Didactic game guess whose shadow the wild animals are. Didactic game "Find a shadow

Marina Shcherbakova

Target: Teach children to find predetermined silhouettes by superimposing.


Develop cognitive activity.

Develop visual perception, attention, thinking in children.

Develop visual overlay techniques.

Develop attentiveness, observation, memory and perseverance.

Game progress:

Option 1. The teacher distributes to children colored cards depicting various objects. Invites children to consider them. Further, the teacher shows shadow(black and white) any picture. Children should find, among the available cards, the one that matches the desired silhouette and apply shadow on the picture he has.

Option 2. Silhouettes are laid out on one side of the table (shadows) pictures, on the other - color images of pictures. The teacher invites the children to decompose the shadows into color pictures.

Option 3. The item cards and their shadows are reversed. The teacher helps children to correctly connect the object and its silhouette.

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Clothespin games. Didactic guide "Who eats what?"

Didactic games for the development of fine motor skills of hands in preschoolers

An unusual version of the game with clothespins "Who eats what?" A simple and necessary DIY game is no different from a store game. But in the store now you can't buy such a game. They are either very expensive or not in demand among children.
By this principle, you can come up with other options for the game! ("Who lives where", "From whose branch the children", etc.).
Through play, the child develops and learns the world around him.
With the aim of cognitive development and the development of fine motor skills of hands made a didactic game "Who eats what?" It is intended for younger preschool children.

"Fix the clothes for the rabbits"

Goals:Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric shapes and name them (circle, square, triangle). Develop fine motor skills of hands, color perception, attention.

Materials:Clothing silhouettes cut from cardboard geometric shapes.

Game progress:

A hare appears with a basket and cries.

Educator: Why are you crying hare?

Hare: I bought gifts for my bunnies - shorts and skirts. And while walking through the forest, I touched a bush - they broke. (Shows shorts and skirts made of cardboard).

Educator: Don't cry, hare, we will help you. Children, let's pick up the patches and patch up the holes. What do the holes look like on skirts and shorts?

Children: into triangle, square and circle.

Educator: Right.

The hare puts shorts and skirts on "hemp" (tables), on which patches are laid out in advance. Children come to the tables and carry out the task. The teacher asks each child what color the patch he put on, and what geometric figure it looks like.

Didactic games for kindergarten on the topic: "Animals"

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior educator.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3" Smile ", Kalach - on - Don.
Work description: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Animals". This material will help educators, children and their parents to consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals, their cubs in a playful way.

Didactic game: Lotto "Animals".

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge about animals, the ability to distinguish and find the right animal.
Didactic material: The playing field (4 pcs.), Divided into 6 squares with images of various animals, corresponding to the images on small cards (24 pcs.).

Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. The game can be played by 3-5 people. Players are given playing cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, the player or presenter names the animal. Whoever found the corresponding image in his field takes the image for himself. This continues until one of the participants covers the entire playing field with chips. For children from 5 years old, the game can be complicated. Name in one word the animals on the same playing field.
The first field shows: a cat, a pig, a horse, a cow, a goat, a sheep. These are pets.
The second field depicts: a deer, a squirrel, an elk, a fox, a wild boar, a wolf. These are forest animals.
The third field shows: sloth, echidna, platypus, kiwi, iguana, koala. These are the animals of Australia.
The fourth field shows: lion, rhino, giraffe, camel, elephant, zebra. These are the animals of Africa.
Didactic game "Who lives where?"
Target: Formation of children's skills to correlate the image of animals with their habitat.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of animals 24 pieces (taken from the lotto) and two playing fields with the image of a forest and a village.

Game progress: Lay out the cards according to the habitats of animals, domesticated in the village, and wild ones in the forest.
Didactic game "Guess what kind of animal"
Target: Development of the ability to describe animals and recognize them by description.
Didactic material: Animal cards.
Game progress: The teacher distributes cards to children with the image of animals. Children don't show their cards to anyone. The teacher invites one child to describe the animal depicted in his picture, or make a riddle about it. Other children must guess what kind of animal it is.
Didactic game "Collect the picture"
Target: Development of logical thinking, outlook, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: Cards depicting animals, cut into several parts.
Game progress: Game for children from 3 years old. Children are given playing cards, cut into 2, 3, 4 parts (in accordance with the age and abilities of the child). After collecting the picture, the child tells what kind of animal he collected.
For example: A dog is a pet.
The bear is a wild animal.
Didactic game "The fifth extra"
Target: Development of skills to classify animals according to essential characteristics.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of 5 animals, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and the fifth to another group.
Game progress: Children are given the task: “Look at the pictures, name what is depicted on them and determine which animal is superfluous. Name the remaining animals in one word. " Each participant eliminates the extra animal in turn. If he makes a mistake or does not complete the task, his option is offered to the next player. For each correctly completed task, a token is given. The one with the most chips wins.
Game cards:
1. Cat, fox, squirrel, wolf, bear. Extra gruel because it is a pet, and the rest are wild animals.

