If the phrase turns out to be a lie, the wanderer will be torn to pieces. Date with Griselda

It is difficult to imagine a pirate who would not dream of capturing all the riches of the world. It's no surprise that treasure hunting has become one of the undeniable advantages of an add-on dedicated to pirates and nobility. We will talk about all the intricacies of this exciting activity.

Where to begin?

Every aspiring treasure hunter should visit the village store. There you can buy an inconvenient but cheap shovel and your first treasure map. This map is different from others. Firstly, it is easy to get, while other cards have to be assembled from scattered and rarely found fragments. Secondly, the treasure on this map can be found an infinite number of times by the same hero. Other treasures are unique, which means that if one of your heroes finds this treasure, then the rest of the kingdom’s inhabitants will no longer get it.

There are only two interactions with any card: “read” and “look for treasure.” Moreover, the second action may not be available if the unlucky treasure hunter does not have a shovel or the treasure has already been found by someone. If you “read” the map, a window will appear in the upper right corner of the screen with a hint about the location of the treasure. For example, the clue for the first card is “This card points to an area where there are many trees.” It immediately became clear that the first treasure had to be looked for in the forest. When your hero comes to the forest edge, you need to click on the map “look for treasure”. If the location is found correctly, the following message appears:

By checking the map, the novice treasure hunter will soon find the right place and start digging. In less than an hour he will become the happy owner of the following treasures:

  • steel shovel
  • scrap of a gold-embroidered map
  • title certificate: treasure hunter

Using the latter, you can change the hero's title. Then instead of "Sir Thomas" he will be called "Treasure Hunter Thomas".

However, you can search for treasures without a map. But in this case there is less chance of finding anything. Especially if your treasure hunter is inexperienced. Places where large treasures are most often found: pier; forest; the area adjacent to the castle; place of judgment; a cave and areas containing unique treasures. If your hero didn’t dig up anything on one of them, then it’s worth looking in another place or at another time.

The outcome of the treasure hunt can be different. Most often, the hero spreads his hands over a pit without treasure.

Small finds happen a little less often, when a treasure hunter takes out a bag with a couple of inexpensive things from a hole.

Occasionally, the hero digs up a wooden chest, which contains several relatively valuable things.

Very rarely - and with a lot of experience - a treasure hunter comes across a golden chest containing many valuable items.

Date with Griselda

It is necessary to mention the dangers that await your hero on the way to the treasured treasure. This is not at all about the fact that the hero, immersed in the search for treasures, forgets about his daily duties and completing the quest. Of course, this could land him in the stocks or the Pit of Judgment. But still, the fastest way to get there is to dig a hole in the wrong place. Then a tentacle of the beast will come out and the hero will have a corresponding moodlet.

If he continues to dig the hole he started or digs a new one, then there is a high probability that the monster will drag him into the Pit of Judgment. Therefore, it is better to wait until the moodlet disappears, and only then continue the treasure hunt.

Unique Treasures

There are only five such treasures in the game. Each of them can be found on a specific map, which must be collected in parts. Scraps of the map can be dug up when searching for treasures, they can be brought by a parrot,

and sometimes you come across them while walking in the forest, on a sea voyage, or going to a village shop.

Fragments: 3 fragments
Hint: “The map shows a lone gnarled tree.”
Location: next to the cathedral.

  • 2927$
  • Ancient Powder (5)
  • Magic Fragment (1)
  • Dragon tooth (2)
  • Scrap of a map with notes (1)
  • Gilded Rapier (1)

Fragments: 3 pieces of an old map
Hint: “There is a riddle written on the map. It sounds like this: He runs, and falls, and rushes, and rumbles. My treasures are buried above him.”
Location: a section of the road to the castle located above the waterfall.

