Skyrim does not kill Paarthurnax. Quest "Paarthurnax" in the game Skyrim: completing the mission, killing the dragon or not. If Dovahkiin decided to kill Paarthurnax

Update 1.2.9:
The event that allowed Paarthurnax's disciples to appear could have been absorbed by other events in the same node. The event trigger has been added to its own separate node to ensure the mod is activated at the right time. Description:
Frustrated by how Blades didn't give you choice? They felt that they were simply using you and that everything was decided for you, even the fate of Paarthurnax, which was possibly against.
Now you can change that!

This quest gives you 2 choices:

  1. If you decide to spare the life of Paarthurnax, then you need to return to Delphine or Esbern and explain this to them. You may have to be a little persuasive in this process. They may not like what you have to say, but their order exists to serve the Dragonborn, isn't that right?
  2. If you decide to complete the murder, he will not be alone. Paarthurnax said that he was going to teach others the “way of the voice” (talking about other dragons) and he would have his own group of students who would listen closely and protect him. So be prepared to fight more than one dragon.
Make your choice, Dragonborn!

How to start the quest?
- Get to the point where the Blades give you the quest to kill Paarthurnax. Then go to Arngeir and he will tell you his opinion about it. Afterwards you can return to Delphine and convince her to save her life.
- If you don’t want to save his life, you can kill him, but keep in mind that he will be protected by + 3 dragons.


Disappointed in how rudely and unfairly the Blades treated Paarthurnax at the end of the main quest? Do you feel like you should have stood up for him and had your say? Well, now you can!

This modification changes the course of events in the Blades quest in which you are forced to kill Paarthurnax. Start the quest as usual. Listen to the Greybeards and Paarthurnax. Now YOU decide to save his life or kill him as the Blades ask you, return to Delphine or Esbern and explain to them that you do not want to kill the dragon. They may not like what you say, you may resort to force in the process, but they are here to serve Dovahkiin, right? It's up to you to decide whether to execute Paarthurnax or not. He won't be alone. He told you that he wanted to teach the rest of the dragons the way of the Voice and that he had already recruited his first group of dragons. Are you insensitive just like your Blades friends or will you show how to forgive? Make your choice, Dovahkiin!

Installation Requirements:

Skyrim or higher


Transfer the contents of the archive to your skyrim/data folder and confirm merging of folders if required.


“Paarthurnax” is one of the story missions in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and also a friendly dragon with whom you will often intersect. All dragonborn who have reached this stage of the game are faced with the dilemma of “Should I kill him or not?” It is this question that we will consider in this walkthrough, as well as all sorts of consequences and reasons for the murder, and we will learn better who Paarthurnax is and what his death will bring to Skyrim. Let's move on to completing the task and the consequences of the choice.

Alduin and Paarthurnax in Skyrim

So, who is Paarthurnax? Our teacher is one of the most ancient dragons. In addition, he was the right hand (or rather, the right wing) of Alduin, as well as his younger brother. Both ancient dragons that we meet in the story are the sons of Akatosh himself.

The first mention of our teacher can be found in the “Atlas of Dragons,” which dates back to the Second Era. But Paarthurnax himself is much older, as can be learned from the dialogues. Our dragon lives at the highest point of Skyrim (and all of Tamriel) - the Throat of the World.

You've probably heard from the Greybeards about the teacher, and that's him, Paarthurnax himself. Like many dragons, he is eloquent, wise, and loves philosophical conversations and reflections.

After many years of studying the Path of the Voice, Paarthurnax was able to perfectly master this technique and gain control over his essence. It is him that ordinary mortals should thank for liberation from the long-term tyranny of dragons. Why? Many centuries ago, the dragon taught the Nords (and with their help, representatives of other races) thu'um, which helped them equalize their chances in the war with the dragons. Throughout the story, the Greybeards keep the fact that Paarthurnax is their leader a secret, and this comes as a big surprise to the player.

