Where to start learning industrial craft 2. Let me make a small digression: How to get rubber

Industrial Craft is a very, very extensive mod for MineCraft that brings many interesting items and features to the game, which makes the gameplay even more exciting.

Thanks to Industrial Craft you will forget about routine and long mining and experience the beauty of energy first-hand, creating various mechanisms and developing your own power supply systems for many new devices that require recharging.

Why do you need a pickaxe or an ax when you have a supernova diamond drill and saw? You can easily destroy many blocks with even less time and effort, and you can stay in the mines even longer in search of redstone iron or diamonds.

The key feature from other mods is that Industrial Craft adds three new ores at once - copper, tin and uranium. They are actively used in the crafting of new items and tools, and uranium is an indispensable part of nuclear reactors. It would seem, what is so special about this? It's simple - now you will find even more minerals in your mines, which will make the process more interesting compared to mining in the original MineCraft.

If you like the era of modern technology, this mod is just for you. And if suddenly all this doesn’t seem enough to you, you can easily implement many add-ons that can be found on the official Industrial Craft forum.

But you should forget that, due to the features of the mod, you will most likely have to create a new world, because if you implement this mod into an already created one, you will have to discover new lands, since it is in them that you can find new ores. This is perhaps the most important disadvantage of Industrial Craft.

The most important thing you have to do at the beginning and as quickly as possible is to create crushers.

They will help you obtain even more of the necessary raw materials by crushing raw ores.

Simply throw raw ore into the crushers and get two pieces for each unit. relevant raw materials. Subsequently, all that remains is to smelt it in the furnace - thereby you get twice as much ore compared to the simple method of obtaining it.

Most appliances require energy. It can be obtained by creating generators, both simple and geothermal, water mills, windmills, solar panels or nuclear reactors.

In the first stages, simple generators will suit you - they are mobile, easy to use and use any combustible materials, be it wood, coal or fuel, to generate energy.

Charcoal will be the most indispensable in this matter, since it is much easier to obtain than simple charcoal found in mines. You plant as many birch trees as possible, cut them, plant new ones, and then throw the wood into the stoves. As a result, you get the most popular resource that will allow you to always maintain voltage in the networks with minimal effort and time.

It's up to you to decide how to proceed. Practice has shown that solar panels are very practical and will help you generate a lot of energy during the daytime without wasting resources. All you have to do is simply reduce all the generated energy to energy storage devices, which will help not only accumulate it during the day, but also distribute it between your devices and networks.
There is an add-on to IC that allows you to make several types of more advanced panels at once, so decide what is closer to you and what is more interesting.

Energy in Industrial Craft is perhaps the most exciting thing. And with the release of Industrial Craft 2 it became much more interesting. Judge for yourself - an abundance of wires, storage devices, many new tools. You will always have something to do.

A little about the tools

At the beginning I mentioned drills and saws, so it’s also recommended to make them as quickly as possible along with a couple of bat-packs.

They don't break down, they require energy to operate, and with Batpacks you can charge them on the fly.

As a result, in less time you will be able to collect even more of the resources you need, especially when you craft a diamond drill.

A saw operates on the same principle as a drill, but it destroys all wooden blocks faster.

Cutting trees is a pleasure for her; it is done easily and very quickly. Attacked by a mob? - A couple of swings and he’s gone. Zombies, spiders, creepers and skeletons will never stop you again.

As soon as you implement advanced technologies, crafting a mining laser will become available to you.

It has many shooting modes, and is suitable for both making tunnels and removing large numbers of blocks.

It was called a miner's game for a reason - after the shot you will be able to collect all the destroyed blocks.

It is also great for attacking mobs from a distance, so creepers are unlikely to approach you if you keep it in your hands and at the ready.

It is also worth remembering that to carry all the devices you will need a special key, which is crafted from bronze. It removes all the devices with one touch, after which you can pick them up and put them in another place. If you try to destroy them with other tools, there will be nothing left of them and you will thereby waste a lot of valuable resources spent on their creation.

Since iron will be involved in the crafting of all major devices, you will always be short of it. Therefore, it makes sense to make shovels, axes, picks and hoes, along with armor, from bronze. Their characteristics are not inferior to iron ones, but they will help you save iron ore, which is so necessary for crafting other items and devices.

In conclusion, I want to say that Industrial Craft2 has fixed many bugs that were in the first part.

Of course, some recipes have changed, but not significantly, so if before IC2 you were actively playing the first Industrial Craft, you will adapt to the new version quickly and without any problems.

