paying the bank, they write the money into the parking space. And if during someone’s turn that person lands on this field, then he takes for himself all the savings accumulated there. This rule even somehow adds interest to the game, since this action allows the player to withdraw the entire “bank” from taxes in one turn, and interest is only fueled, since no one knows who will be lucky this time. But since the monopoly rules are perfectly balanced and there can only be one winner in this game, the game can drag on, since “poor” players will be able to receive money even without having any real estate under their control. Therefore, the original rules are more thought out than the home ones.

There is one more rule that applies to the same parking field:

If during a player's turn he steps on this zone, he takes $100 from the bank as his hard earned money for completing half the circle. Typically this rule is combined with the following:

If during your turn you stand on the “Start” field, you take twice as much money as for completing the circle. It is not difficult to guess that in total all these rules greatly facilitate Monopoly and “achieving” bankruptcy in this situation is delayed.

The next house rule is:

If you stop on the “Parking” field, then you have the option to move the piece to any zone on the playing field. At the same time, if the “Start” field is passed, then you receive a salary. A rather unbalanced rule, the first parking rule described above is much clearer.

“Free Parking” once even served as a consequence of a separate add-on created by Parker Brothers in 1936 and it was called “Stock Exchange”. It included a “Stock Exchange” field, as you probably guessed, it replaced our “free parking”, several stock cards and “Go to the Stock Exchange” cards, these were mixed with the “Chance” cards. But the addition did not find its connoisseurs, so some people only had it for collection.

According to the rules of Monopoly, if you own all the real estate of the same color, then you have the opportunity to rebuild houses and hotels, but... But not everyone realizes that it “allows” these transactions not even during your turn. To perform this action, you need to warn your opponent about this before he rolls the dice. This rule is called one of the most important; it greatly influences the strategy and actions in the game.

Typically, participants play in a couple of different ways:

  • All activities related to the construction of houses and hotels are carried out only during your turn.
  • Transactions with houses and hotels can only be carried out when stopping at the required field.

The first rule is considered incorrect, since it removes the very concept of an “auction” from the game and when buying only during your turn, there is no competition, and players do not bargain for, say, the two remaining houses or hotels. This is a big strategic omission. The second rule can generally be said to be critically incorrect. Not only does the game drag on for n number of hours, but to get to the right field you need to rely only on luck.

One of the important rules of Monopoly is that there should be only 32 houses and 12 hotels. This is clearly not enough to build up all the streets, so competition in its pure form adds lively interest to the game. For example, owning inexpensive streets that can be quickly developed affects the overall strategy.

It is quite interesting to hear callers complain that they were not given enough houses and hotels. Most people who do not know the rules often accuse the publisher of greed.

It has very strict limits; according to the rules of the game, loans of any kind are prohibited. If you do not have enough funds to pay the tax to the bank or player, then you become bankrupt. All your property is taken by the bank (if you have not paid the tax) or by the player who deprived you of your fortune.

Also, the rule of not having credits also describes the fact that you do not have the right to give concessions to players when they ask “I’ll give it back in two turns” or something like that.

It is stupid to say that all this is observed. In home versions, almost no game is played without so-called credit relationships.

When House Rules Are "Official"

There is a country in the world where the so-called “house rules” have become official, the name of this country is Italy. In 1935, millionaire and founder of a large book business, Arnoldo Mondadori, purchased a copy of the game in the USA; he immediately took it to his personal translator, Emilio Ceretti. Arnoldo had no intention of publishing the game, so he gave Ceretti the chance to open his own business. In those days there were very difficult times in Italy; there was no way to use products with foreign names, much less publish them. The first thing Ceretti did was change the name of the game. It became known as "MonOpoli". During testing of the game, Ceretti changed several aspects of the rules, so the copyright of Italian Monopoly belongs to EG, this organization is still independent of Hasbro (owner of Parker Bros)."

An exciting video about the board game Monopoly. What would happen if a person “played” it in real life?

