Useful tips for playing "nuclear strategy rules of war". Consciousness of a strong defensive army Rules of war pd 13 no more than 5

I decided to sketch out a little screed for those who still don’t know what emitters are in the rules of war.

The essence is actually painfully simple and is not much different from the principle of the wonder of the world in Travian, except that it is not the end of the game and the arrival of the Natars.

The emitter (popularly simply called a beam) is captured by the clan and only the clan from the bots - Morgan, or taken from other clans (improvements are not lost).

With capture, points are awarded to the clan; the more emitters and the higher their lvl, the higher the clan in the ranking.

The emitter can and even needs to be upgraded to at least level 2.

Only at the second level does it become possible to use the antigen by mutating troops.

How the emitter works - it is attacked with enviable regularity by bots - Morgana. They hit very weakly, at least my defense on the emitter does not lose a single soldier from these attacks (it costs 100 combat vehicles + small things like cyberdogs and machine gunners, even small things usually don’t fall). After each repelled attack, enemies leave behind an antigen that can be used to mutate their own troops. In itself, this is complete bullshit, the troops’ stats increase by a lot, but the consumption of credits is halved. For example, when a cyberdog mutates, it receives 21 defensive stats (becomes 21-21-19-19), but eats only 0.5 credits. And since on average 1-3k antigens are mined per day, it looks so-so, especially considering how much it costs to improve the emitter by 2 lvl - 100 ups for 20k of each resource, in total the clan loses more than 6 million resources for this pampering. At the third level, each up costs 30k of each resource - titanite, uranium and credits.

The radiators also provide a minor bonus to the garrison.

But the emitter has one mega-useful property for noobs - it is an excellent save for troops in case of an attack or if you are leaving.

You just make troops and in the process send them to the beam and prevent you from farming by inflating your warehouses. And when there are already enough troops, you simply return the troops and give battle to the offender, and do not offensively merge 50 cars each. Certainly. There are a number of BUTs in this scheme. Firstly. you must be in a good clan that firmly holds the emitter, since in the later stages of the game 10k vehicles and 1k interceptors make their way through the forces of several top attackers.

Secondly, it is often easier to ask your neighbors for help.

Thirdly, noobs who are not able to stand up for themselves are usually not accepted into normal clans with emitters. Although this point is entirely in your hands - you can always come to an agreement if you wish, although this is a paramilitary game, it is played by ordinary people for the most part.

That's all for now, have a good game and more emitters :)

Here are the secrets of the game, which is called “Rules of War - Nuclear Strategy”. Some of them are not secrets at all, but simply knowledge about how to correctly use the game mechanics to your advantage. In addition, this section will publish various tips on choosing the optimal strategy and tactics in this game; this, of course, will help destroy enemies.

Read also the following articles:

  • (Russian version / )

1. If there is a task to build a gate, wall or tower, all this will cost much less (since the task is a quest). For example, the fourth level gate and wall will only cost 25 crystals.

2. Never use defensive troops to attack! This doesn’t make sense, it’s been tested in actual experience, tested more than once, also in a battle simulator. You will lose many more defensive troops that you will take with you into battle with the enemy. At the same time, you will not cause serious damage to the enemy and will not defeat his army, even with numerical superiority. The situation is exactly the same with defense with the help of attacking troops. Always try to deflect the attack from the attack, or even better, all the troops, then you will avoid the battle. It’s also worth spending resources, then the enemy won’t get them.

3. There is a proportion between the death of troops and their number. This means that if there is only one unit in the army, then it dies only with very large losses. This can be used if you decide to buy 1 cruiser “Peacemaker”, it must be sent exclusively with an escort, such escort can guarantee the preservation of the cruiser when there are only small defensive troops.

4. Crystals must be spent on training new troops (or accelerating the creation of new units, if necessary) and increasing resource productivity (when production is from 800/hour). Everything else is less profitable.

5. There is absolutely no need to improve titanium and uranium mines, that is, after reaching level 11! Obviously, there is no point in spending 55 thousand crystals on level 12, since it no longer increases the productivity of the mines. At higher levels, everything is even worse, starting from the 13th level, the mine’s production begins to increase by 10, and the 13th level ends up paying off in only a year! Indeed, a whole natural year, of real, not game, time. You can invest these resources in troops and loot the surrounding area. This, by the way, is a fairly obvious secret of the game, but many, nevertheless, continue to improve the mines.

