Interesting stories about money. Amazing facts about money for children and adults. Fraudsters cut edges off precious metal coins

Interesting facts about money evoke different emotions in different people. After all, on the one hand, we know that “happiness is not in money”, and on the other hand, we hear someone supplementing this saying with the words: “... but in quantity”! Indeed, almost everything in this world revolves around money.

There is an opinion that a world government exists, but it does not have a human face, since it is the power of money. So, we bring to your attention about money, starting from ancient times.

  1. Money is a commodity that represents a unique instrument for the exchange of other goods and services.
  2. Some Indians used pearls and shells as money. Various valuables were exchanged for them.
  3. The most ancient money is considered to be livestock, animal skins, furs, stones of a certain size, tea bars, dried fish, etc.
  4. In Kievan Rus, in parallel with the hryvnia, the role of money was played by salt, honey, cattle and hides.
  5. Since ancient times, when the first coins appeared, rulers minted their portraits on them. is considered the first who decided to perpetuate his name in this way.
  6. For the first time, he ordered the minting of kopecks (coins with a face value of 1 kopeck) (see). Of course, the kopecks had his image on them. Such a “penny” king!
  7. In some other southern countries plastic money is still used.
  8. In 1999, Russia produced the heaviest silver coin. She weighs 3 kilograms.
  9. In China, they released the heaviest gold coin, weighing 5 kilograms.
  10. If we consider the amazing facts of money from the past, then it was in this city that the heaviest coin was made, weighing 19 kilograms.
  11. It’s hard to imagine, but it was ordinary playing cards that first acted as money in .
  12. Canada itself surprised the world by releasing 25 thousand extraordinary coins. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that on one side of the coin there is an image whose skeleton glows in the dark. For some reason they never came into use.
  13. Another surprising fact about money relates to England. Imagine there was a million pound note. And you don’t need any suitcase - you put a million in your pocket and went to the store!
  14. The most common currency in the world is the British pound: it is used in 105 countries. The second place goes to the dollar (83 countries), the third place goes to the French franc (75 countries), the fourth place goes to the dinar (33 countries, mostly in the Arab region), and the fifth place goes to the Russian ruble (27 countries). Please note that this is the total rating for the last 200 years.
  15. It is believed that for a standard bend with abrasion to appear on a regular banknote, it must be folded about four thousand times.
  16. Which dollar bill do you think is the most common in the world? You may not realize it, but it's 1 dollar and 20 dollars. In the rest of the world, the most popular is the one hundred dollar bill, which depicts the great.
  17. In America there is a law that prohibits depicting living people on money. But the dead - please!
  18. Not everyone knows that the dollar sign “$” was first used in accounting books by a gentleman named Oliver Pollock in 1778. And only then his friend, Congressman Robert Morris, began to officially use this sign to designate American money.
  19. If you like interesting facts about money, then you need to know that paper bills first appeared in China. This happened not so long ago - in 812.
  20. The most expensive coin in the world is considered to be the dekadrachm, originally from ancient Greece. When sold at auction, it was valued at 314 thousand dollars.
  21. Until the mid-20th century, cattle were used as money.
  22. , as a real capitalist country, had coins with advertising text in the mid-20th century. I wish I could put an ad on the hundred dollar bill now!
  23. in the 16th century there was a coin in circulation with a simple name - “Newspaper”. And no one asked any unnecessary questions. Now you can’t buy anything for a newspaper, alas!
  24. From 1821 to 1825, the Russian-American Company, which then operated, issued banknotes printed on leather. Out of 10 thousand pieces, only 40 sealskin coins remain today, and their price is the same as a piece of gold of the same weight.

  25. Versatility is a good quality. Here in

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The love of money lives in every modern person. This is a universal remedy that can be spent absolutely at your own discretion and without any conditions. If ordinary commodity exchange implies any framework, then the money-commodity operation has no framework. Interesting facts about the money of the world will be of interest to any person, because all of humanity has money. First of all, it is worth knowing the history of the formation of the monetary unit. You can consider the appearance of money in stages.

Those who played shopping in the yard as a child remember money in the form of leaves, interesting pebbles, and shells. Today such currency seems ridiculous and unreal. However, among the ancient tribes, the first monetary unit was just beautiful pebbles, interesting bird feathers and somehow processed shells.

Before the first metal coins appeared in ancient Rus', the unit of exchange with eastern merchants was dressed marten skins, hence the name of future coins - “kuna”.

Before the first money appeared in other countries of the world, well-known and needed goods and products acted as currencies. Such products could be coffee, salt, snuff; China was famous for its silks, so they paid with them, and other Asian countries paid with medicinal opium.

