How to dress for WoW Legion raids, weapons and legendary items. How to dress a character in WoW: Legion? Hotfixes. Video Obtaining Artifact Power

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In Legion, the developers have implemented a new approach to collecting equipment, according to which items of the same (including the highest possible) level can be obtained in different ways. Below are the different types of gear that can be obtained immediately after the expansion, before the Mythic Expanded dungeons and the Emerald Nightmare raid open.

Features of equipment in the Legion

In Legion, players do not have to choose one activity to obtain a certain level of equipment. In other words, they will be able to get maximum level equipment no matter what they do. Within a few weeks after the expansion's release, the maximum equipment level will be 850. In the future, it will increase to 895.

An item with a level of +10 to the base is considered battle-hardened. An item with a level of +15 or higher is considered titan-hardened. For example, if you like to complete quests alone, you can get a Titan Tempered item from a world quest without having to go into a Mythic dungeon.

In Legion, the choice of equipment depends less on the character's specialization and role. The main characteristics change when you change specialization. Rings and amulets do not have primary characteristics (except for stamina), only secondary ones. This way they suit all characters.

Legion's personalized loot system has been significantly improved. Once you receive an item with a level equal to the level of the item you received previously, you can give it to other raid members.

Relic mechanics

There is a complete lack of new weapons in Legion. Instead, characters use artifacts, obtaining relics as loot. Relics increase the level of artifact weapons and add new properties to them. Each weapon has a unique set of relic slots related to its overall theme - for example, using fel relics.

Relics can be battle-hardened or titan-hardened. The best basic relics can be obtained from Mythic dungeons. They increase the artifact's power by 40 units. and more (in the case of hardened relics).

More information about relics and their types can be found in.

Mythic Dungeons (840-850)

With the release of Legion, 10 dungeons appeared in the game; 8 of them can be visited without prior preparation (in normal and heroic mode). To visit the Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars, you need to level up your reputation with (8000/12000 Revered).

In normal mode, you can get level 805 equipment, in heroic mode - level 825, in Mythic mode - level 840. These items can be Battleforged or Titanforged.

A Heroic Dungeon requires level 810 to enter a Heroic Dungeon via Finder. Mythic Dungeons are updated once a week and are manually grouped.

The Quarter of Stars and the Catacombs of Suramar are only available after leveling up your reputation and only in Mythic mode. These dungeons offer two-piece sets with additional bonuses. An example is the Legion March, which enhances attacks against demons.

A complete list of loot and tactics for all bosses can be found in.

World quests (805-850)

World quests are designed for characters of the maximum level. Tasks and rewards may vary. World quests can be obtained at level 110, after completing Alliance of Factions.

These quest objectives are scattered across the Broken Isles. These include killing regular and elite monsters, fighting pets, crafting items, and fighting other players.

The minimum level of items received as rewards for world quests is 805. As the level of equipment increases, the level of the reward also increases.

As a reward, you can receive any piece of equipment, including relics; the type of reward does not depend on the purpose of the task. The reward level increases as the character's current equipment level increases, so world quests will not lose their relevance.

By completing more difficult tasks, you can get a more valuable reward. For example, killing a rare elite monster as part of a group will have a better reward than killing a jailer and freeing 10 hostages. For example, if the average equipment level is 818, for the first task you will receive a level 835 item, and for the second - level 820-835.

There are also world quests that require you to visit a dungeon to kill a special monster and the final boss. The reward for this quest is items from the loot list from the bosses of the same dungeon. In the previous expansion, loot from bosses could also be obtained as a reward for completing quests. Of course, if you need a specific item, this method is extremely unreliable.

How to change item characteristics

Changing the characteristics of items is carried out according to the same scheme as in Draenor. Enchantments and stones work as before. The exception is enchantments for weapons (Draenor enchantments work for weapons level 749 and lower, and there are no new ones in the Legion).

Thus, in Legion you can enchant three types of items: amulets, cloaks and rings. There are also enchantments for shoulder pads and gloves, but they only help with professions and do not affect combat performance.

After the abolition of garrisons, players are forced to turn to the services of enchanters. Recipes can be obtained by completing various tasks.

Equipment obtained from dungeon bosses, raid bosses, and world bosses, as well as as rewards for completing quests, may have a small chance of containing stone sockets. Rings and amulets made by jewelers always have sockets.

Jewelers can also complete the quest With Love in Dalaran and create stones with a +200 bonus to the main stat. These stones are extremely useful.

The developers of Blizzard Entertainment have decided to expand all sorts of ways to obtain high-level and maximum-level equipment in their new addition to WoW - Legion.

The first raid of the expansion and keys to Mythic dungeons are about to open, for which you will need a high level of items. Below we will look at the most effective and fastest methods for obtaining equipment.

