Heroes in Diablo 3. Who is better to play? Seasonal Campaign and Haedrig's Gifts

This article will not unambiguously answer the question about the superiority of one class of heroes over others, since there will not be such a bias in Diablo 3. Patches for the game are being released and will be released constantly and very quickly in the near future, so the balance of the game will be adjusted continuously. However, the interest in the game may and will differ, and the choice of the best hero depends on the player’s personal preference, his playing skill, and the goals that he will pursue in Diablo 3.

Let's start with something simple, each hero class has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some characters specialize in melee combat (barbarian), others in the use of magic or special abilities, which guarantees the destruction of monsters from a distance (wizard, demon hunter). There is a group of characters that combines in their arsenal both options for influencing the outside world (monk, healer). In the latter case, you can end up with either an ideal balance or a hero who does not succeed in either melee or ranged combat. I prefer highly specialized characters, however, with the right selection of equipment and combat skills, any character class can achieve success. The best Diablo 3 hero for you will be the one whose fighting style matches your desires. If you don’t like running in circles after small enemies with an ax raised above your head or standing on the front line completely surrounded, then it’s better to choose a more interesting hero than a barbarian. If constant health monitoring is not part of your plans, then you should also refrain from weak hero classes. By and large, it may be difficult to do without personal testing. It is also worth considering that any hero class will reveal itself only in the appropriate equipment, which is very difficult to assemble.

The game's single-player campaign does not represent a reliable testing ground, since any hero can comfortably complete Diablo 3 on normal difficulty. In this situation, the best hero of the third part of Diablo is the one you liked the most, regardless of the criteria (objective or subjective). However, an increase in the level of difficulty in a single-player game will also not fully indicate the strength of a particular class of Diablo 3 hero. The fact is that the gameplay of the game is optimized for online play. Many fans of the single-player campaign of Diablo III will play a pirated version of the game, so there is no need to talk about applying current patches in this case. As a result, the balance of power may be upset, and one class of heroes will dominate. There may also be a case when monsters will not be able to provide worthy resistance to the player, regardless of what class of hero he has chosen. So only the game on battle.net can give a real assessment of the hero’s strength in Diablo 3.

Here we meet another parameter that determines whether your hero will be the best in Diablo 3. This is the interaction of the current character class in a party against mobs (computer-controlled monsters) or in an arena battle against other players (pvp). Moreover, these qualities can vary greatly. The fact that now, when a Diablo 3 character levels up, the main parameters of the hero increase automatically in a certain proportion, simplifies and equalizes the development of characters depending on the level. Skills are also now researched automatically, but we can choose an active set of skills for ourselves at any time. So the influence of things and equipment increases even more.

Finding things, and a specific set, depending on how you decide to develop your hero, is a labor-intensive task. Searching for loot (trophies) is almost the main pastime of players in the entire Diablo series of games, starting with the first Diablo. An auction in Diablo 3 can make collecting equipment easier, but it will require real money. So don't expect that choosing the best hero at the start of the game will guarantee you dominance on the battlefield. Let me remind you that in the game you can link several heroes to one account, and there will also be a common chest in the game, which will allow you to exchange items between your characters. There is a high probability that this will not be enough for some players, so again we will see mules (characters for carrying items), characters dedicated to finding new items, etc. So the desire to make your Diablo III hero the best will require a lot of money, effort and time. It is possible that the final cost in this case will not correspond to the value of the task itself.

Also, don’t forget about mortal heroes (hardcore), which brings a completely different mood and values ​​to the game. So the best hero in normal mode can be an extremely difficult hero to play as a mortal hero. It can also remain the best, but it will require more effort and concentration from you during the game.

The classes (characters) in Diablo 3 are charismatic and distinct role-playing characters, each with their own backstory, their own fighting style, and their own unique skills. Blizzard promises that in Diablo 3, each class will even have their own motives for fighting evil, and each class will view and comment on the same event in their own way.

In Diablo 3 we are asked to choose one of 5 classes:

  • Barbarian a strong and tenacious melee warrior, the only class that can not only stand in the center of the battle, but also receive a bonus from this (fast regeneration of rage due to received blows);
  • Sorcerer a classic magician who strikes his enemies with elemental spells
  • Demon Hunter is the only class specializing in bows and crossbows; the arsenal also includes traps and shadow magic.
  • Monk agile and fast melee fighter, with useful auxiliary mantras
  • The sorcerer is the “dark” opposite of the sorcerer - he summons spiders, toads, bats and other vile creatures.

