Sacred: walkthrough, game description, secrets and tips. Tactics and tips for the game Sacred What secrets can be found in the game Sacred

Blizzard once created a legendary game called Diablo. And envy came into the world. Many hoped to surpass the success of the original game, with fellow game creation titans Westwood starting the chase. However, both Nox and the later clones only stood timidly on the sidelines, having no chance of winning. Meanwhile, Blizzard released Diablo 2 to the masses, breaking away even more from its pursuers. Until recently, their timid attempts to at least get closer to the foot of the throne looked rather pathetic. Meanwhile, the real threat appeared unnoticed, from where it was not expected at all: from a completely captivated Settlers Germany. And she was called - Sacred...

Difficult control
Actually, it’s not too complicated, but in pursuit of “bigger, better, bigger,” the game’s creators unwittingly complicated the extremely simple interface of Diablo 2. Therefore, it’s better to read a short course on mastering the controls. And the most important thing to remember right away is that in order to enjoy the game, you need to learn all the hot keys. And they were taken care of in full - the keyboard is “clogged” no worse than in any flight simulator. So read the box carefully.
The left mouse button, according to all the laws of such games, is used to move the character and attack the enemy, the right one is used to use special attacks and spells. The mouse roller, as expected, is responsible for moving away from/coming closer to the scene of events. On the right are the faces of your hero and those accompanying him. From them you can only find out about their state of health. Well, by clicking on the face, you can take away a weapon from a subordinate, giving him a better one in return. Please note that the accompanying weapons mostly use the simplest ones, so it will not be possible to sell a powerful bow to a weak shooter.
At the bottom there is a modest panel on which there are five keys corresponding to five types of bubbles and five main buttons (which are perfectly duplicated by hot keys) - a backpack, game properties, collecting things, a map and a magazine.
On the sides of the panel there are cells for weapons and special properties. There are supposed to be 5 of them in total, but at the beginning there is only 1 cell of each type, and the next ones are added in pairs at levels 2, 8, 16 and 30. For quick use, number keys from 1 to 0 are reserved. Accordingly, weapons are numbered from 1 to 5, and abilities and spells are from 6 to 0.
This is important: weapon slots are different in that you can put both 2 units of one-handed weapons and a weapon and a shield into them. Only to do this you need to place the weapon not in the center, but on the right side of the cell. Only for such manipulations with weapons is it necessary to master the ability to “wield two-handed weapons.”

This guy is absconding with some treasure in his pocket. Will not work.

The magazine looks unusual. It not only contains a list of tasks for acts and chapters, but also gives you the opportunity to learn a little more about your skills, abilities and spells. And at the same time, learn about the game time, pumping speed and characteristics of killed monsters.
And finally, there are two things that make life incredibly easier. These are automatic item collection (A key) and a large-scale map of the area (Tab key). The first will allow you to not pick up every dropped item manually, the second will simplify the problem of where you still need to go.

Embrace the immensity!
Describing a hero is not difficult. It consists of characteristics, abilities and special abilities. Characteristics are the same thing for all heroes. Only the numbers themselves change, depending on the combat preferences of a particular warrior. Each level you get 1 point, which can be invested in one of the characteristics you like. Well, each level of characteristics themselves increase by a certain amount, characteristic of each hero.
This is interesting: it is better to save up stat points and not invest them anywhere. Your investments will not greatly affect the development of the hero (you need to invest a lot to notice the return), but sometimes you come across items that require 1-2 points in one or another characteristic. That's when glasses come in handy. However, the game does not have a strict testing system, and you can “accelerate” to the desired characteristics with rings and amulets, and, after taking an item, remove them. At the same time, the much-needed gloves or belt will not fall back into the backpack.

Attention! First time in the arena!

