Heroes of the storm 2.0 new hero. Heroes of the Storm changed the progression system and added Cassia. New Economic Policy

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But now the moment has come. Just the other day Heroes of the Storm(HOTS) will change so much that the developers even assigned it the loud index “2.0”.

Overwatch Long Ears

First, let's summarize the total amount of changes that await you in Heroes of the Storm in the near future. Having released Hearthstone, and then Overwatch, the developers tested a whole series of gameplay mechanics. Many turned out to be successful, and now Blizzard is broadly adapting them in another of its team projects, whose fate has so far been less successful. The gameplay itself is practically not affected: everything that can be called “around the gameplay” has been redone. A level system, in-game currency and where to spend it, prize chests and a thousand other little things... Everything that leads the player from one battle to another, entertains in the intervals between battles... and maybe even a little during the process.

Rapid progress

Until today, progress in the game was arranged like this. You have a player and heroes. Each subsequent level of the player gives a lot of gold, each level of the hero gives little gold, and at forty, progress is limited by the level cap. It's like he's both fast and slow at the same time. Each next level is not easy, but literally in a week or two of active play you reach the “ceiling”, and the holiday is over.

Now Blizzard is removing this ceiling. They don’t raise it to a new figure, but change the whole concept. Now it's like Overwatch. The level grows endlessly, and at each level-up you receive a reward (more on them later). The speed of advancement from level to level increases several times, and, in addition, the concept of “player level” completely changes. Now this is a simple arithmetic sum of the levels of all your heroes.

Do you have 20 level 5 heroes? This means your level as a player is one hundredth. Simple and clear.

A package for you

Overwatch containers and Hearthstone card packs are a favorite pastime for millions. And although the author of these lines is cool about anything that does not provide gameplay advantages, it would be foolish to deny the success of this mechanic. A chest with unknown contents! Anticipation! Unexpected luck! Youtube is full of videos in which streamers open hundreds of chests or packs of cards in a row, commenting on their finds. And they are watched avidly. In general, this was an expected decision: now chests will appear in Heroes of the Storm.

The rules are like this. For each level you are entitled to a regular chest. Anything can be found in it, including even a hero. For round levels, more valuable chests have been prepared - rare and epic, the contents of which, while still remaining random, will nevertheless be richer. And for round levels of the hero (not the player!) there is a third type of chest: “heroic”. In them you will find a variety of “body kits” just for your birthday hero. This new product is addressed primarily to those who prefer to play with just a couple of their favorite heroes. And I would prefer to develop them.

For the unlucky ones: Blizzard promises to track the statistics of each player. And if, by the will of randomness, you stubbornly don’t get anything decent, then they, no, no, and will throw a valuable find into your chest. A small scam, only with a plus sign.

New Economic Policy

The game economy has been completely redesigned. If earlier the game had gold and real money, now there are three resources. Gold remains, but is now used mainly to buy new heroes. Crystals (Gems) have come to replace money, and they can now be bought for money. What's the difference, you ask? The fact is that there will be other ways to get crystals. Thus, upon reaching the fifth level, players are promised to be rewarded with an amount of 1000 crystals, and in the future they will occasionally give small portions for further advancement through the levels.

You can spend them, like gold, on heroes, and in addition, on purchases in the special offers store, the assortment of which is planned to be regularly updated. Some products leave the assortment, new ones appear, and so on in a circle. The store itself promises to become more flexible. For example, from the little things that they managed to show us, skins can be divided into separate color variations so that you can buy only the color you need: it’s cheaper.

Finally, the third resource is Shards. Players will accumulate them every time a duplicate drops out of a chest (similar to Overwatch, only there the duplicates were scattered into gold). And they use the fragments to craft various cosmetic improvements for the heroes. Waste-free production.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to “solder” any unnecessary junk that is gathering dust in the warehouse into fragments. It happens that something very rare, but completely unnecessary, falls out. However, in this case, Blizzard provided the opportunity to spend a small amount of gold to “reroll the dice” and get a new random chest. And so on up to three times. At the same time, they promise that the value of things will remain: if an epic falls, then an epic will fall again, but some other one.

