Admiral. Under all sails. Military-strategic board game for boys “Admiral Rules of the game Admiral

Sea waves are furiously beating against the stern of the combat sailing ships, the decks are polished to a shine and creaking in anticipation of the captains, the whole squadron has turned its sails towards the tailwind. The helm awaits... and welcome aboard, Admiral!

the largest and most detailed naval game with an extraordinary fleet of 24 ships;
the rules require effort to master, but it will be fully repaid by the opportunity to feel like a real captain of a pirate sailing ship;
allows you to play out a huge number of sea battle scenarios;
The game can be mastered by both experienced players and those who are just getting acquainted with the fascinating world of board military-strategy games.

Admiral is not just a game, but a real game constructor with which you can play out any naval battle!

The game puts at players' disposal all the basic combat techniques of a sailing fleet: confrontation with powerful ships, boarding and capturing enemy forts, the use of fireships (ships designed to set fire to enemy sailing ships), and capture of colonies.

The uniqueness of “Admiral” is that a huge variety of game scenarios can be invented. A large set of components and a field that can be freely formed (all reefs and islands are represented by separate elements, and can be placed differently each game), make it possible to create new scenarios, act as a naval commander or pirate admiral, defend and attack, accompany convoys with gold and fight for power in the sea.

To track the consumption of ship resources and the damage inflicted by opponents with successful shots, each player has unique ship cards. Using chips, you can mark on cards all the changes that occur during the game. The chips are attached to them on a magnetic basis, which allows you to get rid of such problems when playing as the table being shaken and everything falling apart.

The rules for moving boats and shooting have several degrees of difficulty (for both experienced players and young captains):

  • Lieutenant - if children are playing, there are no complex calculations, simple and understandable logic for the movement of ships on the map;
  • Captain - for teenagers and older fans of naval battles - rules for rearranging ships and shooting accuracy that are very close to reality;
  • Admiral - complicated rules of movement and shooting.

In the basic rules, the “Pearl Shoals” scenario is proposed for the game; also in the “Rules” section, the previous edition of the rules has been added for download, which describes 2 more game scenarios:

  1. "The ocean is on fire!" - a classic confrontation between two fleets, the goal of the game is to destroy the enemy or capture his Royal Port. And all this must be done taking into account the changing wind, without crashing your ships on the reefs, as if shooting at the enemy!
  2. "Give us luck in battle, Jolly Roger"- the pirates want to capture the Spanish fleet, which transports gold from the New to the Old World, the Spaniards, of course, are against it. A serious battle is breaking out!

Such games allow you to develop your imagination, increase your intelligence, speed of thinking, erudition and communication skills, and, most importantly, help you have a great free time in a pleasant company!

Game scenarios:

"Honor Convoy" (2,4,6 players, duration 60-90 min)
Script idea: Andrey Ignatkov.
Scenario "Honorary Convoy" (Russian)

"Invincible Armada" (2 players, duration 30-60 min)
Script idea: Pavel Vikhlyaev and son.
Scenario "Invincible Armada" (Russian)

"Battle of Algeciras Bay" (2 players, duration 60-90 min)
The first historical scenario for the game "Admiral" from the BombatGame team
Scenario "Battle of the Bay of Algeciras" (Russian)

"Battle at Dawn" (2 players, duration 60-90 min)
Scenario for the game "Admiral" from the BombatGame team
Game diary based on the scenario "Battle at Dawn" (Russian)

Video from The Dice Tower on the Admiral gaming system (English):

Board Game "Admiral" - review from "Two in the Cube":

Video presentation of the rules of the Admiral board game system from the BombatGame team:

What is the game about?

The board game Admiral is a naval-themed tactical strategy set on a chess board. Read more in the corresponding section Rules of the game.

Component overview

There are a lot of different ship components in Admiral, which first of all need to be assembled. Some people will enjoy this activity, while others won’t want to bother at all. Therefore, the authors of the game also provided a version of the game with ready-made ship figures.