Players who don't know about this can even attack the landing dragon, but I don't recommend doing this. Alduin's brother is very friendly, loves to speak in riddles and dragon words, remembering that Dovahkiin may not yet know them, and reveals many ancient secrets. Despite the fact that Alduin is his relative, Paarthurnax will help the dragonborn in his quest, and even take our side during the battle with the World Eater.

Help from Paarthurnax in Skyrim

At the first meeting, Paarthurnax will ask Dovahkiin to greet him “dragon style,” namely, to use the “Fire Breath” thu’um. If at the moment you have not yet found it, then the wise dragon will immediately teach you it. In addition, with the help of meditation, Paarthurnax will be able to grant the Dovahkiin an improvement in some shouts of the player’s choice. How to do it?

After several conversations with the dragon, the player will have the option to answer “I want to meditate on the Word of Power.” The dragon will answer:

What is calling you, Dovahkiin? Fus, Faim, Yol?

Depending on your answer, the Dragonborn will gain a permanent passive ability.

  • By selecting “Fus”, you will receive a permanent boost to the “Ruthless Force” Shout, which will further enhance your balance.
  • When choosing “Fame”, the “Ethereality” thu’um will increase, during which Dovahkiin will receive an increase in health restoration.
  • Well, if you choose the last option, you will get a significant increase in damage to the “Fire Breath” shout.

Now you are well acquainted with Paarthurnax, which means you can proceed directly to the story mission.

During the mission “Fallen,” Esbern and Delphine learn that the secret mentor of the Greybeards all this time was a dragon, who is Alduin’s right hand. Even though Paarthurnax betrayed his brother, they will insist on killing him.

  • The task will appear automatically during the quest “Endless Time”, after you talk to Esbern.
  • The second way to receive the task is after concluding the contract, if you have already talked with Esbern before. Esbern will state that Paarthurnax is an old enemy of the Blades, which means he must be destroyed no matter what.

If you go and talk to Arngeir and tell him that the Blades want the dragon to die, he will be very upset. Yes, it is true that Paarthurnax was an ally of Alduin, but in those days all dragons were allies. But it was precisely because of the teacher of the Greybeards that the Nords were able to learn the language of dragons, thanks to which they were able to expel Alduin.

If you talk about this with Paarthurnax, he will not be very surprised by the Blades' demand. Dovahkiin, of course, knows that the dragon can be trusted, but they cannot, and for them he is a direct enemy. Even though he betrayed Alduin, mortals may believe that now he can betray them too.

Now the time has come to choose whether to kill our teacher.

Blades or Paarthurnax

Many players are interested in “Is it possible to complete the task neutrally? What to do?". I’ll answer right away - yes, it is possible, but only on a PC and using a game console. First, we’ll look at what will happen if you kill or don’t kill, what consequences await you, and then I’ll describe in detail what to do for a neutral passage.

Dovahkiin himself can decide whether to kill Paarthurnax or ignore the demands of the Blades. In dialogues with representatives of the brotherhood, you will not be able to refuse to kill, but you can simply not complete this task. After defeating Alduin, the unfinished quest “Paarthurnax” will simply disappear from the journal, and no one will remember it again.

Attention! If you have not yet completed the quest “Time Without End,” then under no circumstances kill the dragon before completing it. If you do this, Arngeir will refuse to engage in dialogue with you, which means the story mission will be impossible to complete. Arngeir’s attitude will affect not only the “Endless Time” quest. Greybeard will be disappointed in Dovahkiin, give you a final lecture and demand that you get out of High Hrothgar, otherwise he himself will throw you out of here. Apart from Arngeir, the rest of the Greybeards will also cease any contact with the hero.

But there will also be advantages. If you kill Paarthurnax, the Blades will talk and cooperate with you again. Esbern will again buy dragon bones and scales, and also make a special potion. In addition, new blade mercenaries can be taken as partners.

The Throat of the World is the home of the dragon, as always, he will be waiting for you there. If you talk to him again, after the dialogue with Esbern, he admits that all dragons love power, but this can be overcome by willpower, which is what he did.