You can find out about the characteristics by opening your backpack. They will be located in the upper right corner. There is also a small button that allows you to switch between characteristics and abilities. Strength increases attack, life, and damage from melee weapons. Endurance increases defense and reduces damage from poison. Dexterity also increases defense and damage from ranged weapons. Physical regeneration speeds up life recovery and affects stamina. Mental regeneration increases spell damage and speeds up their cooldown. High charm (charisma) will allow you not only to reduce prices from merchants, but also to endure poisonous bites much easier. Just below the abilities you can see the state of your health (maximum and general), attack and defense (plus a general description of the last monster you killed), damage from regular and special attacks, and resistance indicators. Naturally, an attack is a chance to hit the enemy, and defense is a chance that you will not be hit. Resistances are the reduction of one or another type of damage, and different types of damage should always be kept in mind, because the same weapon can inflict all types of damage at the same time (physical, fire, magical and poisonous). Well, don’t forget about attack speed and movement speed. Any goblin can easily catch up with a slow opponent, and the one who hits faster has a greater chance of winning.


It’s clear that it’s not the beginning of the game, and the opponents have become stronger.

Abilities are a set of performance improvements, at the very beginning there are only 2 of them, but as levels increase, the hero gets the opportunity to choose and learn new abilities. New abilities can be obtained at levels 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 50. There is a total of 13 abilities to choose from (the first 2 are automatically applied). You can invest additional points into already selected abilities, improving them. The number of points received depends on the number of new abilities received - at level 2 - 1 point, from level 6 - 2 points, from level 12 - 3 points, and so on. In general, the abilities of different heroes are similar and differ mainly only in the level at which they appear. The amount of the ability cannot be greater than the character's level.
Knowledge of magic (Magic lore), knowledge of weapons (Weapon lore). Increases the damage done by magical or conventional weapons (affects all types of magic or weapons at once).
Meditation. Increases the effectiveness of spirit restoration.
Earth magic, Water magic, Fire magic, Air magic, Moon magic, Heavenly magic. The speed of recovery and casting of spells of the selected sphere of magic increases.
Rider (Riding). The skill allows you to ride horses with a level greater than 1.
Sword Lore, Staff lore, Ranged combat, Ax lore, Long-handled weapons, Dual wielding, Unarmed combat weapons (Unarmed combat), blade combat. The skill increases the attack characteristics and attack speed of the selected weapon. We choose one favorite skill and use it to the fullest.
Agility. The skill increases attack and defense characteristics.
Trade. Skill makes trading more profitable for you. Stupid ability, never take it.
Constitution. Increases hit point recovery and improves health recovery efficiency.

The process of absorbing life.

Disarming. In hand-to-hand combat with an opponent, it becomes possible to sometimes knock a weapon out of your hands - from 1.1% from skill 1 to 99% from skill 90. Are you short on money? It is enough to take this skill and not invest another single point into it. And only pick up what falls out of the enemy during battles...
Shield protection (Parrying). The protection characteristic increases. If you use a shield, then the protective effect from it also increases.
Armor. All resistances and movement speed are increased.
Bloodlust. Increases spell casting speed and recovery speed while in the vampire state.
Concentration. Accelerates the recovery of combat abilities. First choice skill. Infinitely necessary for survival for those using combat special abilities.
Vampirism. Accelerates the recovery of all combat abilities in the form of a vampire.
Knowledge of Traps (Trap Lore). Accelerates the recovery of abilities related to traps.
Ballistics. Effect similar to knowledge of traps, but half as weak. In addition - increased attack speed of traps. As if bypassing the ability level limitation (2 skills on one topic).

Special Abilities
Special abilities are something in which the heroes are completely different from each other. Each of the heroes has its own number of these abilities, and for most they are divided into 2 “spheres”. The peculiarity of abilities is that after using them some time must pass for recovery. In this case, when using a spell or ability, restoration will occur for all abilities of the sphere (but for different spheres, restoration can occur separately). The higher the level of the ability, the longer the recovery time. However, with the help of certain characteristics and abilities, the recovery time can be reduced. Also, the acceleration of recovery gradually occurs with increasing levels.

Local landmark.

