Board game ancient horror under the pyramids. Gamer. "Ancient Horror" and additions. Reviews about the game

We began our acquaintance with board games based on the works of Howard Lovecraft with Arkham Horror. Having played literally several games of this game, we only bought the successor to Arkham Horror, which was released at that time - the board game Ancient Horror. As recommended, we bought the board together with the Forgotten Secrets add-on. We loved the game so much that after purchasing it we played it almost every weekend for a year.

Preparing for a game of "Ancient Horror" takes a significant amount of time; to reduce this time, as well as for convenient storage of all components of the main game and the add-on, a game player was made in the box from the base. The game controller turned out to be not the most convenient, because, as it turned out, it was not easy to fit everything that was planned into one box, and so that preparation for the game would take minimal time. Without waiting for HobbyGames to decide to translate other add-ons, we bought 4 add-ons (Mountains of Madness, Strange Remnants, Under the Pyramids, Signs of Carcosa) in English. In total there were 6 boxes of the game. But then the question arose, how to play this?

It became obvious that playing without a game controller would be very inconvenient and tiring. The components needed to be systematized. Foam cardboard, which is familiar to me, was chosen as the material for creating the igonizer. A sheet of white foam cardboard 4 mm thick, which I had left over from creating other gameizers, would not be enough for me. Therefore, for 790 rubles, a sheet of white foam board with dimensions of 1.5 * 2 meters and a thickness of 3 mm was purchased. For gluing, we used “universal” glue, which was left over from the creation of other gameizers. A bottle of such glue once cost 200 rubles. For cutting foam board, blades for a craft knife were purchased. Like last time, a significant amount of time was spent thinking about how to conveniently assemble and arrange everything. The mechanical work of cutting and gluing took 4 evenings for 3-4 hours. The result looks like this.

1. The box from the base game contains only cards and rules; for this we had to dismantle the old game controller.

2. The box from the “Under the Pyramids” expansion contains removable boxes for contact cards and a myth deck prepared for the party. The number of boxes was made in excess so that, if necessary, contact cards from other add-ons not yet purchased could be placed in them. Next to each cell for a deck of cards there is a smaller cell for the discarded cards of that deck.

3. The box from the “Mountains of Madness” add-on contains:

Compartments for stationary storage of cards (contact cards of various ancients, special contacts, secret cards, myth cards, memos, prelude cards and others), of which only a part is removed for a specific party and placed in removable boxes from the box from the “Under the Pyramids” add-on ;

Removable box for gate tokens;

Removable box for artifact cards, assets, unique assets, conditions, spells and epic monster tokens;

A bag of common monster tokens;

A bag of evidence tokens.

Two bags for storing evidence and monster tokens were sewn from old and once white material. The fabric was sewn on an old Singer sewing machine. The ties for the bags were made from laces taken from an old jacket. The clamps were removed from there. The bags were made for the first Igronizer, when there were half as many monster tokens, so now the bag is too small for them. It is possible that it will be replaced with a more voluminous one.

4. The box from the “Signs of Carcosa” add-on contains a built-in organizer for the remaining tokens (health tokens, sanity, upgrades, deteriorations, secrets, rumors, etc.).

“Come back! - Hanif stood at the top of the stairs in a dazzling white suit. If it were his will, he would return to its place the stone that had sealed these steps for more than three thousand years. - Living people are not allowed to enter here! Jack!" Below, Monterey Jack made his way through the winding corridors, lighting the walls with a torch. How many mummies are buried here! Each wore an inverted ankh, and each clutched an intricately curved khopesh in her hands. “Hanif! - Jack called excitedly. - This is the army of Nephren-Ka! We found the Kish labyrinth! Come down here! Jack's torch snatched from the darkness a fresco depicting Akhenaten's prayer to the sun and the appearance of the priest, Nephren-Ka. Take a closer look, Jack. How many times has this happened: mindlessly looking at a clay shard or a time-eaten stone, Jack heard his father’s soft voice, and it was as if a veil fell from his eyes. Jack looked closer. It was not the sun on the fresco - it was a gigantic whirlwind of chaos. And it was not a priest at all who appeared from there, but a resurrected king. Nephren-Ka not only bore the same name as the legendary Dark Pharaoh - he was that same horror from the depths of centuries. “Hanif! Come here! This is amazing...” Turning around, Jack came face to face with Hanif - but now the guide was dressed in a black robe, and an inverted ankh hung around his neck. “You were a brave man, Jack,” the curved blade rested on the archaeologist’s throat. “Your father also died a brave man.”

Who is this game for?

For all owners of the basic version of the game "Ancient Horror" and those who prefer stronger games...

The essence of the game

"Under the Pyramids" is an addition to the board game "". In it, detectives will penetrate deep under the pyramids of Giza to shed light on the dark history of the Dark Pharaoh - the cruel ruler of Ancient Egypt, whose name was knocked off all the tablets. “Under the Pyramids” adds new investigators, Ancients, monsters and contacts to the game, as well as new game elements: a small playing field, unique assets, deterioration tokens and a dangerous adventure in the Egyptian sands

Here is a non-independent addition to the game, which takes the party members to North Africa (included is an additional field with six locations), where, against the backdrop of liberation events from under the yoke of Great Britain, cultists are trying to revive an ancient pharaoh who is capable of enslaving the whole world.