In the Aztec civilization, animals and their bones were valued as money.

The Roman Empire became the ancestor of round coins, it was there that metal discs were valued above all else and, through trade, gradually spread throughout the globe.

Money made of paper appeared in China in ancient times. Back then, the Chinese gave paper money a strange meaning - during funerals, money was burned in order to go with the deceased to the afterlife and help him exist there.

The inhabitants of Ancient Greece also used money during burial. They used the obol as money, a silver coin weighing 0.7 grams. One obol was placed in the mouth of the deceased - this was payment to Charon, who transported the soul of the deceased to the other side of the Styx.

The minting of coins began in the Middle Ages, in Lydia. The alloy of silver and gold from which coins were made was called electrum.

Along the edges of modern coins there is an edge - a ribbed surface. The origin of the edge is very interesting - as soon as round minted coins appeared, having an expensive composition of silver and gold, there were many scammers who, using a special tool, cut off the edges of the coins and melted the resulting pieces. Thus, the coin looked very shabby, but its value did not decrease. The great scientist Newton proposed an ingenious solution - to make all coins with a ribbed side surface, small clear lines immediately betrayed any attempts by scammers to cut money.

In Rus', the hryvnia was the currency. The hryvnia could be divided into 4 parts (rubles), hence the name “quarter” and “ruble”.

A coin worth 1 kopeck appeared under Ivan the Terrible; in those days, the kopeck bore the image of the Victorious Bearer and a serpent struck by his spear.

Before the Revolution, coins had an image in the form of the state coat of arms. During the Soviet era, coins depicted a coat of arms in the form of the planet Earth, which was surrounded by a wreath with ears of ears.

It is noteworthy that the most interesting facts about the world’s money were included in the book of records.

So, in Canada they made coins with images of dinosaurs. During daylight hours, a dinosaur is visible on the coin, and when darkness falls, the skeleton of an ancient animal glows on the coin. Unfortunately, these coins have no value in everyday use; they are of interest only to collectors, since only 25 thousand of them were issued.

In the modern world, the coin with the highest denomination is considered to be the Turkish coin, it costs 100,000 liras.

For more than a century, the ten-kopeck Russian coin has not changed its size even by a millimeter.

Typically, banknotes feature portraits of famous men. In the history of the United States, there is only one known case of placing a woman’s portrait on a banknote. In 1896, Martha Washington was featured on the dollar bill.

The most famous and richest drug lord Pablo Escobar did not stint for the sake of his own child and, hiding in the mountains with his daughter, kept her warm, burning 2 million dollars for this.

The modern world needs cash less and less; they are being successfully replaced by virtual wallets and credit cards, but we should not forget about the popularity of cash at any time.

Money is one of the main components of a prosperous life. Their presence allows you to travel, purchase everything you need, etc. According to numerous statuses on social networks, the rustling of bills calms the nervous system and improves fine motor skills. And if the second statement is close to the truth, then regarding calmness it is very doubtful. However, humanity did not always have money. Various objects were used as a means of calculation. They were valuable for a person or even an entire era. We want to reveal these and others about money in this article.

History of origin

That in past centuries, pressed, dried, stones and even fertilizer were used as a means of payment. Subsequently, gold and silver coins appeared, as well as entire bars of various sizes and weights.

For example, hryvnia. In Southern Rus', since the 11th century, a kind of coin was in use, which had a hexagonal shape. The weight of the hryvnia was just over 160 grams. The Novgorod hryvnia had a different form. It was oblong. The weight of the coin is 204 grams. It bore little resemblance to traditional money. It was more of a piece of raw metal.

However, coins are made not only from precious and ferrous metals. In Australia, money made from plastic is still in use.

The name "coin" arose from the title of the goddess Juno. The word is translated as “guardian”. Not far from the Temple of Juno there were workshops in which metal money was made.

The first paper money was made in China. They date back to 812. At first, banknotes were used in funeral rituals. The money was burned at the stake along with the bodies. People believed that in this way the deceased would be rich in the next world.

In the 16th century, money was used in Venice, which was called “newspapers”.

In the 19th century, money was made from seal skin. The current value of the bill is equal to the price of a gold bar with the same mass.

Animals, wonders of the world, memorials and portraits of rulers are applied to the surface of coins and banknotes. Alexander the Great was the first to introduce the tradition of printing money with images of famous personalities. He ordered the release of coins with his portrait. It is worth noting that by law in the United States it is now prohibited to depict a person who is still alive on a banknote.

In the last century, in some European countries, advertisements could be found on coins.


The thing about money is that the Celestial Empire used a gold coin weighing about 5 kilograms. Carrying that kind of money in your pocket was quite difficult.

