Didactic game wild animals senior group. "card index of didactic games about animals"

Target: the use of the genitive case of singular and plural nouns.

The bear has… (bear cub, cubs). The fox has - ... (fox cubs, foxes).

The hare has - ... (hare, hare). The hedgehog has… (hedgehog, hedgehog).

The she-wolf - ... (wolf cub, wolf cubs). The squirrel has ... (squirrel, squirrel).

    "Name your family"

Target: fixing the names of wild animals by their family; development of children's speech.

Dad is a bear, mom is ... (bear), cub - ... (bear cub).
Dad is a wolf, mom is ... (wolf), cub - ... (wolf).
Dad is a hedgehog, mom is ... (hedgehog), cub - ... (hedgehog).
Dad is a hare, mom is ... (hare), cub - ... (hare).
Dad is a fox, mom is ... (fox), cub - ... (fox).

    D / and "Who lives where?"

Target: consolidation of the prepositional form of nouns.

On the board are pictures with wild animals (bear, fox, wolf, squirrel, hare, etc.). On the teacher's table there are pictures with their dwellings (hole, den, den, hollow, bush). Children put a picture of a dwelling under a picture of the corresponding animal.

The squirrel lives ... in a hollow. The bear lives ... in a den.
The fox lives ... in a hole. The wolf lives ... in a den.
The hare lives ... under a bush. A beaver lives in a hut under water.

    D / and "Who eats what?"

Target: consolidation of the accusative case of nouns.

On the teacher's table there are pictures: carrots, cabbage, raspberries, honey, fish, nuts, cones, mushrooms, acorns, tree bark, grass, hares, etc. Children put pictures to the corresponding animal.

The squirrel loves nuts, cones, mushrooms, acorns.

Guys, before answering this, you must remember which of the animals is herbivore.

Children: - Herbivores: hare (grass, tree bark), squirrel (nuts, mushrooms), elk (grass, tree bark, branches, hay).

Predators: bear (honey, berries, carrion, fish), wolf (hares, sheep, calves), fox (chickens, geese, hares, mice), lynx (animal meat).

    D / and “What? Which? "

Purpose: the formation of children's skills to use adjectives in speech and correctly coordinate them with nouns.

Equipment: pictures of animals.

Wolf (What?) - angry, hungry, gray, big, shaggy ...

Bear (What?) - big, huge, shaggy, clubfoot, strong, brown ...

Fox (What?) - sly, careful, red-haired, fluffy, dexterous ...

Hare (What?) - cowardly, small, white, fearful, fast, oblique ...
Squirrel (What?) - thrifty, nimble, red-haired, fluffy, agile, jumping ...

    D / and "Pick a word"

Target: formation of skills in childrenselect and name action words.

Bear (what is he doing?) ... (sleeping, waddling, clubfoot, hunting ...).
The wolf (what is it doing?) ... (howls, runs away, catches up, looks out, ...).
Fox (what is he doing?) ... (tracks, runs, catches, sniffs out ...).

Hare (what is it doing?) ... (jumping, hiding, gnawing ...).

    D / and "Recognize the beast by description"

Target: the formation of the ability to recognize animals by description, the development of thinking and speech of children.

Cowardly, long-eared, gray or white. (Hare.)
- Brown, clubfoot, clumsy. (Bear.)
- Gray, angry, hungry. (Wolf.)
- Sly, red-haired, dexterous. (Fox.)
- Agile, thrifty, red or gray. (Squirrel.)

Target: to introduce children to the voices of wild animals.

    D / and "Name affectionately"

Target: consolidation of the ability to form nouns using diminutive - affectionate suffixes.

Don't yawn, my friend
Yes, caress the word.
Squirrel - squirrel, hare - bunny, hedgehog - hedgehog, fox - fox,

Fox - chanterelle, teddy bear - teddy bear, etc.

    D / and "One - many"

Target: the formation of plural nouns of the nominative and genitive cases.

We are wizards a little,
There was one, but there will be many.
Protein - proteins - a lot of protein; hare - hares - many hares;
Bear - bears - many bears; wolf - wolves - many wolves;

Hedgehog - hedgehogs - many hedgehogs; fox - foxes - many foxes.

    D / and "One-three-five"

Target: coordination of nouns with numerals "one", "two", "five".

