Races of Tamriel. TESO Races and alliances in The Elder Scrolls Online Combinations of classes with race

The time has come for hostility and unrest. Hordes of the living dead and ghosts have filled every corner of Tamriel. Winters became cold and harvests became poor. The mystics were plagued by nightmares and omens of doom.

Four years ago, in 2E 578, a magical explosion of energy in the Imperial City was followed by mystical tremors that rippled through all of Nirn. The magicians died or went crazy. Supernatural beings from Oblivion, the Daedra, appeared in greater numbers than ever before. The constellation Serpentus grew so large that it dominated the night sky.

Thus began the grand intrigue of Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Domination and Subjugation. His Dark Anchors, whirlwinds of evil magic, weakened the barrier between worlds, threatening to merge Nirn and Oblivion into a single, nightmarish world.

In the midst of this chaos, three alliances vie for control of the Imperial City and White-Gold Tower. High Rock, Sentinel and Orsinium united under the banner of the High King of Wayrest. Valenwood and Elsweyr united with Summerset, and Black Marsh, Morrowind and Skyrim formed a third, albeit unstable, alliance.

Daggerfall Covenant. Aldmeri Dominion. Ebonheart Pact.

Three armies took up arms against the Empire and against each other in order to wrest the Imperial City and the White Gold Tower from the hands of the dark forces of Oblivion.

Which side will you choose?


Aldmeri Dominion

The Aldmeri Dominion is formed by the three races of southern Tamriel: the Wood Elves of Valenwood, the Khajiit of Elsweyr, and the High Elves of Summerset. This alliance fights to stop the dangerous intrigues of foolish people and restore elven dominance in Tamriel.

Aldmeri Dominion

When word reached the high elves of Summerset that the Imperial City had fallen under the rule of the human minions of Molag Bal, the Aldmeri Dominion was formed. The High Elves turned to the neighboring Wood Elves and Khajiit with a proposal to join forces so that together they could prevent the young races of Tamriel from bringing disaster to the whole world, as had happened many times in the past.

The Altmer were the first settlers on Tamriel and created a common language used throughout the continent to the present day. From birth they are excellent at using magic.

Wood elves live in the dense, almost impenetrable forests of Valenwood. They are excellent hunters, scouts, masters of stealth and theft, and the best archers in all of Tamriel.

The Khajiit, proud representatives of the cat-like race of beastmen, are formidable warriors skilled in the use of bladed weapons. They stand majestically at the forefront of every battle.

The strength and determination of the Aldmeri Dominion should not be underestimated.

Queen Ayrenn is intelligent and respected, possessing a genuine humility that is rarely seen among her subjects, but for all that, she is a decisive ruler with an unyielding character. Ayrenn is young by Altmer standards - she is only 28, and she has spent most of her life traveling around Tamriel, in search of adventure and the knowledge that is not taught in schools. She returned to Summerset after her father's death to inherit the Altmeri throne.

High Elves

The High Elves, or Altmer, arrived in Tamriel thousands of years ago from Old Aldmeris. They present themselves, perhaps not without reason, as the ruling race of Tamriel. The High Elves are highly cultured, known far and wide for their breathtaking architecture and vast libraries of art and literature. They tend towards isolationism, almost never leaving Summerset, doing so only when they feel a serious threat to their homeland. The Altmer are powerful mages and warriors and, in fact, the leaders of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Wood Elves

Wood elves, or Bosmer, are mischievous, curious, and agile. Because their homeland, Valenwood, was frequently attacked by Colovians, the Wood Elves became experts in the art of defense. They are also gifted archers, perhaps the best in all of Tamriel. The capital of the Aldmeri Dominion, Elden Root, is located in the heart of the Bosmer homeland. Elden Route has become a center of political and cultural importance and is a vital strategic point in the struggle for control of Tamriel.

The numbers of the majestic felines, the Khajiit, have been greatly reduced in recent years due to the devastating outbreak of the Knahaten Influenza. They owe a great debt to Ayrenn, Queen of the High Elves, for helping to restore order in the chaos that followed the epidemic. Khajiit are witty and cheerful, but they are fearsome on the battlefield. They are the main fighting force of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Daggerfall Covenant

The Daggerfall Covenant consists of two provinces in northwestern Tamriel: High Rock and Hammerfell, home to the Bretons and Redguards. The Covenant also offered the orcs the opportunity to return to their ancient homeland, Orsinium, in exchange for their support.

Daggerfall Covenant

The Daggerfall Covenant was created by the three races of northwestern Tamriel and united by High King Emeric to achieve a common goal - the capture of the Ruby Throne.

Bretons have an innate gift for magic and diplomacy. Orcs are brave soldiers and talented armorers, producing the finest weapons and armor in all of Tamriel. Redguards are excellent athletes; they are trained to be hardy warriors from birth.

The diverse talents of the Daggerfall Covenant make it a force to be reckoned with.

High King Emeric was by birth a wealthy and noble Breton nobleman, whose insight in politics and skill in diplomacy brought the trust of the kings of High Rock, and the marriage alliance - the friendship of the Redguards, and, ultimately, a peace agreement with the orcs. He rules the kingdom from Wayrest in High Rock.


