Name of quests on healthy lifestyle. Quest - a game "journey for the secrets of health." Scene "Dispute of vegetables"


Compiled by G.T. Musina, physical education teacher

MAOU "Boarding Lyceum No. 84 named after Gali Akysh"

The health station QUEST game is intended for students in grades 7-8, but participation in teams by older students is not excluded.

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquiring new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyle in a playful way;

    developing students’ motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, instilling responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones;

    promoting the development of communicative qualities of the student’s personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


In accordance with the route map received in hand, the teams take turns visiting Health stations, where station managers assign tasks to the teams, evaluate their completion and put the earned points on the route sheet. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


    Formation of teams . Options: based on the class, the team of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for an event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game should not exceed the number of stations. Team compositions should be as equal as possible in terms of age and number of participants. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Preparation of props. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared (Appendix No. 1), signs on office doors with the names of stations, station details (see description of stations).

    Training of station managers. Stewards can be high school students, secondary schools, teaching staff who have received the necessary guidance and advice from the organizers of the event, aimed not so much at identifying a team with a stronger level of training, but at expanding the horizons of students on healthy lifestyle.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where a winner is expected to be identified, when summing up the results there should also be a moment of rewarding. Rewards can include medals based on the number of team members with the symbolic inscription “We are for a healthy lifestyle!!!”, as well as sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the competition organizer)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

And we gathered here not by chance. World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th. This day is held annually to help people understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be healthy and exercise. For this purpose, we are celebrating Health Day. Today we will all go on a journey-game together. After all, health is the most important value of human life. To become a resident of this country, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the correct daily routine, nutrition and conditioning, love sports, not get sick, and if you happen to get a little sick, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others.

Let's get acquainted with our teams participating in the game. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, station managers will be waiting for your team with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the indicated order of passing stations will serve as your guide to the country. Station managers will enter the points you earned at stations into these sheets. Keep in mind that the team that completes the tasks the fastest will receive an additional point, and the team that violated discipline while traveling through the Land of Health will have points deducted.

Good luck! Have a nice trip and new knowledge necessary for your future life!




Props: 2 sets of cards: the first - with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases and their manifestations.

Unfortunately, almost everyone gets sick. But our Mother Nature took care of helping people cope with their diseases and ailments with her herbs and plants. I have two sets of cards: one with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases and their manifestations. It is necessary to bring the cards into line with traditional methods of treating diseases. For each correct answer - 1 point


1. Chamomile - sore throat

2. Raspberries - high temperature

3. Plantain -- cuts, abrasions

4. Coltsfoot - cough

5. Nettle – sciatica

6. Celandine - skin diseases

7. Garlic - flu

8. Blueberries - eye diseases

9. Valerian – nervous disorder

10. Kalanchoe - runny nose






Comment from the station manager:

1. Name the diseases of “dirty hands”.

Correct answer: gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, hepatitis, ascariasis, enterobiasis.

2 . What diseases are hidden in a sip of water from a river or lake?

Correct answer: dysentery, cholera, helminthic diseases, hepatitis.

3 . How to avoid head lice?

Correct answer: do not use someone else’s comb, hat, or underwear; wash your hair more often.

4 . Name measures to prevent influenza in winter.

Correct answer: vaccination, dress according to the weather, good nutrition, adherence to a daily routine, eat garlic, etc.

5 . Why can’t you change clothes, shoes, and hats?

Correct answer: you can become infected with various infectious and fungal diseases, lice.

6 . Explain why you should not bite your nails.

Correct answer: There are a lot of bacteria under the nails, and there may also be worm eggs.

7 . What is caries? What causes it?

Correct answer: this is the destruction of the tooth enamel, and then its other tissues; Caries is caused by: poor oral hygiene, the habit of gnawing hard objects that destroy enamel, eating cold food after hot food.

8 . Why are vaccinations given?

Correct answer: After vaccination, immunity against the disease is developed.

9 . What are the harms of smoking?

Correct answer: substances contained in tobacco smoke poison the entire body, cause lung cancer, tuberculosis, blood vessels and heart suffer, the brain reduces its performance as brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, memory deteriorates, a person becomes inattentive, and digestion is impaired.

10 . How is a bath useful?

Correct answer: this is a hardening procedure that trains blood vessels, improves blood circulation, sweat removes harmful substances, cleanses the skin, opens all the pores, relaxes the body, rests.


№ 3

Props: completed in accordance with the terms of the competition first aid kit,

Red felt-tip pen, bandage, iodine, cotton wool, scissors.

Comment from the station manager: Fast-paced modern life requires a person to know the basic techniques and methods of providing first aid to himself or his loved ones. This stage of the competition will show how much you possess such knowledge and skills.

Theoretical part: name the medications in the first aid kit and indicate their area of ​​application.


