Riddles about clothes. Astronomers have found mysterious "petroglyphs" on the satellite of Saturn Who twisted into a ring and clutched his tail

The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 91 and 92
● Black-winged, red-breasted and will find shelter in winter. He is not afraid of a cold - with the first snow right there.
● Annual bush, drops a leaf every day. A year will pass - everything will subside.
Level 93 and 94
● It is a swing and a bed, it is good to lie on it. He will shake in weight in the garden or in the forest.
● It glides, as if on waves, guided by the hand. Swimming here and there, the trace of yesterday's washing will hide.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 95 and 96
● It grows in the ground, is known throughout the world. Often on the table flaunts in uniform.
● How I arranged everything deftly, behind my cheek is a pantry. I want to eat from my hand, no - I'll take it from behind my cheek.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 97 and 98
● The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, moved, started up.
He did not want to sleep anymore, soared up and flew away.
● What to say about her? - Coward, tries to live quietly. It has been covered with a reliable bone lid since childhood.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 99 and 100
● You held my tail in your hand, I flew, you ran.
● Everyone tramples on me, but I'm getting better.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 101 and 102
● The voice is thin, the nose is long, whoever kills him will shed his blood.
● What is it with Checkmark: a thread on a stick, a stick in his hand, and a thread in the river.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 103 and 104
● There are seas, but you can't swim. There are roads, but you can't drive. There is land, but it is impossible to plow. What is it?
● What can't you lift from the ground?
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 105 and 106
● Who threw cones at the children from tall dark pines. And flashed through the bushes through the stump, like a light?
● Two feet conspired to do arcs and circles.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 107 and 108
● Walks in the field, but not a horse. Flies in the field, but not a bird. Howls all the time, but not a wolf.
● We are similar to each other, if you make faces at me - I grimace too.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 109 and 110
● The giant lifts a heavy load to the clouds. And if it becomes stuffy, it will pour itself out of the shower.
● She will fluff up her sides, her four corners. And as the night falls, it will still draw you to itself.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 111 and 112
● On a pole - a palace, in a palace - a singer, and his name is ...
● Two brothers look into the water, they will not converge for a century.
The game "Riddles Rebus Charades": the answer to the section "RIDDLES" Level 113 and 114
● Many arms, but one leg.
● The bridge stretched for seven versts, and at the end of the bridge - a golden verst.

MOSCOW, 25 Oct - RIA Novosti. The surface of Dione, a potentially habitable moon of Saturn, was covered with strange stripes, the nature of which is still a mystery to astronomers. The findings of scientists and photographs of these structures are presented in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

“The existence of these colored bands significantly changes our understanding of how the architecture of the Saturn system has evolved. In addition, they indicate how the subglacial ocean of Dione and other ocean worlds can receive “bricks of life” and become habitable,” says Alex Patthoff ( Alex Patthoff of the Planetary Institute in Tucson (USA).

Mysteries of the Lord of the Rings

Dione is one of the large moons of Saturn discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1684. It is composed primarily of water ice, although its high density suggests it has a rocky core surrounded by a potentially habitable subglacial ocean.

Due to its proximity to Saturn and its small size, Dione does not have an atmosphere of its own. However, as the Cassini photographs have already shown, sometimes a very rarefied air shell appears on it. Its progenitors are the high-energy particles that Saturn's magnetic field bombards the surface of Dione and which eject water molecules and other volatile substances into space.

Dawn probe discovers strange ravines on asteroid VestaTwo types of narrow channels were found on images from the Dawn probe, cutting through the walls of young craters on Vesta - some look like straight troughs, while others are more tortuous, and end in alluvial fans.

When Cassini arrived at Saturn, its cameras, according to Patthoff, found on the surface of three moons at once - Dione, Rhea and Enceladus - strange colored bands several thousand meters wide and 100 kilometers long. Initially, scientists did not pay attention to them, considering them signs of volcanic or tectonic activity.

Patthoff and his colleague Emily Martin conducted a census of these objects, analyzing thousands of images taken by Cassini over 13 years of orbiting Saturn.

The analysis revealed unexpected details. It turned out that the bands are not randomly distributed over the surface and are found not only on the so-called smoky plains associated with processes in the bowels of the planets, but also in their other regions.

As a rule, the bands were found only in middle and equatorial latitudes and were collected in peculiar groups. The large number and unusual distribution of color bands led Martin and Pathoff to wonder how they might have come about.

space rain

After analyzing the structure and shape of the bands, scientists drew attention to the fact that in shape and distribution they are similar to the dark lines - "rays" that can be seen next to many craters on Mars and the Moon. As a rule, they are deposits of matter catapulted from the surface of the planets during the fall of an asteroid.

