Combat and other game mechanics

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz Quad Core Processor
Video card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275
GeForce GT 520, GeForce 8800GT
DirectX 9.0
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960
GeForce GTX 560
DirectX 10
3 GB 3 GB
operating system Windows 32-bit: XP/7 Windows 64-bit: 7


1. On the road
35MM game

Our partner comes out of the house and says that there is nothing inside. We enter the house ourselves. Turn on the flashlight (key F). On the right there is a table with a lamp, turn it on (key E). There is a cabinet hanging above the table, in it we find batteries and 2 tin cans. In the nightstand we push the top drawer, pull out the bottom one, find photo of a man with a scythe.

We leave the house, walk along the road, our partner will follow us. (At this moment the game's splash screen will appear.)

There is a fork in the road. We can turn right, we see a building and a UAZ car. Inside the house in the closet on the left we find a jar of food. We open the drawer on the table and take the first aid kit inside. There is also a note on the table, we read it. There are more houses further down, but you can no longer approach them.

Near the toilet in front of the house we find another side path leading forward to the right. We follow it, at the end of the path we find a metal tower. There is a bag hanging on a rope on the tower; we approach the other end of the rope and cut it with a knife (key “2”). We approach the fallen bag and take out canned food from it.

We return to the road and follow our partner. We pass by an abandoned trailer with logs. There is another intersection here, we can take the left path. On the right we see a fallen tree, a chest and a couple of barrels. We come closer and take canned food from the chest.

Let's go get a friend. There will be another side path on the right, but there is nothing interesting on it. We walk for a long time through the forest and come out onto the road.

On the right we inspect the car. Open the driver's door, take a bottle of water inside and photo of the bridge. If you go further along the road, on the right side of the road in the forest you can find another broken down car and a junkyard, but there is nothing interesting here.

1.2. Meeting

We reach the power line. There is a small building nearby, the door is tied with rope. We can cut the rope on the door handle to open it. Inside there is a chance to find canned food.

Further on the road we meet a dog, but it soon runs away. On the left there is a road to another building, but you can’t go any further. We follow our partner up the hill on the right. A little further to the right of the road there is a lake, on its shore lies the corpse of a man.

We see a second lake right next to the path. At this place a bear will attack us. We run away from him following our partner. We run to the hangar and open its doors together (press “E” several times). But we don’t have time to protect ourselves from the bear, and our partner kills him with a pistol.

2. Hospital
35MM. Walkthrough

We regain consciousness in the hospital room. We go out into the corridor. We go to the right, go into the first open chamber on the left side, in the nearest bedside table we find note about the epidemic (+ karma).

We go to the next chamber on the left, in it by the window we find radio, turn it on to listen to news about the epidemic.

In the room opposite in the nightstand you can find photo of a loving couple.

Next two rooms. On the left there are bags of corpses and nothing. On the right side of the desk we find a note about a person’s recovery (+ karma). Nearby on the wall hangs a piece of paper with a quote from the president. There is a corpse sitting in the corner by the window, near it we read a note (+ karma).

In the corridor we reach an intersection, in the distance we see another living person leaving the room.

3. On the farm
35MM. Where to find a well

Wandering around the hospital turned out to be just a dream or a memory. We come to our senses, we are inside the hangar. The partner lit a fire. He asks us to bring water from the well.

We go out into the street through the double doors, putting away the shovel. A dead bear lies nearby. We can go around the barn, there is a second entrance on the back side, cut the rope on the door to open a second path into the barn. In this separate room on the shelves we find canned food and batteries.

We walk along the road through the village. The nearest house is locked. In the second house you can find a radio with random music. In the same house in the corner we examine the brick oven, inside there is a chance to find bucket, next to it on the shelf we take it lighter.

In the third house, a can of food can be found outside behind a concrete ring. Inside on the shelf we find a bottle of water. There is nothing interesting in the house on the other side of the road.

We reach a fork in the road. There is a brick building on the right, inside there is a chance of spawning buckets. In the center of the intersection stands well. Open its wooden lid and use the bucket. We twist our hand to the right until the bucket goes down, then we twist it again until the bucket rises. We take it away bucket with water.

If we have a lighter with us, we can go to the ruined temple on the right. There are several icons left inside, in this place light candles (+ karma). You can also from a short distance take a photo of the church (+ karma).

May faith help us(Faith in God will help us)
Light candles in an abandoned church.

We return to the hangar with water. We hang the bucket over the fire. We sit on a box with red bedding.