  • 1439$
  • Ancient Powder (2)
  • Silver Eye Shovel (1)
  • Clay shard (5)
  • Thin Bones (2)
  • Captain's Blade (1)
  • Dilapidated sign (1)
  • Grubville Jolly Roger (1) (Family Luggage)

Fragments: 5 sacred map fragments
Hint: “The note on the map says that the map shows the way to the holiest place in these parts.”
Location: next to the cathedral

  • 1404$
  • Ancient Powder (5)
  • Tablet of the Watcher (3)
  • Stone map fragment (2)
  • Jacob's Tooth (1)
  • Angel Hammer (1)
  • Magic Fragment (1)

Fragments: 5 map fragments with notes
Hint: “The map indicates that according to rumors, a dragon lived under an ancient tower.”
Location: Ruins of a tower near the executioner's hut and the place of judgment.

  • 5774$
  • Ancient Powder (3)
  • Ice Fang (1)
  • Ancient Bones (10)
  • Thin Bones (2)
  • Dragon Tooth (6)

Fragments: 6 stone map fragments
Hint: “With a lot of effort, you can see on the map a giant cliff hanging over the water.”
Location: behind the magician's tower and the healer's house

  • Ancient Powder (6)
  • Demonic Shroud (1)
  • Clay shard (8)

The composition of all these treasures is constant, but the amount of money and objects may change.

Treasure Hunter Trophies

And finally, let's talk in more detail about the items that treasure hunters find. They can be divided into several groups.

1. Fragments of various objects. From them you can reconstruct the skeleton of an animal or a vessel. To do this, you need to make secret glue from magic powder and well water.

A skeletal parrot will come in handy for any treasure hunter. The recipe for its reconstruction is inscribed on an old stone tablet from the Silver Eye treasure.

2. Tools and weapons, including shovels and an angel's hammer.

3. Items from other countriesV.

5. Various minerals.
6. Unusual Finds. In my case, a book with a recipe for an incorporeal potion.

Who knows how many secrets the treasure hunt hides, and what amazing treasures the land of your kingdom hides? Maybe you are the one who has to find the most valuable treasure. Happy treasure hunting!

This time we have prepared answers to the game Eureka- for phones and tablets with the Android operating system, as well as iPhone and iPad (ios).
Do you consider yourself smart? Can you easily cope with puzzles of any complexity? Test yourself with the new Eureka logic puzzle quiz! In the application you will find entertaining tasks for every taste: mathematical, logical, or “thinking”. Initially, each player has 9 open questions. In order to open the next block, which consists of more tricky puzzles, you will have to solve any 7 of the 9 available tasks. Each time the puzzles become more and more difficult, which are difficult to complete without a hint - this is why they are posted on our website for the game Eureka - answers to all levels. In total, the free version contains 67 tasks, which we will consider. We have the correct solutions with comments for all levels of the Eureka game, so you won’t have any problems passing the game.
To go to a specific task, just click the gray button with the level you need at the top or bottom of the page. If you have any questions about how to complete the game Eureka for Android, iOS, write in the comment form at the bottom of each page or on the forum.

Question: In the morning you want to drink tea with milk, but you only managed to pour tea into a glass when someone rang your doorbell. What should you do to ensure that your milk tea is hot when you return: pour milk into it immediately before leaving or after when you return?

Answer: straightaway.

Solution: The cooling rate is proportional to the temperature difference between the heated body and the surrounding air, therefore you should cool the tea somewhat by pouring milk into it so that further cooling occurs more slowly. Question: An ax weighs a kilogram and half an axe. How many kilograms does the ax weigh?

Answer: 2 KILOGRAMS.

Solution: the ax weighs X kg. X=1+X/2, X=2 Question: There are 30 hungry sharks swimming in the bay, which are gradually eating each other. A shark is considered full if it has eaten three other sharks (fed or hungry). What is the largest number of sharks that can feed itself?

Answer: 9 SHARKS.

Solution: 7 sharks will each eat 3 hungry sharks. The remaining 2 hungry ones will eat 3 previously full ones. Question: Petya, Kolya and Sasha are friends. Petya is Kolya’s brother, Kolya is Sasha’s brother. Sasha is not Petya's brother. Why?