The rule book is made of thin glossy paper and feels very fragile and thin. The field is made of thick cardboard, but all the water cells on it are made in one pattern without an obvious connection to each other.

There are no complaints about the ship figures; they are made at a very high level, except that frigates and brigs are quite difficult to distinguish from each other.

Another rather original solution of the Admiral is the use of magnetic components on the ship cards, which allows you not to be afraid of unnecessary shaking of the table when playing.

Who wants to buy the board game Admiral

First of all, this is a very good tactical board game for players of all ages and levels of involvement. It’s interesting to play, and the rules for each game can be customized to suit you, setting the difficulty flexibly.

The text of the rules is written in quite detail, even a little childish, obviously so that even a child can understand them. But a large number of footnotes, examples and historical facts create a feeling of vagueness. What is missing is a short and succinct list of game actions and features - strict rules without unnecessary information.

Book of rules

The book of rules seems very massive - 75 pages, but it is necessary to take into account that it also contains recommendations for collecting boats and a fairly large number of historical and simply educational inserts on marine topics.

The rules are presented in Russian and Ukrainian, but personally we find their structure not very convenient; it is better to have two separate books.

For the most part, the rules of the game are based on the excellent Soviet games about ships by Galitsin and Orlov.

Selecting a scenario and difficulty level

To start the game, you should select its scenario and recreate a map of the area on the sea field. Players have access to two game difficulty modes - Lieutenant and Captain, and it is also possible to combine their parameters for more detailed difficulty settings.

Each game round proceeds as follows

We twist the weather vane

First, with the help of a weather vane, the wind is determined, which, as expected, has a direction and strength.

Ship movement

Players then take turns performing actions with their ships. The ship can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally, but naturally only through water. You cannot occupy or pass through land cells, except in cases where the land occupies no more than half of the cell and the ship fits there.

For each boat, its card indicates the number of steps it can take in the current weather. It is important that it is different for diagonal moves.

  • When the wind is fresh, the ship sails in a straight line. If you sail downwind, there is no penalty. If in a different direction, then the maximum movement range will decrease for each sector of deviation from it.

At the Captain difficulty level, players also have access to maneuvering, which, in addition to the direction of the wind, also takes into account the distance traveled during that turn.

  • When there is calm, the ship sails on the indicated date, regardless of the direction on the weather vane - there is no wind.
  • In a storm, ships do not move, but are blown by the wind several steps in the direction indicated by the weather vane. Of course, if the ship hits the reefs in this case, it will be damaged. And according to the rules, a collision with land or another ship does not cause damage, except for the Captain difficulty, where ship collisions are specified separately.

If the ship receives the specified or more red damage chips, it will be sunk. On the Captain difficulty, damage also affects the movement range of ships.

Having moved the boat, a green chip is placed on its card, indicating that it has already moved in this and that way.


In addition to movement, ships and forts can shoot. Each ship has a firing range and number of shots on the card. Through a fraction, for example 1/1 - the number of shots in a storm.

For each shot, a die is rolled. An even number is a miss, an odd number is a hit. Each hit is one damage. You can also shoot in one volley, rolling just one die for the entire volley.

The ship's shots are marked with yellow counters. The Captain rules add dependence of the shooting result on the range and the ability to fire on both sides at the same time.

Fire ships

The rules allow the use of ships as fire ships - floating bombs. First, the player declares one of his ships to be a fireship, and on the next turn after his movement it explodes, inflicting as much damage to all neighboring ships as its maximum strength.


What would a naval battle be without boarding! In this case, several points are added to the remaining strength of the ships, depending on the roll of the die. This amount is called the number of boarding points. If they are equal for two ships, then they both go to the bottom. If the numbers are different, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one, and the winner distributes the resulting number among all ships by the boarding participants, indicating how much strength they have left.

The ships left without strength sink, and all the rest come under the control of the winner.