Game contents and some rules (in English)

When choosing a board game, you should pay attention to Monopoly. This game is implemented in the genre of economic strategy. It involves two or more people. Monopoly, the rules of which may differ slightly in its various variants, is a playing field with certain squares along which players take turns. Dice are used to determine how many squares a player should advance. In the game you can buy, sell or rent real estate, thereby receiving a certain income.

The rules of the Monopoly game can be called quite complex. Board game, despite this, was very popular in the 20th century almost all over the world. Its main goal is to rationally use the capital received initially, which is issued to all players in equal amounts, and lead to the bankruptcy of other participants.

Beginning of the game

The beginning of the game can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Hotels, documents, houses and money should be placed in separate sectors. This will greatly simplify the gameplay when the necessary cards are in a specially designated place for them. Monopoly, the rules for placing cards in which are presented in the form of a specific diagram, has several types: some must be upside down.
  2. The Chance cards must be shuffled and turned over before the game begins so that the players cannot see their meaning. The same should be done with Public Treasury cards.
  3. Next, each player chooses a chip and places it on the starting cell.
  4. Each world "Monopoly", the rules of the game of which are classical, provides for the presence of a Banker. If a large number of players are involved in the game, then the Banker, at his discretion, may not take part as a contender for victory. At the beginning of the game, he gives each player 1,500,000 rubles in various banknotes.
  5. The banker also has all the ownership documents, hotels and houses at the beginning of the game. Also, the Banker's responsibilities include paying wages, bonuses, issuing loans and collecting fines, taxes, interest on the loan and the principal debt to the bank.
  6. In some cases, the bank may not have any money, but the rules of the Monopoly game allow the Banker to issue IOUs, which are written on plain paper. The bank cannot go bankrupt.
  7. To determine the turn order, all players roll the dice: the one with the highest number starts.

The easiest way to earn money

The general rules of Monopoly, by which you can ensure constant income in the game, are as follows:

  1. All player chips at the beginning of the game are located on the “FORWARD” square (it may be called a little differently). After throwing the dice, you must move the piece along the board. The rules allow a player to purchase a field if it has not previously been occupied by another player. According to the terms of the game, the field initially belongs to the Bank.
  2. If a player refuses to purchase a free field, then other participants can do so through an auction. In this case, the field goes to the one who offers the highest price for it. Monopoly, whose rules provide for the possibility of calculating costs and payback on a completed transaction, allows players to enter into an economic struggle even when it is not their turn.
  3. After acquiring a square, the player can take certain rent from players if they happen to be on that square. In some cases, the rules of Monopoly allow the construction of houses and hotels on purchased squares, which allows them to charge higher rents.
  4. If necessary, you can take out a loan from the bank to build houses or hotels.

The amount of rent, the rules for granting a loan - everything is described in the instructions of the cards.

Progress of the game

When the game progresses, you should roll the dice and move the chip a certain number of cells that corresponds to the number rolled. The field on which the chip lands determines possible or mandatory actions. In the main variety called "Classic Monopoly", the rules of the game are the same for all participants. They include the following possible actions:

  1. Obtain a site for construction work or purchase real estate if the required amount is available.
  2. If the cage belongs to another participant, then you will have to pay rent.
  3. Using the "Chance" card.
  4. Pay taxes.
  5. Relax in the free parking lot.
  6. End up in prison.
  7. Receive a salary in the prescribed amount.

A special case in the game "Monopoly", the rules of which require the use of two dice, is when both have the same number of points. This situation allows you to make another move. If this is repeated three times in a row, then the player goes to jail.

Stopping on the “FORWARD” field, where the game begins, allows you to receive wages in the established amount.

Real estate ownership

When purchasing real estate, the player receives a card confirming ownership. After that, every player who stays on this field is forced to pay rent. It is profitable to own all the real estate of one group (designation is carried out using color). If you own the entire group, you can build real estate on any purchased tile.

Stopping at someone else's property

If you stop on a cell whose property belongs to another player, you will have to pay rent. It is important to take into account that the owner of the cell must demand payment before the next move of the stopped player. The amount of rent depends on the minimum amount specified in the real estate document, as well as on the number of buildings. If the cage owner has purchased the entire group, then he can demand double the rent on any undeveloped lot.