Sends curses and controls the dead.

  • Features of classes in Diablo 3
  • Each class has skills that allow them to move quickly and increase their survival on the battlefield;
  • All skills and runes become available upon reaching the required level. Each class can use all the skills for a given class (but not more than 6 at one time) and all runes when reaching level 60;
  • All characteristics are distributed automatically. But the ability to make your character stronger or, for example, more resilient is compensated by large increases in characteristics from items;
  • Barbarian and Monk, as contact classes, have an innate 30% damage resistance, which makes them more durable;


Starting value (+ per level)

Characteristics of Heroes in Diablo III
Class Force Dexterity Intelligence Takeaway Life Armor Resource Damage Congenital resistance damage
Barbarian 10 (+3) 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 10 (+3) Rage 100 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) 30%
Sorcerer 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Arcane power 100 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) -/-
Demon Hunter 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 8 (+1) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Hatred 125 (+0)/ Discipline 30 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) -/-
Monk 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 8 (+1) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Spirit 150 (+0) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) 30%
Witch 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 10 (+3) 9 (+2) 130 (+24) 8 (+1) Mana 150 (+10) 2.82 (+0,7 - 0,9) -/-

FAQ by class

Will there be new classes in the expansions?
Yes, but which ones exactly are unknown.

Is there a tank in the game? Hiller?
No. In Diablo 3 there is no division into tanks, damage dealers, and healers, as is common in many online games. From each class, with the help of things, you can make both a damage dealer and a tank.

The FAQ is currently being finalized. Ask your questions about classes in the comments, and we will add to the list of frequently asked questions.


The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to the basics of seasons in , as well as give you tips on character leveling and crafting that will maximize your seasonal experience.

1. What is a Season and why should you play it?

Season is an additional, repeatable game mode that allows you to start every few months, leveling up your character from scratch without previously earned items, hero levels, materials or gold. Seasons are divided into casual and hardcore game modes, and it may seem daunting that your seasonal character will have to start from scratch and need to level up and craft. However, none of your efforts will be wasted, as all your achievements during the season - characters, items, hero levels, gold, etc. - will carry over as non-seasonal after the season ends. Unique to Seasons are trackable seasonal journeys, exclusive transmog rewards, and a separate leaderboard that allows everyone to compete on a level playing field.

2. Level up from 1-70

2.1. Preparing the game

You make three important choices in setting up a game: creating a character, choosing a game mode, and setting the difficulty level. Starting a season in a group rather than solo, you receive bonuses: group loot and an HP buff (health bonus), and bonuses are now distributed among the participants. However, if you prefer (or simply want) to play solo, then read the Playstyle section below.

When it comes to game type, Adventure mode is vastly superior to Campaign mode due to its faster pace and more generous rewards. The only trick you can do is at the beginning of the Campaign game, find a Skeleton King that gives a guaranteed Crown of Leoric at Torment Level 5+ when killed in that mode. This helmet doubles the bonuses from the gem embedded in it, so add your highest level Ruby for a significant XP boost. Wear Leoric's Crown until you reach lvl 70.

Another choice before the game is difficulty, and the most optimal level for leveling up is the difficulty level Master: a good combination of mobs' health, their damage and a decent bonus of 75% experience.

Level frames

2.2. Playstyle

You have two main options when leveling up in Adventure Mode: quests and portals. To maximize the effectiveness of leveling up your character, consider making Act assignments with an active bonus; the game will automatically start and the activity will be marked as such when you open the world map. There will always be an active reward for killing the Boss; especially attractive ones that don't require much effort to find, (eg Zoltun Kul, Magda, Belial), but completing the quest will provide you with good experience from the very beginning, as well as a chest that contains nice rewards. After the reward for killing the Boss, consider finishing the remaining tasks in the Act with active bonuses for the chance to drop Deckard Cain's Fate and Bourne's Defiance, both sets can be forged at the blacksmith, whose bonuses provide additional experience to speed up leveling.

Once you've completed the above, it's time to think about the extra experience for the Carnage. The slaughter experience bonus system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for killing monsters multiple times. Warning is a bonus that only works in quests, and not while completing portals. To successfully use this bonus for killing monsters, kill mobs in very populated areas - the cathedral (Act I), the hall of agony of the 3rd level (Act I) and, most importantly, the “Fields of Suffering” (Act I). While clearing too quickly will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), this method is fast for leveling solo in Diablo 3, in about 2 hours you will be level 70. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to take down in a multiplayer game, Carnage Bonus Leveling can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; This is primarily a solo leveling method. This method also has a significant drawback, the loss of the chance of legendary items and bloody shards falling behind portals.