Special abilities are not purchased. Runes for them can only be found by knocking them out of enemies. Repeated use of the same rune will increase the level of the spell or ability. Along with the level, both the effectiveness of the ability and its recovery time will increase. If this is a frequently used ability, then it is better, at the expense of its power, to leave the cooldown at 3-5 seconds.
When using abilities, the most necessary person is the combination master. You can exchange runes you don’t need for other heroes with him and create combinations of abilities for their better use.
Of course, abilities and special abilities will be discussed in more detail when studying specific heroes.

/ What secrets can be found in the game Sacred?

What secrets can be found in the game Sacred?


In Sacred, secrets can be found almost everywhere, and almost all of them are created so that the player can get a unique item or just to cheer up after meeting famous characters from other books, films or games. Let's look at some of them:

  1. Sacred Secrets, Unusual Tomb

    Following from Silver Creek to Porto Vallum, you can find a small settlement. You should not enter it; it is better to immediately go southeast of it. Near the turn you will notice a grave. Be careful because a boss zombie will come out and attack you. Destroy it to obtain the rare weapon Arwen's Swiftsword. Also, with a small probability, two runes may fall out.

  2. Sacred secrets, Hidden grave

    Get to Mascarell and move up from there until you find yourself on the island. Cross the river flowing there and continue moving along the bank so that the river is on your right. Soon you will find yourself near the forest, go deeper and find a barely noticeable path trodden on the upper left. Along it you can get to the desired grave, which contains a unique ax.

  3. Sacred secrets, Dragons of Ancaria

    In the world of Ancaria, there are 8 majestic dragons, of which only one is friendly and can give out a line of quests. If you successfully deal with them, you will receive dragon treasures as a reward.

Go to the city of Porto Valum (there are 2 more statues there), go through the entire city and go all the way to the rocks, then walk along the rocks to the forest, there will be a passage (into the forest), go along it (you will have to walk for a long time), go all the way to the dead end there you will find a GOLDEN DRAGON, he guards a bunch of gold and a bunch of different things, kill him and you can collect it all. Before you go, stock up on bottles of healing.

If we wander along the seashore in the sand, towards the dark castle, we will very soon find ourselves on a small pier, where there is a boat on which we will get to the island of drunken orcs. After we tease them and irritate them by running through their things, then we knock them down! (Although for some reason they killed themselves by hitting each other). And then, a grateful orc, at the pier, gives us Neo Glasses from the Matrix. Maybe he will give something else to others! Haven't tried it again!

The game has an interesting bug with magic runes: it doesn’t matter how many runes you have in your inventory, at least one, at least 4.
You need to go to the combinator and make a quick save. Then click on the combinator and in the rune exchange screen transfer the runes to him [transfer, but do not change them immediately to some other rune] and press the quick load button, after loading you will have runes in your inventory and + those few pieces that you transferred it to the combinator, so you multiply the runes of magic by 2 times and you can do this ad infinitum until you get tired.

Start a new game, select one of the heroes and click on improvise.
You can choose from seven heroes upgraded to level 37.

In Porto Valum you can take on the task: “bring a lock of hair, it seems, to a lonely soldier from his beloved.” After completing this task, you can click on it until your hand swells and feed on experience.

Go into a new game with any hero and take a rune from the chest and then import the hero, go into a new game and select the imported hero and take the rune from the chest again, do this as much as you like (until you get tired of it).

In the town of Faeries, before reaching the bridge, turn left, when you reach a clearing, turn to the lower left corner and follow a narrow, barely visible path. Go into the cave at the end of your path and you will see a mini-game, that same PeckMan. Collect bubbles, run from the blue faces (they deal about 600 damage and also inflict poison.), however, you will not get anything for it. It's a small thing, but nice.

