Evil eyes and evil hearts. The storyline will burn in your hearts...

After creating your character and watching the introductory cutscene, follow Cassandra's instructions. There won't be much room to turn. Having fallen from the collapsed bridge, our hero and Cassandra will be attacked by the first enemies, and we will find our first weapon. For a single attack, click on the enemy [LMB], and for a series of attacks we hold the button down. You can pause the game by pressing , and also switch to tactical mode by pressing [t] to give orders to everyone in the group.

Having won, we walk along the frozen river, climb the hill at the end and jump down from the cliff again onto the frozen river. Having defeated the next enemies, we go along the river and climb the steps near the wall. We go straight and go down to the frozen river again. Further up the stairs. Let's go to the break. There is already a battle going on here, you just need to help, and when there are no enemies left, watch the cut-scene. Now there are four of you in the squad. Having reached the wide river, we go to the other side, to the ruins, then along the stairs and the road made of stones. As you go up the steps, another gap will await you. In order to close it, you need to destroy several waves of enemies. After this, we come closer to the gap and click on it [RMB].

We open the gate and get onto the bridge. We go to Leliana and the church representative. An unpleasant conversation will begin, at the end of which you will be offered several options for further passage to choose from. I recommend choosing the “Walk through the mountain” option rather than “Walk straight with the soldiers”, because in the first case, you will be able to save soldiers who are missing (in the near future you will be able to experience the bonus from this decision). We climb the stairs to the very top and enter the building in the mountain. Coming out on the other side, you will need to close another gap. After this, there will be a cutscene in which the missing soldiers will thank you for saving them. We pass further and go down the stairs. We go further until we get to the primary big gap. Here you will be confronted by the first boss - the demon of pride, and if you saved the soldiers, they will help defeat him.

As soon as the battle begins, you will realize that the demon has a protective aura and does not receive any damage. To weaken the defense, close the gap. Now you can safely attack him. As soon as you see that the demon has protection again, close the gap again as soon as the opportunity arises and start attacking. Then we repeat until the demon is defeated. When he has 50% of his health left, other evil spirits will begin to appear from the gap, so you can close the gap only if you first kill all the newly arrived enemies. The same will happen at 25% health. As soon as we kill the demon, watch the cut-scene. That's it, the first chapter is over.

The danger is not over

When you wake up, leave the hut. You will find yourself in a village. All exits from it are closed, so we go to the church on the hill on the left.

There we go into the farthest door and watch the cut-scene. You will need this room more than once, because... The command headquarters will be located here. Next, we leave the building and talk with the right people (quest “The Best in the Vault”). We can immediately complete the additional tasks they give. Then we return to the command headquarters again and use the received influence point to reconnaissance the area where we need to find the Reverend Mother Giselle. In the future, this table can also be used to open new locations using influence points, and send advisors on missions to earn money for the Inquisition. We set off into open areas and find ourselves in deep paths. Using the map as a guide (key [ m ]), go northwest, to the area marked with a purple circle. You will need to, together with the Inquisition squad, defeat several waves of enemies. As soon as you do this, another cut-scene will begin.

Now you can either continue to complete side quests in the interior lands, or go to the command headquarters until further progress in the plot. Remember that for each completed additional task, setting up a camp, opening new sections of territory, influence points will be awarded, which can be spent on reconnaissance, or the level of inquisition will increase. To return to the shelter, open the map and go to the world map (the button in the upper left corner), then select the shelter. Mother Giselle will be waiting for you in the church. Go to her and talk. You can also take the quest “Lotus and Roots” from her. We go to the command headquarters and activate the mission “Enter the Val Royeaux Church.”

Once in the right place, we go to the square, where we watch a cut-scene, after which the task “Defenders of Justice” is activated. Then we go to the street along which we came here. Here the Great Enchantress Fiona will meet us, and the quest “In Secret” will begin. We return to the Shelter, to the Command Headquarters. This ends the quest.

Defenders of Justice

To start the task, you need to scout a certain area on the command headquarters table. To do this, you first need to gain 15 influence points. They are obtained by completing additional tasks. However, remember that if you started this task, the mission with magicians will be unavailable, and vice versa. So, if you still decide that the templars are a more suitable addition to the ranks of the Inquisition, then select a mission and go to a meeting with the templars.

We watch the cut-scene. Then we approach the Templar Knight Barris, who came out to meet us, and watch the next cut-scene. Next, we will be asked to hang the flags in order of respect. You can either agree and complete the proposed test, or refuse and go straight to your appointment. We approach Barris again. After the cut-scene, we deal with the enemies, then we go out into the street and, following the markers, go upstairs through the dining room to the desired door.

There we meet the Lord Seeker, who has prepared a surprise for us. Now we need to find a way out of the place where we find ourselves. The location is quite linear, so just walk past the mini-performances. When you reach the place where green dangerous liquid will pour from the rotating columns, first go to the right, go forward past the people talking. You wait for the column to turn so that you can move to the other side of the room, to a safe corner. There again we pass a little forward and then follow into the room on the opposite side. When we go inside, the door will close. As soon as we try to leave, a conversation with a stranger will begin. Then we do not rush to follow him, but go to the room on the opposite side and read the inscription on the large stone. He will give us a bonus to the characteristics, and two more of these can be found at the location (the mission is called “Demonic Dogma”).

When the new fellow traveler turns what is pouring from the columns into water, we move on. When we reach a dead end, go into the room on the right. Our stranger will be there again. After a short conversation, we approach the blue fire nearby and light a torch from it. Next, we light more lights in three rooms on the sides of this room. Next, to complete the side quest “Demonic Dogma”, we go with a torch in our hands to the very beginning of the location, into the room with bars, and open the cage on the left. There we take the key (it is visible only by the light of a torch). Then we return to the dead end and light a fire at the far stone wall. The wall moves away, and we move on. Next, we approach the door on the right, which we unlock with the found key. We light a fire there. Leaving the room, we light the fire on the stone wall again. After she moves away, we go into the room and read the inscription again, after which we get another bonus to the characteristics. Next, we exit and go into the room to the right. Approaching the door, a passage to the top will open. Then we open the door and walk along the street until the passages are closed with bars. We pull the lever between them and the path further becomes open. Then we follow the familiar path through the dining room to our goal. In the dining room itself on the second floor there will be the third and final stone for the quest “Demonic Dogma”. Having reached the designated place, watch the video. Then we go through the southern door to the upper barracks. Here we need to save two veteran templars. Remember that in the upper right corner the time is ticking after which the main hall will fall. Therefore, when there is less than half of this scale, someone from the team will remind you that it is worth coming back and helping (if the scale drops approximately up to 30%, then Barris will then die). Therefore, the most reliable solution would be to save one at a time, i.e. save one veteran, then return to the main hall. Having killed the enemies, we wait until the scale is restored, go out again through the southern door, save another templar and return back to Barris and help him and the rest of the templars destroy the enemies.