However, it was surpassed by a pure gold coin issued in Australia. Her weight is 1,000 kilograms. The diameter of the coin is 800 millimeters, thickness is 120 millimeters. Denomination: 1 million dollars. Moreover, if you make smaller ingots from it, you can earn more than 50 million dollars. Of course, this coin is not a means of payment.

The heaviest silver coin was issued in Russia at the end of the last century. Its weight is 3 kilograms.

Interestingly, the real record holder among real money is a Swedish coin, which was made in the 18th century. Her weight is 9 kilograms.

Coins and banknotes may vary in denomination. The largest note is the denomination of 1 million pounds sterling. It is used only for banking transactions involving large amounts.

The most expensive rare coin is the ancient Greek dekadrachm. Its last auction price exceeded $300,000.

The ancient coin was surpassed in value by the silver dollar. It was made at the end of the 18th century. In total, 2 thousand of these coins were minted. More than 10% got married. At auction, more than $10 million was paid for one of the surviving silver dollars.

Some more interesting facts about money

The most commonly used banknote in the world is the $100 denomination. In America itself, the most popular bills are 1 and 20 dollars.

About money is that they made coins that were not only used as a means of payment, but also served practical purposes. They were released and used for their intended purpose. Copper was used for production, so the coins could perform their functions for a long time.

In Japan, from coins that were once collected by children, . They were sent to different countries. Bells commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of them is installed in St. Petersburg.

Interestingly, in the Dominican Republic, coins are sometimes used instead of a small weight. Especially for this purpose, in addition to their dignity, their weight is also indicated.

To minimize corruption and theft, traditional coins were replaced with metal rods. They were large in size. It was impossible to steal or pass a bribe unnoticed in this scenario. If only we could introduce the same measures in our time.

The fact is that in fact the dollar sign arose even before the formation of the United States. The $ symbol denoted the Mexican currency, the peso. Subsequently, Mexican money was used for some time in the United States. Only decades later did the American authorities issue their money and assign it a symbol that was already familiar to many.

Coins were issued that never became a means of payment. This is unique money, the circulation of which was only 25 thousand units. On one side was depicted. His skeleton glowed in the dark. Coins are a numismatist's dream. Also, in the past, playing cards were used as banknotes.

It is worth noting that most countries in the world still regularly produce anniversary money for various memorable events. Their circulation is small. Regardless of their denomination, they are not used as a means of payment. Instead, the coins end up in collections.

Paper money is designed for 4 thousand folds. This applies to banknotes from around the world. This is the limit. After 4 thousand folds, the bill breaks.

Isaac Newton came up with the idea of ​​making slits along the edges of coins. This was necessary to avoid fraud. Enterprising businessmen cut off the edges of coins and sold them at the price of the metal. This applied to gold and silver money. The ribbed surface avoided cutting. It became impossible to cut a piece so that it would not be noticeable from the outside. The technology is still used today. The ribbed surface is called “edge”.

There are still corners of the world where the money we are used to is not used at all. Instead, stones with a hole in the middle are used. The value of money depends on its weight. The bigger, the better. Sometimes the weight is calculated in tons. It’s really hard to imagine how to take such a coin home?!

Many people are convinced that money brings happiness and are ready to bet everything in a casino or buy a lottery ticket with the last one. However, according to statistics, the chances of hitting the jackpot are several times less than becoming a victim of a maniac. So don't delude yourself. And many billionaires admit that they are unhappy. Not everything can be bought with money. Therefore, it is better to enjoy life here and now.

12/26/2019 at 11:01 · VeraSchegoleva · 180

Top 10 interesting and surprising facts about money

Money, of course, has magical powers that can change the human appearance beyond recognition. Both for the worse and for the better. Today, without them, it is impossible to imagine the existence of modern society, the economic relationships we are accustomed to.

Despite the famous phrase “ money is evil" Without them, just like without electricity, civilization can return to . Most professions that provide income opportunities for millions of people will disappear. Having lost their jobs, people will not think about a bright future and self-development, but about what they can produce themselves and what they can exchange it for later.

In addition, we have collected for you another ten interesting things that you may not have known. So, we present to your attention the top 10 interesting facts about money of different nations of the world for students in grades 3–6. Let's talk briefly about the most amazing stories about them.

10. The first paper money appeared in China

From the school curriculum we know that paper was invented in. But The Chinese also invented the first paper money, which were more convenient than heavy iron coins. Securities appeared in 812 and were issued to make life easier for merchants, who, even without a load of coins, had to transport large weights of various goods from the Middle Kingdom.