And of course, at the very end there is good news - multiplayer is already supported, you can already install the mod on the 1.8.1 version of MineCraft, so - it makes sense for you to look at the Industrial Craft section - there you will find step-by-step instructions on how to do it installation.


And many new versions of Industrial Craft 2 have already been released since this review was written. MineCraft 1.2 was also released - where the boundaries of the world were significantly expanded and many interesting innovations were added. And, perhaps, the main question of interest is what’s new in IC2?

You can talk about all the changes for an infinitely long time, so I will tell you about the most interesting and important things that will help you survive in the harsh world of Minecraft, get ahead of your friends in development, and simply implement the most advanced technologies in your buildings.

So, if you want to progress quickly and get a lot of energy (EU), you should get a lot of geothermal heaters. In new versions of Industrial Craft 2, they have been slightly changed, and now buckets have been replaced by capsules that stack and can easily be used to collect not only water, but lava. You found a lake of lava, ran into the nether, and now you are fueling your beast with the most hellish fuel in Minecraft, which will warm you and provide you with energy for a very, very long time.

Why one when you can put 7 at once? And now filling out the ECHO (10,000,000 EU) is no problem for you!

Let's say we made geothermal heaters, solved the energy problem, and what next? For those who find this not enough, they can go into nuclear energy.

In the latest versions of Industrial Craft 2, nuclear energy has been reformed; now a nuclear reactor can consist not only of the main main module, but also of 6 additional compartments. They will help you expand its capabilities, and thereby help you generate from 10 to +1000 EU/t. Uranium has become more in demand, and from now on it can not only be processed into clean energy, but also enriched.

If you are interested in this topic, read our article from it you will learn how the reactor is assembled, what features it has, but most importantly, there is a working stable assembly that will help you generate exactly 120 EU/t and will never lead to overheating and explosion of the reactor .

Surely you have a question, where to put so much energy? Everyone is just friends, if you install a matter generator, the energy will disappear instantly, but once you receive the matter, you will be able to craft many interesting resources, and you will also have the opportunity to craft quantum armor, which is not comparable in its power and capabilities to diamond armor , not even with nano-armor.

Industrial Craft is, according to many players, the most extensive mod for MineCraft. Thanks to it, the player will be able to diversify the gameplay several times, thanks to this mod a huge number of different items and things are added to the game.

IC2 is a logical continuation of this mod. Thanks to this mod, the player will be able to feel not like a caveman, but like a resident of the industrial era. Stop doing routine mining, install the mod and experience all the delights of energy for yourself. IN IndustrialCraft 2 mechanisms have developed to such an extent that they are quite difficult to distinguish from real ones. For example, the same nuclear reactor works almost the same, the only difference is minimalism and the small size of the unit, but in all other respects everything is very, very similar to real life.

With technological development, the player will be able to forget about such ancient tools as axes and pickaxes. After all, this mod has more convenient devices - a drill and a chainsaw. At the same time, you will not have to make such tools anew every time, and the speed spent on the process of extracting a block will be much less than with a conventional tool. All this will help you stay in the mines almost without leaving. The only drawback is the need to recharge these devices, but this is a completely solvable task.

Like many other industrial mods, IC2 adds several types of new ores to the game - copper, uranium and tin. This may seem insufficient to some, in which case you can install additional mods specifically created for IR2. These ores are used in a wide variety of crafts, and uranium, moreover, is a very profitable source of energy. In fact, there is nothing special about this, but thanks to this you will be able to extract much more resources in one trip to the mine, which means that the mechanisms obtained from the extracted resources will be crafted faster and easier.

Simply put, this mod will be of interest to those who want to add a twist of modern technology to the game. In addition, all this can be supplemented with even more technologies; all this is available on the official website of the Industrial Craft 2 modification.

However, this is not without its drawbacks. And the most significant of them is that after installing the mod, the player will have to begin to comprehend the world anew and learn new recipes. At the same time, you will have to forget about the old world, which has already been inhabited by the player.

Where to start to quickly develop in the new world? Everything is very simple here, first of all you will have to start the game the same way as without this mod. After all, to use all the benefits of civilization, you will have to sweat a little in the mines, wielding an ordinary pickaxe. Once you have access to the creation of the simplest mechanisms, or rather a generator, immediately begin creating it.

Another help for a beginner are crushers - these are mechanisms capable of breaking some objects and ores into crumbs. With their help, you can get more items from ordinary ore.
They operate on the following principle - you throw, for example, ore into this mechanism (don’t forget to connect energy to it), and at the output you get crumbs that can be smelted into ingots or used in other mechanisms. The result is usually twice as much ore as conventional ore smelting.