The men and women of High Rock were once under the rule of the High Elves. Some elven blood still flows through their veins, giving them an innate understanding of magic that sets the Bretons apart from other human races. Passionate and flamboyant, intelligent and resourceful, Bretons are known as talented artisans, shrewd traders, gallant gentlemen and inventive magicians. In addition to the above, they can also be arrogant and grumpy. Wars have raged between the kingdoms of High Rock for most of their history, but the majority of the population still revere the Eight and value wealth over glory.

The Redguards of Hammerfell are physically developed and resilient warriors, as if born for battle. Their desert-dwelling ancestors migrated to Tamriel from the lost continent of Yokuda. Redguard culture is based on preserving ancient traditions and withstanding their harsh environmental conditions. They value honor and dignity above all else, combining a deep reverence for the gods with suspicion of all things magical. The capital of the Redguards is the trading port of Sentinel, but their roots are deeply rooted in the sands of the Alik"r desert. In their youth, the Redguards undergo a rite of passage - a trip to the Alik"r desert, as a test of endurance and discipline. Only the strongest survive.

While other races often view orcs as barbarians or even beasts, these noble warriors have an ancient culture forged from endless wars in their rugged mountain homeland. Orcs live by a simple code of honor, where the strong survive and the strongest rule. As Orcs are rightly called the greatest smiths in Tamriel, their weapons and armor are prized by warriors everywhere. During the Second Empire, the kingdom of Orsinium was granted provincial status, and its restoration helped strengthen the orcs' loyalty to the new Daggerfall Covenant.

Ebonheart Pact

The Ebonheart Pact is the most shaky of all the alliances; it was formed from former enemies who, by the will of fate, turned out to be allies. The Nords of Skyrim, the dark elves of Morrowind and the Argonians of Black Marsh are fighting to return stability to the Empire and their independence.

Ebonheart Pact

The Ebonheart Pact is the weakest of the three alliances. The Nords and Dark Elves have a long history of conflict, and the Argonians were enslaved by the Dark Elves for thousands of years.

The Akaviri invasion helped to establish a connection between them and united them. Now they are determined to control their own destiny, to defeat the Empire and at the same time preserve the independence of their homelands.

Bold and furious, the Nords are at the forefront of the Pact, they are fierce warriors and experts in the use of weapons. Dark elves have a natural affinity for magic. The Argonians are the best guerrilla fighters in Tamriel.

The combined might of these unlikely allies makes the fighting strength of the Ebonheart Pact exceptional.

Jorunn of Eastern Skyrim is the current High King of the Great Assembly, but his power is not absolute. Jorunn's decisions must be approved by all three races in this unique form of government called the Great Assembly. The king himself is very intelligent, has a good sense of humor and has an iron will to win.

The Nords once managed to conquer almost all of Tamriel, as a result of which they believe that they have a certain right to power. They broke the power of the Ayleids, drove the High Elves from High Rock, and conquered most of Resdain, the forerunner of Morrowind. Nords are excellent with weapons. They are quick to anger, violent and strong. These are born warriors who fight with frenzied fury, which unspeakably frightens their enemies.

Dark Elves

The homeland of the dark elves, Morrowind, was repeatedly invaded by Akaviri and Nords. History filled with skirmishes and wars over the centuries has transformed the Dunmer into seasoned warriors. They also have an innate aptitude for magic and advanced intelligence, making them skilled magicians.


Argonians are very smart, well versed in the magical arts, able to remain everywhere and unnoticed by everyone, and are also excellent with blades. Due to the fact that the Argonians have long been accustomed to defending their borders from invaders, they have become masters in waging guerrilla warfare. They often act as scouts and marksmen for Pact forces.

In Elder Scrolls Online, as in the series' single-player games, each race has its own unique bonuses, so if you want to maximize your character's performance, choose a race based on your choice of playstyle, class, and role. Or you can do the opposite - having chosen a race, in accordance with its racial bonuses, choose the class, role and playstyle that suits it.

Each race has 4 bonuses:

Race Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3 Bonus 4
Altmer Increases the rate of experience gained in the skill Staff of Destruction by 15 %. Increases experience gained by 1 %. Increases magicka recovery by %. %. Increases your Fire, Frost, and Shock damage by %.
Bosmer Increases the speed of gaining experience in the Archery skill by 15 %. Reduces fall damage by 1 %. %. [x]. %.
Khajiit Increases the speed of gaining experience in the Medium Armor skill by 15 %. Increases the chance of successful pickpocketing by 1 %. Increases health recovery by % and restoration of the reserve of strength by %. Reduces your detection radius while in stealth mode by m. Increases your damage dealt while in stealth mode by %. Increases weapon critical strike rating by %.
Orsimers Increases the speed of gaining experience in the Heavy Armor skill by 15 %. Increases Crafting Inspiration received by 10 %. Increases your maximum health and stamina by %. Increases healing received by %. Increases damage from melee attacks by %. Reduces sprint costs by % and increases sprint speed by %.
Bretons Increases the speed of gaining experience in the Light Armor skill by 15 %. Increases received alliance points by 1 %. %. Increases your spell resistance by [x]. Reduces the magic cost of abilities by %.

15 %. Increases the duration of the effects of any food eaten by 15 min.

