Insect games in kindergarten. Didactic game for children of the preparatory group on the topic: Insects

We read fairy tales and stories about insects:
"The Ant and the Dragonfly" by V. Bianchi

"Fly-Tsokotukha" K. Chukovsky.
"Forest mansions". M. Mikhailov.
"How Ant was in a hurry home." V. Bianchi.
"Happy bug". G. Skrebitsky.
"Three butterflies". Estonian fairy tale.
"Monkeys and Butterflies". Fairy tale
"The Brave Ant". Fairy tale
"He is alive and glows." V. Dragunsky.
"The Tale of the Little Goat". D. Mimin-Sibiryak.
"Let there be a nightingale and a beetle." V. Sukhomlinsky.
"Martin". G. Snegirev.
"What the earthworm learned." From the book "The Underground Traveler" by N. Romanov
"Why Much About Everything in the World" - stories with beautiful illustrations

P. g. "Insects"

Flew to us yesterday
Striped Bee,
They wave their hands up and down.

And behind her is a bumblebee - a bumblebee
And a cheerful moth,
Two bugs and a dragonfly
Pronouncing the name of insects, bend
one finger on both hands.

Like flashlights eyes
They make "glasses" from fingers.

Flew, flew
They wave their hands up and down.

They fell down from fatigue.
They drop their hands down, slapping themselves on the sides.

mnemonic table:

lexical topic
demo material (12 cards)
sets of thematic lessons
table: insects: we fly / do not fly, our houses
insects in pictures
cards with names and the task to find the same insect among others
insects photos
a photo exhibition dedicated to the protective coloration of some insects
my collection of ideas for classes and crafts
a large collection of ideas for classes
task package
did. game "Who Is How It Works"
The game "The fourth extra"

coloring book with samples and short sentences
crossword puzzle and assignments
Doman cards

Crafts and drawing
butterfly stencils
Bugs - very beautiful children's coloring pages with samples
assignments on the topic from the notebook "Welcome to ecology!"
- a collection of ideas, including crafts with pasta "Butterfly life cycle"
symmetrical drawing with Butterfly paints
ideas for crafts
applications "Insects"

Our crafts:

Outdoor games
Caterpillar game
"Caterpillar with balloons"
You need chalk to play. An adult draws a circle on the site of such a size that all participants can fit freely around the circle. One of the players is appointed as the driver, he stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - grasshoppers - stand at the very line behind the circle. At the command of the leader, the grasshoppers begin to jump inside the circle, and then jump out of it. The driver tries to catch one of the participants at the moment when the latter is inside the circle. The caught player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes a grasshopper, after which the game is repeated.
The game can be made more difficult by changing its rules: jump, and also jump on one leg or jump out only after clapping your hands.
Game "Moth"(
Vitilek moth, (children move in a circle, smoothly flapping their arms like wings) Bring us a breeze:
From the gate - turn, (stop, turn and run in the opposite direction) Drive the boat into a stream.
- Wei, wei, breeze, (stop, take turns reaching for an outstretched hand to the side)
Pull the sail
Chase the shavings
From west to east, (slowly, they run in a circle with a side step) (Folk song)

Mathematics and Logic
Download the game "Catch the Beetle!"

Card number 1.

Game "Who will win?"

Description of the game: the teacher calls two children and puts them facing each other. At the signal of the teacher, children simultaneously begin to draw out loudly, first quietly, then loudly the vowel sounds A, O, U, I, E. Whoever pulls the sound longer wins. First, the teacher determines the winner. Then you can instruct the children to determine who won. The teacher should only make sure that children do not lower their vocal strength to the end of the sound and do not overextend their neck muscles.

General speaking skills. Insects.

Card number 2.

Dialogue "Conversation with the beetle"

Target: Development of intonational expressiveness.

Stroke : Speech therapist invites children to tell this text expressively.

Hey beetle! Our friend!

Tell me where do you live?

Why don't you invite us to visit?

Have you built a house for yourself?

Why should I build a house?

I live under a burdock

He is both a roof and a canopy.

If it's hot - climbed into the shade,

If it rains, I'm gone.

Well under the burdock.

My burdock is an airfield!

His palm is wide,

Like a runway.

General speaking skills. Insects.

Card number 3.

Game "Beetles"

Target: development of prolonged speech exhalation. Work on the diction of speech. Automation of sound F in coherent text.

Game progress: children (beetles) squatted down and say:

I am a beetle, I am a beetle

I live here,

Buzz, buzz:


At the signal of the teacher, the beetles fly into the clearing. There they fly, bask in the sun and buzz: well, well ... at the signal "Rain", beetles fly into houses (chairs).

General speaking skills. Insects.

Card number 4.

Flies in the Web

Target: Automation of sound F, development of dexterity.

Game progress: children stand in a circle, lower their hands. They represent a spider web. There are 3 children inside the circle. They depict flies, fly and buzz. At the signal of the speech therapist, the "flies" want to fly out of the circle, the "web" does not let them go.

General speaking skills. Insects.

Card number 5.

"Tongue Twisters"

Target: development of general speech skills: correct sound pronunciation, work on the clarity of diction and intonational expressiveness of speech, the ability to change the strength of the voice.


The wasp has not a mustache, do not whisker, but antennae.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

Golden, like bronze, Oats have a mustache,

The beetle is circling near the rose. The stripes are in the wasp.

And it buzzes: “Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu! There is dew on the mustache

I am very friendly with roses! " the wasp has beauty.

General speaking skills. Insects.

Card number 6.

Game "Bees"

Target: working out a long speech exhalation. Sound automation J.

Game progress: in the middle of the room, a beehive is fenced off with chairs. All children are bees, one child is a bear. He is hiding from the bees. The bees sit in the hive and say in chorus:

The bees are sitting in the hive

And they look out the window.

Everyone wanted to fly

Friend after friend flew: W-w-w-w-w-w.

They fly away with a buzz, waving their small wings. At the signal "Bear", the bees fly to the hive and do not let the bear pass. If the bear ran away with nothing, then he chooses an assistant and the game continues with two bears.

General speaking skills. Insects.

Card number 7.

Game: Exercise: "Remember and repeat"

Target: Development of speech breathing, speech memory. Enrichment of the active vocabulary.