The most important modification element that allows other mechanisms to work is the energy source. These sources can be different, the same as in the real world - wind turbines, hydro generators, nuclear reactors, etc.

At the very beginning of the game, only conventional energy sources will be available to you - generators. Afterwards, when you have accumulated enough resources, it is recommended to start creating more advanced sources, such as solar panels and geothermal generators. And at an even higher level of development of your technologies, you will be able to create the most powerful source of energy - a nuclear reactor.
Many recommend that beginners not focus on energy sources that can provide the player with a large amount of it with little effort required to provide them with resources.

But let's think logically - the time required to extract resources for a conventional generator is comparable to how much energy a solar battery produces per day. But you still have to wait for the device or mechanism to charge. It is also convenient to use various energy storage devices - these are devices like rechargeable batteries in ordinary cell phones or in cars. Thus, the energy generated by the solar battery per day will be sufficient to recharge the drill or feed the crusher.

But only you can decide how best to act. Practice shows that the most profitable source of energy is uranium, but before creating it, the player will have to spend a lot of time extracting resources and crafting mechanisms. The main thing is not to forget to create energy storage facilities - they make the gameplay much easier.

Also, do not forget about advanced mods that improve solar panels in IC2; with their help, the player will be able to generate energy even during the daytime, and its amount will be higher than that of ordinary panels during the day. Whatever is closer and more convenient for you is better.

Obtaining and proper distribution of energy resources is the most interesting activity in Industrial Craft.

Let's look at the basic tools

At the beginning of the article, as an example, a drill and a saw were mentioned. These tools are also mandatory and need to be created as quickly as possible.

They can be used endlessly, the main thing is to charge their batteries in time. To do this, you can use a portable battery - a bat-pack and an energy pack.

In addition, the drill can be improved - make it diamond, i.e. even more efficient and fast.

The action of the saw is similar to that of a drill, but with its help you can only mine wooden blocks and nothing more.

All this is quite famous among players. However, this item has other, unofficial uses. Have you watched the old horror movie "The Evil Dead"? In this film, the main character wields a chainsaw, destroying zombies. Perhaps this is what prompted the creators of the mod to add another characteristic to this item - the power of hitting mobs. The creeper can be killed in two hits.

IN IndustrialCraft 2 mechanisms play a very important role. In addition, they differ in the complexity of creation. For example, to create an energy crystal, you will need to mine a diamond. You can use it to make other items, which in turn can be used to craft even more complex mechanisms.

The miner's laser is one of these items. You won’t be able to create it at the beginning of the game; for this you will have to go a long way from a regular generator and a simple energy storage facility to an MFE.
This device has many modes, in addition, with its help you can not only destroy blocks, but also kill annoying mobs and players. In this case, the blocks are not destroyed - they fall out, which is why it is called a miner's block.

Under no circumstances should you knock out the mechanism blocks with your fist, pickaxe or drill! In this case they will break. But, you ask, how then to knock out already installed blocks? To do this, the game provides such a tool as a wrench and its modernization. This key is created from bronze. This way, you can always receive your item unharmed and undamaged.

Another important tip would be to create all simple tools from bronze or, better yet, stone. Because in this fashion there is always enough hardware, such an approach will allow you to significantly save on this valuable resource. You can also do without these items altogether, because they can be replaced with a drill.

There is also advice for fans of nuclear reactors - create a rubber protective suit, because... without it, you will simply die and may lose some or even all of your resources. Yes, this mod has radiation that mercilessly kills players. In addition, it is often used for other purposes - if you throw a piece of uranium on the ground (in online mode) near the players’ respawn, they will be “pleasantly” surprised by such an unexpected gift. But you should not abuse this, because the administration, unless it is they who do it, can ban the merry fellow.

Finally, we’ll add that energy is an irreplaceable resource in this mod, you can’t do without it, it can’t be replaced. Therefore, try to provide yourself with this resource in abundance. Indeed, with development, you will have to create even more energy sources, occupying all the free space with them.

Accepted abbreviations.
eE - unit of energy
eT - unit of heat
t - frame, tick, 1/20 second
UrS - uranium rod
OxC - cooling rod
[to be added]

Step one.
We cut down some trees, craft ourselves a stone pickaxe and look for coal, iron, copper (Copper) and tin (Tin). Then we craft an iron pickaxe and look for red dust (redstone). We are in no hurry to smelt the excavated ore into ingots in a conventional furnace; there are more efficient methods of processing. For now we just put it in the chest.

Step two.
Not a single mechanism works without wires, and wires carry electric current. We'll need some insulation, so we're off in search of latkes, or more specifically, a new Hevea tree. The greatest chance of finding it is in swamp biomes, which is what we are looking for (fortunately, there is a world map on the website). You can also try to find Hevea in the tundra, but the chance is much lower, so don’t waste time. Before you go into the forest, take an ax and a faucet with you.

