Make a robbery in GTA 5 online. Robbery in GTA Online. How to open a bank check in GTA Online

Money in GTA 5 plays a huge role for us, because money is power and opportunity! Weapons and houses, any updates and interesting features are sometimes drawn on the price tag, very substantial amounts, while having money in GTA 5, we are not dependent on anyone or anything. Therefore, everything depends on the question of how to make money in GTA 5? We figured out this issue and compiled a mission walkthrough for GTA 5, which will help not only learn many tricks, which will help us a lot, but also share a number of recommendations on how to make the most money on robbery missions in GTA 5, which partners to choose so as not to overpay senselessly, but also to get maximum help and cover for the money you give and much more! These recommendations will help you in the event that you start to go through the plot of the game again, despite the fact that the missions can be replayed, our profit will not increase from this!

The first thing I would like to say is to postpone the missions from Lester, except for those that are provided for by the plot, and there are only two of them.
And of course, do not forget about reasonable spending, because the more we have on the balance sheet, the more we can earn later!
Below, we will talk about this in detail.

Earning money on robbery missions in GTA 5

Heist Mission: The Jewel Store Job

Plan: B (smart)

Partners: drove Karim Den z, computer genius Rickie Lukens and shooter Packie McReary

If we choose a partner Rickie who lost his job in Lifeinvader, he will give us as much time as we have time to collect everything we need on the shelves. Undeniably taking on a heist mission The Jewel Store Job more skillful hacker, on the one hand, we will get more cherished minutes, but on the other hand, in order to make money in GTA 5, we need to adequately assess the situation and choose those partners who will give us the necessary time, and not useless extra, which we can’t will not help.

As for the fighter who will cover us, we recommend choosing Packie, because thanks to him we will be able to earn two% more in GTA 5 than with Gustavo Mota, and he will fulfill all his duties just as well.
To Packs became available to us, we must complete a random task " Getaway Driver”, in it our hero is near the hut Franklin and he's looking for someone to help him get away, we can serve him as a driver!

We also do not recommend hiring Norm Richards, because he will die anyway when the chase starts, we won’t be able to save him, and, plus everything, we will lose five% of the profit, so let’s give him life for now, we still need him!

It is worth considering that the passage of the GTA 5 mission with a driver Karim Denz will only be a little more difficult due to his choice of motorcycles for the retreat, however, this will not affect our profit in any way! On the other hand, we will save as much as six percent by not hiring his direct competitor. Eddie Toh.

Heist Mission: The Merryweather Heist

Plan: A or B

Partners: no options

If you are interested in how to make money fast in GTA 5 on a robbery mission The Merryweather Heist Relax, it's impossible!
Why? Yes, because manners Trevor sometimes don't match reality.

Robbery Mission: Blitz Play

Plan: choice is not given

Partners: choice is not given

The passage of GTA 5 will be accompanied not only by victories, but also by small losses, for example, rely on earnings in GTA 5 on a mission Blitz Play also not worth it.
After all, we do menial work, and, sadly, others will receive all the benefits for us!

Heist Mission: The Paleto Score

Plan: choice is not given

Partners: fighter Packie McReary(in the event that it was used on the first robbery) or Chef

This time, every shot in our back will cost us money. Our initial amount is $8,016,020, the rest will show how professional you are! In GTA 5 mission walkthrough The Paleto Score it is most profitable for us with these partners. Why? Because Packie McReary has the highest stats, in case you took it to the first robbery, as we recommended. Chef, as well as Packie perform their duties with high quality, no worse and cheaper by as much as two percent than Gustavo Mota!

But Norm Richards let's spare again, like in the first robbery, because he will be killed again, and we will lose not only a partner, but also part of the loot, if we do not pick up his bag, we will give life norma to the final robbery.
Similarly, do not touch the arrow Daryl Johns, imminent death awaits him, save him!

Robbery Mission: The Bureau Raid

Plan: B (roof entry)

Partners: computer genius Rickie Lukens and fighter Norm Richards, carriers Taliana Martinez or Karim Denz

On a mission The Bureau Raid you can only get money in GTA 5 Franklin.
Plan B will bring us about 30,000 extra dollars over Plan A.

