Ecological game “What kind of flower? Didactic game “Guess the plant Guess what kind of flower game

Olga Vakulenko
Ecological game “What kind of flower?”

Rules of the game.

Guess flower as described. The teacher reads text: sentence by sentence. Who can guess which one faster? flower in question - earns a token in the form flower.

This plant comes in a variety of species and bizarre shapes. This plant is a pond. And small, and large, and round, like hedgehogs, and those that look like thick green pillars - all of them, even in the driest time, are filled to capacity with water. Animals would have chewed them up if not for the long and sharp thorns. These thorns are transformed leaves. Blooming the plant is very rare, but flowers its amazingly beautiful.


Something begins to rise from the depths of the reservoir, and a large bud appears on the surface. In minutes it turns to beautiful white flower. Another one appears nearby, a little further away... Amazing case: the buds emerge just before sunrise, and open as soon as the sun's rays touch the surface of the water. When the sun goes down flowers close and the buds drop into the water - until the next day, if only it is sunny. I love this plant very much Sun: the clouds will roll in a little, flowers it will be closed immediately. Torn off flowers fade very quickly. (Water lily)

The white fragrant bells of this plant are familiar to everyone. But few have seen its orange fruits, large as beans. This is a plant medicinal: Its leaves are used in medicine.

(Lily of the valley)

It is believed that this the flower came first, which people began to plant in flower beds. This a flower of rare beauty. How much grace and elegance there is in his simple outfit! Six petals in two circles, and in the center there is another corolla - a crown. Its flowers are white, cream, bright yellow; their delicate and strong aroma carries far. Blooms plant in March-April, earlier than many colors. Its root, the bulb, is a storehouse of nutrients.


Floral collectors in England, Russia, France, Holland, and throughout Europe pay huge amounts of money for these exotic beauties. This plant comes from tropical rainforests, dresses up in the brightest dresses of the most bizarre shapes and colors. Its large and tender flowers They look either like fantastic butterflies, or like giant golden bees, or like fairy-tale radiant stars. They all smell wonderfully delicate. Grow flowers are not on the ground, but high on the trunks of large trees. With their roots they strengthen themselves in cracks in the bark tree: dust, fragments of branches, fallen leaves accumulate there. Such soil contains enough nutrients for the plant, and it sucks water directly from the air. Forest beauties do not cause any harm to the tree - the owner.


This flower It grows in our flower beds and front gardens. Available in pink, red, yellow, white and others colors. In general, he is a desert dweller, although he himself is juicy and tender. In the desert, the onion helps him out. This plant has it special: has roots that gradually draw it into the depths. Gophers and jerboas feed on these bulbs in the desert. Now this plant is grown all over the world, and most of all in Holland.


The winner is the one who collected the largest “bouquet”.

In the game you will have to remember everything you know about different colors, and you will have to figure out what you don’t know on your own.

Another quiz

Quizzes are always interesting for this, especially interesting when the topic is different from most of the ones we are used to. Usually we are asked to guess the brands of cars, actors, but today the developers have come up with a more interesting task for us. How often have you thought about the name of a particular flower? If you are a girl, or are interested in gardening, then perhaps such questions arise in front of you quite often, but for most people, especially those living in cities, the names of most plants, including flowering ones, remain a mystery. Today banks offer to test their knowledge in this area.

Everything is simple and everything is complex

The essence of the game through two members is simple, you will be shown photographs of a wide variety of flowers, among which you will also find the most common ones familiar to everyone, like roses or daisies, but some tasks can baffle even experienced gardeners. For example, do you know how common aloe blooms? I hope so, because you will also encounter this question. You will see photographs of a flower in which its name is hidden, and even lower is a set of letters from which this name will be composed. In general, everything is as always, if you know the answer, then choosing it will not be difficult, but if there is a gap in your knowledge, it is better to use one of the two available hints, one of them puts the right letter in place, the other suggests the entire word Maybe. The only problem for him is that the number of hints is strictly limited, and they are restored extremely slowly. So, in order to recharge them, you can storm various search engines in search of tips and similar pictures. In fairness, it must be said that the game has inaccuracies in the names of colors, but choosing the right answer is not difficult since the game is distributed free of charge on Android, you will have to put up with an abundance of advertising.


The graphics in the game are quite simple, the general design is stylized as a drawing on a notebook sheet, the photographs of flowers are quite clear, although we cannot say that they are very well chosen, perhaps this was done specifically to complicate the task.

MKOU "Pavlokhutorskaya secondary school No. 12"

Didactic game

"Guess the plant"

Primary school teacher, category 1

Domnina V.V.

MKOU "Pavlokhutorskaya secondary school No. 12",

Tula region,

Efremovsky district, village. Pavlo-Khutor


Didactic game

"Guess the plant"

Goals:Maintain the child’s interest in the world around him, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.Foster environmentally conscious behavior in nature. Expand students' horizons.