Attention! There is a known bug due to which Paarthurnax is not there when you arrive at the Throat of the World. The fix for this is very simple - move to any city, you can even enter/exit a building, and come back. After this, the dragon should appear. If not, try using the wait and skip a few hours. This should help too.

If you decide to kill the teacher, then the fight will be quite easy. Paarthurnax is comparable in strength to any frost dragon that you should have already met in the vastness of Skyrim. After killing you, you will receive standard loot: bones, scales, dragon soul. Delphine and Esbern can be found, as always, in the shelter near Riverwood.

If Dovahkiin decided to kill Paarthurnax

  • Relations with the Greybeards will deteriorate; you will not be able to find out about the location of the Walls of Words or generally conduct dialogues with any of this faction.
  • You will not be able to receive bonuses to shouts that were obtained by meditating with Paarthurnax.
  • Your relationship with the Blades will improve, you will be able to complete the Dolphins quest and gain new companions.
  • From Esbern you will receive a potion that gives a permanent increase in protection against damage in melee combat with dragons. The increase is only 25%.
  • Due to bad relations with the Greybeards, you will not be able to complete the civil war on the mission “Time Without End”.

If Dovahkiin left Paarthurnax alive

  • The quest will disappear from the log after you defeat Alduin.
  • You can continue to learn from Arngeir the location of the Word Walls.
  • You will be able to continue meditating with Paarthurnax and receive a bonus to thu'ums.
  • After the final battle with Alduin, Paarthurnax will appear in a cut-scene, where he will say that he will try to guide other dragons to the Path of the Voice and make them more peaceful.
  • Esbern will not make a protective potion.
  • The Dolphin quest cannot be completed and you will not receive new mercenaries.

Whether to kill or not is your decision; personally, I decided not to kill. Paarthurnax has done nothing wrong, and being related to the World Eater does not make him any worse. By keeping him alive, you get significantly more advantages and positive aspects, unlike killing him. And the hand is not understood on such a good comrade and ancient sage.

Is it necessary to kill the dragon?

As I said earlier, there is a way to keep the dragon alive and still be on good terms with both the Greybeards and the Blades. This method only works on a computer and using the system console. So, the sequence of actions:

  1. Receive the quest Paarthurnax from Esbern or Delphine.
  2. Go to the Throat of the World and talk to the dragon.
  3. Open the game console (by default the tilde is the console) and write setstage MQPaarthurnax 100, then press Enter.
  4. It is done! The task will be considered completed.

What we have? Paarthurnax remained alive, thanks to this the connection with the Greybeards was not interrupted, and they continue to treat Dovahkiin well. But the task is considered completed, so the Blades are also positive for the main character. This way, you can trade with Esbern, get a permanent protection potion, and get new recruits. At the same time, meditating with Paarthurnax and communicating with the Greybeards as if nothing had happened. Isn't this the perfect ending?

So we analyzed this task. To kill, leave alive or use cunning - everyone decides for himself. I can only wish you to think carefully about this decision. See you in the next guide!

Job sourceDelphine
PreviousEndless time
LocationThroat of the world
It is necessary to eliminate the potential threat in the person of Paarthurnax.

Brief walkthrough

  • Talk to Esbern or Delphine.
  • Kill Paarthurnax.
  • Talk to Delphine.

Detailed walkthrough

This quest is given by Delphine or Esbern during the quest "Time Without End". They discovered that the Greybeards' mentor Paarthurnax is a dragon and insist that we kill him, because in ancient times he was Alduin's right hand, although he later betrayed him.

When we come to Paarthurnax at the Throat of the World, he will tell us that the thirst for power is in the blood of dragons, but with the help of long meditations and following the Path of the Voice, he managed to take control of his essence and he is no longer an enemy to people.

If you talk to Arngeir and tell him that the Blades want to kill Paarthurnax, he will say that what Esbern said is true, but in those days all the dragons were allies of Alduin, because there was simply no other choice. But it was Paarthurnax who taught people the language of dragons, which made it possible to banish Alduin for a time.

