Didactic design games for the second junior group. Summary of the construction game “Building a farm” for children of the junior group of the kindergarten Construction games for the second junior group

Construction games for children of the younger group

1. Organize by color.

Material: Lego bricks of all colors.

Target: Fix the color of the Lego parts.

Rule: Children, at the leader’s command, place Lego bricks into boxes.

2. Pass the Lego brick.

Material: 1 large Lego brick.

Target : development of movement coordination.

Rule: the presenter closes his eyes. Children stand in a circle at the command of the leader: “Pass.” Children quickly pass the brick to each other. When the presenter says: "Stop." He opens his eyes; which of the children has a brick, he becomes the leader.

Construction games for middle group children

1. Find a building.

Material: cards, buildings, box

Target: develop attention, observation, and the ability to correlate what is shown on the card with buildings.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card out of a box or bag, looking at it carefully, calling what is shown and looking for this building. Whoever makes a mistake takes a second card.

2. Who is faster?

Material: 4 boxes, Lego parts, 2 for each player.

Target: develop speed, attention, coordination of movement.

Rule: players are divided into two teams, each team has its own color of Lego bricks and its own part. For example, 2x2 red, 2x4 blue. Players move bricks one by one from one table to another. Whose team is faster wins.

3. Lego on the head.

Material: Lego brick.

Target: development of dexterity and movement coordination.

Rule: a child puts a Lego brick on his head. The other children give him tasks. For example: Walk two steps, sit down, lift one leg, stand on one leg, spin. If a child completes three tasks and a brick does not fall off his head, then he has won and receives a prize.

Construction games for older children

1. Whose team will build faster.

Material: LEGO construction set, sample construction.

Target: We learn to build as a team, to help each other. Develop interest, attention, speed, fine motor skills.

Rule : Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a sample building. For example: house, car with the same number of parts. Each child can attach one piece at a time. Children take turns running up to the table, selecting the required part and attaching it to the building. The team that builds the building the fastest wins.

2. Find the part the same as on the card.

Material: cards, LEGO construction parts, plate.

Target : fix the names of LEGO construction parts.

Rule: Children take turns taking a card with a drawing of a LEGO construction part. And they find the same part and attach it to the plate. At the end of the game, the children come up with what happened.

3. Mystery bag.

Material: LEGO construction set, bag.

Target: learn to guess the details of the designer by touch.

Rule : The presenter holds a bag with Lego parts. Children take turns taking one detail and guessing. Then they take it out of the bag and show it to everyone.

4. Put the parts in their places.

Material: boxes, Lego parts, beak, paw, oval, semicircle.

Target: fix the names of the Lego constructor.

Rules: Children are given boxes and a construction set, two parts are distributed for each child. Children must assemble the entire construction set in a short time. Whoever collects everything without mistakes wins.

Construction games for preparatory groups

1. Name and build.

Material : Lego set

Target : Fix the names of the Lego constructor, learn to work in a team.

Rules : The leader gives each child in turn a construction piece. The child names it and keeps it. When each child has two parts. The presenter gives the task to build one building from all the parts and come up with what they built. When they built it, one child tells what they built.

2. Lego gifts.

Material : playing field, men for the number of players, dice, Lego - gifts.

Target: develop interest in the game, develop attention.

Rule: Children distribute the little men among themselves. They are placed on the playing field. Take turns throwing the dice and moving clockwise. When the first person completes the entire circle. Then he wins and the child chooses a gift for himself. The game continues until all the gifts are taken away.

Cube: one side with the number one, the second with the number two, the third with the number three, the fourth with a cross and skip the move.

3. Remember the location.

Material: Lego set, plates for all players.

Target: development of attention and memory.

Rules: The presenter builds any building with no more than eight parts. For a short time, the children memorize the design, then the building is closed, and the children try to build the same one from memory. Whoever does it correctly wins and becomes the leader.

4. Build without opening your eyes.

Material : plate, construction set.

Target: We learn to build with our eyes closed, develop fine motor skills and endurance.

Rule: in front of the children is a plate and a construction set. Children close their eyes and try to build something. Those who have more interesting construction are encouraged.


1 week Kindergarten.

No. 1 “House for a cockerel.”

Draw children's attention to building materials and their design capabilities.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 176

Week 2 Autumn. Natural phenomena.

No. 2 “House for the dog.”