Answer: SASHA IS A WOMAN. Question: Masha bought flowers for her mother’s birthday. How many flowers will she give to her mother if all but two of them are roses, all but two are tulips, and all but two are daisies?

Answer: 3 FLOWERS.

Solution: Rose, tulip and daisy, one flower each. Question:"The director of the lyceum objects to the cancellation of the decision to ban control over the appearance (clothing) of students." What does it mean? Can students dress as they please?

Answer: YES.

Solution: Security question: Can I wear any clothes? Control over appearance - you cannot wear any clothes. The decision to prohibit control over appearance - you can wear any clothes. The director objects to the cancellation, that is, he is not against wearing any clothes. Question: One hundred schoolchildren simultaneously studied English and German. At the end of the courses, they took an exam, which showed that 10 students did not master either one or the other language. Of the remaining, 75 people passed German, and 83 passed English. How many examinees speak both languages?

Answer: 68 PEOPLE.

Solution: By condition, we have that 10 have not mastered any of the languages, that is, we find that out of 90 people, 75 passed German, and 83 passed English. Let's find how many people know no more than one language (one or no languages). Moreover, we are interested in the maximum possible number of such people.
7 people do not know English (90-83=7). How many of the 83 “English” people may not know German? Obviously, 15 people (90-75=15).
Thus, 15+7=22 schoolchildren know no more than one language. Accordingly, 90-22=68 people are guaranteed to speak both languages. Question: What sign must be placed between the numbers 4 and 5 so that the result is a number greater than four but less than five?

Answer: COMMA.

Solution: Then you get 4.5 (four and a half). Question: The seamstress bought a 16-meter roll of silk fabric. To sew a wedding dress for her daughter, she cut off 2 meters from it every day. After how many days will she cut off the last piece?

Answer: 7.

Solution: The last piece will be cut off on the 7th day. Because to get 8 pieces, you need to make 7 cuts. Question: A group of caterpillars was crawling. One in front and two behind. One behind and two in front, one between two and three in a row. How many caterpillars were there in the group?

Answer: 3.

Solution: They crawled one after another. Question: In the theater, three colleagues were talking in adjacent seats on the stalls: soil scientist Svetlov, mathematician Temnov and historian Krasnov. “It’s amazing that one of us has blond hair, another has black, and the third has red hair, but none of us have the same hair color as our last name,” said the black-haired man. “You’re right,” Svetlov confirmed. What color is the historian's hair?

Answer: BLACK.

Solution: In the problem statement there are 2 statements from which it is clear that Svetlov is not black-haired (because these are 2 different people). So Svetlov has red hair. Therefore Krasnov has black hair. He cannot have blond hair, because then Temnov would have black hair (which contradicts the condition of the problem). Question: One rainy morning, Mary's secretary was in a bad mood. She typed four letters to different recipients (with different addresses) and placed them at random in pre-prepared personalized envelopes. Could it be that only three out of four letters end up in the right envelopes?

Answer: NO.

Solution: If you put three letters at random into the right envelopes, then the fourth will certainly be in its place. One, two or four letters out of four might accidentally end up in their envelopes, but not three. Question: 5th grade students were divided into “honest” and “liars”. The first decided never to lie again, and the second decided not to tell or write the truth. In literature class, everyone wrote an essay, which must contain the phrase “Everything written here is true” or “Everything written here is a lie.” There were 17 “honest” and 18 “liars” at the box office. How many essays contained the phrase “Everything written here is true”?

Answer: 35.

Solution: All students will write the phrase “Everything written here is true.” “Honest” will write this way because everything in the essay is true, “liars” - because it is not true. Question: 97 teams take part in the regular competition. The winner is chosen as follows: The 97 teams are divided into pairs, and the teams from each pair play against each other. After the losing teams are eliminated, the winners are paired up again, and so on. How many games must be played to determine the champion?

Answer: 96.

