Animated dragon wings in Skyrim. Real flight (with gliding and working collisions) Mod for flying overhead

Version: 1-30
Language: Russian

Many players simply dreamed that the game would have dragon wings for a character with animation, with this mod you will have the opportunity to brew yourself muto-potions that will cause animated dragon wings behind your back that react to the behavior of your character. The wings change their animation when the character runs, jumps, attacks, hides, swims (or flies). The mod is completely autonomous, conflict-free, independent and does not leave any traces in save files after deletion.

On a note:
- It is recommended to use this mod together with the "Flying Mod" mod, since initially in this mod there is only animation of the wings, and you will fly if you install the "Flying Mod" mod, the wings themselves will determine when you start flying and will produce animation in accordance with by flight

- Added missing files, due to which there was no animation of wings and other aspects of the mod
- Added missing Sound folder with sound effects
- The mod now supports installation via WryeBash or NMM manager

- Added 2 new types of wings (Evil and Bloodthirsty dragons)
- Changed the sprint animation again
- Changed the behavior of almost all animations
- Added new animation for flying forward
- Added animation for going down without moving (in flight mode)
- Optionally you can supply wings with a size of 150% or 50% of the original ones
- The shape of the base of the wings has been slightly adjusted
- Now the high jump effect should not disappear when loading saves or loading a cell
- Jump height now returns to the previous value rather than the default value
- Optionally added two additional wing options with sizes 150% and 50% of the original (they are installed on top of version 1.30)
- Added the ability to “slide” (high jump + no damage when falling)
- Added switch spells (the first cast of the spell calls up wings, the second casts it away, the spells are in the school Changes, to get the spells you need to drink the mutagenic potion again)
- Changed sounds of waving "Swing"
- Corrected names of potions
- Instead of the console, you now need to use a food cauldron to brew mutagenic potions that add wings
- Improved more than half of all animations
- Added new animation
- Added/modified sound effects
- Changed the behavior of the wings in flight and attack
- Added several color options for dragon wings
- Don't miss out, special offer for necromancers, bone wings!
- Bone and normal wings, as an experiment, are increased by 50%

Features of the mod:
- Using Behavior files to control wing animation
- Lack of scripts
- FNIS is not needed for the mod to work
- SKSE is not needed for the mod to work
- Works with any body skeleton and, accordingly, with any body replacer
- Wings do not take up any clothing slot
- All entries in esp. the file is unique, not conflicting with anything
- All mod files are unique, not conflicting with anything
- The order of the mod in the download list in the launcher is not important

How to get wings:
- Using a cauldron, brew yourself mutagenic potions (recipes are in the “Miscellaneous” section)

How to switch wings:
- Using a switch spell (the first cast of the spell calls up wings, the second casts it away, the spells are in the school of Changes, to get the spells you need to drink the mutagenic potion again)

- No

- Skyrim LE

When upgrading from a previous version to version 1-30:
- If you already had mod 1.20 installed, then you need to do the following:
1. Remove existing wings by drinking "Mutagen: Get Rid of Wings"
2. Remove all bottles with mutagens, if any.
3. Save and exit the game
4. Install update 1.30
5. Load the save, re-brew the mutagen and check the changes

The archive has 3 main folders:
- 00. Core - "Core mod"
- 10. Wings scaled to 50% - "Option - wings 50%"
- 10. Wings scaled to 150% - "Option - wings 150%"
Place all contents from the folder from 00. Core into the Data folder in the game, confirm merging of all folders and files and activate in the launcher
If you want to make the wings larger than the original size, then install the contents from folder 10. Wings scaled to 50% - the size of the wings is 50%" on top of the main mod with file replacement
If you want to make the wings smaller than the original size, then install the contents from folder 10. Wings scaled to 150% - the size of the wings is 150%" on top of the main mod with file replacement
- 50. Docs - this folder is not needed for the game