Hotels or houses increase rents significantly. However, if the property has been mortgaged, then no rent can be charged. At the same time, the rules of “Classic Monopoly” allow players to agree on whether rent will be paid: the owner, if desired, may not charge it.


The game has the opportunity to purchase a utility company if it does not belong to anyone. In order to purchase such real estate, you must pay the specified amount. The property is purchased from the Bank. If the property belongs to another player, then the rent must be paid. The amount of rent is directly proportional to the number of points rolled on the dice. In this case, the following coefficients can be used to increase the amount of rent:

  • If the owner has only one utility, then four times the rent must be paid.
  • If the owner has acquired both utilities, then the number of points rolled on the dice should be multiplied by 10 times.

If the player lands on such a square after using the Chance card, the dice must be rolled to determine the amount of the rent. If the player refuses to purchase the communal property, then the banker puts it up for auction.

Stations in the game

The Monopoly Millionaire game, whose rules allow only one player to win, also has Station squares. If the cell does not belong to anyone, then the player can purchase it. If the player waives such a right while stopping on a square, then the Banker puts it up for auction. In the event that the Station already has an owner, the player who lands on the square is obliged to pay the amount indicated on the Title Deed. The payout amount may depend on how many stations the player still owns.

"Chance" and "Public Treasury" cards

Stopping on spaces that involve the use of Chance and Community Chest cards may require the player to perform the following actions:

  • Pay taxes.
  • Move the chip the specified number of cells.
  • Go to jail.
  • Receive a certain amount.

In most cases, the game "Monopoly - Empire", the rules of the game with the use of such cards make the gameplay more diverse, requires immediate completion of the specified actions. In this case, the player must fulfill them without fail. The “Get Out of Jail Free” card is kept by the player until the need to use it arises.

Tax field

There may be cells scattered around the playing field that provide for the payment of taxes. If a player lands on such a square, he is obliged to pay the specified amount to the bank’s treasury.

Free parking

The Monopoly playing field is full of various functional cells that require the player to perform certain actions. The only field that allows you to simply rest until the next turn without paying a fine, rent or taxes is free parking. In this case, a player who lands on such a cell can carry out any transactions: collect rent, build buildings, and so on.


The Monopoly game also includes a Prison. You can get into it for the following reasons:

  • Stop at the “Go to Jail” square.
  • Raising a "Chance" or "Public Treasury" card with the designation "Go to Jail".
  • Rolling the same number on both dice three times in a row.

If you go to prison, you cannot receive a salary.

In order to get out of the Prison in a type of board game called "Monopoly - Russia", the rules of the game describe the following possibilities:

  1. You can pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles. You can continue the game from the next move.
  2. Using a previously received “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
  3. You need to stay in the Prison for the next three turns and each time a turn comes, you must roll the dice. If you roll the same number of points on both dice, you can be freed from the Prison and go through the dropped number of cells.

During your stay in Prison, you can receive rent for purchased and unmortgaged real estate.

Houses in Monopoly

After acquiring all the real estate of one group (in other words, one color), it is possible to build houses. This allows you to significantly increase the rent. It is worth noting that construction should be carried out evenly: it is possible to cost two houses on one cell only if there is one house on each cell of the group. The cost of construction work is indicated on the Document. The maximum number of houses on one cell is 4. In addition, houses can be sold if the plot is not mortgaged.

Hotel in the game "Monopoly"

The game "Monopoly - Empire", the rules of which make it very exciting and varied, also allows you to build hotels. They are raising the rent significantly. You can build a hotel only if four houses have already been built on the purchased square. For construction, you must give the house cards to the Banker and pay the specified amount. Only one hotel can be located on one cell.

Case of building shortage

During a long game and a large number of participants, it may happen that the Bank does not have the required number of house cards. In order to build a house, you must wait until one of the players makes a sale and returns the card to the Banker. If the number of buyers exceeds the number of cards, then an auction is held and the card goes to the highest bidder. The starting price is based on the cost of the house, which is indicated on the card.