3.2. In the next morning

The door of the 1st house on the left is boarded up; you can break it down with an axe. You can't go into the 2nd house. In the 3rd house opposite the entrance we find axe, here on the table we find note about grandma (+ karma). We go to the place where we found the ax, move the cabinet to the right, and enter the locked door. Inside we find an infected grandmother, we can kill her (+ karma).

We return to the 1st house, use the ax on the door (key "3"). Inside we take from the shelves canned food and batteries.

In the last 4th house on the left side the doors are open. Inside in the right room we find a radio and newspaper article about the epidemic (+ karma). There is a first aid kit on a shelf in the back room.

On the right side of the street in the 1st house at the entrance there is a trip wire, we neutralize it by cutting off the rope with a knife. There is a can of food inside. In the side room stands piano, play it (+ karma).

We examine the 2nd house on the right. Inside is a stuffed deer. In the back room there is a note on the table, there are canned goods on the shelf.

The 3rd house on the right is boarded up, we knock out the door with an ax. Inside we find jars of jam.

My partner and I leave the village. In the forest we get to the railway tracks and find a trolley. To start it, you need to find a can of gasoline. To do this, we return to the village.

Canister appears in houses where you need to knock down doors with an axe, this is either the 1st house to the left of the heating main (the canister will be in a garden wheelbarrow), or the last 3rd house on the right (the canister will be on the floor under the high shelves).

We return to the trolley, refuel it and leave.

4. Railcar
35MM. Walkthrough site

We go forward by pressing "W". We drive across the bridge. There will be a fork in the road. First, we can go to the left branch of the road, there is a dead end and three hanged people. We return to the fork, switch the railway arrow with the "E" key, and drive further along the right road.

There will be fragments of trees on the tracks, we just ram them and move on. One of the trees will be stronger; it needs to be rammed twice.

We arrive at a small station. On the right side of the building we see inscription, take a photo of it (+ karma).

There is a carriage on the tracks ahead, we push it in front of us, it will go onto the right road. If you push the car to the very end, you can take batteries from the barrel on the right. We return to the intersection, press the arrow, and drive along the free left branch of the road. Then we drive for a very long time to calm music.

5. Arrival
35MM. How to escape

We stop in front of the factory buildings. Ahead is a gate connected by a chain. On the left there is a booth on wheels, we enter it, take batteries inside, crowbar And note about wolves. We approach the gate and break the chain with a crowbar.

We go through the garages. Near the car we can turn into a dead end on the left, there we find batteries in the open garage.

There is a fence on the right; if we go inside it and go around the house, at a dead end we will see a dead man sitting.

On the way we meet live domestic animals: chickens and goats. We can take canned food on the table on the left side of the house.

We approach the house on the right. At the entrance, two bandits extort something from the old man. We enter the battle by pressing the direction keys in time.

6. Overnight
35MM. How to get

Rescued Uncle Misha invites you to his house. After listening to his story, we get up from the table. In the corner you can take jar of jam.

A little boy Dimka is sitting by the window and putting together a puzzle, we can help him. The picture shows a kitten named Woof with a puppy. Putting the puzzle together (+ karma).

On the shelf to the left of the bed there is letter from daughter Irina (+ karma).

There is a family photo hanging in the side hallway before entering the room. She hangs crookedly correct it (+ karma).

We go into the back room. We can take canned food from the table. The radio doesn't pick up anything. Here we need to lie down on the bed, but for now we go outside.

Outside we can chat with our partner, and with people around the fire with a guitar. We go behind the house, find another building, inside there is a boy lying and reading a book. Talk to the boy (+ karma). We learn that the old man brews moonshine, so the bandits ask him for their share.

Behind the second house we find a first aid kit and music box. There are phone numbers next to the box, remember them.

We return to the old man and go to sleep on the bed in the back room. We communicate with our partner and then fall asleep.

7. Flashback
35MM. All achievements

We are sitting in the apartment in front of the telephone. There are phone numbers on the sheets nearby. (If you call other numbers, there will only be short beeps. But you can dial the numbers that we saw on the box behind the house: 666-66-66).

On the left sheet of paper there is a phone number with the signature “Anya is new” - 123-14-08 , we dial it. We listen to the conversation with Anya. In the conversation, Petrovich mentions Sveta, apparently this is his daughter.

We answer the second call and wake up. The bandits attacked us and stunned us.

8. Captivity and escape
35MM. Walkthrough

We come to consciousness. We are tied up and ended up underground. We crawl to the metal fragment, to the left of the beam. We cut the rope on the sharp end of the fragment. We get out of the basement and go into a room in the house (you can’t turn anywhere).