Killing Paarthurnax will upset Arngeir, and if you return to him, he will lecture you and tell you to get out of High Hrothgar, otherwise he will force you to do it. The rest of the Greybeards will also stop recognizing you. On the other hand, the Blades will start talking to you again and Esbern will start buying Dragon Bones and Dragon Scales.

If Paarthurnax is left alive, he will have a short scene after killing Alduin, in which he will say that he will try to guide the other dragons to the Path of the Voice and teach them that it is possible to live in peace.

Dragons are dangerous and hostile creatures with which you will have to fight more than once in the game Skyrim. Paarthurnax is an exception to the rule. This dragon is friendly and helps the main character in his difficult struggle with Alduin. Therefore, the quest to kill Paarthurnax causes internal rejection among most players. It’s so difficult to destroy someone you consider your friend and ally. In this small guide we will share the secrets of completing this mission and tell you how to keep the dragon alive without any unpleasant consequences.

Description of the quest

You will meet this character while going through the main storyline of the game Skyrim. Paarthurnax is the mentor of the Greybeards, and for some time the main character will not realize that he is a dragon. This creature is very peaceful, and helps Dovahkiin in revealing secrets and searching for Alduin, and also takes a direct part in the final battle with the World Eater. In addition, Paarthurnax allows the main character to learn new shouts and improve already known words of power. Therefore, the character is perceived by most players as an ally.

During the “Fallen” quest, a task in the main Skyrim storyline, Paarthurnax must be destroyed. Delphine and Esbern insist on this. And if you want the Blades faction to remain friendly to you, you will have to complete this task. But at the same time, if you decide to kill Paarthurnax while completing the game Skyrim, you will lose all connections with the Greybeards. And no matter what you do, this task negatively affects further events. Therefore, before deciding whether to leave a character alive or get rid of him, you should weigh all the pros and cons and only then continue playing the game "Skyrim".

Paarthurnax killed

If you decide to complete the quest and destroy this character, then in the future you will find the following development of events:

  • The Greybeards will become unfriendly and will not tell the main character about the location of the Word Walls.
  • You will not be able to get shout bonuses from meditating with Paarthurnax.
  • The Greybeards will refuse to participate in the negotiations, and in order to complete the main storyline, you will have to complete the civil war quests.
  • The Blades will become allies, and you will be able to bring recruits to Delphine.
  • Esbern will again buy scales from the main character and create a potion that improves damage protection.

Keep Paarthurnax alive

If you decide not to complete the task, then the following events await you in the future:

  • The Greybeards will remain friendly and will inform Dovahkiin of the location of the Word Walls.
  • You will have access to meditation with Paarthurnax, during which you will be able to improve your Shouts.
  • The Greybeards will agree to participate in peace negotiations, and you will be able to gather all parties to the conflict in
  • The Guild of Blades will become unfriendly, and you will not be able to bring new recruits to Delphine.
  • Esbern will refuse to brew potions and buy dragon bone and scales from the hero.
  • When meeting, adherents of the Blades faction will attack the main character.

Both of these decisions have negative consequences, and it is up to you to choose how you want to continue your journey through the world of the Skyrim game.

Mod for Paarthurnax

If you are not satisfied with any of the options offered in the official version of the game, and you want both the Blades and the Greybeards to remain friendly to your hero, then you have two ways to solve this problem. In the first case, you can use a special cheat. To do this, enter the following combination in the console: setstage MQPaarthurnax 100. Now Paarthurnax will remain alive, and the Blades and Greybeards will continue to cooperate with the main character.

Most gamers prefer not to use cheat codes in the game Skyrim. "Paarthurnax's Dilemma" in this case will be an excellent alternative. This mod will allow you to keep the dragon alive and maintain friendly relations with the Blades. To do this, you will have to persuade Esbern and Delphine to change their minds and convince them that Paarthurnax is harmless. Perhaps these characters will not immediately agree with your decision, especially if the hero’s Speech skill is poorly developed. But an enhancement potion will help you convince Delphine that you are right. After this, you can continue your adventure and receive bonuses from meditations with the dragon, bring new recruits to the Blades and learn about the location of new Word Walls from the Greybeards.

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