Property For Sale

The game provides the ability to sell undeveloped plots, utilities and railway stations. In this case, the transaction amounts are determined by agreement between the players. According to the rules, you cannot sell the plot on which the houses are built to other participants in the game. First, you should sell all the buildings, provided that the entire group is evenly built, and only after that a deal can be made between the players. Houses and hotels are sold to the Bank at half the price indicated on the card. Real estate previously pledged by players can be sold exclusively to other Monopoly participants, but not to the Bank.


If there is no cash to pay taxes, you can pledge any real estate to the Bank. To do this, you must sell all the buildings from the cell to the Bank. The amount provided by the Bank as collateral is equal to that indicated on the card. When paying the deposit, the player must pay an amount exceeding that issued by the Bank by 10%. Pledging real estate does not take away your ownership rights; other players cannot purchase it from the Bank.

Mortgaged real estate does not bring profit to the owner. However, all other buildings of this and other groups do not have such restrictions.

The owner of the mortgaged property can sell it at an agreed price to another Monopoly participant. After acquisition, in order to make a profit from the property or carry out construction, the new owner must pay the debt with interest.

Bankruptcy in the game

Bankruptcy in the game means the elimination of one of the participants. The rules of the Monopoly game allow you to assign bankruptcy status to a player who owes the players or the Bank an amount exceeding his assets.

If, in the event of bankruptcy, a player owes money to the Bank, then he appropriates all the Title Deeds and can then sell the property through an auction.

If the debt concerns other participants in the game, then houses and hotels are sold at half price to the Bank, and creditors receive all rights to real estate, money, cards for free release from prison. If the property was previously pledged to the Bank, the new owner is required to pay 10% of the pledge amount immediately, and then can decide whether to buy it back immediately or later.

Thus, it is quite difficult to win by following the rules of the Monopoly game. Board game develops intelligence and economic acumen. The winner is the one who can make the remaining participants bankrupt.

Monopoly is one of the most famous and popular board games that is loved by both children and adults. This game is intended for boys and girls over 8 years old, although in practice it is often played by older preschoolers. In Monopoly, each player gains ownership of a specific property that they can sell, rent, and use as they see fit.

The goal of this strategy is to “stay afloat” and not go bankrupt when others do. The rules of the game of Monopoly for children and adults are quite simple, however, before the start of the competition they should be given special attention.

Detailed rules for playing Monopoly

Before the game starts, all the guys must decide which of them will own a chip of one color or another. After this, each player must roll the dice. The participant who managed to roll the maximum number of points starts the game, and subsequently all moves are made clockwise from him.

Monopoly belongs to the category of turn-based board games, in which all actions are determined only by dice and various images on the playing field. So, after a player has rolled the dice at the beginning of his turn, he must move his piece by the number of steps that fell on them. His further actions will be indicated on the cell of the playing field in which his chip ended up.

Depending on how many points are rolled on the dice, a Monopoly player can do the following:

  • buy the offered property, which is not owned by any of the players;
  • pay rent for the use of a piece of real estate that already belongs to another participant;
  • pay taxes;
  • skip a move;
  • pull out one of the additional cards and perform the action indicated on it;
  • end up in “prison”;
  • receive wages and so on.

In addition, the economic board game Monopoly is subject to the following rules during play:

  1. If a double is rolled, the player has the right to make another move after completing all his actions. Meanwhile, if a double falls 3 times in a row, the participant in the game is forced to immediately go to “prison”.
  2. Upon passing the initial placement point for all chips, each player receives a salary of 200,000 play money. Depending on the dropped fields and cards, the salary can be received not 1, but 2 or 3 times per round.
  3. If a player finds a free plot for construction, that is, a playing field with a real estate card, he has the right to buy it at the price offered by the bank. If a participant does not have a sufficient amount of funds or simply does not want to purchase an object, it is put up for auction, where all other players have the right to offer a price. The property remains on the field only if none of the guys wants to buy it.
  4. Before the start of each move, the player has the right to offer other guys a deal - the sale or exchange of their real estate. Any transactions are carried out only on mutually beneficial conditions.
  5. Owning one property card allows you to collect a small rent from all players whose chips land on that field. Meanwhile, it is much more profitable to own a monopoly, that is, all objects of the same color, since this allows you to build branches, hotels and houses, which significantly increases the rental amount.
  6. Rent is not charged if the property is mortgaged.
  7. If a player's piece lands on the "chance" or "public treasury" fields, he must draw the appropriate card and follow the instructions provided.
  8. When entering the “taxes” field, each player must pay the appropriate amount to the bank.
  9. In case of bankruptcy or inability to pay any bills even when selling his objects, the player is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than the rest.