6. Occupation does not give anything at all except points according to the rating in the table! No need to waste time. It is much more useful to rob such sectors.

7. When you are occupied, there is no need to rush to lift the occupation! This fact doesn't do you anything particularly bad. And if you are occupied by some serious enemy, then you can consider that you are safe. He won't rob you, this time. Most likely, others will not rob you either, because they will be afraid of your serious occupier, that’s two things. (Note: if you rob an occupied sector, the occupation will be removed from it).

8.Secrets of movement in the game “Rules of War”:

i. The maximum movement time in the “Rules of War” is 24 hours. That is, you will definitely get to absolutely any point in no more than 24 hours, even if it is quite far away.

ii. The speed of movement to the mines and to allies increases by 24 times, the maximum time of movement to the mines or to allies is 1 hour.

9. In order to protect yourself from robbery, do not leave banks and warehouses filled more than 50%, otherwise the enemy will be able to take away only 5% of the resources, and in the opposite case - half of all resources!

10. When you get robbed frequently, there are several effective ways to stop it.

i. You can try to simply talk to the offender and ask him not to attack you for a certain time

ii. You can spend all your resources on defensive troops so that when the enemy comes, he suffers significant losses and doesn’t take anything with him. This, of course, will slow down development, but it will discourage strangers.

If you want to gather several troops, then you should send them to those sectors that have not yet reached level 9, since no one can attack them. This means that the army will be safe and sound.

Robbery protection
What to do if you are constantly being robbed? You want to accumulate troops, but how? Many people are probably asking these questions. There is nothing difficult about surviving in this game, you just need to use common sense, it’s a small life if you think about it. The main rule in this case is to no longer be interesting to the robber. We will look at different ways to implement this.

First, remember that you shouldn’t write to another player something like: “Stop robbing me!”, “Hey, I’ll find you in real life and...” Threats usually have no effect or act in the opposite direction. There is, in fact, a very high probability that the recipient will rob twice as often. If the enemy robs you, it means he is trying to appropriate resources, but when you shower him with insults, you will turn into his personal enemy, and he will definitely take revenge, perhaps even to his own detriment. And things will get much worse. There is no need to bring it to this. Try to communicate calmly, judiciously and tolerantly; if you are not sure that this particular player robbed you, then it is better not to write to him at all.

How to become uninteresting?

1. Waste resources. Your warehouses should always be empty. You cannot allow the warehouse to be filled to more than 50%, this has the consequence that you can be robbed of half of the total capacity of your warehouses. And when your warehouses are less than half full, the attacker can take away only 5%.

2. In the case when you enter the game quite rarely and do not have the opportunity to spend resources all the time, then increase your warehouses. If resource extraction is somewhere around 1000/hour, then a level 18 or 20 warehouse is completely sufficient. Within 24 hours, the warehouse will be no more than half full.

3. There is an equally effective, but more radical way. You must spend all resources using them on defensive units. This is very expensive, but after several attempts to rob you, the enemy will definitely not be happy. Excess titanium can be exchanged, for example, for uranium on the market 1 to 1, this is without any problems, and again invested in protection. In addition to everything, we complete the starting point and then the enemy loses troops, so he also leaves with practically nothing. This is how you can accumulate more troops (see how below) and then put them on defense.

4. When you are robbed by 1 enemy, or maximum 2, you can try to send them credits, there are a lot of them in the game. For what? The limit on the transfer of resources between sectors is 50 thousand per week. If you decide to give him all of it in virtually worthless loans, he will definitely leave you with zeros. You can read more about the limit in the article Cartooning and bypassing the limit

Ways to accumulate troops.

1. You should send only built troops for reinforcements to an abandoned city up to level 9 nearby. No one has the opportunity to attack it, so the troops will definitely be safe and, importantly, they can be returned at any time.

2. Also, so that the troops do not stand idle, you can send them to an ally (if there are any available). Of course, you have no guarantee that they will be safe, but this is still how the troops perform their immediate function.

What should I do when I am attacked right at the moment?

1. Most importantly, do not panic. Assess your opponent if this is his first time attacking. Think about how much larger the army he might have. If the attack occurs after a significant period of time (from an hour), then remember this time, and then you can enter the game and take action.

2. Let's say the enemy is stronger than you, then withdraw your army. You can even try to hide them, for example, by sending them as reinforcements to a sector that is below level 9. Even if you are attacked by a weak enemy, it is better to think about whether it is worth spending your troops on defense; perhaps it is still better to withdraw them.

