Eastern eurasia map. Satellite map of Eurasia. Physical map of Eurasia in Russian

1. Fill in the blanks in the sentences

Eurasia is the largest continent. Its area together with the islands is 53.4 million km2. Eurasia stretches from north to south for 8000 km, from west to east - for 16000 km. Eurasia is washed by the waters of the Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. In Eurasia, there are two parts of the world: Europe and Asia.

11. Before you climate diagrams (fig. 28). Determine what types of climate they belong to.

1-temperate temperate continental

2-subtropical Mediterranean

3-tropical continental

4-subtropical monsoon

12. Determine the type of climate according to the description

1. Moderate air masses dominate in summer, arctic in winter. Precipitation occurs mainly in the summer. They are associated with the arrival of moderate air masses.

Subarctic climate

2. Equatorial air masses dominate here in summer, tropical air in winter. There is precipitation in summer and dry winters.

Subequatorial climate.

13. Determine the type of climate by the following indicators: the average temperature in January is -28 ° С, in July + 18 ° С, the average annual precipitation is 350 mm.

Moderate continental climate

15. Sign on the contour map the extreme points of Eurasia.

16. Sign on the outline map oceans and seas, bays and straits off the coast of Eurasia.

17. Sign on the outline map for the major islands associated with Eurasia. Which coast of the mainland has the largest number of islands?

18. Draw on a contour map and sign the currents off the coast of Eurasia.

19. Sign on the outline map of Eurasia the mountains, plains, rivers and lakes mentioned in the text of §45-46 of the textbook.

20. On a contour map of Eurasia, mark the borders of the states referred to in the textbook and sign them. Sign also the capitals of these states.

The relief of Eurasia is characterized by greater complexity and diversity, which is associated with the heterogeneity of the tectonic structure.

23. The well-known zoologist and traveler B. Grzimek wrote: “Primordial nature must be protected no less than we protect Raphael's paintings, the Cologne Cathedral, Indian temples; they can be restored if desired ... By destroying or endangering many species of animals on Earth, people thereby deprive not only the nature around us, but also themselves. "

How do you understand the words of the scientist? Express your position.

The scientist's words are true. Often times, people give great importance to the wrong things that really matter. We still have the opportunity to admire the real natural landscapes, the beauties of nature. However, if we do not take care of nature, future generations, our children and grandchildren, will be deprived of this opportunity.

26. What letter on the map (Fig. 29) marks the Iberian Peninsula?

A); V); WITH); D)

27. Eurasia is washed by the waters of the bays:

1) Bengali; 2) Biscay; 3) Mexican

1) Bengali; 2) Biscay

28. The following islands belong to Eurasia:

1) Borneo; 2) Sumatra; 3) New Guinea

1) Borneo; 2) Sumatra.

29. Choose superfluous:

1) Turan lowland; 2) Mesopotamian lowland; 3) Amazonian lowland

3) Amazonian lowland;

30. What letter on the map (Fig. 30) indicates the mountains of the Himalayas?

A); V); WITH); D)

31. Choose superfluous:

1) Rhine; 2) Elba; 3) Darling; 4) Hay

3) Darling

32. What letter on the map (Fig. 31) marks the Yangtze River?

A); V); WITH); D)

Climate type Territory

1) arctic A) Iberian Peninsula

2) subarctic B) Wrangel Island

3) moderate B) Kalimantan island

4) tropical D) Iceland island

5) subtropical D) UK island

6) subequatorial E) Indian subcontinent

7) equatorial

3 - A, D, D

34. What letter on the map (Fig. 32) indicates India?

A); V); WITH); D)

Country Capital

1) Mongolia A) Delhi

2) India B) Tehran

3) Iran C) Ulan Bator

4) China D) Kabul

5) Afghanistan E) Beijing

37. Choose the correct statement.

1. Natural zones in Eurasia are elongated in the meridional direction.

3. The monsoon climate is common in the west of Eurasia.

2. Eurasia is washed by all the oceans of the Earth.

38. Which of the statements is correct?

A) The wettest place on Earth is Cherrapunji.

B) All natural zones are located on the territory of Eurasia.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both are correct;

4) both are wrong

Collection of maps of Eurasia in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps of Eurasia. Detailed maps of Eurasia can be enlarged. The full dimensions of Eurasia maps are optimized to a maximum size of 1 Megabyte.

Satellite map of Eurasia Google in Russian:

Detailed map of Eurasia with countries in English:

Map of Eurasia with cities and capitals in Russian:

Physical map of Eurasia in Russian:

Geographical map of Eurasia (map of Europe and Asia) in Russian:

The map shows the population density in Eurasia. Each point corresponds to a population of 100 thousand people.

Mainland Eurasia- the largest on the planet. It occupies a third of the entire land area of ​​the Earth. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia, the division between which runs along the Ural Mountains.

Lives in Eurasia three quarters of the population the whole globe. The distribution of the population of Eurasia can be viewed above on the population density map of Eurasia (the density is shown in red). The maximum population density of Eurasia is located in the eastern part of China, throughout India and in Central Europe. Eurasia square 55 million sq. km. Eurasia is home to 5 billion 262 million people, which is about 70% of the population of the planet Earth. About 90 countries of the world are located on the Eurasia mainland.

Satellite map of Eurasia. Explore the satellite map of Eurasia online in real time. A detailed map of Eurasia was created on the basis of high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, a satellite map of Eurasia allows you to study in detail the streets, individual houses and attractions of Eurasia. The map of Eurasia from the satellite easily switches to the regular map mode (diagram).

Eurasia- the largest continent in the world, which is home to three quarters of the world's population - almost 5 billion people. The mainland received its name not so long ago - only in 1880, since before that this continent was simply called Asia.