Then we go out through the northern door and, going out into the courtyard, go right into the tower on the opposite side. There we go up to the second floor and save another veteran. Then we can return back to the main hall or, if time permits, go to another tower marked with a marker, which can be entered from the courtyard. However, to get there, you need a key. We pick it up in the room that is located between these two towers, under the place where we saved the third templar. Having taken the key and opened the door to the vault with it, we examine the lyrium directly opposite, then go up the stairs and read the notes, then take the lyrium from the blue chest nearby.

We return to the main hall, kill the enemies and talk with Barris. A cut-scene will begin, after which you will have to fight off several waves of enemies. Then we go up the stairs and go out onto the balcony marked with a marker. There you will have to fight the demon of envy.

He, like the great horrors similar to him, loves to hide underground and then jump out in the thick of his party members, knocking them off their feet. Immune to spells and effects that affect his combat effectiveness, i.e. There is no way to slow it down or turn it off temporarily. At 70% health, the demon will call for help, and itself will change form and restore health. Here it is better to deal with the easier enemies first, and then take on the boss. At 30% of his health bar, the demon will return to its original form. When his health is low, green rupture spikes will start popping out of the ground, which you should avoid. After defeating the demon, we return to the main hall. Before entering it, we talk with the templars and make a choice at our discretion. Then we find ourselves at command headquarters, where we discuss what happened and what to do next.

By secret

We go to the Hinterlands, to Redcliffe, where Fiona invited us. There will be a gap in front of the gate, after closing which we will be allowed inside. At the entrance we will be greeted and invited to go to the tavern. After the cutscene in the tavern, we go to the church. We close the gap and talk with the magician. We return to the command headquarters and here there will be two missions to choose from on the map: “Defenders of Justice” and “In Secret.” By choosing one, the other will become unavailable, so this is the last chance to decide who is better suited to help close the gap - mages or templars. If you chose the side of the magicians, we activate the desired task on the command table and head back to Redcliffe. It will be possible to select only two party members for the squad. Our new friend will act as the third. After the cut-scene, we first gather our allies - it will be much easier to fight with four of us. To do this, go out into the room with the raised bridge and go to the right. Then we return back to the raised bridge and go through the door opposite. After talking with Fiona, we get a new goal. This time the bridge lowers and we move on along it. We follow the markers and close the gaps along the way. Having reached the locked door, we look for 5 fragments of red lyrium in the places marked with markers on the map. They will drop from killed spellcasters. Having collected everything and replenishing the stock of potions in the caches, we open the door. After the video we deal with the boss. At 60%, he will open a gap and hide behind an impenetrable shield. Having dealt with the gap, we again attack the boss, who is approximately at 30% of remaining health will repeat its focus. After the murder, we watch a video, at the end of which we make a decision regarding the magicians.

It will burn in your hearts...

The quest automatically begins after completing the quests "Defenders of Justice" or "In Secret", depending on your choice. You need to go to the command headquarters table. There on the map we select the task of the same name. We watch a long video, go to the gate and meet a new party member. Who it will be depends on what mission you chose before. This choice also determines who the army attacking the Vault will consist of. Next we need to protect the northern trebuchet. To do this, go to the marker on the map and kill the enemies arriving in waves over a certain time (shown by the scale). Once it is full, the trebuchet will fire, and we will have to go to the southern trebuchet. Using the marker as a guide, we go to the desired area and kill all the enemies there. Then we approach the trebuchet and cock it while holding down [RMB] on the active element.

After this, as soon as the shot takes place and the cutscene passes, we go back to the shelter. Along the way you can help the blacksmith Harrit. To do this, use a warrior or robber with daggers to break the boxes (simply click on them [LMB]) that block the entrance to his house. Then we go through the gate. Now we are offered to save the inhabitants of the Vault. You can save them all if you follow the following algorithm: first, going up the steps immediately after the gate, go to the right and kill all the enemies there, controlling the health of your allies. This is how we save Lisette. Then we go back out and if the gate is on the left, then we need to go right, towards the church. After going up the steps, we kill all the enemies again. The guard will say that someone needs help. To the left of the stairs we just climbed, if you stand with your back to it, there will be a burning hut. There is a person inside who cannot get out on his own. We choose a warrior or a robber with daggers and climb up the vertical ladder to the ledge. A small bridge will be thrown from it to a hole on the roof of the building.

Through it we get inside and break the boxes blocking the passage. Then, without leaving the hut, we approach the poor fellow and, holding down [LMB], save Seggrit. Next, we leave the hut and go along the steps located immediately to the left to the Church. Here you will have to save Trenn by killing all enemies. Then we go to the houses where Solas stood. At the same time, do not go down the stairs, but enter along the narrow path from the side of the church. Here you need to have time to save Adan and Mineva before the vessels next to them explode. To do this, approach them and hold [RMB] until they thank you. Then we go down the stairs and go into the burning house, where Flissa lies in the passage. We deal with her in the same way as Adan, Mineva and Seggrit. Below is a video that clearly shows how you can save everyone:

Then, having killed the enemies, we go to church. After the cut-scene we go to the place indicated by the marker. There we kill all the enemies, and then aim the trebuchet by holding down [LMB] on its active element. After aiming at about 20%, another batch of enemies will arrive. Then we aim the trebuchet again, and at 40% you will be interfered with again. Next, we continue aiming the trebuchet. At about 60%, a mini-boss will appear. Who will depend on your choice of the previous task. Having finally aimed the trebuchet, we watch the video. Having woken up, we follow the only possible path through the tunnel. Along the way, you will meet a small group of enemies, and you will be offered a new ability to deal with them. Having got out, we go towards the marker, and then watch a long epic video.

From the ash

After the cut-scene, we examine the castle, talk with party members, and complete side tasks. Here you will also be offered to find a blacksmith and choose a specialization. The blacksmith is in the basement (the door to the right of the throne if you stand facing it and the window behind it). To choose a specialization, we visit the command headquarters table and carry out a mission there in Ferelden, which involves searching for teachers. Then we just talk to everyone and choose a specialization. Then we go to Josephine and Varrick, after which we will be given the quests “Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts” and “There Lies the Abyss”, which can be completed in any order.

Evil eyes and evil hearts

IMPORTANT: There are a limited number of Gaul figurines. The discovery of eleven pieces is described here. They won’t be able to open all the doors, so choose what you need most.

If you take Sera on a mission, then after talking with her, she will mark three hiding places of Red Jenny, the hiding places are marked on the map.

Even if at the same eavesdropping point three times it was not possible to overhear anything interesting, gossip may still be added on the fourth.

And unload your backpack, there is a lot of junk at the location.