Therefore, if you still choose plan A, then enlist the help Packs and Gusa, because, you guessed it norm will be killed again, let us spare him.

And if you follow our advice and choose plan B, then we take as a hacker Rickie Lukens his knowledge is enough. In this variant Norm Richards does not die and his candidacy suits us completely, we take him.
And there is no better candidate for a driver than Taliana Martinez, plus she'll charge us nine percent less Eddie Toh.
In order for it to become available in our team, we must go to the northeast of the state and find Taliana near the overturned car, then we rush to Sandy Shores to bring her back alive. Try it, it will be very useful to us in the final robbery!

Taliana sit down and wait for us in an ambulance, thanks to which we will rush past the police without unnecessary consequences. Will do the same Karim Denz, but only if he participated in the first robbery, having improved his skills! For which he received praise from Michael, but with a note about his stupidity in the first robbery with motorcycles. Please note that if Karim did not participate in the first robbery, he will come to us in a minivan, and it will be hard!

Robbery Mission: The Big Score

Plan: B (obvious)

Partners: pilot Taliana Martinez, machinist Karim Denz, arrows - no matter who, except Gustavo Mota

Mission The Big Score- the final and most grandiose and lucrative heist, and if you were wondering how to make money in gta 5, then after the execution, the budget of each of the three protagonists will be replenished by $41,664,000, subject to the correct passage!

Helicopter pilot - Taliana, this is the right choice for only five percent of the profit, but if you appoint Karim Denz, then he will most likely crash an air vehicle, therefore, his place is a train driver!
But the shooter fighters do not affect the course of the mission, therefore, we choose the most budget options!
When choosing Plan A, we get almost $7 million less - $34,892,000 than Plan B.

In the event that your choice fell on the quietest option - plan A, then put Packie McReary or boss as the 1st arrow, and the second select Norm Richards. Drivers - Taliana Martinez and Karim Denz, hacker - Rickie Lukens.

Congratulations! We made all the robberies and on the balance sheet of each of the protagonists formed a tidy sum of more than 40 million dollars! Do you want to multiply them as quickly and profitably as possible? Do you remember that Lester offers us a series of stock market frauds in GTA 5? Let's get started!

Instructions for earning in GTA 5 on the stock exchange and other financial transactions

Tasks from Lester

There will be occasional quests from Lester in GTA 5 during the course of the game, as we said earlier, it is better to postpone them by the time we go through the main storyline, except for the mission " Hotel Assassination”, which is simply necessary for the further development of actions in the game, therefore, we perform it in the first third of the plot.

Other missions such as:
« The Multi Target Assassination»
« The Vice Assassination»
« The Bus Assassination»
« The Construction Assassination»

Perform after the completion of the main storyline, and recommendations how to make money in gta 5 on the exchange, where to invest money in relation to these missions, because they will have a significant impact on the stock price, read in the article -, section Capital investment !

In the process of passing GTA 5, you will also meet random missions that will have a significant, albeit not long-term, impact on the stock market, and random advisers will help us to earn on shares in GTA 5, whom we can meet absolutely unexpectedly, about some of them we we'll tell you!

Event " Hitch lift 1» - take the latecomer to the airport at Liberty City analytics and if you do it in the best possible way, he will tell you a few secrets about the exchange rate.

Where to find such a valuable passenger? You can find it in the center of the resort settlement Chumash located on the western coast of the state. He will be highlighted on the map with a bluish dot, absolutely dull, losing his last hope, catching at least some ride in the direction Great Ocean Highway - Ineseno Road. From this place we need to deliver it to the airport Los Santos in 2.5 minutes.

Before the start of the event, we invest the money of each of the three protagonists on the exchange BAWSAQ in company shares Tinkle (TNK), which specializes in the field of mobile communications. We have to wait about one in-game day or just sleep and sell shares when the profit is about 30%, on consoles a little more - about 50%.

Subject to our instructions, each of the three protagonists will have a tidy sum of $ 1.9 billion on their balance sheet, less than on consoles, but more than enough in general for such a period of time!

After all, on PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS3 if you sell shares at once on behalf of three characters, you will get a profit of more than 2.5 billion dollars.
However, there is a slight nuance here, since the game uses a 32-bit data type, the maximum game balance is $ 2,147,483,647.
First in game version 1.0 we risked running into a negative balance, but subsequently Rockstar corrected this cant with a patch and all the extra money is simply written off, so how not to lose profit?

