Earnings in the incentive on the marketplace. Making money on Steam with games. way - Counter-Strike

Explore popular ways to make money on cards and farm items on Steam.

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Everyone who uses Steam has at least once heard of "cards" and the sale of in-game items. With the start of the next sale, you can often hear that someone buys the game "just to farm cards", or boasts about how they made money by selling some item from the game. We decided to figure out how this system works, and at the same time conduct an experiment to find out if it is possible to make money on the Valve marketplace.

How cards work

First, a few words about how to get cards for those who are not registered with Steam or have never been interested in the process. Thematic cards appear in the Steam inventory after you spend a couple of hours in the game. Their number varies from 5 to 10, but the player will receive only half of this number. To get the rest, you will have to trade with other players, or go to the Steam marketplace and buy there.

The user sets the price for the card based on the last price set on the trading platform. For example, the price of another user is 5 rubles, yours is 4 rubles 95 kopecks. The proceeds go to the internal Steam wallet, but it is impossible to withdraw money from it.

Collection card page

After collecting all the cards, the player presses a special button, after which a beautiful badge is “forged” from the cards. Icons have a level: the more icons we create, the higher it is. There is also another way to get cards: instead of selling game items, you can turn them into gems, and you can already make a set of cards out of them.

Creating badges increases the player's personal level on the Steam profile, which in turn affects the frequency of card packs and additional slots for new friends. At level 40, I got card sets once every two weeks, occasionally more often. What game is the set for? This is hard to predict since it all depends on the popularity of the game and the number of icons created by the community. Most often, card sets were dropped from little-known indie games, visual novels, and games that recently appeared on Steam, for which I already managed to forge a badge.

No one is safe from the same cards after unpacking the set

After forging the badge, the player will receive an additional background for their profile, a discount coupon (usually only for niche indie games), and a chat emoji. Backgrounds and emoticons can also be sold, and they fall into three categories: Common, Uncommon, and Rare. Items marked "rare" often cost a couple of hundred rubles, which in some cases will pay for the full cost of the game. It all depends on how popular the game is, because popular games quickly bring down the prices of items to a minimum.

This is how the icons change as you level up. The last badge is "metal"

In addition to standard cards, there are "metal" cards (very rare). Most of them cost up to 400 rubles apiece, and the price depends on the popularity of the game. A special "metal" badge is created from these cards.

These 12 metal badges are valued at several thousand dollars.

Why is all this necessary? To some extent - because it's exciting. It is comparable to the feeling from childhood, when you bought Kinder Surprise, and you don’t know what toy will be inside. Here, instead of a toy, rare emoticons and backgrounds fall out that can be used or simply sold.

CityScape is my favorite background from Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant. Its developers took it from the game Streets of Rage. Approximate price at the time of writing - 12 rubles

How selling items and cards on Steam works

Selling a card on the Steam marketplace is almost the same as selling an item from a game. It's all about the nuances. To begin with, the user goes to his inventory, selects the desired item and looks at the very bottom line, which says, for example, this: “From 2.65 rubles. Sold: 4 in the last 24 hours." 2 rubles 65 kopecks - the price of a request to sell based on the last lot. At this price, the item can be bought from you in turn, but if you lower the price, for example, by 40 kopecks, then the item will be bought faster.

There may or may not be a line with a price. Items from newly crafted icons cannot be sold instantly, so instead of a sell button, it will say when (on what date) the sale and exchange will be possible. Also, if you want to sell an item instantly, you should pay attention to the separate column “Purchase requests” on the marketplace. In it, users set their own price at which they would like to buy this or that item.

After the sale of the item, the money goes to the user's Steam wallet. Funds can be used as a small discount when buying a game or you can use them to buy other cards. If you do not want to spend money, then items are easy to change. Any game on Steam has its own forum and "Exchange" section, where users leave their applications for the exchange of items. For example, if you really want an inexpensive rifle from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, but there are no other items for exchange from CS: GO, then the user can offer 10 rare cards or several inexpensive items from Dota 2 for this rifle.

