Where is the cave of time in WWII? Where is "Cleansing of Stratholme"? Comment by Darkaara

Quests in the authority

Achievements in the authority

Standard opponents in this instance and the sequence of your actions:

Before conflict breaks out in Stratholme, a cutscene that plays in front of the city shows one of the most important stories in the Warcraft universe: Arthas breaks up with his mentor Uther and his lover Jaina. He decides to wipe the city off the face of the earth after you find out that the grain is contaminated. You then speak to Arthas in the center of Stratholme to trigger the event.

In the first part of the instance, you will have to destroy 10 echelons of advancing Scourge troops. However, this is just a show, the undead do not cause damage. While Arthas waits at the gate, you need to make your way to the elite opponents. Your group runs through the entire streets of Stratholme, all the time in the direction of the flags marked on the map.

  • Ghouls, necrorachnids and patchwork creatures, supported by necromancers and acolytes, await you. Concentrate your attacks on the wizards first, or on the high-damage golems and necrorachnids. The weak ghouls that walk around Stratholme in droves irritate wizards the most, but even with a weak area of ​​effect (AE) damage spell, you can quickly get rid of them.
  • After the fourth group, the first and, perhaps, also the most difficult boss of the instance will appear - Meat Hook. After defeating him, you will have to withstand 4 more waves of the same opponents, and then you will be confronted by the second boss Salramm Fleshcutter.

    You meet Arthas at the entrance to the town hall after defeating Salramm. Talk to him and the next phase of the show will begin.

  • With Arthas, you will defeat 4 groups of 4 dragons from the Infinity family. Focus your damage on Hunters, as they provide their companions with stacking speed buffs and deal high damage.
  • Let Arthas attack the groups a little earlier than you. This way you will prevent the tank from getting hit by all the mobs at once and reduce the damage you take. Arthas, being a paladin, willingly heals himself, but not always, so be on your guard.

    After the Chronolord of Ages, already well-known opponents of the Scourge will come again. Let the future Lich King take on the enemies again. Your tank will take over the elite undead from him, which you will destroy together. But be careful not to attract the next elite mobs in the turmoil, as this could end in disaster. At the end of the street there will be the main culprit of the “triumph” - Mal’Ganis.

    Meat Hook



    The fight against Meat Hook is relatively simple and has almost no special features. The tank attacks the monster and gains aggro, while the healers and damage distributors keep their distance. Meat Hook can hit incredibly hard and will occasionally stun one of the group's wizards for 5 seconds. If it turns out to be a healer, then the tank will have to work harder to survive this time without being healed. As a last resort, you can drink a healing drink and activate abilities, such as “Not a step back” for warriors. Besides the tank and melee fighters, it is better for no one to stay close to the Meat Hook - this way he will not hit you with the “Cloud of Infection”.

    Salramm Flesh Cutter



    Although Salramm is a wizard, he can nevertheless give a tank a decent beating. Therefore, the healer primarily monitors the condition of the tank. Salramm’s trick is “Summoning Ghouls.” Soon after summoning, he explodes them, causing great damage. Therefore, there is a demand for classes with area damage: “Seed of Corruption” of a warlock, “Chain Lightning” of a shaman or “Hail of Arrows” of a hunter, quickly neutralize danger of explosion. Still, it’s better for damage distributors to stay at a safe distance from Salramm.

    Chronolord of Ages


    Curse of Fatigue Increases the mana cost of spells and abilities by 100% for a period of time from 8 to 10 sec.
    Time stop Stops time for 2 seconds.
    Time Warp Slows down time by 6 seconds. Attack, spell and movement speed is reduced by 70% for 6 sec.
    Time step Epoch attacks one player and deals approximately 3000 (2850 - 3150) damage. physical damage.
    Wounding Strike Wounding one player - dealing 100% weapon damage and 750 damage. physical damage once every 1 s. for 4 sec. Reduces healing effect by 25%.


    The Chronolord of Ages has many abilities with which he can manipulate time. Therefore, first of all, your healer should, if possible, constantly cast Heal over time (Hot) on the tank. Use mana sparingly, especially the Age curse, which is not removed in time, significantly depletes the blue bar. From time to time, Chronolord will also swoop down on a random player. If your healer is low on mana, prepare a healing drink.




    "Dark Swarm" is the most dangerous spell in the arsenal of the last boss in the instance. This area of ​​effect damage is always cast on the player with the greatest threat - ideally, of course, on the tank. The tank turns Mal'Ganis at the beginning of the battle, away from the group and Arthas, so that the rest of the group would not be harmed by the Dark Flock. The healer takes care of the damage caused by the boss's "Mind Blasts". Interrupt the sleep effect as soon as Mal'Ganis uses it on a partner. By the way, you can also interrupt it yourself, with PvP Accessories like the Alliance Medallion. Also remove "Vampiric Touch" immediately ” from the tank to prevent Mal'Ganis from healing himself. After the boss runs away, you will find the loot in the box to the left of the portal.