About the forts

The participant’s ship can be placed in the fort and after standing there for several turns of inaction, he can remove the same amount of damage.

Forts can also be attacked and even destroyed, destroying all the ships located there. Accordingly, they can be repaired or even restored. At the Captain difficulty level, you can even storm forts, capturing them for your own needs.


As soon as all participants have walked around, the shooting and movement counters are removed from the ships and a new round begins. The victory condition depends on the specific game scenario, which can be found not only in the rules, but also additional ones on the authors’ website.

Photo of the board game Admiral

Not so long ago, when no one knew about atomic energy, steam boilers were imperfect, and no one had yet used propellers, sailing ships plied the sea. It was a time of great discoveries, dashing pirates and brave admirals leading their ships into battle. Today on the Pink Sofa is the board game Admiral.

A trained team, powerful weapons and a wise captain were fundamental to the success of that time. When going to sea, any ship was ready for battle, and even on land in fortified forts, one could not feel safe. The volleys of cannons, the crack of breaking masts and the warlike cries of pirates echoed far across the water surface.

Legends were made about the heroic exploits of the squadrons, and every young man dreamed of becoming a cabin boy on a ship, in order to subsequently rise to the rank of admiral and take command of the fleet. Those times are gone, but the romance of sea adventures remains...

Inside the custom and hefty box from BombatGame are plastic sprues of ship models, game boards, an impressive rules booklet, individual magnetic cards, markers, island tiles, a set of parts for assembling a weather vane, and a cube.

I would like to note the rules of the game on 76 pages. In addition to the rules themselves, the book contains comprehensive information on the ships presented in the game, as well as historical information from naval history. The booklet is interesting to read from the point of view of a literary work.

In the game we will control plastic boats, which must first be assembled. The sailboats are assembled without any difficulties. The only difficulty I encountered is that either thin fingers or tweezers are required to connect the sails to the central and rear masts. Even a child can assemble a frigate under the strict guidance of an adult.

The flotilla consists of 4 different types of ships, 6 ships of each type (24 figures in total). The plastic is of high quality, the parts are well thought out and fit together without any difficulty.

The type of ship is indicated on the stand using embossing, and the number of decks with cannons corresponds to the characteristics of the sailing ship - everything is thought out to the smallest detail. For example: three-deck ships have three rows of “points” along the side, and single-deck ships have one.
A pennant is placed on the highest mast, identifying the ship as belonging to a particular player. The idea is interesting, but requires improvement: the “flag” is small and in the heat of battle it is sometimes difficult to distinguish “where are ours and where are the foes.”

The coastal area was protected from pirate attacks by forts that served as places for rest and repair of ships. Stone fortresses gave a worthy rebuff to the ships attacking them.

In total, the game uses 4 forts, which players place on the field in accordance with the scenarios. I will talk about the special properties of these citadels further.

As you know, the sails are filled with changeable wind. In the game, the direction of wind movement will be indicated by a weather vane, assembled from 4 parts: a cardboard base and plastic elements.

The arrow rotates around its own axis, indicating the parts of the world (letters on the outer radius) and the strength of the wind (three colors of the sectors).

The sea spaces where the game's events take place are made up of two high-quality cardboard fields and divided into squares. Along the top and left edge there is an alphanumeric numbering of the cells for ease of movement and combat.

There are islands on the sea, and in their bays ships seek protection from stormy winds. Three types of sushi, made of thick cardboard, are placed on the field according to the booklet. The squares on the islands exactly match the markings of the playing field.

The ocean is fraught with many dangers, both natural and man-made. Mines and reefs will cause damage to ships, and royal forts will mark the players' command headquarters and can be the goal of the scenario. The die is used during combat, and the rectangular “golden” marker will be needed for special marks (for example, a load of gold).

Each ship has its own individual card indicating its properties and characteristics. The cards in the game are made in a special way - they are “magnetic”. This is the first time I’ve seen this type of design, and I can say that it’s very convenient and practical.

