Games with a Soviet atmosphere. The most atmospheric games. Video games Dead by Daylight

Video games are a great escape, a first class ticket out of reality.

From the rainy streets of Blade Runner, the snowy forests of The Long Dark, to the ruins of a nuclear disaster in Fallout with the underwater city of Bioshock. In some of them you need to understand the combat system or score more points, and in some, the developers create a believable world and send the player there.

The following games managed to stand out from others due to the competent combination of sounds, visual effects and game environment, which in my opinion gives them the title of the most atmospheric games.

This brutal survival simulator can also amaze with its beauty. You literally feel the cold as you make your way through the snow. And sheltering near a crackling fire during a howling blizzard is an incredibly atmospheric scene.

It's a flawed but ambitious point-and-click adventure from Westwood that brilliantly recreates the look and spirit of Ridley Scott's sci-fi film of the same name. The rain-drenched streets of Los Angeles in 2019 look very atmospheric.

Despite its stylized, almost cartoonish visuals, Shoshone National Forest is a great, atmospheric place to take a virtual walk. This reserve is beautiful and eerily deserted, which makes the game absolutely gorgeous.

The same Los Angeles, but this time in the late 40s. Rockstar's meticulous attention to detail and Andrew Hale's memorable quips certainly add to the game's immersion, as if we were re-watching those old Chinatown detective films.

The game developers managed to create one of the most atmospheric gaming settings - the Zone. This is a gloomy post-apocalyptic wasteland in the shadow of the exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Realistic weather effects perfectly complement the already unfriendly .

The hard-edged 1970s technology and muted colors of the Sevastopol space station recreate the atmosphere of Ridley Scott's original Alien film. The perfect setting for this tense, depressing horror masterpiece.

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

The sleepy village of Yaton and its surrounding valley may seem like the perfect example of rural life in England, but something terrible has happened here. This feeling of unease dominates every scene of the idyll.

The setting of this story is the barren Hebrides. The creators of this game, The Chinese Room, perfectly captured the feeling of the gray, windswept Scottish islands and used it to weave a dark, mysterious plot.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

All Assassin's Creed games are atmospheric, but Black Flag made me feel like I was somewhere else. Ubisoft's Caribbean turned out to be absolutely gorgeous, especially when a tropical storm approaches.


This psychological, sci-fi horror game from the creators of Amnesia is an incredibly detailed, moody underwater game. The consecration is particularly impressive, transporting us into a rich underwater atmosphere.

The huge open world in The Witcher is full of such beautiful places as: the golden fields of Velen and the frozen island of Skelige. These are the places where you can simply lose yourself in the atmosphere for a long time, not to mention the local sunsets.

The underwater city in BioShock is truly impressive. Art Deco skyscrapers looming above us in the murky green water have become classics of the genre in computer games. Columbia from BioShock Infinite is also good, but it still doesn't compare to the atmosphere of the original game.

Wherever you wander in Lordran, you can feel the spirit of antiquity. This place is filled with myths, very old and almost forgotten. It's like we're exploring the ruins of an ancient, long-lost civilization.

Trading and fighting are fun, but sometimes it's worth getting off the ship to get a closer look at the city. Frontier's marvelous Milky Way is filled with amazing views, and the stirring music just adds to the atmosphere.


Like the game STALKER, DayZ's Chernarus is a rather bleak, deserted place in the post-Soviet space. It may be beautiful in the sunshine, but mostly Chernarus is a gray, rain-soaked and despairing place.

In video games, we're used to seeing and experiencing nuclear devastation in person, but DEFCON shows a different side: the eerie silence of war in the rooms where world leaders calmly orchestrate the planet's complete destruction.

Here are the consequences of a nuclear war. Like the original game, Fallout 3 features an abandoned wasteland exposed to nuclear weapons, only this time in 3D. The game has its own indescribable atmosphere, which promotes exploration of the game world. At least until the giant ants want to finish you off.

Improved lighting effects make night battles in Arma 3 incredibly atmospheric. And during the day, the sun-drenched Greek islands of Altis and Stratis look very beautiful. When creating the environment, the developers from Bohemia rose to the occasion.

This is another proof of the high level of skill of the Fullbright developers, since an ordinary house turned out to be so atmospheric. The flickering TV in the living room that signals an approaching storm is just a great touch.