But what should you do if you bought something in a fit of emotion, but then have no use for it? Or are you tired of the rarest skin worse than a bitter radish? There is no answer to this yet. However, this is also a problem in life.

Small toys

In general, the game becomes many times more entertaining content, flexibility for customization and functions for communicating with each other. Let's quickly go through them.

Flags. The feature we liked the most. If you have done something important in the game - for example, razed an enemy fort - a flag will appear in its place. And not a team one, but your personal one, a la “Vasya was here.” Given that the game itself is very team-oriented, finding a way to celebrate personal achievements seems especially important to us.

Graffiti. Obviously they came from Overwatch. While running around the map, your hero can leave his mark on the ground. Various graffiti are purchased in the same place as other game content.

Portraits. Another means of self-expression, and at the same time a way to show off your level in front of your teammates.

Emoji. Emoticons of Heroes of the Storm characters with different emotions. We were shown a pixelated Jaina who smiles, is sad and sends hearts. Most likely, they will be available not only in the game, but also wherever they can be promoted - on social networks and mobile messengers.

Voices and lines. Now the hero can shout a prepared phrase right in battle in order, for example, to further humiliate a killed enemy or to encourage the team. In addition, the voice of the commentator declaring that you, for example, are dead, has become customizable. You can choose one of your heroes as a commentator - and he will voice important game events not only in a familiar voice, but also in his own manner.

Finally, Kits- just a convenient interface thing that allows you to prepare up to three equipment options for each hero in advance: with all the skins, vehicles, graffiti, flags, replicas and other cosmetic “attachments”. Instead of having to re-equip it every time, choose one of the sets and go into battle.

New Hero: Cassia

We don't usually review new Heroes of the Storm heroes. They appear often, are rebalanced even more often, and in total there are already more than six dozen of them in the game. And it’s not that this time it was worth making an exception for the sake of something completely unexpected (Probius was much more original). But Cassia was lucky. She comes to the game on a wave of big changes labeled “2.0”, and since we are writing about all this, it would be a shame not to talk about the new heroine.

Cassia is an Amazon from the Diablo universe. Her appearance with crossbows was already in the game as a skin for Nova, and as a full-fledged hero she repeats the Amazon build for close combat: with a spear and shield. In terms of her role in the game, she is quite a classic assassin, and quite easy to master. Let's go over her skills and talents.

Slipping away. When moving without a vehicle, Cassia gains 65 units of kinetic armor, reducing damage from hero auto attacks by 65%.

[Q] Lightning Fury. Cassia throws a spear that damages the first enemy it hits, then disintegrates into 2 bolts of lightning that damage enemies in its path.

[W] Blinding light. After a pause of 0.5 seconds. Blinds enemies in the selected area for 2 sec. Cassia deals 15% more damage to blinded targets.

[E] Better defense. Cassia makes a dash towards the enemy and, having reached the target, within 1.5 seconds. deals damage to this target and other enemies in the area in front of Cassia every 0.25 sec. Non-hero targets take 50% damage.

[R] Ball lightning. Cassia fires a ball of lightning that bounces off nearby enemy heroes or Cassia herself up to 6 times, dealing damage to all enemies hit.

[R] Valkyrie. Cassia summons a Valkyrie, who after 0.75 seconds. rushes towards the Amazon, pulling the first enemy hero hit towards her and dealing damage to him. After completing her flight, the Valkyrie stuns this enemy for 0.5 seconds. In addition, Valkyrie knocks back all other enemy heroes in her path.