    Tanaris is a large arid desert that lies in the south of Kalimar. The only inhabited place in all of Tanaris is the city of Gadgetzan. The owners of the city are goblins who maintain neutrality. In addition to them, sand trolls also live in this desert. The desert of Tanaris is located just south of the Thousand Needles location, but you cannot get there directly and therefore the question of how to get to Tanaris remains relevant.

    At first glance, the desert is almost deserted and uninhabited, but if you move further away from the city, a sufficient number of mobs immediately appear who are not averse to dining on you. And this is in addition to the bandits who settled in the local ruins and various creatures like sand elementals. And since the main goal of the game is to level up the hero, here you will find a sufficient number of dungeons in which there are many creatures to level up. There are also rumors that bronze dragons live here, but there is no evidence of this. At the time the player enters Tanaris, he must be level 45. You can get here earlier, but in principle there is no point. After clearing the desert of monsters and bandits, you can safely move to the Un Goro crater.

    From Stormwind you can use the teleport to go to Uldum, and then fly on a mount. Possibly also via Pirate's Bay. From there a ship departs for Ratchet, and from there, meandering through Horde territory, moving all the time to the south and passing the Thousand Needles, you will end up in Tanaris.

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    Other ways to get to Tanaris will be the following. In Dalaran, we move through the portal to the caves of time. You can also get there by swimming through Teremor. There are no problems getting to the location from Orgrimmar - just run and that’s it.

    Goblin Quests
    The cunning goblins are not at all eager to transport everyone to Tanaris just like that, although the desert is not located on another continent, but, for example, it is much easier to get to Pandaria. In order to get to Tanaris for the first time you will have to complete the quest in Feralas or Thousand Needles. After this, it will be possible to scout out air routes or portals to capitals. The quest you complete will ultimately lead you to the goblin barge, from which you will be able to get to Tanaris. It is worth noting that for this task you will need to have a certain reputation from the factions. It is because of this that a sufficient number of players move on their own, i.e. swim. This is done using a potion of underwater breathing or a spell of walking on water, as well as other similar methods.

    Tanaris is a vast arid desert in the very south of Kalimar. The only populated area in all of Tanaris is the city of Gadgetzan, a neutral settlement ruled by goblins. Apart from them, the only intelligent races living in the desert are sand trolls. The Tanaris Desert is located south of Thousand Needles, but the direct route there is closed, so the question of how to get to Tanaris is by no means an easy one.

    At first glance, the desert lives up to its name and is really not crowded, but as soon as you move away from the city, you will immediately discover many monsters wanting to feast on you. This is not counting the bandits who settled in the local ruins and various magical creatures such as sand elementals. Because this Wow and need to swing, then the location is also full of various dungeons inhabited by mysterious creatures. It is also said that bronze dragons live here, but this is more a beautiful legend than a directly observed fact. It is assumed that by the time the player gets here, he will already be level 45, getting to Tanaris earlier is quite possible, but essentially pointless. After the desert has been thoroughly cleared of bandits and monsters, the player can safely move on to the Un Goro crater.

    From Stormwind (if there is a cataclysm or Pandaria) we simply port through the teleport to Uldum and then fly on the mount. If you have 3.3.5 then go to Buti Bay (Pirate Bay), from there the ship goes to Capstan, there you wind through Horde territory, south all the time, through Thousand Needles, and you are in Tanaris.

    It is also possible through the port in Dalaran, ports to the caves of time. And another way to swim through Teremor.

    And from Orgrimmar we just run and fly, there are no difficulties.

    Goblin Quests

    The cunning ones do not want to share their monopoly and transport all the willing heroes to Tanaris for nothing, and although the desert is not even located on another continent, getting to Panaria is much easier. In order to get to Tanaris for the first time (after which you can open air routes and portals to the capitals of both factions), you will have to complete the task in the Thousand Needles location or in Feralis. Both quests will eventually lead you to a drifting goblin barge, from which you can get to Tanaris. It must be said that these tasks require a certain reputation from the factions, so many players prefer to get to the place on their own, that is, actually by swimming. This can be done using a spell of walking on water, a potion of underwater breathing and other similar methods.

    Among other things, you always have to fly to the desired location if you have a flying pet or ask a magician you know to open a portal for you. This may cost some gold, but it may well be worth it while exploring the dungeons beneath Tanaris.