A new word in equipment

From now on, players will no longer have to choose a specific type of activity (profession, dungeons or reputation), so that after spending some time on it, they will dress up nicely. Wandering around the world and killing monsters, completing local quests, looking into Instagram and engaging in a profession - now getting epic armor has become easier and more interesting than ever.

Moreover, any item that initially (in the dungeon atlas, for example) had an equipment level of 805 can be randomly raised to a higher rank.

So, for increasing the 5th level of an item, a dice is rolled, and if the result is positive, your item increases from 805 to 810.

This can continue until 850 - as long as your luck lasts. Of course, this does not mean that at first you will be able to immediately reach the maximum level of items.

It often happens that fortune changes you and no armor increases occur.

The characteristics of all items are adjusted to your specialization. Rings and necklaces generally lost their main characteristics (except for stamina), increasing only the hero’s secondary skills (speed, versatility, and so on).

Plus, in dungeons and raids you can now easily transfer an item you don’t need to other group members. It is enough that the item is not better than what you are wearing at the moment.

And artifact weapons

In Legion, players no longer have to worry about choosing weapons. Now each specialization at the beginning of its journey receives an artifact weapon - a famous cannon, which has several appearances and which must be improved throughout the game by choosing talents and inserting relics.

But this does not mean that the level of the weapon item now does not need to be monitored. Initially it is equal to 815, but in the process it can be raised to the maximum value provided by the addon.

This is influenced by the so-called relics, which also have their own item level value.

By inserting a slightly better relic, you will increase the overall level of the artifact item. In addition, each of the relics enhances one or another talent (indicated in the description).

Legendary items

Legendary items have received a major overhaul in Legion. From now on, for this type of armor you do not need to complete a long chain of quests, or kill the main boss of the addon.

There are eight legendary items for each specialization, with rings and necks shared between similar classes (Cat Druid, Rogue, and Demon Hunter, as examples).

The level of the legendary item is always 895 - the maximum value at the moment, surpassing even the items from the Emerald Nightmare Mythic raid. Moreover, such an item provides certain bonuses that increase your abilities.

With the release of the Night Citadel, the game will have the opportunity to upgrade all of its legendary items to ilvl 940. We explain what needs to be done.

Details about the improvement of legendary items in update 7.1.5

Since the release of Update 7.1.5, players have often asked us questions about the new upgrade system for legendary items in the Nighthold and how to use it. We wanted to bring you up to speed and tell you what to expect next week.

When the Nighthold opens its doors, players who have managed to obtain at least one Legendary item from Legion will be able to receive a special quest in Dalaran. This quest will allow you to increase the level of a legendary item from 910 to 940. To complete the task, you have to collect the essence of Aman'tula. The necessary items can be obtained in different ways:

  • for defeating the bosses of the Night Citadel raid;
  • from weekly treasure chests obtained by completing Mythic dungeons opened with a key;
  • from messenger bags;
  • for completing weekly PvP tasks.
After completing the task, you will receive distilled titanium essence, with which you can increase the level of the legendary item to 940 (the essence is absorbed). This quest can be completed repeatedly, so you will have the opportunity to obtain enough distilled titanium essence to upgrade all items.

In addition, all new Legendary items that players will be able to obtain when the Nighthold is released will initially have a base level of 940. Please note that these changes will not affect items that can be obtained from players' existing Envoy Bags. Players may only be able to obtain new level 940 Legendary items from bags obtained after opening the Nighthold.

Dress your character and prepare him for raids in Legion, as before, can be done in many ways. However, many aspects related to loot have been changed or developed. On the other hand, luck in the form of “hardened” items and random drops of legendaries now has an even stronger impact on how quickly you can earn brand new epics. In this guide, we will talk about all the possible ways to equip a new level 110 character so that he is ready for raids.

Important gear changes in Legion

IN Legion, upon receiving any piece of equipment, the level of this item can be instantly increased, as was the case, for example, with items from PvP chests in Warlords of Draenor. Now this mechanic works for almost all obtained items, regardless of the method of obtaining them. In the first few weeks Legion the maximum level of items will be 850 . Later this cap will be increased to 895 .

If an item is 15 levels higher than its base version, it will be marked as “battleforged.” If you are lucky, and the improvement is even more useful, then such an item will be marked as “tempered by titans.” Yes, this means that even completing a World Quest can give you an item of the same level as the Mythic difficulty dungeon.


Item Level: 810-840

IN Legion 10 dungeons, 8 of which are available immediately and without preliminary tasks.

The formula for normal and heroic difficulty dungeons remains the same as in previous expansions: kill mobs, get loot, equip your character. Mythic+ dungeons in Legion came to replace tests from Warlords of Draenor and are positioned as an alternative to raiding.