Walk along the desert shore to the right. Having reached the mountains (by the way, they start where you need to go to get Neo points), follow to the right, without leaving them, very soon you will come across a burnt building, where a couple of evil priests offend Seraphim and we, like, owe her to save, unfortunately we are unable to do this and the seraphim, folding its wings, falls to the ground. After talking with him, he evaporates and what remains of him is never

To earn money, you must have the ability to disarm enemies. Then you can sell all the things that your enemies lost in battle and get money.

Easter Eggs: in the game you can find many things sent by the author.
For example, boxes with a Game Box, a balalaika or even a rabbit, but what to do with them is a mystery.
If you play as a Demoness, you can fly through the Druid forest and find a small gazebo; if you enter it, you will find yourself in a cave where there are 2 rooms. In one room there is an inscription written on the floor - If you go to ZHADUK you kill die, and suddenly there is some kind of thing, if you approach it, it will kill you instantly with a laser.

There are a large number of large dragons (onyxia) in the game. The location of one of them is in the desert near the city of Khorad-nur, many may know about this, but I know a way to soak this onyxia quickly and without much effort, at any level. When you come to her and she starts chasing you, you turn around and run towards the city, where she can get stuck between houses and you can kill her without any problems, or run into the house near which she is standing and in the house she cannot hit you, and you can calmly you can use some kind of general mashia (Gladiator-Dazing Gaze).

I'll start right away with my favorite thing - fashion. Simple advice, but at the same time necessary: ​​buy several sets of gear at once, as this will increase your lethality depending on the enemy. And the gear must be collected with mods, with the exception of rare cases when the gear gives more than the modified one. Don’t forget that this toy is full of quests; when you complete them, they will give you something important!!! So I collected a little less than 500 attack and 300 defense using artifacts and mods! By the way, do you like ghosts? I love them! It was on them that I got from the first level to the twentieth level in an hour! And this is done like this: go north of Porto Draco, find a hut there with “blind man’s buff” in the basement, wet them, leave the basement. Then walk in and find a new group of ghouls who want to kill you! You can do this as soon as you need it. Remember, in this place the ghosts are always higher, or whatever level you are. It's nice to drive =) .

1. Before rushing headlong into the dungeons, it is better to level up the hero in the first part, at least to level 30, otherwise it will not be sweet.
2. Before going to the tower of Shaddar the Enlightened, go to the town of Purgatory (in Russian translation).
3. And before going there, stock up on the most powerful combo attacks - the zone will be densely populated by demons, global weapons will be required.

In order to earn artifacts at the very beginning, before approaching the quest for a reward, you need to save and load until you are given the artifact.
Attention! Artifacts are given only by NPCs who do not exist in the original. And an artifact can be knocked out of a dude in 30-40 minutes.

Each person has 7-8 lines of original armor (the green one). Cool thing, read the specifications carefully. Particularly lethal - this is a bonus - inflicting open wounds, imagine: a slowed down and bloodied enemy is running after you, and blood is gushing out of him like from a bucket. So, there is a cemetery of heroes, there on the pirate islands, when you go for the first part of the medallion in the dungeon. You can admire super-strong characters in original armor.

There is a bug in the game: after completing the quest, you run up close to the quest giver, click on him, the character runs towards him. Without reaching 3-4 steps, press F9 (quick save), and then press F8 (fast load), a lot of times (it loaded right away). After about 5-10 minutes of this loading, click ok many times. And voila exp, gear, gold, lots of skills.

There is a merchant in Breivok Castle, next to the teleport. Buy something from him, and then go up across the road to the house next to the waterfall. Inside the building, go down to the basement and immediately go back outside. After these simple manipulations, head back to the merchant and enjoy a fresh assortment of things. Each time the merchant will have completely different lots. Thus, if you have a considerable amount of patience, you can dress your hero in some good “clothes.”

Go to the merchant, see what he has, buy if you like it. Go and teleport to another city, etc. Go up to the merchant there and you can buy again, or you don’t have to buy and back. And so on in a circle. The chance is small, but I bought a little green thing from a merchant for my demoness.