For every six ships of the same type, numbers from 1 to 6 are pasted; they correspond to the numbers on the cards in the lower left corner. This is done to personalize data for each vessel.

All marks are made with three-color discs - markers that literally stick to the card. The wear-resistant coating will keep these mini tablets in excellent condition even after several dozen batches. And you can store the results of the battle... by attaching cards to the refrigerator door.

Fair wind.

After reading about the ships and brave captains, open the back of the booklet and unfold one of the scenarios. Campaigns basically involve placing terrain pieces and forts on the field, and defining objectives for victory. Players can display ships themselves by mutual agreement, or using the diagram from the booklet.

Vessels must be placed in accordance with the general rules of the game system, which regulate the location of vessels in the squares of the playing field. In short: at sea (as in coastal waters) there can only be one ship, and two ships can anchor in the port. For more details, read the rules of the game, which contain many explanatory illustrations.

The weather vane is placed next to the playing field so that "north" is located at the top of the disc. The four parts of the world correspond to the lines that divide the field into squares and set the wind direction horizontally and vertically. Intermediate indicators indicate diagonal movement.
The colored parts of the sector determine the weather: red ones indicate stormy weather, blue ones indicate good weather, white ones indicate calm weather.

Place a green marker on the left side of each ship card. Its position determines whether the player controlled the given ship during the current turn or not. When the admiral takes control of the ship, the disk moves to the right, and at the end of the turn it returns to its original position.

The top of the card indicates the number of squares by which the ship can move in different directions. As you can see, the number of cells depends on the weather conditions. With a fair wind, the Galleon will move 4 cells horizontally (vertically) or 3 diagonally; in calm conditions it will remain motionless; during a storm, it will be forced to move 3 cells horizontally (vertically) or 2 cells diagonally.

At the bottom of the card is the firing range, the number of shots fired during one turn (number of decks) and the ship's HP.
At the beginning of the round, the first player spins the weather vane, determining the strength and direction of the wind for the entire round. After this, all players, in turn, give orders to their squadrons.

During his turn, the Admiral can give orders to any number of ships or skip his turn, waiting for the enemy’s reaction at a safe distance.
Let's start with movement.

If there are no obstacles in the boat’s path, the wind is fair and the weather is clear (blue sector), then the movement occurs without incident for the number of cells indicated on the tablet. The vessel can maneuver and sail against the wind. But at the same time, it loses one unit of movement for each deviation from the course by 1 point (turn by 90 degrees).

When there is calm, the ship moves in any direction for the number of squares indicated on the card - there are no restrictions or penalties.

If there is a storm at sea (red sector), the ships are carried away by the elements regardless of their will. Reefs cause damage to ships - how many squares you were unable to move, the number of holes your ship will receive.

For example: a storm moves the Galleon towards the reefs by 2 squares. The ship overcomes one square without obstacles, but there is no road beyond. A red marker is placed on the ship card, and the Galleon anchors near a rock, having received a hole.

The islands serve as a barrier to strong winds. Therefore, ships located under the cover of the coastline or anchored in the waters of the fort do not move during a storm. When colliding with land or any other ship, the ship anchors, stops moving, and receives no damage.

By moving the boats, you can engage in battle with the enemy.

Note: You can actually attack first and then move. The player has the right to choose the order of actions.

At the beginning of the attack, yellow tokens are placed on the ship card according to the number of decks of the ship. When a shot is fired, the yellow token moves to the right and the attacker rolls the die. Odd numbers indicate a hit, even numbers symbolize a miss. The firing range is indicated on the card and is individual for each type of vessel.

The ship can fire single shots or fire a salvo from all guns. In this case, the die is rolled once, and if it hits, damage is caused to the number of decks of the attacking ship.

For example: A galleon fires a salvo from two decks and inflicts two damage on the enemy.
At the end of the turn, all yellow tokens move back to the left until the next attack.

