Quest for the third profession for CE - Third profession - Catalog of articles - CohortisMedus. Quest for the third profession shillen elder she 3 profs on the neck

Minimum level: 76

Walkthrough description:
1) The quest starts at Kamael Village V House of Elders at Hierarch Kekropus. He will send you to Goddard talk to Magister Justin.

2) Justin which is located in Mystic Guild the bank will also send you Goddard-a to talk to Stefano.

3) Stefano needed Ice Crystal, which can be obtained by completing the quest The Finest Ingredients Part 1

Passing the quest: The Finest Ingredients - Part 1
Minimum level: 73
Walkthrough description:

Reward: opportunity to start the quest The Finest Ingredients-2, needed for the quest on 3rd profession

1. Talk to Jeremy V Hot Springs. He needs some meat Special Yeti Meat to cook a dish and win a competition and he asks you to bring him something.

2. Hunt Hot Springs Atrox, Hot Springs Atroxspawn, Hot Springs Bandersnatchling, Hot Springs Nepenthes. You need to collect:

50 Foot of Bandersnatchling
50 Trunk of Nepenthes
50 Secret Spice

3. As soon as you get enough 150 items, return to Jeremy. He will give you a reward - Cryolite for the quest on 3rd profession. Also, now you can take the quest The Finest Ingredients-2.

Jeremy has the required crystal

After you have received ice crystal come back to Stefano. Then to Justin.

4) Justin will send you to find first Tablet of Vision.

5) They all look the same, the one you need is below Tower of Insolence.

6) The next statue is in Valley of Saints.

You need to kill angels to get the amulet. They are not aggressive, but very social.

Talk to the statue again. She will tell you to find the next statue in Ketra Orc Outpost.

7) The statue will turn out to be a fool and will call a mob for self-defense.

Killing him is easy, especially under a buff and with HP cans. Talk to the statue again and go to Goddard.

8) B Goddard V Kamael Guild Talk with Master Medea, you need to create an alliance with Ketra Orcs or Varka Silenos to get Divine Stone. To do this, complete the quest Magical Power of Water Part 1 for allie s Orcs or Magical Power of Fire Part 1 for allie s Silenos.

Passing the quest: Magical Power of Fire - Part 1
Minimum level: 74
Walkthrough description:

Reward: and Red Totem (for the quest Magic Power of Fire – Part 2).

1. Talk to Naran Ashanuk, he will send you to Udan Mardui in the center Varka Silenos Outpost.

2. Udan Mardui Ketra Orcs - Stolen Red Totem.
Key of Thief Ketra Orcs(except for bulls, flamingos and other animals), a debuff mark will be placed on you - this means the orcs have hidden their totem, and it is not in the chest. It can only be removed Udan Mardui.

Safe in Varka Silenos Outpost you can get right from Goddard- move from the entrance to the north along the road to the fork, then go much to the east and through the mountains again to the north. At the end of the mountain range, jump down and go a little more northeast to the village.

Udan Mardui Divine Stone of Wisdom(quest for 3rd prof) and Red Totem


Passing the quest: Magical Power of Water - Part 1
Minimum level: 74
Walkthrough description:

Reward: Divine Stone of Wisdom (for quest for 3 prof) And Green Totem (for quest Magic Power of Water – Part 2).

1. Talk to Wahkan, he will send you to Asefa in the village Ketra Orcs.

2. Asefa will tell you that you need to steal a sacred relic Varka Silenos - Stolen Green Totem.
You'll have to get into the enemy's lair and use Key of Thief(bought in the store) open the chest with a totem. This is not very easy to do, because... if anyone sees you Varka Silenos(except for dogs, antelopes and other animals), a debuff mark will be placed on you - this means the Silenos have hidden their totem, and it is not in the chest. It can only be removed Asefa.

Safe to the village Silenosov you can get out of Rune- from Swamp of Screams in the mountains a little south Devil Path.

3. Showing soldierly ingenuity, we steal the totem and bring it back Asefa which gives you an ancient relic Divine Stone of Wisdom (quest for 3 prof) And Green Totem, needed for part 2 of this quest.

9) After receiving Divine Stone go back to Medea. She will send you to the next statue.

10) Which is located to the north Garden of Beasts, talk to her and return to Goddard.

