Comparison of characteristics of ps4 and slim. What is the difference between the regular PS4 and the Pro and Slim versions. What games are needed for PS4 PRO

Game consoles provide the opportunity to immerse yourself in exciting gameplay with high-quality graphics and sound. Sony PlayStation and Xbox share the gaming market and become the object of constant controversy among users. We looked into the advantages and disadvantages of these consoles in our previous material. Here we will tell you how the regular PS4 differs from the Pro and Slim versions.

How PS4 differs from Pro and Slim versions

The original PS4 console is an eighth-generation console; its sales started in 2013. The elegant and powerful console immediately won the hearts of customers with its power, thanks to which it became possible to play games in 1080p quality. It was distinguished from the previous generation console by significantly increased performance, good graphics performance, thanks to which the picture became even clearer, and graphics detail increased.

Three years later, an updated version of the console called PS4 Slim was released. Its difference from the original is noticeable already in appearance - the console is much thinner than its predecessor, and its design has also changed. The technical characteristics have also changed: the updated and “thinner” version of the set-top box now has an HDMI connector, a new Bluetooth standard and the ability to capture Wi-Fi at a frequency of 5 GHz.

PS4 Pro also keeps up with the original model in terms of performance and graphics. Its differences are greater power, thanks to better overclocking of the video card. Minor bugs and system errors were also removed, the console began to work more smoothly and quickly.

See also what games Sony presented at Tokyo Game Show 2018:.

In the table below you can see the similarities and differences between the three versions of consoles.

Table: comparison of Sony PlayStation 4 versions

Set-top box type PS4 PS4 Pro PS4 Slim
CPU AMD Jaguar 8-core (x86–64)AMD Jaguar 8-core (x86–64)AMD Jaguar 8-core (x86–64)
GPU AMD Radeon (1.84 TFLOPs)AMD Radeon (4.2 TFLOPs)AMD Radeon (1.84 TFLOPs)
HDD 500 GB1 TB500 GB
Possibility of streaming in 4K NoYesNo
Set-top box power 165 Watt310 Watt250 Watt
Ports AV/HDMI 1.4HDMI 2.0HDMI 1.4
USB standard USB 3.0 (x2)USB 3.0 (x3)USB 3.0 (x2)
YesYes, extendedYes
Set-top box dimensions 275x53x305 mm; weight 2.8 kg295x55x233 mm; weight 3.3 kg265x39x288 mm; weight 2.10 kg

Video: review of three versions of PS4

Find out which PS4 games are in the top 5 best-selling games: .

So, which of these three consoles should you choose? If you like speed and reliability, and don’t have to worry about saving space, then feel free to choose the original PS4. If the priority is the compactness and lightness of the console, and the almost complete absence of noise during operation and energy saving are also important, then you should opt for the PS4 Slim. And if you are used to using advanced functionality, maximum performance and compatibility with a 4K TV, support for HDR technology and many other improvements are important to you, then the most sophisticated PS4 Pro is ideal for you. Whichever of these consoles you choose, it will be extremely successful in any case.

  • Supports newer Wi-Fi, HDMI and Bluetooth formats
  • Consumes less energy
  • Became quieter than the original PlayStation 4
  • The buttons on the console itself have become mechanical
  • The console has lost audio output through optics (the only negative)


Playstation 4 Slim is quieter, consumes less power and takes up less space. In addition, it has more modern standards of communication with the world. True, it should be noted that 90% of gamers will not feel the difference between HDMI 1.4 and 2.0a, just as they will not notice that the console now supports Bluetooth 4.0 and Wi-Fi with a frequency of 5 GHz. Not many people use the optical audio output either. Significant differences remain noise, dimensions and energy consumption.

Is it worth upgrading from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 4 slim? Definitely not worth it. The difference in noise and size is not significant enough to warrant an update. And if there is space in the room and a stand for the vertical position of the console, all the difference disappears. The only thing is power consumption, if you play a lot, then when you upgrade to slim, you will save on electricity.

Thus, we have before us an improved version of the PlayStation 4, which can be recommended to those who do not have a regular PlayStation 4. However, provided that you purchase the console to play a FIFA match once or twice a week or to diversify the evening in the company of friends. Everyone else who is involved in more serious gaming should take a closer look at its older brother - the playstation 4 pro, a comparison of which with the ps4 slim is already on our website - a comparison of ps4 slim and ps4 pro.

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For anyone who wants to buy a Sony PlayStation 4 game console, today there are three current options on the market that look very similar to each other: the original PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Slim and the advanced PlayStation 4 Pro.

Do they all offer the same thing? Or maybe the “old” PlayStation 4 is worse than the thin version? People have questions, and now we will sort everything out.

What is the difference?