Solution: There are 97 teams in total. After each game one team is eliminated. Therefore, in order for one team to remain out of 97, you need to play 96 times.
This problem can also be solved by summing up the number of games in each round: 48 + 24 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 96. Question: What has more mass - 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: EXACTLY.

Solution: Both cotton wool and iron weigh 1 kilogram. Question: Under what circumstances can five boys, three dogs, three giraffes and a mouse get under one umbrella without getting wet?

Answer: NO RAIN. Question: Petya wrote down numbers from one to one hundred, colored the odd ones in red, and the even ones in black, and decided to add up all the different-colored numbers. What color is the number that is the sum of an even number and an odd number?

Answer: RED.

Solution: The sum will be an odd number, hence the color red. Question: At night, the gnome Grumpy goes down into the mine to mine diamonds. In one night he spends one candle, illuminating his way in the mine. Grumpy can make 1 new candle from 5 candle stubs. If he has 25 candles, how many nights will his supply of new candles last?

Answer: 6.

Solution: He can make 5 new candles from 25 cinders, and when they burn out, he can make a sixth of the 5 cinders that remain from them. Question: Three fat chickens eat three meaty caterpillars in three minutes. How many minutes does it take for thirty chickens to eat thirty caterpillars?

Answer: 3.

Solution: If three chickens can eat three caterpillars in three minutes, then it will take each chicken individually three minutes to eat one chicken. So thirty chickens can handle thirty caterpillars in the same three minutes. Question: Five diggers dig a 5 m ditch in 5 hours. How many diggers will it take to dig a 100m ditch in 100 hours?

Answer: 5.

Solution: The same five diggers will be needed, no more. In fact, five diggers dig a 5 m ditch in 5 hours. This means that five diggers dug 1 m of a ditch in 1 hour, and 100 m in 100 hours. Question: A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the boat. The bottom 4 steps of the staircase are submerged in water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps will be under water after 2 hours?

Answer: 4.

Solution: In two hours there will be the same 4 steps under water, because during high tide the stairs rise with the boat. Question: A treasure hunter uses an old map to reach an uninhabited island in the Caribbean. He wandered for several hours in the dense tropics until he came across a tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the intruder, but first decided to mock him. The treasure hunter could only say one last phrase in his life. If it turns out to be true, he will be thrown from the mountain onto the rocky shore. If the phrase turns out to be a lie, the wanderer will be torn to pieces by lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was this phrase after which the elder was forced to release the treasure hunter?


Solution: Now, if the elder had given him to be torn to pieces by the lions, then this phrase would have turned out to be true and the hunter would have to be thrown from the cliff. But if he is thrown from a cliff, then the phrase will turn out to be false. The elder admitted that the only correct decision would be to let the hunter go. Question: One day Alice met a Lion and a Unicorn resting under a tree. These were strange creatures. Leo lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth on all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and spoke the truth on all other days of the week. They made the following statements:
Leo: “Yesterday was one of the days when I lie.”
Unicorn: “Yesterday was one of the days when I lie too.”
From these two statements, Alice was able to deduce what day of the week it was.
What day of the week was it?


Solution: Leo could only say that he had lied the day before on Monday and Thursday. The unicorn could only say that he had lied the day before on Thursday and Sunday. Therefore, they could both claim that they had lied the day before, only on Thursday. Question: Robbers caught a traveler on a forest road. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The gang leader allowed him to choose how he wanted to die. The traveler accepted the challenge and took a word of honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. The next moment the traveler announced his own verdict. After which the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did the traveler wish to die?

Answer: FROM OLD AGE. Question: Vovochka bought a bar of laundry soap. After seven washes, the length, width and height of the bar of soap were halved. How many washes will the remaining piece last?

Answer: 1.

Solution: If the length, width and height are halved, then the volume has decreased by 8 times. That is, after 7 washes, 1/8 remains. Therefore, for each wash, 1/8 of the piece is washed.

This is a logic game for any age.

And we, in turn, decided to help you pass this game.

The game offers you achievements/rewards that will help you compete and lead among all players!