For groups and players who don't mind spending an hour leveling from 1-70, the general recommendation is to stick with Nephalem Rifts. Portals give you an increased chance of Legendary drops, blood shards for games with Kadala, and a bonus in the form of health. While Rifts have a higher degree of randomness than Quests (map layout, monster density, and composition are all RNG), removing rocks as a requirement for opening Rifts allows you to simply restart the game if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift .

A lesson best learned early in Diablo is to focus on large groups of enemies and ignore single targets - take advantage of the fact that the only individual enemies you have to fight are Rift Guardians. In the rift, this will lead to effectively skipping bad fights and better farming results; During leveling, this factor will allow you to reach the maximum level faster.

Lastly, minimizing downtime is a common mistake that is difficult to understand because it is unique and personal to everyone. As a rule of thumb, remember that gear up to 70 will quickly become unnecessary as you level up, and brooding over gear levels and stuff before lvl 70 is more than a waste of your time. A good time to level up is somewhere in the range of 2 to 3 hours.

2.3. Gearing

Set the game to a difficulty level that won't force you to fight for your life, but will allow you to focus on just one thing: fast and efficient clearing, which is directly tied to your damage. The biggest contribution to the cleanup will be your weapon, so allocate your resources and focus your attention accordingly. If you haven't upgraded this weapon slot at about five levels, consider crafting yourself something using a blacksmith. You can also steal weapons from your companions; they are 1 level higher than yours by default.

Classes are distributed according to several main characteristics: Strength for barbarians and crusaders; Agility for Demon Hunters and Monks; and intelligence for necromancers, sorcerers and wizards. Adding to your main stat has a significant impact on your damage in Diablo 3, and even more so during leveling where elite modifiers such as crit, attack speed and critical damage are infrequent and low.

To bolster your DPS, check merchants for rings and amulets, adding direct damage. This will give you massive damage in the early game where your weapon damage is in the 2-3 digit range. Merchants in towns sell jewelry, available at level 6 for rings and around level 10 for amulets. Don't be too busy checking them, visit them during natural breaks in gameplay - such as when the Rift closes.

Also, do not forget about the existence and importance of gems in the pumping process. The most important thing is to upgrade two rubies to the highest level, and put them in your weapon and helmet. Adding a Ruby to a weapon adds physical damage, which is the best DPS boost up to level 70, where critical chance is low and low, and critical damage, and the Emerald gem, provides less benefit. The Ruby in the Helmet increases the experience gain factor, reducing the time it takes to reach the maximum level.

There is also a good chance that you will farm 500 Blood Shards before you reach level 70, where you gamble 1 time with Kadala. Look at your gear, pick your worst slot - the one you haven't updated in a while, and gamble. This will not harm your progression, and you will feel the difference during leveling, especially with a successful drop.

2.4. Crafting

As noted earlier, crafting should not be overlooked as a source of weapon upgrades - and it is especially important during the initial character leveling. At level 42 and with a level 10 blacksmith, you can use some of your mined materials to craft level 60 weapons. They can have your level requirement reduced - up to 18 - in their secondary stats, dramatically increasing your DPS by a dozen levels and allowing you to overcome challenges to win XP. The same principle applies at level 60 and with a level 12 blacksmith, this time creating a level 70 weapon.

Breaking down everything that isn't an upgrade into ingredients should be a priority, since crafting resources will be needed for the vast majority of your seasonal games, and quality items at all levels provide versatile materials. Reforging has the added benefit of returning any gems left on your gear to your inventory for free, so don't make the mistake of yanking gems from old (unnecessary) items from jewelers for gold. The only acceptable item for the slot is the Crown of Leoric, for better winning in XP (experience).

An exception to the reforging rule should be made for legendary items with valuable affixes, the location of which in Kanai's cube is more important than the material for processing. A comprehensive list is difficult to compile, so check out the leveling guides for your chosen class and select key items for your class. Here are just some of the most necessary Crucible, Ashen Tunic, Unity, Elemental Assembly, Obsidian Zodiac Ring or other legendary items needed for your class.