Sony has a little background with the PlayStation 4 Slim hitting the market. Two years after the release of the PlayStation 4, the PlayStation 4 Slim appeared on the market, which has more external rather than functional differences. Back then, the box for the new version of the PlayStation looked a little different to indicate the “new” console.

Now the newest one is - there is a difference in both appearance and performance. However, it is only most noticeable if you have a 4K TV with HDR support.

The biggest difference between the original and PS4 Slim is power consumption. The maximum energy consumption for the thin version is 165 Watts, for the original one – 250 Watts.

At the same time, PS4 Pro has twice the performance level of regular PlayStation 4.

There is also an updated version of the HDMI standard, but the difference for the user is that games that ran at 30 frames per second on the PS4 will run at a stable 60 fps on the PlayStation 4 Pro. Plus support for 4K resolution.

In addition, new and old games are appearing with “enhanced” resolution specifically for the PS4 Pro. (For example, ).

Don't forget about. For now, the difference in graphics quality is small, but later developers will create more demanding games, and here the performance of the Pro version will come in handy.

PS4, PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro specifications

Comparative table of characteristics of all versions of PlayStation 4:

VersionPS4 (2013)PS4 Slim (2016)PS4 Pro
Wed. price in Ya.MarketRUB 22,700RUB 21,300RUB 28,500
Dimensions275 x 53 x 305 mm with a weight of 2.80 kg10.43in x 11.34 x 1.54295 x 55 x 233 mm with a weight of 3.30 kg
CPUAMD Jaguar 8-core (x86-64)AMD Jaguar 8-core (x86-64)AMD Jaguar 8-core (x86-64)
GPUAMD Radeon (1.84 TFLOPs)AMD Radeon (1.84 TFLOPs)AMD Radeon (4.2 TFLOPs)
HDD500 GB500 GB1TB
PortsAV/HDMI 1.4HDMI 1.4HDMI 2.0
Power250 watt165 watt310 watt


USB standardUSB 3.0 (x2)USB 3.0 (x2)USB 3.0 (x3)
SupportYesYesYes (extended)

So what should you take?

Well, now that the difference is clear, let's summarize:

Playstation 4. This version of the console can most likely be found at a good discount or bundled with an additional controller and game (the notorious bundles). If your gaming budget is limited, this is a good option.

PlayStation 4 Slim. The thin Playstation can be found almost everywhere, and it is the best-looking of all the versions. If you like this and just want a console without additional bells and whistles, go for it.

Playstation 4 Pro. If you have a 4K TV and want the best gaming experience possible, this is the console for you. But know that in most games the difference between the regular PS4 will be minimal. At least until the arrival of new exclusive games for PlayStation 4.

Two consoles - two prices

The key intrigue of the evening of September 7 - whether the Japanese will show updated hardware - ended in victory for those who a few months ago firmly believed in conspiracy theories. Let us remember that they predicted the division of brand users into two categories: those who will remain with the classic PS4 (or its Slim version), and those who will pursue technological novelty and take the NEO version of the system. The PlayStation Meeting 2016 conference dotted all the i's.

First of all, Sony is really preparing for official the launch of a significantly thinner PlayStation 4. It is scheduled for September 15 and will give gamers the opportunity to see firsthand how right those video bloggers were who had already purchased the “gray” version of the new product. In short: yes, the console no longer has touch buttons, it's cheaper ($299 MSRP), and it doesn't have an optical audio output.

The situation with the PlayStation 4 Pro is much more interesting - the same NEO version, rumors about which have not left the front pages of the world's media for several months in a row. According to Mark Cerny (famous developer and chief ideologist of PS4. - Note Life), Sony is in no way going to destroy the console everyone is used to, but wants to provide tech geeks with the opportunity to experience their favorite video games in maximum resolution.

However, not everything is so simple. The Pro version of PS4 is onlysupports output images in Ultra HD. The decision to use it still remains with the developers. If they want, the project will feature 4K and HDR lighting. If not, then all that remains for gamers is to be content with the standard 1080p/60fps combination.

  • launch in 4K, but with optimal fps and graphics quality for this resolution;
  • classic 1080p with floating FPS in the range from 45 to 60 frames per second;
  • the highest possible picture quality combined with 30 frames per second and 1080p resolution.

The example of Lara Croft clearly shows that Sony invited developers to implement performance settings in their products. Ten years ago, this was considered an unprecedented audacity by console standards.

Further more. With existing games the situation is even more unclear. It is already known that some exclusives will be patched in order to meet the “high” quality standards set by the Pro console. At the time of writing, at least one super hit appeared on this list - "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End." Among the games that have not yet been released, support for all the “goodies” of the system is announced in Mass Effect: Andromeda, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, as well as in the zombie epic Days Gone.