Level Talent What is he doing?
Thunder and lightning[Q] Objective: Hit enemy heroes with the Lightning Fury ability (Q key). Reward (1): 20 hits - +60 damage. Reward (2): 40 hits - +2 charges.
True Sight[W] Increases damage dealt to blinded enemy heroes by 10%. Objective: Inflict auto-attack damage to blinded enemy heroes. Reward: 80 hits - +1 sec. to the duration of the blinding effect.

Powerful Strikes

When Cassia uses her Basic Attack, it will ricochet damage to nearby enemies over 8 seconds, increasing their damage by 40%. Cooldown time - 20 seconds.

Ring of Self-Healing


Restores health equal to 35% of damage dealt to enemies who are blinded.
Inner Light[W] Increases the range of Blinding Light by 25%. If Cassia is rooted or stunned, Blinding Light will begin to pulse around her. The effect triggers no more than once every 6 seconds.
Whale armor[Skill] Cassia gains an additional 5 units. health per second while Evasion is active. Quest: For every 5 attacks reduced by Evasion, Cassia gains 1 additional damage. health per second. As soon as this number reaches 15 units. per second, the effect stops accumulating, and Cassia's maximum health increases by 10%.
Piercing[E] Cassia's Best Defense deals 50% more damage to enemies below 40% health.
Forced march[Skill] While Evasion is active, Cassia gains +3% movement speed every 0.5 sec. The effect stacks up to 5 times. The bonus is reset when Cassia stops moving.
Awakening of the Light[Skill] Having received X units during Evasion. damage, Cassia can use the skill to deal Y damage. damage to nearby enemies.
Ball lightning Cassia fires a ball of lightning at an enemy hero, which deals damage and bounces further to nearby heroes.
Valkyrie Cassia summons a Valkyrie, who pushes one of the opponents towards her.
Grounding Strike Lightning Fury also slows enemy Heroes by 20% for 1.5 seconds
Thunderer's Power[Q] When a thrown spear hits an enemy, the cooldown of Lightning Fury is reduced by 1 sec.
Hymn of the Seraphim[W] Reduces the mana cost of using the Blinding Light ability. Basic attacks against Blinded Heroes reduce the cooldown of Blinding Light by 3 sec.
Lightning strike[E] Extends the duration of Best Defense by 0.5 seconds. and increases its area of ​​effect by 20%.
Piercing Lightning[Q] Lightning Fury Spear passes through enemies, but only splits when hitting Heroes.
Armor Splitting[E] While Best Defense is active, enemies take 3% more damage from each combo hit.
Laws of War[Passive] Basic attacks against stunned, rooted, or slowed heroes deal additional damage equal to 3% of their maximum health.
Eternal thunderstorm Ball Lightning bounces an unlimited number of times.
Bonds of Light After hitting the first enemy, the Valkyrie deals additional damage to nearby heroes and immobilizes them for 3 sec.

Titan's Retribution


Cassia's basic attacks ignore the target's armor and increase their range by 2m.

Quick character analysis

We are aware that it is only possible to assess a hero in such a quick manner only very superficially. We only had a couple of hours of gameplay in the hustle and bustle of the guest office. Nevertheless, we managed to draw some conclusions on the spot, and then meditated a little on the talents.

So. Cassia is a good assassin, and at the same time quite tenacious. Having met her in battle, Illidan, Varian, Raynor, Samuro and Valla will be unpleasantly surprised - all those who rely on an auto-attack, but instead get blinded and hit in the eye with a trident.

Cassia is especially strong in tight spaces when a massive brawl breaks out. At the same time, “Best Defense” and “Ball Lightning” deal a lot of damage. But for the Amazon, this is an all-in game, since she can get close to the enemy instantly, but there is no way to get out of the battle (no, of course, you can try to break out of the encirclement by rushing “Best Defense” at the enemy standing alone in the distance - but for this the stars must be positioned very well). In general, if Cassia rushes into battle, she either wins or dies. She does not have the skills to elegantly escape on the last hit.