We recommend the following!
We sell shares in parts of about 250 million when the shares have reached their maximum value, and immediately invest the money received in the shares of other companies, the best exchange for such actions is LCN, because its course does not depend on the presence of a connection to the servers Rockstar.

... and the heirs of Ostap

There are many well-wishers in GTA 5, both literally and figuratively, the goal of some of them is to cash in on us! For example, in San Andreas, trades the so-called Bill Binder, which offers to insure its investments in case the US economy collapses. Of course, this is a scammer, but if you are a person who has packs of bucks pressed into all pockets, have fun - invest 10 thousand dollars in a scammer portfolio generator.

I think all these tips will help many and make the passage of the GTA 5 game not only more interesting, but also more conscious and profitable, there are, perhaps, just a few GTA 5 tips that I would like to give in the end.
Remember, apart from missions, we do not have the opportunity to somehow influence the stock price on the exchanges within the framework of a free game, even if we go to shoot the company’s equipment, its shares will not fall, therefore, outside the missions, if the desire is so great, we are left Blindly (without anyone's prompting) invest in shares of companies, using only your mind, having studied the development trends of companies, and the only rule of any business is buy low - sell high! Good luck!

Please note that BAWSAQ- this is an online exchange, for its operation you need to connect to Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network.

In GTA Online, money plays no less important, so we have compiled an instruction - how to make money in gta 5 online.

Most recently, the fifth part of the legendary GTA series was released, which continues to amaze all gamers. With each new release, the game becomes more and more impressive in absolutely every way, both graphically and technically. "GTA 5" is an incredibly diverse project that includes both a rich storyline and a huge freeplay world with an abundance of opportunities. However, as always, one of the most pressing issues is earning money for living. Unlike previous episodes, in the fifth part, the prices of absolutely everything are quite high, so you will not be able to earn money by stealing change from passers-by on the street. Accordingly, you need to learn more complex and dangerous methods - for example, how to rob banks in GTA 5. So you can get a lot of money, but at the same time you will put yourself in serious danger.

Bank robbery

So, if you want to rob banks in GTA 5, then you need to prepare for this action thoroughly. This is one of the most difficult and dangerous processes in the game, so if you do something at random, then you will only fail. In the game, you can loot various points and objects, and they all have their own difficulty level. The easiest way to carry out raids on ATMs - you just need to wait for a person who wants to withdraw money to approach him. It is him that you need to attack in order to get the funds. Also, you should pay attention to which ride all over the city. They usually have at least five thousand dollars behind armored doors. But here you need to think over a few more aspects: how to stop the car, where to do it, how to get rid of collectors, how to break open the door, how to hide. Do not forget that you can rob shops in the game, it is from them that you need to start practicing if you plan to switch to banks later. Well, and, of course, the most profitable way to earn money is to rob a bank, since there is usually a lot of money there, but there is also plenty of security. So the most important thing in this case is to clearly understand what exactly you will do. Therefore, in this article you will learn how to rob banks in GTA 5 correctly.


Bank robbery is not a one-time action, it is a full-fledged complex in which every element must be thought out to the smallest detail. Accordingly, if you are wondering how to rob banks in GTA 5, then you should start by preparing everything you need for the raid. At this stage, you will need to have enough funds to purchase clothes and masks to hide the identities of the raiders, to buy weapons that will be best for the assault, as well as a vehicle in which you will hide from the scene of the crime. Also, do not forget about special devices that will allow you to open safes faster. Separately, it is worth mentioning how to rob banks in GTA 5 in a single player game, since online you can collect a whole gang of other gamers, and in a single player game you will need to cope on your own. Do not forget about any of your characters, as each of them will play an important role.


The next stage is one of the most important, since it is during its implementation that you will be able to work out the upcoming events in detail. If you are not ready for planning, then you better not think at all about whether it is possible to rob banks in GTA 5. You need to decide how you will enter the building, who will be responsible for what. There must be a person who will crack the safe, another must guard the exit, the third must keep the bank employees at gunpoint so that they do not raise the alarm, otherwise you will have problems. You need to think not only about how to start robbing a bank in GTA 5, but also how to finish this event.