Attempts to earn money

In four years, my level on Steam has risen to 97, but I would not say that I receive any significant income from the cards. Some players spend thousands of rubles on “pumping” their account: it resembles the old version of the VKontakte social network, when people spent crazy money to raise their reputation level under their avatar.

Of all the icons, I hung the most informative - the number of years since registration on Steam

On average, I spend on cards from 100 to 150 rubles every four months. I put money from a credit card, forged 5-6 badges and later sold items from them for 200 rubles. With this money I bought other cards, forged the badge again, and so on - a constant circulation of money for a couple of months.

Expensive metal cards in the game "Petka and Vasily Ivanovich 2: Judgment Day"

Sometimes it turns out to get a profit and buy a good game at a discount with the proceeds. But these are isolated cases. Often you get the same amount that you invested, or 50% of it. Some items made from Bound Badges are so expensive that it is almost impossible to sell them at the recommended price. The cost of an emoticon from some indie game has to be halved, otherwise no one will buy it. Well, or wait a few months until there is a person who does not mind spending a couple of hundred rubles on a picture with a resolution of 80 by 80 pixels.

Badges and cards have become an integral part of Steam for me. Sometimes there is even a feeling that I do not consider the passage of the game complete if I have not forged an icon in it.

For the sake of experiment, I tried several methods by which you can earn money. Enthusiastic people know other little-known ways: someone creates additional accounts for profit, but I used only a personal profile and 50 rubles in my wallet.

The traditional and correct way to get cards is to play yourself. Some, however, try to get around this need and use third-party ones that mimic the operation of the game and farm cards without user intervention.

How ArchiSteamFarm works

Method number 1: just sell

For example, a player bought The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, spent a lot of time with it, and after some time found cards in his inventory. He did not understand why he needed to spend money on some badges, so he sold all the cards that fell out on the marketplace. There are still enough players on Steam who have a huge collection of games, but a low profile level. They don't want to spend money on cards and sell whatever they drop. The money you earn helps you save money on future purchases.

Method number 2: making money on indie games

Go to the "Games up to 150 rubles" section and sort them by price. Indie games are cheap, and bad indie games are cheap. Every week they are given big discounts, often the price drops to 15 rubles. At the time of this writing, the cheapest game on Steam was Grind Zones.

4 rubles 90 kopecks is not money. In two hours you can get all the cards and sell them for 12 rubles. That is, if you have five accounts on Steam, then you can get about 60 rubles from the sale of cards from Grind Zones. This way of earning is real, but inconvenient: a lot of time would have to be spent only on transferring cards from account to account. Theoretically, in a couple of months of active card farming, you can earn money on an AAA game.

Method number 3: return the game

One of the most popular, but also dangerous ways to make money on cards. For example, I found out about it after buying the Worms: World Party remaster at the summer sale. The game refused to start due to incorrect work on monitors with a resolution higher than Full HD. You can solve this problem by lowering the resolution in Windows settings. Such manipulations did not suit me: I bought a product, it does not work, now I want to return the money for it. The money was returned within a week.

The most interesting thing is that during unsuccessful attempts to revive the game, I dropped two cards, and after returning the game, no one took them away.

In the reasons for the return, farmers indicate "Frequently crashes"

Some Steam users specifically buy games with expensive cards (15-20 rubles and more), knock them out using the ASF program and submit a request for a refund. Steam, as a rule, always refunds if the user has played less than two hours, and 14 days have not passed since the purchase. It is better not to abuse this method, because sometimes accounts are temporarily blocked due to frequent returns. There are not fools in Valve, so I did not take any further risks.

Method number 4: buy low, sell high

More myth than reality. During the sale, for many games, the price of cards drops, as they are trying to sell them cheaper. There is an opinion that if you buy cards during the sale, then after it ends, they can be easily sold at a higher price. I tried to do this with several games, but managed to earn only 8 rubles.

You need to constantly monitor the dynamics of prices and anticipate their increase.