1. Iodine is a disinfectant for damaged skin.

2. Zelenka is a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes.

3. Analgin – pain reliever

4. Aspirin – antipyretic

5. Paracetamol – antipyretic, for headaches

6. Ammonia (ammonia) - for fainting conditions

7. Activated carbon – for poisoning, stomach pain

8. Valerian tincture or extract – nervous disorders, nervousness

9. Citramon – for headaches

10. Validol – for heart pain





Props: questions in this quiz.

Comment from the station manager: Guys, let's check how informed you are in matters of sports and healthy lifestyle. Everyone benefits from knowledge in life, and with it, sport. And therefore we will offer you our sports crossword puzzle.

1. This is the hall we play in. You need to be tall,

To be able to score a goal with a ball to your opponent in the heat of the moment. Basketball

2. It will help develop arm muscles like in old times,

Rubber sports equipment.Expander

3. I don’t understand, who are you guys? Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard? - Wouldn't you interfere with the game?

You'd better step aside, we're playing...Volleyball

4. He plays hockey skillfully, he's an Olympic champion,

He performed well for the army team.

In CSKA he is like a beacon. This is Vladislav...Tretiak

5. Everyone knows that team in both football and hockey,

Because that team is called...Spartacus

6.What are the sports competitions called? (competitions)

7. What sports competitions are held once every four years? (Olympic)

8. Name the sports in which competitions are held on ice. (hockey, figure skating, speed skating)

9. In what sport do they play with a ball only with their feet? (football)

10. In what sport is the ball hit with a racket? (tennis, badminton)


№ 5

Props: stopwatch, hoop, pen, basketballs, jump rope

Comment from the station manager: Movement is life! This slogan has been tested by more than one generation of people. Only an active lifestyle, or even better, a sports and physical lifestyle, will help you and I save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all, from cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. Teams need to complete tasks against time.

(The time spent on completing the task and the number of exercises completed in task No. 4 are recorded on the team card. The jury assigns points based on all the results obtained in a comparative analysis).

1 TASK: Line up by first letter of last name in alphabetical order.

2 TASK: Relay race

3 TASK: All team members take turns climbing through the hoop, starting from their feet.

4 TASK: Throw the ball into the basket from the foul line



Props: Sheets of paper with words of proverbs, sayings about sports and health

Comment from the station manager:

1. If you give time to sports, you will get health in return.

2. The disease will not catch up with the fast and clever

3. Move more - you will live longer

4.Temper your body for good

5. He who skimps on sports does not find health



Props: Projector, interactive game, laptop. Assembly Hall.

Comment from the station manager:

An interactive game is displayed on the screen. Students select the category and difficulty of the question. For the correct answer, the number of points won. Thinking time is 10 seconds.



    Remember and sing as many songs as possible about sports, health, physical education, exercise.


The council of station managers and event organizers, based on the results of the stations passed by the teams listed in the route sheets, calculates points and announces the results of the game.

The winners are awarded.


Our journey has come to an end. We hope that you guys will want to visit this country of Health more than once, and maybe even move to live in it. May your every day be filled with health, joy and a fulfilling life.

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save money, improve your health.

It is for a long journey -

The most important condition.


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



Folk wisdom




not limited






score by


Will complement

point for



points for



TEAM ROUTE MAP ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



Folk wisdom




not limited






score by


Will complement

point for



points for



TEAM ROUTE MAP ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



Folk wisdom




not limited






score by


Will complement

point for



points for



TEAM ROUTE MAP ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



Folk wisdom




not limited






score by


Will complement

point for



points for



TEAM ROUTE MAP ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



Folk wisdom




not limited
































score by


Will complement

point for



points for



The game is aimed at creating a culture of healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, demonstrating responsibility, independence and teamwork, as well as creating conditions for intellectual and creative self-realization of students and popularizing physical activity.
Meeting on organizing and conducting the quest (held on the eve of the game).

Plan for preparation and conduct of the game:
1. Preparing a quest map and route for completing the stages.
2. Preparation of questions and answers.
3. Selecting quest organizers, forming teams of players (it is advisable to involve students in grades 9–11 in organizing and conducting the game).
4. Conducting briefings for quest participants.
5. Conducting the game.
6. Summing up.

Sample quest game scenario:

1. Gathering of all participants.

2. Opening remarks one of the game organizers:
- Hello guys! We are glad to see you at our quest game called “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” We wish you all good health!
In the age of technological progress and the development of space technologies, what do you think is most expensive? Of course, health! Human health is the main value in life. No amount of money can buy health. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital problems. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. Being healthy is a natural human desire; sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us must realize what a priceless treasure this is. So let’s think together now about what health and a healthy lifestyle are.

3.Start of the game.
Each group receives a route (map) indicating the sites. Teams move around the school, completing thematic, practical and intellectual tasks. At each stage, players receive a letter (letters) - a puzzle element, from which the solution to the game is formed by the end of the quest.

1 platform “Proverbs and sayings”. Teams of players are met by organizers and presenters (3–5 people).

— What famous proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle do you know? (each option - 1 point).

Proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle for the 1st round of the quest “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”:
1. Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age!
2. A healthy mind in a healthy body!
3. Where there is health, there is beauty.
4. If you are healthy, you will get everything!
5. Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
6. Sun, air and water are our best friends!
7. Strong in body - rich in business.
8. If you’re not friends with sports, you’ll worry about it more than once.
2nd site “Riddles”

— Guess the riddles (each correct answer gets 1 point):

1. If you hit anyone, he gets angry and cries.
And if you hit this one, he jumps for joy!
Now above, now below, now down, now jumping.
Who is he, guess? Rubber... (ball).

2. He doesn’t want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit it a little, you immediately jump, well, of course - it's... (ball).

3. I decided to become a strongman, I hastened to become a strongman:
— Tell me about this, how did you become a strongman?
He smiled back: “Very simple.”
For many years, every day, getting out of bed,
I lift... (dumbbells).

4. There is a lawn at our school, and there are goats and horses on it.
We've been tumbling here for exactly forty-five minutes.
There are horses and a lawn at school?!
What a miracle, guess what! (Gym)

5. Green meadow, a hundred benches around,
People are running briskly from gate to gate.
There are fishing nets on these gates. (Stadium)

6. Wooden horses gallop in the snow, but do not fall into the snow. (Skis)

7. There are two stripes in the snow, two foxes were surprised.
One came closer: someone was running here... (skis).

8. On the white expanse there are two even lines,
and there are commas and periods running nearby. (Ski track)

9. Who rushes quickly through the snow,
Aren't you afraid to fail? (Skier)

10. I can’t feel my legs from joy, I’m flying down a terrible hill.
Sports have become dearer and closer to me, who helped me, children? (Skis)

11. It looks like one board.
But he’s proud of the name, it’s called... (snowboard).

12. Guys, I have two silver horses.
I drive both at once. What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

13.Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
and shiny... (skates).

14.Comma-shaped stick
drives the puck in front of him. (Hockey stick)

15. There was a game in the yard in the morning, the kids played out.
Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” — there is a game going on... (hockey).

16. This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and race on it, but steer better. (Bike)

17. I don’t look like a horse, even though I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles. To be honest, they are not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram, but I can make calls, you know! (Bike)

18. Early in the morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road,
legs move along the road and two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer - this is my... (bicycle).

19. The relay is not easy.
I'm waiting for the command to dash. (Start)

20.The kings built shelves on the squares of the board.
The regiments have neither cartridges nor bayonets for battle. (Chess)

Stage 3 “Famous Athletes” . Teams of players are met by organizers and presenters (3–5 people).

— What famous athletes do you know? (each option - 1 point). For example: Evgeni Plushenko is a figure skater; Elena Isinbaeva - pole vaulter; Alexey Nemov - gymnast; Andrey Arshavin - football player; Maria Sharapova - tennis player; Kostya Dzyu - boxer; Pavel Bure is a hockey player.

4th platform “Interesting questions”. Teams of players are met by organizers and presenters (3–5 people).

1. For a very long time at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece there was only one type of athletics. Which? (Running) - 5 points.
2. The inventor of this predicted two areas of application for his brainchild: mail delivery and a means of losing weight. What is the modern prototype of this item? (Bicycle) - 10 points.
3. Remember the motto of the Olympic movement. (Faster, higher, stronger!) - 15 points.
4. This word came to the Russian language at the end of the 18th century from the French language. This was originally the name for urgent mail, which delivered letters and reports by special messengers who replaced each other along the way at certain points. Name this word that has a different meaning these days? (Relay) - 20 points.

Site 5 “Fun Relay Race” "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"" (recommended venue: gym). Teams of players are met by organizers and presenters (3–5 people). Fun competitions are held. Each competition is accompanied by music.
1. Who can quickly pour water from one glass to another with a spoon (one person per team participates in the competition) - 5 points.
2. Whoever can hold a balloon in the air without using their hands for the longest time by blowing on it (one person per team participates) - 5 points.
3. Which pair from each team will sit down, standing with their backs to each other and clasping their hands behind their backs, the most number of times (2 participants from the team) - 5 points.
4. “Arm wrestling” (one participant per team participates. The winner is determined according to the Olympic system) - 5 points.

The results of the game are summed up.
Teams formulate a common word (for example, CHAMPION). The winning team is determined by the number of points scored.

Organizers and presenters (3–5 people):
— Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong, healthy, to maintain vigor and energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. We hope that today was not in vain and you emphasized a lot for yourself. After all, “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.”
- Life is a blessing! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
“And it depends on us what content we will fill our lives with.”
— It’s great when a person strives to fulfill his dream!
— It’s great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
— It’s great when you have real friends and when you are loved and waited at home!
— It’s great when you are surrounded by happy and healthy people!
— It’s great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
- So be healthy everyone! Thank you for your participation. See you again!