So it's time to move on to the most crucial part of the whole plan - directly to the robbery itself. The most important thing here is to stick to the plan so that each character fulfills the role assigned to him. If two people go to blow up the safe, then either the hostages or the exit will be left without attention, and this will seriously jeopardize your plan. Accordingly, everyone must do what is prescribed for him, while not making a mistake, since in such an important matter any mistake is a serious delay, and it results in a great danger to the entire event.


Well, the last stage, which cannot be called less important than all the previous ones, is the retreat. You need to have a transport prepared in advance at the entrance to the bank, so as not to waste time looking for a suitable car. Your goal is to escape from persecution, which can be done in different ways. But one of the most effective is underground parking, which you can discover in advance, at the planning stage. There you can either hide from persecution, or change vehicles so that you cannot be tracked down.

Requirements to get started:

  • The leader - the organizer of the group must have level 12 and above, and also own an expensive apartment (apartment);
  • 3 Players - party members can be level 1 or higher to join the robbery.
In order to start a robbery, you need to call Lester and visit the warehouse of his clothing factory. After that, you will be asked to prepare for the first preparatory case.

In fact, you don't have to wait for Lester to call. Just pick up your phone, select the "Quick Job" menu and click "Play Heist" at the top of the list. You will be given the option to either join "on call" (On Call) or enter the lobby as usual. This will take you to another player's heist. However, you can enter the Heist in any order, so when playing Heists for the first time, you may skip some sections.

Also note that after the completion of the robbery and before the start of a new robbery, there is a delay of about 10-15 minutes. You can repeat any of the heists by calling Lester and using the Heist Request menu.

Pass sequence

  • 1. The Fleeca Job
  • 2. The Prison Break
  • 3. The Humane Labs Raid
  • 4. Series-A Funding
  • 5. The Pacific Standard Job

The Grand Theft Auto V series of games is increasingly delighting its fans with new missions and tasks. In the 5th part, the developers paid special attention to major robberies. If earlier it was intuitively clear how to crack the safe and eliminate the guards, now the task has become much more complicated and each robbery requires the player to think over a strategy. Fortunately, all the hard work and losses will pay off later, because at stake is not some miserable thousands of dollars, but whole millions!

How many robberies are there in the game?

In total, there are about 4 major robberies in GTA V, each of which is unique and requires a detailed plan. So, what are the robberies and how to get through them?

One of the first heists in the single player game is a raid on a jewelry store. The backstory is not very original: the main character Michael owes a tidy sum to one influential person. To repay the debt on time, he agrees to. Easy income.

First, you need to scout the area, find all the cameras and draw up a ventilation plan for the building. Then climb onto the roof of the jewelry store through the neighboring construction site, checking all the entrances and exits to the ventilation shaft. Now you can start the robbery.

According to the story, the hero should be given the right to choose between modes of robbing a jewelry store. There are only two of them - loud and silent. In the first mode, the player breaks into a building with weapons, quickly collects loot from the counters and hides from the police, and the second involves a silent entry using sleep gas. Of course, the second takes a little longer, but the risk is minimal. A robbery of a jewelry store is considered completed if everyone from the team is alive and did not fall into the hands of the police.

Unlocked by players who have completed Port Scouting. Having fulfilled all the conditions, the player receives $20 million. You can go through it in two ways:

Quiet mode

First, Franklin must infiltrate the ship and neutralize the guards. To do this, it is advisable to have a weapon with a silencer with you in order to remove everyone silently. Next, we switch to Michael and set the bombs on the masts. Then again we play for Franklin and cover for Michael. When the firefight starts, the ship must be abandoned and blown up. Sonar will report the location of the valuable cargo.

The mission is 100% completed if:

  • You killed 12 guards with a direct hit to the head;
  • Found the cargo in 1 minute;
  • They slipped into the ship unnoticed.

Loud mode

In this method, Michael first needs to go through flight school. We take off from the airport by helicopter, taking a small submarine with us. Near the destination, we lower it into the water. Now we play as a character in a submarine: we open the phone and find the Trackify application in it. We get to the goal using the map and pick up the device. We switch back to Michael, pick up the submarine and return to the airport.