How many of them - we always know
We all count well.
One bear - three bears - five bears; One wolf - three wolves - five wolves;
One hedgehog - three hedgehogs - five hedgehogs; One protein - three proteins - five proteins;

One fox - three foxes - five foxes; One hare - three hares - five hares.

    D / and "Change words according to the pattern"

Target: the formation of possessive adjectives.

Fox nose - ... (fox nose). Fox's paw - ... (fox's paw).
Fox eyes - ... (fox eyes). Fox hole - ... (fox hole).

(wolf, bear, squirrel).

    D / and "On the contrary"

Target: the formation of words-antonyms.

The elk is big, and the hare is ... (small).

The wolf is strong, and the squirrel is ... (weak).
The fox has a long tail, and the bear has a ... (short).

The fox is cunning, and the hare ... (stupid).

A bear is fat in summer, and a wolf in winter ... (thin).

    D / and "The fourth extra"

Target: the formation of the ability to highlight their essential features in objects and to make the necessary generalizations on this basis, to activate the subject vocabulary.

Look at the picture,
Name the superfluous subject,
And explain your choice.

Squirrel,dog , fox, bear;

Hare,lamb, fox cub, wolf cub;

Elk , elephant, giraffe, monkey.

    D / and "Fold the picture"

Target: the formation of the ability in children to put together a picture from parts, the development of holistic perception, attention, thinking.

The child has a picture with a wild animal, cut into 4 parts.
- What kind of animal did you make? (Fox.) Etc.

    D / and "Drawing up a story-description"

Target: the formation of the ability in children to compose a story-description about an animal based on a plan-diagram.

Children compose a story about the appearance of a wild animal according to plan.

(name, where it lives, appearance, what it eats, cub).

    D / and "Name in order"

Target: development of visual memory and attention, activation of the dictionary of nouns on the topic.

Look at the pictures,
And remember them.
I'll take them all away
Remember in order.

    1. subject pictures on the topic).

    D / and "Whose tail is this?"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Different animals lived in the forest. Once a magpie spread the news through the forest that tails were being handed out to animals in the clearing. Guess which tail each animal has chosen? Take your wildlife pictures and find the tail that suits your animal and name whose tail it is.

Havefoxes- (Fox's tail); for a wolf - (wolf's tail);

The hare - (hare tail); for a bear - (bear's tail);

Squirrel - (squirrel tail); for a deer - (deer tail);

Lynx - (lynx tail); for moose - (elk tail).

    D / and "Say in one word"

Purpose: to consolidate adjectives in speech.
Equipment: pictures of animals.
Description: we invite the child to continue the sentence.
A) The hare is afraid of everyone, so what is he? (cowardly);
B) The fox is deceiving everyone, so what is she like? (tricky);
C) The hedgehog has needles, it is ... (prickly);

D) The squirrel makes reserves, so what is it? (thrifty);

D) The bear walks awkwardly, so what is he? (clumsy).

    Di"About whom can I say ...".

It hunts, sneaks, howls, bites, gets scared, jumps, waddles, cheats, hunts down.

D / and "What is he doing?"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to use verbs in speech.

The teacher calls the sentence about the animal, and the children add the desired word - action and finish the sentence.

Squirrel :

1. Red squirrel from branch to branch(what is he doing?) - jumps.

2. For the winter, protein nuts(collects, stores)

3. Squirrel with pleasure nuts(gnaws)

Bear :

1. A waddling bear ...(walking, walking)

2. In winter, the bear ...(sleeping)

3. Bear hives ...(stirring up, destroying)

Wolf :

1 the wolf chasing the hare(hunts).

2.The she-wolf about wolves (cares ) etc.

    D / and "Tell me a word"

Purpose: the formation of the ability to guess riddles-rhymes, the development of auditory attention.

1.This cat is very angry. 2. Long-horned and horned

Doesn't purr, but bites. The foresters call it "elk."

You can't shout to her menacingly "scatter!" He gallops straight and sideways,

This is the cat of the forest - ... (Lynx) Large and mighty ... (Elk)

3. Slender, fast, 4. He slept all winter in a fur coat,
Horns are branchy, I sucked a brown paw,
Grazes all day. And when he woke up, he began to roar.
Who is this? .. (Deer) This beast of the forest ... (Bear).

5. A cunning cheat, 6. In summer, a gray fur coat,
Red head, And white in winter
Fluffy tail-beauty. Wears a bouncer -
Who is this? .. (Fox) Fearful ... (Hare)

Finger gymnastics

Boy with a finger, (bend the finger of the right hand four times)

Where have you been?