  • Searching for Duncan
    • Target: Duncan
    • Agnes asks you to visit Chef Duncan in the Hot Springs area and bring her some food.
  • Return with the Ice Crystals
    • Target: Duncan
    • Chef Duncan needs Ice Crystals to keep the food fresh.
  • Return to Agnes
    • Target: Agnes
    • When you deliver the Ice Crystals, Chef Duncan hands you a well-packaged jar containing the food. Take it to Saint of Light Agnes.
  • Go to the Tablet of Vision
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • Saint of Light Agnes gives you the Resonance Amulet and tells you to go to the Tablet of Vision.
  • In Search of the Second Resonance Amulet
    • Target: ???
    • According to the first Tablet of Vision, you"ll find the person with the Resonance Amulet near the next tablet.
  • Towards the Tablet of Vision
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • You have acquired the second Resonance Amulet. Go to the Tablet of Vision and try communicating with it.
  • In Search of the Third Resonance Amulet
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • At the second tablet, you saw who has the Resonance Amulet near the third tablet. To find him, commune with the third tablet.
  • Towards the Tablet of Vision
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • You"ve got the third Resonance Amulet. Go to the Tablet of Vision and try communicating with it.
  • Meet Kamilen
    • Target: Kamilen
    • At the third tablet, you learned that Magister Kamilen has a Resonance Amulet. Visit her and get the Resonance Amulet.
  • In Search of Ketra Orcs
    • Target: Ketra's Messenger Wahkan
    • Magister Kamilen tells you to gain the trust of Ketra's Messenger Wahkan and get the Holy Stone of Wisdom.
  • In Search of Varka Silenos
    • Target: Varka's Messenger Naran Ashanuk
    • Magister Kamilen tells you to gain the trust of Varka"s Messenger Naran Ashanuk and get the Holy Stone of Wisdom.
  • Towards the Tablet of Vision
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • You"ve got the Holy Stone of Wisdom and made a new Resonance Amulet. Now, go to the Tablet of Vision and try communicating with it.
  • Meet Kamilen
    • Target: Kamilen
    • The location of the next Resonance Amulet is not revealed, but Magister Kamilen of the Town of Goddard knows something. Visit her.
  • In Search of the Resonance Amulet
    • Target:Fork
    • Magister Master Kamilen tells you that if you go north from the fork in the road, you"ll find the Shrine of Loyalty. If you go east from there, you"ll find the Imperial Tomb.

      Monsters to be hunted -
      Shrine of Loyalty: Grave Scarabs, Scavenge

  • Towards the Tablet of Vision
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • You"ve got the fifth Resonance Amulet. Go to the Tablet of Vision and try communicating with it.
  • In Search of the Last Resonance Amulet
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • You sense that the final Resonance Amulet is near the tablet. Go to the tablet.
  • Towards the Last Tablet of Vision
    • Target: Tablet of Vision
    • You"ve defeated the Fallen Angel Tanakia and taken his Resonance Amulet. Now, try the last communion.
  • The Journey's End
    • Target: Anastia
    • The long journey has ended. Report your achievements to Magister Anastia.
  • The Journey's End
    • Target: Anastia
    • Train some more before you return to Magister Anastia at Hardin's Academy.
      (Only characters of level 76 or above may change their class to Shillien Saint. Don't abandon the quest until class transfer is complete.)
  • Passing the quest

    1. Let's go to Kamael Village To Hierarch Kekropus(House of Elders). Let's go and take the quest.

    2. Let's go to Goddard Castle Town To Warehouse Chief Mon a (warehouse). We're talking.

    3. Nearby in the blacksmith is Blacksmith Noel. Noel asks to bring Ice Crystal (Cryolite)
    you should have received it when completing the quest The Finest Ingredients – Part 1. If you don't have it, go through the quest again and continue from this point.
    If Ice Crystal (Cryolite) you have just talk again with Noel. Pick up the parcel to Mona.

    4. Return to Goddard Castle Town To Warehouse Chief Mona. By giving the parcel you will receive Resonance Amulet - 1 and find out how to find the first one Tablet of Vision(mark on the map).
    You have to pass six stone tablets ( Tablet of Vision) and read the secret signs of the wisdom of the ancients on them. In order for these signs to appear on the tablet, you need to tune in to it, your soul must resonate with the soul of the tablet. The resonance amulets that you obtain will help you.

    5. Looking for the first one Tablet of Vision. It is located south Tower of Insolence at the end of a small river. Talk to the sign ( Resonance Amulet–1 will disappear). The shining of you and the tablet will confirm that you have read the secret signs on it.

    6. Let's go look for another sign in Valley of Saints. (see marker on the map). Talking to Tablet of Vision. On our own (!), without being in a group, we kill everyone Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge, we get Resonance Amulet - 2. Return to Tablet of Vision. The radiance of you and the tablet accompanies the acquisition of secret knowledge.

