What is the name of the game where the man is phorum. What is the name of the game where there is a man with a sledgehammer and in a cauldron? A game where a guy runs away from a policeman on trains and collects coins

As soon as I see an interesting game from someone in public transport or on the street, I immediately want to download it to my phone and play.

One of these is a game where we play as a boy who very skillfully runs and jumps on trains, or, more precisely, on their carriages. At the same time, he also collects coins. Let's search.

A game where a guy runs away from a policeman on trains and collects coins

The story begins with you playing as the guys who drew graffiti on the wall near the trains. A plump policeman notices you and starts chasing you.

You start to run away and at the same time use all possible methods. You have to jump over various obstacles and sometimes you have to climb onto trains.

If this doesn’t help, then various bonuses come to the rescue, like a hoverboard, a jetpack, or simple boots that help you jump very high.

In general, the positive qualities of the game can be described something like this:

  • excellent HD graphics;
  • you can play endlessly;
  • large selection of characters;
  • constant location updates;
  • you can compete with friends;
  • free.

The toy is called Subway Surfers and she now has millions of fans all over the world. It came out a long time ago and now I’ll tell you where you can download it.

Where to download the game about a guy jumping on trains

So, it is available for the most popular operating systems such as iOS and Android. You can simply write “Subway Surfers” in the search, or simply click on the following links:

As I said, the game is absolutely free. If you wish, you can spend money on bonuses, which will make it a little easier for you to complete the game.

I don’t know if you noticed, but now information about a game where a man sits in a cauldron and has a hammer in his hands has begun to appear very actively. This topic is becoming more and more popular on YouTube, various forums and, of course, blogs.

I think you are in incredible anticipation to find out the name of this game and it is precisely on this occasion that I decided to write an article today. We’ll figure out what to do in it and at the end I’ll give you links where you can download it.

What is the name of the game where there is a man with a hammer in a vat?

To make some people laugh a little, I’ll tell you what the essence of this game is. To be honest, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the number of positive reviews for this type of game.

So, the main character in the game is a half-naked man who sits in a pot. He has a very large hammer in his hands and try to guess what will happen next?

On the right you have a joystick to control this sledgehammer and in this way you will move your man around the map until you can reach the finish line. And believe me, it is very far away.

After all, there will be various kinds of abysses in front of you, you will have to climb the rocks in this way, because the hammer here is also good as a hook that can pull the hero up.

In general, complete fun. The most popular and original version is the game HammerMan: get over this, which was made by the developer SupperMonkeyApps.

Slowly other clones appear. And here the game has already succeeded PersonBox, where the system is the same, only the man sits not in a vat, but in a box.

Where can I download HammerMan or PersonBox?

These types of games usually appear first on the Play Market, so if you have a device like an iPhone or iPad, you'll have to wait for the iOS versions to come out.

There are not many levels in the games yet, which means that everything is still at the development stage and the more popular the games are, the more maps we will see.

The main feature of games with men in pots and sledgehammers in their hands is that it is incredibly difficult to complete. You will have to train for a very long time to complete at least one part.

How to find a game if you don't remember the name? This topic interests many gamers. Especially those who have already played with a huge variety of toys. As practice shows, forgetting the name of programs and applications is not so difficult. But finding the necessary product later is very problematic. Therefore, users try to use a variety of methods to help find a game if its name is forgotten. Moreover, the principle of operation is similar for both computer software and phones. But remember - the process is very long. To implement existing secrets, you need to allocate several hours of time. Don't think that bringing your idea to life will be easy. Be patient and take action!


How to find a game if you don't remember the name? According to the description! The most effective scenario. In this case, you may not remember anything at all about the toy - neither the platform for which it was released, nor the approximate year of publication, nor the creators. The main thing is that you know the plot.

Let's say you at least partially remember it. What next? Now ask for help on any forum. Describe the plot and see what games they offer you. Most likely, there will be several of them. As soon as you receive at least some list of games, you need to check the offers. How?


This is where standard search engines come to the rescue. Why? Because they are able to confirm or refute the received hypothetical names of the wanted game. Just use the search and click on “pictures”.

How to find a game if you don't remember the name? List in the search engine one by one all the suggestions received on the forum and look at the screenshots. You must remember them! More precisely, what the game looks like. A few minutes (or hours) of searching - and the job is done! You will be able to find what you are looking for. Especially if there are not many options offered. Not the fastest, but the most accurate detection method.