Bandits are already waiting in the house, they kill the old man, and throw us into a truck with a partner.

During a car collision, the partner neutralizes the guard. We take his pistol and jump out of the back. We go down into the river gutter under the bridge. You can engage in a shootout with the bandits, but you won’t be able to kill everyone, we only have 8 rounds. It’s better to run away immediately.

In the open container on the top right there is a first aid kit. A little further our companion is wounded in the arm, give him the first aid kit (+ karma). We carry him on our shoulders further along the canals.

9. Boarding house "Bor"
35MM. Safe code

We get out of the canal and find ourselves in front of multi-story buildings.

On the right we can enter a fenced area, inside there is a transformer booth. There is a chance that it will be inside battery.

On the left we pass between two buses, we walk along a narrow road between fences. On the left on the bench we take canned food. There is also a chance that there will be a battery. We reach a dead end, through a gap in the fence we see white building (+ karma). (This building is from Sergei Noskov's previous game called "Light").

We return to our partner, together with him we enter the right building. To the left of the glass display cases there is an entrance to the staircase; at its beginning there are batteries in a cabinet.

9.2. Assembly Hall

There is graffiti of the President on the wall. There is nothing around the building and on the 1st floor, so we climb up the double staircase.

There is a locked single door on the 2nd floor, go there. In the next doorway, we neutralize the tripwire with a knife, and take canned food in the room.

9.3. Third floor

We go up to the top floor. At the entrance to the left room there is a tripwire. Inside there is a note on one table and a book with portraits on the other. The book is a psychological test, in it we select the following pages: right, left, right (+ karma).

In the central room behind the screens we find a corpse on a mattress, near it there is a note (+ karma).

In the right room there is a safe with a four-digit code. But we don't know the code yet.

In a locked room there is a chance that a battery.

9.4. Great hall

We go down to the 2nd floor. Here our partner is already waiting for us in front of the double door. Use a knife to cut the rope on the doors. We move into the large hall. First, we go into the corridor to the left of the entrance.

In the first room on the left we find canned food on the table. There is nothing in the toilet on the right. In the second left room on the nightstand we find a note. There is nothing in the second toilet either.

We go into the farthest room in the corridor. Inside there is a non-working projector, next to an empty box. We put the battery in the box, the projector turns on, we see the code on the screen 5248 . We return to the safe on the 3rd floor, enter the found code, and take it inside two first aid kits, a clip of cartridges, note on the origin of the virus (+ karma).

Top secret(Top secret)
Find secret documents in the safe.

The remaining corridors are blocked. On one of the walls there is interesting graffiti about the authorities and the people. We climb the double stairs behind our partner. In the transition between buildings we notice people outside, we hide in the next building, closing the doors behind us.

9.5. locked hall

We go down to the first floor, on the right we go under the stairs, where the door is slightly open. Inside the room in the nightstand we find canned food. In the office nightstand in the central drawer we find keys.

Ahead, the partner has found an elevator to the secret metro, but it needs to be turned on. We go down into the tunnel on the right and use the keys to open the generator room. Inside, we lower the two levers, press the button on the panel, after which the generator will start working.

We return to the elevator and go inside. The bandits catch up with us, throw a grenade, but we go down in time. Here we split up with our partner, he goes into the red side corridor, and we walk along the railway.

10. Tunnels
35mm. How to open a door on the subway

On the right we enter door 17A. Before entering, open the locker and take small red first aid kit. On the table we find a newspaper (+ karma). On the next table there is a photo of the subway.

In the 1st room on the left on the table there is lighter and a lamp. In the upper left corner there is a ventilation grill that has almost fallen off; hit it with an ax and it will completely fall off. In the ventilation we see a bottle of cognac.

There is nothing in the other rooms. In the 2nd room on the right we find photo of the metro construction. There is also a cabinet here that can be moved. We move it to the first left room (the closet stands across the doors, but if we approach so that half of the closet fits into the opening, it will turn on its own and you can carry it through). In the first room we place a closet under the ventilation hatch. From such a height we will see that next to the bottle in the ventilation there is also a note, we read it, find out the code for the doors - 4447 or 4576.

At the end of the corridor there are ventilation blades, there is a valve on the right, turn it all the way (it is not clear why this is needed). We return to the metro tunnel.

There are two paths ahead - left and right. The right tunnel has locked doors and darkness.

We go into the left tunnel. There is nothing in the side room, only gas cylinders. We reach a dead end, there is a door with a combination lock. Enter the found code.

We walk through a dark tunnel. We see a lantern ahead. Press "F" to rotate the flashlight, as agreed with your partner. But it turns out it's not him. We quickly hide from the chase behind the door with the valve.