Continue to introduce the constructive capabilities of building materials, help children keep their attention on buildings and promote verbal expression of emotions.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 176

Week 3 Vegetable garden. Vegetables.

No. 3 “House for a bunny.”

Learn to place bricks end to end, perform basic actions with identical parts. Encourage children to create different houses.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 176-177

Week 4 Garden. Fruits.

No. 4 “Chair for Katya.”

Introduce children to the cube. Develop thinking and memory. Cultivate accuracy and perseverance.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 177


1 week Where did the bread come from?

Learn to build a tower. Encourage children to name the color blue. Develop speech activity.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 178

Week 2 Forest. Mushrooms. Berries.

No. 5 “Tower of two blue cubes.”

Learn to build two towers of different colors. Develop speech activity. Strengthen the ability to apply details, increasing the height of the building.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 178

Week 3 Wild animals and their young.

No. 7 “Path for a car.”

Learn how to use building materials correctly. Encourage creating a variety of paths. Develop speech activity.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 182

Week 4 Domestic animals and their young.

No. 8 “Table and chair made of yellow cubes and bricks.”

Learn to use two types of parts at the same time - cubes and bricks. Fix the names of the parts. Develop the ability to build according to a model.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 180


1 week Poultry and their young.

No. 9 “A green table and two yellow chairs.”

Learn to consistently carry out constructions, controlling your actions. Combine buildings according to the meaning of the plot. Foster a desire to play with buildings.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 180

Week 2 Late autumn.

No. 10 “Multi-colored path.”

Learn how to use building materials correctly, applying brick to brick, placing them on a wide surface. Encourage the creation of varied paths.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 182

Week 3 Man.

No. 11 “Independent design”.

Learn to independently choose a theme for design, details. Strengthen the ability to play with buildings. Cultivate positive relationships among children.

Week 4 Family.

No. 12 “Ladder”.

Learn to highlight the details of a building and play with the building. Practice constructing ladders consisting of six cubes. Foster a desire to build together.

Week 5 Home Furniture.

No. 13 “Table and chair of different colors.”

Learn to choose your own color. Develop construction skills. Cultivate perseverance and attentiveness.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 173


1 week Acquaintance with folk traditions and culture.

No. 14 “Narrow yellow path.”

Encourage children to build. Develop speech activity. Recognize and name the color yellow.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 182

Week 2 Winter. Winter fun and entertainment.

No. 15 “The track and the ball are the same color.”

Learn to build according to a model, placing the parts evenly. Develop color perception. Cultivate perseverance.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 183

Week 3 Wintering birds.

No. 16 “Wide red carpet.”

Learn to use the technique of laying building parts on a wide edge. Develop color perception. Cultivate neatness and a desire to play with buildings.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 173

Week 4 New Year.

No. 17 “Independent design”.


1 week Clothes.

No. 18 “Fence”.

Learn to use the technique of laying building parts on a long edge. Build according to a ready-made model. Cultivate perseverance.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 184

Week 2 Shoes.

No. 19 “A fence made of cubes and bricks.”

Improve children's skill in building a fence by alternating building parts. Develop memory and attention. Cultivate neatness.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 185

Week 3 Zoo.

No. 20 “Fence. Blue square + red square."

Learn to build according to your own design. Strengthen the ability to build a fence. Foster a desire to play with buildings.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 185


1 week Ground transport.

No. 21 "Small Car".

Introduce children to a new construction part - a plate. Develop thinking. Foster a desire to play with buildings.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 187

Week 2 Traffic rules.

No. 22 "Bus".

Strengthen the ability to superimpose parts on top of each other. Develop speech activity. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 187

Week 3 Water and air transport.

No. 23 “Bus and Truck Model.”

Teach children to carry out constructions according to the teacher’s verbal explanation, looking only at the sample. Develop memory and thinking. Cultivate a desire to build on your own.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 188

Week 4 Defender of the Fatherland Day.

No. 24 "Train"

Strengthen children's skills in building vehicles. Form the concept of size and color. Cultivate a desire to review works and evaluate them.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 188


1 week Profession. Tools.

No. 25 “A bench for a nesting doll.”

Introduce children to a new activity with construction details - the simplest floors. Form activity in the process of work according to the model. Review works and evaluate them.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 189

No. 26 “Big and small benches.”