No, people, this is some kind of hell. I’ve been killing for three days now to understand how to fly normally here -.\\ First I downloaded the “real flight with all working collisions” mod, the problem is clear, it didn’t work for me as it should, and even the potions in the pot with broth didn’t appear straightaway. In general, I received wings, they twitched as expected, but I was still unable to fly. I decided to take the author’s advice, pumped myself up with fnis, “skse”, or whatever they are called, tried the mod with every version, starting from the terribly ancient ones, ending with the newest ones, but to no avail. The hero just jumps and flaps his wings, without even thinking about taking off, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s done from a ledge or somewhere else, there’s absolutely no point. I decided to download this “animated dragon wings” mod, I found it by accident, I honestly admit, I downloaded version 1.10 and lo and behold! Crumpled wings appeared behind my back, but they flew! To celebrate, I installed version 1.30, which, in my opinion, should have made the wings normal and preserved flight, but what did I see? Yes, the wings became normal, as in the “real flight” fashion, but they completely refused to fulfill their direct task and the most they did was give the hero a very high jump. The jump is, of course, cool, I even remembered the Prototype, but... it still doesn’t compare with the flight that I felt in version 1.10. So, I decided to remove the mod and install version 1.10, but it gave me the same wings instead of crumpled ones, but very large and without a high jump (in short, it got even worse), I didn’t see any more crumpled wings, no matter how hard I tried to reinstall the game , that fnis, that other crap, that the mod itself with different versions and so on. One day I managed to create two mods at once - crumpled wings and normal wings, but not flying ones. I (drank two potions and two pairs of wings appeared) used crumpled wings for flight and bone non-flying ones for jumping and a beautiful view, and got a candy, but then because of the next mod I had to reinstall the game again and I could already achieve this effect I could not. I only managed to write down the ID of the potion on the crumpled wings (15000d65), it worked, I checked, but then it stopped, no matter what I installed, no matter what wings I tried, everything is perishable. If any of you, comrades, know how to make it possible to brew a potion in a cauldron at the same time for crumpled wings (there is one bottle in English, and an anti-wing drink, also in English) along with potions for normal wings (of which there are a bunch of different different and all names are in Russian), then I would be very grateful. Really, I don’t know how to deal with this on my own, maybe someone can help me, I really want to fly, and this is my only chance, since other attempts were a complete failure.

A modification called “Animated Dragon Wings” for the fifth part of The Elder Scrolls series of games adds a potion to the game, after taking which your character will be given wings.

The Animated Dragon Wings in Skyrim modification includes:

the ability to call wings and cancel them;
visual effects and visual component;
sound effects;
several types of wings;
different wing sizes;
the ability to “slide” (damage from falling is removed, high jump);
animation of wings for various situations (swimming, attacking, sprinting, flying forward, descending, etc.).
To install the mod, no additional programs are needed, and the modification itself does not conflict with others.

Installing the mod:

Download the mod from the developer's website.
Unpack the mod using an archiver (for example, WinRAR).
Copy everything that was in the archive to the Data folder located in the root folder of the game. Confirm substitutions if offered.
Connect the esp file in the Skyrim Launcher.
If you need to remove the mod, destroy all installed files (see step 3).
How to get wings or remove wings?
Using a cauldron, brew the required mutagenic potion, recipes are in “Miscellaneous”. In order to remove the wings, find “Mutagen: Get rid of dragon wings” there.

What types of wings are there in this mod at the moment?

tundra dragon wings;
wings of a friendly dragon;
forest dragon wings;
wings of a dead dragon;
wings of a wise dragon;
ordinary dragon wings;
snow dragon wings;
wings of an ominous dragon;
wings of a bloodthirsty dragon.

How to fly using the Animated Dragon Wings mod in Skyrim?

To fly, you will need a separate modification “Flying Mod” (the developers, by the way, recommend using both mods initially).

The Flying Mod includes:

new volumes of spells that are purchased from various merchants;
spell with mod configuration;
flight compatibility with all races;
absolute flight control, which is almost completely different from riding a dragon;
animation of takeoff and landing and transitions between them;
the ability to use one- and two-handed weapons during flight;
a spell that allows your companions to fly;
adjustable flight speed.

Features of the Flying Mod modification:

maximum optimization of the mod;
good interaction of animations between this mod and the mod that adds wings;
gamepad support;
convenient overview with the mouse.

To install the “Flying Mod” modification you will need: the FNIS program - to install new animations and the Skyrim Script Extender program - to increase optimization and expand the functionality of the game.

Installation of modification:

Copy the Data folder from this mod to the game folder on top of the existing Data folder and confirm the replacement.
Activate in the game launcher (Skyrim Launcher).
Click "Update FNIS Behavior" in the FNIS program.
To fly, purchase spell volumes from Farengar, located in Dragon's Reach. You will also need a spell with mod settings, which can be found from Tolfdir. It is located in the College of Winterhold, overlooking the Sea of ​​Ghosts.
For convenience, the spell can be equipped as a shout.

Controls during flight:

WASD – forward/left/down/right.
Spacebar – fly higher.
Ctl – go down.
Shift/Alt – low/high speed.

To land, hold Ctrl, but don't touch the ground. While hovering just above the surface, press the “Fly” shout and spacebar. After this, your character will exit flight mode and end up on the ground.