There is also a children's room with simpler rules intended for children aged 5 years and older. By and large, it is a simplified analogue of the classic version and is very well suited for developing mathematical skills and strategic thinking in preschoolers.

Board games have always been in great demand. During the period of active development of the Internet era, they were somewhat, so to speak, modernized and became even more popular. Today, almost any game can be downloaded to your computer, tablet or smartphone. But it's better to get all your friends together and have fun, say, playing Monopoly. This is a pretty old game. It is already more than a hundred years old, but this has not affected its popularity in any way. In this article you will learn how to play Monopoly.

First meeting

The goal is to remain the only player who has not gone bankrupt. The playing field consists of squares through which participants move, depending on the number rolled on the die. In any sector there is a plot that can be purchased from the bank for development. But here, as in real life, you will have to pay taxes and mortgage real estate. Well, of course, you need to be at least a little economically savvy.


First you need to place all the objects (houses, hotels) in the sectors of the playing field in accordance with the diagram. Then shuffle the “Chances” cards and place them with their backs on the corresponding square. Then each player chooses a chip and places it on the “Forward” sign. The team chooses a Banker who will manage the money. There are 16 banknotes in total:

  • 500 thousand rubles. - 2 pcs.;
  • 100 thousand rubles. - 4 things.;
  • 50 thousand rubles. - 1 PC.;
  • 20 thousand rubles. - 1 PC.;
  • 10 thousand rubles. - 2 pcs.;
  • 5 thousand rubles. - 1 PC.;
  • 1 thousand rub. - 5 pieces.

The documents for the property remain in the bank. Salaries, bonuses and loans are issued in other money. The amount of "cash" is not limited. At any time, you can write on a regular piece of paper. The game on Android “Monopoly” is deprived of the ability to “issue” paper money.

Each participant takes turns throwing the dice and moving the piece across the field. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows. There can be several chips on one cell. It also contains instructions for further actions: pay taxes, buy land, pay rent, receive a salary, or go to prison.

How to play Monopoly: rules

The player can go through the “Forward” point several times. At the same time, the bank pays 200 thousand rubles when it stops again in this sector.

The “Construction site” position gives the player the opportunity to be the first to buy out property documents if no one has done so before. In this case, the card must be placed face up on the field. In case of refusal to purchase, the plot is immediately put up for auction at the lowest price and sold at the most recent offer. The Banker manages the process.

"Ownership" allows you to collect rent from "tenants". If the properties are painted in one color, then that allows you to build houses.

“Do not leave someone else’s property”: the owner can demand from you but only until the next player rolls the dice. The payment amount is indicated in the documents and may change during the game. It depends on the number of buildings constructed. Rent is charged each time a player stops on a property of the same color group and is doubled if the player lands on a built-up lot, provided that the building is not mortgaged. For the "Station" field the rules are similar.

The same conditions apply in the sector as with real estate. There is only one thing: rent is charged in accordance with the number of points that appear on the dice. The amount increases 4 times if the owner has one enterprise, and 10 times if both. If a player lands on the field using the “Chances” card, then he needs to roll the dice to determine how much the payment will increase.

The game "Monopoly. Millionaire" has one interesting sector. If a participant lands on the “Public Treasury” field, then he must take a card from the pile and follow the instructions indicated in it. There are many options: from moving chips to getting out of jail for free. After fulfilling the conditions, the card must be placed at the very bottom of the pile.

Position "Taxes": the specified amount must be paid to the bank.

"Free parking" means that the player can simply stay on the field and do nothing.