So, our mission begins in the yard. After talking with Gaspar, we'll stay here for a while. The noblewoman is looking for her ring, it is located to the right of the entrance to the garden, it is looked for as a treasure, we return it to her and get +5 to the location of the yard, but we can keep it for ourselves if we need money. To the right before the entrance to the palace is the locked Eastern Vault, the galla figurine for opening it is located on the terrace above it. There are some things inside. Then we go to the left of the entrance, go up the stairs, here the task is to eavesdrop on the conversation of the aristocrats, first turn to them, then, when they step aside, eavesdrop on the conversation from the point. On this terrace we find the key to the vault. Under the terrace there is a room in which there are two treasures at once, scandalous documents on the table (the first gossip) and the first whim coin in pots opposite.

We go into the palace. After talking with Josephine, we find ourselves in the lobby. There are two eavesdropping points here, in one we learn something new (+1 gossip). We turn to Gaspar and go to the ballroom. We welcome Empress Selina, in the dialogue we select the middle lines (+5 to location). Here you can chat with Josephine and Cullen and take the entry about the Orlesian theater into the codex, then we leave the hall and find ourselves in a dialogue with Leliana. We run along the corridor, listening to the elves talk about the plot. Further to the left, two points for gossip, in one there is something interesting (+1 gossip). A Vassal from the Council of Heralds also walks here, if in a conversation with him you choose the remark “Philip is a fool”, you will get +10 to the location of the court and +1 gossip. Duke Germain is standing in the room, asking him we get +5 to location, +1 gossip. Also hidden in this room is a whim coin and a code entry. We move on and listen to the dialogue of the elves. Now we need to find a round seal, we take it from the balcony of the room where the elves are. We go out into the guest garden.

After the conversation, we go straight, there is a locked door, we need Gaul figurines, to the left of the door there is a point where we get +1 gossip. There is also another point to the right of the entrance. There is also a fountain here where you need to throw the collected coins (for each thrown coin +1 to the location of the yard). Well, for now we'll go up the grid. The Gaul figurine is located on the right on the terrace, just standing on the railing, a little further there is a treasure with +1 gossip. We go to the library. There is a small puzzle here, you need to light the urns with a torch with a curtain fire so that they light up blue (starting from the entrance, first the right, then the left row, a descent down will open, there are some trophies). In this room there is a treasure marked with a book, pulling it opens the office, in it we take a letter and a curtain fire. We go into the library itself. Going down the stairs, the door to the right is opened only by a robber, to the left in the office there are documents on the table (+1 gossip). Next to the locked door on the bookshelf is a treasure with clues. In the library on the table we take another +1 gossip. We go out through the door into the lobby so as not to lose too much influence. Now we need to go up there again, to the left of the grate. There is a door there that we will open with a galley. Let's first run a little further along the balcony and overhear the conversation of two nobles below (+1 gossip). After that, you can talk to him, say that “magicians need to be stopped” and he will be recruited as an agent. At the point to the left of the exit, listen to the gossip (+1) and go to the ballroom. This is followed by a dialogue with Morrigan, after which we receive the key to the human room. You can chat and flirt with Cassandra (if you took her with you), listen to the gossip ahead on the left and go to this people's room.

There we change into armor and take weapons. In the room on the right there is a tattered diary. In the kitchen, on the beams under the ceiling, there is a figurine of a Gaul. In the garden, immediately to the left up to the wall there is a treasure with another figurine of a Gaul. At the fountain to the right, up the stairs to the top of the palace, there in the room with a bed we find another figurine of a Gaul, and on the balcony a whim coin. In the noble chambers in the large hall (from the fountain to the left) there is a whim coin on the table under a candlestick. We go up to the top floor and go left, there are enough figurines to get into the storage room in the bedroom and pick up the quest elven amulet from there. We go to the marker, deal with the group of Venatori and talk with Briala. There is also another figurine of a Gaul. We return to the palace.

We need to explore the Trophy Hall. But first to the ball, so as not to lose favor at court. There we are invited to dance by Floriana. In dialogues, choose neutral (average) answers. If you take the Inquisition perks for conversations in diplomacy and secrets, two corresponding remarks will appear (in a circle with a crown and a crow). Afterwards we talk about possible scenarios with advisers. We say that we need more information. Before leaving for the Imperial Wing, let's finish collecting all the items.

In the ballroom next to Josephine on the railing there is a whim coin. Let's go talk to the three ladies-in-waiting, we can talk to Selina about the amulet we found, then we talk to Briala. You can also talk to the widow by selecting the line with the crown (perk needed), we get access to the task (Dancing with the widow: allemande and +5 courtyard location). Further along this side is a treasure with a coin. We go out into the lobby, there is a whim coin in front of the railing where the window is. Down the stairs and to the left - gossip (treasure on the bench).

We return to the Trophy Hall. We talk with the nobles standing at its entrance, send them to Cullen to listen to stories about the battle, we get +10 location. Inside we find: one gossip and one whim coin (treasures in the first room), we take orders and a Gaul figurine from the table in the office. There is also a door in the office that can only be opened by a robber.

In the hall of heroes downstairs (where the entrance to the people's room) is one coin and one gossip. In the room, where there is an exit to the Guest Garden, there is another gossip to the door, in the room with Duke Germain there is another, further on the table and on the sofa there are two more. There is a coin and gossip in the room with the balcony. On the balcony there are two hiding places with gossip and an eavesdropping point. We go to the library, there we find more documents on the table. We go down to the fountain, to the right of the door with the Gauls there is another gossip. Up the grate to the left in front of the door for a coin.

We go to the imperial wing. There is gossip on the table on the left. We get up, run past the room for which the Gaul figurines are required, run straight and save the elf, sending her under the protection of Cullen. In the same room we take away the Gaul figurine. We run further along the marker, only we go not to the door that he points to, but opposite.

We run along the open terrace above the garden and climb into the window of some classroom. There are treasures with a figurine of a Gaul and a caprice coin. The tenth figurine is to the right of the quest door, down the stairs.

Let's continue to search these chambers. In another room there is a figurine of a galla (already the eleventh), next to the chair by the fireplace, there is also a gossip there.
Now we can unlock that door in the garden, we return through the palace lobby and run to the fountain. There we take the Banner of Orlais. You can also talk to another count from Orlais there. And we also find a whim coin there.
We return to the Imperial wing and go out into the garden. This seems to be the point of no return. After talking with Floriana and closing the Breach, we talk with the mercenary, if he has the perk in the Mysteries, we recruit him as an agent.
Well, then we search the location, collect everything valuable, and come across good sketches of level 3. There are two more doors in the basement, opened by four figurines. And we return to the ballroom where we make a choice of whom to execute and whom to pardon.