  • Level 21

Question: A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the boat. The bottom 4 steps of the staircase are submerged in water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps will be under water after 2 hours?

Answer: 4

Solution: After two hours there will be the same 4 steps underwater, because during high tide the stairs rise with the boat.

  • Level 22

Question: A treasure hunter used an old map to reach an uninhabited island in the Caribbean. He wandered for several hours in the dense tropics until he came across a tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the intruder, but first decided to mock him. The treasure hunter could only say one last phrase in his life. If it turns out to be true, he will be thrown from the mountain onto the rocky shore. If the phrase turns out to be a lie, the wanderer will be torn to pieces by lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was this phrase after which the elder was forced to release the treasure hunter?

Answer: I will be torn to pieces by lions

Solution: Now, if the elder had given him to be torn to pieces by the lions, then this phrase would have turned out to be true and the hunter would have to be thrown off the cliff. But if he is thrown from a cliff, then the phrase will turn out to be false. The elder admitted that the only correct decision would be to let the hunter go.

  • Level 23

Question: One day Alice met a Lion and a Unicorn resting under a tree. These were strange creatures. Leo lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth on all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and spoke the truth on all other days of the week. They made the following statements:
Leo: “Yesterday was one of the days when I lie.”
Unicorn: “Yesterday was one of the days when I lie too.”
From these two statements, Alice was able to deduce what day of the week it was.
What day of the week was it?

Answer: Thursday

Solution: Leo could only say that he lied the day before on Monday and Thursday. The unicorn could only tell that he had lied the day before on Thursday and Sunday. Therefore, they could both claim that they had lied the day before, only on Thursday.

  • Level 24

Question: Robbers caught a traveler on a forest road. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The gang leader allowed him to choose how he wanted to die. The traveler accepted the challenge and took a word of honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. The next moment the traveler announced his own verdict. After which the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did the traveler wish to die?

Answer: From old age

  • Level 25

Question: Vovochka bought a bar of laundry soap. After seven washes, the length, width and height of the bar of soap were halved. How many washes will the remaining piece last?

Answer: 1

Solution: If the length, width and height are halved, then the volume has decreased by 8 times. That is, after seven washes, 1/8 remains. Therefore, for each wash, 1/8 of the piece is washed.

  • Level 26

Question: Postman Pechkin’s camera was stolen. There were three boys in the post office building at that time: Kolya, Sasha and Yura. Uncle Styopa interviewed all three boys. Kolya claimed that Sasha stole the camera. Sasha said that he did not steal the camera. Yura stated that he was not guilty of anything. But Uncle Styopa immediately realized that only one boy was not lying. Who is the thief?

Answer: JURA

Solution: If Kolya stole the camera, then Sasha and Yura are telling the truth. If Sasha stole, then Kolya and Yura are telling the truth. If Yura stole it, then only Sasha is telling the truth. So the thief is Yura.

  • Level 27

Question: On the ship "Victory" several Siamese cats, sailors, a cook, and a one-legged captain Hank arrived from the southern port. All of them, taken together, had 15 heads and 41 legs (or paws). How many cats were on the ship?

Answer: 6

Solution: Since there are definitely several sailors on the ship (that is, at least 2), a cook and a one-legged captain, we subtract them from the sum of heads and legs. After this, there will be 11 heads and 34 legs for several cats and sailors.
Next, either a system of equations is compiled, solved, and the answer is obtained. Or note that the total number of legs of cats must be divisible by 4. This means that among the remaining 11 heads, sailors can only be an odd number 1,3,5,7, etc. By searching through these numbers a unique solution is found.
In total on the ship: 6 cats, 7 sailors, a cook and a captain.

  • Level 28

Question: The winemaker poured the remaining wine for the day into a twenty-liter barrel, and it was filled to the brim. At this time, neighbor Lucas looked into the shop and asked to sell him five liters from this barrel. The winemaker had only two buckets on hand, 7 and 13 liters, but he quickly coped with the task. What was the minimum number of transfusions he needed to give to get 5 liters?