No one expected Valve to set the Half-Life sequel in a city in Eastern Europe. City 17 shows us oppressed citizens, abandoned streets, dilapidated Soviet apartments and faded signs in Cyrillic.

The heady, surreal, neon-drenched atmosphere of Hotline Miami combined with the relentless, gun-wielding ultra-violence makes for a very compelling game to play. The pounding, synth-heavy soundtrack only adds to the evil energy of the game, with its 80s-style graphics.

An interesting, abstract adventure game that owes its style to the films of David Lynch. This game is far from a perfect point-and-click game, but the mysterious story and atmospheric visuals make up for it.

Skyrim's snowy mountains, icy rubble, and bubbling hot springs are a joy to explore, especially at sunset. Bethesda still needs to work on the character models, but the world they've created is one of the best yet.

Everything in Portal 2 is very carefully designed, including the Aperture laboratory itself. Traveling through different eras feels like you've unlocked some ancient time capsule that should never have been disturbed.

Exploring the dark depths of the sea provided an example of the game's atmospheric environments. The whole essence of the story lies in the eloquent lines, but the green illustrations are also a very expressive detail.

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be alone on the planet, only he can convey it to you in more detail. You truly feel like you're in another world as you drive your rover across the desolate red planet.

It’s easy to believe in the reality of events if we watch some drama about divorce or a directionless life. Another thing is to convince the viewer, or in our case the player, that this elf with blue skin is actually worried about her missing father, who can control the forces of nature. Today we choose games that stand out with their impeccable atmosphere, even if their world is completely different from the real one.


This is not the first time a shooter series has been included in our selection, but it undoubtedly deserves it. BioShock 1 and 2 take place in the underwater city of Rapture, which was inhabited by prominent people in the 1950s. The best scientists, doctors, artists, musicians and thinkers were tired of the imperfections of the familiar world and decided to retire to the bottom of the ocean.

Rapture is a utopian city, which its inhabitants destroyed. A substance capable of developing superpowers turned into a powerful drug, which led to disaster and the decline of the city. Rapchur combines gloss and dirt: expensive furniture is stained with blood, marble floors are covered with salt water, a mutilated corpse sits at a shiny piano.

The location and time of BioShock Infinite has changed: a new hero is sent to the airy city of Columbia, and the events unfold in 1912. The city only seems to be prosperous: the locals have even more skeletons in their closets than the inhabitants of Rapture. Both worlds of BioShock are worth exploring: it is one of the most atmospheric and detailed series.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

It’s a rare case when a game “based on” turned out to be worthwhile. Howard Phillips Lovecraft is one of the most enigmatic writers of the twentieth century. The author did not receive much recognition during his lifetime, but his works acquired cult status after his death. Reading these works is like walking through a forest through thick fog. You hear the cracking of branches and rustling nearby, but you don’t understand whether it’s a squirrel, a drunken mushroom picker, a bear, or something worse. The same sensations arise when playing Call of Cthulhu.

The developers surprisingly accurately conveyed the atmosphere of the writer’s stories. This is a leisurely and dark game that sometimes gives you goosebumps. Horror scares not with sudden screams, but with quiet whispers from around the corner. Not as a monster who jumped out, but as a murdered girl who just stands there covered in blood and stares at you. The ambience is formed thanks to the conversations of the characters, well-developed locations, and the eerie details of events. Detective Jack Walters will regret more than once that he undertook to investigate the case in the quiet town of Innsmouth, but it will be too late.

Far Cry Primal

Far Cry took place on tropical islands, in sultry Africa, and in the Himalayan mountains. After the fourth part, the developers chose an unexpected setting - primitive. There are practically no games in such surroundings; one can immediately remember only Zeno Clash, but there is some fantasy there. Here everything is more or less detailed, although it is impossible to check the realism in any case.

We play the role of a representative of an almost extinct tribe, who revives the settlement and prepares to repel opponents. The gameplay is tied to hunting, and this becomes boring over time: after all, tracking down animals was only one of the gameplay elements in Far Cry 3-4, and not the main one. But here there is little variety: either get skins, then collect leaves, or kill the enemy squad.