10.2. Dark corridors

First we go into the distant rooms. On the left is a non-working receiver. On the right side of the shelves we find two sets of batteries, turn on the radio station (+ karma).

We return to the first room, illuminated with red light. Here in the cabinet we take batteries, from the shelf we take ultraviolet flashlight. To switch the flashlight from normal light to ultraviolet light, press the "U" key. We go through the red room into the next corridor.

Along the way there will be a side room with many lockers inside. Here, if you turn on the ultraviolet, you can find the "lambda" symbol from the game "Half Life".

In the next intermediate room we find photo of the building construction. Further if you go along the corridor, you will see a stream of steam on the way. Therefore, first we enter the toilet room. Here, in ultraviolet light, you can see two crosses on the tiles; we hit these places with an ax. This will destroy the gas pipe under the tile. After that, we go into the narrow passage between the doors and calmly walk along the corridor.

10.3. Raft

We reach a room with water. If we fall into the water, the hero will automatically get to the shore. There are two pipes on the right, we turn the valves on them all the way, this will raise the water level, and a raft will float towards us.

We sit on the raft, take an oar, and swim to the other side of the room. We open the doors with the valve.

In the corridor we go into the right side door. We take two first aid kits on the table. There is a metalworking machine in the corner, we take it from it cylinder "10".

We go further along the corridor. There is nothing on the right, we turn left. On one of the barrels we find a note (+ karma). We approach the locked gate, press the lever, but nothing opens because the drive is not connected to the door. We need a connecting piece. There are holes in the door with the numbers "7".

We return to the machine and put the part in place. There is an instruction manual on the wall nearby. Turn on the machine, hold down the left mouse button, press “W” to start sharpening the part, press “A” and “D” to move the cutter. We need to sharpen the part to size 7, but we need to do this by eye, there are no tips.

Let's take it sharpened part, go to the doors, use the part, press the lever.

10.4. Danger

We enter a two-story room. We go down the stairs on the left. Below we find a dead man, near him machine.

We select weapons and shoot back from the attacking wolves. There are 5 of them in total, but there is not enough cartridges for all of them. Two additional clips can be picked up from the ground near the corpse (to do this you need to crouch with the "Ctrl" key), after which we reload with the "R" key. A barrel with boards can be set on fire so that wolves are less likely to come close. There is a first aid kit in the backpack.

Having won, we go to the far wall and climb up the vertical ladder. We get out to a well-lit metro station.

11. Subway
35MM. Walkthrough

At the station, music is turned on on the gramophone, which makes all the statues around come to life. The statues move very slowly, so they are not dangerous. First of all, you need to destroy the two dog statues that run faster than the others.

There are clips for machine guns scattered throughout the location: 2 near the gramophone, 1 near the backpack in the passage, 3 near the wall near the railway tracks.

After death, statues do not fall immediately, but with a delay of a couple of seconds, so we shoot in short bursts, and each time we wait to see whether the statue will fall or not. This will save a lot of ammo.

When all the statues fall to the floor, the station will slowly fill with white gas. After that we wake up. Further events depend on how carefully we went through the game:

1) If we have a low level of karma, we will continue the journey alone.

2) If karma is high, our partner will catch up with us, together with him we go to the surface.

12. Big city
35MM. What to do

We leave the metro building. Immediately opposite is the temple. There are a lot of cars around, there are living people on the right.

We go all the way to the right, find an open window, and climb into it. We get to the hall along the corridors. We see interesting posters on the wall. Lies on the table stranger's passport, in it the passport series number is circled at the top right - 2804 .

Through the open window we can climb out into the alley and enter the warehouse with mannequins (a reference to another game by Sergei Noskov - “Train”). Here on the shelf we find canned food, in the cabinet on the wall we find a first aid kit.

12.2. Left corner of the location

We go out into the street and walk, clinging to the left wall. In the open back of the truck we find clip and first aid kit. We pass through the tunnel into the courtyard. On the way we see a man breaking into a closed door. We are waiting for him to open the door with master keys. After that, he offers to bring him a pair of white batteries in exchange for master keys.

Ahead on the left is a two-story building "Cafe", the doors are open, we go inside. We go up to the second floor and find an office with computers. There is a safe in the corner; enter the code found on your passport into it. Inside we take a first aid kit, master keys, note (+ karma).

1) If we have a low level of karma, we go into an alley, they attack us and stab us with a knife. We survive, but are seriously injured.

2) If we have an average level of karma, we don’t go into the alley. Let's maintain our health.