Answer: 8

20 | 0 | 0
7 | 0 | 13
7 | 7 | 6
14 | 0 | 6
1 | 6 | 13
1 | 7 | 12
8 | 0 | 12
8 | 7 | 5

  • Level 29

Question: Vovochkin’s grandfather walked home from the metro. Suddenly it started to rain heavily, and grandfather didn’t even have anywhere to hide and nothing to hide from the water. Grandfather arrived home, soaking wet. But not a single hair on his head got wet. Why?

Answer: He's bald

  • Level 30

Question: Vovochka rides in the back seat of the car. His parents gave him a helium balloon. The windows are closed. What happens to the ball (relative to the car body) when the car accelerates forward (enter the number of the answer option)?
1) Move forward
2) Will fly back
3) Will remain in the same place

Answer: 1

Solution: The ball will move forward. The inertial forces in the car push the bodies backward, but also compress the air in the rear of the closed car. This increased air pressure pushes the ball forward. For similar reasons, when a car moves in a circle, the balloon tilts towards the center of that circle.

LEVEL 21 - Game "Eureka" answers:
To the question: A steel ladder was lowered from the side of the boat. The bottom 4 steps of the staircase are submerged in water. Each step has a thickness of 5 cm. The distance between two adjacent steps is 30 cm. The tide began, at which the water level began to rise at a speed of 40 cm per hour. How many steps will be under water after 2 hours?

Solution: After two hours there will be the same 4 steps underwater, because during high tide the stairs rise with the boat.

In simple terms, the ladder is fixed on the boat, so there is no need to apply mathematics to this task - only logic and attentiveness.

LEVEL 22 - Game "Eureka" answers:
To the question: A treasure hunter used an old map to reach an uninhabited island in the Caribbean Sea. He wandered for several hours in the dense tropics until he came across a tribe of local aborigines. The elder of the tribe decided to immediately kill the intruder, but first decided to mock him. The treasure hunter could only say one last phrase in his life. If it turns out to be true, he will be thrown from the mountain onto the rocky shore. If the phrase turns out to be a lie, the wanderer will be torn to pieces by lions. However, the treasure hunter managed to escape.
What was this phrase after which the elder was forced to release the treasure hunter?


Solution: Now, if the elder had given him to be torn to pieces by the lions, then this phrase would have turned out to be true and the hunter would have to be thrown off the cliff. But if he is thrown from a cliff, then the phrase will turn out to be false. The elder admitted that the only correct decision would be to let the hunter go.

In simple terms, any two questions can be answered with mutually exclusive actions.

LEVEL 23 - Game "Eureka" answers:
To the question: One day Alice met a Lion and a Unicorn resting under a tree. These were strange creatures. Leo lied on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and told the truth on all other days. The unicorn behaved differently: he lied on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and spoke the truth on all other days of the week. They made the following statements:
Leo: “Yesterday was one of the days when I lie.”
Unicorn: “Yesterday was one of the days when I lie too.”
From these two statements, Alice was able to deduce what day of the week it was.
What day of the week was it?


Solution: Leo could only say that he lied the day before on Monday and Thursday. The unicorn could only tell that he had lied the day before on Thursday and Sunday. Therefore, they could both claim that they had lied the day before, only on Thursday.

In simple terms - watch out for the days when the lion and unicorn can tell the truth and not the truth.

LEVEL 24 - Game "Eureka" answers: LEVEL 24
Question: Robbers caught a traveler on a forest road. And when it turned out that he had no gold, the robbers decided to kill him immediately. The gang leader allowed him to choose how he wanted to die. The traveler accepted the challenge and took a word of honor from the robbers that his wish would be fulfilled. The next moment the traveler announced his own verdict. After which the leader spread his hands and let him go. So how did the traveler wish to die?


In simple terms, he had to say something so that he could live his whole life and die not today, but this is old age.

