Game "for two brothers fart". Game "for two brothers fart" Games brothers fart 6

Abandoned jungles, warlike aborigines, tribal totems and belief in the mystical properties of things - all this is in abundance in the funny plot of the game for two players Pook Brothers.

And if you love adventure as passionately as we do, you definitely won’t be disappointed. After all, the games for two Brothers Puk are an explosive cocktail of colors, cool plot twists and game features. Games for two Brothers Puk load perfectly even on the simplest computer. The bright world of the jungle awaits you with the heroes of the game for two, the Pook Brothers. Quickly take a seat at the monitor and go into the exciting virtual world.

The plot of the game for two Brothers Puk

In a small village, reliably hidden from the world by kilometers of impenetrable jungle, an Aboriginal tribe lived for centuries. They lived comfortably, grew potatoes and enjoyed life, firmly believing that their peace and security was protected by a magical totem. The members of the tribe were sure that it was in him that all the power and strength of their ancestors, great priests and warriors was concentrated, and their spirits would never allow anything bad to happen to their descendants.

But then one day the totem disappeared. The tribe woke up one morning, and it was not on its usual pedestal. What to do? Trouble! The leader had to urgently convene a council in order to find two volunteers who were ready to stick their nose out of the cozy village into the terrible jungle and return the loss to its place. It’s clear that there were heroes. They turned out to be two young funny guys - Tony and Jack. They are the main characters of the game for two Bombers. Your task with your friend is to help them find the totem and put it in place. The main difficulty is that someone unknown, before hiding the tribal heirloom, dismantled it into several parts. You have to not only find them all, but also put them in place (a special pedestal) in the correct sequence. Otherwise, the ancient ancestors will be very angry.

Controlling characters in the game for two Brothers Puk

It's elementary. One of the players uses the arrow keys, the other uses the letters WASD. In addition to the usual movements to the left and right, the heroes of the game for two, Brother Fart, have a very specific skill - they can fly. But not with their wings, but with the help of gases that accumulate in their bodies from excessively eating potatoes. The process of their release is accompanied by the appearance of yellow clouds on the screen - it is impossible to confuse this action with any other. So if you need to lift your hero higher: put him up a tree, up a rock, or anywhere else, he will just have to increase the intensity of his farting. This is easy to achieve - just press the space bar more often. It’s good that technological progress has not yet reached the point of transmitting odors using the Internet and a monitor. We’re not sure that most gamers would be delighted with such a “trick.” Or everyone who sat down to play the game for two Brothers Puk would have to be given free gas masks. However, let's not get distracted... It's high time for you and your friend, together with your virtual heroes, to set out on a campaign in search of a sacred totem. The tribe really hopes for you.

Dedicated to all fans of the game Puk Brothers for Two - a new season of adventure for lovers of mystical events from the life of American Indians. The main thing is not to anger the ancient gods.

At the very least, you can handle everything else on your own. Moreover, there is no need to confront difficulties in splendid isolation: next to you is a faithful friend who will support, save and cover you in difficult times. Well, or at least he should do all this. By the way, our toy is a good way to test how strong your friendship is. And even though the twists and turns of the game for two, Brothers Puk, are incomparable with the trials that real life sometimes throws at us, nevertheless, it allows us to draw conclusions about who and how will behave in difficult times. So, go ahead, towards mysticism, adventure and dizzying feats!

The plot of the game Brothers Puk for two

The focus is on two tiny cartoon Indians from an ancient tribe lost in the wilds of the Amazon. Until recently, they lived wonderfully in their remote village, surrounded on all sides by jungle, and grew potatoes, tenderly adored by all members of the tribe. Potatoes had a magical effect on them: after tasting the horse fruit, they felt a surge of strength inaccessible to ordinary people. Thus, representatives of the tribe discovered the ability to fly into the sky like birds, with the help of gases formed in their body after eating potatoes. What a wonderful ability! And even though the members of the tribe looked rather dirty most of the time and smelled disgusting, they were calm, happy and soared in the skies, like eagles. Until the sacred totem that protected the village from all troubles and adversity suddenly disappeared. The Council of Elders equipped two Indians - brothers Jack and Tony (they were the best at flying on farts) - on the journey. Their goal: to find and return the totem home at any cost. This is exactly what you and your friend will have to do. Choose who will play for which Indian and hit the road. Good luck!

How to play

The colorful graphics and funny plot of the toy about the Puk Brothers for two players will captivate you. Fortified with coconuts and their favorite potatoes, armed with clubs, the brave Indians set out on the road. It is not known where the totem has gone, it is necessary not only to find and drag it to the village, but also to place it on a special (also sacred) pedestal. At the first level this will be easy, but gradually the task will become more difficult. You and your friend will need maximum ingenuity, dexterity and courage to complete the job. But that's not all. Success can only be achieved through coordinated mutual work. One Indian cannot independently obtain a totem and return it to the village. Only together the little Indians are able to cope with the task set by the leader. A good demonstration of the saying “one man in the field is no warrior.” Are you confident in your abilities? Then get started!


Since you and a friend will have to play the game about the Fart Brothers at the same time, the developers have prepared a separate set of keys for each and placed them at the maximum distance from each other. This will allow you to use one keyboard for two people, but not interfere with each other. One Indian moves around the screen and increases the accumulation of gases for flight using the arrow keys, the second - the buttons with the letters WAD. Don’t forget, the more gases and the stronger the fart, the higher and faster your hero will soar into the sky. Develop and maintain this useful skill in your character. Of course, the ability to take off on a specific fuel is not a guarantee that you will quickly and easily complete the task, but it is a factor that greatly brings victory closer.