I wandered through the forest for a long time! (bend your left finger four times)

I met a bear, a wolf, (the thumb of the right hand alternately

Bunny, hedgehog in needles. touches the rest of the fingers).

Met a squirrel, titmouse, (left thumb alternately

Met a moose and a chanterelle. touches the rest of the fingers)

Gave everyone gifts

Everyone thanked me. (four fingers bend at the same time - bow).

Physical education "Animal exercises"

One is a squat.Sit down.
Two is a jump.
Jump up.
This is a bunny exercise.
"Ears on the crown" bunnies.
And how the foxes wake up,
Rub your eyes with your fist.
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
Torso turns.
Wiggle your ginger tail.
Movement of the hips to the right and left.
And bend the cubs back
Lean forward.
And easy to jump.
Jump up.
Well, Bear is clubfoot,
Bend your elbows.
With paws spread wide,
Feet shoulder width apart.
Now two, now all together
Shifting from foot to foot.
Treading water for a long time.
And for whom charging is not enough -
Spread your arms to the sides.
He starts all over again.

Physical education.

We have a nice posture, we have brought our shoulder blades together.

We walk on toes and then on heels.

Let's go softly, like foxes, and like a clubfoot bear.

And like a cowardly rabbit, and like a gray wolf-wolf.

Here is a hedgehog curled up in a ball, because he was chilled.

The ray of the hedgehog touched. The hedgehog stretched sweetly

Physical education "Bears"

The cubs in the more often lived their heads, they twisted

Like this, like this, they twisted their head (turning the head to the right-left)

The cubs were looking for honey, together they swayed the tree

Like this, like this, they swung the tree together (tilting the body to the left and right, the arms "hug" the tree)

They walked across the river (imitation of the gait of bears)

And they drank water from the river

So, like this, they drank water from the river (bends forward)

And then they got tired and slept soundly in the den

Like this, like this, and in the den they slept soundly (depict sleeping teddy bears)

Articulation exercises

We open the mouth-house.

Who is the master of the house?

In it, the owner is the Tongue.

He lay down comfortably in the house.

The tongue is familiar to you children

We will meet him with a smile

"Bunny": raise the upper lip, exposing only the upper teeth.

"Angry Wolf": bite the lower lip with the upper teeth.

"Calf sucks milk": mouth open, lips in a smile. Bring the wide tip of the tongue under the upper lip and tear it off with a click.

"The bear licks the honey": first lick the upper lip (tongue with a "cup"), then lick the upper and lower lips.

Speech gymnastics:

Su-su-su, su-su-su.

The squirrel was seen in the forest.

We pronounce a pure phrase with different strength of voice(quiet - louder - loud) :

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa,

Here is the forest running.

Children pronounce a pure phrase at first all together, then individually with different intonations(surprised, scared, joyful) .


1. He sleeps in a den in winter. 2. The oblique has no den,

Loves cones, loves honey, He does not need a hole.

Well, who will name? Legs save from enemies

(Bear) And from hunger - bark. (Hare)

3. Angry touchy, 4.Master of the forest,
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.Wakes up in the spring
There are a lot of needlesAnd in winter, under the blizzard howl,
And not a single thread.He sleeps in a snow hut.(Bear)


5. Who in cold winter, 6. Not a Christmas tree, but a prickly one,
Is he walking angry, hungry? Not a cat, but mice are afraid. (Hedgehog)

7.There are workers in the river, 8.Long ear,
Not carpenters, not carpenters, Lump of fluff,
And they will build a dam - Jumps deftly,
At least write a picture. Loves carrots. (Carrot)


9. The dad is very strong, tall, 10. The tail is fluffy,

And the horns are branchy. The fur is golden

Son, not yet an adult, - He lives in the forest,

Red and spotted. And in the village he steals chickens.(Fox.)

He is born without horns

In a motley fur coat with polka dots.

(Deer and fawn)

Fluffy tail

Lives in the forest

The fur is golden

And in the village he steals chickens.(Fox.)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten №30

NS. Yarovenko


Art. Leningradskaya,

Compiled by: Yarovenko Natalia Sergeevna, educator

The manual is intended for use in various activities by preschool educators, teachers of speech therapy groups and students during their internship.