3. It is better if you spend your resources before the attack, send them to your allies, and after the attack they will certainly be able to return them to you. I can’t imagine what will happen if you decide to put your resources on the market (in the original game “Travian”, the resources that were put on the market were considered to be in the warehouse, then they too could be stolen), now this method is being tested.

After starting Total Domination for the first time, you are probably asking yourself, what should I do to quickly get used to the game? First of all, take the training course. The game character General Lapidus will tell you about the basics of strategy, show you how the game mechanics work, what certain parameters are responsible for, and will also help you assemble a solid army and a large amount of resources (titanite, credits and uranium).

The training is based on simple tasks, for which you will be rewarded with crystals (game currency that can be purchased for real money) and experience. Taking into account the fact that no one can attack you for five days (the game thus protects newcomers from aggressive players), do not get into trouble - at first it is very important to accumulate and not lose a serious advantage.

After training is completed, you go free swimming. In addition, the game itself will tell you what you need to do first. Don’t rush to improve all resource mines and housing complexes at once or spend endless money on creating an army. You risk missing out on useful and vital bonuses in the form of experience and elite troops.

As a rule, assignments will affect all aspects of the game: create 10 soldiers, improve housing complexes to level 5, study the Nuclear Batteries technology, build a Consulate building, etc. Sometimes tasks will require a large amount of resources. In order not to wait for your mines to recruit them themselves, attack your neighbors, make alliances, join clans, behave aggressively, but only within reasonable limits.

Always keep one simple truth in mind: if you attacked someone first, your opponent will probably want to take revenge. The goal of any attack is to steal a large amount of resources, bring them to your base and quickly spend them before they are taken away from you again.

If you do not want to spend your personal finances on creating a powerful army and arranging a base (this is not necessary), then you have another way: buy everything with resources. Yes, it’s long, but there’s no need to rush. Over time, learning technologies and improving buildings takes a day or even two. Some may find this tedious, but on the other hand, the game itself is not fast. The journey from point A to point B can take from five minutes to several hours.

While developing your sector, you may also have a question: which tactics are better to choose - aggressive or defensive? The problem is that there is no one right answer. You can play the way you like.

If you prefer to play alone, then the aggressive style is ideal for you. To do this, you need to study technologies for units, for example, for foot soldiers or Valkyries. Each upgrade adds +2% to attack and defense. The first units are the cheapest, but no less effective. The benefit from them increases at the moment when, after the next clearing of local ruins, you get artillery or air types of troops. Your damage increases noticeably and the survivability of your army increases. It is quite possible that after each clearing of a sector, ordinary infantrymen will die, and equipment losses will be reduced to a minimum. Once you have the ability to build shock and siege tanks, life will become a little easier.

Creating defensive units to defend a base is not a necessary activity for a simple reason: at first they are quite weak, and the attacking army is usually stronger and consists of different types of troops. So you cannot avoid raids from your neighbors. Besides, they won’t destroy your base anyway, they’ll just steal a certain amount of resources that they can carry away, and that’s all. Accordingly, in order to always stay afloat, we advise you to attack your neighbors as often as possible. The main thing is not to forget to send troops to the bunker after the attack, otherwise you risk being left with nothing. It may take several days to create a new combat-ready army.

Someone will ask, what is the point of the game anyway? The answer is very simple: you choose your own path and try to stay afloat for as long as possible.

“, unless of course it is amorphous, or created for specific tasks. Always strive for one single goal, to capture the Emitter. And let's face it, it is almost impossible for a young clan, little known on the sands of the Wasteland, to do this. As they say, the first task of such a clan will be survival, since dozens of stronger fighters will constantly test the strength of the sector, in the hope that one of the participants fell asleep and abandoned the game.

And such fighters will have very little interaction experience to gain, and most importantly, from monstrous attacks, wanting to get more aircraft for medals. That is why, the question always becomes how to take the first ray for yourself. And it’s good if they understand their own strength and their capabilities, and if not. This leads to the fact that when distributing rays in the Wasteland, they strive to capture a ray on the coast of one of the strong clans, which naturally causes negativity among the owner of these lands. And the removal of protection from the beam by a strong clan is practically guaranteed in this case. Which leads to sad consequences in most cases, the fighters become disillusioned with the game and some of them leave.