Strengthen the ability to build a bench. Teach children to examine parts and play with buildings.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 189-190

Week 3 Spring.

No. 27 “Gate and fence.”

Teach to build according to the teacher’s model without explaining the construction technique. Develop logical thinking. Cultivate attention

Karpukhina N.A., p. 190

Week 4 Products.

No. 28 “Colorful buildings.”

Strengthen the skill of buildings made of bricks, plates, different in size and color. Develop the ability to communicate and help in the process of playing around with buildings. To promote the assimilation of word names for designating construction parts.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 190-191

Week 5 Dishes.

No. 29 “House with a roof.”

Introduce children to a new building part - a prism (roof). Learn to consistently carry out construction, controlling your actions. Improve the skill of applying and applying.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 192


1 week Our city. My street.

No. 30 “House with a roof 2.”

Continue introducing children to prisms. To promote understanding of the expression “put a roof on top.” Encourage to distinguish building parts by shape, size, color, name.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 192

Week 2 Cosmonautics Day.

No. 31 “House based on a model without display.”

To develop the ability to carry out buildings according to a model without demonstrating basic design techniques.

Develop the need to communicate with adults and peers. Foster a desire to create a variety of buildings.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 193

Week 3 Migratory birds.

No. 32 “House with a Window.”

Reinforce the skills children have acquired throughout the year. Teach children to complete simple buildings. Cultivate friendly relationships.

Karpukhina N.A., p. 193

Week 4 Pisces. Water world.

No. 33 “Garage doors”.

Learn to build according to a model. Develop the ability to evaluate your own work and the work of your comrades. Foster a desire to play with buildings.


Week 1 Victory Day.

No. 34 "Children's Town".

Learn how to build consistently. Apply the parts evenly. Foster respect for materials.

Week 2 Flowers (medicinal, indoor).

No. 35 “Independent design”.

Learn to choose your own theme for design. Develop the ability to play with buildings. Foster a desire to play together.

Week 3 Insects.

No. 36 “Independent design”.

Learn to choose your own theme for design. Develop the ability to play with buildings. Foster a desire to play together.

Week 4 Summer.

No. 37 “Independent design”.

Learn to choose your own theme for design. Develop the ability to play with buildings. Foster a desire to play together.

Game "Let's build a fence"

Didactic task. Teach children to analyze the building, use parts of different colors in it; consolidate the ability to place building material (plates) vertically and tightly to each other; teach to measure the height and width of the gate with the size of the toy.

Game task. Build a fence and gate for Piglet.

Game rules. Build buildings so that Winnie the Pooh can drive a car through the gate.

Progress of the game

The teacher points to the house he built from blocks and tells the children that Piglet built a new house and decided to make a fence around it to make it beautiful. He will plant a garden in the yard, and everyone who comes to visit Piglet will enjoy the apple and pear trees. Piglet's house is red with a green roof, so Piglet wants the fence to be two colors - red and green. In addition, Winnie the Pooh will definitely come to visit Piglet, and he must be able to freely pass through the gate.

The teacher invites the children to think about how to make a gate that such a big bear cub will pass through (shows the toy and puts it in the truck). Children should try on what height and width the gate should be.

Game plan:

The teacher gives a game task to build a fence and gate;

Children analyze the drawing;

Children select building material for the gate;

Children begin to build gates using familiar ways of comparing the sizes of objects (overlaying, applying and attaching);

Children check the readiness of the gate (they transport a bear on a truck under the gate);

Children choose red and green colored materials (plates) for the fence;

Children build a fence by stacking the plates tightly, alternating colors.

Game "Build a barn for chickens"

Didactic task. Learn to build a building according to a model, using additional materials according to your plan.

Game task. Build a barn for chickens and an aviary for the chicken.

Game rules. Build in such a way that additional materials (trees and flowers, benches, etc.) decorate the building; explain why they are needed.

Progress of the game

The teacher brings yellow chickens (table toys). The chickens are squeaking.


Yellow lumps do not sleep,

Yellow lumps are writing.

They were born just yesterday

And now they run in the morning.

The chickens are cold, we should let them into the barn, but there is no barn.

The teacher encourages the children to build a barn for the chickens, but first the children look at the model building (barn) that the teacher made. Then they select a material (from cubes, plates, cylinders), name it and explain what it is for (on walls, on roof) and how to lay it (horizontally, vertically). Then the building is erected. The barn has been built. The chickens are happy and ask to play: they fly up to the roof and hide behind the barn. Children look for chickens and name where they are sitting.