Increases stamina regeneration by %.

Increases maximum magicka by %. Your melee attacks restore % units reserve of strength. Recharge: 5 With.
Dunmer Increases the speed of gaining experience in the Dual Wield skill by 15 %. Reduces damage from being in lava by 50 %. Increases your maximum Magicka and Stamina by %. Increases your maximum Magicka by % and fire resistance by [x]. Increases your fire damage by %. (From rank 2) Increases your frost and electrical damage by %.
Nords Increases the speed of gaining experience in the Two-Handed Weapon skill by 15 %. Increases the duration of any drink consumed by 15 minutes. Increases maximum stamina by % and health restoration by %. % and frost resistance by [x]. Reduces the damage you take by %.
Argonians Increases the speed of experience gained in the Restoration Staff skill by 15 %. Increases swimming speed by 50 %. Increases your maximum Magicka by %. By drinking the potion, you restore % of maximum health, magicka and stamina. Increases your maximum health by % and resistance to poisons and diseases by [x]. Increases the effectiveness of the healing you give and receive by %.
Imperials Increases the speed of gaining experience in the One-Handed Weapon and Shield skill by 15 %. Increases gold received by 1 %. Increases your maximum health by %. Increases your maximum Stamina by %. In melee you have 10 % chance to recover % of your maximum health.

Following the relaxation of the NDA, fansites began publishing interesting articles regarding various aspects of The Elder Scrolls Online. We offer you a translation of Tamriel Foundry material regarding one of the most important decisions at the beginning of the game - choosing a race.

Racial skills in TES Online

First, you need to understand the structure of racial abilities in ESO. Each race receives the same number of passive skills, the first of which is given to the character for free. This first ability gives a 15% bonus to the experience gained when leveling up a certain type of weapon or armor. It is consistent with the lore and cultural preferences of each race, but will not be a decisive factor in determining the most suitable race for your character. After all, in the long term, everyone will in any case upgrade their armor and weapon skills to the maximum.

The next three passive abilities each have three ranks, which increase bonuses as you invest skill points into them. Not all passive skills can be unlocked initially. Your character even has a separate “racial” skill tree that upgrades as he develops. At level 5, only the first rank of the first passive skill will be available to you. The racial branch is upgraded as follows:

  • Level 0 - Free XP Bonus
  • Level 5 - Passive Skill #1, Rank 1
  • Level 10 - Passive Skill #2, Rank 1
  • Level 15 - Passive Skill #1, Rank 2
  • Level 20 - Passive Skill #2, Rank 2
  • Level 25 - Passive Skill #3, Rank 2
  • Level 30 - Passive Skill #1, Rank 3
  • Level 35 - Passive skill #3, rank 2
  • Level 40 - Passive Skill #2, Rank 3
  • Level 50 - Passive Skill #3, Rank 3

Each subsequent rank of a skill increases its effectiveness. At the moment (due to the cap to level 15 in the beta) we can only confirm the first rank of each passive ability. Their further development is speculation based on how much the skill bonuses increase when moving to rank 2 at level 15.

Ten races


  • Destruction Talent (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained from the Destruction Staff skill line by 15%.
  • Spellcharge (3 ranks) - Increases mana recovery in battle by (3/6/9)%.
  • Elemental Talent (3 ranks) - Increases damage done by cold, fire and lightning by (2/4/6)%.


  • Bow Specialist / Archery Expertise (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained from the bow skill line by 15%.
  • Resist Affliction (3 ranks) - Increases resistance to poison and disease by (7/14/21). Increases maximum stamina points by (1/2/3)%.


  • Medium Armor Expertise (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained by the medium armor skill line by 15%.
  • Silence / Stealthy (3 ranks) - Increases stealth radius by (1/2/3) meters. Increases damage dealt while stealth by (3/6/9)%.
  • Carnage (3 ranks) - Increases critical strike rating with melee weapons by (1/2/3)% and damage dealt by critical hits by (5/10/15)%.


  • Light Armor Specialist / Light Armor Affinity (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained from the light armor skill line by 15%.
  • Gift of Magnus (3 ranks) - Increases the maximum number of mana points by (4/7/10)%.
  • Spell Resistance (3 ranks) - Increases spell resistance by (32/64/96).
  • Mana Management / Magicka Mastery (3 ranks) - Reduces mana cost when casting spells by (1/2/3)%.


  • Heavy Armor Expertise (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained from the heavy armor skill line by 15%.
  • Muscle Mountain (3 ranks) - Increases the maximum number of health and stamina points by (2/4/6)%.
  • Strength / Robust (3 ranks) - Increases health recovery in battle by (5/10/15)%.
  • Quickness (3 ranks) - Reduces the cost of sprinting by (4/8/12)% and increases its speed by (3/6/9)%.


  • Shield Specialist / Shield Affinity (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained by the shield skill line by 15%.
  • Fortitude / Vigor (3 ranks) - Increases stamina recovery in battle by (3/6/9)%.
  • Conditioning (3 ranks) - Increases the maximum number of stamina points by (4/7/10)%.
  • Adrenaline Rush (3 ranks) - Returns (1/2/3) stamina points to the player upon a successful attack with a melee weapon. Recovery can occur no more than once every 3 seconds.