Reviewer: Shvachich A.V., teacher of pedagogy, GAPOU KK LSPK


The leading activity of preschool children is play activity. Didactic play is a verbose, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a play method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.
Didactic games contribute to:
- the development of cognitive and mental abilities: the acquisition of new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation, the expansion of their ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; development of the ability to express their judgments, make inferences.
- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of the dictionary.
- the social and moral development of a preschooler child: in such a game, cognition of the relationship between children, adults, objects of animate and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude to the world around him, learns to be fair, to yield if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. .d.

Every game is a favorite activity of a preschooler and

accompanies him during the entire stay in the nursery

Children play, not suspecting that they are mastering some knowledge, mastering the skills of acting with certain objects, learning the culture of communication with each other.

The didactic game allows you to satisfy children's curiosity, to involve the child in the active development of the world around him, to help him master the methods of cognizing the connection between objects and phenomena. So, didactic games allow for the full development, education and upbringing of children in a kindergarten. They create a positive emotional uplift, cause a good mood, joy: the child is happy that he has learned something new, rejoices at his achievement, the ability to pronounce a word, do something, achieve a result, rejoices at the first joint actions and experiences with other children. This joy is the key to the successful development of children at an early age and is of great importance for further education.

Your love, understanding and praise for any, even the smallest, achievement will help your child overcome difficulties.

Didactic games about animals ( younger group )

Who eats what.

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about pets (what they eat) to develop thinking, attention, memory, to foster a desire to take care of pets.

Material: object pictures depicting pets and food for them.

The teacher invites the children to "feed" the animals in the grandmother's yard. The teacher calls the children in pairs. One child names an animal and displays it, and the second is looking for food for her, puts a picture next to the animal.

Who screams how.

Material: a set of toys "Pets".

The teacher puts the toys on the table, asks: who is this, where he lives, how he screams.

Animals and their babies.

Purpose: to teach children to find toddler pets and name them; develop memory, speech, attention.

Material: a series of pictures "Pets with babies".

The teacher invites children to help pets. It is necessary to find the kids who are lost. Children work in pairs.

One child takes an animal, the other looks for it. Children should name the animal and its baby.

Who stands where.

Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space; understand the concept of "left", "right", "y", "before", "behind", "above"; develop thinking, memory.

Material: pet pictures, house.

The teacher shows pictures of animals and their cubs and invites the children to name them (dog and puppy, cat and kitten, cow and calf, etc.). Pictures are displayed on a stand in the same order in which they are shown. After that, pointing, for example, at a cat, the teacher asks: “Who is standing next to her? "Children answer.

The game continues until the children have named all the animals and their babies.


Material: sets of toys: "Pets", "Wild animals"; Christmas trees; House.

The teacher invites the children to take a toy, name it, and "place" it where it lives. If this is a wild animal, then the child puts the toy near the Christmas trees, and if it is a domestic one, near the house.

Purpose: to teach children to correctly name animals and their babies; recognize animals by voice and reproduce their sounds; cultivate a respectful attitude towards them.

Material: rope and bell.

Children sit on high chairs. At some distance from them there are ropes, to which a bell is suspended at the height of the children. The teacher calls two or three children to him and agrees: which of them will be whom.

The first child runs up to the rope, jumps up and rings three times.

Children. Who's come?

Child. Woof woof woof!

The children guess that the dog has come. The child posing as a dog sits down. Another child runs up to the bell - the game continues.


Purpose: to teach children to name wild and domestic animals; classify them, develop speech, memory, attention; cultivate a love of nature.

Material: sets of toys: "Pets", "Wild animals"; Christmas trees; Granny; House.

Children sit on high chairs in groups of 4-5 people. Each group depicts a specific animal or bird. The teacher negotiates with each group of children, whose voices, animals or birds they will reproduce. Then he goes around the “house”, knocks and asks: “Who lives in this hut? "Children answer:" Ko-ko-ko! “The teacher guesses:“ Chickens live here. ”He knocks on another house.

The game is played several times, then it is complicated by the fact that it is not the teacher who guesses, but the children themselves.

Purpose: to teach children to choose adjectives for nouns; develop thinking, speech, attention.

Material: ball.

The teacher throws the ball to the children in turn.

Educator. What autumn? What is the sun? What grass?

The child catches the ball, picks up an adjective, then throws the ball back to the teacher.


Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name birds; develop visual memory, thinking; cultivate a love of nature.