This is even more inconvenient than the first method, because you never know how much the cards will rise after the sale ends. The method works only during the sale, and gaining some significant money from fraud at the rest of the time is unrealistic.

Method number 5: keep track of free games and keys

Sometimes the publisher gives away keys for free in honor of the release of a new project or some round date. In June they gave away Moto Racer 4, Payday 2 and Killing Floor for free. All of these games already have cards. You can follow the distribution of free keys on third-party sites. A simple example is Indie Game Bundles. The main problem is that with free games you can hardly get more than 100 rubles a month, even with several accounts.

Item farming

Some players make good money reselling in-game items. The method is doubly effective if you work with rare items from popular games: for example, buy a knife for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for 3200 rubles, and then sell it on another site for 3250 or 3330.

It is important to clarify the situation with third-party sites here. Money cannot be withdrawn from Steam, it can only be spent on buying something in the store itself. So Valve is trying to maintain control over the site and prices. So users have to resort to the services of third-party sites, but no one is safe from scammers there. It often happened that the players were deceived, and they lost money. Valve treats third-party services for the most part neutrally, intervening only in cases of outright fraud.

I haven't played Team Fortress 2 for about six years, but I recently relaunched it and found that there were some rare items in my inventory. The fact is that earlier, for pre-ordering games, they gave weapons and accessories for Team Fortress 2.

Gift items from BioShock Infinite, Alien: Isolation, Sleeping Dogs, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Fallout: New Vegas immediately appeared in the inventory. I sold them on Steam - I got 980 rubles. If the user is not interested in Team Fortress 2, but he actively pre-ordered games between 2011 and 2016, then probably some of this will be in the inventory.

Part of the exclusive items that were given with the pre-order of Alien Isolation

Third-party cheat software is used not only for farming cards, but also for game items. Usually, everything works approximately the same way as ASF, only it’s not cards that are knocked out, but items from games with support for the Inventory Service Steam API. If you still decide to play dishonestly, then you should be careful - if Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) is used in the game, then there is a big chance to get a ban and an unpleasant dice in the profile.


Steam is one of the most popular gaming platforms. Here you can both buy high-quality advanced novelties and play free bestsellers. But since there are not so many free games, for many, the issue of allocating funds for their purchase becomes relevant. Especially for young people who do not have a regular income, and their parents do not share their gambling desires. And why not just earn some money doing what you love?

There are several options for earning money on the Steam gaming platform.

Steam is constantly bringing some improvements, so there are more and more ways to earn money. In today's article, we will look at how to make money on Steam without investment. We will talk about the various methods available. By carefully reviewing them, you can choose the perfect option for yourself. Let it not bring a lot of profit, but you can earn money for the purchase of some new product.

First you need to install the official Steam client and create an account. We will not go into the intricacies of the procedure for creating a Steam account, since everything is very clear and simple there. You will need to come up with a username, password, and provide an email address. To increase the security of your account, it is best to link a phone number. (For information on how to do this, read this article). The whole procedure will take a maximum of 5 minutes, no one will demand money from you.

Initial costs are zero, but in some cases you will have to deposit several tens of rubles into the account. For what? To buy some of the cheapest games or game sets. You can, of course, try to start with zero on the account at all, but in this way it will be much more difficult to earn something. Now let's move on to describing ways to make money on Steam.

Accounts sale

One of the most affordable options is to sell a pumped account. From the point of view of the service itself, this is not so legal, but there are practically no cases of punishment, since it is very difficult to prove something.

What is the essence of the procedure? You have accumulated a certain number of games while using your account, in some game you have reached a high level. Given a large amount of time spent playing the game, it can be achieved without financial injections. Someone wants to start playing the game, but he does not have the time and desire to upgrade his account to a high level. But he is ready to pay for a ready account. Why not make a mutually beneficial exchange?

IMPORTANT. The cost of an account will directly depend on the number of games purchased, as well as the level reached. Practice shows that an account with a pumped one game is valued much higher than when it has a lot of toys, but the level is minimal.

