Death Knight Guide Legion 7.0 3. Class changes in the Legion add-on: death knight. Macros for Death Knight "Blood"

The Frost specialization, which now only requires one-handed weapons, allows its owner to deal reasonable damage to one or more targets. Frost is currently on par with Unholy. The distinctive features of Frost DK are its predictable style of play and simplified rotation.

The Frost Death Knight Guide is current for World of Warcraft Legion 7.2. Here's everything you need to know to effectively complete Mythic Expanded raids and dungeons.

List of changes to the guide (03/30/2017):

  • Enchantments, Food and Consumables: Added recommendation for using peer.
  • Artifact: Added artifact development path for patch 7.2.
  • Equipment: Legendary item ratings have been updated to reflect changes in patch 7.2.
  • Introduction: Added list of changes for patch 7.2.

Changes in patch 7.2

  • Artifact talents have been reworked. By investing 35 points in development, the player gains access to new talents (Fortitude of the Ebon Blade, Runic Frost, Runic Chill, Thronebreaker and Legion's Bane's Coherence). An additional (fourth) rank has been added to all old talents.
  • The strength of the black martyr was weakened.

Changes in patch 7.1.5

  • Many talents (Breath of Sindragosa, Power of Abomination, Frosty Haze, Horn of Winter) have been buffed. None of them were weakened.

Compared to Warlords of Draenor, the Frost specialization has changed significantly. While there are some similarities in play style, many key mechanics have been reworked, including:

  • The rune system has been significantly simplified (all runes now belong to the same type, each of them is recharged individually).
  • Frost DKs can only carry one-handed weapons.
  • The Runic Enhancement ability has become passive and is now the only means of accelerating the rune regeneration process.
  • Presence of Ice, Presence of Blood, and Presence of Unholy have been removed from the game.
  • Blood Plague has also been removed from the game, and Chill can now only be applied using Howling Wind.
  • In addition, spells such as Soul Reaper, Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Blood Boil, Death and Decay, and Army of the Dead have been removed from the game.
  • Frost now also increases the damage dealt by Howling Wind.
  • The Killing Machine can now trigger from a critical hit with a basic attack (previously from a normal basic attack).

2. Advantages and disadvantages


  • Good AoE damage
  • Strong peak AoE damage


  • Low mobility (one of the slowest specializations in the game)
  • No unique raid bonuses

3. Brief guide

3.1. Basics

FDCs are melee fighters who use one-handed weapons and deal strong AoE damage. Their playing style is quite simple and quite accessible to beginners.

The main goal is to generate as much runic power as possible and make sure that two important effects are triggered - Frost and Killing Machine.

3.2. Talent Selection

Breath of Sindragosa

  • Level 56: Deadly Efficiency
  • Level 57: Horn of Winter
  • Level 58: Hungering Rune Weapon
  • Level 60: any
  • Level 75: any
  • Level 90: Harbinger of a Storm
  • Level 100: Breath of Sindragosa

If you plan to use the playstyle, also known as the "machine gun" playstyle, distribute your talents as follows:

  • Level 56: Ice Claws
  • Level 57: Cold Waves
  • Level 58: Avalanche
  • Level 60: any
  • Level 75: any
  • Level 90: Runic Fade (one or 2-3 targets) or Frost Scythe (strong AoE)
  • Level 100: Havoc (one or 2-3 targets) or Glacial Onslaught (strong AoE)

3.2.1. Breath of Sindragosa

If you chose Breath of Sindragosa as your tier seven talent, use the following build:

  • Level 56: Deadly Efficiency
  • Level 57: Horn of Winter
  • Level 58: Hungering Rune Weapon
  • Level 60: Blinding Frost
  • Level 75: depends on the type of battle
  • Level 90: Harbinger of a Storm
  • Level 100: Breath of Sindragosa

3.2. Characteristics

If you chose Breath of Sindragosa as your tier seven talent, your stat priority is as follows:

  1. Critical hit (up to 25%)
  2. Speed ​​(up to 20%)
  3. Critical hit
  4. Versatility = Speed ​​= Mastery

If you prefer the machine gun playstyle, the stat priority looks like this:

  1. Speed ​​(up to 20%)
  2. Critical hit (up to 25%)
  3. Versatility
  4. Critical Strike >= Speed ​​(up to 30% speed)
  5. Mastery
  6. Speed

3.3. Basic Rotation

Breath of Sindragosa

  1. Support Chill targets with Howling Wind.
  2. Use Ice Onslaught.
  3. Use Winter's Relentlessness.
  4. Use Ice Scythe.
  5. Use Ice Strike Runic Empowerment.

3.4. Cooldowns

  • Ice pillar
  • Runic Weapon Enhancement
  • Fury of Sindragosa

4. Frost DK abilities

This section is intended for those who have just begun to master the specialization. In it we will look at all the available abilities and talk about how they interact with important cooldowns. If you have been familiar with the specialization for a long time and feel comfortable in combat, you can move on to reading other sections.

4.1. Key Resources

The main resources for the Ice specialization are runes and runic power. During the battle, you must actively spend runes, generating runic power. Thanks to this, you can deal maximum damage.

4.2. Basic Abilities

These abilities always remain the same, regardless of the choice of talents.

Tier 4 talents (level 60)

  • The power of the abomination allows you to stun weak enemies (not bosses!) with the help of Destruction. The stun lasts 2 seconds. If the target is a player, they will receive a dizzy effect.
  • Blinding Frost is an active ability with a 1-minute cooldown. Unleashes a frontal cone attack that disorients enemies hit for 4 seconds. If the target takes damage, the effect may disappear.
  • Winter Is Close stuns enemies hit by 5 Winter's Relentlessness while Pillar of Ice is active. Stun duration is 4 seconds.

Talents in this tier are purely for control and do not increase damage done, so you need to choose the one that best suits your current circumstances.

Tier 6 talents (level 90)

  • Ice Scythe is an active ability that costs 1 rune and deals ice damage to all enemies in front of the character. Ice Scythe benefits from Killing Machine in the same way as Obliterate. Frost Scythe's critical hits deal 4x damage.
  • Runic decay restores 1 unit. runic power for each basic attack made.
  • Harbinger of the Storm increases the damage per rune spent while Winter's Relent is active by 15% and extends its duration by 0.5 sec.

If you're using Breath of Sindragosa as your Tier 7 talent, your only option is Stormbringer. An exception is made for those who have just started playing with this talent. They are advised to use Runic Decay. It simplifies the process a little, but gives a smaller damage increase than Harbinger.

If you choose a machine gun playstyle, use Runic Fade in fights with one or 2-3 targets and Ice Scythe in fights with many targets.

Tier 7 talents (level 100)

  • Destruction is an active ability with a cooldown of 1.5 minutes. Within 8 sec. Each Frost Strike that hits a target triggers Killing Machine, and Obliterate costs 1 less rune.
  • Breath of Sindragosa is an active ability with a 2-minute cooldown. When channeled, the spell costs 15 units. runic power per second Lasts until canceled or until the runic power runs out. Breath of Sindragosa deals Shadow Ice damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Glacial Onslaught is an active ability with a 15 sec cooldown. Summons spikes from the ground that deal ice damage to all enemies in the affected area.

This talent pairs naturally with Breath of Sindragosa.

If you prefer the machine gun playstyle, choose between Havoc (one or 2-3 targets) and Frost Onslaught (multiple targets).

6. Selecting talents and relics for the Artifact

The first stage of artifact development for a Frost death knight is quite simple.

After this, you need to distribute the remaining points in the following order:

  1. Ice in Veins and Frozen Skin (in any order)

Relic Selection

When choosing a relic, always be guided by the level of the item, regardless of the bonuses it provides. When choosing between two relics of the same level, follow the list of priorities below:

If you prefer a machine gun playstyle, your talent priority looks like this:

7. Rotation for Frost DK in the Legion

Rotation with Breath of Sindragosa

This rotation assumes that you are using Breath of Sindragosa as a tier 7 talent in combination with Killing Efficiency , Horn of Winter , Hungering Rune Weapon , and Harbinger of the Storm .