As soon as we find Hevea, we look for latex stains on it and collect them with a faucet.

Latex streaks are tricky and can hide behind foliage, so it’s better to cut it (the foliage) down first - at the same time, if you’re lucky, you’ll get a Hevea sprout. After collecting the latex, we take an ax in our hands and cut down the tree at the root - rubber can also be obtained from its logs. Having collected 3-4 seedlings and a certain amount of latex, we head home.
Rubber can be obtained in three ways:
1. firing latex in a kiln (1 latex = 1 rubber). The most ineffective way, but we STILL have no other options.
2. latex processing in an extractor (1 latex = 3 rubber). Our ideal.
3. processing of hevea logs in an extractor (1 log = 1 rubber). A nice bonus.
While we don’t do anything, we put it in the chest.

Step three.
We begin to craft the mechanisms we need (we look at the crafting recipes in the pedivikia at the links above). To save money, it is better to craft in this order.

0. Basic crafting components.
Mechanism (machine block)

Insulated Copper Wire


So, we have a drill, but it can only dig up 200 blocks without recharging (and in the case of a diamond drill, it’s only 120), so let’s start crafting a bat-pack. A bat-pack is a backpack with batteries, which is worn instead of armor on the chest (or rather the back), and holds 60,000 eU.

For crafting we will need:
12 copper wires
12 rubber
25 tin
1 hardened steel
14 red dust

Step five.
A conventional coal generator is quite power-hungry, and the energy generated is barely enough to power the main mechanisms. In addition to the basic one (coal), there are 5 more energy generators:

1. Windmill. Produces from 0 to 4 EU/t. It doesn’t require fuel, but in order to get an acceptable amount of energy, you need to build a lot of them, and this, due to bugs/crankiness of the developers, causes wild lags on the server.


2. Water mill. In passive mode, it does not require fuel and produces 0.01 EU/t for each adjacent block of water (maximum 0.25 EU/t). In active mode (using buckets/capsules with water as fuel) it produces 2 EU/t. Not the most efficient generator, but like a windmill it can work without fuel.


3. Solar panel. Produces 1 EU/t. Does not require fuel, but only works during the day. Of all the fuel-free generators, it is the most efficient, but also the most expensive in crafting. 20 pieces are enough for the first time.


4. Geothermal generator. Produces sweat 20 EU/t. Powered by buckets/capsules of lava, quite effective provided you have a large supply of lava.


5. Nuclear reactor. Produces from 10 to 40 EU/t for each level. It runs on uranium and requires constant cooling so as not to get a second Chernobyl, but it is very effective. With the right approach, it can produce energy (in smaller quantities) without the risk of overheating.


Obviously, it is more efficient to use a geothermal generator or a nuclear reactor. What exactly to build - decide for yourself; it depends on the resources accumulated to date.

Hint: you can put a lever on the generator/reactor via shift that will turn it on/off, this will allow you not to waste fuel when it is not necessary.

[Writing in progress]

Indie games are not so popular among modern gamers. Most prefer horror, action and MMORPGs. But perhaps everyone has played the famous game Minecraft at least once. It just so happens that the sandbox genre is taking root among children and teenagers, while others prefer more active and serious games. But the Industrial Craft 2 guide will be needed by everyone who decides to try this modification and study industrial production.

A game

Minecraft is a computer game that was released in 2011. The sandbox genre is complemented by elements of a survival simulator and an open world. The player is presented with a virtual location in three dimensions and randomly generated worlds.

In the game, elements are made up of cubic blocks, which allows the player to rebuild everything. Thanks to the virtual designer, the gamer can create any form of structure by obtaining materials or using the creative mode for free access to tools. Many people compare Minecraft to LEGO construction sets.

Since the project is implemented in the sandbox genre, it does not set specific goals for the gamer, with the exception of some modifications that can generate quests and missions to complete. Despite the lack of goals, the player has something to do: exploring the location, fighting enemy creatures, extracting resources, and much more. etc.

And although many are quite skeptical about Minecraft, it is difficult to deny that it is one of the most successful games of all time. By 2018, it had sold over 144 million copies across all platforms. And the number of users of pirated versions completely exceeds this number. According to statistics, more than 74 million players launch the game at least once a month.


Industrial Craft 2 is a Minecraft mod that is considered not the most famous among fans of the game. Most likely, this is due to complexity and specialization. The modification is aimed at studying industrial production. Since the main audience of the game is children from 6 years old, they are simply not interested in understanding metallurgy, electrical engineering and agro-industry.