Another way to earn money by selling accounts is to track the period when games are sold at a significant discount. Having bought them at a lower price, then it will be possible to sell the account at a cost slightly lower than the current price of all games combined. In any case, it will be more expensive than you have already invested, but the profit can still be quite tangible.

Trade of game elements

There are quite a few games on the Steam Playground that are themselves free, but you need to invest real money to use some game elements. In addition to buying directly through the game menu, you can use the sell-to-user option. We will not go into the details of how to track this process manually, but you can use special search programs that will track the items being sold, after purchase, in which you can sell them for more.

ADVICE. The most popular games that use this option are Dota 2 and Counter Strike GO. If you do not trust search bots, you will need to directly contact people who are ready to buy any item, as well as be able to bargain in order to sell at a higher price.

Sale of game cards

From time to time, for various achievements, or even just like that, you can get various collectible cards. They may contain some game elements, emoticons, or a profile background image. You can buy them separately, but why spend money if you can, with some effort, get everything for free? What do these cards give? What is their advantage?

In addition to various trinkets worth a few rubles, you can get valuable gaming skills for free, as well as elements that can then be sold for a lot of money. In addition, you can collect collections of cards, on which you can also make good money under certain circumstances.

Where can I get cards? Some of them will drop out to you if you spend a certain amount of time playing the game. To do this, it is not even necessary to actively play, it is enough to start and minimize the game to the background. As you go about your business, you will find that new cards have appeared.

How to make money on Steam selling cards? The scheme will be something like this:

  1. Deposit a small amount into your Steam account.
  2. Buy the cheapest game. In the reviews you can read how much you can earn by selling cards in this game.
  3. Get earned cards. It is worth considering that if the game is free, cards can only be obtained by investing your own funds.
  4. Go to the trading platform and put up for sale the earned card.

Use of discounts

Quite regularly, various discounts are announced on the Steam platform. Both games and individual game elements can be sold at a reduced price. How to make money from all this?

Everything is very simple. You need to carefully monitor when and what is sold at a discount, after which, when the sale period ends, sell at a price slightly below the nominal. Most often, this is how they earn money in Counter Strike GO or Dota 2. Although, if you figure it out and gain experience, you can make a profit on any toy.


We have given a number of possible options on how to earn money on Steam. No one is guaranteed to say how much you can earn on this gaming platform. Nevertheless, if you show perseverance, almost everyone can collect pocket money or buy a new game. Tell us how you make money on Steam.

Steam is a popular and successful gaming platform that has gathered millions of users under its wing. Why is this system so attractive to users from all over the world?

Steam success secret

"Steam"-platform is engaged in the distribution of various games and programs. And this is one of the reasons for such an insane popularity of the service. Steam allows you to purchase licensed products online from home. After all, how was it before? If you wanted to buy a game, you had to take the money and go to the store. But the game might not be on sale. Steam has made life easier for many users. Now, to buy the game, all you need to do is launch Steam and buy the desired product. The payment operation takes place in the blink of an eye, and in a second you become the proud owner of a licensed game or program.

In addition, "Steam"-platform is famous for its ergonomics, ease of use, friendliness. The Steam interface is very simple and intuitive. The store provides all information about the product. On the corresponding page you can see the description, screenshots, videos that provide information about the game or program. You can also look at the reviews of real users, on the basis of which you can draw a conclusion about

Another advantage of Steam is the ability to play on licensed servers with other users. The VAC system, which is used in Steam, provides players with a comfortable game, protects against unauthorized users and cheaters.

In addition to these three advantages, Steam has a lot of advantages that you could write a whole book about. But in this article we will talk about how to make money in Steam. Do you want to know more about this? Read this article!

Making money on Steam - is it possible?

Many users are interested in the question: "How to make money in Steam?" But really - how? We all have probably heard amazing stories about how ordinary users earn crazy money using this service. However, is this really the case? You can find answers to these and many other questions here. After all, in this article we will talk about how to make money in Steam. We will consider the most popular and effective ways to make money on this playground.

How to earn money in Steam?