But the atmosphere is excellent: nature has not yet been touched by people, mammoths walk through the fields, saber-toothed tigers and other long-extinct animals can be found in the forests. You can wander around for hours and just take screenshots for your desktop.

Red Dead series

The line of cowboy action games began not with Red Dead Redemption, but with Red Dead Revolver. But the games are practically unrelated: the action time and characters are different. In the original action film, the hero Red takes revenge on the bandits for the murder of his parents, while John Marston from the new action film tries to save his family by eliminating his former gang colleagues. Red Dead Redemption 2 is due out in the fall, but there is no information about connections to previous installments.

The games have well-designed territory and characters; locations are full of interesting little things and random events. It would seem that what can happen practically in an open field? You ride calmly on a horse, looking at the setting sun, and suddenly you fall into an ambush, then you stumble upon a hermit, or you see how the Indians deal with the pale-skinned people. Rockstar, the developer of GTA, knows how to create rich worlds: there is more life in the prairie of Red Dead Redemption than in the Chicago metropolis from some Mafia 3.


The series is based on the story “Roadside Picnic” by the Strugatsky brothers. The franchise currently has three games plus a ton of fan-made additions. Ukrainian GSC Game World made “our Fallout,” which played on its popularity.

The disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has given rise to a new business - both dangerous and profitable. The release of radioactive substances provoked the appearance of artifacts that provide bonuses to characteristics and are also required for scientific purposes. This is how stalkers appeared, searching for valuable substances.

The key objects of the Zone have been recreated on a large territory: a giant radar, the town of Pripyat with the same Ferris wheel, a dump of abandoned equipment that participated in the operation after the accident, and the nuclear power plant itself. There is still life on the dead lands, which for many stalkers lasts a couple of days at best. The atmosphere is depressing, but you definitely want to visit this place.


This list can also include Dark Souls, a popular series from the same developers. Games are sometimes compared, but there are still differences. First of all, they have different combat systems - Dark Souls is slower. But what they have in common is complexity. The developers have made it their “trick” to create very difficult conditions for the player: the tips are sometimes even more confusing, sometimes it is not clear what they want from us and where we need to go, enemies are killed in literally a few blows, and bosses reach the size of the house “U Troitsky”.

The main character comes to the city of Yharnam, where medicine has reached great heights: doctors have learned to cure diseases with blood transfusions. But because of the epidemic, people began to turn into monsters. We have to cleanse the city and figure out what's really going on here. The locations are impressively beautiful, despite the general gloomy state of Yharnam. The game, like BioShock, features an aesthetic mixed with literal and figurative dirt.

Mass Effect

The space epic captivates with the scale of events and detailed elaboration of the universe. Despite the abundance of races, planets and conflicts, everything seems very reasonable. Detailed descriptions of creatures and difficult relationships between species, the reasons for the aggression of one side or another - during the course of the game there are almost no moments where the writers can be caught.

The BioWare studio should be reproached only for the same type of structure of its games: in both Mass Effect and Dragon Age, the hero needs to gather a squad of fighters, fulfill (not necessarily) all their wishes and then go to the main villain. Captain Shepard and his team will visit many planets - snowy, covered with greenery, volcanic, incinerated by the rays of the sun. Even though many of them turn out to be bellhops, the compelling plot, interesting dialogues and situations keep people glued to the screens for a long time.


Nuclear war did not destroy humanity, but completely changed its behavior, lifestyle, and priorities. What remains of Maslow's pyramid of needs is actually the base - basic needs, such as satisfying hunger. Judging by the world of Fallout, people in the Wasteland will never be able to get even to the third stage.

Atmospheric games on PC are the TOP 10 most interesting and memorable projects that you want to return to again and again.

A deep plot, high-quality picture and an ideal soundtrack - the combination of all factors creates the very atmosphere that sets them apart from ordinary projects.

This collection contains ten of the most atmospheric games. Most are in Russian.

1. Dead by Daylight – horror in its purest form

“Dead by Daylight” - imagine that all your favorite horror games were collected in one game, and even allowed players to take part in any role.

Video games Dead by Daylight

The replay value is almost endless - track down the stupid humans and kill them in a variety of ways as an assassin, or team up to outsmart death itself as survivors.

2. Nioh - the difficult path of the samurai

Nioh is a big, challenging RPG with powerful bosses that will force you to spend dozens of hours destroying them.