To queue for heroic you will need 810 average level of all subjects.

Dungeon item levels:

    Normal difficulty - 730-760

    Heroic Difficulty - 825

    Mythic difficulty - 840

All loot dropped in dungeons may be "Battleforged" or "Titanforged".

Craft items

Item Level: 815-850

Although the professions were reworked into Legion, they remain a good way to dress at the start of an expansion.

It is important to note that characters no longer have a limit on the number of craftable items they can carry. Crafted items can no longer be Battleforged or Titanforged, but can be upgraded with the Forge of Annihilation up to level 850.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the necklaces that jewelers make: they have a slot for a stone, as well as a benefit for your specialization. Crafted relics have a level of 805 and cannot be upgraded using Annihilate.

Good crafting items in Legion start with 815 level.

Class strongholds

Item Level: 810-840

The Class Hall set consists of 8 pieces and can be obtained by completing various content in Legion. All this content can be completed independently (more on this below.) Items initially have levels from 810 before 850 , but can be improved to 840 (except for the shoulders, which are already 850 level), which is quite enough for the first raid.

Class Hall item levels:

    810 : Helmet, bracers, belt

    820 : Gloves, pants

    820 : Gloves, pants

    840 : Boots

    850 : Shoulders

How to get Class Hall items:

    Helmet- Reach level 110 and turn in the quest in the Class Hall.

    Bracers- Recruit 6 champions for the Class Hall. You will unlock new champions as you complete stronghold missions.

    Gloves- Gain Respect with the Darkened faction.

    Trousers- Kill the main bosses in eight dungeons Legion. Any difficulty level is suitable.

    Boots- Gain Revered with two Broken Isles factions.

    Breast- Complete all Class Hall campaign missions.

    Belt- Earn 100,000 Artifact Power.

    Shoulders- Get Exalted with the Darkened faction.

Cost of upgrading Class Hall items:

    Before 820 : 500 Stronghold Resources

    WITH 820 before 830 : 1000 Stronghold Resources

    WITH 830 before 840 : 2000 Stronghold Resources

World bosses

Item Level: 850

IN Legion added 11 new world bosses that will be available while their associated world quests are active. Having defeated such a boss, in addition to loot, you will receive a reward for the local quest itself (changes every week), which includes Stronghold Resources, Artifact Power and gold.

Before the opening of raids, loot from world bosses will have 850 level, and after opening - 860 .

What items drop from world bosses in Legion:

  • - Boots

    — Bracers

    - Gloves

    - Shoulders

    - Gloves

Equipment for reputation

Item Level: 820-850

All factions sell equipment items. If you have achieved respect with a faction, you will be able to buy level 820 equipment. Being exalted with a faction will give you the opportunity to buy level 850 items.

Nightfallen, equipment for reputation:

820 Belt (fabric)
840 Necklace

Valarjara, equipment for reputation:

820 Helmet (chainmail)
850 Pants (armor)

Guardians, equipment for reputation.

Most gamers begin to think that it would be a good idea to increase the characteristics of the equipment and items at their disposal only when their characters are already maximally pumped up. The fact is that improved things add bonuses to the hero's characteristics. In addition, such items have a significant impact on the character's survivability and DPS. Therefore, it is imperative to improve the characteristics of items. To improve equipment and items in the game, use several fairly common and simple methods, which are given below.

Gemming, or stone inlay

In WOW there are a lot of different items, mostly of the highest level, that is, those that have cells. In the latter, you can encrust gemstones, that is, precious stones with magical properties. These stones will provide additional bonuses. The most important thing in this matter is to correctly insert the gems into the correct sockets, since there are different types of sockets - just like different types of stones. In general, after such an improvement, your hero will receive the following bonuses: to a critical hit; to intelligence; the time required to restore mana will decrease; it will take less time to restore health; moving speed increases and so on.

It should be noted that inlay is one of the most effective methods of improving the characteristics of items, but in order to implement it, you must have quite a lot of gold coins.

Enchanting, or enchanting in World of Warcraft

Another popular way to improve things is enchanting. Once the required stones are inserted into the correct slots, you can switch to enchanting items. There are many enchantments in the game, and they are all distributed between items and levels and character classes. You can enchant almost everything - weapons, uniforms and other things that you need.

Reforging things in wow

If you decide to use this method of improving items, such as reforging them, you definitely need to very carefully watch how one stat moves to another, while maintaining the proper priority of statistics between the talent tree and the class of your hero.

Upgrading items using professions

As you know, in the WOW game world there are many different professions - both basic and additional - that characters can master. Basically, anyone who has already become a master of their craft can make all sorts of items designed to enhance and improve the characteristics of the hero who uses or wears them.

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