They end up in “Prison” if the corresponding card or the same number on the dice appears three times in a row. Here the player does not receive a salary, but can save rent. To leave this field, you need to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles or buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player. Then the game continues. Monopoly for two has advantages in this regard. If you don't have enough money in your account, you can stay in prison and continue to roll the dice. If you get a double, make a move. But you will still have to pay a fine (50 thousand rubles). Only after this can you continue the game. If the player got into the prison sector not from the map, but as a result of a move, then he will not have to pay a fine.

Details about the property

Having plots of the same color group, you can buy houses and pay rent to players who are in your possessions. The transaction should be made in between moves. The plot is built up evenly: building a second house on a sector of the same color is allowed only after the others have one building each. The maximum number of buildings on one area is 4. They are also sold only evenly, but at any time.

After development, you can buy a hotel. Unit price - 4 houses plus the amount indicated on the property card. Only one hotel is allowed to be purchased in each sector. If the bank cannot sell the house, and there are not enough buildings of its own, then it will have to wait until other participants part with their possessions. If there are many people willing to purchase real estate, an auction is held.


The game has one more advantage. You can sell plots, railway stations and utilities to other players. If a participant wants to sell an empty sector of one color group, then first he needs to sell all the real estate from it - evenly - and then put it up for sale. The bank makes a purchase for half the amount indicated in the documents. Hotels of the same color group are sold simultaneously.

You can get money from a bank by mortgaging real estate. A title deed turned face down is proof of a mortgage. The bank can sell such property only to other players. The amount to be repaid is the cost of the buildings plus 10%. A participant in the game can independently implement the building.

If a player owes the bank more money than he can pay after selling all his property, then he is bankrupt. The financial institution takes away his property and sells it at auction. If the creditor is another player, then he sells the debtor's property to the bank for half its value. Here's how to play Monopoly.

Tips for beginners

Having figured out how to play Monopoly, we move on to the question of tactics. We remind you that the goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant. Therefore, in order to win, in addition to the rules, you also need to know some features.

Buy everything

If you don’t have money, then you should pledge your existing property to the bank. When participating in auctions, pay special attention to railways and land plots. It is better not to purchase water and electric companies. Their payback period is 3 player stops on this field.

Prison is your helper

At the stage of accumulating prison sentences, it is better to avoid imprisonment, but if you do end up behind bars, you must take all measures to get out of prison as soon as possible. But when other players begin to actively build up their territories, it is better to skip a move or two.

Buy railroads

All four have a special place in the game. At the very beginning they bring a lot of profit, in the middle they will not be superfluous, and at the end of the gameplay it is better to get rid of them.


According to statistics, the prison is the most visited cell on the playing field. The most profitable areas are purple, orange and green. At the same time, it is better to build no more than three houses in a sector of the same color. The only time it is worth purchasing a hotel is if all your areas are the same color.

Use it wisely at home

According to the rules, their number in one game is limited, and you cannot buy hotels at the very beginning. Experienced participants base their strategy on this, namely: they fill all their sites with buildings and never acquire hotels. This prevents other players from owning real estate.

Psychological features of trading

  • People value mortgaged land less, that is, they are ready to part with it at a lower price.
  • Inexperienced players easily exchange or sell what they consider to be “useless” single plots.

A large number of participants is the advantage of the game

Monopoly for two is not as interesting as playing with a group of friends. One winning strategy works well with a large number of players. It consists of quickly and at any price buying three cards of any color (starting with blue). In this case, the player must have a large number of multi-colored plots of land. You can even sacrifice the railway for this. After which you need to quickly build houses and under no circumstances part with your lands.

Which option is better?

The Monopoly game installs on your computer quite quickly. But it is better to give preference to the desktop version. By gathering your friends at home, you can take advantage of a large number of players and try out the following winning strategy in practice.

How to play Monopoly with bank cards

This option is more suitable for a money manager. One of the rules of the game is that a financial institution can issue any number of banknotes on plain paper at any time. It is worth using it when the process becomes especially tedious, and “issuing” banknotes of 1 thousand rubles. This will force other participants to take their minds off thinking about game tactics and start counting money.


"Monopoly" is a game for a group of friends. To win, you need not only to know the rules well, but also to develop tactics and strategy in advance. The ultimate goal, as already mentioned, is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant.

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