Video games Nioh

Be careful, the game can drag you on for 200 hours, making you forget about real life. Everything here is done too well and beautifully.

3. Killing Floor 2 – zombie meat destruction

“Killing Floor 2” is one of the coolest atmospheric action games to destroy zombies and mutants. Graphics, sound, entertainment - everything is top notch.

Video games Killing Floor 2

And also: customization of heroes, a whole bunch of perks, and sometimes even good humor. Big updates are released regularly.

4. No Man's Sky - endlessly generated space

“No Man's Sky” is one of the largest modern space sandboxes with beautiful graphics and co-op play.

Video games No Man's Sky

Unfortunately, the developers did not implement everything they promised in the game, so its ratings are average. But the atmosphere is there!

5. Endless Space 2 – management of space civilization

“Endless Space 2” - the second part of the game lives up to its name, it is truly endless space with cool graphics and a huge amount of content.

Video games Endless Space 2

A large development tree, a detailed ship creation editor, diplomacy and just a very beautiful big world. We recommend.

6. Aragami – stealth action in an interesting world

Aragami is a game where atmosphere comes first. Although the gameplay is very good.

Aragami video games

The picture looks especially beautiful in night missions, but they are not easy to complete. This is a quality indie that, unfortunately, few people know about.

7. Warspear Online – cozy RPG with tough PvP

“Warspear Online” is a lamp MMO from Russian developers. The game looks simple only at first glance, but when immersed you realize that there is a lot of content in it.

Video games Warspear Online

The game is entirely in Russian. It has beautiful old-school graphics, not the easiest gameplay and consistently great online.

8. Steep – winter sports competition

“Steep” – the most realistic graphics and endless snow in the winter adventure from Ubisoft. This is a game about winter sports.

Video games Steep

The game is made of very high quality - the tracks are copied from real ones and their passage depends on the player’s personal skills. And there's great sound here too.

9. We Were Here Too – A dark co-op adventure

“We Were Here Too” – delve into the mysteries of a medieval castle, trying to get out of it with your partner.

Video games We Were Here Too

Interesting, atmospheric and sometimes even too difficult, but this is the fun of the game. You won't be able to pass it the first time.

10. Depth – massacre of sharks and divers

“Depth” – dive into the very depths of the ocean to fight bloodthirsty sharks, or play as predators tearing stupid divers to pieces.

Video games Depth

There is a game mode with real opponents and training with bots. Many different maps, Russian language, always good online.

These may not be all the great atmosphere games on PC that exist today, but we tried to remember the best ones. Need more? Look for them in other collections and reviews!

A large percentage of gamers always strive to find an atmospheric game that will captivate you not only with its gameplay and graphics, but also with its plot, music, design and overall mood. Such projects can improve your mood, inspire or make you think. Most of them, by the way, are far from cheerful - it is the gloomy and depressive atmosphere that is popular. In this article we will look at the top atmospheric games on PC, regardless of the time period.

Let's not take into account indie projects, most of which try to entice only with atmosphere. We will look at games where atmosphere is combined with an interesting plot and gameplay. The only thing we won't pay attention to is the graphics. It is known that creating a truly atmospheric game on a PC does not require the most modern technologies - this has been proven by many examples and time.


Let's start with the game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R., developed by a Ukrainian studio. The fate of the project is complex, but interesting. The first part was released in 2007 and immediately fell in love with almost all players in the CIS. All parts are similar in mood and spirit. The action takes place in the area of ​​the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the tragic events. In the game universe, there are anomalous zones and mutants that fill it. The player, in the role of one of the stalkers, will have to go to the very depths of the Zone and solve its riddle.

At the beginning of the passage, you are “thrown” into an open world with a lot of opportunities and characters. The atmospheric game captivates with its mood - abandoned buildings, songs with a guitar by the fire, a gray autumn palette and unfriendly opponents. Stories of other stalkers, bars, groups and much more - all this awaits you in the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


The BioShock series continues the top atmospheric games on PC. The game has one of the best level designs, soundtrack and a fascinating story of an underwater city. Interest in what is happening appears from the first minutes of gameplay - the main character swims up to an abandoned lighthouse and goes inside, where the bathyscaphe is waiting for him. He will sink to the very bottom of the ocean with the huge and beautiful city of Rapchur. During your first excursion, you can spend a few minutes gawking at the landscapes behind the glass showcases, the water world, and the austere and beautiful decoration of the city. We will not reveal all the subtleties of the story - we will do without spoilers.