  • Restoration Expertise (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained by the Restoration Staff skill line by 15%.
  • Amphibious (3 ranks) - Increases swimming speed by 50% and potion effectiveness by (5/10/15)%.
  • Argonian Resistance (3 ranks) - Increases maximum health points by (1/2/3)% and resistance to poisons and diseases by (7/14/21).
  • Quick to Mend (3 ranks) - Increases incoming healing by (2/4/6)%.


  • Ambidexterity (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained from the weapon skill line in both hands by 15%.
  • Energy / Dynamic (3 ranks) - Increases the maximum number of mana and stamina points by (2/4/6)%.
  • Resist Flame (3 ranks) - Increases fire resistance by (10/20/30). Increases maximum mana points by (1/2/3)%.
  • Flame Talent (3 ranks) - Increases the power of fire spells by (1/2/3).


  • Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (1 rank) - Increases the experience gained from the two-handed weapon skill line by 15%.
  • Strength / Robust (3 ranks) - Increases health recovery in battle by (5/10/15)%.
  • Resist Frost (3 ranks) - Increases resistance to cold by (10/20/30). Increases maximum health points by (1/2/3)%.
  • Fortress / Rugged (3 ranks) - Increases armor rating by (2/4/6).

Advantage in different roles

Considering the bonuses available to the various races, we have clear winners in terms of effectiveness in a given role. Of course, a character of any race can act in any role. These racial bonuses are just small benefits that increase your character's effectiveness. Players looking to maximize the utility of their builds will likely use the races with the most appropriate skills.


  • Nords-Increasing maximum health, health regeneration and armor gives the tank everything it needs, making Nords perhaps the ideal race for this role.
  • Redguards- The impressive stamina recovery of the Redguards allows for a build around them that requires a lot of stamina to constantly block attacks, stun opponents, and free them from control skills.
  • Orsimers— Increased health and its accelerated regeneration will help characters playing the role of tanks.


  • Altmer— The large amount of mana and its accelerated recovery make high elves the preferred race for mages, especially those who will focus on dealing damage.
  • Bretons- Like Altmer, Bretons have more mana points, and the reduction in spell costs will be especially useful for healers who need to constantly support their allies.
  • Dunmer- While not as versatile as the Altmer and Bretons, the Dunmer are an excellent choice for the Dragon Knight class and fire mages due to their increased maximum mana and enhanced fire magic.


  • Khajiit— Khajiit have some of the most unique and irreplaceable racial bonuses in the game. The increase in critical chance and damage works great as a complement to stealth damage, and the health regeneration is useful for all characters fighting on the front lines.
  • Redguards- The Redguard's excellent stamina regeneration will be very useful for characters who want to use as many weapon abilities as possible in combat, allowing them to use skills that absorb stamina much more often.


  • Khajiit“To our surprise, the Khajiit are far superior to the Bosmer in this capacity. Their bonus to critical attacks also works on bows, as on weapons with “physical” damage. That is why the racial abilities of the Khadites are much better than the skills of the Bosmers.
  • Orsimers— Orcs, surprisingly, will make good archers in PvP, thanks to their increased speed, which allows you to keep your distance and shoot enemies from afar.


You may have noticed that we didn't mention Bosmers, Argonian And Imperials, as races that are optimal for a certain role. Unfortunately, the Bosmer are almost completely eclipsed by the Khajiit, who receive similar but more useful bonuses. Argonians are an excellent choice for roleplaying, but their racial skills do not provide a compelling reason to choose them as warriors. We hope that before the release of The Elder Scrolls Online, the developers will optimize the usefulness of racial abilities to make these races more competitive.

As for the Imperials, we can only guess what bonuses the developers will give them. It seems to me that they could get an equal increase in the three main stats with possible additional regeneration. In this way, the authors of ESO can reflect the “universality” of the human race, popular in many role-playing games.

Which races do you think are suitable for the build you have in mind and why? Do you agree or do you agree with the choice of optimal races for combat roles in the article? Has the weakening of boundaries between alliances changed your choice of race, or will you still take the race native to your alliance? And finally, what bonuses do you think the Imperials can get, given everything we know about the skills of the other races? We are waiting for your opinions in the comments!

In The Elder Scrolls Online, 10 classic races from the TES setting are available to play, divided into three alliances. As expected, each race has not only a unique appearance, but also special passive skills, which is why you have to think about the build already at the character creation stage. This guide will examine not only the history and characteristics of races, but also their preferred roles.
P.S. All historical data refers to the Second Era - the time in which the plot of The Elder Scrolls Online takes place. If you are not interested in the story, skip to the final part of the guide.

Daggerfall Covenant

The Daggerfall Covenant (Daggerfall Covenant) was founded by King Emeric with the goal of restoring the Second Empire. Having concluded many trade and mutual defense agreements with the Redguards and Orcs, High King Emeric led this alliance. However, having joined the Covenant, the Redguard king Fakhara "jad and the orc king Kurog rule in their lands, retaining power and influence (the orcs even received Rothgar - the northeastern region of High Rock). The protagonist will have to fight various cultists, necromancers, and daedra , vampires and other evil spirits.