20. Bonds of Light or Titan's Retribution.

Alternatively, at levels 13 and 16 you can strengthen [E]. Then “Best Defense” will work not 6, but 8 times, dealing more and more damage with each blow (up to +24% on the last blow, or +108% of total damage to heroes per series).


Overall, the game has undoubtedly become more player-friendly. She constantly praises you for your success, encourages you at every step, intrigues you with chests, rewards you with crystals and entertains you with funny emoji faces. The social part has become an order of magnitude more modern and deeper, on par with other current Blizzard projects (and this, believe me, is a very high bar). The new HotS understands the player’s psychology more subtly, knows how to attract newcomers and how to retain veterans.

But, in our opinion, these changes do not amount to a loud “2.0”. And if we follow the developers into the language of numbers, then we were shown Heroes of the Storm 1.5 or at most 1.6.

What could bring this figure closer to the declared “two”? The same amount of changes, only in the engine and gameplay. We are still waiting for faster loading of online battles. Quickly reconnect to the match if, God forbid, you get kicked out in the middle of the battle. Observer functions (after all, nothing prevented its implementation in Hearthstone and Overwatch?). And maybe, if you dream very shamelessly, then a completely new engine, written from scratch specifically for HotS. The current one, although it has managed to become a separate development branch, historically goes back to Starcraft 2. And he didn’t go as far from him as we would like.

And yes... It seems that the horse Illidan’s Nightmare has finally arrived in the game... If so, okay, let’s increase the number to 1.7.

And here's another thing...

In fact, we were shown more, but we can’t tell you everything at the moment.
In short, what awaits you is (chick!), as well as (chick!), and all this will appear in the game by (chick!)... No, alas, it’s not even possible in brief. So be patient until mid-April, and we will definitely continue the story.

Photo: Alexandra Stroganova

Heroes of the Storm has always been a dark horse in the MOBA market. Despite being a Blizzard game featuring characters known and loved by millions, HotS was significantly behind the competition. Because MOBA players are a conservative audience. However, just a year and a half ago, it would have been impossible to think that Overwatch would become so popular, although there are many shooters on the market. This means that Heroes of the Storm has every chance to climb higher. Blizzard understands this. That's why at a recent closed presentation in Paris we were shown and given a taste of Heroes of the Storm 2.0.

I haven't played HotS myself in months. The last time I launched it, ironically as it may sound, was to get some goodies for Overwatch. However, what was shown to the press behind closed doors was very pleasing and even forced the client to push the client to launch a ton of content in beta testing.

Blizzard has spent a monumental amount of time dismantling the current HotS system, examining its strengths and weaknesses in order to decide the path forward for the MOBA. However, the team looked beyond the interior to other games in the genre, as well as Blizzard's own projects. Therefore, this is not just another update or a series of updates, but Heroes 2.0. While the gameplay remains the same, the systems surrounding it have changed dramatically.

Heroes 2.0 will mark a new milestone in the evolution of the game. New version - new systems. The new MOBA update will feature a revamped progression mechanic. The game will also receive Loot Chests, giving all Heroes players access to cosmetic rewards and other content.

Beta version of Heroes 2.0 is open today, full release on April 25th.

Here is a list of the most interesting systems and mechanics:

  • New progression system
  • Loot chests for all players
  • Gems replace real money
  • Crafting cosmetic items using shards
  • Fun social rewards and customization
  • New Hero: Cassia

Now let's go through it in order.

New Heroes 2.0 progression system

At the core of Heroes 2.0 is a completely redesigned progression system. To begin with, the Heroes of the Storm team abandoned the maximum level - now you can gain experience indefinitely.

Additionally, instead of the current system of increasing the amount of experience required after level 12, all subsequent levels require the same amount of experience. Thanks to this, progress will no longer take a lot of time and all subsequent levels will open in a couple of hours of play. Or even faster if you use bonuses.