Eurasia is not only the largest continent of the planet, but also the most populous part of the planet. There are 80 independent states in Eurasia. Almost entirely this mainland is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Most of the mainland is dominated by a temperate type of climate, although there are significant territories located at the North Pole, beyond the Arctic Circle.

It is not only the largest continent, but also the only continent whose shores are washed by four oceans at once - the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic.

Eurasia has many seas and oceans. The largest number of them is on the western coast, it is there that there are numerous bays, straits and seas. The east coast is less indented, but there are also Pacific seas.

April 30, 2012
Contour map of Eurasia. 7th grade. Author: Grade 7
Fine arts / Cartography / School Maps / Album Outline maps of Russia 7-9 grade Planimetric cards of Russia 7-9 class
Posted by: Ivasiv Alexander

Contour map of Eurasia. 7th grade


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Collection of maps of Eurasia in Russian. Political, geographical, physical and satellite maps of Eurasia.

Detailed maps of Eurasia can be enlarged. The full dimensions of Eurasia maps are optimized to a maximum size of 1 Megabyte.

Satellite map of Eurasia Google in Russian:

Political map of Eurasia in Russian:

Detailed map of Eurasia with countries in English:

Map of Eurasia with cities and capitals in Russian:

Physical map of Eurasia in Russian:

Geographical map of Eurasia (map of Europe and Asia) in Russian:

Contour map of Eurasia:

Inverted map of Eurasia:

Map of Eurasia with population density:

The map shows the population density in Eurasia.

Each point corresponds to a population of 100 thousand people.

Mainland Eurasia- the largest on the planet. It occupies a third of the entire land area of ​​the Earth. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia, the division between which runs along the Ural Mountains.

Lives in Eurasia three quarters of the population the whole globe. The distribution of the population of Eurasia can be viewed above on the population density map of Eurasia (the density is shown in red).

The maximum population density of Eurasia is located in the eastern part of China, throughout India and in Central Europe. Eurasia square 55 million sq. km.

Eurasia is home to 5 billion 262 million people, which is about 70% of the population of the planet Earth. About 90 countries of the world are located on the Eurasia mainland.

See also:



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Eurasia Map

Detailed map of Eurasia in Russian. Explore a satellite map of Eurasia. Zoom in and view streets, houses and landmarks on a map of Eurasia.

Eurasia- the largest continent on the planet.

More than 75 percent of the population, about 5 billion people, live on the territory of Eurasia. The continent began to be called Eurasia relatively recently, only at the end of the 19th century. Before that, it was simply called Asia.

Eurasia is not only the largest continent, but also the most densely populated.

There are 80 countries on this continent.

Almost the entire territory of Eurasia is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Almost the entire territory of the continent is characterized by a temperate climate, but in some areas there are also arctic and subarctic climatic zones, since these regions are located in the Arctic Circle.

Eurasia Is also the only continent surrounded by four oceans - the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific and Arctic. In addition to ocean waters on the mainland, there are many other water bodies - bays, seas, lakes, straits.

The western coast of Eurasia is much more indented than the eastern one.

What else to see:

  1. World maps
  2. World capitals
  3. Satellite world map
  4. Political world map
  5. Geographic world map
  6. Online world map

Contour maps answers on Geography Grade 7 Contour maps Kurbsky 2011

Choose the appropriate Reshebnik edition

  1. Contour maps in Geography Grade 7 Contour maps Kurbsky 2011
  2. Contour maps in Geography Grade 7 Kurbsky 2013
  3. Workbook on Geography Grade 7 Contour maps Kurbsky 2015

Finished tasks

Australia and New Zealand
Atlantic Ocean
Climatic zones and regions of the world
North America
Countries of Overseas Asia
Countries of Foreign Europe
The structure of the earth's crust
South America

A geography book for the 7th grade is an integral part of the modern educational process.

It has a positive effect on the assimilation of new material and increases student performance. With the help of the Reshebnik, students have access to new forms of working with educational material, now they do not have to solve the puzzle in the form of difficult homework assignments from evil teachers. It will become simple and easy to work with objects on contour maps, it will be enough to make a minimum effort.

Continents and oceans will gladly open knowledge for 7th grade students with the help of a Reshebnik.

In it, all tasks are explained in a simple and understandable language for 7th grade students.

From now on, you will not need to spend a lot of time on books with unnecessary information and thoroughly study the atlas. Fatigue will decrease and there will be more free time for other activities. This is relevant for students who have not chosen geography as a core subject for further education. Each answer in the reshebnik can be carefully parsed and studied.

Using the Reshebnik in the educational process

The 7th grade geography book is included as an appendix to the workbook.

It is her practical tasks that are explained and laid out to the bone. The following material is presented in the reshebnik:

Advantages of the Reshebnik as a Study Guide

Reshebnik is a specialized textbook that is designed to solve a narrow range of problems.

With the help of a reshebnik, students carry out:

For 7th grade students and their parents, the electronic version of the Reshebnik from the TopGdz resource is perfect, where you can download it for free. You can use the manual both on a computer and on a smartphone - everyone decides for himself how it is more convenient to absorb knowledge.

But the main thing to remember is that trivial memorization of the material will not improve knowledge, but will aggravate it. After all, the main thing in learning is to learn to reason and analyze information.

Eurasia maps

In order to enlarge or download the map, click on the image or on the "Enlarge" link.

Political map of Eurasia in Russian

Card size: 3759х3321 px (pixels)
File size: 5.39 Mb
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg

Eurasia map with countries and capitals

Card size: 3162х2821 px (pixels)
File size: 2.84 Mb
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg

Physical map of Eurasia

Card size: 2700х2050 px (pixels)
File size: 2.71 Mb
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg

Eurasia on the world map

Card size: 2018х1000 px (pixels)
File size: 403 Kb
Language: Russian
Image format: jpg

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