After installing the Animated Dragon Wings and Flying Mods, you will have a character that can fly, with the ability to choose from a varied list of wings. He will be able to fight and move quickly in the air, which gives the player a sense of power and impunity.

The dream of many players is to get a mod for flying wings in Skyrim. Now, thanks to Animated Dragon Wings, it is possible to brew mutagenic potions that create two real dragon wings behind the player. The innovation has excellent animation that reacts to the character’s actions.

The appearance of the wings changes while running, swimming, fighting or flying. This modification does not conflict with others, is deleted without consequences for saves and is completely autonomous.

How to get wings for Dovahkiin

You need to brew a special potion in a cauldron (you will need a fire or hearth), the recipe for which can be found in the “Miscellaneous” section. After consuming the potion and casting a switch spell, the character will grow wings. To remove them, you need to repeat the spell, and to resummon them you will need a new potion.

On a note:

Skyrim wing mods are influenced by the "Flying Mod". The discussed plugin only adds animation, without the ability to fly. The modifications go well together: the wings look organic when Dovahkiin soars under the clouds.

A few words about Flying Mod

Anyone who remembers TES 2 and 3 is very familiar with the Levitation spell, which came to the aid of the character more than once. It was possible to reach a hiding place under the ceiling, quickly overcome a dangerous gorge, or simply elude enemies. Unfortunately, the fourth game in the series was greatly simplified and Levitation was abolished.

The ability to ride a dragon, added by the Dragonborn expansion, returned the ability to fly to players. The enormous size and lack of maneuverability of the legendary lizards puts the new skill at a level lower than Levitation. You can achieve a full flight only using amateur Skyrim mods for wings in combination with Flying Mod

Notes (for version 0.9)

1. After reading the special volume of spells “Flight - Settings” (sold by Tolfdir from the College of Winterhold), you need to set the necessary parameters in the Magic menu.

2. The remaining volumes of the spell can be purchased from Farengar.

3. For convenience, it’s worth equipping “Flight” like that, and activation will become much easier

4. The latest version of Flying Mod has fixed a bug that transported Dovahkiin to a random location when using the spell for the first time.

5. Landing is carried out with the “ctrl” key. A second before touching the ground, cast “Fly” again and then press “Space”. During a normal landing, there is a high risk of falling into the surface texture.

Thus, if you learn to fly and download the wings mod for Skyrim, you can experience true pleasure, soar into the skies and get other benefits of flight.

The dream of many players is to get a mod for flying wings in Skyrim. Now, thanks to Animated Dragon Wings, it is possible to brew mutagenic potions that create two real dragon wings behind the player. The innovation has excellent animation that reacts to the character’s actions.

The appearance of the wings changes while running, swimming, fighting or flying. This modification does not conflict with others, is deleted without consequences for saves and is completely autonomous.

How to get wings for Dovahkiin

You need to brew a special potion in a cauldron (you will need a fire or hearth), the recipe for which can be found in the “Miscellaneous” section. After consuming the potion and casting a switch spell, the character will grow wings. To remove them, you need to repeat the spell, and to resummon them you will need a new potion.

On a note:

Skyrim wing mods are influenced by the "Flying Mod". The discussed plugin only adds animation, without the ability to fly. The modifications go well together: the wings look organic when Dovahkiin soars under the clouds.

A few words about Flying Mod

Anyone who remembers TES 2 and 3 is very familiar with the Levitation spell, which came to the aid of the character more than once. It was possible to reach a hiding place under the ceiling, quickly overcome a dangerous gorge, or simply elude enemies. Unfortunately, the fourth game in the series was greatly simplified and Levitation was abolished.

The ability to ride a dragon, added by the Dragonborn expansion, returned the ability to fly to players. The enormous size and lack of maneuverability of the legendary lizards puts the new skill at a level lower than Levitation. A full-fledged flight can only be achieved using amateur Skyrim wing mods in combination with Flying Mod.

Notes (for version 0.9)

1. After reading the special volume of spells “Flight - Settings” (sold by Tolfdir from the College of Winterhold), you need to set the necessary parameters in the Magic menu.

2. The remaining volumes of the spell can be purchased from Farengar.

3. For convenience, it’s worth equipping “Flight” as a “mind”, and activation will become much easier.

4. The latest version of Flying Mod has fixed a bug that transported Dovahkiin to a random location when using the spell for the first time.

5. Landing is carried out with the “ctrl” key. A second before touching the ground, cast “Fly” again and then press “Space”. During a normal landing, there is a high risk of falling into the surface texture.

Thus, if you learn to fly and download the wings mod for Skyrim, you can experience true pleasure, soar into the skies and get other benefits of flight.

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