But there is another option, diplomacy. It is not always easy for strong clans to hold their entire coastline with a large number of rays. Therefore, they are quite willing to accept the offer to stand on their rays, although in response they can define their requirements. Like those like the lack of beam pumping. But don’t be upset about this, the rays in the game are heard quite often, which requires the coastal clan to constantly move after them. And if at the very beginning it was impossible to pump up the beam, now it will absolutely not interfere, even if it’s pumped up to the maximum fifth level. And even beginners will have enough time to build up protection for the beam and saturate it. Otherwise, if there is less than 100,000 heavy aviation or artillery protection, it will very quickly be carried out by someone.

So, for those who wish to wield the beam, we can advise several rules necessary for this operation. You should never climb onto coastal rays; try to monitor the distribution of rays and take them in the center of the map, if not by force, then by diplomacy. Promise loyalty and fidelity to the allied word, convince of your desire to help in difficult times. Do not be afraid to fight with the same newcomer clans in the Wasteland " ". Try to constantly increase your defense, do not burn it in small skirmishes and in mines. It will be useful in battles and traps.

strategy rules of war

1 Harmful usurper. The first thing you need to understand and remember in the rules of war game is that during occupation, more damage is done than during robbery in the rules of war! I have already described how to apply this in the secrets of the rules of war. The point is simple: if you want to break the enemy’s defenses and lose as little as possible, then first occupy his sector and then plunder.

2. The punks rule. The smaller the unit, the more damage it deals. That is, if you spend the same amount of resources on infantry and, for example, on splitters, then the total number of infantry has greater attack power.

Simple calculations:

Take for example 100,000 titanite

we buy infantry with them and it turns out 666 infantry(well, the number turned out)

with the same money we buy splitters 18 chips

Now let's calculate their total attack amount

infantry 666*40=26,640

splitters 18*900=16,200.

That is, the striking force of the infantry turned out to be almost 10 K greater. If you compare the same infantry with a cruiser, the difference will be even greater. If you compare the Valkyries with the splitter and other troops, then the difference will also be, but a little less.

The same thing happens in defense. But in defense it’s a little more complicated, since different units have different protection indicators from one type or another.

How to use it? If you have enough credits to maintain such units, then with such force you can demolish all the protection, with less losses.

5. Quantitative indicators of losses or long live cannon fodder! It doesn’t matter whether it’s attack or defense, more troops (units) are lost than those that are larger in number!

Look at the screen below for sector protection:

Notice the number of troop losses decreases according to their number! The screenshot shows that I had the most Valkyries in the attack and I lost them the most, then I lost an almost equal number of shock and siege tanks, and I lost a little less of them. It’s the same in his defense. How to apply it? Building heavy equipment in the rules of war is long and tedious; the accumulation takes months. Therefore, if you want to suffer the least losses among them, then cover the heavy units with a large number of small units. For example, you send 100 cruisers, 200 splitters to attack, and to reduce losses you send 600-1000 Valkyries with them. You will lose the windrow the most, but you can rebuild 1000 windrows in 1-2 days. 100 cruisers per month. I hope you understand the strategy here.

6 Let's gather in a crowd. Error in understanding the number of troops! Previously, I thought that the more attacking troops I made, the greater their striking force, the less I would lose them during the attack. Nothing like that! Look at the example: I took the same amount of defense and attacked these troops with different numbers of troops.

What happened. if the sector has more or less normal defense, then the more troops you send, the more you lose, but the more defense troops you destroy. Another axiom follows from this: Whatever your attack power, you will lose exactly as much as the enemy’s troop protection:

And in defense too, the more defense you have, the more you lose it, but also the more the attacker loses. and you will lose exactly as much as the enemy’s attack, even if it costs you many times more defense army.

So think about how this can be applied strategically.

7.Combat reconnaissance or psychic. Checking the protection of a sector or mine. It happens that he explored a sector or a mine and was unable to explore it. Then you sit and wonder whether to attack or not to attack blindly? What if there is more protection there? How to find out what kind of protection there is!? It's simple! you take and send a small number of troops to capture, for example, 20 infantry, 10 Valkyries and one tank (at different levels different numbers of troops are sent to check, be guided by the level of development of the sector to which you send troops). If he has normal losses during an attack, then the defense there is weak, you can capture everything! If he has no losses or one or two, then it is better to abstain, unless you have a large army.

Thank you for reading the post, I hope these little tricks in the rules of war game strategies will help you in future victories in the wasteland!

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