3) If we have a high level of karma, our partner stops us, suggesting that this is a trap. If you go into the alley after that, then there will be no one there.

12.3. Search for batteries

Behind the church there is a green four-story building, we enter it. Inside in one of the left rooms we find a guitar, play on it (+ karma). In the right rooms we find a note on the table and white battery. In another room we find a three-liter jar that is illuminated, but nothing can be done with it. The entrance to the second floor is blocked.

Another white battery lies in the tunnel not far from the burglar, next to two garbage containers.

Third white battery lies in the near right corner of the location, in a warehouse with mannequins, but you cannot carry more than two batteries with you.

We return to the burglar, put the batteries on the cart, and get it from the person master keys(+ karma).

12.4. Native home

We go to the far left corner of the location. Here the street ahead is blocked by two buses, there is a pharmacy on the left, and on the right there is an entrance to a 4-story building. Let's go there.

Inside the house there are blue walls. Not far from the entrance on the left wall in the ultraviolet we can find origami image. At the end of the left corridor we can eavesdrop on a conversation through the slightly open door.

We go up to the second floor. There is nothing interesting in the corridors, a man is sitting in one of the rooms, there are batteries in the other. To the right of the stairs there is a locked door with the number "5", we break it with master keys.

To hack, you need to go through a mini game - raise 3 flaps. You need to lift the damper and press the left mouse button when the red stripe on the damper is at a level just below the red stripe of the lock. In this case, the flap will lock at the top. So we raise all three pieces.

12.5. Apartment

To the right is the kitchen, nothing interesting there. Let's go forward into the hall. Play the piano (+ karma). On the central table we find note from Lipetsk (+ karma). We see a camera in the closet, and below are keys, let's take them.

With the keys we return to the corridor and open the side children's room. We take red from the closet family photo album. This is where the game ends.

In game 35MM

Ending 1 (minimum karma)

Our partner doesn't meet us on the subway. We get to the Big City alone. Because of this, we fall into a trap in an alley and go to help the girl, as a result we get stabbed. We reach our home with a serious wound. After reading a family album, the main character dies. At this time, the partner recalls the events while sitting in the subway. It was he who, long ago, while drunk, caused an accident on the road, as a result of which the wife and child of the protagonist died.


Ending 2 (medium karma)

Our partner doesn't meet us on the subway. We get to the Big City alone. But we don’t fall for the trap in the alley. We get home and read the album. At this time, the partner recalls the events while sitting in the subway.

Ending 3 (maximum karma)

We get to the big city together with our partner. He comes into the house with us. The main character Andrei sits and looks at family photographs. At this moment, his companion, looking at the photograph on the wall, remembers that it was he who was to blame for the death of the hero’s family.

For the first time, you can go through the game without paying attention to anything in order to quickly get the 1st ending. After that, we go through the game as carefully as possible, collecting everything that improves karma in order to get the 3rd ending. After that, we replay the game from the middle, from the “Escape” chapter, and do not help our partner, so that in the end we get the 2nd ending.

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Video games are developing quite funny now. It seems like just yesterday that the public looked blankly at projects without gameplay, where the player was only allowed to walk around and read notes. This product was inspired by its plot, which is why many players fell in love with it. You will be surprised, but a certain prospector decided to go further and released a game without gameplay and without a plot.

Unliftable load

It’s worth mentioning right away that 35MM is the creation of Sergei Noskov. No, he is not individually the head of the development company, the mastermind of the story, or the brains of the project as a whole.

Rather, all of the above is appropriate, since Sergei played the game alone (not counting the soundtrack).

Imagine how much it takes to make an entertainment product of at least average quality, and how many people are involved in it. Only two hands worked here, albeit truly talented ones.

Actually, the plot and gameplay are also present in the game, although at a very minimal level. What's the catch then? But here’s the thing: when the narrator, having told some story that only he understands, turns to the listeners and asks for feedback with his eyes... what will you answer?

In general, 35MM was a failure, which, oddly enough, cannot be entirely attributed to the author. The genre of such projects in itself is still young, not relevant, and every now and then it steals the best “tricks” from its older brothers.

The principle: add it so that it is, otherwise the public will not understand, destroys the skeleton of the game with all its truly unique elements.

Take the same one, whose open spaces in some places simply go beyond the bounds of reason. You stomp around for a minute or five, and then you ask yourself: “Is this how they play now?”

The 35MM, with scientific precision, makes the same mistakes that its genre peers are prone to. Add to this two facts: the author is alone and barely reaches the qualifications of a professional, and all the shortcomings hit the game doubly.