Another exception to the pile of items to reforge should be two legendary items: Cow Berdysh and the Puzzle Ring. These items are very useful for initial farming. Insert the Cow Berdy into Kanai's Cube and press Transmog to open a portal with a cow level - with a rift-like area filled with cows, as well as normal and epic chests. Performing the same action with the Ring - Puzzle opens a portal to the Goblin treasury, which will give you starting capital (Gold) and the legendary gem Covetous Gift.

3. At level 70

Your overall strategy won't change immediately after leveling up to level 70; Rifts will continue to be your best source of gear, and running errands should be put on hold until you need to upgrade a rare item or pull a Legendary mod - both of which require materials. The exception will be to prioritize Seasonal Journeys up to the corresponding Chapter to get a full class set from Haedrig's gifts and get the Kanai Cube for the first time from the Ruins of Secheron in Act III, which you can do at any time and only 1 time.

3.1. Seasonal Campaign and Haedrig's Gifts

The Seasonal Journey consists of a series of achievements that provide cosmetic rewards, including profile frames, item transmogs, and pets. The seasonal journey is divided into chapters with individual achievements that are roughly equal in difficulty and leveling value, providing additional incentive and structure for seasonal gameplay. Journey is only available to Season characters and is account-wide, with the exception of the Normal or Heroic mode split.

Completing certain seasonal chapters (II, III and IV in a season) grants Haedrig's Boons, a reward that gives two pieces of a set of a fixed class. With the completion of these chapters you will have a full bonus of 6 available to you, dramatically increasing the character's strength in medium and high torture. This makes the early part of the Seasonal Journey your first priority when reaching max level.

With Seasonal Journey, you have three main types of farming: Errands, Common Rifts, and Greater Rifts, each with their own distinct benefits.

3.2. Orders

The strategy is this: go into a group of four people and divide the tasks among each other, one person per task. Splitting up quests with the highest difficulty that you can handle solo is considered the most effective way to earn Horadric Cache rewards. Bounties are a decent source of crafting materials, and the only way to obtain a legendary item (Ring of Royal Opulence) and, perhaps most importantly, the unique materials needed for Kanai's Cube. Thus, prioritize farming when you need to extract an modifier that modifies Legendary Power (examples above), craft a Legendary, or craft a set item from the Blacksmith. For general farming, choose one of the following methods.

Kanai cube

3.3. Launching Nephalem Portals

At the very beginning, Nephalem portals were the basis for you, and will remain the basis for leveling up at great tortures. Rifts no longer require stones to open, and you can launch them at any time; they are universal in structure and are generated differently each time. The portals have an indicator that must be filled by killing monsters until the Portal Guardian appears and must be killed so that the Nephalem Portal can be closed. You can also continue the Rift after killing the Guardian, but it is advisable to complete the passage as soon as you finish it - you can enter a new one and get more experience, gold and blood shards. You should prioritize clearing these rifts quickly for the vast majority of your early games, adjusting the difficulty to the highest level you can handle while maintaining efficiency - killing an elite in under 10 seconds is a good result. Regular portals will best level you up and provide you with Greater Portal stones, the next important step in your progression.

3.4. Speed ​​of passage (“Speed”) of Great Portals

Great Portals are usually used for three purposes: placing on the Honor Board, improving legendary stones, and leveling up Paragon. When you start the playthrough, the last two steps will be done at once, with a guaranteed Legendary Stone at the end of each Great Rift until you have a complete collection of these stones. In the Great Portals, monsters still pump you up, but you will only receive a reward from killing the Portal Guardian. To compensate for the material benefits, the Greater Rift provides more Blood Shards. This type of portal will gradually play a very important role in your game.

3.5. Portal of Daring

Starting with version 2.6, you can choose a unique mode in the pre-game lobby: Portal of Daring. The Portal of Daring system randomizes the completion of the Great Portal and reproduces the build, equipment, and even paragon level. All players can then compete for the fastest completion on a completely equal basis. There is a weekly reward associated with changing the timer for the better: a fee of 300 blood shards, 4 million gold, 8 unique materials for recipes from the cube. This is one of the strongest early bonuses you can get in the first week of the Season, so complete your Portal of Daring as soon as possible.

4. Conclusion

If you do decide to play during the season, make sure you do it right. Use our tips to simplify pumping. Consistency, exploration, and minimizing downtime will be the three most important factors to your seasonal progress and achievements at your difficulty level. Good game!