Stroke: The speech therapist invites children to stand up straight, lower their arms, take a calm breath, “send air to the tummy,” and as they exhale, repeat the words in the same order. The omission of a word or permutation is considered a loss.

Beetle, wasp, bee, fly.

Butterfly, wasp, caterpillar, grasshopper.

Card number 8.

Mosaic "Insects"

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 9.

Game "Insects"

Finger gymnastics.

I am a cheerful May beetle.

I know all the gardens around.

I circle over the lawns

And my name is Zhuzhu.

Squeeze the fist, spread the index finger and little finger to the sides - "mustache", move them.

Don't bite, evil mosquito!

I'm already running home.

Squeeze the cam, index finger forward (proboscis). Little finger and thumb, relaxed down - "paws"

The bee sat on a flower

She drinks fragrant juice.

Extend the index finger of the right hand and rotate it, then do the same with the finger of the left hand.

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 10.

Game: "BEES"

Finger gymnastics

Target: development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements and speech.

Flew to us yesterday

Striped bee.

(They wave their palms.)

And behind her is a bumblebee - a bumblebee

And a cheerful moth,

Two beetles and a dragonfly

(For each insect name

Bend one finger.)

Like flashlights eyes.

(Make circles out of fingers

And bring it to your eyes.)

Buzzed, flew,

(They wave their palms.)

They fell down from fatigue.

(They drop their palms on the table.)

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 11.

Wasp game


Wasps love sweets

They fly to the sweet.

And the wasps will bite

If they want to.

Extend the middle finger, squeeze it between the index and ring finger, rotate it in different directions.

Exercises "Fly".

1. See a fly sitting on the right knee, peer at it, catch it, feel it in your fist, bring your fist to your ear. Listen to the fly ringing. Drink as you exhale, imitating a fly: "z-z-z". Release the fly, open your palm, follow its flight with your eyes, inhale again.


The fingers are clenched into a fist, then bend them back one at a time.

Here's a little beehive

Where are the bees hiding

Nobody will see them.

Here they appeared from the hive:

One, two, three, four, five!


General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 12.

Game "Beetle"

Target: development of fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements with speech.

The beetle is flying

Buzzing, buzzing

And he moves his mustache.

Fingers in the fist. The index and little fingers are spread apart, the child moves them.

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 13.


Moth - Vitilek,

Bring us a breeze:

(They run in a circle with their arms out to the sides.)

From the gate - turn

Drive the boat into a trickle.

(Turn; run in the opposite direction.)

Wey, wey, breeze,

Pull the sail

(Stop, turn

Face in a circle; wave your arms, stretch.)

Chase the chill

From west to east.

(They run in a circle, holding hands.)

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 14.

The game "TRACK"

Target: Coordination of speech with movement, the development of creative imagination.

This strange house with no windows

People call it “cocoon”.

(Children lie stretched out on their backs; arms along the torso, feet in the center of the circle.)

Twisting this house on a branch,

The caterpillar slumbers in it.

(They turn over onto the left side, put their palm under the cheek.)

But winter rushed by -

(Roll over onto your back,

stretching lying down.)

March, April, drops, spring ...

(Sit down slowly.)

Wake up, sleepyhead - sleepyhead!

(Stretching while sitting.)

Under the bright spring sun

(Get up, stretch while standing.)

The caterpillar has no sleep.

She became a butterfly!

(They run in a circle, flap their arms like wings.)


What are you doing, bug?

I'm building a house!

What are you weaving, spider?

Scourge a hamachishko!

In a small house

The bug will live.

And swing in a hammock

Frisky spider.

What are you buzzing about, bug?

About his house.

How spacious it has become

To little bugs!

Alternately open and close the fists, hands at shoulder level. Alternate with the movements of the cams in front of you.

Anischenkova E.S.


There is a house on the mountain,

An ant is crawling there,

He drags straws, chips,

So that the house turns out to be strong.

Brothers are scurrying around -

Diligent ants

They carry a worm to the anthill,

A bug, a bug, a spider.

Who builds, who feeds the kids -

Tiny ants.

Like this - all day at work,

In labors, anxiety, care.

Children walk in place, chanting the text of the poem.

Anischenkova E.S.


The wings are transparent,

Round eyes.

Flies over me

Miracle dragonfly.

I substitute my palm

Get some rest!

Tell me where have you been

What have you seen in the world?

But she is silent in response,

There is probably no time.

After all, flying is her job

And she is reluctant to talk.

Hands make smooth counter movements, imitating the movements of the conductor's hands in the orchestra.

Anischenkova E.S.

At the same time, on stressed syllables, connect the second, third, fourth, fifth fingers on both hands alternately with the first finger of the hand. On the words “fainted”, relax your hands, drop them:

On the parquet in eight pairs, flies were dancing, When they saw a spider, they fainted.

Sing the same song on the syllables "zoom", "zu" and at the same time conduct with a hand. The brush should be flexible and clearly indicate the accents in the music.

Chok-chok, heel (h) Chok-chok, heel! Stomp your feet.

A cricket is spinning in the dance. Whirl around.

A grasshopper without error Movement of hands, as when playing the violin.

Performs a waltz on the violin.

Butterfly wings flicker - Move your arms like wings.

She flies with the ant. Circling in pairs on bounces.

Curtsey squat Girls curtsy.

And again it is spinning in a dance. Whirl around.

To a merry hopak Dance movements, like in a hopak.

The spider is dancing dashingly.

Hands clap loudly! Clap your hands.

Everything! Our legs are tired! Sit down in your seat.

E. Karelskaya

Poppy (s, l, r) Poppy grew on the hillock. Make a "bud" with the fingers of your left hand.

He bowed his head like that. Tilt the "bud".

A butterfly flies over him, Cross your hands, wave like

Quickly flashes wings. butterfly wings.

On a tight stalk Put the elbow of the left hand on the table, with your hand

The beetle crawls: "What's up there?" depict a "flower". The right hand is a "bug"

So he crawled to the flower, running across with his toes, crawling

He turned back two petals. up the arm-stalk.

With your right hand, bend a large and

Climbed inside, grumbled, index fingers.

I saw a round house. Place the fingers of your right hand in the palm of your left.

Fold the fingers of the left hand with a pinch - "poppy box".