    World of Warcraft is a cult MMORPG that unites millions of players around the world. It has many locations and mysteries, secret paths and large, but quite dangerous roads. Sooner or later, every player who chooses the Alliance side has to think about how to get from Stormwind to Tanaris.

    Possible ways

    Currently, there are several options for how to get from Stormwind to Tanaris relatively quickly:

    • through the port at Pirate's Bay;
    • through Menethil Bay;
    • via airship in Stranglethorn.

    Each of these paths has both its advantages and disadvantages.

    Path through the port in Pirate's Bay

    This path is the most used. At the same time, novice players may have quite serious problems moving around it.

    The journey from Stormwind through Pirate's Bay will be told through quests that will need to be completed gradually. First you will need to head from Stormwind to Duskwood. There is a road in its southern part. In the future you will have to move constantly south. The so-called Pirate Bay will be located at the very bottom of the map. This settlement is neutral, so here any character can be attacked by players from the opposing faction. In the western part of the bay there is a pier, to which a ship that goes to Kolimdor approaches every 5-7 minutes.

    After a trip on the ship, you need to get off it and head west along the only road to the place where it joins the main highway that crosses all the Northern steppes. Then you should turn left and move along the main road. It will lead directly to the gorge that divides the steppes into its northern and southern parts. Then you need to head across the southern steppes along the same road to the Thousand Needles location. It is almost completely filled with water. You should cross it in a direction to the east. This can be done both by water and by rope bridges stretched between mountain ranges. The waterway will be safer, but somewhat longer. Running across bridges is quite easy for high-level players. The monsters lying in wait will not be able to cause significant damage. As for low-level characters, they will have to make their way through crowds of opponents that are quite dangerous for them.

    The entrance to Tanaris will be located in the southeastern part of the Thousand Needles location.

    Path through Menethil Bay

    Before getting from Stormwind to Tanaris along this route, you must first decide which way to reach Ironforge. There are 2 options:

    • by train from the Dwarven quarter;
    • with the help of a griffin from Stormwind.

    After arriving in Stolforn, you will need to overcome Dun Morogh in the direction of the east. There will be a passage to Once the character is in this location, you need to head north along the western part of Loch Modan. In the northernmost part of the location there will be a passage to the Swamp. After this, you need to go through the main road to the west into Menethil Bay. From there, a ship departs every 5-7 minutes to Theramore, located in Kalimdor. This city is located in the Dustwallow Marshes location. If you follow the main road to the west, you can reach the Southern Steppes. In the future, the path will correspond to the previous one.

    Stranglethorn Vale Airship Path

    This path is least used by WoW players. A significantly smaller number of gamers know how to get to Tanaris from Stormwind with its help. After the player follows the path indicated in the first option, through the Twilight Forest, and heads through Stranglethorn Vale, he should immediately turn right after the Garubashi arena and go to the orc settlement through the jungle. There will be a landing pad there. At intervals of approximately 10 minutes, an airship flies up to her. He will take the character directly to Durotar, located on Kalimdor. In the future, you will need to take the western road to the Northern Steppes and move south, as described in the first option.

    Currently, these are the only viable options for getting from Stormwind to Tanaris.

    Material from World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

    Caverns of Time(eng. Caverns of Time) named a place located under the eastern mountains of the Tanaris Desert, where portals to various key moments in the history of Azeroth are located. The caves have become a kind of intertwined timeline through which one can travel back in time.

    Infinity Pack Invasion

    The source of information in this section is the supplement The Burning Crusade to World of Warcraft.

    Nozdormu personally felt that the timelines were in danger - the caves were invaded by dragons of infinity, determined to forever break the course of Azeroth's history by changing several key events. In the face of a new threat, the bronze dragons turned to brave adventurers.

    Escape from Durnholde Keep - Old Hillsbrad Foothills

    The Infinity Dragons kidnapped Taretha Foxton, who was supposed to cause a stir and help Thrall escape from Durnholde Fortress. But the 19-year-old orc in the future will become the leader and lead the Horde into battle with the Burning Legion, and the bronze dragons send adventurers into the past who will set fire to the camp and help Thrall escape.

    Currently, the Black Marshes are known as the Blasted Lands.

    Battle of Mount Hyjal

    All we know about this time path is that it leads to Mount Hyjal. The Infinity Wing Dragons have taken many measures against our interference. We know practically nothing, mortal. Soridormi is now trying to break through the defenses of the time road, but so far has been unsuccessful. Perhaps you are our only opportunity to move forward and resolve this conflict.


    To open a temporary passage to Mount Hyjal, the bronze dragons need two vials of water from the first

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