There lies the Abyss

We go to the meeting place appointed by Varrick’s friend in Crestwood (to open this area, you must complete the “Search for the Guardian” operation at the command headquarters). After talking with him, we go into the cave and go to the very end. After talking with another new acquaintance, we return to Skyhold and on the command headquarters table we open the location “Western Reach” (“Explore the Western Reach”).

We get to the desired structure and after the cut-scene we kill everyone there. We return to the command headquarters again. There we select the task “There Lies the Abyss” and find ourselves in the guardian fortress. Having walked a little along the only possible path, we see how the gray guards are fighting with the demons to the right of us, a little below. We can help them. We go even further and here, having already climbed the wall, we help our soldiers in the battle with the demons, thereby completing the first part of the necessary three in the task of capturing the siege points.

We move on in the only possible direction, and then we meet the demon of pride. Having dealt with him, we will capture another point from the side mission. There will also be a chest with a banner of the gray guards. Without going down, we pass along the wall to the right. There we kill another demon of pride and smaller enemies and complete the side quest. Then we go back a little, and before the place where we met the first demon of pride, we go down. We follow the markers, destroying demons along the way. After the cut-scene, we rise to the very top, not paying attention to the dragon that will attack you - you still won’t be able to kill it. After a spectacular video we find ourselves in a new place. Here, in parallel, you can complete the additional task “Fears of Dreamers.” To do this we go south. There will be a table and a chair with an orange glowing ghost sitting on it.

We approach and activate the table. Then a marker will appear on the map. Using the exploration key [ v ], we find the candle and take it to the ghost. After that, we take the reward, and new locations of the riddles, of which there are five in total along with the already solved one, will be displayed on the map. They will need to be performed in the same way. Also, if we walk along the northern wall, we will find ourselves near a magic mirror, activating which improves some characteristic. Such mirrors will often be found in this location, look for them to make your hero stronger. Now we can climb the stairs to the place indicated by the marker. After the conversation, we kill the demons and approach the shining green balls. Activate them one by one while holding down [LMB]. We watch the video, and then move on along the only possible path. Having reached a fork where one road leads down and the other goes north at the same level, we take the second road. There will be another mirror there. Now we return to the fork, go down in an easterly direction and reach a character with whom you can talk. After the conversation, we again interrupt all the demons and activate the green glowing balls. Then we reach a barrier that needs to be protected. Then we go further to the fork. To the north there is a road up. Along it we reach two demons of pride. Having killed them, we inspect the area where the map is flashing (press the [ key v ]). We find a soft toy. The next stage of the task “Fears of Dreamers” starts, which is not displayed on the map (the soft toy must be placed on the bed, which is located nearby and is displayed on the map). Next to the soft toy there is a structure that looks like an altar.

Activating it will launch another side quest, “Broken Window.” Here you need to light five lights in the correct order, after which you can collect loot. Afterwards we return back to the fork and along the bottom we reach the last riddle of the task “Fears of Dreamers”. Then to the barrier, near which we fight until the time scale ends. We go further and there we pick up the reward for the task “Fears of Dreamers”, highlighted with a marker. Next, we follow the spirit and reach the boss. Periodically, he will turn invisible. If you cannot target him, and at the same time he attacks, then go to tactical mode and assign an attack there. At some point, help will come to the boss. After winning, there will be a cutscene during which you will have to make two serious choices.

Fruits of Pride

The mission is selected on the command table. To open it you need to have 40 influence points. Please note that Cullen's mission "Before the Dawn" will become unavailable after this quest, so if you want to complete it, do so before starting this story mission.

Once in place, we follow the markers, fighting enemies along the way. Having reached the temple and going inside, we climb the steps ahead. There will be a locked door. To open it, you will have to solve a small problem. Go back down to the statue in the middle of the courtyard. There are square grates on the floor around it. If you step on them, they will light up blue. You need to go in such a way as to light up all such squares, but keep in mind that if you step on any cell twice or step on the ground, you will have to start all over again.

If you have any problems completing riddles with slabs, you can watch a video walkthrough below:

Once you do this, the door will light up blue. Now you can open it. After a short video, we will have to fight with a small group of enemies, and then decide what to do next - follow the enemy at once or try to solve all the puzzles (perform rituals), where we need to light all the stoves again. If you choose the first option (the marker in the middle of the room), you will have to fight not only with your immediate enemies, but also with the guardians of the temple. The second option is to solve three similar puzzles (on the sides of the room). Having solved the puzzles and entered the desired door, we watch the video and make another decision that will greatly affect the development of this mission. If you choose the option of working together, then follow the elf with the staff without turning around. Once she gets there, she will open a secret vault. Having examined everything there, we move on. Going down the round stairs, we meet the boss (who it will be depends on your choice of templars/magicians). Having defeated the enemies, we watch the video and make another important decision.

The last act

The mission starts automatically after completing the previous task. Its passage varies depending on the choice in the previous mission.

If Morrigan saw from the source:

We go to the meeting place, talk with Leliana and go through the mirror. There we simply follow the only possible path. Having reached the goal, we just talk, there is no need to fight.

If you drank GG from a source:

After talking with Morrigan, we go to an area called “Altar of Mythal” (To move there we use the global map (world map), the altar is located next to the Sacred Plain). We have to fight the boss. At about half of his remaining health, a cutscene will begin.

Marvel at the perfection...

This is the last story mission. After completing it, you will be able to continue playing while traveling around Thedas, but many side quests will become unavailable. Also, immediately think about who you will take with you to the final battle, and put the best equipment on them in advance. Also check the number of potions, bombs, etc. The task is selected on the command table and does not require influence points.

The battle will begin immediately. The main villain loves to teleport and move quickly, but it is better not to stand in his way. Its rays should also be avoided. When the enemy moves to another area, don't miss the potion cache on the way there. At about 50% of the remaining health, the boss will teleport again, and we will have to fight a new, very strong enemy. After defeating him, we go to the first boss. On the way there we don’t miss the cache. Having gained the upper hand, watch the video. Once in Skyhold, go to your room (the door to the left (north) of the throne). We watch another video and the end credits, after which there will be another small video.

A very small quest. Given automatically in conversations with your advisors and Varric after you arrive at Skyhold. To complete it, you must find Varrick on the fortress wall and talk to his “old friend”, as well as talk to Josephine.

Evil Eyes and Evil Hearts

This quest is given to you automatically after completing the quest "From the Ashes". From the documents found in the Templar fortress (or information from a strange adventure in Redcliffe Castle, depending on which path you chose earlier), you learned that Corypheus, for some reason, wants to eliminate Empress Selina. Since what Corypheus wants can in no way be beneficial to you, you need to stop his plans.

In order to activate this quest, you need 30 influence. The recommended completion level is 12 - 15. Small details will vary depending on which followers you invite with you, but overall it does not matter much.