Bretons, or Bretons- natives of High Rock, in whose veins the blood of the Manmer flows (the result of mixing the Aldmer and the Ned - ancient elves and people). They live in a typical kingdom, which previously consisted of fragmented feudal states led by dukes, counts and kings. Society is divided into aristocracy, philistinism and peasants. Numerous knightly orders guard order. Since the ancestors of the Bretons are the ancient elves, this race excels in the magical arts, but talented warriors are not uncommon.

Bretons' passive skills are mostly focused on magic; They often make excellent healers:

  • Opportunist(Opportunist) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Light Armor skill by 15%. Increases received alliance points by 1%.
  • Gift of Magnus(Gift of Magnus) - increases your maximum magicka by 10%.
  • Spell Resistance(Magic Resistance) - Increases your spell resistance by 3960.
  • Magicka Mastery(Magical Mastery) - reduces the magic cost of abilities by 3%.

Redguards- a race of outstanding warriors. Dark-skinned and wiry, they look unlike any of the races of Tamriel, since their ancestors, the Yokudans, sailed from the continent of Yokuda (now an archipelago). They make excellent warriors - primarily swordsmen - and sailors. The geography of Hammerfell plays an important role in their lives: it is mainly a barren mountainous area with deserts, but there is also some fertile land near the coast. Society is divided into two factions - the Viennese (mostly warriors) and the Precursors (mostly the government and nobility). The architecture evokes associations with the Ottoman Empire.

Passive skills of the Redguards are aimed at stamina (reserve of strength):

  • Wayfarer(Traveler) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the One-handed weapon and shield skill by 15%. Increases the duration of the effects of any food eaten by 15 minutes.
  • Exhilaration(Revival) - increases stamina recovery by 9%.
  • Conditioning(Athleticism) - increases maximum stamina by 10%.
  • Adrenaline Rush(Adrenaline Rush) - Your melee attacks restore 3% HP. reserve of strength. Cooldown: 5 s.

Orcs, or Orsimers- one of the largest races that does not have its own kingdom. Even Wrothgar, where King Kurog rules, is considered largely neutral territory. Most orcs live in the mountains of High Rock and Hammerfell, a smaller part - in the forests of Valenwood. Possessing a strong physique, endurance and fearlessness, orcs make excellent fighters and blacksmiths, but many see them only as wild and unbridled barbarians. An important role here is played by the green color of the skin and protruding fangs - according to legend, they appeared among the Aldmeri who worshiped Trinimac, who later became Malacath.

Orc passive skills focus on stamina and health:

  • Craftsman(Artisan) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Heavy Armor skill by 15%. Increases crafting inspiration received by 10%.
  • Browny(Muscularity) - increases your maximum health and stamina by 6%.
  • Unflinching(Unshakable) - increases healing received by 5% and health restoration by 20%.
  • Swift Warrior(Fast Warrior) - increases damage from melee attacks by 4%. Reduces sprint costs by 12% and increases sprint speed by 10%.

Aldmeri Dominion

The First Aldmeri Dominion was founded after the Imperial City, under the control of the servants of Molag Bal during the Interregnum, launched an invasion of Valenwood, and the Bosmer turned to the Altmer for help. In turn, the Altmer announced the creation of the Aldmeri Dominion, which was joined by the Bosmer and, subsequently, the Khajiit. The alliance is ruled by the Thalmor, who are under the control of Queen Ayrene, who is also the ruler of the Altmer. The First Aldmeri Dominion is pursuing an active policy aimed at overthrowing the Imperials and Molag Bal's protege from the Ruby Throne, because "the human race is too young and stupid." In addition to Queen Ayrene, the Bosmer king Aeradan Camoran and the Khajiit leader Mane Akhuz-Ri have their weight in the alliance.

However, not everyone is happy about the new alliance - for example, on the Summerset Islands (mainly Auridon), a secret Altmer organization "Hidden Legacy" appears, which believes that the newfound allies are seizing their lands and jobs, and, in principle, put up with the presence She does not gather “lower races” in her homeland. The protagonist will have to strengthen the Aldmeri Dominion from the inside, fight the Daggerfall Covenant, deal with the rebels and strengthen the influence of Queen Irene.


Altmer, high or high elves (orig. High Elves)- one of the oldest and most developed races. Tall, with yellowish skin and graceful features, proud, refined and arrogant, the Altmer are considered the most powerful magicians. It is this race that occupies a dominant position in the Aldmeri Dominion. The Altmer live primarily on the Summerset Isles.

Altmer passive skills mainly focus on magic and elemental damage:

  • Highborn(High Origin) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Staff of Destruction skill by 15%. Increases experience gained by 1%.
  • Spellcharge(Spell Charge) - increases magicka recovery by 9%.
  • Gift of Magnus(Gift of Magnus) - increases the maximum reserve of magic by 10%.
  • Elemental Talent(Elemental Talent) - Increases your Fire, Frost and Electric damage by 4%.

Bosmer, or Wood Elves- residents of Valenwood, following the Green Pact, which prohibits harming plants and eating them. Short, dark-skinned, and living in dense forests, the Bosmer are unsurpassed hunters and scouts.