This rotation represents the cycle leading up to the use of Breath of Sindragosa, as well as the order in which abilities are used while it is active.

  1. Support Chill targets with Howling Wind , but only if they live longer than 6 seconds.
  2. Use Ice Onslaught.
  3. Use Winter's Relentlessness, if targets live longer than 6 seconds.
  4. Use Ice Scythe.
  5. Use Frost Strike to have a chance to trigger Runic Empowerment.

8. Using cooldowns

The Frost Death Knight has 2 main cooldowns for dealing damage. In addition, he has an active artifact ability. Below we explain how to use them with maximum efficiency.

  • The ice pillar is used on a cooldown, in combination with potions and accessory effects. Helps deal increased damage at the right moments.
  • Strengthening runic weapons should be used as often as possible, trying to avoid losing resources.
  • Sindragosa's Fury should also be used as often as possible. Ideally, Fury should be directed against several targets, but it is quite acceptable to hit one target with it.

Details about these cooldowns and cooldowns obtained through talents can be read in the corresponding section.

9. How to play a Frost Death Knight

The information presented in the previous sections will allow you to play the Ice specialization at a fairly high level. However, there are some subtle mechanics that we haven't mentioned yet.

9.1. Runes and runic power

Death knights use two resources - runes and runic power. Their mechanics are quite simple, but we will still dwell on them for the sake of completeness of the guide.

9.1.1. Runes

The Death Knight has 6 runes, all of which are available by default. Some abilities consume runes; after using such abilities, the runes immediately begin to recharge. The recharge speed of runes depends on the speed rating of the character himself.

For each rune consumed, the death knight receives 10 units. runic powers (see next section).

At any given time, you can recharge up to three runes. Thus, to recharge as quickly as possible, you should always spend at least three runes.

9.1.2. Rune power

The power of runes is much like rage. It fades away outside of combat, but does not fade away in combat. As mentioned above, when consuming a rune, the death knight receives 10 units. rune powers. In addition, there are abilities that allow you to replenish the power of runes. The maximum power reserve of runes is 100 units.

9.2. Two-handed or two one-handed?

While Frost death knights were originally able to wield either one-handed or two-handed weapons, most of their abilities are currently only active while wielding two one-handed weapons. Thus, the style of play with two-handed weapons can be confidently considered obsolete.

9.3. Mastery: Heart of Ice

9.6.2. Runic Weapon Enhancement

Breath of Sindragosa

  1. Force
  2. Critical hit (up to 25%)
  3. Speed ​​(up to 20%)
  4. Critical hit
  5. Versatility = Speed ​​= Mastery

"Machine gun"

  1. Force
  2. Speed ​​(up to 20%)
  3. Critical hit (up to 25%)
  4. Versatility
  5. Critical Strike >= Speed ​​(up to 30% speed)
  6. Mastery
  7. Speed

The limit values ​​are not very accurate, so we recommend running a simulation on your character.

The priority was based on common sense, in-game tests and calculations made using Simulation Craft.

Force- this is the primary characteristic. When changing items of equipment, pay attention first of all to strength indicators. Strength gives you attack power, which determines the amount of damage your abilities deal.

Speed increases the number of Killing Machine triggers and the speed of rune replenishment.

It is important to remember that critical hits dealt while under the effect of Killing Machine will devalue your critical strike rating.

Additionally, you can use the Legion Rune: Corrupted Augment Rune. It should be noted that this rune now also works in Expanded Mythic dungeons.

14. Macros

14.1. Common Macros for Death Knights

14.1.1. Resurrection of an ally

  • #showtooltip Raise Ally
  • /cast [@mouseover,help][@target]Raise Ally

Aggramar's Tread cannot compete with all of the above items.