    7. On the road again. The next sign location will appear on the map. The knowledge of this tablet is protected. Talk to the sign. Kill the angel that appears without being in a group. Others shouldn't even heal you during the fight, so stock up on bottles. We get Resonance Amulet - 3. Talking to Tablet of Vision, look at the shine.

    8. Knows where the next sign is Head Blacksmith Lombert from Rune Township. Lombert will share knowledge with you if you get it Divine Stone of Wisdom. To get the stone you need to complete the quest Magical Power of Water - Part 1 , if you have an alliance with Ketra; or Magical Power of Fire - Part 1 , if the alliance is with Varka.

    9. Attribute Divine Stone of Wisdom To Head Blacksmith Lombert V Rune Township, we find out the location of the fourth tablet, we get Resonance Amulet - 4. Head to Tablet of Vision. She is in between Ketra Orc Outpost and Varka Silenos barracks, behind the tents on the hill. The sign is surrounded by mobs, ignore them and talk to it, watch the glow.

    10. Heading to Kamael Warrior V Swamp of Scream s (see map), we are talking. Let's find out about the fifth tablet. To get the amulet for her you will have to fight with Archon of Halisha(Archon Khalishi). Khalisha is in the form of a raid boss in Imperial Tomb But it’s better not to kill him there, but to go to Shrine of Loyalty(passage to Imperial Tomb from Wall of Argos) and hunt Grave Scarab(level 73), Scavenger Scarab(level 73), Grave Ant (Grave Ant)(level 74), Scavenger Ant (Carrion Ant)(level 74), Shrine Knight (Knight of the Tomb)(level 75), Shrine Guard (Tomb Guardian)(lvl 75). You need to get 700 from them Halisha's Mark. You can be in a party that beats these mobs.
    On the 701st it will appear Khalisha(lvl 76) and you will all disappear Halisha's Mark. Kill him yourself! It is important. It is advisable not even to be in a group. If someone else helps you (beat the mob, heal, or buff), Khalisha will disappear. Emerging Khalisha designed to be scored by a character of your level alone. If you fail, get buffs before the battle, dress better, stock up on bottles, etc. We get Resonance Amulet – 5. If still Halisha disappeared, and you did not receive the amulet, beat the mobs again until 700. On the 701st it should appear again. We are looking for the fifth Tablet of Vision near Shrine of Loyalty(see map). We speak, we observe the radiance.

    11. Looking for the sixth Tablet of Vision V Forest of the Dead(see map). We speak with the sign, the quest mob angel appears and Katenar. Katenar encourages you to fight together. Do not wait! Immediately attack the quest mob. If you didn’t have time and they disappeared, try talking to the sign again. You have to hit alone, not in a group. When the angel disappears talk to Katenar. We get Resonance Amulet - 6. We talk to the sign and observe the glow.

    12. Return to Kamael Village To Hierarch Kekropus(House of Elders) and if you are still level 76, you can get the 3rd profession -

    Saga of the Shillien Saint (Succession to the Legend Shillien Saint)

    The quest Succession to the Legend - Shillien Saint is taken upon reaching level 76 at Harding Private Academy (TP from Giran or Oren) from Magister Anastia(standing to the left of the entrance):

    She will send you to Goddard to the NPC Agnes (standing on the side of the magic shop):

    and she, in turn, will send to cook Duncan:

    Chef Duncan will ask you to bring him an Ice Crystal, turn to Jeremy, who is standing nearby, and do.

    We give the crystal to Duncan, receive the item from him and take it to Agnes in Goddard, she will tell you how to get to the first tablet of vision and give you Stone of Commune.

    The first Tablet of Vision is the same for all pros, it is located not far from the Tower of Insolence (travel from Aden to the entrance to the tower), turn left and run to the tablet (map in the screenshot below).

    Now we need to visit the second tablet, the second tablet for all pros is in the Valley of Saints, there are two of them, we need the one on the right side, it is more convenient to run to it from the Frozen Labyrinth through the passage that connects FL with BoS.

    At the second tablet we will be met by a bunch of angels, we need to kill them all, then the resonance amulet will drop from the last one. We are no warriors, we didn’t have a lance at hand, I dressed in a heavy weight set, took the muzzles in my hands and went to beat the angels... I fell). This was my first and last fall during the entire quest. I took white heals, buffed myself with PP, the 4th vampire, and went again. She beat the angels and was healed with a PP gun (offpati), the amulet dropped, oddly enough.

    Now we go to the third Tablet of Vision, we have it in the Border Outpost, make a traverse from Aden to Ancient battleground and run through the Outpost to the tablet.