Boarding was a favorite pastime of that era: going side to side, brave sailors rushed hand-to-hand and beat each other up until the complete victory of one of the teams. The winner received a ship (or what was left of it) as a prize.

You can only board one enemy ship and only if the ships are next to each other vertically or horizontally. First, the first attack indicator is determined: the safety margin remaining for each ship (the difference between the value on the card and the amount of damage).

For example: for the left ship this number is “4”, and for the right one it is “3”.

After this, each captain rolls the dice for his ship: values ​​"1-2" give zero additional points, "3-4" - one point, and "5-6" - two additional points. This indicator is summed up with the safety factor of each vessel.
The difference in numbers determines the winner. Remember the resulting number - this is the safety margin, which the winner must distribute among all ships participating in the boarding (you can attack one ship with several ships).

For example: the final result of the left ship is "4", the right - "3" (no one received additional points after rolling the dice). In this case, the left player wins, and the remaining safety margin for both ships is “1”. The winner must decide which of the two frigates will remain afloat and raise the winner's flag, and which will go to the bottom.

If the result is the same, both ships will shatter into pieces and sink.

You can repair a dilapidated vessel in the fort. One round of idle time in coastal waters near a stone structure will allow you to restore your health to “1”. At the same time, you cannot sail on a boat (the flag is removed from the mast and installed on the spire of the fort). But the enemy can finish off the enemy while he is patching up the holes.

You can attack both the fort and the ship anchored next to it. In this case, the fort receives damage similar to that of a ship (a red token is placed close to the building). Three effective hits, and the stone citadel no longer belongs to anyone. The flag is removed from it, and ships undergoing repairs under the protection of stone walls sink to the seabed.
The fort can be repaired by sailing to it in two ships and sending the team ashore. At the same time, you can restore the enemy’s fortifications - in this case, they will fall under your jurisdiction.

After all players have completed their actions, the right to turn the weather vane passes to the next Admiral and the adventure continues.
The game ends either when all scenario objectives are completed, or when one player's entire fleet sinks to the bottom of the sea.

Returning from the sea.

An interesting, simple and high-quality game for fans of marine themes. Tactics for all ages, this is probably how I would describe the game Admiral. The rules can be explained to a player with any level of training in literally 5-7 minutes. Ships have fixed movement indicators, which allows you to plan your actions on the field. The weather vane, of course, makes its own adjustments, but the shooter will not show anything that will fundamentally disrupt your plans with proper maneuvering.

There is an element of chance in the battle, but the results of the battle can be predicted - only major luck will allow a single-deck ship to send a three-deck ship to the bottom without receiving a fatal hole. Forts play an important role in the gameplay, allowing you to restore the characteristics of ships to their original values. Since there is no provision for the purchase of additional ships during the party, repairs are the only way to return a damaged ship to service.

The rules are “flexible”, and you can either simplify them for playing with very young admirals, or complicate them for fighting with experienced sea wolves. Personally, I liked the historical information reflected on the pages of the booklet, as well as the information on the courts. Text inserts develop your horizons and create a certain atmosphere of the game. But there is also a “minus” to this: the rules are too voluminous, a short reference book on the actions of the players, the principles of movement and combat is needed. It will be difficult for a novice player to master such an impressive work for the first time.

Magnetic ship cards are an interesting solution that turned out to be convenient in practice. It’s strange that until now this hasn’t occurred to the developers. The tablets are not afraid of moisture or friction, and markers placed on them adhere firmly to the vinyl surface.

On the publisher's website, in a special section, you can always find new scenarios for naval battles. The publisher promises to publish one new campaign per month.