Its own atmosphere

In 35MM there is a clear message about the fragility of life, its values ​​and fatal mistakes. The heroes at the center of the issue are two faceless personalities: the protagonist and the secondary character - the guide. All they do is wander around the destroyed city of a post-apocalyptic world, photographing local attractions.

But such mud in every sense of the word attracts danger: in the forest you can come across a bear, in the city - soldiers who like to use rifle butts. It was rarely calm in the CIS, to be sure, when we are talking about times like these.

In general, developers from the post-Soviet space are not indifferent to the theme of the apocalypse. This is due to the endless wild spaces, gray infrastructure, and the tragedy in Chernobyl.

Here, too, there are a lot of landscapes inspired by the “Soviet era”; moreover, you will photograph them, since this is precisely the purpose of your visit. It’s rare that you’ll be able to “capture” a successful shot on your own: the best picture appears only during cut scenes.

Despite this, in general terms the scenery is done decently. Equipment stuck in a swamp, crooked houses and deserted villages - the last traces of civilization are surrounded by taiga, the size of which makes no sense to describe.

Inside the shabby rooms, everything useful had long been taken out: the rare wanderers were left with only potbelly stoves, a moonshine still, and a guitar to relieve boredom. Sick, but there is romance.

But behind the pleasant elaboration of the environment, alas, there is nothing more. Time goes by, so do heroes. Is there an ending to their story? Nope - you won’t see him or even the content here.

To the essence of emptiness

The game has many windows for which it can be criticized endlessly. But it makes sense to do this if the developer literally created the game on his knees.

You can’t assemble a foreign car from pieces of an old Cossack in a garage, rest assured, which is why some of the complaints, including numerous bugs, can simply be brushed aside. Except for the diploma, of course, for which huge budgets are not required.

But soon the limit of indulgences ends. Error is different, so sometimes you just can’t close your eyes. Step by step, you, being a savvy gamer, will feel the Spanish shame during those moments when 35MM tries to introduce gameplay.

For some unknown reason, you will be pitted against the most terrible AI, battles with which will bring the most seasoned gamer to the brink of death.

Well, even if our game consists of one contemplation without gameplay - we’ve met it, we know. But why, when your mechanics refuse to work at least a quarter of the way, should you add clumsy gameplay elements, thereby unwittingly embarrassing the game, yourself, and the gaming industry as a whole?

Dejection and boredom cause no less pain. An empty world and a “most exciting” goal that boils down solely to moving from point A to point B, where at least something happens. Otherwise, you just walk around mindlessly, just like in DayZ (but at least you can use technology there).

Locations, apart from their appearance, tell almost nothing about themselves: there were simply irradiated people here who then died. And here. And here too. A kind of journey from hospital to hospital with the same message.

Sometimes there are notes that are standard for the genre, telling about the life and destinies of some people. The only pity is that there are few of them, and the location of the yellowed pieces of paper leaves much to be desired (dozens of identical rooms).

You act like a fool for ten minutes, and finally you find an empty room with a note. You find out that someone here was afraid to die, after which you think about it and move on. Then, after another ten to fifteen minutes, you find another letter saying that someone was here more It's worse to die...

At a certain point, you want to give up all these searches, but soon the game gives you a new task - to find a key, batteries, a bucket or a canister. The objects are all different, but their location is the same - empty rooms. It happens that it is interesting to look for such “needles in a haystack”, but not in our case.

What's more important is the poorly executed backbone of the plot. Where the characters' relationships should develop, or where the protagonist should draw some conclusions, nothing happens.

But the problem lies in the fact that the game developer is a bad fiction writer, or a poorly developed writer. He drew the locations perfectly, in some places his cut scenes could compete with Hollywood in terms of camera work, in some moments the atmosphere is intensified no worse than in

Post-apocalyptic adventure 35MM was created by Russian developer Sergei Noskov. You will play as a man who, together with his friend, explores the cities of Russia after a man-made disaster occurred. You must look for batteries, food and other useful supplies that will help you survive. Along with a strong atmosphere, various quests and a full-fledged storyline with several ending options await you.

Walkthrough of the game 35 MM

Launch “New Game” and wait for control to pass to you. To move, use the keys W, S, A, D. To interact with objects, press the E key. To turn the flashlight on (off), click the F key. The “1” and “2” keys will allow you to switch to the camera and knife, respectively. Press the TAB key to open your inventory. There are three types of resources - first aid kits, food and batteries. All of them are depicted on the left page. Batteries are used to power a flashlight, a first aid kit is used to treat a character, food is used to fight hunger.