He knocked on the wall with his paw, With each finger of his right hand, knock on

But the answer is no one is yes. "A box of poppy."

The petals flew around, With your right hand, bend the fingers of your left hand.

The house has dried up from the heat. Fold the fingers of the left hand with a pinch.

It began to rattle like a rattle. Squeeze the fingers of the left hand into a fist, "rattle",

That's such a nice toy! like a rattle.

E. Karelina


Vasya went out hunting,

And in the hands of his net.

Sees - the butterfly sits down

On a blue flower.

Vasya swung,


Butterfly in his hands.

But Vasya sighs heavily -

He's very sorry for the poor thing.

Vasek let her go -

Here comes a brother from work,

"Will give me" a camera,

I'll go hunting again

I'll just take a photo.

Alternating movements of the robot's arms and walking in place.

Anischenkova E.S.

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 15.


Target: Coordination of speech and movements, development of motor skills.

A beetle flew into the group to us,

Buzzed and began to sing: w-w-w.(shake a finger)

So he flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right.

So he flew to the left,

(point by the river and see off)

Everyone looked to the left.

The beetle wants to sit on the nose,

(right hand direction of movement towards the nose from the side)

We won't let him sit down.

Our beetle has landed.(sit down)

Buzzed and whirled.

(make rotational movements of the "top" type and stand up)


Beetle, here's the right palm,

Sit on it a little.

(alternately stretch out their hands and look at them)

Beetle, here's the left palm.

Sit on it a little.

The beetle flew up

And sat down on the ceiling.

(put their hands up and look)

We got up on our toes,

(rise on their toes and stretch their arms up)

But we didn't get the beetle.

Let's clap together Clap - clap - clap.

(claps over head)

To fly away he could. W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w.

(imitate the flight of a beetle and sit on the chairs).

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 16.

Game "Insects"

Target: Coordination of speech with movement, the development of general speech skills.

Here's what a dragonfly -

Very round eyes.

Hands to the sides, then circular movements of fists at eye level.

Spins like a helicopter:

right, left, back, forward.

Hands to the sides, movements around its axis. Then hands on the belt, bends.

Raise your hangers

Jump, grasshoppers!

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

They sat down. We sat down,

We ate the grass

They listened to the silence

Higher, higher, high.

Jump on your toes easily!

Vigorous shoulder movements, squats, jumping in place.

General and fine motor skills. Insects.

Card number 17.


Target: Development of auditory attention, and elementary mathematical concepts


There are two insects on a daisy, This flower has four petals.

And on a buttercup - a bug, And how many petals

There is a bug in the bell, Two such flowers?

There is a spider on a carnation. V. Volina.

And on the poppy - no one.

How many were there in total?

Tell me quickly

How can we solve the problem.

N. Nishcheva.

Card number 18.

The game "Beetle" ( Cutaway picture)

Target: Teach to make a whole from two parts (cut along the diagonals)

Game progress: The child is offered to fold the picture. After completing the task, the kid calls the insect that turned out.

Visual and auditory attention. Insects.

Card number 19.

The game "Guess who's gone?"

Target: develop visual attention. Activate the dictionary on the topic.

Equipment: a set of thematic pictures with the image of insects.

Game progress: An adult lays out pictures in a row on the table. The child calls them. Then the adult invites the baby to close his eyes, and at this time removes one picture. The child opens his eyes and names which insect has flown away.

Visual and auditory attention. Insects.

Card number 20.

Game "Funny box"

Target: Refine and expand the dictionary on the topic: "insects"

Game progress: An adult shows a child a box and reads a poem:

I put pictures

in a multi-colored chest.

Come on, Katya (Sasha, etc.), take a look,

Take out the picture, name it.

The child takes out pictures one by one, names the insect, its parts, the color of the wings, whiskers, etc.

An adult summarizes all the pictures: "These are insects"

Visual and auditory attention. Insects.

Card number 21.

Game: "Who is superfluous"

Target: development of auditory attention. The use of complex sentences with the conjunction "because".

Game progress: the teacher names a series of words where insects are listed and the name of an inappropriate species is included. Children must determine what is superfluous and explain why they isolate this word from the general series.

Grasshopper, fly, sparrow, ant.

Wasp, bumblebee, horse, butterfly.

Visual and auditory attention. Insects.

Card number 22.

Exercise: What's missing?

Target: development of visual attention. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. The use of genitive nouns.

Stroke: on the blackboard is a composite picture of an insect. Children close their eyes, and the teacher removes the paws of the bumblebee, the mustache of the beetle, the ladybug have black dots, the bee has stripes, the wing of the butterfly, and the head of the ant. Children open their eyes. The teacher asks them to answer:

What insects lack?

The bumblebee has no legs.

The beetle has no mustache. Etc.

Visual and auditory attention. Insects.

Card number 23.

Exercise "What has changed"

(who flew away, flew in, hid?)

Target: development of visual attention, coherent speech.

Game progress: the teacher fixes insects on the typesetting canvas: a butterfly on a flower, a grasshopper on a blade of grass, a beetle on a leaf, a dragonfly over a flower, God. A cow under a leaf - and asks the children to tell what insects they see and where. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher removes one insect or swaps two insects. Opening their eyes, the children explain what has changed.

Visual and auditory attention. Insects.

Card number 24.

Game: "Who flies (runs, jumps)?"

Target: accumulation and clarification of words denoting an object and the action of objects.

Game progress: children sit in a semicircle. The teacher warns: “I will say: a bird flies, an airplane flies, a butterfly flies, a crow flies, etc., and every time you raise your hand. But listen carefully to what I say. I can say wrong, for example, a cat is flying, then you can't raise your hand. At the end, the teacher names the most attentive.

Card number 25.

Game "Butterfly and Flower"

Target: improving the grammatical structure of speech. To form understanding and the ability to use simple prepositions in speech.

Equipment: typesetting canvas, large flower, grass, butterfly.

Game progress : An adult (child) performs various actions with a butterfly: planting it on a flower, hiding it in the grass, placing it above the flower. At this time, children comment on actions, highlighting prepositions in their voice. Then he invites the child to play with the butterfly, activating his speech with questions.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 26.

Game "One - many"

Target: Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Teach to form plural nouns.