The large and heavy box with the board game “Admiral” was a complete mystery to me. It's no joke, the first Ukrainian game that really claims to occupy its niche in the market, and is not just trying to swim by exploiting painful topics or tritely copying Western primary sources. From the cover, beautifully drawn flaming ships are rushing towards us across the water surface, which immediately puts us in the right mood: serious battles lie ahead of us. And indeed, “Admiral” is not one game, but an entire gaming system, on the basis of which the authors plan to release a series of naval battles from different times and eras. But the first box of the series tells about the most romantic era of sail, covered in exploits and legends! And now it’s time to open the lid and release the naval armadas, bristling with the barrels of deck guns, onto the gaming tables.

Game system "Admiral". The game box comes with great artwork.

The first thing we see under the heavy rule book (more on that a little later) is 10 colored sprues with plastic ship elements. So before the first fight you will have to arm yourself with a model knife and do a little work. But not everything is as scary as it might seem. The developers tried to simplify the assembly process as much as possible. Firstly, all sprues are equipped with indicators indicating which ship this or that part belongs to and, secondly, detailed assembly instructions are provided at the beginning of the rule book. The models are designed so that they are assembled without the use of glue, but some of the oblique sails do not hold well in the fastenings, so they will have to be fixed a little. In general, if you do not want to decorate the results of your labors with paints and a brush, in just a couple of hours your flotilla will be ready to leave the port for the sea. Since plastic of different colors is used for the sail sprues, hull and base, the result, as you can see, looks no worse than its Western counterparts - the ship models are one of the strongest aspects of the game's execution.

Game system "Admiral". The components are removed from the box.

Next out of the box is a buildable weather vane and a two-part playing field with various overlays: islands, reefs, mines and royal ports. There are no complaints about the weather vane; it assembles without problems and looks decent. But as for the design of the remaining listed game elements, they look a little detached against the background of excellent ship models. In each cell of the playing field, the texture is duplicated, which causes ripples in the eyes during the game. The islands were torn out from photographs and firmly integrated into the overall design. The same goes for reefs. However, as a result of communication with the authors, it was possible to find out that work is already underway to improve the aesthetics of the appearance: the sea waves will no longer be a copy of each other, and the reefs and islands will be transformed into a new look (what exactly is not yet known).

Game system "Admiral". Islands in the form of overlay elements.

Next, interesting ship cards are removed from the box. Visually, they are made quite ascetically and, at first glance, are unremarkable... except for their weight and, as it turns out, the material from which they are made. The fact is that the tokens included in the kit have a magnetic backing and are attached to ship cards, which apparently have some kind of metal base. So far, in practice, it is not very clear what exactly caused this need, but the fact that the tokens do not fly off the card at the slightest movement is very convenient. That's all I wanted to say about the components, which, with the exception of ship models, require improvement, especially in terms of design. And now it's time to start naval battles.

Game system "Admiral". The sprues are of decent quality with good detail.

At first, the 60 pages of the rule book may be intimidating to an inexperienced buyer not accustomed to Warhammer style books. But after a quick look, everything falls into place. Firstly, the rules are presented in two columns in Russian and Ukrainian. Secondly, the book is replete with reference materials and historical facts, which are in italics for convenience. Of course, you can skip them, but I strongly recommend spending some time reading them. Somewhere on the tenth page I already felt the salty waves burning my face, my ears were deaf from the explosions of shells, and the air was saturated with the smell of gunpowder! (Imagination works.) However, good editing from a person who is first-hand familiar with tabletop kitchens would not have hurt them. There are many small nuances that can be changed, simplified and even completely eliminated. At the same time, without affecting the overall spirit of the story.

Game system "Admiral". The squadron is sailing with a tailwind.

Let's move on to the gameplay - the most controversial moment of the game. And all because around the game there are storms of bullshit typical for desktop (and not only) RuNets. The most militant part of the community is inclined to think that the game is completely copied from Golitsyn’s “Pirates” and Orlov’s “Ships”. More tolerant people, who understand that 90% of today's board game market is a rethinking of previously existing concepts, realize that even the innovative Dominion is only a descendant of the classic draft. I personally am bursting with pride that in our country it is possible to release such a product. Even if it requires significant improvements (which, I am sure, will not take long), it still looks quite attractive and even interesting. Now let me move from the lyrics to practice and say a few words about the gameplay at the end. I would just like to say: it is simple, concise and logical (with the exception of the incomprehensible distribution of numerical values ​​​​on the cubes). But for the first review this is somehow not enough, therefore...