In addition, the player's level now consists of the level of all heroes, better reflecting the position and experience of the gamer. At the same time, with each new level, you will earn a new chest with excellent loot. This includes not only ordinary, but also rare and epic items. When gaining a hero level, the player receives not only random, but also things specific to this character.

Reaching key milestones in levels - every 5 and 25 levels, the rewards will be even more valuable.
If you are already playing Heroes of the Storm, then all current progress will transfer to the new system with “recalculation”. You can check it now in the beta client.

Loot chests in Heroes 2.0

A completely new system in Heroes of the Storm will be loot chests - sets of several items of varying rarity that can be obtained for progress or purchased with gems. Each chest contains four random items from the entire huge list of rewards for the game. This includes playable heroes and items exclusive to chests. There will be no need to pay money for things. Just like Overwatch, Heroes 2.0 allows you to get all the content for free just by playing.

Regular loot chests are awarded for each player level, while rare, epic and hero-specific chests are awarded upon reaching key points. Not happy with what's in the chest? Just re-roll it - however, such a “chance” will cost 250 gold.

In addition, you can find exclusive content in the chests. For example, Diablo as the embodiment of all evil. Another interesting feature is that the chest will necessarily contain at least one item corresponding to the chest level or higher.

If you already have some items from the chest, they will be converted into shards - a new material for crafting.

Blizzard said it's designing the Heroes 2.0 chest system so that rewards aren't completely random, so even the unluckiest players will still get good stuff.

Cosmetic rewards in Heroes 2.0

Loot chests in Heroes 2.0 contain a ton of different cosmetic items. Do you play Overwatch? There are no fewer of them here, but most likely even more. Here are the items you can get in chests:

  • Announcers- a few selected heroes will now be able to announce your achievements during the fight
  • Phrases- encourage your allies or taunt your opponents with famous phrases
  • Emoji- a huge collection of icons for each hero, used in chat to better express your mood
  • Banners- raise your personal flag on the battlefield, showing your dominance... the main thing is that it is not a white flag - your comrades will not appreciate it. However, it could also be a trap.
  • Sprays- yes, yes, these are the same sprays from Overwatch that can be used to mark the battlefield. But don't expect them to last forever, otherwise they will distract from the fight itself.
  • Portraits- reflect your character and tastes both on the loading screen and in your profile

Simply put, it will take years to collect all this. Although, if you only play a couple of characters in a casual format, you’ll quickly accumulate “cosmetics” for your favorite heroes.

Heroes 2.0 Item Collection

Since all of this needs to be stored somewhere, Heroes of the Storm will get a separate tab in the menu called “Collection”. This is the central hub for purchasing new items, crafting cosmetics using shards, and viewing everything that is available in the game. I wonder what else you can discover for your hero - welcome to the Collection.

In addition, in the section you can configure “sets” that allow you to equip heroes in advance with skins, mounts, sprays and even announcers. A total of three sets are available for each hero, allowing you to quickly change his appearance. Perfect for those players who don’t mind adapting to the team.

Gold and Gems in Heroes 2.0

In addition to the existing Gold, Gems will also become available in Heroes of the Storm, serving as virtual currency. Combined with the shard crafting option, players have a variety of ways to obtain new heroes and cosmetics.

Gold in Heroes 2.0 can be used not only to open heroes, but also to reset chests - if you don’t like what you got in the chest, pay some gold and alternative things will open.

Gems have replaced real money. Their function is generally comparable to that familiar from other games - purchasing heroes or things in the store. Moreover, each player will receive 1000 gems at level 5 and from time to time as they progress in the game.

As for the store, you can’t buy everything at once - they change on a regular basis.

New hero - Cassia

In honor of the twentieth anniversary of the Diablo series, the HotS team decided to add a spear-wielding Amazon to the game, which will remind Blizzard game veterans of the glory days of Diablo II. Armed with the power of lightning and a strong shield, Cassia serves as an aggressive assassin, able to dodge even the most powerful physical attacks.

everyone is trying to finalize their most unsuccessful project, refresh it with something new, and revive their beloved “swallow”.