If first aid kits and batteries look monotonous, then food can be canned food, cans, etc. Go inside the house. You can turn on a flashlight to see better. On the right there is a table with a lamp. Approach it and interact with the E key to turn on the light. There is a cabinet hanging above the table. Open it and take out two tin cans and batteries.

Leave the house and walk away from it. Soon a cutscene will play and another man will follow you.

Follow the path, but do not follow the man, but turn right. Do you see a building in the distance? Get closer to him. There will still be an abandoned car nearby. Find food inside the house. Open the drawer on the table and take the first aid kit. There is a note next to the box. Read it.

Return to the road and follow to the intersection where there is a trailer with pipes. Your friend will go straight. You can go left along the path. With every step there will be more and more grass on the path. On the right you will see a fallen tree and a box. There is a tin can on the box.

Go back to your friend. Look in the opposite direction from where you just found the canned food. Do you see a tall metal pole? Move there and examine it. There is a bag hanging on it. Look at which tree this rope is tied to. Click on “2” to pick up the knife, and then hit the rope on the tree with it (left mouse button). Approach the fallen bag and press E to get useful items.

Continue following your friend. Soon you will find yourself on a highway. There is a car on the right. You can open the driver's door and find a bottle of water and a photo on the seat. Follow the path on the other side of the road. Soon you will see a building. You can cut the rope on the door handle to get inside and find one can of canned food. A dog will appear. Follow your friend up. After a while, a bear will attack you. Run away from him, following the man. Press the E key several times to open the door to the barn. Watch the cutscene. Loading.

Each new game from Russian developers is a whole event. But in this case, the developers were not a whole team, but just one person, albeit with a little support - Sergey Noskov, known to the gaming community for the previously released projects “Light” and “Train”. Watch the 35MM walkthrough or purchase the game on Steam and play for yourself.

This is a story about two travelers who set off on a long journey across the vast expanses of post-apocalyptic Russia. A terrible epidemic has claimed billions of lives, and the surviving people are trying to somehow adapt to the new conditions. Some are engaged in agriculture, and others are involved in banditry.

As the game progresses, they only shed a little light on the fate of our heroes, one of whom remains nameless. Our path runs through abandoned villages and cities, we will have to go through secret underground structures, and in order to survive we need to collect supplies, food, batteries and weapons.

Passage 35MM:

1 - The beginning of the journey

2 – Dead village
At night in the village we collect water from the well, and in the morning we fill the trolley with gasoline.

3 - Bandits
Behind Uncle Misha's house there is a box with telephone numbers. We will call them.

4 – Boarding house Bor
In this 35MM walkthrough series, you'll learn where to find the projector battery and where to find the code for the safe.

5 - Tunnels
The search for the door code was successful!

6 - Shootout in the subway
First we deal with a pack of wild dogs, then we get into a tough shootout in the subway. There is one more push left until the final.

7 - Big City (final)
To get into Petrovich's apartment we need master keys. They can either be taken from a flea dealer in exchange for two batteries, or found in a safe. This video shows the location of the batteries and where to look for the code for the safe.

This completes the passage of 35MM. The game was short, but interesting, despite its noticeable flaws. The game has three endings, but they are all the same and not at all fun.

    Walkthrough 35MM - post-apocalyptic Russia


    Each new game from Russian developers is a whole event. But in this case, the developers were not a whole team, but just one person, albeit with a little support - Sergey Noskov, known to the gaming community for the previously released projects “Light” and “Train”. Watch the 35MM walkthrough or purchase the game on Steam and play for yourself.

) I still have a lot of questions. For example, why so many positive ratings on Steam? However, do not let my review of the game in any way influence a positive purchase decision, because there is a high degree of probability that you personally will like the game. Simply because, purely statistically, most players like it.

The main feature of the game is that it was actually made by one person, Sergei Noskov. Can the game be forgiven for its shortcomings? Of course no. The game costs a hefty 359 rubles, which is completely normal for an indie game. That is, for that kind of money it is quite possible to buy a new game from an independent developer. So, just the other day I bought a game, which, taking into account the 15% discount at the start of sales, cost even a little less. And this game turned out to be a natural little masterpiece.

For the game 35MM on Steam they ask for completely reasonable money. This isn't a free-to-play "look at what kind of games I can make into one person" game. And not a game sold for a symbolic amount of 20, 50 or 100 rubles. Therefore, in my opinion, it should be assessed as a full-fledged game.