4. Summing up and discussing the game.

Extracurricular event “Healthy lifestyle quest”
Objectives: - To form an idea about the prevention of a healthy image.
- Identify and consolidate knowledge about the importance of medicinal herbs and hygiene skills.
- Cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle, create a joyful mood.
Each squad is a team with a captain. The rest are fans. Teams receive route sheets with the names of stations, with which they move from one station to another. The jury is working.
Penalty points for:
Noisy behavior at competitions and on the road;
Late arrival;
Stations are located in classrooms. There are name signs at the stations. Questions are scored for the team from 1 to 3 points, for fans - 1 point. I station “Green Pharmacy” Equipment: herbarium of medicinal plants, pictures and illustrations. Poster: Dandelion, plantain, cornflower, sage and mint. Here is the green pharmacy Helping you guys! Questions:
What grass do cats like, what disease is treated with this grass? (Valerian, heart disease).
Which plants have flowers or inflorescences used as medicinal raw materials? (Linden, primrose, calendula, chamomile, tansy, corn silk).
Which plants use roots and rhizomes as raw materials? (calamus, valerian, elecampane, ginseng, burdock, licorice),
Which plants have fruits used as medicinal raw materials? (Hawthorn, rose hip, rowan, blueberry, currant, sea buckthorn, viburnum, raspberry).
Which poisonous plants are also medicinal? (Belladonna, Datura, May lily of the valley).
This nickname is not without reason for a beautiful flower, A drop of juicy nectar is fragrant and sweet, Will help you recover from a cold…….. (Lungwort)
Bells appeared - White peas. Bells blossomed in the green meadow. (May lily of the valley)
Why do you steam in a bathhouse with a birch broom? (Vatoncides from birch leaves kill microbes).
The unusual leaves of this tree secrete phytoncides that kill microbes, treat scurvy, and are used for soothing baths. Name it? (Pine).
II station "Moidodyr"
How to brush your teeth in the forest? (Charcoal, mint, split pine, spruce, oak twig).
How to escape from mosquitoes? (Smoke screen, chamomile branch, smell of cloves, bird cherry).
Which tree removes the smell of sweat from your feet? (Oak bark).
Do the berries of this plant whiten the skin of the face and make it elastic? (Strawberry).
The juice of this plant is used instead of iodine to remove warts, they wash their hair with the infusion? (Celandine).
Are the leaves and roots of this plant used for bruise pain? (Burdock, plantain).
The leaves of this plant burn us, The juice of the leaves of this plant saves us. In the spring they use it for soup, wash their hair with its decoction - hair grows. (Nettle is a hemostatic, vitamin remedy, accelerates hair growth).
Hair washed in a decoction of this plant acquires a golden hue, and when washed, the skin becomes velvety. (Chamomile flowers).
The oil of this plant is rubbed into the scalp to help hair grow better. (Burr oil).
III station “Cafe “Robinson”. Postcards, pictures, drawings with the image and name of the plant are distributed. Children must name dishes that can be prepared from them.
Nettle – soup, salad.
Hogweed - resembles chicken broth, leaves look like carrots, rhizome replaces sweet fruits). Oak - porridge, flatbreads, pancakes are prepared from acorns.
Dandelion – leaf salad, jam, tea.
Bird cherry - berries are added to pies, jelly and drinks are cooked.
Burdock - the root replaces carrots and parsley.
Wild onions and garlic are a vitamin remedy.
IV station "Ambulance"
Stop bleeding with a tourniquet.
Provide first aid for a fracture.
What plants are used to stop bleeding? (Shepherd's purse, nettle, yarrow).
What plants are used to treat boils? (Aloe, plantain, calendula, Kalanchoe, cabbage).
What plants are used for heart attack? (Tincture of lily of the valley, valerian, motherwort).
What plants are used as antipyretics? (Raspberry, lemon).
What plants are used for stomach and intestinal upsets? (Plantain, bird cherry, blueberry are fruits).
Provide first aid for heat and sunstroke.
Provide first aid if bitten by poisonous animals.
V station "Sportivnaya"
Show a complex of gymnastics for the eyes.
Show a gymnastics complex for posture with a gymnastic stick.
Show the gymnastics complex for attention.
Show a gymnastics complex for relaxation (relaxation).
Show a gymnastics complex for the neck, shoulder girdle, and arms.
Name the sports included in the Winter Olympic Games (Hockey, figure skating, skiing, biathlon).
Name the sports included in the Summer Olympic Games (Swimming, athletics, football, cycling).
What is bodybuilding? (Development of certain muscles of the body).
VI station "Aibolit"
What measures to prevent flu in winter do you know?
Name the diseases of “dirty hands” (Gastrointestinal disorders, dysentery, hepatitis (jaundice)).
What diseases are hidden in a sip of water from a river or lake? (Cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, salmonellosis, helminths).
Why can’t you drink cold water immediately after exercise? (Extreme cold can cause a sore throat.)
How to avoid head lice? (Wash your hair more often, don’t use other people’s combs, don’t go to someone else’s bed).
Why can't you pet unfamiliar dogs? (Possible infection with worms, fleas, lichen).
Redness and itching may be signs of what disease? (Possible scabies, consult a doctor).
How to avoid sunstroke? (Wear a hat and avoid being in the sun for long periods of time).
VII station “Bad Habits” The poster shows a neatly dressed, combed man. At the top of the poster are overlay drawings for the questions. When answering a question about bad habits, the corresponding pictures are removed and only the drawing on the poster remains. Presenter: Here is the image of a sloppy person. Let's try to find out what bad habits led him to this appearance.
Why can’t you chew the tip of a pencil or pen? (Teeth will be uneven, infections,…). Why can't you smoke? (Yellow teeth, bad breath, cough).
How does drinking alcohol affect your health and appearance? (Vessels dilate - red nose, veins on the face, liver disease, stomach disease).
How can you tell that a person is using drugs? (Red complexion and eyes, dilated pupils, aggressiveness, thinness, pallor, jumping gaze).
How often and why should you wash your hair?
A friend asks you to give her your comb. What will you do? - Offer her your comb - 0 points; - Give her the comb, but then you won’t use it until you wash it - 1 point; - Politely refuse, explaining that you can’t use other people’s combs - 3 points;
Why shouldn't you bite your nails? (There are microbes and worm eggs under the nails).
Why should you not put inedible objects in your mouth? (Can be swallowed, pierce the palate or cheek, or contract diseases).
Why can’t you change clothes, shoes, and hats? (You can get infected with skin diseases, infectious diseases, lice, fungus).
VIII station “Hardening” Equipment: sponge, towel, soap, bucket, basin, water, sign “Water procedures”: Washing the face with cold water,
Washing with cold water up to the waist.
Dousing the whole body.
Cold foot baths.
Swimming in a pond.
Cold and hot shower.
Wiping down to the waist.
Choose the correct answer:You decided to harden your body. Where do you start?
Consult your doctor and parents.
Start pouring cold water over your entire body.
You will swim in the river until you freeze.
VIII station “Tourist” Narrow path. Designated by 2 narrow “paths” 3 – 6 m long and 25 cm wide (with cords, ropes, chalk). The paths end in a circle of 1 m. Each team has an equal and even number of participants. On the command “March”, one of the players of each team takes a “live load” on his back, i.e. member of his team, and tries to get to the final site as soon as possible in order to leave the “cargo” there and return to the starting point. Only after this does the next pair come into play, without leaving the “path” (penalty 1 point). Crossing. (Balance training). Each participant crosses the log (tree) separately. A penalty point is awarded for leaving the crossing. Running over bumps. On command, the guys run a race over “bumps”, which are marked in circles or lined with chalk. The circles are located at a distance of 80-100 cm. Participants are penalized if they step on the border of the circle or beyond it. In this case, the player returns to the start and starts running again. Packing the backpack. On command, a backpack with camping supplies is placed. Then fasten and adjust the shoulder straps. Each participant, having packed his backpack, reports: “Ready!” Checked by the manager, he fines for mistakes. Heavy things are below. Soap and mug are in the side pockets. SUMMARY. AWARDS
Antonova L.N. Psychological basis for the implementation of health-saving technologies in educational institutions / L.N. Antonova. - M.: MGOU, 2004. - 100 p.
Butova S.V. Health-improving exercises in the classroom / S.V. Butova // Elementary school.- 2006.- No. 8.- P.98.
The work used materials from Internet sites.
Health-saving activities of the school in the educational process: problems and ways to solve them // School.-2005.- No. 3.- P.52-87.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 8"