For what?

It would be ridiculous to expect truly radical changes. And they really don’t exist - you can hardly surprise players with a new progression system. But the old system was cumbersome, outdated and useless, so it will be replaced by a completely new one, copied from.

Little mercantile blizzards

It is clear that most players, foaming at the mouth and with OBS turned on, will spend the rest of their days opening chests. For those who for some reason enter the... uh... League of Heroes... Heroes of the Storm... Overstorm... For those who enter the Nexus and press the "play" button, select Diablo and rocket around the battlefield on a rainbow pony, Another surprise is in store.

Another of the great demon slayers from the second part, Amazon Cassia, will burst into the Nexus right on the wave of hype for the Justice League movie. And the fact that the universe is celebrating 20 years is just a curious coincidence *deilluminati*.

Yeah, it came out on April 5th, oh, you know? In update 2.0 itself, the only new content that will appear is an unnamed battlefield.

Bottom line

What can we say? Very loud number 2.0 has no basis at all. A new discipline is being introduced into the game "farming skins". That's all. Perhaps someday they will introduce an auction or an exchange system, but this is unlikely. Yes, patches that correct the balance are released regularly, but this does not change, for example, my personal attitude towards the game.

It pains me that almost everything in the game is good: the characters are pleasant to listen to, nostalgia tickles the soul, the visual style does not change the characters beyond recognition. But I don’t really want to go into it. It’s clear what he wants to play on Blizzard, they say, come in, dear friend, farm not only portraits and mounts, but also chests, and we don’t limit you in anything, dress up the heroes, spin them the way you want. But this is not a dating simulator. Why doesn’t it have an adequate observer mode, normal synchronization and everything that is needed for a full-fledged eSports game?

The League of Heroes has always been aimed specifically at fans, and not to compete with giants like and, this is understandable. It was clear even when all the major organizations signed esports teams for the Hero League. It became even clearer after the dissolution of most of the compositions. But I would like something more than “Dress Barbie Kerrigan on a date.” We don’t believe, we don’t expect or we don’t hope for such large-scale changes in gameplay, only for an increase in the amount of fan service.

As an additional motivation to master the new development system, everyone who reached level 40 before the release of the update will receive stimulants for 30 days. Double experience - to gain levels and containers even faster!

P.S. I call it "Hero League" because of the "Blizzard App" where players play "Hero League".

Heroes of the Storm 2.0 features a completely new progression system for heroes and players, new trophies and customizations, and plenty of ways to unlock everything in the game. In special containers you can find items that were previously bought for gold (or in the in-game store), as well as all sorts of cool new items - graffiti, banners, emoticons, commentators and much more. The great thing about this is that you can join beta testing of new products right now. Hurry up to try out all the innovations and see new epic trophies!

The hero's journey never ends

The first innovation in Heroes of the Storm 2.0 is a completely changed progression system!

We decided to simplify the system and abolished the maximum player level, replacing it with the sum of all hero levels received. At the same time, we also abolished the maximum level for heroes, so the possibilities for development became almost limitless.

Now the experience you receive for the game only affects the development of the hero - when you gain a new hero level, your player level also increases.

Lifting restrictions will help us make growth more dynamic and meaningful. Plus, thanks to the flexibility of the new system, you'll receive prizes every time one of your heroes levels up!

We're planning to release several major changes that will make playing Heroes of the Storm even more enjoyable: an improved progression system, loot containers, even more interesting battlefields based on different Blizzard game worlds, new mechanics in brawls and, of course, a whole bunch of excellent heroes.

Let everyone see your skill!

The higher the levels of your heroes and the player's level, the more beautiful the development icon becomes.

Every 25 levels, the pattern on your development badge becomes more intricate, and when you reach level 100, the level indicator on it resets and the badge takes on a more epic look. Every 100 levels, your portrait frame also improves, so anyone can see your dedication to the game by looking at it.