In any case, there is no reason to be upset. Even if something goes wrong or you fail to complete the task on the first try, you can always start and go through each level of the Pook Brothers game for two. We are sure that this prospect will not upset you much. After all, besides everything else (including the understandable desire to complete the task as quickly as possible), it is also an incredibly exciting and fun process. We promise that you and your friend will burst your bellies with laughter watching the adventures of the tiny Indians.

Farting brothers - what could be more fun? In this game you have to control two brothers who really like to eat some nuts. And perhaps it is because of these nuts that they constantly fart. True, they fart for a reason, they do it with such force that the pressure of gases literally lifts them into the air, thanks to which they have the opportunity to reach those things that ordinary people cannot reach. Your goal in this game will be to collect totems of different colors, and you can collect them only by joining forces with your friend, well, or brother, depending on who is sitting at the other half of the keyboard.

You can be proud of different things, sometimes not quite ordinary ones. Online games fart brothers for two are excellent proof of this statement. The two brothers were given the honor of searching for individual parts of the tribe's totem precisely because of their ability to skillfully release gases. Help the heroes save their native tribe, they have enough enthusiasm, but it’s up to you to skillfully lead the farting couple in games for two with such an unusual plot. In this case, you only need to coordinate their actions; the brothers will handle the rest on their own.

The louder you fart, the faster you win

Everyone flies differently. Someone does this with the help of wings or a fabulous carpet of an airplane, and our valiant brothers from a series of fun platformers simply push harder in order to take off. It was this unusual gift that was appreciated in their native tribe. By the way, in the tribe itself, the ability to release farts loudly and deliciously is worth its weight in gold. It was only thanks to this that the good, nice savages survived. These good-natured natives elevated vegetarian food to a cult, and the ability to fart loudly began to be considered a gift from heaven. Peacefully growing beans and potatoes, the tribe was forced from time to time to defend itself from uninvited guests, of whom, by the way, there were not so many. After all, not everyone will want to once again voluntarily get involved with a flying squadron of skunks in human form.

However, despite all the precautions, the game Puk brothers tells the story of how the tribe suffered at the hands of vandals who mercilessly stole the sacred totem. It was then that the tribesmen began to look for the best of the farts. They turned out to be the fearless brothers Jack and Tony. Their ability to masterfully release gases and rise high in such a simple way was appreciated by the Puk tribe. And the trust placed, as we know, must be justified.

In order to provide all possible help to harmless natives, it is not at all necessary to devour mountains of pies with peas, eating it all with beans carefully seasoned with sour cream. Brave legume lovers can handle this on their own. But the players will have to coordinate their actions. And only a well-coordinated game between two people can lead them to victory. The game Fart Brothers for two will appeal to all fans of collective action games. After all, exciting adventures and interesting tasks await you here. The brothers will have to overcome all difficulties only together.

Become a member of the farting team

Any mistake threatens failure. But if the fate of the native tribe is at stake, experiencing superstitious fear due to the absence of its shrine, which has served as protection and support for many years, then you need to try to get out of any situation with dignity. Moreover, with such potential, nothing is impossible. There are many obstacles on the way, but they can be overcome. Kids will have to overcome water obstacles, avoid traps for wild animals, and sometimes even confront the predators themselves. There are more than enough dangers! The path to victory is far from easy, but the brave Papuans know for sure that even a cannibal will be too tough for them, if only they sulk harder and fart louder.

They are deservedly proud of their unusual gift and every time they soar upward, they hone their own skills. One can only envy the efforts and perseverance of Tony and Jack. The brave Indians have plenty of potential. The guys have 100% confidence in success. So, constantly farting, they move from level to level. A cheerful soundtrack and excellent graphics do their job. Perky and funny adventure games about bunch of brothers are in demand by many fans of double play in one car.

Features of controlling the bunch brothers

There are a number of features in games about the fart brothers. First of all, you should remember that the little nimble guys have only three lives between them. So get used to the fact that swimming is prohibited, you need to jump over sharp stakes, and generally behave as carefully as possible and constantly move at a minimum distance from each other.

However, you simply won’t be able to go far on your own. The fact is that the game is designed in such a way that both characters are simply forced to be in each other’s field of vision. Only by closing the gap between Jack and Tony do players have the opportunity to continue the adventure. Each of the young farts can carry only one part of the treasured totem. So you will have to return to the altar periodically.

At the treasured pillar, each of the brothers will have to fart a little, this is simply necessary for the correct placement of the found parts of the relic. When you play fart brothers for two, you must understand that the collective component is very important in this game. Without switching certain mechanisms, in some cases it is impossible to achieve the goal. This is where mutual assistance comes in handy. In this case, one of the players will have to control the switch, and the other will hasten to get the next part of the sacred amulet.

The keys that will help the brothers move are familiar to games of this kind. To move and gas attacks for Jack, use W, A, D, and to control Tony, use the arrow keys. In order to fly as high as possible, you need to hold down the W key or the up arrow. And even though the fart brothers have practically no weapons in their arsenal, they do have the treasured jet thrust, which can always be pumped up using the anus. This is partly what makes this series of platformers unusual and in demand among gamers.

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