Shatursky municipal district, Moscow region

Scenario quest - games

for older children

Prepared by:

Physical education instructor

Svirskaya O.V.

July 2017

Quest - a game for older children

"Journey to the Secrets of Health"

Target: promotion of healthy lifestyles

Tasks: bring to the understanding that every person should take care of their health from childhood, consolidate cultural and hygienic skills, instill a love of sports and physical education, consolidate knowledge about vitamins and healthy products, familiarize them with the beneficial effects of music on the human body, develop physical qualities , cultivate the will to win, curiosity, cognitive activity.

Equipment: bag, vegetables and fruits for identification by touch, washcloth, shower gel, soap, shampoo, toys and stationery for playing with a health worker, Russian folk instruments, two hoops, two balls, a poster with the secrets of health, cut into 4 puzzles, a passage map route.

Preliminary work: Conversations are held with children about the importance of vitamins and their content in various products, about hygiene skills, daily routine, and during music classes children are introduced to folk instruments.

Progress quest - games:

The children gathered in the hall. They read a letter from Aibolit, in which he writes that he had prepared a poster for them, on which he collected all the secrets of health, but the cunning Barmaley tore the poster into pieces and hid them in different places. And now, in order to collect all the secrets, children need to follow the route indicated on the map, complete tasks, and for correct completion at each station they will receive one piece, so that they can then put them together, learn these secrets and maintain their health.

A map is attached to the letter, the children choose a captain, look at the map, guessing what the icons on it mean, think through the route of movement and follow the captain to the first station.

Music station:

Located in the music room.

The children are greeted by the music director, Russian musical instruments are laid out on the table.