Game progress: The adult says the noun in the singular and throws a ball to the child. The child names the noun in the plural and returns the ball:

Beetle - beetles; Butterfly - butterflies, etc.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 27.

Game: "How many insects are there on a flower?"

Target: Coordination of numerals with nouns. Development of logical thinking and attention.

Game progress: Each child has an object picture depicting an insect. The speech therapist shows a number (from 2 to 5) and a card of any color. The child should compose (if this is consistent with the logic) a sentence: "There are 3 black ants on the flower." Or: "There are 5 green grasshoppers on a flower," etc.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 28.

Game: "Insect giants"

Target: The use of words with magnifying shades. Drawing up proposals based on a sample.

Game progress : Speech therapist gives a sample, as can be said about a large insect:

This is not a spider, but a spider.

This is not a mosquito, but a mosquito.


The sun. (Seasons: spring and summer.)

Meadow. (Insects in the meadow.)

Hive. (Bees.)

Anthill. (Ants.)

Butterfly. (Stages of development of a butterfly.)

Human. (What are the benefits of insects?)


(Approximate story according to the table)

Spring is coming. In forests, fields, meadows, many different insects wake up. In the hives in the apiary, bees are buzzing and working, collecting honey. In the forest, nimble ants maintain order in a huge anthill. The caterpillar turns into a pupa, and a beautiful butterfly is born from the pupa.

Insects are essential in nature: birds and animals feed on them, they pollinate flowers. And a man takes delicious, fragrant honey from bees.

Baikova S.V.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 29.

Game: "Who moves how?"

Target : Writing complex sentences with meaning

oppositions. Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Game progress: The speech therapist asks questions:

The ant is crawling, and the butterfly ...;

The caterpillar is crawling, and the grasshopper. ... ... ;

The beetle is crawling, and the dragonfly. ... ;

The wasp flies, but the worm. ... ... ;

The grasshopper jumps, and the mosquito ...

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 30.

Guess Game

Target: Formation of compound words.

Game progress : Speech therapist asks questions:

Butterflies of different colors. What kind of butterflies? - multi-colored.

Pointed-nosed mosquitoes - Pointed-nosed mosquitoes.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 31.

Game "In the meadow"

Target: the development of coherent speech. Drawing up proposals for insects. Expansion of vocabulary. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (using prepositions in, on, on, with, under, above). Development of visual attention.

Game progress: the speech therapist asks to place insects in the picture and say where they are. Children make sentences. In the older group, sentences with definitions and the use of the "Little Word" are made.

Description and material “Play. 8 games for the development of speech of preschoolers "N. V. Nishcheva.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 32.

Game "Find the word"

Target: Updating the verb dictionary.

Game progress: The child is invited to choose the words of action for the word insects:

They fly, flutter. crawl, jump, suck, bite, sting,

collect, buzz, ring, hum, bother, harm, help, fly over, hide, fall asleep, wake up, crawl out, work, endure.

Vocabulary and grammar. Insects.

Card number 3 3.

Exercise "Writer"

Target : to teach children to compose descriptions according to the picture and graphic plan, to develop coherent speech. Build sentences in accordance with the question.

Stroke: from the magic bag, in turn, the children take out a picture with the image of an insect. Without naming him, the child gives a description according to the plan. And the rest must guess what kind of insect the story was about.

See the plan in the appendix.

Language analysis. Insects.

Card number 34.

Game "Telegraph"



Option 1. The speech therapist says: "I will name the words, and you will take turns transmitting by telegraph to another city." The speech therapist pronounces the first word by syllable and accompanies it with claps. First, children are given two-syllable words, then three and monosyllabic words.

Option 2. The speech therapist says: "Now, by telegraph, I will print out the number of syllables, and you must think and say what word it can be." Whoever calls two or three words becomes a telegraph operator or receives a token.

Language analysis. Insects.

Card number 35.

Exercise "Divide and Deconstruct"

Target:improving the skill of syllabic analysis, dividing words into syllables.

Stroke:a speech therapist shows children pictures of insects without saying the name.

Words: beetle, wasp, fly, bee, bumblebee, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar, moth.

Language analysis. Insects.

Card number 36.

Game "Plant on a camomile"

Target:improving the skill of syllabic analysis. Develop the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word.

Equipment:chamomile with a different number of petals.


1 - beetle, bumblebee.

2 - bee, wasp.

3 - butterfly, dragonfly, ant.



Natket, gossip,

It sits down and waits for prey.


It will freeze over the flower for a moment

Swift wing helicopter

He will sit on a blade of grass -

Suddenly it flies up and flies.


Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle.


Two horns, not a bull

Six legs without hooves.


Many masters

They cut down a hut without corners.


In the clearing, near the trees,

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And there are a million tenants in it.


A flower slept - and suddenly woke up,

He did not want to sleep anymore.

He stirred, roused himself.

Soared up - and flew away.

Thematic cycle "Insects" (twenty-eighth week)

Children must learn: the main names of insects; where they live, what they eat; what are they needed for.

Lexical material: dragonfly, butterfly, grasshopper, caterpillar, fly, mosquito, bee, wasp, beetle, ant; anthill; crawl, gnaw.

Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

"The fourth extra":

fly, ant, rook, bee;

dragonfly, beetle, caterpillar, dog;

mosquito, grasshopper, butterfly, squirrel, etc.

"Where did the insects hide?" The use of a preposition under.

There is a picture on the board that depicts a clearing.

Speech therapist. All the insects hid. Let's try to find them.

The beetle hid under the fungus. The butterfly hid under a flower, etc. (under a fly agaric, under a twig, under a leaf, under a blade of grass).

"Name it affectionately"

yellow butterfly ...; butterfly belen ...;

ant niello ...; gray mosquito ...;

ladybug redness ...; blue beetle ...;

green grasshopper ...; striped wasp ...;

Development of coherent speech

"Centipede". Drawing up a story based on reference subject pictures:

“Once upon a time there was a centipede. She got ready to visit. She looked out the window. And it's raining outside. The centipede began to put on galoshes. While she was wearing forty legs, the sun shone.

The centipede began to take off his galoshes. While I took off everything, it started to snow.

The centipede decided to wear boots. While forty legs have put on shoes, winter is over.

Since then, the centipede has been walking barefoot.

Psychoverbal gymnastics

"Jump off the words." Syllabic analysis of words: caterpillar, grasshoppers, anthill, centipede.