LEVEL 25 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Vovochka bought a bar of laundry soap. After seven washes, the length, width and height of the bar of soap were halved. How many washes will the remaining piece last?

Solution: If the length, width and height are halved, then the volume has decreased by 8 times. That is, after 7 washes, 1/8 remains. Therefore, for each wash, 1/8 of the piece is washed.

In simple terms, imagine that the soap needs to be cut in half, first along the length, then the width and height. 8 identical pieces are formed, but since there were 7 washes, then the last wash remains.

LEVEL 26 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Postman Pechkin’s camera was stolen. There were three boys in the post office building at that time: Kolya, Sasha and Yura. Uncle Styopa interviewed all three boys. Kolya claimed that Sasha stole the camera. Sasha said that he did not steal the camera. Yura stated that he was not guilty of anything. But Uncle Styopa immediately realized that only one boy was not lying. Who is the thief?

Answer: JURA.

Solution: If Kolya stole the camera, then Sasha and Yura are telling the truth. If Sasha stole, then Kolya and Yura are telling the truth. If Yura stole it, then only Sasha is telling the truth. So the thief is Yura.

In simple terms, watch out for those who are telling the truth.

LEVEL 27 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: On the ship "Victory" several Siamese cats, sailors, a cook, and a one-legged captain Hank arrived from the southern port. All of them, taken together, had 15 heads and 41 legs (or paws). How many cats were on the ship?

Solution: Since there are definitely several sailors on the ship (that is, at least 2), a cook and a one-legged captain, we subtract them from the sum of heads and legs. After this, there will be 11 heads and 34 legs for several cats and sailors.
Next, either a system of equations is compiled, solved, and the answer is obtained. Or note that the total number of legs of cats must be divisible by 4. This means that among the remaining 11 heads, sailors can only be an odd number 1,3,5,7, etc. By searching through these numbers a unique solution is found.
In total on the ship: 6 cats, 7 sailors, a cook and a captain.

In simple language - remove the mistake, not or, but the correct leg and paw!

LEVEL 28 - Eureka Game answers:
Question: The winemaker poured the remaining wine for the day into a twenty-liter barrel, and it was filled to the brim. At this time, neighbor Lucas looked into the shop and asked to sell him five liters from this barrel. The winemaker had only two buckets on hand, 7 and 13 liters, but he quickly coped with the task. What was the minimum number of transfusions he needed to give to get 5 liters?


In simple terms - try pouring wine back and forth until there are 5 liters left...

LEVEL 29 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Vovochkin’s grandfather walked home from the metro. Suddenly it started to rain heavily, and grandfather didn’t even have anywhere to hide and nothing to hide from the water. Grandfather arrived home, soaking wet. But not a single hair on his head got wet. Why?

Answer: HE WAS BALD.

In simple terms - not a single hair got wet, which means there was still hair, but he was bald - nonsense...

LEVEL 30 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Vovochka rides in the back seat of the car. His parents gave him a helium balloon. The windows are closed. What happens to the ball (relative to the car body) when the car accelerates forward (enter the number of the answer option)?
1) Move forward
2) Will fly back
3) Will remain in the same place

Solution: The ball will move forward. The inertial forces in the car push the bodies backward, but also compress the air in the rear of the closed car. This increased air pressure pushes the ball forward. For similar reasons, when a car moves in a circle, the balloon tilts towards the center of that circle.

In simple terms, it’s like a pump - everything goes back, and the lungs go forward.

LEVEL 31 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Arnold Schwarzenegger has this long one. Bruce Lee's is short, but the Pope has not used it for a long time. What are we talking about?

Answer: LAST NAME.

In simple terms - think about something else, and not your forehead.

LEVEL 32 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Grandfather Mazai was going to the market. Each wheel of his cart has 20 spokes. How many spaces between spokes are there in one wheel?

Solution: The same will be true for a wheel with any number of spokes: the number of spokes is equal to the number of spaces between the spokes.