Musician: Hello children! Music station. Tell me, how can music affect our health? Children's answers. Well, firstly, music helps you exercise, we perform sets of exercises to the music, do exercises, when we are having fun, we turn on rhythmic music and dance, and when we are tired, we turn on quiet music and relax. Now guess my riddles:

He's tight and thick-skinned.

Hit it with a stick. -Bam, bam!

It will rattle. Can't keep quiet

This one is loud. (Drum)

Wooden plates, colorful pictures,

They knock, they ring, they tell you to dance. (Ratchets)

You will take it in your hands,

You will stretch it, then you will compress it.

Voiced, elegant,

Russian, two-row (Harmonic)

They eat soup at lunch,

By evening they will “talk”

Wooden girls

Musical sisters.

Play a little too

On beautiful bright (spoons)

Musician: Well done! And now one more task, I will play music for you, and you guess what genre this music belongs to: march, song or dance.

Children guess.

Musician: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks!

He gives the children the first puzzle and they move on.

Hygienic station:

Located in the medical office.

The children are greeted by a nurse.

Nurse: Hello children! Tell me, please, when you get out of bed, where are you going?

Children: Wash your face!

Nurse: What should you do while washing your face in the morning?

Children: Brush your teeth.

Nurse: That's right, you need to brush your teeth every day, because if you don't, a lot of germs accumulate in your mouth and your teeth start to hurt. (Now let's go to the hall, I have prepared tasks for you)

Guess my riddles:

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean

Everyone needs to have... (soap)

I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And by mustache and hair,

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears... (comb)

Bony back, hard bristles,

He makes friends with mint paste and serves diligently... (Toothbrush)

And smooth, and shaggy, and soft, and striped,

I take it with me when I wash my hands... (towel)

Well done! Tell me, when should you wash your hands? (children's answers) That's right, why do we wash them? (children's answers)

Now let's play a game, choose those things that help us take care of our body.

Lay out on the table are sheets with pictures - soap, shampoo, washcloth, towel, shower gel, paints, album, colored paper, etc. Your task is to circle only those items that help us take care of our body.

Nurse: And now you and I will play another game called “Allowed-Forbidden”, I will name good and bad habits, and you will say whether you can do it or not.

Brush your teeth

Nail biting

Picking your nose

Wash hair

Use a handkerchief

Walking around in dirty clothes

Walking unkempt

Take a shower

Don't wash your hair

To wash hands

Nurse: Well done boys! You have completed all tasks, get a reward (gives away the second puzzle).

The children head to the next station.

Vitamin station:

Located on the catering unit.

The children are greeted by the chef.

Cook: Hello children! I welcome you to Vitaminnaya station! Tell me, what are vitamins?

Children: These are substances that are beneficial to our body.

Cook: That's right, if there are not enough vitamins, then a person becomes sad, often gets sick and gets tired quickly. Vitamins are found in many foods, but most of them are in vegetables and fruits. Guess my riddles:

The red nose is rooted in the ground, and the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail, we only need a red nose (Carrot).

Carrots are a very healthy vegetable for our body. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which is very important for the eyes. Vitamin A also helps you grow faster. If you want to grow faster, chew carrots. And here's another riddle:

I was born to glory, my head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup, look for me (Cabbage).

In ancient times, people not only ate cabbage, but also used it as a cure for many diseases. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C, so it is very healthy. And now the next riddle:

Same with a fist, a red barrel,

If you touch it, it’s smooth, but if you bite it, it’s sweet.

I’ll get the round, ruddy one from the tree. (Apple).

Well done, you guessed it right. Apple is the favorite fruit of many children, because they are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain a lot of iron and vitamin C. Tell me, why do we need vitamin C?

Children: To get sick less.

Cook: Here's a new riddle:

I love helping people, I give flavor to drinks.

I fight colds and sore throats better than any aspirin.

I taste a little sour, but that's not my fault.

I am a vitamin champion, my name is Senor... (Lemon).

Well done, right. Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C and vitamin P.

Now let's play: I have some chopped fruits and vegetables. You take turns closing your eyes and guessing which vegetable or fruit you ate. Game "Guess the taste."

Cook: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks! Bon Voyage!

He gives the puzzle to the children and they go to the gym (sports ground), where they are met by a physical education instructor.

Sports station:

Instructor: Welcome to the sports station. Good sleep and appetite are given to us by physical exercise and vigorous energy for games and walks. To avoid getting a sore throat and not be afraid of colds, I advise you to engage in physical education! And at this station we will hold sports competitions.

Children are divided into two teams.

Relay "Crossing".

Participants of each team must reach a landmark, walk around it and return back, shifting hoops and moving from hoop to hoop.

“Roll the Ball” relay race.

Relay participants kick the ball to a landmark and back, holding another ball in their hands.

Instructor: Well done! It’s immediately obvious that you guys are athletic!

He gives away the last puzzle, the children on the table collect all the puzzles and the secrets of health are read to them.