Having arrived at the place and talked with Duke Gaspard, you will see a new bar in the upper right corner of the screen. It will show the approval of the imperial court. Court approval is important for two reasons - firstly, if it falls too low (0), you will be kicked out of the palace and the quest will fail, and secondly, high approval (85 and above) will give you an additional option at the end to complete this quest.

The Human (non-mage) Inquisitor starts with the highest Court Approval, 40. Other Inquisitors will have to work a little longer, but don't worry - you'll have more than your fair share of ways to gain Court Approval. (As a rule, the second response options during conversations bring the greatest approval from others, since excessive politeness, just like excessive straightforwardness, is not particularly held in high esteem by the courtiers of Orlais; they prefer cunning and wit.)

There is a confused lady standing in the courtyard of the palace where you start the quest. She will tell you that she lost a ring that was very important to her. You can immediately receive five court approval points if you select the second response option in a conversation with her. The ring is lying by the fountain not far from this lady - you need to use the search function to find it. Returning the ring will earn you another +5 court approval points. Alternatively, you can keep the ring for yourself if you want - but it's just an item for sale and there's nothing special about it. If you first find the ring and only then talk to the lady, you will lose the opportunity to get those 5 points that are given in the first conversation with her.

A small mini-quest “Open the Eastern Vault” will automatically appear to you when you approach the door to this vault. For this you will need a Gaul figurine. You can find one such figurine on the second floor above the storage room - go up the stairs and activate the search function. There are many doors in the palace that open in this way, but there are far fewer Gaul figurines. You will have to choose which doors you would like to open, since there are not enough Gaul figurines for everything.

You will also have the subquest “Herd of Stone Gauls”, to complete which you need to find 10 figurines.

On the other side there is another vault, which can be opened with a regular key. You can find the key on the balcony to the left of the gate if you use the search function. Both vaults have nothing to do with the main quests, but simply give you additional loot. On the way there, you can overhear some of the secrets of the courtiers. Eavesdropping is something you'll do a lot at the ball - it gives you experience, influence, and occasionally (not always) secrets you can tell Leliana. She, in turn, will use them to increase the approval of the court. A convenient place for eavesdropping is usually indicated by a red circle - you need to go into it and activate it. After completing each stage of this quest, you can find even more courtiers to talk to, places to eavesdrop, etc.

You will not be able to return back to the courtyard after you proceed to the lobby.

After you're done with your chores in the yard, move on.

Explore the lobby, eavesdrop on conversations, and when you're done, talk to Duke Gaspard. Then watch the video of your official presentation to the audience. This will also be your first chance to see Empress Selina. Don't rush to follow Gaspard towards the Empress if you want to hear your companions' introductions to the court (some of them are quite funny).

Walk around the ballroom, collecting information. Most of your comrades will be there. You can get court approval from Josephine's sister if you choose the second option when she asks about your adventures. If you brought Sera with you, she will give you the mini-quest "The Secrets of Red Jenny" if you ask her if her friends have any information for you. The caches are marked on the map (there are three in total) and you will receive Sera's approval every time you open them. If you bring your LI with you, don't forget to ask him/her for a dance. (Don't be upset when you hear the answer—after all, the evening is just beginning.)

Once you've talked to everyone and explored everything currently available in the ballroom, head back to the lobby. There, Leliana will automatically speak to you, who has her own suspicions about who exactly may be conspiring against the empress. In order to check Leliana's tip, you need to go to the palace library. The doors to the library from within your reach are locked, so you'll have to find an alternative way to get there.

Go through the door leading to the Guest Wing and further through the Hall of Heroes, in the next room go through the western door. The corridor you find yourself in opens onto the garden. If you look carefully in the garden, you will find a grate that you can climb up.

Take your time, first talk to the guests of the ball, eavesdrop on a few secrets. When you're ready, climb up the grate. You will see a warning that your long absence will reduce the court's approval. This is true, so take a look at your approval line from time to time. Your approval will immediately stop dropping if you return to the area with the courtiers. If you open a door in the library that opens into the lobby and was previously locked, you will have a shorter exit to "safe" territory.
On the balcony you will find a door that requires a Gaul figurine to open. If you haven’t found one yet, then run along the balcony and you’ll find it on the railing. Enter and take the Duke's letter. Then go to the library.

In the library, activate the search function and you will find a lever book. Activate it and you will be able to go to the secret room. Search her, but don't touch the letter on the table yet. If you read it, it will start the timer for your return to the ballroom and you will have less time to solve the riddle.

There is a torch with a curtain fire on the wall. Take it and return to the room with six urns of the Orlesian emperors. If you light the urns in the correct order, a secret staircase will open to you, leading to the basement with loot.

The correct order for lighting the urns, assuming that you are standing on the threshold of the room where the curtain fire was lit, leaving it:

Last on the left – second on the left – first on the left – last on the right – second on the right – first on the right.

If you lit the urn in the correct order, it will flash blue, if you lit it incorrectly, it will flash red.

After that, take the letter and you will immediately hear the bell ringing. The bell will ring three times. You can get court approval if you are there after the second signal (slightly late here is a sign of good manners), but if you delay and the third sounds, court approval will begin to drop because you are too late. If you rush and arrive after the first strike, you will not receive any approval.

Note: The timer starts after you find both documents - the letter behind the door with the galla and the letter in the library. If you have not yet taken the first letter, the bell will not ring.
In any case, when you take both letters you need, run back.

On the way, you can stop with two nobles talking in the garden and express your opinion on whether the actions of magicians or templars should be restrained. This will only be possible if you overheard them while standing on the balcony above them. This will give you an additional Inquisition agent.

When you reach the door to the ballroom, you will be introduced to the Empress's occult advisor, whom Leliana told you about. If you have played previous YES games, you will easily recognize this lady. During the conversation, she will give you the key to the people's room, where you will go to complete the next stage of the quest. The entrance to the men's room is in the Hall of Heroes. When you go through the door, you will find yourself with your group. Be sure to check their equipment, as they are all dressed in formal suits and do not have weapons (or rather, the game will give them a default weapon, which is several times worse than any of your equipment). As you might have guessed, exploration of this territory will not be 100% peaceful...

Court approval will drop while you complete this part of the quest, but not as quickly as in the library.

Walk through the rooms, listening to your teammates comment on what you see here. Follow into the garden, where a fight awaits you. After finishing, examine the body and draw conclusions from what you found. After this, follow the escaped Harlequin Jester - traces of blood and corpses are excellent indicators of his path, even without a quest arrow. You need to go to the second floor (fighting off several groups of opponents along the way). When you finally reach your goal, you will be greeted by one of the main characters of the ongoing unrest in Orlais - the elf Briala. She will tell you her own version of what is happening. After talking with her, return to the palace.