Perhaps the most common way is to make money on trades, exchanges. The essence of this method is that you must exchange various items, cards, backgrounds, etc. with other users. Moreover, it is necessary that the trade is profitable for you. For example, you give away a card for $0.60 and get another card in return, the cost of which is $1. Thus, you will be in the black by as much as $0.40.

In theory, everything sounds very simple and easy. But in practice, everything is completely different. Firstly, it is quite difficult to find users who will exchange at a loss. There are especially few of them among Russian users, so it is best to look for trading friends on foreign servers. Secondly, this method devours a lot of time. Therefore, if you are a busy person, then you can not even try to make money on trades. Thirdly, start-up capital is needed, even if it is small (at least 1-2 cards or some thing from Dota 2, CS: GO). After all, it is unlikely that someone will give you a good thing just like that.

Farm cards

Perhaps the most effective way for novice traders. The bottom line is that quite often various foreign resources arrange distributions of inexpensive indie games. Your goal is to take the card game. As a rule, for this you need to enter your mailbox on the site, after a certain period of time you will receive a key with the game. Having received the key, we activate it and start farming cards from the game. "Steam" gives cards randomly. All you need to do is just be in the game (you may not even play). In order to facilitate the farming of cards, you can use special programs. Having received the cards, we go to the trading floor and sell them. As a result, out of nothing we get money on Steam.

From one game we will get from 3 to 5 cards (depending on which game). Selling them, we get about 10-15 rubles. At first glance, this is very small, but do not despair, using this method, you can create more accounts for this (the more the better). "Why?" - you ask. We use our fake Steam accounts to farm cards from them. And the more cards - the more money. In addition, keep track of what cards you have dropped out and check the prices for them. Metal cards are the most valuable. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to have a metal card lying around in your inventory, you can get a pretty decent amount for it. Also, don't forget to check your Steam accounts for card packs. Sometimes the system randomly gives them to the user, you can also get a good deal on them.

As mentioned above, farming cards is the best way for beginners. It does not require any investment and is quite effective. But, perhaps, the main disadvantage of this method is the time costs. To earn money, you have to kill a lot of your time. You should constantly monitor sites for free card games. And it will take quite a long time to get all the cards from the game (usually from 1 to 3 hours).

Where to make money on Steam?

Among other things, you can earn money on Steam using third-party sites. There are a lot of resources on the Internet that replenish the user's Steam account for completing simple tasks. One such project is a site called WASD, where you can find a lot of tasks. The system is pretty simple. You take various actions, tasks (for example, install an application on your phone, play a browser game, etc.). After completing the task, you get the local currency, which is called "richiki". Upon reaching the minimum withdrawal amount (100 riches), you will have the opportunity to exchange the internal currency WASD for money for Steam. In addition to the above site, there are a lot of similar resources on the World Wide Web. You can complete tasks on several sites at the same time, thus earning many times more.


Some spend money on Steam games, others on sets for Dota 2 or CS:GO. But the fact remains. Everyone needs money for Steam. And earn them really. But it is not so easy to do so. This will require endurance and patience. If you have the above qualities, then you have every chance to make money on Steam.

July 19, 2017

Greetings, friends! It is known that real traders and investors are serious people: they follow the laws, do not contact the casino and generally take risks wisely. What if you want variety? There is an option!

Today we will discuss how it is possible, and absolutely legally. You will find out which games you can earn on steam.

Steam (English steam - steam) is an online gaming service from Valve. It was created in 2002 to distribute, register and update games created by the company via the Internet. Particularly popular among them are Half-Life and Counter-Strike.

Over time, dozens of other game developers have realized how convenient Valve's solution is to save on disc replication and distribution costs. To date, through Steam, you can purchase more than 10,000 games, many of which are free.

But perhaps the greatest contribution to the popularization of this service was made by its additional features, on which you can. The ban on online casinos and betting shops in Russia has forced fans of gambling and betting to look for new solutions.

They were found on the basis of the Steam service, and without circumventing the laws. Resources appeared that turned Steam into a social network, a platform for team competitions, with a store that allows you to buy and sell game equipment.