Material: painted cage; pictures of birds (sparrow, dove, crow, swallow, starling, tit).

The teacher invites the children to "free the birds from the cage." To do this, you need to find a bird and name it correctly. The child names the bird. If the child named the bird incorrectly, then it "remains in the cage"



To form in children a conscious understanding of the relationships in nature.
Develop the ability to establish a consistent relationship consisting of several links (ecological pyramid).

Layout of a tree with the image of birds. Cubes with pictures: earth, water, sun, air, trees of different species, food for birds, birds of different species. Reference pictures: booth tree, bark, stump, cage, lake, worm, frog, bump, mouse, fish, earth, water, sun, air.

Rules of the game:

Choose any of the birds in the picture or have your child do it. Ask questions: What is this bird? Where does he live?
(Corresponding reference pictures are suggested).
Find the cubes with the image of trees.
What does a tree need to grow? (Earth, water, sun).
Find cubes with the image of earth, water, sun. Determine their place in the ecological pyramid. (Children find the corresponding cubes and place them at the base of the pyramid under the cubes with the image of trees).
What does the bird eat? (Corresponding reference pictures are suggested)
Where does he find his food?
The result should be a pyramid that is built in accordance with the floors of nature.
What do you think will happen to the bird if the water disappears? (earth, sun, air).


To learn to distinguish and name the characteristic features of wild animals, to establish links between the habitat and the lifestyle and appearance of animals.

Pictures: animals, "houses", cubs, animal food.

Rules of the game:

Didactic game "Eco-tables"

To systematize knowledge about the animal kingdom.
Form the ability to use graphic symbols.
Develop logical, imaginative thinking.


Tables with graphic symbols;

Object pictures depicting representatives of the animal world.

Rules of the game:
1. The child chooses a table with graphic symbols and explains which animal is encrypted.
2. Using the table, compiles a sequential story about the animal.


To generalize the knowledge of preschoolers about objects of animate and inanimate nature, about their features, properties, characteristic features, relationships.
The playing field, cards depicting objects of animate and inanimate nature for various types of generalizations (humans, domestic and wild animals, animals of the north and hot countries, birds, insects; plants: berries, trees, flowers; rainbow, clouds, snow, rain ...) , schematic cards - designations with various signs of natural objects and phenomena (wing - paw, forest - house, claws - hooves, spring - winter ...), cube, buttons - frogs, chips - insects.

Option 1: "Frog Riddles"

Learn to classify objects of animate and inanimate nature according to a given criterion.
Game progress:

Children lay out the images, focusing on the cards - designations. (For example: on the left side of the playing field there is a card - the designation "claws", on the right - "hooves". Children are working on a generalization of the concepts of "predators" and "herbivores")

Option 2: "Curious frog"

Reveal the interaction between man and objects of nature, between objects of animate and inanimate nature.
Game progress:

Images of objects of animate and inanimate nature are randomly laid out around the card "person". The child throws a frog, reveals the positive and negative connections of the dropped object with the person (For example: A cow gives milk to a person, but it can hurt to butt, etc.). In the center, instead of a “person” card, you can place any other (for example, “fox”), then children will identify connections between various natural objects (For example: a fox can hide behind a stone. A fox is looking for a mouse under the stone.)


Reinforce the notion that a forest is a community of plants and animals that live side by side and depend on each other.

Pano with the image of the forest. Cards with pictures of animals, birds, insects. A cube with circles in red, green, blue and yellow, or a bag with multi-colored buttons.

Rules of the game:

There is a pano on the table and cards with pictures are laid out. Children take turns throwing a die. If the side of the cube with a green circle falls out, the child takes a card with the image of any animal, places it on the panel and tells why this animal is friends with the tree.
For example:
It's a squirrel. She lives on a tree in a hollow, sometimes she builds a nest herself. The squirrel also collects spruce and pine cones, hangs mushrooms on the branches - makes supplies for the winter.
If the color is blue, it chooses the bird; red - insect; yellow - a bird, insect, animal that do not live in the forest and motivates their choice.

Fine motor games

Didactic games for kindergarten on the topic: "Animals"

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior educator.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3" Smile ", Kalach - on - Don.
Work description: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Animals". This material will help educators, children and their parents to consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals, their cubs in a playful way.

Didactic game: Lotto "Animals".