Game system "Admiral". In the heat of battle.

The game is controlled by scenarios. You can find a few at the end of the rulebook, but many more will be available soon on the developer's website. Having made the appropriate preparations, you begin the battle. The process is divided into rounds, each of which begins with determining the direction and speed of the wind. For sailing ships, the wind determined a lot, which is reflected in the mechanics. When there is calm, you hardly move, a tailwind helps you quickly move in a certain direction, and a storm throws the boats from side to side. Therefore, sailing near reefs and islands is a very dangerous activity, because a calm sea can change its appearance in an instant... Naturally, when moving, do not forget to pour lead on the opponents’ fleet. So far, the game has four types of ships, each of which has certain characteristics: firepower, firing range, durability and speed of movement. In addition, you have the opportunity to capture forts, make minefields, equip fire ships (sort of kamikaze ships, the holds of which are filled with explosives) and be repaired in friendly ports. So you move around the field, adapt to the wind, coordinate the actions of the fleet and try to be the first to fulfill the victory conditions in the scenario.

Game system "Admiral". A weather vane that determines the direction of the wind at the beginning of the round.

It is worth noting that the game has two difficulty levels. Even children can play at the simplest level without much difficulty (the main thing is to help them assemble the boats and tell them the general principle of the game). But the rules labeled “Captain” can make even experienced players think. In this case, for example, you can change the direction of movement during maneuvers, fire with several decks on both sides, etc. Moreover, the rules are structured in such a way that you can introduce these elements gradually, thereby not overloading beginners with a huge number of nuances. Thus, "Admiral" is suitable for both children and more serious tabletop strategists. I would love to recommend that everyone get acquainted with this system, but I can’t do it yet. The game actually has very cool ship models, but everything else... In general, if you are not afraid of some visual clumsiness of the components and small errors in the text, then feel free to pick up the game! If your requirements for components are as high as mine, then wait a little for the next edition.

Back in the bearded days, as a child, the author of these lines bought a board game on the theme of a sea battle at the zoo for almost free - Admiral. My friend and I repeatedly fought in it - the interesting game mechanics, based on comparing the ratings of attacking groups, many specialized units and the global nature of the battle delighted us, then still children. Then, as I grew older, I continued to play this game. And he still kept it - in a battered box.

Now I offer you, dear players, this wonderful game with which you can spend your leisure time. And since my game was worn out, I did not scan the chips/field, but simply completely updated the game design, preserving the original design of an unknown author...

I also attach to the description the rules by which I have always played. They are slightly different from the original ones, but I think you will like them too...

Admiral is a strategy game for 2 players.

The game is a naval battle simulator. The goal of the game is to destroy two enemy naval bases. Rules edited by T.D Black Sun.

Print, cut out and glue all the chips. Arrange your forces in your half so that they do not go beyond the red line. The chips are placed so that the players do not see the pictures on the other player’s chips. In other words, players do not know which chips the opponent has where. The element of suspense will add a lot of intrigue to the game...

A die roll determines who goes first. The dice will no longer be useful in the game.

Game actions

So what can a player do in one turn? He can choose one chip, perform one of four actions with it:

1) Walk. Chips can only go to 1 field (except Torpedo Boat, which can move to 2 fields). Diagonal movement is prohibited.
2) Walk and attack. The attacks will be described below.
3) Only attack.
4) Skip the move..

Chips in the game

Players will control a wide variety of ships, mines and other things. Now I will introduce you in detail to the units and their features.

A unit that is placed at the beginning of the game and no longer moves. Each player has two such chips in total. Losing both bases means defeat.

