Captains: Legends of the Oceans (City of the Empire in battle). Captains: Legends of the Oceans Update for Captains Legends of the Seas

Just recently there was a beta release of a new game from the company Borrete - an exciting strategy about adventures in the vast expanses of the sea “Captains: Legends of the Oceans”.

The plot was based on the real world of the times of great geographical discoveries, the 15th-17th centuries AD. This is a period when all people dreamed of conquering the seas and oceans, but only a few dared to take seemingly rash actions. The player will take on the role of the manager of a small town, which has enough potential to become a powerful power. But what awaits the settlement ahead - glorious prosperity or death under the yoke of conquerors - from now on depends only on the ruler. Go on an adventure

The functionality of the game is not limited to the notorious development of your own empire. Power is only the first step on the path to glory and the title of legend of the seven seas. The main goal of "Captains" is to gradually increase the combat power of the flotilla, strengthen the economy and establish strong mutually beneficial cooperation with other users. The gradual development and growth of the state's needs will entail exciting adventures and the conquest of new lands, meetings with great personalities of the past era and the hunt for the untold riches of pirates hidden in the depths of the endless ocean. Only the player can decide which path to choose: the path of the noble deliverer of the waters from free pirates and evil bandits; the slippery path of a ruthless thief and raider, leaving behind only devastated lands; the risk-strewn path of a wealthy merchant, accustomed to doing business not with bloodshed, but with a wallet and the clink of gold coins. One way or another, threats will await both novice sailors and experienced sea conquerors at every step. Feel the taste of real victory A powerful combat flotilla is not a guarantee of victory, but its main component. In the game "Captains: Legends of the Oceans" ships are divided into four classes:

  • Battleships. Low-level ships that reduce the damage caused by enemy ships. Effective against Dreadnoughts and too vulnerable to attacks from Cruisers. Hit vertical rows of the enemy.
  • Dreadnoughts. Low-rank attack ships designed to attack a single target. Effective against large Cruisers, but practically useless against Battleships.
  • Corvettes. Designed to attack a horizontal row of enemy formations. They increase the damage inflicted by their own fleet and are effective against Cruisers.
  • Cruisers. High-ranking ships, equally good at attacking ships of all classes. Reduces the total perceived damage dealt by enemy Cruisers. Most effective against Battleships and Dreadnoughts. Basic combat unit. Gradually improving Shipyard, as a nice feature, you can build legendary ships in the game: the ship "Victoria", on which Magellan circumnavigated the world, or the terrifying frigate "Queen Anne's Revenge" - the ship of the famous pirate Blackbeard.
Conquer the sea
Increasing combat power is not the only way to take over the world. Sometimes forming beneficial cooperation and non-aggression pacts is the best way to divide and conquer. The player can create his own guild or join an existing association. It is also possible to send trade caravans, the successful departure of which will bring silver to the treasury, which can be exchanged for special-level items or other resources necessary for development. Take command and lead the built empire to world domination! And remember: the sea opens up for real heroes!

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Does the Age of Great Geographical Discovery excite your imagination and haunt you? So, it's time to set sail with the new online strategy Captains: Legends of the Oceans. It's time to leave fantasy kingdoms and go to the real world, where the wind tears at the sails and the islands on the horizon call to the unknown.

This game combines all the strategic subgenres - you have to fight, trade, take care of resources and immerse yourself in construction. Here you can choose any path - become a merchant, a successful governor of your own island, and, part-time, a fearless corsair, a threat to the surrounding seas. All roads are open for the most ambitious players: gather a team of the most famous captains and sailors and set off to conquer the oceans, fighting other players online.

What does all this look like in practice? Quite interesting and thoughtful. What immediately attracts attention is the fact that the game is designed for mobile device screens: all its elements are oriented vertically, in portrait mode. At first this seems unusual, especially since there are quite a lot of icons on the screen. But, we should pay tribute to the developers, the icons are located in such a way that they do not block the view, and the graphics are so detailed that all elements are clearly visible and readable.

There is no training level as such, but you, as a beginner, will be accompanied everywhere by a very sexy secretary, designed to bring the novice governor up to speed. The game interface itself is friendly and at first tells you what actions to take and in what order.