At the beginning, when you are already leaving the Colosseum, follow the road, and when there is a turn, you will see one grave from below. Open it, kill the zombie and it will drop Arwen's Quicksword. This sword increases the chance of receiving special items. At level 52 I have silver +32.

1) Export/import fraud (for everyone).
At the very beginning of the game, each character appears near a chest with some item and a skill rune. We start the game with any character, open the chest, select a rune, and export the character. We go out, import the character and open the chest again, take the rune and export - and so on until we get tired of it. In half an hour, as a seraph, I collected a full backpack of runes, pumped up the Persian and exchanged them with the combo master for those that were needed. The truth always comes up the same, which in principle is not very good, since, usually, it is the most unnecessary of all the character’s abilities. But for a vampire this is a big plus, because the claws of death fall out, that is, a strong blow.

2) Fraud with runes at 2+ lvl (vampire).
If you do the trick with import/export, then the character’s LVL should not exceed 2 or 3, otherwise the runes simply will not fall out, and balalaikas, bells and other rubbish will appear instead. But the vampire has the opportunity to fill runes for 3+ lvl: take the vampire, import (preferably at least 10 LVL). We run from home straight to the city, a farmer meets us near the city and gives us the quest “margala wolf”. We find the wolf, extinguish it, come for the reward, export it. We import again (we already know where the wolf is sitting), go straight to the wolf, extinguish it and again for a reward. This, of course, takes longer, but this is how I collected the shield, sword and armor of the recundis in addition to the runes. But the vampire must still be pumped up for this, so as not to be extinguished with the wolf and sakar "rim for a long time, it is advisable to ignore everyone altogether, just extinguish the wolf.

3) Shenanigans with books (vampire).
Sometimes it's useful to talk to passers-by; they can tell you interesting things. For example, I learned from a city resident that the books and stories (in the magazine) were not just invented in SACRED. By collecting a series of books or stories, you can get bonuses. I don’t know what bonuses exactly, because... I haven’t collected a single series yet, but I found a way to collect them as a vampire. Again, import/export. We take a vampire, 25+, so that she can be imported for silver. We import the vampire, and before clicking “start game”, select silver, not bronze, in the difficulty column. We start everything in the same house. As soon as you start, search the whole house - on the second floor, near the stairs, there should be a stand for books and scrolls, on the first floor - in the middle of the room. We select and read. Sometimes the gamebox falls out. I don’t know why it’s needed, I just didn’t pick it up. Then everything is clear: we collected books/scrolls and exported them. We are re-collecting import and export books.

Walkthrough of the game Sacred. Part 1


To begin with, I would like to mention that the game can be completed more than once with one character. We start with the difficulty level “Bronze”, then... Silver, Gold. After beating the game on Gold, the Platinum difficulty unlocks, and then... Neobium.