Steam through the eyes of a trader

Among the most popular games where you can earn money are Dota2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Playerunknown's battlegrounds, King of the Kill. The player participates in a network elimination battle. Gradually, he finds and captures various weapons and equipment, which can drastically increase his chances of winning.

There are also command betting competitions for one team or another. Since money betting is prohibited in Russia, game equipment and weapons play the role of currency. For those who want to earn money, it is not necessary to purchase the game and spend time playing it, although it is much more economical. Exchange traders are busy people, not all of them like games.

For them, Steam offers marketplaces. Through this link, Counter-Strike fans can buy or sell anything related to the game. Prices sometimes bite painfully:

But for competent trading, more information is needed. How much did this knife cost, for example, a week ago? What is the price spread over the entire history of its being in the game? Fortunately, these questions have already been resolved on another resource.

Here you can participate in real exchange trading, receiving information about the spread of prices between sellers. In addition, information about the history of prices for all time is available.

An experienced trader, looking at such a chart, can decide whether to make a trade or stay away. Arbitrage is also possible: buy inventory on one resource and sell on another, since Steam is the common engine.

Passing the game with the collection of inventory as the initial capital for further trading allows you to save money. Let's leave time costs aside. But in this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the “exchange”. The fact is that from time to time the so-called. case - a chest with items. Each case has a whole list of them, but only 1 item randomly drops out of it.

But to get it just does not work. To do this, you need keys for each case. They have to be bought in the game itself or from other players on the same exchange. The price is usually around $3 for 1 key. Yes, and in the game before you earn money, you have to invest something.

Games are a very dynamic world in which yesterday's recipes may not work today. We have to constantly create new original schemes, without giving them wide publicity. Interesting recipes on how to make money on Steam are clearly and easily shown in Alexander Kuzmin's video blog.

A separate issue is the withdrawal of money from the account in the incentive. There are enough input methods, but direct output is not implemented, although it was promised a long time ago.

Therefore it is necessary resort to intermediaries, taking a huge commission, or selling the accumulated inventory through sites with direct withdrawal through payment systems. The simpler the method, the greater the losses.


Not so long ago we They have their own strategies, but much depends on the case. Earnings on Steam are closer to real trading. Some people manage to make a fortune this way. But the game is a game and no one guarantees that the money you invested will not be spent in vain without the possibility of returning it.

Hello "citizens" of our site. In this article, I will introduce you to a certain way to increase your capital on the Internet in the resource Steam. The whole method is based on Community Marketplace and it is with the help of it that we will increase our savings. We'll take the classic resale Let's just do it with wisdom and intelligence.

As we all know, the price of skins/items/cards, etc. constantly rise and fall and (except for a few). We will need to buy things when they reach their low and sell at a higher price when it rises again.

To begin with, we need a certain amount of incentive (the more - the better). And the ability to look and analyze the history of sales of any thing.

I will show everything on the example of weapons AWP | African Mesh (Field-Tested). As we can see on the chart, the price rose very sharply on 24.01. By as much as 0.20. And today, 25.01 at 12:24 she is small again. You can earn on this.

1) We need to buy this skin before the price drops to 0.3.
2) And now feel free to set it for 0.35-0.4+. Don't worry, your skins will be bought. Though not immediately, in the evening.

Total: with 1 operation we have done, we spend 0.30, and we get 0.40 = by 0.10, with one operation, we go to "+". (personally, I raised $28 from $4 in 2 weeks, while devoting 2-3 minutes a day)

A little hint: you will probably say that this is all long, tedious and it takes much more time ... But I hasten to please you, because there are a huge number of programs / applications / extensions that will do this work for you. I myself use one (Steam Market Bot). And all I have to do is add this skin to the application, specify the price for which I will buy / sell it and press the "start" button. And I can forget about it for the whole day, and when I return, I will have + 2-3 $ (depending on the initial funds).

That's all, I hope you liked this method. And remember, the way is not just skinning awp. You yourself will have to look for things and look at their sale history. I just gave you a little hint.

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