© Martin & Patthoff / GRL 2018Map of the distribution of "color bars" across Dione and Rhea

© Martin & Patthoff / GRL 2018

Accordingly, we can say that the color bands on the three moons of Saturn could appear in a similar way. Their large number, in turn, indicates that large "cosmic accidents" occur in the suite of Saturn much more often than is commonly believed.

On the other hand, this theory does not explain why there are no craters near the bands and why they are directed in certain directions, and not randomly distributed. As Patthoff notes, he does not yet have an exact answer to this riddle.

At the same time, scientists suggest that the source of the colored bands was not asteroids, but the matter of the rings or fragments of other moons of Saturn, which slowly fell to the surface of the three ocean worlds.

This theory explains the location of the lines and all their strange features, but it raises a new question for scientists - what could cause the matter of the rings to fall on Dione and her neighbors? As scientists hope, computer models of Saturn and its moons will help them find the answer.

From cold and snow
Keep warm wherever you are!
Let you look like a bear in it,
What will you wear in winter?
(fur coat)

It is from wool or from drape,
Rich fur collar
And so that you don't get sick
Will warm you from an evil blizzard!
Guess what is this?
This is winter…

In winter, put on a hat, coat,
What about in summer? -
T-shirt, ...

Who eats little candy
And he doesn't like cakes
In the summer it will be very slim
And put on...

Only the ignoramus does not know:
To the tennis courts
What are they wearing?

Sleeve long and short
Plank or kosovorotka,
On the chest - pockets.
What is it?

In order not to succumb to boredom -
You need to dress brighter!
I am sad and gloomy in it,
I won't wear what?

How to get rid of boredom? -
Tired of jeans, pants!
More fun to be me
What will help?
(The dress)

I know, friends, at "five",
What should I sleep in, and what should I walk in:
In the afternoon in the sun I'm in Panama,
What do I sleep in at night? - AT…

Smart Earring:
On the chest - a track.

The house stands tall
leaky ceiling,
Two rooms in the house
wicker walls,
Who enters the house
He will leave in it.

I am any girl
I cover my hair
I'll cover the boy too
Short haircuts.
I am protection from the sun
That's what it was made for.

In a warm cave
two holes,
You will enter both
And you'll leave right away
The moves are short
Not for the leg.
Answer: (T-shirt)

You enter one door
and you come out of three,
Think you got out
but actually went.

Leg mittens

I'm like an umbrella - I don't get wet,
I protect you from the rain
And I will shelter you from the wind
Well, so what am I?

happy hoop,
Serpent at night.

Who curled up in a ring
Yes, grabbed the tail
The only tooth.
Reliable and tight!

Sharpened a tooth:
curled up in a ring
Yes, grabbed the tail
From this circle
Difficult to get out:
Need to break the circle
Unhook the tail from the tooth.

Pout - don't pout
And through the head - poke your head.
Dance day by day,
And you will go to rest.

Enters one door
And out of three.
Think you got out
In fact, he entered.

Wide and thin
Inflates the sides
Rides me all day.
Sitting without getting down
And the night will come
Curls up and sleeps.

shaggy dog
Warmly brought:
Hugs the owner
Covers from the cold.
(Fur coat)

Fluffy, not a beast.
Heats, not the stove.
(Fur coat)

fluffy snowdrift,
Get into it -
And it's warm inside
Covered the body
Sheltered from frost.
(Fur coat)

Strange Beast:
Two paws in front
Fur outside -
Yes, empty inside.
(Fur coat)

Black, not earth
Fluffy, not snow
Heats, not the stove.
(Fur coat)

Five boys
Five closets.
Dispersed boys
In dark closets.
Every boy
Into your closet.
Answer: (Fingers and gloves)

Houses for fingers
Girls and boys.
Answer: (Gloves)

He is not a tie, not a collar,
And I'm used to squeezing my neck.
But not always, but only then,
When it's cold.

The snake climbed the tree
Saved the tree
When the winds blew
She warmed the tree.
Answer: (Scarf)

At little Katyusha
Sat on the crown
Not a moth, not a bird -
Holds two pigtails.

I wear fields on my head,
But this is not land at all.

Two braids, two sisters,
From sheep's yarn,
How to walk - so put on,
So that five and five do not freeze.
Answer: (mittens)

In order not to freeze
five guys
knitted in the oven
They are sitting.

They gave the brothers a warm home,
To live together.
The big brother did not agree
And settled separately.

Come on, guys, who can guess:
Are two fur coats enough for ten brothers?
Answer: (mittens)

What women emphasize the waist.

I'm sitting on top
I don't know who.
(A cap)

bright, short
Woven beard
Runs on the shirt -
It lies on the chest.

Jester's cap
Removed from the head
put on the feet,
There are no bells.
Who wears it.
He does not know the cold.

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