Flap off each syllable tongue twisters:

Centipedes have too many legs.

Speech outdoor game "Dragonfly". Improvisation of movements:


Emerald eyes

Unfold your wings quickly

Fly our circle quickly!

Cricket counting room. For each line of the rhyme, four hits of the ball on the floor:

There lived a cricket behind the stove,

Choke and chock with heels,

But the heel broke

And behind the stove - silence.

Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound [l]

Sound characteristics (consonant, hard, voiced, dental).

Isolation of the sound [l] from a number of words: lamp, varnish, bow, puddle, spoon, skis.

"We are learning the L sound." The speech therapist places pictures on the playing field in three rows. Children pronounce pictures and determine the place of the sound [l] in words.

We learn the sound L: la-la-la, la-la-la,

Apple, woodpecker, tent, bee,

Swallow, dress, spoon, table,

Lamp, baby, doll, football.

"Guess the word": foam .., one hundred .., sides .., stu .., walk .., read .., side .., catch .., kupa .., pe .., do .., kote .., want .., footbo .., forget .., cop .., pisa ...

Sound analysis of words using graphic schemes: bow, ox, table, wolf.

"What's about?" On a board or table, subject pictures, for example: a paddle, a boat, a tent.

The speech therapist asks: "What about the boat (tent, oars)?"

The child replies: "There is an oar and a tent near the boat," and so on.

"What sound is sung in the words?": Chair, table, became, froze.

The speech therapist asks the children to repeat the words without stopping.

Syllabic analysis of related words: floor - shelf - shelf.

"Repeat words in pairs":

stick - shelf; sleeper - school; squirrel - a roll; ball - heel; rock - asleep; boat - spoon;

Goals. Teach a child to correctly use all forms of indirect cases of nouns in the singular.

Content. The adult asks the child to name all the objects shown in the pictures (see fig.), Then reads the beginning of the sentence and asks the child to finish it, clearly pronouncing the end of the last word.

(leaflet) The ant was sitting near ... - The beetle hid under ... - The caterpillar sat on ... - The ladybug was crawling towards ... - The fly sat on ...

Goals. To continue teaching the child to make sentences with the preposition B, to clarify and activate his vocabulary on the topics: "Animals", "Birds", "Insects".

Content. The adult invites the child to look at the picture (see fig.) And name who lives where, highlighting each time in the sentence "small word in".

(The child's answers: A bee lives in a hive; A goat lives in a barn; A squirrel lives in a hollow.)

Dictionary for clarification: nest, birdhouse, cowshed, barn, beehive, chicken coop, stable, anthill, burrow, hollow, kennel, pigsty, etc.


The animal gallops - Not a mouth, but a trap. Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.


Rides in the grass, - Eyes on the head, Slippery and wet, Green frog, And her name is ...


In the summer you will find her in the swamp. Green frog - Who is this? ...


Blue airplane Perched on a white dandelion.


Flutters from flower to flower, Tired - rests. Not a bird - but with wings, Not a bee, but collecting nectar.


The flower slept and suddenly woke up Stirred, roused itself, No longer wanted to sleep - Soared up - and flew away.


Near the trees From needles On a summer day A house was built. 3a it is not visible by grass, And there are a million tenants in it.


In the forest near the stump there is a bustle and bustle: The working people are busy all day, They want to build a house higher.


Little men without axes They cut down a hut without corners.


The bird flies - The nose is long, The voice is thin, Whoever kills will shed His blood.


Flies, squeaks, Long legs drags. He will not miss the chance: Sits down and bites.


Not a beast, not a bird, But a nose, like a spoke.


A homely mistress Flies over the lawn, Patters over a flower - He will share the honey.


In a dark dungeon Hard-working girls Without thread, without a knitting needle Knit mittens.


Natket, spit, Sits down - and waiting for the prey.


From a branch - to a path, From a grass - to a blade of grass Jumping a spring, - Green back. Jumping champion Jumps, jumps Through the meadows.


Black, but not a raven, Horn, but not a bull, Six legs without hooves. Flies, howls, sits down - digs the ground.


Flies, buzzes, makes noise, Sits on the ground, And no one is afraid.

Project "Summer travel to the world of insects" for children of the senior group of kindergarten

educator: Belobaeva Elena Valerievna

Work description: a project for senior preschool children 5-6 years old, the implementation of which makes it possible for children to understand the originality of each insect, its uniqueness.

Problem: Do people and nature need insects?

Target: the development in children of ideas about the life of insects, a humane attitude towards the environment and the desire to take care of nature conservation.
- expand and systematize children's knowledge about insects: butterflies, ants, bees, beetles, their habitats, characteristic features;
- to develop the ability to draw conclusions, establishing cause-and-effect relationships between objects of living nature;
- to cultivate a respect for nature.

Project participants: educators, senior preschool children 5-6 years old.
Terms of implementation: within a month.
Place of implementation: MBDOU "D / s number 47", group "Krepyshi".
Project type: cognitive, short-term.
Project support resources:
- Personnel: educators.
- Informational: methodological developments, presentations, scientific and fiction literature on the topic of the project, Internet resource.
- Material and technical: maps, visual and didactic aids, stationery, music center, laptop, multimedia projector, screen, digital camera.

Types of children's activities:
- directly - educational;
- experimental - research;
- game;
- artistic creativity.
Forms and methods of work:
- conversations;
- art workshop;
- walks, observation in nature;
- experiments, research;
- outdoor games
- watching cartoons, presentations;
- wall newspaper design.

Expected Result:
- have an idea of ​​the world of insects;
- show interest in certain types of insects;
- know what benefits or harm insects can bring;
- they know how to reason, observe insects, treat them with care.

Stages of project implementation:
- Research - interviewing children, identifying the problem.
- Preparatory - processing of the information received, selection of visual and play material, study of methodological literature, development of a plan of joint activities.
- Practical - the implementation of a plan of joint activities through the integration of various types of children's activities.
- Final - assessment of the effectiveness of the project.