So, a small island has been placed at your disposal, which will become the launching pad for a future maritime empire. You have to turn it into a thriving port, and this will require a lot of effort, although at first everything looks quite easy. This will be so until the moment you study the game interface, and then you will have to act at your own peril and risk, using and developing your own strategist skills.

The basis of your port is, of course, the shipyards where you will build your fleet - from light and maneuverable corvettes, well-armed dreadnoughts and battleships, to heavy and powerful cruisers that will be the key to your future victories. But, in addition, you should take care of resources, and for this you will have to build mines, factories, sawmills and mines that produce iron, canvas, wood and gold - something without which you cannot survive and create a fleet.

But resources are not everything. The governor is entitled to his own palace, the level of which determines the levels of all other buildings in the city. You can’t do without the academy - scientists there conduct research that affects both the speed of resource production and the power of your fleet. The fortress is responsible for creating a garrison that will defend your port from sieges (and they happen here regularly). The library stores captain's logs, which can influence the basic parameters of ships - increasing their accuracy, ability to evade attacks, strength and stability.

In the future, when your governor level increases, you will be able to use workshops and factories, visit a tavern, a sailors' guild, and open an embassy. You will need all this for successful trading and effective battles.

You will not only have to withstand sieges, but also send your own flotillas: adventure expeditions along the routes of legendary captains, military campaigns, punitive missions to deal with especially malicious pirates and impudent bandits, or missions to explore new territories and their subsequent capture (even if these territories belong to other players).

As for the game's UI, it will take time to study it - it is very detailed and contains many elements. The top line of the screen is devoted to indicators of the amount of resources and the parameters of your character (experience, energy, combat power). The amount of your diamonds, the local premium currency, is also displayed here.

The entire upper right corner is dedicated to icons informing you about bonuses and gifts received, in-game events that have started, rewards for completing missions and regularly visiting the game. On the left you will find icons showing the progress of construction, collecting tribute from captured islands and actions to protect the port from sieges.

In the lower left corner there is an icon that allows you to switch from city and port management mode to world map mode. This part of the game is interesting because it is dominated not by urban planning elements, but by your strategic skills - this is where you have to make decisions about seizing other people’s or empty territories, and think through the creation and expansion of your own, initially small, maritime empire.

The main game controls are located at the bottom of the screen. Here you can select a campaign mode and follow in the footsteps of the captains of the past, manage your fleet, sending it on missions and doing repairs, select tasks and receive rewards for them, manage your existing inventory, add players as friends and communicate with them in online chat, view mail and leaderboards, use temporary boost effects, and configure basic game settings such as voice acting, alerts, weather effects, and so on.

It is very difficult to describe all the features of this game - the developers have placed a huge amount of content and varied functionality in it. But don't expect battles from her in the first place. Captains: Legends of the Oceans is not a wargame; its main components are still strategy and tactics. Only by thinking through your actions, skillfully assembling flotillas, improving ships and planning raids, will you be able to achieve the desired progress, increase your combat power and become a true legend of the seas.

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All hands on deck! And no, this is not another game where you are asked to become a bloodthirsty filibuster, it’s time to gather all your will into a fist and fight back to the “gentlemen of fortune”, establishing a new world order!

The game “Captains: Legends of the Oceans” is a classic online strategy game where the player is assigned the role of a city governor. However, this does not mean at all that you can simply rest on your laurels, drinking rum and collecting taxes from residents; on the contrary, as a newly-minted head you will have to not only fight off pirates, but also improve the infrastructure of the region entrusted to you.

Having logged in, a nice secretary will immediately contact you (who, by the way, will become a faithful assistant in the game, revealing the nuances and secrets of the governor’s life) with a message about a pirate attack on the city, and before you can really take office, you will have to take command of the flotilla to punish presumptuous robbers.
Throughout the game you will have to constantly fight with pirates, so you should think about building and improving shipyards, sawmills, mines, as well as the academy, because science is the engine of progress.

Hunting sea bandits brings not only pleasure, but also a pleasant bonus in the form of experience, and this thing will really not be superfluous, because upon reaching level 15, the player becomes available to the open world, which will allow him to collect taxes from the islands, conduct reconnaissance, and capture new territories and siphon resources from there.