In the field of personal UUD:

formation of educational and cognitive interest in educational material;

developing the ability to self-assess based on the success of educational activities;

In the field of regulatory management:

setting a learning task, taking into account the existing knowledge acquired during the lesson;

learn to predict, adjust and evaluate your activities;

In the field of cognitive UUD:

searching for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using all possible sources;

ability to analyze, synthesize educational material, draw conclusions;

formulation and formulation of the problem, independent and team search for its solution;

In the field of communicative UUD:

formation of the ability to fully and clearly express one’s thoughts, skillfully speaking;

the ability to cooperate fruitfully with the teacher and peers in searching for and collecting information


1. You often see this flower in flower beds. But if you look, you will find him in the forest. After all, it was from the forest, with the help of people, that he came to gardens and parks.(Pansies)

One of the legends (and there are quite a few of them associated with this plant) tells the following. One day, Venus, while bathing in a distant grotto, suddenly heard a rustling sound and saw that several mortals were looking at her. The goddess became indescribably furious and asked Zeus to punish those who were overly curious. Zeus at first wanted to punish them with death, but then he had mercy and turned them into flowers.
And since ancient times, pansies have been attributed the ability to bewitch love. That's why these lovers send flowers to their loved ones on Valentine's Day. If there are no live violets, they give dried ones or postcards with their image.

2. This tall plant with bright flowers can be seen on the edges, clearings, burnt areas, and clearings. He has two names. One of them was given to the plant because its leaves can be used to make a tea-like drink.( Ivan-tea, fireweed angustifolia )

There is a legend according to which the ancient Slavs received illnesses and misfortunes for their sins. The Slavs turned to the gods for help, but they did not hear them. Only one goddess, the Swimsuit, took pity, swept across the sky on a silver boat and scattered the seeds. The next morning, fireweed grew from these seeds.

History of Ivan-teamentioned in the chronicles of the 12th century. In the export list of that time, it was listed under the name “Koporo tea” (after the name of the village founded by Alexander Nevsky) and was second only to rhubarb, ahead of the then Russian “brand” - hemp, furs, gold.

Participants in the capture of Kazan and the conquest of Astrakhan, the warriors of Minin and Pozharsky, the walking freemen of Stepan Razin drank Ivan tea, which was an integral part of their life.

In particular, England and Denmark received thousands of pounds of fireweed. And he was smuggled into Prussia and France.

3. The entire clearing is covered with blue, blue, and pink flowers. Everyone bowed their heads slightly, and it seemed like a breeze would pass and a quiet silvery chime would be heard over the clearing...


The bell is one of the oldest objects known to mankind. It is believed that peculiar rattles made of wood and dried fruits existed already in the Neolithic era. Who knows if our most ancient ancestors might have spotted this idea from the humble ancestor of today’s bells. Since ancient times, people have loved the bell flower, oh what they say affectionate names that were given to it in different areas: pichuzhnitsy, chebotki, bells, chenille... And according to popular belief, bells ring only once a year - on the magical night before Ivan Kupala. The scientific name of the genus - "Campanula" - is based on the Latin. "campana", "bell", characterizing the shape of the flower (corolla).

4. Garlands of small white bells hang between large spiky leaves in spring. And in summer, in place of flowers there is a red berry. But don't put it in your mouth - it's poisonous...(Lilies of the valley (the scientific name lily of the valley is translated from Greek as “lily of the valleys that blooms in May”)

There is a belief that when the lily of the valley fades, a small round berry grows - combustible, fiery tears with which the lily of the valley mourns spring, a traveler around the world, scattering her caresses to everyone and not stopping anywhere. The lily of the valley in love endured his grief as silently as he carried the joy of love.

Some scientists believe that it got its name from the leaves that stick out of the ground like small sharp spears and, when unfurled, look like doe ears. Lanushki - that's what they called them in Poland, hare ears - they call them in some places in Russia.

Others believe that it got its name not from the shape of the leaves, but from their smoothness. That’s what they called him at first, “smooth”.

Still others believe that the name comes from the word incense - a resin that, when burned, spreads incense.

5. Beautiful flower. But poisonous. Wicked. Fierce, as people say about him. (Buttercup)

There are several versions of the origin of the name. One of them is based on the fact that the plant releases volatile substances that affect the mucous membrane of the eyes. As a result, a person may experience blurred vision for some time.
According to another version, the plant is so named because of the bright yellow color of the petals. Glossy petals are able to reflect sunlight, blinding the eyes. In common people, Buttercup was called Adonis, Fierce Color, Pryshchinets, night blindness. Buttercup - fierce, poisonous, Dentarius - poisonous tooth, ram's tooth, Aryan's tooth (that's what the Romans called the flower, since the Germanic Aryans were their enemies).

According to folk tradition, during the Holy Week of Great Lent, golden buttercups are offered to the Virgin Mary. One legend says that Jesus Christ turned the stars into buttercups to present them to his Mother as a sign of respect and love.