How to find a game if you don’t remember the name (on Android and not only)? The next course of action that you can imagine is nothing more than searching through game catalogs. There are various sites that present computer (and not only) toys with names, descriptions and pictures. They will help us!

True, for the idea to be successful, you must first remember what genre this or that toy is. At least take a guess. Typically, all games have several genres. This way you can find the products you need in several lists at once.

As soon as you remember the genre, you can go to the corresponding branch of the site. Next, look through all the proposals, studying the plot, as well as the pictures. This will help you in your search. Perhaps not the best approach, but it has its place. The main problem is that the sites cannot accommodate all the games. Therefore, you will have to use many sources. Of course, the search for the necessary product will be delayed due to the fact that you will need to re-read the stories and look at the screenshots for each offer. Not the most effective method to help answer the question of how to find a game if you don’t remember the name. But if you want, you can use it. It is usually possible to successfully detect games for mobile devices this way.


What other ways will help you realize your idea? If you remember the plot at all, try to remember for which platform this or that offer was developed. The point is that this method allows you to reduce the number of applications given to you.

As soon as you remember this point, try to contact either the gaming forums with a description of the plot and an indication of the platform, or go to sites with lists of games to search. It's not as simple as it seems. After all, the search will be difficult. It is much easier to use knowledge of the plot. Platform knowledge makes searching easier when combined with other application knowledge. Otherwise, you will have to really struggle for a long time with studying all the possible toys for a particular platform.


Don't know how to find a game if you don't remember the name? Another small trick is to search by year of publication. Explore all possible options in the list of applications. It would be nice to know the genre of the toy you are looking for. All you need is to study the lists on various sites, based on the plot of the application. This way you can find what you need.

This approach helps answer how to find a game if you don’t remember the name (on a phone or computer - this is not so important). Like all previous methods, this one is far from the best. It takes a lot of time. Especially if you have no other knowledge about the game. Perhaps this approach can “fail”. And make your search endless.


To narrow down the range of applications offered, try to remember the creator of the toy. If you have at least approximate information about the publisher, genre, plot and platform for which this or that application was released, you can hope for success. It would be good to remember the year of release. All that remains is to visit the publisher’s website to see all existing offers.

This is all. As you can see, there are many ways. Only the best description of the plot of the wanted game is considered. If you also provide information about the release date, creator and genre, the result will not be long in coming.

Almost no computer game can do without girls, because their role in the gaming world and any other world is immeasurably huge. Just imagine if you always had to play as a brutal jock with a rough voice and the same type of facial expressions (Duke, old man, no offense!). I don’t even want to think about this, because some games simply would not have gained such wild popularity if their main characters were men. We have compiled a Top of the best video games, where the main attention is paid to the fairer sex.

10. Alice (Alice: Madness Returns)

Although the grandmother also said something about the weaker sex. Crazy Alice, known to many from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale, returned to computer games in 2011. In a platformer Alice: Madness Returns American McGee was again able to capture the minds of gamers with a very unusual way of storytelling: Alice lives in two worlds, real and fictional, and if in the first we see a closed girl among the grotesque images of old London, then in the “looking glass” she opens up and comes to life. .. then she picks up a hefty cleaver and sets off to chop up everyone who shows her his unfriendly grin.

Even if you have read books and watched films about strange Alice, this psychological slasher will not seem ordinary to you.

Alice receives one March hare out of ten from us!

9. Heroines of the Fatal Frame series

With the exception of the first part, all subsequent Fatal Frame games (including the last, fifth) offered to play as young Japanese girls. It’s difficult to name which ones were most memorable, since each heroine is unique in its own way.

As you progress, you will become deeply attached to the girls, and each experience will be your own. For example, in In Fatal Frame 2, you can't help but be inspired by the strength of the relationship between two sisters, and if you miss the individuality of the characters in games, then Fatal Frame 3 is just what the doctor ordered.

Two ghosts captured on the sly out of ten!

8. Chell (Portal)

The extraordinary Portal was not captivated by its attractive character, at least not the one the player plays for. But we simply had to add this game to our list, and now you will understand the reason. The heroine of this duology is a girl named Chell, who must go through a series of visual puzzles in order to deceive the artificial intelligence and leave the Aperture Science complex.

Just imagine what it’s like to be the only girl, and indeed person, in a whole complex full of crazy robots. Despite all the difficulties, Chell does not give in to panic and carefully goes through the tasks one after another until she gets to the desired cake, the source of all the problems.