Of course, one can admire the game creator's ability to make games alone. But this admiration is just a bonus. Not carte blanche. For example, you can admire the graphic design of the game, which is truly worthy of all praise. Of course, 35MM is not Battlefield, not Crysis, or . But the game doesn’t cost 2 thousand rubles! True, the wow effect is seriously spoiled by the simply monstrous character animation.

When does the wow effect end?

The saddest thing is that the graphic design and post-apocalyptic atmosphere in the 35MM game are perhaps its only advantages. The gameplay is a regular walking simulator. However, exploration of the post-apocalyptic world is not encouraged in the game. Just try to go somewhere wrong, and they will immediately write to you that “you shouldn’t go far.”

And in general, you won’t find anything like that here. Here you won't find tons of loot that you can and should collect. In the 35MM game, I still didn’t understand why I needed to collect food and batteries; I got the impression that the main character could do without food. Although first aid kits seem to have some use in the game.

35MM is not an open world game with all that implies. This, by the way, is neither good nor bad, just a statement of fact.

Quests and hidden objects

Quest items in the game are not highlighted in any way, which does not make it any easier to complete. And the quests themselves are not written down anywhere, although our hero seems to have a notebook. I'm not even talking about the fact that quest items could have been placed in a more creative way.

Do you need to take a bucket and fill up with water? Why not place this bucket right next to the fire? So that the player does not need to run around the location, looking for several lost pixels at night with a flashlight. Or place several buckets on the level. Finally, write a scripted scene of finding this damn bucket, damn it already!

Do you need to find and bring two batteries? Why not give the player the opportunity to take any batteries, and not just those two batteries that are slightly different in color from the others?

Quests in the game 35MM are one of the weak points of the game. Not only is it sometimes not entirely clear what exactly needs to be done, not only that, due to bugs, the quest may not be counted or not counted right away, but completing quests due to the above-mentioned shortcomings is not always pleasant.

During the process, the game periodically freezes and cannot activate scripted scenes. Have you examined the house up and down? And the game thinks that you didn’t examine it carefully enough! And your companion will not move anywhere. He will stand in the rain like an idol, and be silent like a fish on ice. Need to heal your companion by giving him a first aid kit? And the game thinks that you are not actively offering him the first aid kit, and dance around the satellite and beyond!

Combat and other game mechanics

The combat in the game is generally beyond good and evil. Fortunately, there are exactly two battles in the game. The rest of the game mechanics are also not encouraging at all. In 35MM you can help your child complete a puzzle, and this is perhaps the best of all the mini-games. Several moments using the so-called “quick time events”, when you need to quickly press the keys displayed on the screen to strike during a fight, were, of course, done well. But it is unlikely that this mechanic can be spoiled in any way, it is so simple to implement. However, it itself is boring and uninteresting.

An ultraviolet flashlight for finding rare secrets? A pair of combination locks? One-time use of master keys? So, is that all? The problem is that there is very little actual play in the game. And the combat and game mechanics do not pose any serious challenge for the player. They are all made as if for show.

In the same game, in addition to the atmospheric narrative, a repetitive game mechanic with jumping is used during the passage. 35MM has no repetitive gameplay mechanics that challenge the player and drive the progression of the game. There is practically no combat in the game. There is no thoughtful collection of loot and interesting game mechanics associated with this process. No puzzles.

Bottom line

What do we end up with? 35MM is not about gameplay or interesting game mechanics. This is by no means a shooter. Never a puzzle. This is an atmospheric story quest in which the main character of the game...

I don’t even know if it’s possible to give away such a terrible spoiler as the plot of the game. Because the plot is revealed only after completing the game, everything is so neglected. In reality, at the beginning of the game no one will tell you who you are, who your companion is, and where and why you are going in general. Your goal in the game - ATTENTION - is to find out everything. Motivation is for weaklings! A real gamer is like Porthos. The games pass because they pass.

Is it worth buying this game? I repeat - regardless of its strengths and weaknesses, for some reason most players really like it. But if you are in doubt about the advisability of the purchase, just add the game to your “Wishlist” on Steam and buy 35MM at the next sale.

And assessing 35MM on a five-point scale as a game, I would give it a “bad” rating. As a game itself it is very weak. Including in terms of the plot and the story told in the game.

PS: I would like to say a special “thank you” for the lack of mouse inversion settings. I think players who are in the know will understand all the pain that I experienced while completing this game.

Passage 35MM

An atmospheric game with good graphics from independent developer Sergei Noskov about a post-apocalyptic atmosphere. The game 35MM is especially interesting because it was created virtually by one person, and at the start of sales the players really liked it. It’s just that there’s nothing else in the game other than the post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
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