2. Deer, tiger, dog, fox, lion. An extra dog because it is a pet and the rest are wild animals.

3.Pig, sheep, dog, fox, cat. An extra fox because it is a wild animal and the rest are pets.

4. Horse, zebra, cow, donkey, goat. An extra zebra because it is a wild animal and the rest are pets.

Didactic game "Whose tail"
Target: Development of attention, logic, memory, fine motor skills.
Didactic material: Cards depicting various animals, as well as their tails.
Game progress: The child is given a task. Choose a tail for each animal and connect the necessary pictures with lines. Name which animal has which tail (long, short, fluffy, thick, small, large, etc.).

Didactic game "Whose baby"
Target: Development of observation, attention and analytical skills.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of baby animals 12 pieces and two playing fields with the image of wild and domestic animals.
Game progress: The children will have to help their mothers find their babies. Also, when playing, you can consolidate the concept of big and small kids, domestic and wild animals. The game can be played by one to four people.

Didactic game "Whose Shadow"
Target: Development of logic, thinking and visual memory.
Didactic material: Cards depicting various animals, as well as their shadows.
Game progress: Invite the child to find where whose shadow is and connect the necessary pictures with lines.

Didactic game "What animals are hidden in the picture?"
Target: Development of attention, thinking, imagination.
Didactic material: Cards depicting the outline of various animals.
Game progress: Invite the child to find and name the animals drawn in the picture.

Marina Vladimirovna Morozova

Dear Colleagues!

I bring to your attention the didactic game "Whose Shadow?"

This game can be played anywhere. In the group room at the table, in the gym (in my case) as an element of the competition.

Purpose of the game:

Determine the shadow of the animal.


Development of attention and visual memory, fine motor skills, dexterity and speed.

Game progress:

(in relation to the gym)

The game involves two teams of eight people each

At some distance from the teams there are tables with pictures of animals (for each team)

The shadows of these animals lie on the opposite side of the gym. (landmarks)

On command, the first participant runs to the table, takes any animal and runs further to the landmark. He puts the picture of the animal on the corresponding shadow and runs to his team, passing the baton by touching the next participant on the shoulder, and so on. The winner is the team that quickly and correctly places all the animals.

The children really liked this relay. This is especially evident in the last photo. (emotions overwhelm not only children, but also their parents)... The teams turned out to be of different ages, because in the summer period, the groups we have (however, as in many other kindergartens) unite. But even the little ones coped with this task.

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Surely each of you has heard of such a game "Whose Shadow" or "Find Shadow", in which you need to connect the desired pictures with lines or using.

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Didactic games are very useful for the early development of children. Such games develop attention, observation, visual memory, fine motor skills, and speech. Here we invite you to make a didactic game for children "Guess whose shadow?" You can start playing this simple game with your child from the age of one.

There are many options for such a game, here we offer universal educational game, in the form of a lotto: 2 playing fields that depict the shadows of objects and 12 images the objects themselves - toys for carving.

How to make a game "Guess whose shadow?"

It is very easy to make beautiful and useful games for children at home with the help of our educational aids. You just need to download, unpack the archive, print sheets with the materials of the game. Then paste the playing fields and pictures of objects on the cardboard, carefully cut out the pictures of toys and you can work with your child.

How to conduct classes with a kid according to the didactic manual "Guess whose shadow?"

In this version of the game, you can independently determine what level of difficulty is suitable for your child.

1) For very young kids 1-1.5 years old, you can make the game in the form of cards. You need to cut all the playing fields into separate cards with the shadow of one object.

2) First, show the child 1 or 2 cards and pictures for them. Explain where the shadow of each item is. Show how to match objects and shadows.

3) In the next lesson, add more cards for study, and so on until the child remembers all of them.

4) Then you can complicate the activities: again print the sheets with the playing fields and invite the child to play loto. And if you add to this material, you will get an excellent board game for a whole cheerful company of little friends for a birthday or other children's celebration.

Didactic board game for children 1, 2, 3, 4 years old

Didactic board game for children 1, 2, 3, 4 years old

Didactic board game for children 1, 2, 3, 4 years old

Didactic board game for children 1, 2, 3, 4 years old

Didactic board game for children 1, 2, 3, 4 years old

With this didactic game, you can work with a group of children, for example in a kindergarten, early childhood development center, or at home.

All training materials on our website are adapted for A4 paper size. You can download them for free and print them on a printer.

Didactic game "Guess whose shadow"

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