The wife's icy heart is currently uncompetitive.

18. Competitors in the division of production

In addition to other Frost Death Knights, you'll also have to compete with the following classes for loot.

The Death Knight is the first class we've added to World of Warcraft since launch. Their characteristics are inextricably linked with the plot of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The Death Knights of Acherus, whose cold remains were raised from the grave in the Scarlet Enclave, were to, at the behest of the Lich King and Highlord Darion Mograine, slaughter all the inhabitants of the Hand of Tyr, New Avalon and the Stilllands and attack Light's Hope Chapel, destroying both the Scarlet Crusade, so is the Silver Dawn.

Driven by his own ambitions, Highlord Mograine betrayed the Lich King, freeing the death knights from slavery. Under the leadership of Mograine, a new order arose. The Knights of the Ebon Blade, as they called themselves, began to join the Horde and the Alliance with the goal of storming Icecrown Citadel and ending Arthas' rule forever. Even freed from the will of the Lich King, these once noble heroes remain Knights of Darkness, feeding on the life force of their opponents and wielding rune swords that bring death and destruction.

The history of the formation of death knights completely determines their playstyle. However, there are some aspects we want to improve - most notably their resource system. Runes are a unique resource and are uniquely associated with death knights, but the principle of their use has always been too unobvious. In the Legion expansion, managing runes will become much easier, because their division into types will disappear: blood, ice and unholy runes will be a thing of the past. Death knights will now have six universal runes, three of which can be restored at a time.

This change required us to slightly change the operation of the main abilities and the cost of resources for them in order to maintain the familiar gameplay. With the change to the rune system, we don't want the Ice Knight rotation to consist of just Obliterate. We will also reduce the number of abilities available regardless of specialization: each specialization will now have one disease with a unique effect, and talents will become more narrowly focused.


Death knights who choose this path experience an irresistible craving for the blood of the living. They dissect the bodies of their victims, drain the life energy from them, and use their torn remains for their own defense. Moral standards do not matter when you are in the forefront and you need to stop the enemy’s pressure.

Moral standards do not matter when you are in the forefront and you need to stop the enemy’s pressure.

Game process

We've kept the core abilities, but tweaked them slightly to better suit the specialization. Each core ability now fits neatly into the image of a lord of blood and bone, whose task is to survive in any circumstances. In particular, Death Strike now requires Runic Power, a resource that is much easier to use than runes. Now the player will not be deprived of the opportunity to receive treatment if he accidentally uses the right rune, and the accumulation of rune power will become more important.

The main active ability for defense will no longer be “Rune Capture”, but “Bone Shield”, which fits better into the image and is generally a more interesting ability. Spine Shatter is a new attack that allows the player to periodically renew their Bone Shield. To provide more variety in gameplay after eliminating different types of runes, Bloody Strike now allows you to accumulate additional runic power (beyond that accumulated by using runes).

To give you an idea of ​​how Blood Death Knights will perform in combat, here's a quick look at their main combat abilities.

  • Bloody Strike
    • An instant strike that deals moderate physical damage to the enemy and infects the victim with the Blood Plague.
    • The Death Knight gains an additional 10 units. rune powers.
    • Blood Plague
      • A disease that deals minor Shadow damage and restores the Death Knight for 1% of his maximum health every 3 sec. within 30 sec.
  • Ridge crushing
    • The Death Knight strikes the target, dealing heavy physical damage and generating 3 charges of Bone Shield.
    • Bone Shield
      • Swirling bones surround the death knight, reducing damage taken by 25%. Each damaging attack consumes one charge. The shield lasts 30 seconds. or until all charges are used up.
  • Death Strike
    • Costs: 40 units. runic powers, range: melee, applied instantly.
    • The Death Knight focuses his dark power and strikes, dealing heavy physical damage and healing him for 50% of all damage taken in the last 6 sec. (minimum 7% of maximum health).
    • If the death knight has less than 35% health remaining when this ability is used, all runic power is consumed and the healing effect is enhanced.
  • Mastery: Blood Shield
    • When a Death Knight is healed by Death Strike, they are given a shield that absorbs damage equal to 40% of the base amount of health healed (based on the Mastery bonus from gear).
    • Also increases the death knight's attack power by 20% (depending on the Mastery bonus from equipment).
  • Death and Decay
    • The Death Knight corrupts the target area, dealing moderate Shadow damage to all enemies within the area over 10 sec. The Death Knight's Bloody Strikes in the area affect all nearby enemies.
  • Scarlet Scourge
    • Passive ability
    • Successful auto attacks against targets infected with Blood Plague have a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of Death and Decay.
  • Storm of Bones
    • Costs: 15 units. runic power per second, applied instantly, cooldown: 1 min.
    • A whirlwind of bones and blood every 3 sec. Inflicts minor Shadow damage to nearby enemies, healing the Death Knight for 1% of his maximum health each time.