Although the number on the development icon cannot exceed 99, you can always find out your overall level in your profile.

Changes to hero experience and levels

We took a closer look at the speed at which heroes gained new levels in the previous development system and realized that in the early stages it was too high. The level increased so quickly that often after the first game players received a third level, which seriously reduced the sense of significance and value of such development.

On the other hand, it took hours to wade through the high levels in the previous development system. Gaining levels is great, and we want you to enjoy your highly advanced heroes as often as possible.

So, the amount of experience required to gain levels has undergone changes that will solve both problems. In the early stages, gaining levels began to require a little more experience, and in the later stages - about 75-80% less.

Containers for everyone!

The containers that you receive for each level up contain all the possible rewards in the game - and even heroes!

As you level up, you will begin to receive not only regular, but also rare and epic containers. Each type of container is guaranteed to contain at least one trophy of the corresponding rarity or higher, and even a regular container can contain a rare, epic or legendary item.

Regular containers

Rare containers

Epic containers

Additionally, for every 10 levels earned by one hero, you will receive a special container with a guaranteed item for that hero. We plan to frequently expand the range of trophies in containers and promise many pleasant surprises.

If you get tired of waiting for the next level, but want to open the container right now, or you have a presentiment that luck is on your side, you can purchase containers for money - to do this, click the “Buy” button on the trophies screen.

Time to dress up!

Among the game menus at the top of the screen there is a new “Containers” tab, where you can take care of your trophies at any time. Each container contains 4 items. In addition to heroes, skins and vehicles, containers can contain a huge number of new cosmetic items that will help you make your heroes truly unique.

Graffiti Leave your mark on the battlefield - draw it right on the ground. We have added several animated graffiti to the game, which will greatly diversify the battlefield.

Emoticons Soon, communication in Heroes of the Storm chats will become much more expressive - the game will have a huge collection of stylized and unique emoticons that can be used both in and outside of the game. Moreover, in the game, emoticons are adjusted to the selected hero, if you have a set corresponding to him.

Portraits A whole carload of new portraits for Heroes of the Storm is on the way. It will soon be even easier to showcase your uniqueness on the loading screen, profile, and out-of-game interface.

Shards Shards are used to craft special cosmetic items. They appear in containers, and when you get a trophy that you already have, it automatically breaks into pieces!

Let's say you received an award that doesn't suit your style. No problem! By spending some gold, you can replace the contents of any container up to three times. However, choose carefully - replacement is irreversible!

And finally, players of level 3 and above will receive at least 5 free containers and a special portrait when updating. Those who managed to get more levels will receive up to 70 containers when Heroes of the Storm 2.0 releases. The higher the player's level, the greater the reward.

Collections and Gear: Fight in style!

We are pleased to announce the appearance of the “Collection”. This menu will replace the in-game store and will help you keep track of the growing pile of treasures that you have received for progress or found in containers and purchased in the game. It is here that you can now purchase items, create new ones from fragments, view and organize almost all of the game’s treasures.

If the collection begins to burst with treasures, then it’s time to give the characters worthy equipment that will delight both friends and enemies. The Loadout button on the hero selection screen brings up a menu where each hero can be assigned specific skins, vehicles, spray paint, and much more - even commentator voices!



For each hero, you can create up to three sets of equipment, which are saved automatically. Now you'll always have the perfect combination of items ready when you log into the game.

Changes to profile and progress rewards

In addition to containers, we are introducing more epic trophies into the game that players will receive at certain levels of development in Heroes of the Storm.