At the beginning of the game, we choose one of six heroes. Each of which is good in its own way. Next, after choosing, we find ourselves at one of five starting points. But the main thing is that the first task will be absolutely the same for everyone. You go to the garrison, which is located on a small island, which is located on the outskirts of the small town of Bellevue. The quest will be given to us by the garrison commander Romata. We need to go to the town of Porto Valum and talk with Sergeant Treville, who should give further instructions... The main road from the city to the West goes directly to Porto Valum. And it won’t be difficult to find it. Meanwhile, in the city you can complete several side quests, such as: Save the blacksmith, free the seraph, kill the wolves, save the little boy, find the magic book and others. For each side quest completed, you will receive experience and money. I won't mention any more side quests. We will only talk about the storyline. After the side quests have been completed, you can go to Porto Valum. On the way to the city, you will come across a small village with a merchant. As soon as you cross the bridge, you will immediately meet Treville.
After talking with the sergeant, you will receive the task of freeing Wilbur, who was captured by the orcs, and escorting him to the Urkenburg fortress, located in the desert, to Prince Valor. Wilbur's place of imprisonment is located deep in the forest. The most important thing is to see the path leading to it. After you free Wilbur, exit the forest and head south along the road leading to Urkenburg. In the fortress, the prince can be found in the building farthest from the entrance.
The prince will tell us that he needs our help. He will ask us, together with Wilbur, to head to the Raven Rock castle and inform Baron DeMordry that Prince Valor needs his help. Prince Valor will give us a portal rune, activating which will open the portal.
After teleportation, we find ourselves in the camp where Wilbur was rescued. We go to Porto Valum, stock up on everything we need, sell unnecessary things and go to Fairy Crossings, a small town in front of the northern forests. To get to it, you need to move along the left bank of the river. In the city you will find a bridge leading across the river. Further along the path you can reach the castle of Raven's Rock. After entering through the central gate, look for a path to the north, but do not cross the river that crosses the city.
After talking with Baron DeMordry and receiving a message that one elite garrison will be enough, and will also give us a ring, which is a sign saying that we are the baron’s envoys... There are two ways to go to the location of that same garrison. The first is to leave the castle through the same gate we entered and head north. Then to the northeast. This way we will get to the village of Shakhtar’s Tomb. Second way: Leave the castle through the southeast gate and move northeast to the village of Wulfdale. In the village, go west from the forge and you will run into a rock. Somewhere in this area there is a through cave, the exit from which is located east of the Miner's Grave. The second path is longer, but the first is more dangerous.
From the Miner's Grave we find the path to the elite garrison. Let's watch the video.

Walkthrough of the game Sacred. Part 2

It turns out that we were betrayed! And the ring that Baron DeMordry gave us was a black mark, the owner of which must be killed! According to the Baron, the elite garrison could kill us, but that was not the case! Our companion Wilbur will receive a mortal wound in battle, who, dying, will ask to go to the prince and warn him of betrayal. Don’t try to reboot, hoping that this time we won’t offend Wilbur... According to the quest, he is destined to die.
Next, our path lies in the Wyvern Gorge, which is located in the southwest of Ancaria. To quickly travel, use the teleport, which is located east of the elite garrison camp. Teleport to Port Valum. When leaving the city, an ambush will await us. We must leave the city to the west, then all the time along the rocks, first to the north, then to the south... As a result, we should end up at a small outpost at the entrance to the gorge. The outpost guards attack us at the entrance to the gorge, but there are only a couple of them...
The area at the entrance to the gorge is inhabited mainly by goblins and orcs. Retreating deeper into the desert, the orcs and goblins change into undead. And far in the south you can meet black warriors, the Knights of Sharrad-Nur, who will show you more than once where the crayfish spend the winter. Move south along the gorge, and a little west, you will reach the right place.
The first thing you will see is a battlefield strewn with corpses! It turns out that the troops of Prince Valor fought a general battle with the orcs. And in an unequal battle they were defeated. But where is Prince Valor? Everyone is dead, only one dying warrior lies in the middle of the battlefield... He wants you to bring him water. To the south of this place there is a small oasis, near which you will meet a large concentration of undead. There should be a bottle of water next to the oaz. If it's not there, it's a glitch in the game itself. Just open the console with the tilde (~) key and type the word wasser, which means “water” in German, then press Enter. A bubble will appear. Now take the vial and go to the dying warrior. He will tell you that the prince managed to leave the battlefield. And also the dying man will say that Baroness Villa of Mascarella knows where Prince Valor can be found. Now we need to hurry to Mascarell. There are two ways to exit Wyvern Gorge. This is on foot, just like we got there, or using a teleport. The teleport can be found northwest of the battlefield. Getting to Mascarelle will not be difficult and will not take long.
In the city, go to the farthest island, find Baroness Mascarella in the house, on the second floor, talk. She will tell you that DeMordry's troops occupied the city and do not allow her to leave her home. Villa of Mascarell will ask you to accompany her to the small fortress of Tir Fasul, which is located in the forests north of Mascarell. When leaving the house you will meet a fairly decent group of enemies. This time, supporters of Prince Valor help you and, making your way through the ranks of opponents, you will leave the island and head north. You need to go north across the bridge, and then along the road that will lead you to Tir-fasul. In the fortress you will find Prince Valor.
Prince Valor will tell you about the death of King Aarnum of Ancaria, and also that Baron DeMordry has seized the throne. The prince will invite you to contact the sorceress Sharifa and help her. Sharifa, on the other hand, will want to find out the reason for such aggressive behavior of the Orcs and will open a portal to Akhil-Tal, from which we will have to move to the Orc fortress, to Khorad-Nur, in the southwest. At the entrance to the fortress there is a guard who will refuse to let you inside just like that. He will offer us a choice: Either compete or carry out a special assignment. If you want to get inside as quickly as possible and move on with the quest, then it’s easier to kill him. The guard will not offer any decent resistance. If you want to get a fairly solid amount of experience, then you can take on the task and you will have to fight the undead dragon. The dragon is protected by a fairly decent group of skeletons and skeleton mages. After killing the dragon, you will be able to enter. In the city you will meet an orc shaman who will tell you about the invasion of the undead and give you the Horn of Demons. Let's watch the video.