6. The upper side of the leaves of this plant is cold, like an evil stepmother in a fairy tale, and the lower side is warm and gentle, like a mother.( Coltsfoot)

The strange name of this plant gave rise to many fairy tales and legends with approximately the same plot. The family lived happily, in agreement, until the mother fell ill and then died. The owner of the house slouched, the songs and joyful games of the children died down. The neighbor, a young widow whom the deceased did not favor in any way, cleverly gained her trust and moved into the orphaned house as her new wife. In appearance, everything seems to be fine: the children are well-groomed, the husband is happy. But people began to notice that life in the family seemed to have come to a standstill. The stepmother speaks warmly, but blows cold air, runs her hand through her hair as if planting burrs. As the spring sun warmed up, the youngest daughter, out of melancholy, began to run up the hillside to the river, crying tears. One day I raised my head and a yellow flower blossomed at my feet. On that day, the stepmother disappeared forever, there was no trace of her. And a flower appears every spring. He will see if the children are doing well and then disappear again. In its place, leaves grow in summer, cold on top and warm and soft below.

7. Even those who have never been in the forest are familiar with the smell of this plant. After all, some sweets have such a pleasant taste and smell thanks to this plant..( Mint (Minthe))

Ukrainian legend explains the appearance of mint in its own way. The girl Menta fell in love with a handsome young man from a poor family. Her parents forbade them to meet. But the lovers broke that ban and met secretly. From the wonderful smell that came from the girl, the young man fell asleep. And at this time evil people separated them. The beautiful Menta was taken to the forest kingdom, and the guy was thrown into a deep river. The girl found out about this, and in order to be with her beloved, she threw herself, crying, into the same river. And where her tears fell, plants grew with pale purple flowers and stems and a wonderful smell. People named them in honor of the deceased girl mint.

According to popular beliefs, mint expels evil spirits from the house, and therefore in villages they often place a pot of growing mint on the window. On Trinity, it was customary to decorate your houses with green tree branches and put field herbs on the floors: thyme , chamomile , mint, etc. It was believed that all this would ensure a good harvest, and if you put a mint leaf in your wallet, it would bring good luck in money matters. Mint was considered a feminine herb, the smell of which attracts the attention of men. Girls and boys put mint collected on Trinity Day under the pillow to see their future betrothed in a dream. She also played an important role in wedding rituals. Traditionally, wreath for the bride and wreaths for the groomsmen were woven from mint.

8. Today the clearing is golden-yellow with flowers, tomorrow it will be white and fluffy. Yellow flowers turn into white “heads”, and light fluff flies off the “heads”... ( Dandelion (lat. Taraxacum) .

The word “dandelion” is of Moscow origin, from the verb stem to blow or blow. At the slightest breath of air, the fluffy flakes break away from the receptacle and fly away, leaving a “bald head.” Its popular names are associated with this property: dandelion, pustudoy, ​​wind blower, flyers, airy color, bald head, Jewish hat, kulbaba. For its early flowering and healing properties, it was also called “March bush”, “elixir of life”, “grandmother’s grass”.

In Christianity, dandelion, as one of the “bitter herbs,” became a symbol of the passion of the Lord, and it is in this capacity that it is depicted in scenes of the crucifixion. But, like practically all plants, its symbolism is ambiguous. And although the dandelion is a traditional symbol of grief in general, at the same time, according to popular beliefs, it symbolizes the power of the sun and light, and is considered a flower of fidelity and happiness. Its seeds, flying away from the lightest breath, symbolize the transience and perishability of human life. In the language of flowers, dandelion means happiness, loyalty and devotion. But a bouquet of dandelions suggests that the relationship is likely to be fleeting and may end suddenly.

An ancient legend tells that in Rus' the dandelion was the most favorite flower: it gave nectar to bees, and to girls - flowers for wreaths , its roots healed the sick, at night golden flowers illuminated the way for the traveler. But one day the sky frowned, and evil riders appeared in the steppe, spreading death and destruction everywhere. The dandelion hid its petals, bowed its head, and shrank, not wanting to serve evil people. Time passed, the black tribe disappeared, but the dandelion did not forget anything. In clear weather it brings joy, but as soon as a cloud appears, it closes its petals, warning of bad weather.

9. This plant is found along roads and paths. It’s as if it grows there on purpose to help, if necessary, a traveler who has rubbed his leg or injured his arm.(Plantago major)

One of the American Indian legends tells of a dog bitten by a rattlesnake. The dog was already in agony, but plantain juice mixed with salt worked a miracle: the dog recovered. In Greece there is a legend about a toad that was bitten by a poisonous spider. The toad ate a plantain leaf, and not a trace of the poison remained.

In Greece there is a legend about a toad that was bitten by a poisonous spider. The toad ate a plantain leaf, and not a trace of the poison remained. In the old days, herbalists in many countries considered plantain a panacea for all diseases.


1. Golovkin B. N. What do the names of plants say? M.: Kolos, 1992.

2. Dmitriev Yu.

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