The mission is considered 100% completed if:

  • You found the device in less than 2 minutes.
  • Killed all the guards on the ship.
  • Fled from the pursuers in less than 4 minutes.
  • Completed the task in 14 minutes.

Bank robbery in Paleto

One of the most dynamic robberies in GTA 5 -. Contains a lot of dialogues, shootouts and cut-scenes. So how do you complete it successfully?

To begin with, we bring Franklin to the point where he will later pick us up with money. Next, we break into the bank and run to the federal vault. We take 8 million and leave the building, simultaneously shooting back from the police. Having reached the point, we notice that the plans have changed and the sea route is blocked. Therefore, we get to the plant not by boat, as planned, but by bulldozer. There will be the last shootout, after which the guys will receive the money.

The mission will be completed one hundred percent if:

  • More than 4,000 rounds of ammunition have been expended.
  • Shooting accuracy is above 50%.
  • The duration of the task is less than 16 minutes.
  • Damage caused is $1 million.

The biggest bank robbery in GTA 5 or Huge jackpot

So our characters got to the biggest and most responsible business in the single player campaign. - the pinnacle of the criminal career of all the main characters, so this robbery cannot be easy by definition. Of course, every task needs a well-thought-out plan. In the Big Jackpot mission, two plans are provided at once - "quiet" and "obvious". Despite the name, the former is much easier to pull off than the latter, but the characters will receive less money. So what's the point of the plan?

In the first plan, our heroes will have to try on a collector's uniform. To do this, we ambush a convoy of armored vehicles that are just following the bank for cash and gold, and take the driver's seat. After that, we simply play the role of collectors, calmly taking the gold out of the vault. Unfortunately, you still won't be able to hide silently, so you should prepare a weapon in advance.

The second option takes more time and effort, but it brings more profit. First you need to make a passage to the bank using a drilling rig, pick up containers with gold by helicopter and hide from a huge army of policemen. Next, you will find a tense chase and a huge number of other problems.

Who to take on robberies in GTA 5?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a team, you need to take into account the individual abilities of each of the characters. If you take an inexperienced driver on a mission, he can crash in pursuit and lose a significant portion of the profits. Luckily, if the robbery goes well. Therefore, by the end of the game, we get an excellent team of the most experienced heroes.

In addition to bank robberies, which bring the characters millions of dollars at a time, you can also raid shops. The profit from them, of course, is more modest, but you don’t have to bother with the plan too much - you went into the building, took out a gun, and you watch how the seller takes out cash from the cash register. If he does not, break a couple of windows and take the money yourself. On average, it takes a couple of minutes and brings in about $1,000.

31-03-2017, 19:14

All new details, new transport, list of changes and other innovations, you can find them in the news -

So, on March 10, 2015, the most long-awaited addition in the history of GTA Online came out - Robbery. The DLC adds many different new gameplay features, equipment, vehicles, clothing and more to the game. But, of course, the main feature is the robbery missions themselves. To successfully complete some missions, you need to have a lot of knowledge and work hard. And to help our readers in successfully completing all the tasks, the portal has prepared a kind of guide for each mission. In addition, here, you can find other information about Robbery. The guide will be updated in the future, as you progress through tasks and find new opportunities. There are currently 5 Heists available in GTA Online with additional prep missions.

GTA 5 Online Heists - How to successfully complete each Heist

GTA 5 Online Heists - money, unlocks, achievements

  • All new vehicles and weapons in GTA Online Heists (coming soon)
  • . How much RP and money you will earn by completing daily, weekly and monthly goals

Robbery or Heist in Grand Theft Auto Online- This is a cooperative heist mission that will require you to carefully plan, work in a team and quickly complete. In order to complete the missions of robberies (Heist) you must first plan your actions by drawing up a plan in your apartment.

In the near future on this page there will be complete information and a guide to robberies (Heist) for GTA Online.

How to start a robbery in gta 5 online?

Heists are available to players only from level 12, and if you have a luxury apartment. In order to start a robbery in GTA Online, just call Lester and visit his clothing factory. After that, you will be asked to prepare for the first introductory robbery.