The most powerful single ship in the game. Doesn't join groups. Can run .

One of the most powerful ships in the game. 2 form the strongest group in the game.

Third most powerful ship

This is a kamikaze ship filled with explosives. When attacking, it destroys any unit, regardless of rating, and is then removed from the field. When attacked by an enemy ship, it also destroys the attacker.

This ship is slightly lower in class than the Cruiser. Its peculiarity is that after an attack it can go to one more field.

This medium-sized ship has one remarkable feature - it can move Mines. But more on that later.

. – this unit is unique in that it can destroy any enemy ship, regardless of rating. When attacked, the rating is compared. More about the rating later. Having attacked, he can “hide”, that is, he receives an additional turn after the attack.

Quite a powerful boat. Three can even destroy.

This rather weak unit has two unique properties: firstly, it can move on two fields, and secondly, it can transport and launch Torpedoes. There will be more detail about this a little further.

Workhorse, the weakest unit in the game. Its purpose is to destroy Mines enemy. Taking off Mina gets an extra turn. Take care of it, it is a very useful ship.

Despite the fact that it is at the very bottom of the ranking and can be destroyed by almost any ship, it has one very useful property - attacking, destroys any enemy ship regardless of rating. Also, after an attack, the Submarine gets an extra turn and can “hide.” A very dangerous unit.

Special units in the game

Such units include mines, torpedoes and the atomic bomb.

All enemy ships are undermined on it, except . It cannot move or attack on its own, it can only move around Destroyer.

See the picture for more details:

Mines can only move around Destroyers. The area of ​​movement is shown in pink. A red cross indicates that it cannot move, that is, it cannot “push” Mina in front of him, but can only “drag” it from the side.
After blowing up an enemy ship, it is removed from the field.

This unit is placed in a specific location at the start of the game and can no longer move or attack. Destroys any unit (even) that attacked it, and is then removed from the field.

In itself it is harmless - when attacked, it is removed from the field. But next to Torpedo boat becomes dangerous - it can shoot.
Only moves about Torpedo Boat.

See picture:

In addition to the pink fields, which indicate fields in which it can move, there are also orange fields in which it can “push” Torpedo. Also note how it cannot move (arrows crossed out with a red cross).
Attack Torpedo is possible only when it is in a “combat position”.

See picture:

Torpedo in a “combat” position those standing directly next to Torpedo Boat, standing diagonally from the boat cannot shoot (gray fields). Brown shows those fields into which the torpedo can move during an attack, in other words, it can fire up to two fields! Below are examples of attacks:

Three types of attacks are shown here Torpedo: short-range, medium-range and long-range. Enemy pieces that can be destroyed during a torpedo attack are shown in green. One chip of the attacker's choice is destroyed. After the attack, he leaves the game.

A chip simulating an airstrike. It cannot move or attack on its own. Only moves about Aircraft carrier, according to the rules of movement Torpedoes around Torpedo Boat. The attack is identical to the attack Torpedo, with the only difference that it is not limited by distance and can fly in a straight line even to the edge of the field. After the attack, he leaves the game.

One of the scariest figures in the game. You need to use it very carefully, because when attacked, it explodes and destroys all the chips (both enemy and allied) in a 5x5 square. See picture:

The destruction radius is indicated in red. It can also explode itself, at the player’s request, but you cannot make a move and immediately explode. The explosion occurs only on the next turn. After use, it is eliminated from the game.

What is “rating” and its meaning in the game

A group can consist of up to three ships. The group cannot include just any ships. A list of all possible groups is indicated in the rating. Moreover, those ships and groups that are higher rated defeat those lower rated.

2 L
3 Cr
2 R
3 Es

It follows that 2 beat 3, which in turn beat and so on. All groups possible in the game are listed in the rating. Fictional groups (for example Tk + 2Tr or Es+Pl) are not taken into account in the game.

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