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about animals, the ability to distinguish and find the right animal.
Didactic material: The playing field (4 pieces), divided into 6 squares with images of various animals, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pieces).

Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given playing cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or presenter names the animal. Whoever found the corresponding image on his field takes the image for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with chips. For children from 5 years old, the game can be complicated. Name in one word the animals depicted on the same playing field.
The first field shows: a cat, a pig, a horse, a cow, a goat, a sheep. These are pets.
The second field depicts: a deer, a squirrel, an elk, a fox, a wild boar, a wolf. These are forest animals.
The third field shows: sloth, echidna, platypus, kiwi, iguana, koala. These are the animals of Australia.
The fourth field shows: lion, rhino, giraffe, camel, elephant, zebra. These are the animals of Africa.
Didactic game "Who lives where?"
Target: Formation of children's skills to correlate the image of animals with their habitat.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of animals 24 pieces (taken from the lotto) and two playing fields with the image of a forest and a village.

Game progress: Lay out the cards according to the habitats of animals, domesticated in the village, and wild ones in the forest.
Didactic game "Guess what kind of animal"
Target: Development of the ability to describe animals and recognize them by description.
Didactic material: Animal cards.
Game progress: The teacher distributes cards with the image of animals to children. Children don't show their cards to anyone. The teacher invites one child to describe the animal depicted in his picture, or make a riddle about it. Other children must guess what kind of animal it is.
Didactic game "Collect the picture"
Target: Development of logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: Cards depicting animals, cut into several parts.
Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. Children are given playing cards, cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (in accordance with the age and abilities of the child). After collecting the picture, the child tells what kind of animal he collected.
For example: A dog is a pet.
The bear is a wild animal.
Didactic game "The fifth extra"
Target: Development of skills to classify animals according to essential characteristics.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of 5 animals, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to another group.
Game progress: Children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is depicted on them and determine which animal is superfluous. Name the remaining animals in one word. " Each participant eliminates the extra animal in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his option is offered to the next player. For each correctly completed task, they give a token. The one with the most chips wins.
Game cards:
1. Cat, fox, squirrel, wolf, bear. Extra gruel because it is a pet, and the rest are wild animals.

2. Deer, tiger, dog, fox, lion. An extra dog because it is a pet and the rest are wild animals.

3.Pig, sheep, dog, fox, cat. An extra fox because it is a wild animal and the rest are pets.

4. Horse, zebra, cow, donkey, goat. An extra zebra because it is a wild animal and the rest are pets.

Didactic game "Whose tail"
Target: Development of attention, logic, memory, fine motor skills.
Didactic material: Cards depicting various animals, as well as their tails.
Game progress: The child is given a task. Choose a tail for each animal and connect the necessary pictures with lines. Name which animal has which tail (long, short, fluffy, thick, small, large, etc.).

Didactic game "Whose baby"
Target: Development of observation, attention and analytical skills.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of baby animals 12 pieces and two playing fields with the image of wild and domestic animals.
Game progress: The children will have to help their mothers find their babies. Also, when playing, you can consolidate the concept of big and small kids, domestic and wild animals. The game can be played by one to four people.

Didactic game "Whose Shadow"
Target: Development of logic, thinking and visual memory.
Didactic material: Cards depicting various animals, as well as their shadows.
Game progress: Invite the child to find where whose shadow is and connect the necessary pictures with lines.

Didactic game "What animals are hidden in the picture?"
Target: Development of attention, thinking, imagination.
Didactic material: Cards depicting the outline of various animals.
Game progress: Invite the child to find and name the animals drawn in the picture.


Strengthen the knowledge of children on the topic "Wild and Domestic Animals" .

To develop phonemic perception and representation, attention, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, teach the elements of logical thinking (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization).

Equipment: a large image of a small tower cut out of cardboard, all the windows of which are closed with corresponding geometric shapes.

The teacher reads the call for the game:

In an open field there was a teremok,

Who lived in that little house.

Who lived in that little house?

Knows the one who looked through the windows.

Who looked into those windows?

The one who guessed the figure correctly

I guessed the first letter in the name of the beast

And he told about that beast in an interesting way.

Then the teacher invites the children to take turns to "open" windows of a certain shape - first round, then triangular, and the like. Before opening the quadrangular windows, he asks: what is the name of the quadrangular figure, in which all sides are straight (rectangle). And if in such a figure all the sides are of the same length, what is it called then? (Square).