Please note that after the completion of the robbery and before the start of a new mission, there is a delay, of the order of 5-10 minutes. You can repeat the Heist by calling Lester using the "Request Heist" menu.

release date

Official information about robberies

  • A maximum of 4 players can take part in robberies
  • Heists will become available after level 12, but start heists and recruit a high class apartment owner team.
  • Before executing heists, the team will go through preparatory missions (identical to the story mode).
  • By completing preparatory missions, players will receive money, but not a leader.
  • Lester will inform the leader about new robberies.
  • All expenses associated with the organization of the robbery are borne by the leader.
  • All robbery missions are different.
  • It is possible to choose the difficulty of missions.
  • There will be 5 major heists available in GTA Online. The total duration of the Heist gameplay is 20 hours.
  • Performing robberies you will open new weapons, vehicles, clothing and other content.


Listed below are all the rumors and information found in the game's source files:

  • Robbery missions can be performed as with friends, or hire mercenaries in their place.
  • As found in the game's source files, the heist missions will include: Prison Bus Rescue, Pick Up a Prostitute, Burial, Territory Takeover, Gang Fight, Police Territory, Exquisite Bank Robbery, FIB Takeover. In addition to this list, about 40 more missions will be added.
  • After the mission scripts were leaked, information about a hideout for cops and criminals was discovered. For criminals, there is a mention in the code of a closet in which the player can change outfit to complete missions. For the cops, it's like a police locker room.
  • Rumors have it that in GTA Online heist missions, players will choose specific roles for themselves. According to information for Heist missions, there will be six roles for each of the players: Driver, Hacker, Mercenary, Leader, Parachutist and Sniper. More about information -.
  • Heist rewards will be more than 1 million GTA$ -

Full translation of the article from IGN, translated by the editors of -

New Heist Screenshots -

Trailer "Robbery" - in the maximum available quality, the trailer can be viewed here -

Another preview of the experience of the DLC "Robbery" -

Together with the release of DLC 1.07 or 1.21 with robberies, the following modes will become available in the game.

Rival Mode

Thanks to the mode, the player will be able to track his “ups” in various indicators. With the help of the mode, it will be possible to determine who you are: a pilot, a driver, a gunner or a “cannon fodder”. In turn, heist leaders will be able to select players more efficiently and carefully.

Let's play a game

To understand what is at stake, remember the movie "Hard Target" (1993). So, the players are divided into 2 teams: Hunters and Runners. Hunters are endowed with various vehicles, however, they have restrictions in free sight and a minimal arsenal. In turn, Runners are limited in movement during the game and they have to shoot back and hide, but at the same time they can use automatic guidance, they have an impressive arsenal in reserve.


Here the players are divided into two teams: in the first team - 4 people, in the second - from 6 or more. While the second team must capture and destroy all opponents, the outnumbered team must defend the required area. The defending team has a huge amount of equipment and ammunition in the arsenal, the attackers are armed only with shotguns.

Hasta la Vista

An exciting mode that will remind players of a scene from the second Terminator (1991). The first team plays the role of cyclists who must reach the specified point on the map. The second team plays the role of dangerous "truckers" who have at their disposal the most powerful invincible trucks. If a team of cyclists must use all the maneuverability and speed of bicycles, then truckers must rely on coherence and cunning in order to prevent the enemy from reaching the set goal in every possible way.

Daily quests

Completing daily tasks from Rockstar Games will make life in Los Santos and Blaine County more interesting. Now you can earn up to 500,000 GTA$. Every day, the challenges will be different, and their difficulty will force you to do maneuvers that you have not done before in GTA Online.

Quests in free mode

While walking around the city or its environs with friends, you may receive a call from Lamar, Lester or Trevor asking you to help them with one of their urgent matters. After activating the call, the desired point will instantly appear on the map, and you will receive detailed information from the character. Thus, a variety will be introduced into criminal everyday life. Suppose Lester may receive a call in which he will ask the cops to “speak” on a particular section of the map so that his accomplices can finish the job and hide. Simon or Lamar may ask you to blow up or find the right car, and Ron or Trevor will instruct you to shoot down several competing air targets.

It should be noted that a new system of Email messages will be launched in the game, a reward system will provide an opportunity to receive better clothes or improved modifications for cars. To get clothes or the desired improvements, you will need a great desire to complete various tasks.

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