On the way, you can talk with the guards standing near the trophy room. If you send them to Cullen, you will receive + 20 court approval points, and at the same time access to a previously closed room in order to find a couple of documents about Duke Gaspar's plans, loot and one Gaul figurine.

The hostess of the ball, Duchess Florianne, will meet you in the ballroom. Agree to dance and talk with her. As in many other cases, answering second will earn you the approval of the court - a successful dance with the duchess can raise this approval very high. The Duchess will tell you her version of events.

After the dance, your advisors will approach you and you will have the opportunity to discuss with them a plan for further action. Each of the comrades has his own opinion on who exactly should be supported by the Inquisition, Josephine prefers to leave Selina on the throne, Cullen votes for Gaspar as the most legitimate contender for the throne, and Leliana would like to nominally put Gaspar at the head of the state, but with Briala behind him as "gray eminence"

You don't have to make a decision at this moment. You can answer whatever you think about it.

The next stage of the quest is the final one and is the point of no return. If you want to explore the palace a little more, find more information, talk with others, increase the approval of the court and other little things - do it now, before you go to the royal chambers.

When you are finally ready for the final stage of this quest, go to the quest marker in the royal apartments. (The court's approval will decrease at this stage of the quest, but very slowly.) After a while you will hear screams - go to Florianna's room and save the elf maid. She will tell you interesting information about Brial and will be ready to confirm it publicly if you need it. Send her to Cullen and move on.
Screams are also heard nearby from behind the door to the Empress's private chambers. To open this door you need 5 Gaul figurines. If you do not get into the Empress's chambers, you will not be able to conclude a truce between her, Gaspar and Briala. If you don’t need exactly this outcome, then you don’t have to go there.

If you want to achieve a truce and you have 5 Gaul figurines in your hands, go to the Empress’s chambers. You will find someone there who will give you the opportunity to blackmail Selina.

Enter the door at the quest marker, behind which angry screams are heard, and watch the video in which you will finally understand who exactly is behind the attempts to assassinate the Empress. After the video, enter the battle, deal with opponents and close the Gap. After this, you will have the opportunity to talk with a certain gentleman who will tell you his story of the agreement with Duke Gaspard. He will be ready to confirm it publicly if you need it. Thus, at the moment you should have three pieces of evidence in your hands with which you can put pressure on all three parties to the conflict - Gaspar, Briala and Selina. Although depending on which ending you prefer, you may not necessarily need them all.

Head back to the ballroom to complete your quest. There you have to make a decision - let the conspirators do their plan and intervene later, or stop them right away. If you want to keep Selina on the throne, you should intervene without waiting for the outcome; if you prefer Gaspard or Briala, wait.

If you decide to intervene right away and the court approval is currently 85 or higher, you will have a chance to resolve everything without any bloodshed. Tell your advisors that you want to speak with the leader of the conspiracy first and loudly accuse this person of treason in front of the entire court. After that, decide what to do with it.

If the court's approval is not high enough, you yourself prefer battle to talk, or you decide to wait until the conspirators carry out their plans, you will have to follow them into the courtyard and fight them there, including the boss. The boss is not that strong compared to the previous ones, but he likes to teleport around, which makes the battle difficult for melee characters. Ranged characters shouldn't have much of a problem.

In the subsequent conversation between Selina, Gaspar and Briala (or just Gaspar and Briala, depending on your choice), you will have to resolve the question of the leader of Orlais. You have several possible options:

1. Selina remains the empress. Gaspard is sentenced to death or exiled (if you ask for mercy).

2. Gaspard becomes emperor.

3. Gaspar becomes emperor, but Briala secretly rules with him (you need to have evidence against Gaspar for him to agree to this).

4. Selina and Briala make up. Gaspard is sentenced to death. For this option, you need to find an elven medallion in a room in the human wing. You will need three Gaul statues to open the door to this room. Talk to Briala about the locket (she will be on the garden balcony after you meet her for the first time), insisting that if Selina kept it, then she still has feelings for Briala. Then talk to the three ladies-in-waiting of the Empress about the medallion you found, and after that she herself will appear. Talk to her, ask if she still loves Briala.

In the last conversation with the Empress, after you have dealt with the conspiracy, say that Briala helped you in the investigation and that she deserves a reward. In this case, Selina and Briala will make peace. If you try to reconcile them without finding the medallion and preliminary conversations, Selina will forgive Briala, but will sentence her to exile.

5. You reconcile all three warring parties. This is only possible if you have evidence to blackmail all three, that is, you discovered the elf maid, the leader of the mercenaries and the soldier Gaspard and convinced all three to testify publicly.

After you have decided Orlais's future course and then spoken with the Imperial Advisor, you will finally be given a few minutes to rest. If your LI was/was among those present at the ball, then you will get a very nice little scene on the balcony.

Other information:

You can get a total of 30 blackmail clues, which will increase your influence with the court when you report them to Leliana. You find clues by eavesdropping on conversations, finding secret documents, and sometimes even just engaging in conversation with courtiers.

There are 15 caprice coins scattered around the palace - if you played the Mark of the Assassin DLC in DA 2, you may remember these coins. Each time you throw such a coin into the fountain, you will receive +1 court approval point.

You can invite the Widow to dance if your Inquisitor has the Nobility Knowledge perk. She won't dance with you, but in the future this will open up a new mission for you on your military operations table.

Several “whispering elves” servants wander around the palace. If you click on them, they will usually mutter something unfriendly and move away a bit, but after that you can find a place nearby to eavesdrop on them. Following the overheard information, you can conclude that something wrong is happening in the human quarters. (Although if you follow the main quest, you will find this out anyway.)
If your Inquisitor is an elf, then the servants will be much friendlier and will tell you what is bothering them - you won’t even need to eavesdrop on anything.

Corypheus plans an assassination attempt on the Empress Selina, which will likely plunge Orlais into chaos. To prevent the worst, you will need to intervene in the political game. Cousin of the Empress Gaspard, invites you to the Winter Palace for negotiations regarding the civil war. To go there you need 30 influence points.

Gaspard suspects the ambassador of a conspiracy Brialu. After the conversation, the imperial court location meter is activated. Conversations with nobles and good manners will help increase approval. If the counter drops to 0, you will be expelled. If by the end it is above 85 this will give you an additional ending option.

A noble person, who is not a magician, will start with the approval of the court at a value of 40. For the rest, 10 will be taken away from 40.

In the courtyard you will have the opportunity to complete three side quests.

If you talk to the noblewoman who lost the ring and choose the middle answer, you will be given +5 court favor for this. If you return what you lost, you will receive another +5 points. The ring has no special value; you can sell it later.

By going up the right staircase from the main entrance you can take the Gaul figurine, this will activate the task Herd of stone galls. With the help of figurines you can open doors. For example, from storage under the stairs. But keep in mind that you won’t be able to open all the doors. In total you can find 11 figurines.