But this mod is very popular with teenagers, who in this way study different types of energy, special tools and devices. But even the most savvy need a guide to Industrial Craft 2.

Installing the mod

First, it’s better to check if the versions of the client and the mod match. This information can be found on the official forum, where the data is posted in a special section. Here you can also get a guide to Industrial Craft 2, information about changes, bugs, fixes, and more.

This mod is installed using Minecraft Forge. First you need to download the game itself, then find the utility described above, not forgetting to check the compatibility of versions. Next, you need to create a “mods” folder in the root of the game, if it doesn’t already exist. Then find the modification you need and move it to the previously created folder. Now you can start the game.

Where should I start?

The Industrial Craft 2 guide at the first stage is no different from the beginning in a regular game. The player begins searching for resources that would help him craft a bed, workbench and stove. You also need to acquire the usual tools for the game: a pickaxe, a shovel and an axe. You will also need to build a small dwelling in order to quietly wait out the night in it. Don't forget about nutrition: stock up on apples and meat. Think about protection.

Latex and rubber

The Industrial Craft 2 Experimental guide recommends collecting everything you need for further development in the game. Therefore, we begin the search for the Hevea tree. Thanks to him, we can get latex, and later rubber. The latter material is often used in the creation of electrical appliances and generators.

To get latex from the Hevea tree, you need to make a faucet that will extract the juice. By the way, you can get an infinite amount of latex from one tree. The only thing is that the plant in this case has a conditional recharge. Therefore, it is not recommended to chop Hevea. If this tree is located far from your home, you can try to get seedlings from its leaves to plant the plant near the house. There is also a chance to obtain latex by breaking wood.

Required Resources

The Industrial Craft 2 mod guide involves creating torches and descending into mines. This is a common activity for crafters. In the caves you need to mine iron, copper and tin. Iron is one of the most important materials that is used in almost all virtual industries. It is also worth paying attention to bronze, which is made from copper and tin. Sometimes it turns out to be much stronger than iron, and it is much easier to find components for its crafting. Therefore, many players use bronze for armor and tools.

It is important to first create a hammer from iron, and then 5 iron plates. All this will help create an iron furnace.


This is an equally important aspect in the first stages of development in Minecraft Industrial Craft 2. The guide recommends immediately developing the agro-industrial sector. To do this you need to craft the necessary tools. We are looking for water next to which we need to plant wheat. It is extracted from ordinary grass.

In the early stages, wheat will help you survive and eat well. You can make bread from it. If you use wooden poles, you can increase your yield and also make it easier to grow other useful crops.

Electrical engineering

One of the sources of electricity in the game is a generator. In order to make it, you need latex, red dust, copper, iron and tin. All this will be necessary in order to make an electric furnace. Unlike the usual one, it works twice as fast. This oven works only with the help of an electrical circuit.

Since this is a specialized mod, it contains a lot of unusual equipment that has not been seen before. For example, you can use an ore washing machine and a thermal centrifuge. All this will help extract even more materials from resources.


We accumulate a lot of iron, make a pickaxe from it, as well as its stone analogues. Now you can go to the cave. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to work hard here to get a sufficient amount of resources. You need to collect everything that catches your eye. Let's not forget about red dust. You need to prepare thoroughly, otherwise, at the time of crafting complex equipment, you may not have enough materials and you will have to go down into the mine again.

To automatically extract resources in this mod, a mining laser and a drilling rig are used.


As already mentioned, wooden perches are the most effective for growing plants. It is also important to use selective methods. Ferrium will turn the harvest into iron dust, and using aurelium can produce a gold nugget.

The player can also use coffee. The drink will help the character to cheer up, move faster and work more efficiently. You can make coffee from the corresponding fruits.

The guide to the Industrial Craft 2 Experimental mod recommends using specialized resources for construction, which will be much stronger than those previously used in the regular game.

Many players use construction foam, which is used to make foam concrete. The latter material is strong and explosion-resistant. You can paint it or use the texture of any other block on it. If you compress the foam, you can get many blocks of foam concrete, which makes the material cheap.

Since electrical engineering is developed in this mod, you can use electric lamps rather than torches for lighting. They can take different forms: floor, wall, table or ceiling.


Development in Industrial Craft 2 can be started in any way. But there are still recommended options that will help you develop faster in the game and not suffer from force majeure.

Most experienced gamers start by crafting electrical appliances. But for them to work, it is necessary to create a source of electricity. If your home is underground, you can craft a geothermal generator. If the house is on the surface, it is best to use a kinetic wind generator.

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