As a number of sources note, this situation became possible for two reasons. Firstly, Sony has significantly refused to create games exclusive to PS4 Pro. Secondly, due to the lack of a technological leap as such. PS4 Pro differs from the regular version of the console exclusively in a more powerful graphics processor and an accelerated central one. Otherwise, the average user is unlikely to find any significant difference between the two devices. Unless, of course, you count a strange move on Sony's part: unlike the PS4 Slim, the Pro console has an optical audio output, but cannot play 4K movies on Blu-Ray media. Why? . At least the price is pleasing: $399. Exactly the same amount as they asked for PS4 at launch. In Russia, however, they will ask for a considerable 34,999 rubles for the console.

An interesting detail: despite the fact that at PS Meeting 2016 they talked primarily about Slim and Pro versions, it became known not so long ago that what and regular PS4 will not be left without HDR support . The corresponding technology will be added with new firmware, which, according to preliminary data, should appear next week


There was also an updated line of peripheral devices. In addition to the externally changed PS camera, at least two interesting devices were presented on the conference stage.

The new version of the iconic controller received another LED. Located on the touch panel, it, as conceived by the authors, should help gamers more accurately track their character’s health indicators. Glows green - everything is fine. Flashed red - someone will soon go to the Game Over screen.

The proprietary wireless stereo headset boasts support for Sony 3D Audio technology, as well as 7.1 audio. For reference: this is one of the cheapest ways to get high-quality headphones for your favorite console.


However, any console is worthless if it doesn’t have interesting video games. On stage at PlayStation Meeting 2016, many remarkable projects were shown that can interest the widest audience. And everything is in 4K.

Mass Effect Andromeda

Electronic Arts brought to New York a gameplay demonstration of the long-awaited action role-playing game in the Bioware universe.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Few were surprised that Sony decided to show off the power of the PS4 Pro with an exclusive from its internal studio. It looks absolutely wonderful. Release - March 1, 2017.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Once upon a time, the new adventures of the forever young Lara Croft were considered one of the main trump cards up Microsoft's sleeve. Those days are gone. Rise of the Tomb Raider is not only coming to PS4 Pro, but will also receive Ultra HD support. What is not a reason for joy?

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

The series from Activision has long been notorious among gamers, which, however, does not prevent the publisher from selling millions of discs every year. Infinite Warfare will almost certainly suffer the same fate. Well, and support for PS4 Pro, of course.

Instead of an afterword

After PlayStation Meeting 2016, it became clear that the classic console industry had come to an end. Sony and Microsoft have erased the boundaries of generations and offered gamers a system in which the device can receive several intermediate versions. Is it good? Only time will tell.

Like all young people, from time to time I enjoy spending an hour or two playing games. I try not to get too carried away with this - there are still more important and useful activities. Nevertheless, about once a week I spend an evening playing a good game, which I carefully select from everything that the gaming industry offers. The most important rule: no online games, only high-quality single-player games with a good story and setting.

For a long time I played only on a PC, but I realized that it was much more convenient to do this on a game console: you can sit comfortably in a chair or on a sofa and enjoy the game on the big screen. Buying a console was a matter of time. Choosing between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 was the easiest part of selecting a contender for the place under the TV. Of course, the choice fell on PS4. And the reason for this was that many more exclusives were released on this console than on the competing one, and even these exclusives were of the highest quality. This is the entire Uncharted series, which, despite the fact that it was released on PlayStation 3, can also be played on PS4 - the developers have released an edition for the new console. This is BloodBorne, and Ni Oh, and Shadow of The Colossus, and Horizon Zero Dawn and, of course, God of War - all these and other platform exclusives did not leave the slightest chance for a competitor.

It was not so easy to choose further. The thing is that Sony released in one generation not one console, as it was before, but two. There is both a regular PS4 on sale, albeit in a thinner case and with the suffix “slim” in the name, and a more charged version called PlayStation 4 pro. On paper, everything looked in favor of the ps4 pro: the console is twice as powerful, and that says it all. But the question arose: “If it is twice as powerful, then how can the same games run on both ps4 slim and ps4 pro?” It was logical to assume that games look twice as bad on PS4 slim. As it turned out later, everything is far from so simple.

After watching dozens of reviews and comparisons, I decided to see for myself. To do this, I ordered both consoles for rental. After connecting the consoles to my TV, by the way, I have it with a 4K resolution and HDR10 support, I started looking at the textures. I’ve never done anything like this, but whatever you do to make the right choice. What conclusion did I ultimately come to? Yes, there is a difference in graphics quality between ps4 slim and ps4 pro. But when you sit two to two and a half meters away from the TV, the difference is almost unnoticeable. And in some games it doesn't exist at all. So why pay extra for a clever marketing ploy? As a result, I bought a PS4 slim, and with the money I saved I got three cool exclusives, which I spent dozens of wonderful gaming evenings with.

Personal experience of Alexander Tarasenko ( [email protected])

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