Implementation plan

Directly - educational activities:
- "We are going to the meadow" - cognitive development;
- "Summer is coming", "Gray star" - speech development;
- "Butterflies Fly", "Gardens Blossom" - artistic and aesthetic development.
Experimental research activities, observations in nature:
- "Meeting with the bee Maya";
- "Meeting with Lily the butterfly";
- "Meeting with the ant Kuzey";
- "Meeting with the mosquito Piskun."
Play activities:
Outdoor games:"The Bear and the Bees", "Day and Night", "Catch the Mosquito", "Find Your House", etc.
Didactic games:“Pick a rhyme”, “Tell me a word”, “What comes first, what then”, “What has changed”, “Insects”, “Collect a flower”, “Where do you live?”.
Games - dramatizations:
- "Fly - tsokotukha" K. Chukovsky;
- "How an ant was in a hurry home" by V. Bianchi;
- "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", A.S. Pushkin.
Artistic creation:
- drawing of honeycomb cells according to the template;
- "Butterflies in the Meadow" - drawing;
- drawing by points "Connect the dots and find out who the caterpillar will turn into";
- "Komar Piskun" - manual labor from natural materials.

Outcome: plot - role-playing game "Journey to the meadow" (for a walk), wall newspaper "This flying, crawling, buzzing world"

Working with parents:
- informing parents about the content and objectives of the project "Summer travel to the world of insects";
- home cinema: watching cartoons "Luntik", "Maya the Bee", etc .;
- learning poems, riddles, proverbs about insects;
- assistance in the design of the wall newspaper "This flying, crawling, buzzing world."

"We are going to the meadow"
game integrated lesson together with a physical education instructor
Target: Development of cognitive interest in natural objects.
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about insects: appearance, body parts, etc.;
- to enrich the active and passive vocabulary with terms on the topic "Insects";
- improve the motor skills of children, the ability to imitate;
- to foster respect for nature and its inhabitants.

Materials and equipment: visual material on the topic "Insects", pictures of birds and animals, pictures with the outline of insects, fabric with the image of flowers, colored hoops, headbands for masks, materials for artistic creation, musical accompaniment.

Children enter the group to calm music and stand in a circle.
Educator:- Guys, tell me, please, when people meet, what do they do? How can you greet each other?

Ritual "Welcome"
Hello, the sun is golden!
Hello, the sky is blue!
Hello succulent grass!
Hello mother - earth!

The group enters
- Hello guys! I was in a hurry to your class and met a small bug on the road, guess who it is?

I can fly deftly
Red wings in dots
As if in little black circles.
In a bright holiday shirt
I am saving the harvest.
Don't offend me!

Children:- Ladybug!

Educator:- Let's say hello to her too! It seems to me that a ladybug wants to tell us something (listens) She invites us to visit on a green meadow and wants to introduce us to her friends.

Physical education instructor:- Let's hit the road right now!

The children set off to the music "The Little Engine from Romashkovo".

"Walking and Running Exercises"
- "along the path" - walking with a gymnastic step;
- “in the swamp” - walking on toes, hands on the belt;
- "over bumps" - walking on the heels;
- "easy run";
- "we breathe forest air" - breathing exercises.

Children stand in a circle near a forest clearing.

Educator:- And here is a forest clearing. She has beautiful flowers on it. And what a smell! Who is meeting us here? (pictures of insects are laid out in the clearing)

The teacher makes riddles, the children find the corresponding picture.
1. Stir at the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off
He fluttered and flew away.
2. I took the name from the blacksmith,
Color - cucumber,
Cloudberry has wings,
The legs are at the flea.
3. What a girl:
It's thin in the belt
Huge eyes
Flies - chirps.
4. Black toddler
Pulls the load not in height.
5. I do not buzz when I sit,
I don't buzz when I walk
If I'm spinning in the air
I’ll have enough of it.
6 who's in each flower
Does its proboscis drop?
And then, a bullet rushes into the hive,
And hides something in a corner.
7. Although it has many legs,
He can't run anyway.
Along the leaf crawls,
The poor leaf will gnaw all over.

Educator:- Look closely at the pictures. How can you name in one word those who are depicted on them?
Children:- Insects!
Educator:- What do insects have? What can they do?

Physical education instructor:- Let's imagine ourselves as insects, it will be a lot of fun!

Game - improvisation "Insects".
The physical education instructor or educator asks the child to depict any insect with gestures, facial expressions, movements, the children should guess who it is? The guesser continues the game. At the end of the game, the children return to the forest clearing.

Educator:- Guys, look what has changed in the forest clearing? (outlines of insects appeared instead of colored pictures). Probably, while we were playing, someone bewitched them - took their smart clothes. Maybe we can help them somehow, because without their coloring they are completely defenseless?
Children:- We can color them!
Educator:- To do this, you need to choose an insect and explain why you chose it or talk about it.

Word game "I chose because ..."

Reference materials:
This is a ladybug. She was named so because she has orange milk on her legs.
This is a bee. The insect is more industrious. Gathers sweet juice from flowers called nectar. The bee makes honey from nectar. Lives in hives and hollows.
This is a butterfly. It feeds on the nectar of flowers. Butterflies have different, beautiful colors. Butterflies live on flowers.
This is a dragonfly. It looks like a helicopter. It can fly and hang in the air, feeds on insects, catches them on the fly. Lives near water.
This is an ant. Ants live in an anthill. They are very strong: they pick up blades of grass, caterpillars that are heavier than them. They see poorly, but with the help of antennae, they feel everything that occurs on the way. They live in an anthill. They feed on blades of grass.
This is a beetle. He can fly. It feeds on plants, lives in trees.
This is a grasshopper. Knows how to jump high. Lives in meadows. It feeds on plants and small insects. Can chirp violently.
This is a cricket. He loves warmth very much, so on cold nights he sneaks into people's houses, closer to the warmth. During the day, the cricket sleeps, and at night it chirps.
This is a caterpillar. She has many legs. She can (slowly) crawl. It feeds on leaves. Caterpillars are green and colorful.

Artistic creativity.
Children paint insects and, together with a teacher, make masks.

Educator:- Look, what beautiful masks we got, now our ladybug will not be bored, because she has even more friends. Let's stand in a circle and look at each other.
Children stand in a circle.

Educator:- What little creatures did we talk about today? Do you think insects have enemies? Who could it be?

Physical education instructor:- Let's teach insects to hide, then the enemies will not find them.