The third part of the series will take you to a different, but no less fascinating place. The air city also has a friendly face and beautiful scenery. But inside you will find a story with a tyrant ruler, several parallel worlds and a charming partner. It is clear that Bioshock's designers and planners have worked hard on the atmosphere.

Max Payne

Let's return from fictional Universes and cities to a more real story. The Max Payne game series tells the story of a policeman whose family was killed by bandits. Max Payne loses his wife and daughter, after which he sets out to take revenge on his offenders. The first two parts cannot boast of excellent graphics due to the fact that they were released in the early 2000s. However, they can safely be called one of the most atmospheric PC games of all time. The action takes place at night, which adds to the atmosphere of noir and detective cinema. Dynamic firefights with time dilation are replaced by surreal inserts using the internal voices of the main character, dreams and voice-over narration.

Max Payne 3 was released in 2013 and slightly changed course from a noir work with an atmosphere of hopelessness to a spectacular action film. The game tells us about the fate of Max several years after the events of the second part. The action takes place in South America with all its inherent flavor.


The top most atmospheric games could not remain without the Fallout series. The first two parts, released at the end of the 90s, are made in isometric graphics, so they do not allow you to completely immerse yourself in the oppressive atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world. However, for those who like to read dialogues and quest descriptions, these games may be even better than modern ones.

Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas are developed in a full-fledged 3D world, which helps to feel the spirit of America after a nuclear explosion. In the third part, the hero travels around the outskirts of Washington, New Vegas copies locations near Las Vegas, and in the “four” the action takes place in California.

The main character's journey takes place under a selection of jazz music and conversations between his partners. The world is completely open for exploration. Along the way you will meet many interesting characters, factions and quests. The Fallout series keeps the player engaged for dozens of hours.

The Elder Scrolls

The popular series of RPG games also takes its place in the top of the most atmospheric games on PC. In the first two parts - Arena and Daggerfall, a modern gamer, of course, physically cannot force himself to play. However, starting with Morrowind, which is built on a 3D engine, there is nothing stopping you from immersing yourself in the fantasy world of Tamriel.

The two subsequent parts - Oblivion and Skyrim - differ in the general mood and location design, but they have one thing in common - the atmosphere. Each player will find something to do in the game world - he will explore locations, wander through castles or dungeons, engage in crafting, or simply sit in a tavern until he is affected by a random event. The Elder Scrolls is an excellent fantasy, fulfilled according to all the canons of the genre.

Dark Souls

Many gamers cannot overcome the difficulty threshold of Dark Souls games, so the mesmerizing atmosphere of Lordran does not have time to appeal to them. However, we recommend that every player overcome himself and spend a few hours mastering the mechanics and controls in order to enjoy the game in the future. What’s captivating is that the game doesn’t tell you the history of the world in plain text.

Even more - the game doesn't tell anything. You must find out about all the events and mysteries yourself through item descriptions, hints, rare dialogues with lonely characters and bosses’ remarks. This makes you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Dark Souls. Over time, you will stop noticing the complexity of bosses and locations, enjoying the design and general mood of this RPG.

The Witcher

The game based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski is rightfully considered one of the best RPGs of the last decade. The Polish studio managed to convey the atmosphere of the Middle Ages with an admixture of Slavic mythology and flavor. The third part of Wild Hunt with its large open world deserves special praise. If you are a fan of The Witcher, we recommend going through all parts. However, it was the extreme game that became the most popular and received the best ratings.

Geralt of Rivia is left to his own devices and can explore the vast world in any order. The player can do the usual witcher work, help the villagers, meet his old friends and, of course, do not forget about the main mission - to find and protect Ciri. A large and complex game will not let you leave your computer monitor for a long time.

Grand Theft Auto

Each part of the action boasts its own unique atmosphere. It is worth highlighting the games, starting with Vice City. Here you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Miami, the sunny coast and the theme of the movie "Scarface". The joyful and carefree resort hides bloody mafia wars and drugs.