Walkthrough of the game Sacred. Part 3

The third Act is the longest in the game, get ready. And now our path lies to Breivrock Castle, to Prince Valor. In Breivrock Castle, you will have to find the rebels. Find a woman in the city center and talk to her, she will advise you to contact the thief, whom you can find near the Call of Askaron tavern, which is in front of the castle. The thief will tell you about the agreement between the thieves and the rebels, and that Valor is in the catacombs under the tavern and will open the door leading to them for you...
There are 3 levels in the catacombs. The first one is the most difficult and confusing; you may have to get lost on it. The second level is much simpler. On the third is Prince Valor and the Sorceress Sharifa. Talk to the prince and Sharifa. She will ask you to accompany her to the Seraphim Monastery in the Ice Creek Valley...
The sorceress will open a portal leading to the entrance to the tavern, and you won’t have to go back through the catacombs. We will have to move far north, into the Ice Creek valley. We will have to go through the camp where we learned about the betrayal. Please pay attention. There are quite a few glitches in the game, and one of them is that while traveling to the valley, the sorceress Sharifa can be killed and then the quest cannot be completed at all. Be careful and save often! And if she was killed, reboot
Teleporting near the camp, our path lies to the northeast, through the ford, to the snowy lands of the monastery. Cross the icy river and follow its north bank until you see the icy cliffs and the path below them...follow the path. Cross the second river and enter the gates of the ruined fortress, then again head northeast, past the already painfully familiar chest with personal belongings. Talk to Seraphima at the entrance to the monastery, she will tell you that the monastery has been captured by Ice giants and goblins, and that trouble awaits us on the way to the library.
After finding the library, talk to Seraphim and then to the sorceress Sharifa. She will tell you that you need four elemental artifacts and offer to collect them. Now leave the library and head to the place where you talked with the first seraphim, which is at the entrance to the monastery. However, do not go out to her, but go north, to the gap in the wall. And go through it. Coming out of the cave on the other side, go west along the path. Go into the building and up the stairs. And now we have found the First Element. Now go a little west and you will meet a dragon. I would like to mention that this is not a big trick. All dragons in the game have a very good drop of unique items. By beating the Dragon until there are only one or two left, you can save. Each time you load and destroy the dragon, you will receive different things. And having finally killed him, take the portal rune and look a little to the northwest for a small portal-pedestal. When you approach it, it will activate. The exit from this portal is located just outside the entrance to Wyvern Rift. It is through it that our path to the second element of Ancaria lies.
Move to the western edge of the gorge and walk along the rocks, all the time to the southwest, until you find a rise upward into the lands filled with lava. The place is quite unpleasant, and you may have difficulties with flying monsters. Each character solves this problem in their own way...
After reaching the marker, enter the first cave and follow it... It should be noted that in the cave you will find a small settlement where you can trade and exchange runes. Having reached the marker, go to the surface and go to the next marker, which again points to the cave... In this cave you will meet another dragon, killing which you will rise to the surface, where you will find the second element of Ancaria. To the southwest of the second element is a portal that is activated by a rune dropped by the dragon. This portal will save you from having to travel twice through lava-filled lands...