Player levelAwards
1st level The first 10 heroes are freely available
Level 5 1000 crystals and the 11th hero are freely available
Level 10 Stimulants for 7 days and the 12th hero is freely available
Level 15 The 13th hero is freely available
Level 20 The 14th hero is freely available
Every time you level up 1 regular container
Every 5 levels 1 rare container
Every 25 levels 150 crystals and 1 epic container

Crystals are the new in-game currency in Heroes of the Storm 2.0. You can find out more about them

Hero Progress Rewards

With the advent of the new progression system, the rewards you receive for increasing the levels of individual heroes have also changed. One of the most important innovations is that appearance and vehicle options, as well as special appearances, can no longer be obtained by developing the hero. From now on, these are individual items that can be found in containers or purchased in the store.

If you unlocked a skin or vehicle before the release of Heroes of the Storm 2.0, then after installing the update you will receive not only the base version, but also both of its variants - even if you did not have them.

Please note other changes to the hero progression system.

Transforming your profile

Perhaps you are already tormented by the question: how to keep track of changes and understand what rewards you will receive and when? Don't worry, we've got everything covered.

Your profile has been completely redesigned - it's now easier to navigate, and new rewards and progress are displayed more clearly.

New currency: crystals

How to get a: Purchase for real money at a crystal store. You will regularly receive crystals for the player reaching certain levels.

What to spend it on: containers, heroes, stimulants and recommended items (such as kits).

Create things from shards!

How to get a: fragments, as mentioned above, are found in containers, and re-received items are also replaced with them.

What to spend it on: cosmetic items - skins, vehicles, sprays, emoticon packs, commentators and lines.

Untold riches

While new players will quickly receive their first containers in the early stages of the game, we haven't forgotten about those who have been in the Nexus for a long time.

No matter how many games you have, the Heroes of the Storm update will give you free crates when you log into the game. Their number depends on the overall level of your account in accordance with the new development system.

Account levelAwards
At least one match played 5 regular containers
Every 10th + 1 regular container (max. 35)
Every 25th +1 rare container (max 20)
Every 100th +1 epic container (max 10)

And since we've reduced the amount of experience required to reach high levels, all high-level hero owners will receive rewards for new levels much more often than before.

Participate in the Heroes of the Storm 2.0 beta testing

As you can see, there are a lot of changes coming to Heroes of the Storm, and we need help testing them. The beta test will last a month - during this time we hope to get rid of any problems and get your feedback.

Do you want to take part in testing and personally try out new items, systems and other changes right now? Read on!

We hope you enjoy this huge update for Heroes of the Storm. We will be happy to read your feedback about changes and innovations. Be sure to visit the official Heroes of the Storm forum and share your thoughts.

See you in the Nexus - we are waiting for you with new things!

I have been interested in computer games and journalism since school. Now I play, stream, write. Life is beautiful, dreams come true!

Frames can be of six colors: blue, green, turquoise, purple, gold, burgundy. The frame color changes cyclically every 100 levels, except for blue, which shows the player's level from 0 to 100 and no longer appears in the frame color rotation.

And so on.

As we were able to notice, each crystal on the frame is added after 500 levels by the player. In addition, with the addition of the number of crystals, the format of the frame changes, it becomes more saturated with additional elements.

Portrait frame examples

What is a badge then? The badge can be seen when viewing a player's profile. The appearance of the badge also changes depending on the player's level, and the color always matches the color of the portrait frame.

Position of frame and player badge

The badge can come in five configurations: circle, hexagon, improved hexagon, flag, improved flag. The level inside resets to zero every 100 player levels, thus showing the last two digits of a three-digit level. The design changes every 30 levels.

Examples of badges

The formula by which a player's level is encrypted in a frame sounds something like this:

Player Level = 500 * Gem Amount + 100 * Color Value + Level number, where

Player Level - player level;
Gem amoun - the number of crystals on the portrait frame;
Color value - frame color;
Level number - a two-digit number in the lower left corner of the frame.

Now, with the introduction of color differences in portrait frames and additional artistic additions, there is additional motivation, and many players' desire to improve their badge or insert more crystals into a portrait frame will force them to spend more time on character development to raise their overall level.

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