Bosmer passive skills focus on stamina and stealth, allowing you to create an excellent gank character:

  • Acrobat(Acrobat) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Archery skill by 15%. Reduces fall damage by 10%.
  • Y"ffre"s Endurance(Fortitude I'ffre) - increases the restoration of stamina by 21%.
  • Resist Affliction(Ailment Resistance) - Increases your maximum stamina by 6% and your resistance to poison and disease by 1485.
  • Stealthy

Khajiit- natives of Elsweyr, accustomed to life in their native deserts, savannahs and jungles. Outwardly similar to cats, however, they are offended when they are called that. They are known throughout the world as clever thieves and nomadic traders, as well as lovers of moon sugar and skooma (by the way, the latter is not addictive to them). The moons, Joad and Jone, play a huge role in the culture and life of the Khajiit.

Khajiit passive skills focus on stamina, stealth and critical strike:

  • Cutpurse(Pickpocket) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Medium Armor skill by 15%. Increases the chance of successful pickpocketing by 5%.
  • Nimble(Nimble) - increases health recovery by 20% and stamina recovery by 10%.
  • Stealthy(Stealth) - reduces your detection radius in stealth mode by 3 m. Increases your damage dealt while in stealth mode by 10%.
  • Carnage(Bloody Carnage) - increases weapon critical strike rating by 8%.

Ebonheart Pact

This alliance is the most fragile and unusual of the three alliances. The Nords, Dunmer and Argonians, who have long been warring with each other, were forced to unite during the Second Akaviri Invasion - 10 years before the events of TESO. Slavery was abolished in Morrowind, and the Argonians became full members of the alliance. The Ebonheart Pact is governed by the Great Council, composed of Jorunn the Skald-King (Nords), General Yeveth Noramil (Dunmer) and Eyes-of-Steel (Argonians). Each of the three races has significant possessions, and therefore territorial conflicts within the alliance are excluded. Basically, the protagonist will face the forces of the Daggerfall Covenant, the Aldmeri Dominion, cultists, necromancers and Daedra.


Nords- descendants of immigrants from the continent of Atmora who arrived led by Ysgramor. The harsh climate and geography of Skyrim greatly influence the character and life of the Nords - pale-skinned, tall, with a strong physique and resistance to cold, ferocious and fearless, they become peerless warriors. There are practically no magicians among the Nords because of their suspicious attitude towards the secret arts.

In ancient times, the Nords worshiped animals, especially dragons, but these cults were subsequently supplanted by the imperial pantheon, which underwent some changes. Also, a special place in the culture of the people is occupied by the veneration of the dead and the belief that after death, real heroes go to Sovngarde - a paradise for fallen warriors. And, of course, the Nords love noisy celebrations with honey and fights.

Nord passive skills focus on health:

  • Reveler(Reveler) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Two-Handed Weapon skill by 15%. Increases the duration of any drink consumed by 15 minutes.
  • Stalwart(Strong) - increases maximum stamina by 6% and health recovery by 20%.
  • Resist Frost(Cold Resistance) - Increases your maximum health by 9% and your frost resistance by 2079.
  • Rugged(Strength) - reduces the damage you receive by 6%.

Dunmer, or dark elves were previously Chimer, but Azura cursed them after the events on Red Mountain. The Dunmer have acquired an ashen skin tone and red eyes, like their land, and an arrogant disposition, cruelty and rancor almost always go hand in hand with these people. They do not recognize strangers and treat them with extreme suspicion. The Dunmer live in distant Morrowind, dotted with volcanoes and overgrown with forests of giant mushrooms. Not only the flora, but also the bizarre local fauna can surprise travelers and researchers.

Dunmer are resistant to fire, and also have a subtle intellect and graceful physique, which allows them to become both excellent warriors and skilled magicians.

"Sedentary" dark elves live in cities and belong to Houses. The largest of them are the Great Houses of Hlaalu, Redoran, Telvanni, Indoril and Dres. An important place in society is occupied by the secret organizations Morag Tong and Kammona Tong.

Most of the Dunmer worship the Tribunal Temple: these are ALMSIVI (the living gods Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia), the Forerunners (the Daedric princes Azura, Boethiah and Mephala), as well as the saints of the Temple (Nerevar, Olms, Rilms, etc.). The Tribunal Temple is the official religion. However, both Dagoth Ur and the House of Cares, consisting of four Daedric princes - Sheogorath, Malacath, Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon, have followers, but this religion is outlawed. The Ashlanders do not recognize the ALMSIVI, considering them false gods, and worship Azura, Mephala and Boethiah, as well as spirits and ancestors (by the way, all Dunmer, regardless of origin, worship their ancestors). The feud between the Tribunal and the Ashlanders continues unabated, largely due to religious differences.

Dunmer passive skills mainly focus on magic and fire damage:

  • Ashlander(Ashlander) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Dual Wield skill by 15%. Reduces damage from being in lava by 50%.
  • Dynamic(Energetic) - increases your maximum magicka and stamina by 6%.
  • Resist Flame(Fire Resistance) - Increases your maximum magicka by 3% and fire resistance by 2079.
  • Destructive Ancestry(Destructive Ancestors) - increases your fire damage by 7%. Increases your frost and electrical damage by 2%.