Chell is content with three broken beds out of ten!

7. Faith Connors (Mirror's Edge)

Asian again, but now bolder and even more agile. Our heroine, Faith Connors, is 24 years old and just hates the government. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, Faith is a professional tracer who moonlights as a special forces courier.

And Faith would be doing just fine, but one day her sister Kate gets into trouble, and from that moment everything goes down the drain. The player will have to run a lot, perform complex acrobatic stunts and constantly run away from superior police forces. Faith was so beloved by the public that EA decided to bring her back in the sequel-reboot of this game.

Four raped commandos out of ten!

6. Heather (Silent Hill 3)

Heather is one of the most famous heroines of the survival horror genre (you’ll find out why she’s not the most famous later). An unremarkable teenage girl suddenly finds herself in a whirlpool of inexplicable events. What inexplicable things are there - events that would make even George Martin's hair turn grey.

But Heather turns out to be not a timid girl - the girl very skillfully handles firearms and knives, destroying terrible monsters on her way, solves dozens of complex puzzles and strives to get to the truth at all costs.

Definitely five faceless nurses out of ten!

5. Sexy chicks from Dead or Alive

We simply could not ignore the DOA series, famous for its titty heroines in revealing outfits, because here, not one, but a whole dozen busty beauties, each of which has its own story and, will please the eyes of the male (and maybe some female) part of gamers. of course, costumes. Thousands of them!

If, for some unknown reason, what is in the picture above does not attract you, then you always have the opportunity to choose a pumped-up man, since they are also present in the game. But we still advise you to stay on the beautiful field - the physics of some parts of the heroines’ bodies will certainly make you squeeze your joystick tighter in your hands... and play, play, play!

Six nose-bleeding Japanese out of ten!

4. Bayonetta

On the fourth we have a game whose protagonist is a witch over 500 years old. You've probably already imagined an old woman with a humpbacked, pimply nose and a wrinkled face. Well, this is what Bayonetta actually looks like:

The entire gameplay is built around the provocative antics and techniques of the main character, who does not leave the image of a fatal temptress (and this is putting it mildly) throughout the game. And don’t be fooled by these alluring eyes and curvaceous forms - Bayonetta is not a good witch at all, but a representative of the forces of evil, and also the last of her kind. Her cunning is so great that you will never have time to enjoy the gameplay, because Bayonetta constantly distracts from the mass genocide of angels with her spectacular stunts and revealing costumes, which she sometimes does not hesitate to take off...

Seven disappearing panties out of ten!

3. BloodRayne

We already had witches, let's talk about vampires, or rather about female vampires, or more precisely about dhampirs, who, unlike their ordinary brothers, can appear in the sun. A busty, red-haired girl named Rain once held the screens stronger than it can now Dota 2. Who would refuse to contemplate the sweet-looking forms of the main character, moreover, seasoned with an interesting plot and quite abundant gameplay of the slasher genre?

Unfortunately, after the release of the second part, the release of games about the red-haired dhampir was suspended, but the memory of her still lives in the minds of fans. Based on the game, the notorious Uwe Boll riveted as many as three films, which every self-respecting person will bypass.

Eight delicious necks out of ten!

2. Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

Here it is, the dream of many men and schoolchildren - Jill Valentine. It is this heroine that is considered the most famous in the survival horror genre. Ever since the first Resident Evil HD Remaster, Jill has been outrageously enjoyable to look at. Some male gamers even complained that they could not concentrate on destroying enemies, instead staring thoughtfully at the heroine’s forms.

We award nine out of ten clips fired to Jill!

1. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)

Despite all the love for the Resident Evil series and Jill in particular, the first place quite expectedly goes to a series of games about the tomb raider Lariska Croft. The Tomb Raider games revolutionized the action-adventure genre in their time. Imagining someone in Lara’s place now is as difficult as New Year’s without Olivier, as Half-Life 3 without Gabe Newell's grin is like game piracy without torrents... well, you get the idea.

During her existence, Lara has become a real icon of computer games, having managed to be both a fearless adventurer and a fragile and defenseless girl in the recent reboot. There is no doubt that the multifaceted Miss Croft will make people talk about herself with a degree of admiration more than once.

Lara gets ten hot guns out of ten!

Anticipating the questions of inattentive readers “And Elizabeth?”, “And Alix?” and others like them, we would like to point out once again that these are the Top games with girls in main roles. What's your favorite game with a protagonist at the helm?
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