So the mother hen (toy) decided to look at the chickens and was surprised why there was no place for walking near the barn. What to do? The children propose to make an open enclosure and build a fence. The hen reminds the children that she wants the enclosure to be beautiful. Children decorate the enclosure in their own way - plant flowers and trees. The hen clucks and calls the chicks to play.

Hen. Ko-ko-ko, kvokh-kvokh, chickens, come to me!

Chickens(children flapping their wings and jumping). Pee-pee-pee! Mom, we are here.

The teacher uses toys to show the children how a mother hen waits for her chickens in the enclosure, how the chickens run through her gate, and how they run around the enclosure.

Children of primary preschool age The image is typical of single objects or small structures. The themes of these buildings are closely related to the role-playing games of children: they build a house for a doll (bear), a crib, a table, a fence, a garage. The construction of the buildings is very elementary. Children arrange the building as if in a horizontal plan - they “draw” rather than build. A bear's house is a space fenced off with several cubes. In the best case, a plate is placed on top as a roof.

Younger children are also characterized by a certain process: having erected a building, they destroy it and begin to build again. Often construction is ahead of the plan, having started to build, the child then “recognizes” some object in the construction.

In middle-aged and older children There is a gradual expansion of the subject matter of buildings. These are various buildings, ships, cars, bridges. The design is distinguished by its desire to convey the originality of specific structures: children are building not just a bridge, but the Kirov Bridge across the Neva, not just a metro, but the Ploshchad Vosstaniya metro station, building the Moscow Kremlin, the Ostankino TV tower, etc. The design itself, the buildings, are gradually becoming more complex as if growing upward, children decorate them in a variety of ways (towers, columns, etc.), using various ceilings.

Most Soviet researchers note that without special training in construction skills and abilities, without targeted guidance from adults, children’s buildings remain very elementary in design and poor in subject matter.

There are two ways to guide construction games:

First way— teaching children constructive activities in the classroom.

Second way— teaching techniques for constructing and developing constructive skills and abilities in the process of guiding children’s independent games.

In the process of learning, children master the necessary technical skills, thanks to this the themes of their buildings expand. At the same time, as in independent play, children move from constructing individual objects to constructing structures. Learning to design in the classroom develops their ability to plan their activities and select material in accordance with the plan. Children's knowledge about the design features of materials is enriched. For example, different materials require different methods of fastening: some - gluing, others - stitching, others - screwing, overlaying, etc. During the learning process, children’s mental activity is actively and systematically improved, and this contributes to the development of independent construction skills. constructive games, during which children apply the knowledge and skills acquired in class. However, teaching children how to design in the classroom does not exclude the possibility and necessity of guiding children’s design during play.

Organized, targeted observations and examination of objects, buildings, and structures are essential for the development of design. During the observation, the vital purpose of the observed structure, features of its design, proportions of parts, etc. are clarified; children's attention is directed to the beauty of the building, its expediency; it is established how this is achieved. The observation is accompanied by a conversation about which parts of the building material can be used to make this or that part of the structure. Observation of objects and structures is supplemented by examination of paintings, photographs, and schematic drawings. In the process of teaching constructive skills, various methodological techniques are used: demonstration of a sample; demonstration of construction methods with explanation of construction techniques; formulation of a problem problem (how to rebuild a garage so that 2-3 cars fit in it); message about the construction topic indicating the conditions, which it must correspond to (build a room for a family with a certain number of people).

The teacher’s guidance of the game itself is aimed at developing its content and at forming correct friendly relationships between the players. The techniques for managing these games for children are the same as for role-playing games. The younger the children, the more often the teacher takes a direct part in the game: he encourages, provides assistance, sometimes suggests the topic of construction, shows how to do it, builds with the children, etc. He builds himself in the presence of children of primary preschool age, involves kids in playing out the construction (at the zoo, different animals live in cages, children come there with their parents).

Uses the technique of co-creation:

Invites children (in different age groups) to complete, rebuild, transform the building that he built (add a porch, a balcony;

Build a high or low fence around the house;

Change the height of the slide;

Make a springboard for skiers out of a slide;

Extend the bridge;

Widen the path).