    A monster pops out of the third tablet and must be killed. I start hitting with guns, I take out half my HP, and the mob puts debuffs on me: on the mayte, shield and guidance, in fact, all the indicators are underestimated there so that the charm can barely move his hands. Please note that if you heal SHE by someone, the mob will disappear, but the spell will not drop. The sixth time I thought of reading what was written on the debuffs, it turns out that you need to interrupt them with your own buffs: Might, Shield and Guidance, then everything will be fine, I had to put on the BV magician of the network to try and beat the mob and buff at the same time, I even brought the skills to the convenient F keys .

    But this time for some reason the mob didn’t dabafal, and I calmly killed him. We receive the amulet of resonance, talk to the tablet and go to Goddard to the guild of dark magicians to Magister Kamilen (standing to the left of the entrance).

    She urgently needed the Divine Stone of Wisdom, which can be obtained either in Ketra or in Varka, so we choose a side and go do quests. Please note that she asks you whose side you will take in the confrontation between the orcs and the goats, that is, if you go to do an alley with Varka, you need to choose the line about Varka, if with Ketra, then about Ketra.

    We do it sequentially: first the quest for the second alliance:
    with Ketra or
    with Varka
    then quest

    We get the Divine Stone of Wisdom and return to Camilen, she sends us to the fourth tablet.

    The fourth Tablet of Vision is also the same for all classes, the easiest way to get to it is to go to Ketra, turn left at the entrance and run along the road until you find the tablet.

    We return to Camilen, she will offer to either kill 700 mobs in the Shrine of Loyalty (tp from Goddard to, and from there on foot, or noble tp immediately to the lock), or go through, we are not proud, we will beat the mobs.

    We arrive at the place, we beat 700 mobs (not ourselves, of course, we ask someone, I beat her with my SH), out of 701 mobs (starting from about 695 mobs, it’s better to beat SHE herself, and she should kill the last one on her own, if anything happens something went wrong, you will be charged 20 marks of Khalisha, you will have to finish off 20 mobs again) a quest mob pops up (by the way, it’s quite frail):

    We get a resonant amulet from the mob, run to the fifth tablet, it is here, in the wall of agros, from the TP from Goddard to the left and along the left wall to the third clearing with deer, there it stands at the end:

    The fifth tablet will tell you that the last and sixth ones can be found on the way to Giants Cave, fic there, it’s easier to make a TP in Forsaken Plains (from Aden), from the TP point either above or below we run to the tablet. We are talking, a monster will come out and beat the NPC, you need to beat the mob a little, it will disappear, and the NPC will give you the last amulet for the tablet:

    We activate the tablet. Oops, that's it, we return to Harding Academy and get a third profession. Graz).

    1. Start the quest with Magsister Anastia at Hardin's Private Academy. She will send you to Goddard to Saint of Light Agnes.

    2. Travel to Goddard. Find Agnes near the stairs in Goddard. She will ask you to run to Duncan in Hot Springs and bring him the food he promised to give her to help the starving people in Goddard.

    3. Move from Priest of Dawn/Dusk in Entrance to Hot Springs Region or from the regular Gatekeeper in Entrance to the Forge of Gods. Follow the sign on the map to find Chief Duncan. He is happy to help the hungry, but he is afraid that the food may spoil on the road. Therefore, he advises you to ask Jeremy for an ice crystal.

    4. If you don’t have Cryolite yet, then go to Chief Jeremy (he is nearby) and take the quest “The Finest Ingredients, Part 1” from him. To complete the quest you need to kill 150 mobs found in Hot Springs. When completing this quest, it is advisable to cancel the quest for fish nipples, as this significantly increases the time it takes to recruit items. For completing the quest, he will give Cryolite, which must then be given to Duncan.

    5. Give the Cryolite to Duncan. We return to Goddard and talk to Agnes. She will thank you for helping those in need and give you Resonance Amulet - 1.

    6. We move to Aden. We run from the city to the place marked on the map, where we find the Tablet of Vision. Bring the amulet to her. Having received ancient knowledge, you understand that this is not the only plate. And you understand where to look for the second slab - in the Valley of Saints.

    7. Move to Rune. From there we teleport to Swamp of Screams. After going a little northwest, you will find yourself at the entrance to the Valley of Saints. Go east along the southern edge of the valley. When the road ends, below you will see a ravine and a bridge spanning it. Jump into the ravine itself and follow the arrow to the slab. Several four-winged angels live near her.