The next part - San Andreas - introduces the player to the flavor of the whole state. You start out in the thick of the Los Angeles ghetto, then move to San Francisco and then to the entertainment city of Las Vegas. All this is accompanied by large rural landscapes and a good plot.

The latest part of GTA returns the player to Los Santos, this time redesigned and more interesting. Random events await you on every corner, the night view of the city is simply mesmerizing.


The most gangster game series ever. It’s impossible not to mention “Mafia” after the story about the Grand Theft Auto series. The atmosphere of the 30s is wonderfully conveyed in the first part of the game. Here you will be completely immersed in what is happening thanks to the excellent musical accompaniment. All three Mafia games feature excellent soundtracks, detailed cities, and intriguing stories based on the events of the time.

We have reviewed the best atmospheric games that can give you a lot of pleasure from playing and will not let you go from the gameplay for a long time. All presented projects became successful and popular due to the atmosphere and detailed elaboration of the game world.

Games should be entertaining - this is the general opinion about them, but, in fact, this is not always the case. Mobile gamers are often looking for light and unobtrusive time killers for their devices, allowing them to pass the time between any active activity.

However, serious games, sometimes even depressing ones, also exist and find their fans - this is evidenced by Banner Saga 2, which recently appeared on iOS. It offers picturesque locations, engaging characters and the most incredible life situations that make your heroes feel anger, melancholy and disappointment - and these feelings are sure to be transmitted to you during the game.

But not only Banner Saga 2 has such an influence on the mood of gamers - we offer you a selection of the most depressing games on mobile platforms.


Here you will play the role of a little boy making his way through dark and gloomy locations inhabited by nightmarish creatures. The only people your hero will encounter will be other victims, or hunters no less dangerous than those terrible creatures that lurk in the darkness. Your destiny in this game is inevitable death, which awaits the character at every step, and gets to him in every possible way. Limbo's black and white color palette complements its storyline into an overall, frightening and hopeless picture. This atmospheric puzzle-platformer is worthy of both praise and attention.

This War of Mine

Many video games present war as something similar to Hollywood blockbusters, where everything happens easily and beautifully. This War of Mine shatters this illusion by challenging you to survive in a city that has become the scene of war. You have to look for food and water, get medicine and clothing, strengthen your shelter, and avoid collisions with the inhabitants of the city, who are embittered and aggressive. Its gameplay is incredibly addictive, creating in players a rather painful and sad feeling of no way out.

Papers, Please

The role of a customs inspector in some totalitarian Eastern European country, a small cog in a huge bureaucratic machine, is not at all fun. You will have to prevent citizens from crossing the border, citing their nationality, surname or lack of necessary documents. Sometimes, for a certain amount, you can get angry and make an exception for someone, but this is a risk for you and your family, which is not funny at all. As you can see, the authors of Papers, Please do not promise you a good mood.

The Walking Dead: The Game

It is not difficult to understand that there is something depressing in The Walking Dead game - the television series and comics of the same name leave you with no hope for a joyful plot. Traveling through a world full of zombies will be both difficult and unoptimistic. Now it is you who will have to make difficult decisions, sometimes leading to someone’s death, and it is you who should not become attached to any of the heroes - it is not known which of them will survive to the end of the episode.

Heroes Reborn: Enigma

The mix of puzzle and action will not necessarily be purely entertaining, especially if the heroine of the game has superpowers, and she is kept in the territory of a gloomy scientific complex, experiments are carried out on her. Escape will require serious effort from you, remarkable ingenuity, caution and the development of your own skills. Depressive mood, stress and a feeling of hopelessness are guaranteed.

Past Memories

The authors of the game are convinced that even a runner can be dark and atmospheric, especially if you keep it in black and white, add appropriate voice acting and carefully thought out gameplay with an interesting but sad storyline. Your heroine here will be a woman who finds herself in the world of her own memories, and bad memories haunt her like monsters from nightmares.


Your hero in this dark and atmospheric game is a strange nameless guy who lives in a house in the middle of the forest. He suffers from insomnia and is forced to wander through the corridors and rooms of his house instead of painfully trying to sleep. But the most interesting thing is that every time he wakes up in the middle of the night and sees that his house looks completely different, and strange sounds are heard around him - growling and grinding, rustling and knocking.

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