In simple terms - if you take a circle, then each segment takes its own sector (interval)

LEVEL 33 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: A balloon is carried away by a continuous wind at low speed (2 m/s) in a westerly direction. In which direction do the flags in his basket flutter?

Answer: HANGING or DOWN.

Solution: A ball carried away by an air current is at rest relative to the surrounding air. Therefore, the flags will not flutter in the wind in any direction, but will hang down, as if there was no wind.

In simple terms, I don’t agree, the ball will still fly slower and if the flag is made of light material, then they will fly faster.

LEVEL 34 - Eureka Game answers:
Question: Let's start counting the fingers on the right hand: 1st - little finger, 2nd - ring finger, 3rd - middle, 4th - index, 5th - thumb, 6th - index again, 7th - again the middle one, the 8th - the ring finger, the 9th - the little finger, the 10th - the ring finger, etc. Which finger will be in 2016?

Answer: UNNAMED.

Solution: The period in the count is 8 (because the 9th is again the little finger). We divide 2016 by 8, it is divisible without a remainder, therefore the 2016th finger is the last one in the period. Therefore, this is the ring finger.

In simple terms, there’s something wrong with the brow’s fingers...

LEVEL 35 - Eureka Game answers:
Question: If the puzzle you solved before you solved this one was harder than the puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle you solved before you solved this one, was the puzzle that did you solve it before you solved this one, more difficult than this one?

Answer: YES.

Solution: “The puzzle you solved before you solved this one” (that is, the previous one) “Was harder than” (the previous one is harder than) “The puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle you solved before the way you solved this one" (current). That is, the previous puzzle is more difficult than the current one.

In simple terms - billeberda...

LEVEL 36 - Eureka Game answers:
Question: When Dima’s dad was 31 years old. Dima was 8 years old. But now my father is twice as old as Dima. What is Dima's age?

Solution: The age difference is 23 years. Therefore, Dima should be 23 years old, so that his father would be twice his age. You can solve the system of equations X-Y=23 and 2Y=X, where Y is Dima’s age, X is the father’s age.

In simple terms, no equations are needed here, you just need to find out the difference in age, and that will be the answer.

LEVEL 37 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: During a mathematics lesson, a dispute broke out among a group of students: Petya argued that this was the number 9, and Borya objected, saying that it was a prime number. Then Masha said that the number was also even, and Vika said that the number was -15. What number are we talking about if we know that both girls and boys made exactly 1 mistake?

Solution: Petya and Vika made a mistake. This number is 2. Two is the only even number that is prime. A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself.

In simple terms - there is no need to decide here, just know!

LEVEL 38 - Eureka Game answers:
Question: As a child, Borya lived with his father in the village. They went to draw water from the well. One bucket was enough for two of them for 10 days. For dad, a bucket of water alone lasted 14 days. How many days will a bucket of water last for Bora if he drinks alone?

Solution: 35 days. Borya drinks 2.5 times slower, therefore, he will need: 14 * 2.5 = 35 days.

In simple terms, I still don’t understand why he drinks 2.5 times slower?

LEVEL 39 - Eureka Game answers:
Question: A KAMAZ stopped in front of a low overpass. He couldn't drive under the bridge without scratching the roof. And he was only 3 centimeters short. The KAMAZ driver had no idea how to get out of the situation until a little boy passing by on a bicycle told him something. What did the boy suggest?


Solution: The boy suggested letting some air out of the tires. Exactly as much as necessary for travel.

In simple terms, a KAMAZ driver is not a driver if he doesn’t know such subtleties...

LEVEL 40 - Game "Eureka" answers:
Question: Residents of Foggy Albion sacredly keep his name - John Spielburn. This happened in the middle of the 18th century. A serious British man invented a manual for students by cutting an ordinary geographical map into pieces. Time has passed, and now the whole world enjoys his invention. What is it called?

Answer: PUZZLES.

Solution: By cutting the map image into pieces, a puzzle was created, which is now called Puzzle.

In simple terms - cut pieces, there is no need to know when and who invented them, the answer is on the surface.

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