An outdoor game "Find your house".
Rules: children in insect masks move freely around the playground while the music is playing; upon a signal, insects "must hide in the house" of the corresponding color. For example, a ladybug is red, a grasshopper is green, a butterfly is colorful, etc.

Educator:- Now our little friends are not afraid of anything, because we will take care of them, protect and remember:
- Everything, everything, everything in the world, the world needs!
And midges are no less needed than elephants.
You cannot do without ridiculous monsters.
And even without the evil and fierce predators.
We need everything in the world, we need everything,
Who makes honey and who makes poison,
Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone-
We still need each other very much!
And if someone seems superfluous to us,
This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.

Used Books:
1. "Unknown nearby", entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - O.V. Dybina, N.P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Shchetinina, M., Sfera shopping center, 2005
2. Developing activities with children 5-6 years old. Allowance for the fifth (initial) link in the general developing pedagogical system for the implementation of the basic content of preschool education. (The system of integrated classes with older children) / Ed. L.A. Paramonova. M .: OLMA Media Group, 2010.
3. Organization of experimental activities of children 2-7 years old, thematic planning, recommendations, class notes. - E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013
4. Comprehensive planning of walks with children 2.5 - 7 years old, walking maps. - O.R. Meremianina, Volgograd: Teacher, 2013
5. "Themed days in kindergarten", planning and notes. - E.A. Alyabyeva, M., Sfera shopping center, 2006

Dear Colleagues!

The games offered to your attention contribute to the development of speech, replenish and activate the vocabulary, form the correct sound pronunciation, develop coherent speech, the ability to accurately express thoughts, improve the grammatical structure of children's speech.

1. Game "What are we going to talk about today?"

Purpose: development of the process of thinking, generalization, correct pronunciation.

(A picture of a meadow is displayed.)

Look at the summer meadow

Take a closer look

You will understand that life is around

Very entertaining.

And a green picture

Comes to life immediately:

The grasshopper sat on a blade of grass,

The butterfly flies

Striped bumblebee hums

Joyful and sonorous ...

Life is in full swing here all day

It's not boring here at all.

Name in one word those who are shown in the picture. (These are insects.) List the insects you know. Do you know where they live? (A dragonfly lives near water bodies. Butterflies live in meadows. A cockroach lives in a house next to a person, etc.)

Speech therapist: But somehow I don't see insects. They will appear when you guess them.

2. Riddles about insects.

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away.


Spring jumps -

Green back

From grass to blade

From branch to path.


Flies all day

Everybody gets bored

The night is coming

Then it stops.


Flies over the lawn.

Will bother over the flower-

He will share the medic.

What a girl:

It's thin in the belt

Huge eyes.

Flies, chirps.


Not a beast, not a bird,

The nose is like a knitting needle.

Flies - squeaks

Sits down - is silent.

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams are pouring:

Amicably small dots

They are building a house for themselves on a hummock.


Winged fashionista

The dress is striped.

Growth, albeit a tiny one,

If it bites, it will be bad.

He doesn't mind sleeping all day.

But as soon as night falls

His bow will sing.

Call the musician ...


I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I crawl

If I'm spinning in the air

I’ll have enough of it.

What a cow, tell me, bye

Have you given milk to anyone yet?


Who were the riddles about?

3. Game "Guess Who?"

Purpose: selection of a noun suitable for the meaning of the verb.

It is carried out with the help of the exhibited picture material.

Flutters (who?) -…. (Butterfly)

Jumping (who?) - ... (Grasshopper)

Bothers, collects honey, stings, chirps, rings, bites, crawls, buzzes, flies

Speech therapist: Guys! It seems to me that there are very few insects in our meadow. Let's make it so that there are a lot of them. But how can you do this? I will name one insect, and you will answer as if there are many.

4. Game "One - many"

Purpose: the formation of plural nouns.

Butterfly, and there are many ... (Butterflies)

Grasshopper, and many ... (Grasshoppers)

Fly, bee, dragonfly, mosquito, ant, wasp, beetle, ladybug.

Speech therapist: And what are the insects doing in the meadow? Now we will find out about it.

5. Game: "What is he doing, what is he doing?"

Purpose: the formation of the plural form of verbs.
A butterfly flutters, and butterflies ... (Flutter.)

A bee collects honey, and bees collect honey ... (Collect.)

The wasp stings, and the wasps ... (Sting.)

The beetle buzzes, and the beetles ... (Buzz.)

The mosquito is ringing, and the mosquitoes ... (Ringing.)

The dragonfly chirps, and the dragonflies ... (Chirp.)

A fly flies into the house, and flies ... (They fly in.)

The grasshopper jumps, and the grasshoppers ... (Jump.)

A spider weaves a web, and spiders ... (Weave.)

An ant builds an anthill, and ants ... (They stand.)

6. Game "Pick a sign"

Purpose: updating the dictionary. To form the ability to select words-signs, to coordinate nouns with adjectives.

Butterfly (what?) - beautiful, colorful, useful, large.

Mosquito (what?) - blood-sucking, harmful.

Ants (what?) - useful, hardworking, small.

Fly (what?) - harmful, annoying, big, small, annoying.

A bee (what?) - useful, hardworking, melliferous (wears honey).

7.Game "Name affectionately"

Purpose: improving the grammatical structure of speech. Formation of a noun with diminutive suffixes.

A mosquito is a mosquito, a dragonfly is a dragonfly, a bee is a bee, a beetle is a bug, an ant is an ant.

8. Game "In the meadow"

Purpose: expanding vocabulary. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (using prepositions in, on, on, with, under, over) .

A large picture with the image of a bell and a cobweb and six object pictures (beetle, ant, spider, butterfly, dragonfly, caterpillar) are exhibited. In order for children to use different pretexts, it is recommended to glue Velcro over the bell, in the cup, the bell, on the bell stem, under the leaf, on the cobweb.

The speech therapist asks the children to tell them where the insects are.

A beetle on a bell.

Butterfly over the bell.

A spider under a leaf.

An ant runs along a blade of grass.

A dragonfly in a bell cup.

Caterpillar on a bell-stem.

Now let's play some games:

9 . "Who is gone?", "What has changed?", "Who appeared?"

Purpose: the development of visual attention.

(Using the same visualization).