Greetings to everyone who visited my page. Here you can thoroughly study the complete Diablo 3 guide, which includes character guides, profession guides, and all sorts of clever tricks that will make the game much easier for you and help you solve difficult problems. Please read each item carefully, it is in your best interest.

How to start playing Diablo 3

For players who have not yet started the game, you initially need to buy a Diablo 3 key, without it you simply will not be able to create an account and enter the game. You will learn more about how to buy a key and where exactly at the link given above. Next, you need to download the client for the game, you can download it for free and, following the detailed description from the link above, you will install this client quickly and easily.

You all remember the three difficulty levels in previous versions of Diablo. This time they added a new level of difficulty, where now AD is far from the most difficult level. The developers of the game Diablo 3 called the new difficulty level Inferno - from the English. It's hot. It will now feature truly terrifying battles and a struggle for survival; dozens of monsters in droves will try to prevent you from moving on. To learn more about all levels, including “Inferno” in Diablo 3, you can follow the link levels in Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 Class Guides

If you prefer a more dynamic playstyle, then Monk is definitely your choice. The style of this fighter is that he needs to maintain a certain distance when attacking or controlling monsters. I have specially prepared for you several styles of play for this class, thanks to which you will be able to go through all difficulty levels and Bosses alone, while other players in a bunch cannot defeat even one Boss. You can learn more about all the secrets of this class and play styles in the article Monk Guide.

Barbarian, Warrior, Barbarian

The path of this warrior is the roughest, his goal is to run into a crowd of monsters and scatter everyone to the sides. Quite a specific fighter. Players who have been familiar with this class for a long time know many techniques for combat tactics for this class. As for experienced and novice players, I have prepared a complete guide to the Barbarian, even experienced players will be able to find a lot of useful information for themselves

Demon Hunter

This class specializes in traps and ranged attacks. I thoroughly described the playstyle for this class in the Demon Hunter Guide article. You will learn how to properly kite monsters using only the most necessary skill sets and how to go through all the Bosses in Diablo3 alone

Choosing to play as this character will give you the most intense effect. To control this class, you need to train a lot, since you are not a warrior and you don’t have much armor. Your goal is not to allow enemies to come close to you. I described in more detail how to play for this character and choose equipment for him in the article Guide to the Sorcerer.

Witch Doctor

This character is perhaps the most unusual and most complex class in the game Diablo 3. He combines different magic and skills. I was able to learn the true power of this class, because, only in skillful hands, this class is a real death machine. You can find out more about choosing equipment and playing style in the article Guide to the Sorcerer.

Guides by profession

Blacksmithing Profession

It is not necessary to upgrade a blacksmith, as most players think. I strongly recommend that you start leveling up your blacksmith, this will save you a lot of money and add more interest to the game. You will be able to create different things for yourself, despite the fact that you can disassemble outdated or unnecessary things into various reagents in order to create better things, which are quite expensive at auction, and it is not so easy to knock them out. You will learn more in the article Guide to the Blacksmith.

Jewelry/Jeweler Profession

Jewelry making will be unlocked for you after you complete the second act. With this craft, you can create expensive stones from various gems, which can be used both for your own purposes and for sale. Moreover, you can earn good money this way. You will learn more about how to quickly upgrade your jewelry making and make money from it at the link given a little higher;

Auction Guide

The developers of Diablo 3 took care of creating a very convenient auction in which you can buy and sell things both for real money and for in-game currency. There are many ways to start trading at this auction and make good money, while just devoting 10 minutes a day of your time and the result will not keep you waiting. There are many nuances about how to trade at this auction and where to start, you can find out about this in the article Auction Guide.

PvP in Diablo 3

Most players are wondering who to play in the arena, what skills to use and when to use them? More details about what advantages a particular class has and other tricky things that you can use in the arena are described in the article PvP in Diablo 3.

Guide to the secret (pony) level in Diablo 3

If you played Diablo 2, then you probably remember the secret level where the cows ran around with spikes. So in Diablo 3 there is also a secret level, only instead of cows there are now “Pony”, this is a colorful area with bright colors. You will learn how to get to this level and what you need to do for this by reading the article Pony level in Diablo 3.

Fast leveling in Diablo 3

You all already know that as your level in Diablo 3 increases, your characteristics and standard of living increase, new skills and other useful little things appear. There are many ways to quickly level up, but I have prepared for you only the most relevant and best ways to quickly level up. You can get acquainted with these tricky methods in more detail in the guide Quick leveling in Diablo 3.