Of course, it is worth mentioning the combat system in the game. It is not appropriate for the governor to stand at the helm, for this you have experienced sailors, but as for the strategic component, then all the “cards” are in your hands. You will be able to choose different formations, combining warships, which are divided into 4 types: cruiser, corvette, dreadnought and battleship, and you are also responsible for purchasing new and repairing old ships.

And, of course, no online game is complete without a multiplayer interface, “Captains: Legends of the Oceans” was no exception. Making friends is not a problem, enemies are even easier, joining a guild or creating your own goes without saying.

Plunge into the world of sea battles headlong and follow the main motto of the game: “Take everything and give nothing back!”

Download Captains: Legends of the Oceans:

A new online strategy with realistic graphics will take you to the 15th century for new achievements and world domination. Historical events, original ships, naval battles, trade and many game events related to the world. Guilds, battles for resources, robberies await your participation!

The diversity in types and classes of ships, their unique capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, gives players a lot of scope for strategic techniques and tactical tricks. A huge fleet of the maximum level with the coolest heroes is by no means a guarantee of victory! You still have to learn how to use your troops correctly so as not to lose to a less pumped, but more experienced enemy! In the ocean blitz, kings and pirates, other heroes in search of adventure, as well as rulers of thieves and kings of lands use war tactics to gain superiority in battle.
No fantasy or imaginary worlds! The trading system will allow you to plunge into the period from the 15th to the 17th centuries, personally sail along all the famous and popular routes and enlist the support of the greatest sailors and traders of all times. Trading on the stock exchange will make your port prosper. The trade and warehouse will not be empty while Captain Jack Sparrow leads the ship into battle.
A powerful historical base and realistic 3D graphics will allow you to completely immerse yourself in the world of ships and adventures, enjoy the sound of the sea surf, the shine of polished guns, the smell of gunpowder and the view of a charming sunset, against the backdrop of your enemies slowly sinking to the bottom. Pirates from the Caribbean, treasure hunting, island robbery - all this awaits you in our game!
Huge scope for the development of your city and flotilla! Hundreds of ways to increase your combat power are available to you almost immediately, and only your skills as a strategist and tactician, and the ability to accurately plan the path of development of your city, determine whose ships will eventually go to feed the fish. If you are tired of online strategy and you are missing the sea and the pirates' treasures. Take your fleet and send it into battle! The battle at sea will not subside as long as the ships are online!
Columbus, Magellan, Vasco de Gama and many other famous navigators of our world are ready to join your banners. Gather the strongest team that can take over the whole world! Corsairs and other pirates in search of treasure will interfere with your ships in battles at sea.
Resources in this world are worth their weight in gold, and every governor will happily destroy dozens of cities with cannons for the sake of a couple of chests with provisions. Can you become the most dangerous of them all? Or, perhaps, you will be able to follow the path of a peaceful, albeit armed, merchant? The fate of your city depends only on you! The flotilla is waiting for your order, Hero!

? More than 36 types of military and merchant ships
? 50 World Famous Captains
? Lots of different events
? Huge selection of upgrades for your fleet
? Original guild system

Captains: Legends of the Oceans Hack will allow you to receive all in-game purchases for free. In order to do this, you just need to introduce our cheats for Captains: Legends of the Oceans into the game. Now, in order for you to hack Captains: Legends of the Oceans, you do not need to download any hacking programs, thereby putting your smartphone at risk of getting viruses. The game Captains: Ocean Legends is very interesting, but it will become even more interesting after all purchases become available in it. Our hack Captains: Legends of the Oceans is very easy to use, and in order to use our cheat you do not need to have any special training. To activate the Cheat Code, you just need to enter it into the game (The Cheat itself is written below). This Cheat Code, unlike previous versions, is fully compatible with all versions of Android and iOS, including version 9 and older. Instructions on how to hack game Captains: Legends of the Oceans you will find below.

Attention! In order to get instructions for cheats, you need to subscribe to this YouTube channel and like each of its videos
After that, go to this site and see the instructions

Updated Cheat Code for Hack Captains: Legends of the Oceans:


Captains: Legends of the Oceans Hack is performed according to these instructions:

  1. Turn off all applications and turn on only the game;
  2. Once the game is complete...

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