In addition to the mentioned field, in the set you will find eight heroes and two new “bosses” (Abhot and Pharaoh Nephren-Ka), prelude cards (they influence the preparation for the game, thereby increasing the variability and replayability of the process), an additional “Theft at the Museum” deck "(a storyline involving detectives in the search for stolen antiquities), and the replenishment of all basic types of cards, which has a beneficial effect on the interest generated by completing the game.

What’s new is the fact that the usual tokens for improving the heroes’ skills have been replenished with deteriorations, which means that now the skills can become weaker. In addition, double-sided asset cards have become available, and the usual conditions used in encounters with monsters will be replaced with non-standard ones (tested by a different skill).

Game contents:

  • Playing field;
  • Rules;
  • 8 detective sheets;
  • 2 sheets of Ancients;
  • 22 Myth cards;
  • 48 contact cards in locations;
  • 48 search contact cards;
  • 6 contact cards in Other Worlds;
  • 12 expedition contact cards;
  • 40 special contact cards;
  • 12 mystery cards;
  • 6 adventure cards;
  • 6 prelude cards;
  • 4 artifact cards;
  • 16 asset cards;
  • 16 state cards;
  • 24 spell cards;
  • 35 unique asset cards;
  • 12 monster tokens;
  • 6 evidence tokens;
  • 20 deterioration tokens;
  • 6 gate tokens;
  • 1 adventure token;
  • 1 current expedition token;
  • 8 health tokens;
  • 4 sanity tokens;
  • 8 investigator tokens;
  • 8 stands.

Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids board game buy on BanzGames

Buy board game Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids for 2,316 R. in Moscow, delivery throughout Russia or pickup in the BanzGames online store is possible by placing an order through the website or by contacting us by phone.

Reviews about the game

Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids

Vladislav 07/10/2019

“Under the Pyramids” adds to the game the seething fluid of life and death of Abhot and the legendary black pharaoh Nephren-Ka, plus an additional piece of the playing field with new zones and, most importantly, the ability to make various contacts there, because a bunch of cards have been added. Abhot, as an Ancient One, was quite liked, the Pharaoh was not an acquired taste (in general, Hypnos and Nephren-Ka are probably the least interesting bosses in Ancient Horror; there is nothing monstrous about them, like at least in Ithaqua or Yiga). There are as many as eight new detectives, some of whom actually have very interesting features for a variety of parties. It would be better, of course, if there were more Ancients and additional cubes, but, nevertheless, the addition is good, atmospheric in its own way, with new monsters, so that you can repeatedly solve new mysteries and form a team with the optimal composition.


In time immemorial, Egypt was ruled by Nephren-Ka, the Dark Pharaoh. This king was so evil and cruel that his own people destroyed all evidence of his reign. However, in our days, the Brotherhood of the Beast has revealed the truth about the Dark Pharaoh and plotted to return him to the throne in order to once again doom both Egypt and all of humanity to centuries of terrible slavery. You and your fellow detectives will have to quickly go to Egypt and penetrate the most hidden and creepy corners of the ancient country in order to stop the conspirators and not allow Nephren-Ka to awaken from his eternal sleep.

Beneath the Pyramids is an add-on for the Ancient Horror board game. In it you can visit the bustling cities, barren deserts and mysterious archaeological sites of Egypt, while traveling across an additional playing field. Eight new investigators will rise to protect the world from the Ancient One, and they will be aided by priceless relics, powerful aura spells and such legendary allies as the illusionist Erich Weiss and the archaeologist Enoch Bowen. Unheard of miracles and blood-curdling horrors await you on the banks of the Nile, under the pyramids!

How to play

"Ancient Horror" is a cooperative game for 1-8 people. Each player chooses one of twelve investigators, who differ in health, sanity, and five skills: knowledge, communication, attention, strength and will. Traveling around the world, detectives solve puzzles, fall into traps and fight monsters. Also, during the game, players will receive various useful items, find allies, artifacts and spells.

Each round of the game takes place in three phases:

  • The Action phase, in which players move around the playing field, buy necessary items, allies and various services, as well as tickets for ships and trains, to move around the world faster
  • Contact Phase – During this phase, players enter into one of three contacts: combat, location, and token contact. Most often, a card is drawn to a certain type of contact, which describes events, positive or negative.
  • Myth Phase - In which the lead player draws a Myth card and resolves that card's effects in that order. Each of the effects affects your part differently

Who has won?

In order to win, a group of researchers must solve three riddles that are unique to each Ancient. But, if the hopelessness token reaches zero, the Ancient Evil awakens and the investigators have to fight it in open confrontation. If the players fail to win, then the world becomes covered in darkness and all of humanity loses.

Game Features

The epic board game "Ancient Horror" was created especially for fans of the "Arkham Horror" series, as well as fans of mysticism and the works of Lovecraft. The game will immerse you in a gloomy atmosphere, where every step you take affects the future of the whole world. You will be able to travel around the globe, try to decipher secret messages and defeat otherworldly creatures. The game has several difficulty levels and is suitable for both interested beginners and experienced detectives. And each of the Ancients has a unique deck with riddles and its own characteristics. Will you now be able to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that the Ancient Horror is almost awake?

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