Argonians- amazing inhabitants of Black Marsh, swamps in the southeast of Tamriel. Outwardly similar to lizards, they hate being called that (similar to the Khajiit's "cats"). Physiologically, Argonians are more different from other races: they prefer a warm climate, but can also tolerate cold weather; covered with scales and have gills that allow them to breathe underwater, as well as strong and fast legs; lay eggs for procreation; They are immune to diseases and poisons. The Hist trees play a special role in the life of the Argonians, with which they are connected on a mental level.

Thanks to their physiology, Argonians make excellent thieves and warriors, but magical arts (mainly alchemy) are not alien to them.

The Argonians are divided into many tribes and prefer not to go beyond Black Marsh. If you encounter an Argonian, it is either a member of the Saskhlil tribe, friendly to all races, or a Lucayul - a "subjugated" Argonian who has lived under the rule of another culture for too long. Before the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, large numbers of Argonians were enslaved by the Dunmer.

Argonian passive skills focus on health and tanking. Argonians often make good tanks and healers:

  • Amphibian(Amphibian) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the Recovery Staff skill by 15%. Increases swimming speed by 50%.
  • Resourceful(Resourceful) - increases your maximum magicka by 3%. After drinking the potion, you restore 12% of your maximum health, magicka and stamina.
  • Argonian Resistance(Argonian Resistance) - Increases your maximum health by 9% and your resistance to poison and disease by 1485.
  • Quick to Mend(Quick Fix) - Increases the effectiveness of your healing done and received by 5%.


Imperials- inhabitants of Cyrodiil, the central part of Tamriel. Since the Imperials are not tall or have brute physical strength, they rely more on intelligence: they are distinguished by high professionalism and discipline; In addition, many Imperials are known to be powerful magicians. Many Cyrodiil residents are excellent diplomats and traders.

In many ways, the imperial form of government is similar to the Breton one: at the head is the Emperor, who leads the Council of Elders, and local rulers sit in the regions. The religion of the Imperials is associated with the belief in the Eight Deities. During the Second Empire, the Cyrodilic cult influenced the pantheons of many races.

In TESO, the action takes place during the Interregnum, when Clivia Tharn has ascended to the throne, and Cyrodiil suffers from the Worm Cult, armies of alliances, Daedra and bandits. Most of the Imperials fled to other lands and joined the three alliances.

The passive skills of the Imperials are focused mainly on health and stamina, they make good stamina fighters and tanks:

  • Diplomat(Diplomat) - increases the speed of gaining experience in the One-handed weapon and shield skill by 15%. Increases gold received by 1%.
  • Tough(Stamina) - increases your maximum health by 12%.
  • Conditioning(Athleticism) - increases your maximum stamina by 10%.
  • Red Diamond(Red Diamond) - In melee combat you have a 10% chance to recover 6% of your maximum health.
P.S. In order to play as an Imperial, you need to purchase the Imperial Digital Edition from the Crown Store.

The Best Races for Each Role

Best Choice: Argonians and Imperials

Argonians are the best choice for tanks due to their passive skill, which increases the amount of health, magic and stamina restored by potions by 12%. They also have 9% more health and are easier to heal with a 5% increase in healing received.

The second choice is the Imperials. Their passive skills increase your maximum health by 12% and your stamina by 10%. In addition, Imperials have a 10% chance to recover 6% of their health in melee combat. They can also go into stamina-damage due to their large amount of stamina.

Best Choice: High Elves, Bretons, and Argonians

High Elves and Bretons have their magic increased by 10%, increasing outgoing healing. Also, high elves restore magic 9% faster, and Bretons reduce magic costs for abilities by 3%.

Argonians are good in the role of healers by increasing the maximum reserve of magic by 3% (there is also a 12% increase in health, magic and stamina restored by potions) and increasing the effectiveness of outgoing healing by 5%.

Magic oriented dd
Best Choice: High Elves and Dark Elves

Both races are good for this role - it depends on what kind of damage you want to do. If you plan to run with a fire staff, choose a dark elf, but if you want to change between fire, frost and electric damage, take a high elf. High elves have 10% more magic, dark elves - 9%; High Elves deal 4% more Fire, Frost, and Shock damage, while Dark Elves deal 7% more Fire Damage and 2% more Frost and Shock damage. Dark elves also have high resistance to fire damage.

Stamina oriented dps
Best Choice: Redguards and Khajiit

Redguards are the best choice for stamina damage thanks to their passive skills - increased stamina by 10% and accelerated stamina recovery by 9%; In addition, once every 5 seconds, melee attacks restore 3% of your stamina.

Khajiit are also an interesting choice, as they have 10% faster stamina regeneration and an 8% increase in critical strike rating (though their stamina cap is lower than Redguards).

Other races
have good passive skills for a tank - they have 9% more health, 20% faster health recovery; in addition, they take 6% less damage. You can create a good Nord tanking character, but the most popular options remain Argonians and Imperials.

Wood Elves They can show themselves as stamina damage dealers by increasing their stamina by 6% and accelerating their stamina recovery by 21%, but they are inferior to the Redguards. Bosmers are more likely to be great for ganker characters.

Orcs can be represented as both tanks and stamina damage dealers: they have 6% more health and stamina, they are easier to heal due to a 5% increase in the effectiveness of healing received and 20% health restoration, and their attacks Melee attacks deal 4% more damage. However, Orcs perform best in PvP thanks to their 12% reduced sprint cost and 10% increased sprint speed.