The teacher shows the model to children 2-3 years old, and then the children build it together. As experience accumulates, a partial model is offered, i.e., the child is shown only those techniques that are unfamiliar to him. By participating in the games of young children, the teacher helps them organize for a joint construction and play around it (“they made a bus and went to dacha"), determine who will build what, explain to individual children the general plan of the building, etc.

Middle aged children You can offer to show an unfinished example of a building that everyone can complete in their own way (the teacher builds the skeleton of a carriage, the children turn it into a bus, tram, passenger car). You can propose changing the building model (add or subtract a floor).

Children of middle and senior preschool age The teacher mainly helps only with advice. Together with the children, he discusses what and how should be changed in the building, how to supplement it. In cases where children cannot overcome the difficulty that has arisen, the teacher shows the necessary technical techniques (for example, how to strengthen the ceiling, how to movably connect two parts, etc.), but always strives to encourage children to take initiative

It is necessary to cultivate in children the ability to play together, without suppressing each other’s initiative.

In construction games, middle-aged and older children should be taught to independently agree on the topic of construction, distribute responsibilities, select materials, etc. It is useful, after completing the overall construction, to review with the children its compliance with the plan, and discuss the participation of each child. For preschoolers who have experience in constructive activities, it is advisable to offer not one sample, but 2-3 samples to choose from. For older children, a drawing, drawing, or construction diagram are used as a model. They are also taught to draw up a diagram of the proposed building, independently outlining its design features. The methodology for teaching children constructive skills is specified depending on the type of construction.

Natalya Mozgaleva
Construction game in the second junior group “House for the Gnome”

Tasks: 1) Teach children to analyze three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes (shape, color, size).

2) Strengthen the skill build a house from 4 cubes, 1 brick, triangular prism.

3) Develop skill build house based on a planar image.

4) Cultivate patience, the ability to choose the right parts for the house, and not quarrel when making a joint craft.

Material: 4 cubes, 1 mat, 1 triangular prism roof, a sheet of white paper (A5 format, cut out parts from self-adhesive paper (4 squares, rectangle, triangle) for each child.

Game progress: 1 Part: around the house on the carpet

part 2: standing at the tables in a circle

Part 3: children pass through the house Gnome and with pictures they go to group.

Is sitting Dwarf and crying(modules lie chaotically in front of him).He holds a picture of a house in his hands. The teacher brings the children into the hall and asks gnome, What's happened.

Dwarf: - I wanted build a house, I wish I could live in it. I look at the picture, I can’t understand anything.

The teacher offers to help build a house for a gnome. Look at the picture, don't miss anything. What should you do first in the house? (gender is correct). What part should the floor be made from? (blue, rectangular, large).

The gnome praises the children.

Educator: - What are the walls made of? (from cubes: below 2 red, above 2 green) What shape is the roof in the picture? (triangular) What color is it? (yellow) What size? (large)

Dwarf praises children and asks: What details does the house have? (cubes) Which ones are few? (floor and roof)

Dwarf: Would you like to group to build Are they the same toy houses as mine? Then you need to take a photo of it (imitate the movement of the camera) and take a photo - an applique of the house.

Children together with the teacher and gnome making an applique of a house for gnome.

At the end the children say goodbye to gnome, pass through his house and go to group. Dwarf praises the children and tells them goodbye!

Publications on the topic:

"Interesting game! We assemble, we disassemble, we build houses and cities. You can make an airplane and go flying...” Numerous gifts.

Summary of the organization and conduct of the building and constructive game “Booth and Birdhouse” in the senior group Program content: Continue to develop the ability to establish connections between the buildings and structures created by children and the topics.

Synopsis of the construction game “A Ship Trip to the Zoo” (senior group) Topic/Age: Type of construction “A trip on a boat to the zoo”, senior group Type of construction: technical. Construction.

Goal: consolidation of acquired construction skills in children of senior preschool age. Objectives: 1. Continue to teach how to build buildings.

Design is the process of constructing buildings, structures, in which the relative arrangement of parts and elements and methods are provided.

Methodological recommendations for parents “Constructive activities of children” Making paper crafts captivates older preschoolers and promotes the development of imagination, artistic taste, and constructiveness.

Autumn matinee in the second junior group “Visiting the Gnome” The hall is decorated with autumn leaves, near the central wall there is a forest scenery, a Gnome's house. In the music room, there are puddles on the floor in a semicircle, depending on the number.

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