Here's some good advice for you:

Secrets are hidden in them

Learn to appreciate it!

Instructor:Melodies and motives sound,
Let's learn beautiful movements!
Leg forward, arm swing, -
And joy and enthusiasm in the eyes!

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products -

Here's some healthy food

Full of vitamins!

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep more.

Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -

Get ready to exercise!

Dance, move your body to the beat,
It doesn't harm anyone at all
But it will help, in the meantime,
And the body will be charged with strength.

Children perform a sports dance “Do exercises.

This concludes our quest - the game has come to an end, everyone be healthy!

QUEST game “THE PATH OF HEALTH” Svetlana Vladimirovna Prokopchik physical education teachers of GBPOU AKTT, Arzamas The QUEST game on health stations is intended for technical school students. The goal of the game is:  systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full implementation of social functions, for active participation in labor, social, family, and leisure forms of life. A healthy lifestyle appears as a specific form of purposeful human activity - activity aimed at preserving, strengthening and improving his health. The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of the loads on the human body due to the complication of social life, increasing risks of man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military in nature, provoking negative changes in health. In modern society, the tendency to lead a healthy lifestyle is increasing more and more. PREPARATORY STAGE 1. Formation of teams. Options: Based on the team, during the general gathering of students at the event, teams are determined by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game should not exceed the number of stations.

(speech by the competition organizer, all teams gather in the assembly hall) Good afternoon! We are happy to greet you. World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th. This day is held annually to help people understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be healthy and exercise. For this purpose, we are celebrating Health Day. Today we will all go on a journey together. After all, health is the most important value of human life. To become a resident of this country, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the correct daily routine, nutrition and conditioning, love sports, not get sick, and if you happen to get a little sick, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others. As you progress through the game, station managers will be waiting for your team at each station with tasks that correspond to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the indicated order of passing stations will serve as your guide to the country. Station managers will enter the points you earned at stations into these sheets. Keep in mind that the team that completes the tasks the fastest will receive an additional point, and the team that violated discipline during the game will have points deducted. Good luck! Have a good mood and new knowledge necessary for your future life! Beginning of the game: Each team is given route sheets indicating the sites and the name of the competition. A certain time is given to complete each competition (510 minutes, depending on the composition of the teams, location, etc.). Teams work together to complete practical, thematic and intellectual tasks. From the beginning of the game, time is recorded and turns off after completing the last stage, also at each stage, teams receive points (points) for the correct completion of the task and the number of tasks completed. At the end of the stage, the team proceeds to the next test by completing the given exercises. 1. STATION “Healthy Wisdom” Station manager:

Health is the state of any living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are able to fully perform their functions; absence of illness or disease (a detailed discussion of the definitions of health is given below). The sciences that study health include: dietetics, pharmacology, biology (health psychology, developmental psychology, epidemiology, experimental and clinical psychology, social psychology), psychophysiology, psychiatry, pediatrics, medical sociology and medical anthropology, mental hygiene, defectology and others.

The task of proper nutrition is to eliminate unhealthy foods from the diet and enrich it with healthy ones, which is what we will do today. Assignment: create a menu for one day - according to the rules of healthy eating. Application: prepare food cards. Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: everyone divides into two people and performs the exercise. “cart” (one stands on his hands, the second holds his legs, moves on his hands) to the line, (middle of the distance) - then they change roles. 3. STATION “CROCODILE game” Station Manager Today I will talk about the benefits of sports. In the modern world, where the power of information technology prevails, it is difficult to keep yourself in shape constantly. But everyone needs sports! A sedentary lifestyle entails dangers such as obesity, atherosclerosis, strokes, migraines and other ailments. There is a way out - start playing sports. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to visit a swimming pool or gym; you can do physical exercises at home. The health benefits of sports are invaluable only with a competent approach to exercise. Each person should choose for himself exactly the type of physical activity that suits him for health reasons and based on personal preferences. By exercising with pleasure and without unnecessary stress that exhausts the body, you can not only keep your body in good shape, but also change your life for the better. Playing sports. Benefits for health and the human body Many words have already been said about the benefits of sport. So what effect does physical activity have on the body? What are the benefits of sports for the body? After classes: muscle tone improves, endurance and strength increase;

Agree that such a beneficial effect is worth looking up from the TV screen and playing sports! The task is who can guess the most types of sports (Crocodile game) Rules of the game: the manager guesses a word, phrase or phrase. One of the players must show the word hidden without words, only. Only with gestures, facial expressions, and postures, i.e. pantomime. It is prohibited to pronounce words with your lips, spell a word, or take foreign objects. Guessers can ask the player questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list any options that appear. A certain amount of time is allocated to display a word or phrase. If the correct answer is not given before the end of this period, then the word is considered not guessed. Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: the first takes a crouching position, the second jumps over it - stands crouched, the third begins to jump over two in turn, etc. until they reach the next station - the last player on the team. 4. STATION “Poetic” (creative) Station manager A lot of poems have been written for children and adults about a healthy lifestyle, how it is useful and about the dangers of bad habits. Today you try yourself as a writer. Assignment: given words, you need to come up with a rhyme for them and come up with a catchy chant about health, a healthy lifestyle. Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: “Transporting the wounded” - the team is divided into three people and carries the “wounded” in any way. 5. STATION “Ambulance” Station Manager Fast-paced modern life requires a person to know the basic techniques and methods of providing first aid to himself or his loved ones. This stage of the competition will show how much you possess such knowledge and skills. Assignments: name the medications from the first aid kit and indicate their area of ​​application. Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: “crossing in hoops.” As many people stand in one hoop as