P.S. This is introductory information so that everyone can decide on the class. More detailed information about the characters and each skill will soon be available later.
Well in general 5 classes, I won’t bore you, here are all the heroes worthy of great battles:

Demon Hunter

Story: A little orphan girl was picked up by hunters, their goal was to create the perfect weapon against hordes of demons. They managed to raise a real master of crossbows and explosive traps.

The main resources are rage and discipline, which allow you to use different skills; it is advisable to maintain a balance between these parameters.
Ideal for attacking from afar, but loses in close combat, you understand why. He knows how to call upon dark forces for help, set traps, slowdowns and other things that help in retreating and maintaining a distance from monsters.

Result: A worthy class for a single player game, it has a powerful ranged attack. It is possible to inflict great damage on bosses and elites without being attacked by them, as well as kill small mobs with explosive traps; you need to constantly be on the move or hide behind your comrades.


Story: 20 years ago, the homeland of the barbarians was destroyed, leaving only the desert. One of the descendants of the barbarian family reached Sanctuary and decided to revive his culture.

A self-sufficient strongman, he can break through legions of hellish creatures and has endless brute strength. It is during combat that he feels powerful, because when he kills or receives damage, his rage accumulates, and this makes his attacks even more destructive. Well, when the rage reaches its maximum, nothing can stop the barbarian...

Result: a strong character, always ready for battle, a huge crowd of mobs will not scare him, but rather will only provoke him and give him strength. On bosses he can turn on armor passives and also laugh in his face. A good solo character and an indispensable "tank" in co-op.

Monk (Monk)

Story: A holy warrior, he spent many years spiritually training in the temple, honing his body and mind, creating a unique weapon from them. The most important part for him is the instructions of the gods, even the uprising of the forces of darkness throughout the world will not frighten him, at any cost, even his own life, he is simply obliged to destroy the source of evil and restore the balance of power in Sanctuary.

An impeccable expert in hand-to-hand combat, he can kill demons with his bare hands and heal allies with the power of his spirit. His fists are so powerful that they can pierce even heavy armor, although he can also hold weapons in his hands (one-handed swords and staves). The resource is fortitude, which must be accumulated and then carried out the most destructive attacks. Can create positive effects for both itself and nearby allies. The monk does not wear heavy armor, relying on his lightning attacks.

Result: A speedy melee fighter who emphasizes combos, bonus auras, and tactics rather than brute force like the Barbarian. A very valuable class in a cooperative game, as it can apply effects to comrades and heal them. You won't be lost alone, but on high difficulties, due to weak armor, you may not be able to cope with bosses alone.

Witch Doctor

Story: There are wild tribes living in the jungle and worshiping ancient gods, waging ritual wars and still practicing sacrifices. But one of the warriors rebelled against his gods and tribe and went his own way with the intention of meeting the offspring of darkness face to face.

The healer is good at dealing with ancient diseases and curses, the main resource is mana, which is restored on its own. He doesn’t wear special armor, he loves ritual items that enhance magical power. Deals spell damage or frightens enemies to death, and also forces them to fight each other. And he can also summon creatures from another world.

Result: a class for those who like to summon creatures, slow poisoning and demoralizing attacks. A unique “debuffer” that reduces the parameters of enemies. Can summon a swarm of fire bats or a rain of frogs. He compensates for his weak armor by summoning a powerful warrior who can defeat any demon with one blow and take blows from bosses.

The Wizard

Story: The house of sorcerers Kaldium shared magic with people to show its limitless power. But one sorceress was too interested in magic and she was able to master long-forgotten spells. She believes that by traveling a lot and fighting the dark forces that have risen throughout Sanctuary, she will become famous and become a truly famous mistress of the ancient forces.

Masters different forms of magic, the main resource is arcane power, which is restored quite quickly over time. Thus, combat power is limited only by the maximum reserve of this energy. The forces of the elements are mostly massive, but there are also powerful single spells, for example, a beam of pure energy that purposefully hits in any direction.

Result: a character for lovers of magicians, weak, but massively destroying everything around. Weak armor is compensated by a chronosphere, in which everything except the sorcerer himself slows down and can also teleport. Transforming into Mighty Arcaan, she will have an endless supply of energy and, accordingly, endure huge crowds of opponents. It is difficult to control, but with the proper skill and reaction it will perform well in all game modes.

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