On the opposite wing, you can try to start a conversation, and then overhear two nobles. To do this, you need to find the red circle, stand inside and activate it. All rumors then refer to Leliana. Go further until it stops, there you will find a key that opens another vault below.

Upon entering the palace, you find yourself in the lobby. Take a look around or go straight to the ballroom. There you and your entourage will be formally presented to the court. When talking to Selina, choose the middle answer for better favor.

Leliana will then want to talk to you in the lobby...

She has her own suspicions about who is attempting to assassinate the Empress. To check them, you need to go to the palace library. The door there is locked, so you'll have to look for another entrance. Enter the Hall of Heroes and eavesdrop on the conversation between two elves. Follow further into the farthest corridor and go out onto the balcony, using the search, pick up the Cylinder Seal.

Follow the bloody trail to find the exit to a small garden with a fountain. There you will be greeted by three ladies-in-waiting of the Empress.

Activate the fountain to start the side quest to find coins Money in the water.

To the left of the fountain, climb the grate to the balcony. As soon as you rise, the location will gradually decrease.

First, run to the right and take the galla from the railing, then open the door on the opposite side. There you will find Gaspard's letter.

In the library, use the search key to find the book on the shelf on the left. A secret door will open. Do not rush to take the letter from the table. First, solve the riddle. Light the curtain fire torch, then activate the first through third urns, counting from the door to the library. Then use the same order on the other side and the cache will open.

As soon as you take the letter, the bell will ring. Wait for the second muster signal before entering the ballroom to gain +10 court disposition. If you hesitate and enter the hall after the third bell, it will take away 20 points from you.

The order in which items are found does not affect anything.

On the way you will be intercepted by the Empress's advisor Morrigan, which Leliana suspects. She wants to help you, fearing charges if Selina is killed. Therefore, she will give you the key to the people's room, taken from the Tevinter infiltrator she killed.

First, talk to Briala and Selina's ladies-in-waiting in the hall, and then go to the people's room. Once you enter there, you will find yourself there with the whole group. Don't forget to suit up.

As you jump down, you will find the corpse of one of the ambassadors and the Venatori will attack you. Explore the noble chambers. On the second floor, behind the door that opens with the help of three figurines, you will find an Amulet of Strength for Vivienne and elven medallion opens another option for completing the task.

In one of the corridors there is a large group of Venatori. After the reprisal, the Harlequin Jester tries to hide, but he is killed by Briala who suddenly appears. After talking with her, it's time to return.

On the way, visit the Trophy Hall. Send the guards to Cullen.

As soon as you enter the ballroom, Duchess Frorianna will offer you a dance. She will ask questions while dancing. The answers can greatly enhance or greatly damage your reputation.

During the dance, Florianne blames Gaspard for everything and makes an appointment with you.

Afterwards, your love interest will approach you. You can dance with her or him, this will also be approved by high society. Otherwise, Josephine will approach you.

Leliana suggests turning Selina's murder into favor of the Inquisition. But no matter what you decide, now you need to find blackmail materials in the Imperial Wing.

To influence Selina, you first need to open the door of her chambers with the help of five galls. There you will find a naked soldier tied to a bed, he can be brought to testify against the empress.

In the next room, a harlequin is trying to kill an elf maid. For her salvation, she is ready to testify against Briala.

In the courtyard, Florianna ambushed your group, and having betrayed her agreement with Corypheus, she escapes.

After you close the gap, talk to the mercenary. He will testify against Gaspard if you need it.

Now you have all three pieces of evidence against the contenders for the throne.

In the hall, Cullen will ask you what to do with Florianna. If you have more than 85 court disposition, expose her in public, this will help avoid a battle. In other cases, you will have to engage in battle with her in the yard (shoots from a bow).

Next we have to decide who to rule. If Selina rules, Gaspard will be executed or exiled. If you previously found the elven medallion and showed it to Brialla, she will become a marquise under Selina. Gaspard can be forced to cooperate with Briala or allowed to rule alone, but this requires allowing Selene to be killed.

If you want to delve more deeply into what is happening at the imperial court of Orlais, read the novel “Empire of Masks.”

Upon returning to Skyhold, Mother Giselle and a representative of the church will inform you that Cassandra and Leliana, as those closest to the late Justinia, are obliged to claim the title of High Priestess.

Next task:

As soon as you start the prologue of Dragon Age Inquisition, you will be surprised by its linearity. If you want to do something differently from what is indicated in this walkthrough, you will be surprised to find that you cannot change anything. It is completely impossible to get lost here. First, you will have to follow Cassandra. During your journey, pay attention to every clue and gradually kill your enemies. You will not have any problems during basic training. After some time, you will meet the elf Solas and the dwarf Varric - it is with them that you can continue your journey. They will be the first companions in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. As soon as you take on your companions, you will begin to learn the tactical pause. You'll be using this mode a lot throughout Dragon Age Inquisition, so be sure to complete the entire tutorial.

After some time, you will find yourself in a very interesting place - a gap in reality, from where demons often penetrate. If you decide that it is necessary to close this gap, you will have to kill all the enemies. When the demons are defeated, you need to use the gap with the right mouse button. After a few seconds the gap closes, but during this time you cannot be hit. You mean that you will close such portals quite often. After the portal closes, you can go back to the fortress: although before that you will be offered a choice. You can either take the short route, or choose the long one and save your allies in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. Regardless of which path you choose, you will have to get to the site of the Old Ruins. When you make your way into the main hall, where the gap itself is located, you will enter into battle with the first main enemy in your passage of Dragon Age Inquisition - the demon of pride. You will have to meet quite a lot more of these bosses.

I don’t think there could be any difficulty in completing this section of the game: during the battle you will not be fighting yourself, but also with support in the form of comrades from the Inquisition. When you complete the first phase of this quest in Dragon Age Inquisition, you will not be able to damage the boss. Therefore, you will have to make the boss susceptible to damage by constantly using the gap. Pass the threat to your allies, and your main character will use the gap at this time. During the cast, you will constantly remove a certain percentage of the boss’s health. When the rift explodes, the demon kneels. It is at this time that you can inflict maximum damage on the enemy. When the demon rises, there is no point in hitting it. Use the rift again to remove the demon's defenses. Throughout the battle, other demons will appear, which you can easily kill. Usually they kill these enemies first, and then go to beat the demon of pride.

The danger is not over

When you complete the previous parts, you will be given the first task. You should first have a good rest, and then go explore the territory, go to the church, which is marked on your map. Near the command table you can finish the prologue of the game and begin the main passage of Dragon Age Inquisition.