Some death knights are equally skilled with a blade and command a supernatural cold that binds enemies and breaks their will to win. Unlike the magicians who study the wisdom of ice spells, they themselves are born of these spells, and their decaying hearts are covered with frost. In battle, these long-deprived warriors fiercely wield two blades and strike with deathly cold all who dare to challenge them.

These knights are born of the spell of ice, and their decaying hearts are covered with frost.

Game process

The mechanics of the Frost specialization are quite good and do not need major changes. All of the basic abilities listed below will likely be familiar to you. The only thing we would like to improve is the impact of the Killing Machine passive on the base rotation. The guaranteed critical hits this ability provides is a useful bonus, but players often ignored it in order to spend all their resources as quickly as possible, since the resulting damage drops if they have to wait for the cooldown of the rune needed for Obliterate or Frost Strike. The Killing Machine ability now only affects Destruction, making thoughtful use of its effect more rewarding.

Below is a quick overview of the main combat abilities of the Frost specialization.

  • Howling wind
    • Cost: 1 rune, range: 30 m, applied instantly.
    • An icy wind sweeps through the target and other enemies within 10 yards of the target, dealing minor Frost damage and inflicting Chill on all targets hit.
    • Chills
      • A disease that occurs every 3 sec. within 30 sec. deals minor frost damage and restores 5 units to the death knight. rune powers.
  • Destruction
    • Costs: 2 runes, range: melee, applied instantly.
    • A brutal attack with both blades that deals massive physical damage.
  • Ice Strike
    • Costs: 20 units. runic powers, range: melee, applied instantly.
    • The Death Knight imbues his weapon with the power of cold and then quickly attacks with two blades, dealing massive frost damage.
  • Frost
    • Passive ability
    • After using Destruction, your next Howling Blast has a 45% chance to cost no Runes and deal 300% additional damage, but will not allow you to accumulate Runic Power.
  • Killing machine
    • Passive ability
    • Destruction following an auto attack has a chance to be a guaranteed critical hit.
  • The mercilessness of winter
    • Costs: 1 rune, applied instantly, recovery time: 30 sec.
    • The Death Knight exudes supernatural cold, dealing moderate Frost damage to all enemies within 10 yards over 10 sec.
  • Mastery: Heart of Ice
    • Increases all Frost damage dealt by 40% (based on the Mastery bonus from equipment).
  • Ice Onslaught
    • Cost: 1 rune, applied instantly, cooldown: 12 sec.
    • Ice spikes erupt from the ground, each of which deals moderate frost damage to enemies near the point where the spike appears.


Even if some death knights are free of the Lich King's influence, they still carry the devastating plague of the Scourge that once nearly consumed all of Azeroth. Regardless of what purpose they pursue, they are desecrators of all living things, especially when they have to defend themselves. In their arsenal - the most dangerous of diseases and the ability to raise obedient servants from the dead. They fight fiercely in close combat, unleashing the full might of an undead legion and a deadly plague on their opponents.

They fight fiercely in close combat, unleashing the full might of an undead legion and a deadly plague on their opponents.