The exit from the portal is located south of Bravesbury, a small town located between Silver Brook and Braverock. Now our path lies through Breivrock, to the northeast of Ancaria. To the southeast of Breivrock you will find a bridge through which you can cross the river, the other bank of which you saw at the very beginning of the game. Beyond the bridge, follow the path to Bravewall. After him, continue along the path until you reach a fork, then go east, then along the cliff until you see a new path leading northeast, to strange caves guarded by Dark Elves. This is Zhurag-Nar, the famous and sinister city of the Dark Elves. In it you will have to go northeast all the time (Attention!!! Do not go down to the lower levels! Move only along the first level all the time), until the closed gate. To open the gate you will have to kill the key keeper, who is located northwest of the door. You will then continue northeast, through the door, and fight a monster that somewhat resembles a Gargona jellyfish. Behind it you will see drawbridges, behind which is the third element of Ancaria.
Our path lies in Verag-Nar, which is located down the river from the city of the Dark Elves. At the very marker you will meet a man who will tell you that Verag-Nar is flooded, and you need to go to the gnome caves to open the water flow... The gnome caves are located east of Zhurag-Nar. Return to it and look for a ford across the river, then a little north and you will see a cave. You can also get to these caves from Zhurag-Nara, this is essentially the second level of the Zhurag-Nara caves... Our path lies to the third level, so look for a passage to the lower level. The third level is home to a dragon and many other powerful monsters. Go to the marker to the lever that opens the water drain, then get out of the dungeon and go back to Verag-Nar. Verag-Nar itself is quite small, and finding the fourth element there will not be difficult...
Now you need to go to Mistdale, a city to the south. It is clearly visible on the map. Talk to Sharifa, she will tell you that it is time to go to Shaddar-Nar for the fifth element. Look for a path heading southeast from Mistdale. Finding it is quite difficult, but you should concentrate your efforts in the area below the zoo... Follow the path to the southeast, you will meet Shaddar Rim on your way - this is a sign that you are on the right path. Next you will see a portal, which you will use. Once in the desert, look for the cave indicated by the marker, it is through and will lead you out near Shaddar-Nar. All that remains is to follow the winding path to the fortress and go down into the dungeons. After you find the fifth element, go to the Ascaron Tavern, in Breivrock. After talking with the rebels, you will learn that the time has come to overthrow De Mordri from the throne. Accompanied by three companions, go to the castle, which is located north of the combo master and the portal. Having dealt with the guards, go west to the gate. The gate is not easy to open. You need to very carefully move the cursor over the top of the gate so that the cursor changes appearance, then press the left mouse button and enter the castle. After dealing with Baron De Mordri, talk to Prince Valor and the sorceress Sharifa. She will take you to the heart of Ancaria, after which she will leave. Activate the Heart and you will see the demon Sakkara. You will have to kill him. After which we need to use the heart of Ancaria again to take away everything that we put there before. There are glitches in this place and it is not always possible to get your stuff the first time. You may have to leave the level and come back several times for it to work. go to Prince Valor. Arriving, we discover that the princess has been kidnapped and Prince Valor has been killed. And also that our Sharifa is Shaddar!

This is the final fourth act. Now you need to finish the job, and so we are heading back to Shaddar-Nur. Find the portal in the fortress and enter it. First, kill the Priests of Saqqara. Then Shaddar himself. You can't just defeat him like that! This requires a bit of trickery. You need to pick up glowing balls flying around the room! This is the only way to damage Shaddar. Killing Shaddar completes the game.

Now you can start playing on silver. To do this, export your character. And start passing. Good luck!

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