Banknotes began to be printed during the Song Dynasty. Of course, in addition to taking care of the merchants, it was also about saving expensive metal, which could and should have been used for more important needs of the Empire. Now it is difficult to imagine a world without paper bills. Moreover, with our prices for everything, it would be difficult to carry coins with you.

9. $100,000 bills were issued in 1934

The banknote, whose denomination has five zeros, was issued in 1934. It is difficult to imagine what could be bought with one such banknote at that time. But the reserve fund, which printed and put this bill into circulation, saved Americans from the difficulty of choosing, because it was created exclusively for large government transactions and transactions between banks.

It depicted the man who wrote the set of rules of the League of Nations and participated in the signing of the Treaty of Versailles - Woodrow Wilson. The same political and public figure created the Federal Reserve System of the United States.

8. Alexander the Great was the first to order his profile to be minted on money

Alexander the Great etched his name into history as the most successful conqueror of all time. The brilliant military strategist was also a very smart politician. It is not surprising, because his teacher was himself.

In addition to all his merits, Macedonsky is also famous for the fact that his profile was the first to appear on coins that circulated from Greece to North Africa. The money minted under him influenced the future of coins in almost every part of the land.

Some of the symbols he introduced are used for banknotes to this day. Nowadays, portraits of famous people are depicted mainly on paper bills, but it is coins that are most often collected for their original appearance throughout history.

7. The first person whose name was placed on a coin was Julius Caesar

As Rome conquered more and more lands, becoming the strongest civilization in the world, Roman rulers gained political influence, power and glory, like gods.

Roman Emperor, then and now known throughout the world Julius Caesar was the first person whose name appeared on a coin. In addition to “Caesar”, an elephant was depicted on the coin as a symbol of the emperor. This is another achievement for Caesar. There are many landmarks in memory of this great man, and a coin with his name is one of them.

6. The first ATM in the world appeared in 1939

Today, there are more than two million ATMs installed in the world, in which every owner of a plastic card can withdraw money, or, conversely, deposit it into a bank account. In addition to the usual places, such as the airport, a large shopping and entertainment center, a couple of devices also operate at the North Pole.

The first prototype of the familiar ATM was invented in America in 1939. But plastic cards were invented much later and the first ATM accepted special paper, which was called a voucher. Using the voucher, you could withdraw a limited, very small amount. The safety of the funds was ensured by the thickness of the walls of one and a half centimeters.

In the modern world, the fastest and most convenient way to withdraw cash from bank cards is ATMs.

5. Mass production of round coins was established for the first time in Ancient Rome

The Romans were famous for their education, sense of beauty, military successes and scientific achievements. But not everyone knows that The Roman Empire was the first to launch mass production of round coins. Even the word “coin” itself is one of the names of the ancient Roman goddess. In addition, this was the name of the first Roman mint, which began issuing round money.

4. Fraudsters cut edges off precious metal coins

An interesting method of fraud was invented at a time when coins were made exclusively from precious metals. Talented swindlers figured out how to carefully file down the edges in order to cast new ones from the shavings..

Isaac Newton put an end to these shenanigans when he came up with the idea of ​​putting a carving called an edge on the edges of coins. This helped to identify clipped coins and catch cunning people by the hand.

3. Gold is not subject to inflation

, like many other things, lose their value over time and can bring losses to the owner. A completely different story happens with. The precious metal not only does not lose in price, but on the contrary, it becomes more expensive every year. This is primarily due to the fact that gold reserves, like other natural resources, are limited.

In order for the reader to understand how rare this metal is, it is worth saying that more steel is mined in the world every hour than people have received gold in the entire history of its mining. In addition, this metal is also of strategic importance, because it is used not only in, but also in electronics and military equipment.

2. Banknote with the largest denomination in the world - 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars

A huge figure of one hundred trillion appears on the banknote of the distant African country of Zimbabwe.. The reader may be taken aback by the denomination of this banknote and the fact that, in addition to the amount, it contains such a familiar and desirable word “dollar”.

But the value of this monetary unit is so small that the country’s authorities even passed a law prohibiting wiping with such bills, because you cannot even buy toilet paper with it.

1. Canadian record: 100 kg .999 gold coin

The Canadian one hundred kilogram coin was minted by the Royal Mint relatively recently.. In 2007, a record-breaking coin with a diameter of more than fifty centimeters was released as a commemorative symbol and called the “Big Maple Leaf.” The denomination of this work of art is equal to one million Canadian dollars, but its cost is much higher.

Based on the cost of a gram of gold today, such a coin has a price of more than four and a half million dollars. The maple leaf, which is a symbol of Canada, is depicted on the reverse side, and on the front side is the profile of the British Queen Elizabeth II.

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