Game process

The Unholy specialization has been reworked more than Frost and Blood to make the gameplay mechanics better suit its essence. We'd like to see heroes with this spec continue to be the most active users of diseases. Decay Strike has become less relevant over time, so we've developed new mechanics to ensure this ability remains an integral part of the rotation.

Below is a quick overview of the main combat abilities of the Unholy specialization.

  • Disease outbreak
    • Cost: 1 rune, range: 30 m, applied instantly, cooldown: 6 sec.
    • Inflicts small damage to the target from dark magic and surrounds it with vapors that last for 6 sec. infect the target and all nearby enemies with the Deadly Plague.
    • Deadly Plague
      • A disease that deals average Shadow damage every 3 sec. for 21 sec. When the infected target dies, the plague erupts, dealing average Shadow damage split among all nearby enemies.
      • Deadly Plague has a 30% chance to erupt each time it deals damage.
  • Impact of decay
    • Costs: 2 runes, range: melee, applied instantly.
    • Deals massive physical damage and applies 1 to 3 Festering Ulcer effects to the target.
    • Purulent ulcer
      • A pustular formation that can be opened with Scourge Strike. When opened, it deals average damage from dark magic and allows you to accumulate 3 units. rune powers.
  • Scourge Strike
    • Costs: 1 rune, range: melee, applied instantly.
    • An unholy strike that deals high physical damage and high shadow damage. Opens 1 Festering Ulcer if present on the target.
  • The face of death
    • Costs: 30 units. runic powers, range: 40 m, applied instantly.
    • The Death Knight blasts a target with unholy energy, dealing heavy Shadow damage and restoring 10 damage. energy to your ghoul.
  • Inexorable Rock
    • Passive ability
    • There is a chance that the Death Coil that follows an auto attack will not require Runic Power.
  • Dark transformation
    • Cast instantly, cooldown: 1 min.
    • Ghoul for 20 sec. turns into a terrifying undead monster. The ghoul's abilities are enhanced for the duration of the effect, and his combat potential increases.
  • Death and Decay
    • Cost: 1 rune, range: 30 m, applied instantly, cooldown: 30 sec.
    • The Death Knight desecrates the targeted area for 10 seconds. inflicting average damage from dark magic to all enemies within it. The Death Knight's Bloody Strikes in the area affect all nearby enemies.
  • Mastery: Dreadblade
    • Increases all Shadow damage dealt by 50% (based on the Mastery bonus from equipment).
  • Universal service
    • Passive ability
    • Raise Dead raises an additional skeleton minion and has no cooldown.

We hope you enjoy the changes for the Death Knight!

Compiled detailed guide to unlock DK 7.1 for WOW Legion. Let's consider a pve build for playing as an unholy DK in 7.1 (Unholy Death Knight), stat priority when using different talents, rotation of the Death Knight, as well as recommended equipment improvements.

PvE build / Unholy DK talents

In this section, we will figure out how the Death Knight of the “Unholy” branch in Legion 7.1 can create the right pve build for raids and dungeons :

For AoE damage, accordingly, you should take Epidemic. In addition, this talent will help accumulate some runic power before the battle if your Army of the Dead is not ready yet.

Plague rune weapons will be useful for DK in situations where you need to deal serious damage to a single target (but preferably the target is destroyed within a minute).

Unholy Frenzy can only become better than Punisher if you have the legendary bracers Instructor's Fourth Lesson. If these bracers are not available, then the Punisher is still your best choice.

  1. Channel Deadly Plague on the target.
  2. Use Dark Transformation.
  3. Cast Dark Judge. Use this ability when runic power is close to maximum. While Dark Judge is active, spend as much runic power as possible by spamming Death Coil.
  4. Use Decay Strike.
  5. Apply Apocalypse.
  6. Use Scourge Strike.
  7. Use Death Coil
  1. Channel Deadly Plague on the target.
  2. Use Dark Transformation.
  3. Use Decay Strike.
  4. Use Soul Reaper if there are 3 or more Festering Ulcers on the target. Use Scourge Strike to accumulate 3 more Festering Wounds - this will increase the speed to 21%.
  5. Apply Apocalypse.
  6. Use Scourge Strike.
  7. Use Death Coil to maximize your runic power.