Now it's time to explore the entire location. During this time, it is best to learn how to forge weapons and armor. It will also be nice if you can remember where the main characters stand. When you get bored with all this, you can go to the church again. Take the first task and head to a new location - the Inner Earth, where you will spend a lot of time during the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. It is located in the same kingdom, so you can simply go to the table and move using fast travel.

As soon as you get to the Hinterlands, you will see that there are a huge number of tasks. It will take about 12 hours to complete the entire location. I advise you to take all the quests at once so that the journal is always full. While exploring this location, you will constantly come across such and such tasks. If you systematically walk throughout the entire territory, you will not only receive the best equipment, but also complete all tasks, earning the necessary experience to complete Dragon Age Inquisition.

Now we will analyze the completion of the main quest - The Inquisitor's Path. Mark it in your journal so that you can always see the signs that direct you to it. If you follow the path that is marked on the map, you will definitely come across Inquisition soldiers who are being attacked by magicians and templars. Jump into battle right away to help your allies. After this, you will be able to get to the main Inquisition camp in this area. Here you will have to talk to your mother, who will send you to travel to new lands.

I still advise you to complete the maximum number of tasks in the Hinterlands. This will give you better weapons and equipment, and will help you advance through the levels, developing your characters. If you decide to continue the main storyline of this Dragon Age Inquisition walkthrough, then use the command table to travel to a new city. This is a small trading town where there are merchants and some characters to go through.

First, look around, study the goods from merchants, because you can always find something interesting suitable for purchase. Buy everything that can be useful to any of your allies. Good equipment for your allies is the key to victory over any enemy. When you have explored all the locations, you can continue the quest. First you must follow the mark on the map. There is practically nothing to do here, just watch the video, talk to representatives of Khamovniki, and leave the city. Before you leave the location, you will be disturbed by a woman. She will say that she represents the head of the mages, which brings a new feature to the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition.

Well, it's time to choose between templars and sorcerers. Choose carefully because once you have made your choice you cannot change anything. I advise you to start from the main class of your character. Agree, it’s not very logical if a mage character decides to join the templars. It is also a little strange if a warrior agrees to help magicians. But, nevertheless, you should not become very attached to these conventions in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. If you're leaning towards another faction, it's better to join it than to constantly make decisions you don't like. In order to join the templars, you need to complete the quest “Defenders of Justice.” If you decide to start collaborating with magicians, you need to complete the task “In Secret”. In any case, the choice is not final yet and you can change it. But during the next task you will have to make a decision.

By secret

Now it's time to head to the Inner Lands. If you haven't explored all the locations yet, head straight north. There is the city of Radcliffe, which we need to get to in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition. When you approach the gate, you will see a rift located there. To get into the city, you will have to close it. Not very strong demons come out from there, so there won’t be any problems. When the rift is closed, the gate will open and you will be able to get behind the walls.

Inside the city you need to look around, examining the merchants. I didn't find anything of note that significantly enhanced my characters. Once you've found everything you need, head straight to the tavern. When you get inside this building, you should talk to the sorceress. A new destination will appear on the map, to which we will go.

When you approach the marker that continues Dragon Age Inquisition, Dorian will come out to meet you. You can continue your journey with him if you like this magician. Male characters can also start a romantic line with him. And there is no escape from closing the faults. Pay a lot of attention to this, since the demons that will come out of this rift are quite strong. Chat with the sorcerer, after which you will have to go home again.

Well, are you ready to make your final choice? If you have not deviated from the designated path, you are simply making a final decision that cannot be changed. You are faced with a choice. And we continue to go through the game along the path of magicians, because, in our opinion, playing Dragon Age Inquisition as magicians is much more interesting.

We need to go straight to Radcliffe again. Use fast travel in your camp to avoid spending a lot of time on the way. During this task, Dorian must join you. Accordingly, the magician’s place will be occupied and the team must be selected based on this.

I won't tell you what you'll encounter once you go to Radcliffe. The plot is quite interesting, so be prepared for an unexpected twist. Once you finish watching all the videos, you will be left with only Dorian, ending up in prison. Once you can control your characters, you should start developing a mage, otherwise he will not be a good companion in the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition.

Dorian makes an excellent battle mage. Develop it in this direction, otherwise you will not succeed. As you move through the dungeon, you will encounter several types of enemies. Almost none of them pose a threat, but don't let them deal a lot of damage, otherwise you won't be able to heal for long. As often happens in such games, it is easiest for tank warriors to complete this mission. Some problems may arise for robbers, and it will be very difficult if you play as a mage or archer. This passage of Dragon Age Inquisition is very unoriginal.

There are many movement points in front of you that you will go through. When you find the first fork, you will see three marks on the map. Each of them represents a character located there who can be taken into the group. But then there are three notes! The third mark is the sorceress Fiona, whom we have already encountered. I advise you to immediately follow the other two marks, because four party members will kill all enemies much easier. Once you are able to talk to Fiona, the next part of the quest will become available. You will have to move to a new place indicated on the map.

To heal your characters you have health potions. But their supply is not at all endless. Try to make the most of it if you find storage. It looks like a box from which different jars and bottles stick out in all directions. This storage replenishes your full supply of health potions, so try to use as many of them as possible in front of the box. Well, are you ready to move along the new marks on the map? If you want to explore the location completely, I can immediately disappoint you. I didn't find anything interesting there that would significantly strengthen my character. Therefore, you can simply move along the marks until you visit them all. However, keep in mind that you will have to move through several levels. I advise you to carefully study the location, otherwise you will get confused and lost, which will be clearly unnecessary for completing Dragon Age Inquisition.

If you find a closed door that cannot be opened, then you are on the right track. In order to get behind it, you will have to look around the area for red lyrium. To open this door you must find five shards. You can see on the map where they are lying around. When you have each of them, be sure to replenish your healing potions, because you will have to face a new enemy in this location. Alexius is a fairly strong opponent, but the next boss will fall before your pressure and the passage of Dragon Age Inquisition will continue.

This boss is a sorcerer who constantly attacks you with magic. In addition, he moves using teleports throughout the entire site, protecting himself with a shield that absorbs damage. The battle looks very monotonous, but it shouldn't cause any difficulties. The main thing is that your tank constantly provokes the boss to beat himself. Since the boss likes to switch between targets, keep an eye on who he's hitting at all times. All your other allies should focus maximum attention on this battle. Don't be afraid to deal a lot of damage, because later on you won't need any spells with a long cooldown. Once you remove about 50% of the boss's health, he will disappear from view, but you will have to close a new gap. You already know how to do this, so just do your usual work. If the gap is blocked, the boss will appear in this room again. When you take off three quarters of his health, the boss will disappear again. This time the demons from the rifts will be slightly stronger, but you will still be able to deal with them. After this, be sure to watch the video clip, sympathize with one of the characters and continue passing Dragon Age Inquisition.

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