10. Game "In the meadow"
Purpose: To teach children to independently change verbs by numbers and persons.

The speech therapist informs the children: "I will recite a poem, and you help me - add the right word."

For example:
Butterflies in the sky…. (fly)
Wings ... (waving)
We are amused.
I'm not in the sky ... (flying),
On the rope I ... (jumping)
Classics ... (playing)
If I just want to
Like a grasshopper ... (I'll jump)
Sitting in the grass ... (grasshopper)
Green cucumber
Only the wind made a noise
Our grasshopper ... (flew away)
Jumps and ... (jumps)
Never ... (crying)

11. Game "It happens - it does not happen»

Purpose: understanding of logical and grammatical constructions.

The girl catches a butterfly. The girl is caught by a butterfly. The butterfly is caught by the girl.

The butterfly catches the girl. The girl caught the butterfly. The butterfly caught the girl.

12. Game: "Who moves how?"

Purpose: drawing up complex sentences with the meaning of opposition.

The ant is crawling, and the butterfly ...

The caterpillar is crawling, and the grasshopper ...

The beetle is crawling, and the dragonfly ...

The wasp flies, and the caterpillar ...

The spider is crawling, and the bee ...

The grasshopper is jumping, and the mosquito ...

The cockroach is crawling, and the dragonfly ...

A butterfly flutters, and a fly ...

13. Game "Giant Insects"

Purpose: the use of words with magnifying shades.

This is not a spider, but a spider.

This is not a bug, but a bug.

This is not an ant, but an ant.

This is not a mosquito, but a mosquito.

This is not a bumblebee, but a bumblebee.

This is not a cockroach, but a cockroach.

14. Finger gymnastics "Insects"

Together we count our fingers

We call insects.

(Fingers clench and unclench)

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,

It is a beetle with a green belly.

(Alternately bend the fingers into a cam, starting with the thumb)

Who is this ringing here?

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!

(Rotate the little finger)


(Hands behind your back)

15 . Fizminutka Exercise for coordination of movements with speech.

This is what a dragonfly has - very round eyes

(Hands to the sides, then circular movements of the cams at eye level)

Spins like a helicopter:

Right, left, back, forward

(Hands to the sides, movements around its axis, then hands on the belt, bends)

Raise your hangers

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump

They sat down, sat down, ate some grass,

They listened to the silence.

16. Game "How many insects on a flower"

Purpose: coordination of numerals with nouns.

Each child has a picture of an insect.

The speech therapist shows a number (from 1 to 5). The child should make a sentence: "There are 3 ants on the flower."

17. Game "My story about an insect"

Purpose: drawing up a story according to the scheme, developing coherent speech, expanding vocabulary.

Instructions: "Look carefully at the diagram" Answer the questions:

1. Who is this?

2. Is it an insect, amphibian, reptile or fish?

3. What body parts does he have?

4. Where does he live?

5. What is the name of his house?

6. How is it developing?

7. What role does it play in the world around you?

An example of an insect: a bee.

18. Game "Who flew away from the clearing?"

It's time for us to return, and the insects also fly away from the clearing.

The speech therapist removes one insect from the poster, and the children tell who flew away from the clearing. (A bee flew away from a forest clearing, etc.)

Potapova Lyudmila Mikhailovna
We read fairy tales and stories about insects:
"The Ant and the Dragonfly" by V. Bianchi

"Fly-Tsokotukha" K. Chukovsky.
"Forest mansions". M. Mikhailov.
"How Ant was in a hurry home." V. Bianchi.
"Happy bug". G. Skrebitsky.
"Three butterflies". Estonian fairy tale.
"Monkeys and Butterflies". Fairy tale
"The Brave Ant". Fairy tale
"He is alive and glows." V. Dragunsky.
"The Tale of the Little Goat". D. Mimin-Sibiryak.
"Let there be a nightingale and a beetle." V. Sukhomlinsky.
"Martin". G. Snegirev.
"What the earthworm learned." From the book "The Underground Traveler" by N. Romanov
"Why Much About Everything in the World" - stories with beautiful illustrations

P. g. "Insects"

Flew to us yesterday
Striped Bee,
They wave their hands up and down.

And behind her is a bumblebee - a bumblebee
And a cheerful moth,
Two bugs and a dragonfly
Pronouncing the name of insects, bend
one finger on both hands.

Like flashlights eyes
They make "glasses" from fingers.

Flew, flew
They wave their hands up and down.

They fell down from fatigue.
They drop their hands down, slapping themselves on the sides.

mnemonic table:

lexical topic
demo material (12 cards)
sets of thematic lessons
table: insects: we fly / do not fly, our houses
insects in pictures
cards with names and the task to find the same insect among others
insects photos
a photo exhibition dedicated to the protective coloration of some insects
my collection of ideas for classes and crafts
a large collection of ideas for classes
task package
did. game "Who Is How It Works"
The game "The fourth extra"

coloring book with samples and short sentences
crossword puzzle and assignments
Doman cards

Crafts and drawing
butterfly stencils
Bugs - very beautiful children's coloring pages with samples
assignments on the topic from the notebook "Welcome to ecology!"
- a collection of ideas, including crafts with pasta "Butterfly life cycle"
symmetrical drawing with Butterfly paints
ideas for crafts
applications "Insects"

Our crafts:

Outdoor games
Caterpillar game
"Caterpillar with balloons"
You need chalk to play. An adult draws a circle on the site of such a size that all participants can fit freely around the circle. One of the players is appointed as the driver, he stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - grasshoppers - stand at the very line behind the circle. At the command of the leader, the grasshoppers begin to jump inside the circle, and then jump out of it. The driver tries to catch one of the participants at the moment when the latter is inside the circle. The caught player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes a grasshopper, after which the game is repeated.
The game can be made more difficult by changing its rules: jump, and also jump on one leg or jump out only after clapping your hands.
Game "Moth"(
Vitilek moth, (children move in a circle, smoothly flapping their arms like wings) Bring us a breeze:
From the gate - turn, (stop, turn and run in the opposite direction) Drive the boat into a stream.
- Wei, wei, breeze, (stop, take turns reaching for an outstretched hand to the side)
Pull the sail
Chase the shavings
From west to east, (slowly, they run in a circle with a side step) (Folk song)

Mathematics and Logic
Download the game "Catch the Beetle!"
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