This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to play as a Death Knight in PvP. The guide will cover everything: talent selection, artifacts, gameplay and rotation, as well as useful racial bonuses. This is most applicable to arena content, but talents and bonuses from races will work in battles and battles.

This guide is written Mystical, a legendary PvP player who took Arena Master and 2200 rating many times.

1. Spec overview / place in current meta:

Death Knights are a force to be reckoned with in the arena. They have the ability to single-handedly bend enemies and inflict the most severe damage.

2. Item level:

In terms of gear, the biggest change to Legion is that there is no longer PvP gear. Your strength in PvP will be determined based on the average level of your gear (as shown on your character sheet). For example, the base element level at level 110 is 800, so your PvP stats will be adjusted accordingly.

The implication is that it doesn't matter where your gear comes from, and all that matters is the item level. Items from quests or PvE content are just as great as gear you'll be given per cap in PvP or dropped (which essentially will be very similar to PvE gear, no more PvP stats).

Practically, you'll just be looking at collecting gear with the highest possible item levels, and the distribution of stats on the gear won't matter.

3. Artifact Talents:

Below we will explain what is recommended for the artifact if you want to maximize your PvP potential. It is possible that your artifact path (while reading this guide) is different from our suggestions. If so, don't worry and use the information below to help you understand your traits and determine your future options.

If you suddenly decide that you want to switch to PvP, the best thing to do in your artifact progression is to continue leveling to the nearest gold line, and then follow the recommendations below. Select the most useful abilities, and, along the way - a great way to increase your potential.

3.1. The first gold feature in the Artifact.

The first gold trait to take is Sindragosa's Fury.

5.1.7. Level 7 (Level 100) Talents

If you are playing against a team with two melee fighters, we recommend Both of these talents improve survivability, you just need to switch them based on the team you're playing against.

5.2.3. Talent level 3 is the best choice in this level. This is additional protection against ranged units and even some melee classes.

5.2.4. Talent level 4 – the best choice in this tier. Since the enemy team's defensive cooldowns will have a longer cooldown, this talent allows you to play very offensively. However, if you are playing with a teammate who uses mostly magic damage, Necrotic Aura Icon Necrotic Aura is the best choice at this level.

5.2.5. Level 5 Talents – the best choice in this class. This is a great talent to make it easier to hit targets that will try to kite your damage. This also makes it easier for you to spread pressure onto the enemy team if multiple enemies are together.

5.2.6. Level 6 Talents is the best choice in this level. This is a good damaging ability to use against the enemy team.

6. Racial bonuses:

Racial bonuses can provide interesting PvP benefits. Here are the best races for each faction.

Orc is the best race for Death Knights, thanks to its passive skill, it reduces all stuns and significantly improves survivability.

Alternatively, blood elf is also a good race. Thanks to the extra fat.

6.2. Alliance

The human bonus (every man for himself) is a great way to avoid being stunned.

7. Game style:

The Death Knight has one role and deals relentless, sustained damage in the arena. Ice Death Knights have no control and very little utility to their teammates. Players should focus on maximizing their sustained damage as much as possible. Death Knights have no mobility, so when you get to an enemy you have to deal as much damage as you can to them. With a relatively short cooldown, Frost Death Knights can use their rotation and activate the cooldown as soon as the Arena starts. They have high sustained damage and a very short reload time.

7.1.1. Opening the Gate

Before opening the gate, you need to decide who you will attack, and immediately after leaving, start doing it. The main goal of the dk is to force enemies to use their trinkets.

If the enemy healer uses his trinket, he will be in trouble. The Frost Death Knight should be focused on engaging the enemy and dealing high damage to the target.

Use when you have for it.
Use if you have or for re-use

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