Now open just the quadrangular windows first, then the rectangular ones, and finally the square ones. Who lives in this house? What two groups can all animals be divided into? ( Wild and domestic animals). First list only the domesticated, and then the wild ones. Who lives on the first floor (second, third)? What animal is superfluous on each floor? Why?

Then the teacher offers the children the following tasks:

1. Guess the name of the animal by the first (last) sounds in the name and cover the corresponding image of the animal with a geometric figure, focusing on the shape of the window.

2. Determine the first (last) sound in the name of some animal (as chosen by the teacher).

3. Guess the animal, in the name of which there is a certain sound, and cover the image of this animal with the corresponding geometric figure.

4. The teacher slowly names animals, replacing in some names sounds (whistling - hissing, ringing with deaf ones): zvinya (pig), gorova (cow) ... Having heard a mistake, children should clap their hands and raise their hand if they wish to correct it (named correctly).

5. According to the description of the animal given by the teacher, the child must guess who it is about. Then - on the contrary: the teacher invites the child to describe the animal or remember a poem or riddle about it.

A similar game with preschoolers can be carried out on the topics "Birds", "Insects" and the like.

on the topic "Wild animals" Educators: M.S. Evdokimova A. A. Veretnova


... Teach children to compare objects, recognize objects by description.
The course of the game.
One child thinks of animals, while others must guess them from the description.
2. "HUNTER".

Exercise in the ability to classify and name animals.
Game progress
... Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the site - a chair. This is "forest" ("lake", "pond"). The “hunter” is sent to the “forest” - one of the players. Standing still, he says the following words: “I am going to the forest to hunt. I will hunt for ... ". Here the child takes a step forward and says: "Hare", takes the second step and calls another animal, etc. You cannot name the same animal twice. The winner is the one who reached the “forest” (“lake”, “pond”) or went further.

Develop the ability to group animals at the place of residence.

Children will be "squirrels" and "bunnies", and one child - "fox". "Squirrels" and "bunnies" are running around the clearing. At the signal: "Danger - a fox!" - "squirrels" run to the tree, "Hares" - to the bushes. "Fox" catches those who do the wrong job.

Learn to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; exercise in the correct choice of words.
The course of the game.
The teacher (or child) begins the sentence: "The hare is hiding from the fox, because ...". The child who ends this sentence constitutes the beginning of a new one.

Teach children to find inaccuracies in the text.
The course of the game.
The teacher says: “Listen carefully to the poem. Who will notice more fables, something that does not happen in reality? " Warm spring now. Likes to sit in the river. The grapes are ripe here. And in winter, among the branches, the Horned Horse in the meadow “Ha-ha-ha, the nightingale sang. In the summer he jumps in the snow. Give me an answer quickly - Late autumn bear Is it true or not? Children find inaccuracies and replace words and sentences to get it right. 6

Consolidate knowledge about wild animals.
The course of the game.
The teacher tells the children: “You already know that animals can be wild and domestic. I will now call animals mixed: wild and domestic. Whoever hears a mistake must clap their hands. For example: wolf, squirrel, cat; dog, goat, bear, etc.

Learn to describe the subject and recognize it by description; to form the ability to choose the most striking sign.

The teacher invites the child to name the most characteristic signs of the animal, the rest of the children must guess the animal itself. For example: large, gray with spots and tassels on the ears, etc.

... To cultivate a love for nature, a desire to take care of it.
Game progress
... The teacher says: “There are many different kind words, they should be said to everyone more often. Kind words always help in life, and evil words harm. Remember kind words when and how they are spoken. Come up with different
kind words with which you can address ... a cat, a flower, a doll, a friend, etc.

... To systematize children's knowledge about wild animals.
The course of the game.
The driver describes any animal in the following order: size, color, way of feeding. Children should recognize the animal by the description.

Consolidate knowledge about forest animals.
Game progress
... The teacher chooses three children and asks them to name who lives in the forest. The teacher says: “Herbivores” Children should name the herbivores one by one.

Learn to divide words into parts, pronounce each part of the word separately.

Children are divided into two teams. The first command names the animal, and the second lists what it eats, trying to highlight two-syllable words, and then three-syllable ones.

Strengthen children's knowledge about animals.
The course of the game.
The teacher thinks out a word, but speaks only the first syllable. For example: the beginning of the word be ... Children choose words (squirrel). Whoever guesses first gets the chip. The child with the most chips wins.

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