fit in and run to the next stage, one returns in the hoop after the others, etc. 6. STATION “UGG” Station manager. In modern society, a person experiences a whole range of unfavorable factors: emotional stress, information overload, poor environmental conditions. These factors are very often combined with insufficient physical activity. The combined effect of unfavorable environmental factors and a sedentary lifestyle has an extremely negative impact on the body, disrupting its normal functioning and contributing to the development of various diseases. In such conditions, it is very important to use a complex of various means that help maintain and strengthen the health of the body. A healthy person is a full-fledged member of society, who is distinguished by a high level of physical and mental performance, good health, and inner spiritual comfort. One of the activities that has a beneficial effect on the health of the body is morning hygienic exercises. In addition to the specific effect that facilitates the process of transition from a state of rest to a state of active wakefulness, performing morning exercises increases the level of a person’s overall physical activity. For the majority of the urban population, morning exercises are often the only specially organized physical exercise. Like most effects on the body, morning exercises are useful only if they are used correctly, which takes into account the specifics of the body’s functioning after sleep, as well as the individual characteristics of a particular person. Assignment: And as you already understand, the next task is to compose a UGG complex of 10 exercises and do it all together. Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: “crossing over bumps.” Hummocks are made from pieces of wood and the whole team, holding hands, walks through the “swamps”. If someone goes off the bump, the whole team comes back. 7. STATION “ART” Station manager: (about promoting healthy lifestyle) Assignment: Draw and make a propaganda poster from available materials “Formation of a healthy lifestyle.”

8. STATION “SPORTIVNAYA” Station manager. Movement is life! This slogan has been tested by more than one generation of people. Only an active lifestyle, or even better, a sports and physical lifestyle, will help us save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all, from cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. Teams must complete an obstacle course. Task: all team members go through an obstacle course using the available sports equipment in turn. For example: running in a straight line 15 m; Crawl along the bench only by pulling yourself up on your hands; Climb into the tunnel (a hoop with 3D material on it); Somersault on the mat; Climb through the hoops with a snake (without knocking them down); Get the ball into the basket (1 attempt, the player who threw runs after the ball and returns it to the next one, etc.); A web is stretched between the trees (a rope - one lower, the other higher, etc.). Players overcome obstacles under the rope and jump over it. SUMMARIZING. All teams gather in the assembly hall. The jury sums up the results. Team awards.

List of used literature: Umnova M.S. “Theatrical events at school, celebrations, evenings, fairy tales, games. – M.: Globus; Volgograd: Panorama, 2008. – 253 p.

M.V. Dubova, “Organization of project activities for junior schoolchildren”, M.: “Balass”, 2012. N.V. Lobodina, T.N. Churilova, “Health-saving activities”, V.: Uchitel, 2011. T.M.Anokhina, “Extracurricular Activities”, V.: “Extremum”, 2004 .doc

Total: Appendix to competition 1: God grant us health, but we will find happiness. God grant us health, but we will find happiness. Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm. If you want to be healthy, toughen up. Move more - you will live longer. Appendix to the competition 2. Appendix to the competition 3 speed skating, ski biathlon, sports, cycling, canoeing, kayaking, athletics - running, relay race, javelin throw, discus throw, running long jump, sports gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics , figure skating, trampolining, diving, water polo, hockey, handball, football, boxing, judo, karate, aerobics, arm wrestling, bodybuilding, sports dancing, figure skating, bobsleigh, skeleton, curling, freestyle skiing, luge , ski jumping, snowboarding, short track, Nordic combined, speed skating, hockey, alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing, basketball, badminton, wrestling, water sports, cycling, volleyball, trampolining, rowing, judo, sailing , equestrianism, triathlon, tennis, archery, shooting, fencing, taekwondo, field hockey. Application (station 4): (words are given from which you need to make a poem) save, live, swim, must love, engage, laugh, visit, respect, save.

Appendix (station 5) 1. Iodine - a disinfectant for damaged skin 2. Zelenka - a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes 3. Analgin - an anesthetic 4. Aspirin - an antipyretic 5. Paracetamol - an antipyretic for headaches 6. Ammonia (ammonia ) - for fainting conditions 7. Activated carbon - for poisoning, stomach pain 8. Tincture or extract of valerian - nervous disorders, nervousness 9. Citramon - for headaches 10. Validol - for pain in the heart. Appendix (station 7): Whatman paper, markers, paints, magazines, glue.

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