If you want to play for a certain race, but are not satisfied with the included alliance, purchase the “Any Race, Any Alliance” improvement, which is contained in the Adventurer's Pack in the crown store (upgrades - account).

I offer you brief information about races. The information was present on different sites, so it is difficult to establish primacy. A little padded and a little embellished.

First, you need to have an understanding of the basic racial ability structure in TESO. Each race receives the same number of possible racial "passives", the first of which is given to each new character immediately. The first ability is a 15% bonus to experience gained when leveling up a certain line of weapon or armor skills. This ability is consistent with the lore and image of the race, and its cultural preferences, but it will not be a significant factor in determining the "best" race for you. Over the long term, everyone will receive 50 points in each weapon and armor skill line. So, while this is a useful benefit when leveling, the first level passives are not valuable for the long term of the game.

Each of the three subsequent passives has three ranks, which become more powerful as skill points are invested in them. Not all racial passives can be unlocked immediately. In fact, your character in TESO has an entire “racial” skill line that develops as you level up. Starting from level 5, only the first rank of the first passive will be available to you. The structure of development of passive abilities will be as follows:

Level 0 - Free XP Bonus
Level 5 - Passive 1, rank 1
Level 10 - Passive 2, rank 1
Level 15 - Passive 1, rank 2
Level 20 - Passive 2, rank 2
Level 25 - Passive 3, rank 1
Level 30 - Passive 1, rank 3
Level 35 - Passive 3, rank 2
Level 40 - Passive 2, rank 3
Level 50 - Passive 3, rank 3

Each additional rank of racial passives will increase the effectiveness of the bonuses associated with them. At the moment (due to the level 1-15 limit in the beta test), we can only accurately indicate the first rank of each of the passive abilities. The power of the next ranks at this point can only be guessed based on how Passive 1 evolves to Rank 2 at level 15.


Destruction Talent (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Staff of Destruction skill line by 15%.
Spellcharge (3 ranks) - Increases magicka recovery in battle by 3/6/9%

Elemental Talent (3 ranks) - Increases damage from Cold, Fire and Shock effects by 2/4/6%


Archery Expertise (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Bow skill line by 15%.

Resist Affliction (3 ranks) - Increases resistance to poison and disease by 7/14/21. Increases maximum stamina by 1/2/3%


Medium Armor Expertise (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Medium Armor skill line by 15%.

Stealthy (3 ranks) – Increases the range of invisibility by 1/2/3 meters. Increases damage dealt while invisible by 3/6/9%
Carnage (3 ranks) – Melee critical strike chance is increased by 1/2/3%, and damage from successful critical hits is increased by 5/10/15%


Light Armor Affinity (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Light Armor skill line by 15%.
Gift of Magnus (3 ranks) - Increases maximum magicka by 4/7/10%
Spell Resistance (3 ranks) – Increases spell resistance by 32/64/96
Magicka Mastery (3 ranks) – Reduces magicka costs for spells by 1/2/3%


Heavy Armor Expertise (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Heavy Armor skill line by 15%.
Brawny (3 ranks) - Increases maximum health and maximum stamina by 2/4/6%
Robust (3 ranks) - Increases health recovery in battle by 5/10/15%
Swift (3 ranks) - Reduces running costs by 4/8/12%, increases running speed by 3/6/9%


Shield Affinity (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Shield skill line by 15%.
Vigor (3 ranks) - Increases stamina recovery in battle by 3/6/9%
Conditioning (3 ranks) - Increases maximum stamina by 4/7/10%
Adrenaline Rush (3 ranks) - Restores 1/2/3 stamina to the player when damaging an enemy in melee. The effect cannot trigger more than once every 3 seconds


Restoration Expertise (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Restoration Staff skill line by 15%.
Amphibious (3 ranks) - Swim speed increases by 50% and potion effectiveness increases by 3/6/9%
Argonian Resistance (3 ranks) - Maximum health increases by 1/2/3%, resistance to poison and disease increases by 7/14/21
Quick to Mend (3 ranks) - Increases received healing by 2/4/6%


Ambidexterity (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Weapon in both hands skill line by 15%.
Dynamic (3 ranks) - Increases maximum magicka and stamina by 2/4/6%
Resist Flame (3 ranks) – Increases fire resistance by 10/20/30. Increases maximum Magicka by 1/2/3%
Flame Talent (3 ranks) - Increases spell power for fire effects by 1/2/3


Two-Handed Weapon Expertise (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the Two-Handed Weapon skill line by 15%.
Robust (3 ranks) - Increases health recovery in battle by 5/10/15%
Resist Frost (3 ranks) – Increases resistance to cold by 10/20/30. Increases maximum health by 1/2/3%
Rugged (3 ranks) – Increases armor rating by 2/4/6


Shielded Affinity (1 rank) - Increases experience gain in the skill line One-handed with a shield by 15%.
Tough (3 ranks) - Increases maximum health by 4%
Conditioning (3 ranks) – Increases maximum stamina by 4%
Red diamond (3 ranks) - Each melee attack has a 10% chance to restore 2 health units

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