    Kill several of them until you receive Resonance Amulet – 2. Touch the resulting amulet to the stove to receive another portion of ancient knowledge. In addition, you will understand where to look for the next slab - north of the Border Outpost. Angels are social, so be careful.

    8. Teleport to Goddard, from there to Varka Silenos Stronghold. Run to the point marked on the map, there you will find the third slab. “Talk” to the stove and Fallen Angel Naverius will appear near it. You will have to kill him yourself - if someone tries to help, Naverius will immediately disappear. It's not difficult to kill him, but he can put some pretty strong debuffs on you. However, they can be easily removed with similar buffs - for example, a debuff that reduces accuracy can be removed using Guidance. By the way, they write about this in the book that they will give you at the beginning of the quest.

    Once the fallen angel dies, you will receive the third amulet. Touch it to the stove. You will receive another batch of visions, but not the position of the next slab. Only the face of Master Kamilen.

    9. Go to the Dark Elf Guild in Goddard. Talk to Magister Kamilen there. She will tell you that Agnes gave her part of the next amulet. You must bring her the missing piece - the Divine Stone of Wisdom, which can be obtained from either Varka Silenos or Ketra Orcs.

    10. To get this stone, you will need to bring your alliance with goats, sorry, silenos or orcs to the second level and complete a simple quest. Teleport to Varka Silenos Stronghold or Ketra Orcs Outpost. Talk to Messenger. Take the quest Alliance with Varka Silenos (Ketra Orcs) from him and gather a party to hunt orcs (silenos). In total you will need 400 quest items. Once you get the second level of the alliance, take the quest “Magic of Water/Fire” from Messenger. You will have to go to the village of Silenos or Orcs, talk to the main shaman there, who will ask you to steal something from the chest of the enemy shaman. Don't forget to buy a key from the store to open the chest. You need to get to the chest “undetected”. You can get to the orc village directly from Goddard - move from entering north along the road to the fork, then go much to the east and through the mountains to the north again. At the end of the mountain range, jump down and go a little more northeast to the village. You will have to make your way to the goats from Runes - from Swamp of Screams along the mountains just south of Devil Path. Return to the shaman for the Divine Stone of Wisdom. You can significantly simplify the process by purchasing 3 scrolls from the cat. 2 to teleport to allies. one to the enemies.
    those. We jump to our allies and take the task from the shaman. we jump to the enemies, open the chest, jump to the allies and report on completion.

    11. After receiving the stone, return to Camilen. She will give you Resonance Amulet - 4 and tell you where to look for the next slab.

    12. Run to the point marked on the map, where you will find a slab and orcs standing around it. You don’t have to pay attention to the latter - they don’t want to attack or speak. From the knowledge gained, it is again impossible to understand where the next slab is, so go back to Kamilen.

    13. Camilen received instructions for you from Agnes. To get the next amulet, you need to kill the Archon of Halisha, which is located in Four Sepulchers. You can also anger him by killing 700 of his pets in Shrine of the Loyal.

    14. Personally, I chose the second option and therefore do not know where to look for the archon in Four Sepulchers. Head to Shrine of the Loyal - it's on the road from Wall of Argos to Imperal Tomb. Kill Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight and Shrine Guard there. The mobs are quite simple, quest items are given for each mob, and any party member can kill. Therefore, collect a larger batch to finish this faster. Once you kill the 701st mob, Archon of Halisha will appear. You will have to kill him yourself, but even for SE it will be quite simple.

    15. After receiving the fifth amulet, go to the northwestern part of the Wall of Argos, where you will find another slab. Oddly enough, this time you realize where the next slab is.

    16. Go to Aden, from there teleport to Forsaken Plains. Then go east to the mark on the map. In the hole you will find the last slab. After “talking” with her, you find Fallen angel Tanakia and Abyss Saint Elcardia fighting nearby.

    Help Elcardia defeat the fallen angel. After a few hits he will disappear. Talk to Elcardia, she will give you the sixth amulet. Bring it to the stove to receive the last piece of ancient forbidden knowledge. This is where I ran into problems. Since I was passing with a bow (karyaga), I began to help bring down the demon with a bow. At the same time, the demon of attention paid her to me. After 2 minutes the couple simply disappeared. The help of the magician DD did not help =))). As soon as the demon’s HP became 0, the demons dissolved again. The solution turned out to be simple... you just need to BEAT WITH YOUR HANDS. =)) 4 gifts and everything is ok.

    17. Return to Hardin's Private Academy to Magister Anastia. Congratulations on your lifetime canonization.
    In addition to the title itself, you will be given 5 million adena, 2.3 million XP and the Secret Book of Giants, which is necessary for overpowering skills.

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