How to quickly increase the level after the revelation plot. Leveling up your character. Costumes are a fun reward for intimacy in Revelation

Proper character leveling is the key to successful play in PvP battles. The system for leveling up a character, as well as his skills in the game Revelation Online is quite complex, and it will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand it. In order to facilitate this process, this guide was written.

Character level

One of the main criteria for the quality development of a character is his level. When the experience scale is filled, the character automatically gains a new level. Starting from level 39 inclusive, for each increase you must press the “Level” button. “Manual” transition to a new level will allow the player to linger in leveling, for example, to collect the desired set of equipment or research content.

“Marinite” will help speed up pumping. The player will often encounter this stone, but the main ways to obtain it are by purchasing it for reputation points, PVP resources or bronze gardeons. Although the stone has a limit on the number of uses per week, there are items to increase this limit.

An entire “Marinite” can be assembled from 25 fragments, which will drop out, for example, during the passage of dungeons.

When increasing a new level, the player is given points to distribute basic characteristics (strength, intelligence, endurance, fortitude and agility), which must be distributed in accordance with the chosen class. You can find out which characteristics for your class are basic and which are auxiliary by hovering your cursor over them. The player can also automatically distribute points in three options, for example, for the Guardian class - “Balance”, “Attack” and “Defense”.

Characteristics can be redistributed. To do this, you need to use the treatise “A Second Chance for a Newbie.” The player will receive several treatises for levels 20-49 by completing story and orange quests. As a last resort, you can buy them from the grocer.

Every 10 units of characteristics, the cost of pumping will increase by 1 point. For example, to increase a characteristic from 100 to 101, you need to spend 11 points. Above level 49, redistribution becomes expensive, so before taking level 50 you should study your class and the characteristics it requires.

You can also make ready-made sets of characteristics and switch between them. One additional set is received by owners of premium accounts with an activated warrior scroll, the remaining sets are opened with a special item.


If you don’t rush to move to a new level, all the experience gained after filling the scale will turn into wisdom.

Wisdom, or spirit as it is also called, is used to purchase talent points necessary to improve combat skills in the talent tree. And also to increase the parameters of the guild trainer.

Briefly about equipment

The second qualitative criterion for character development is equipment. Each item that can be worn has its own equipment rating in a numerical value. So you can roughly compare two things based on their scores to determine which one is better.

To quickly determine the quality of a character's equipment, the sum of the assessment of all worn items is shown (the so-called Gear Score or GS). Read more about equipment in the corresponding guide.


Concentration allows you to speed up your character's leveling or slow it down, depending on the situation.

When a character receives experience points, the current level of concentration is consumed. At each character level, one unit of concentration corresponds to a certain amount of experience and is consumed if it is exceeded. The higher the level, the more experience the player will receive. For example, for a quest they give 10,000 experience - the player will receive this amount if the concentration level is zero. But if the concentration level is increased (+200% experience), the player will receive 30,000 experience. Thus, concentration holds the horses for those who are rushing forward in leveling, and, on the contrary, helps to quickly raise levels if they haven’t leveled up for a day or two, which will be extremely useful for beginning players and will not allow them to make a catastrophic mistake.

Concentration is replenished on its own every day. The specific daily replenishment value for your level can be found in the concentration window. To open this window, you must click the “Concentration” button. in the Character Window. Also here you can see its current level and the maximum possible reserve. Premium account owners can speed up concentration recovery by 20% by activating the Sage's Scroll.

Also, the game has items to increase the current level of concentration, for example, “Safflower Concentrate”, which is given for marks on the calendar.

Concentration can be converted into an experience buff by pressing the “Comprehend” button. The duration of the buff will be proportional to the amount of concentration spent.
The second tab of the character window contains development milestones. Milestones are opened sequentially one after another.

Each unlocked milestone gives points for distribution of characteristics, bonuses to attack power, defense or hit points, opens cells for air combat skills, and unlocks opportunities to improve ordinary skills and rage skills. In other words, keeping track of milestones is vital.

In addition to high-quality character development, with the opening of milestones the player will receive a class costume at level 49 and a class mount at level 69.

To unlock milestones, you must fulfill their requirements. You can view them by selecting a specific milestone. Most often, the requirements are to take a certain level, develop skills and receive a special item through a chain of orange quests.

Skills and their improvement

From the start of the game, the character will have four skills in his arsenal, one of which is considered an auto attack. New combat skills will be learned for free upon reaching certain levels (the last at level 50).

When you hover over skills, you can read their description. For a detailed description, perform the same operation while holding down the “Shift” key.

At first, your skills will improve automatically. But from level 29, the player can distribute points between skills himself. This can be done by paying taels. At the bottom of the combat skills window, free points for distribution, invested points and their total number are indicated through a slash.

As with stat points, you can create sets of combat skills and switch between them.

An additional set is available for owners of premium accounts with an activated warrior scroll. Two more sets can be opened by analogy with sets of characteristics for a special item.

After opening the third milestone (Akari, from level 49), it will be possible to improve skills in the talent tree.

In the talent tree of skills, the latter can be given different properties, for example: increased damage, speed of rage accumulation, maneuverability when using them. With Akari's milestone, only the left column is available for study. By opening subsequent milestones, the player gains access to exploring other columns.

Some skill talents are locked (lock icon). To access them, you need to study the corresponding books, which can be bought from class booksellers in Asterion for, pardon the tautology, chapters of the book of rage and tael.

But before investing points in skill talents, they must be purchased with wisdom and taels. If there is not enough wisdom for a purchase, the player will tactfully be offered to replace it with experience.

By unlocking new milestones, you can increase the maximum number of talent points that can be purchased. Just like skill points, talent points can be redistributed for free at any time.

Now let's talk about the second tab of the skills window - rage skills or, as they are also called, ultimates. Of the eight rage skills, only six can be placed on the quick access panel; the remaining two will be unavailable. The player will receive several rage skills by completing yellow and orange quests. The rest will have to be purchased in the form of books from an NPC who can be found in the Shelter of the Seven Winds.

Using the example of the Guardian class, we see two types of rage - righteous rage and guardian rage, which have different limits. You can accumulate righteous rage by dealing damage, and by receiving damage you gain guardian rage. Accordingly, different rage skills consume their rage in different amounts.

Rage skills can be upgraded; to do this, the player just needs to use them. When you reach a new rage skill level, a pop-up will appear and there will be a glow around the plus icon. Another way to level up rage skills is possible through contributions from the guild trainer.

You can speed up the leveling of rage skills using Scraps of the Book of Rage. Scraps can be obtained during Monster Hunts, in the Arena of the Four Gods, or purchased for bronze feathers.

In order to improve the rage skill, see progress, or replace leveling with books, click on the plus icon.

After opening the second milestone (Oro, from level 39), you will have access to the rage skill tree. As with the combat skill talent tree, here we will be able to give rage skills special properties, a list of which is given in the right area of ​​the tree.

To unlock the cell you will need to fulfill certain conditions or use letters of rage in a major way. They can be purchased for taels, phantom pearls or bronze feathers.

Once the unlock conditions are met, there will be a glow around the icon. Check your skill window often!

To purchase power-ups you will need Seals of Rage. They can be obtained during Monster Hunts, dungeon crawls, or purchased for PVP resources, bronze gardeons, phantom pearls or bronze feathers.

The more one effect is enhanced, the more noticeable the increase will be, but the price in Seals of Rage will also increase inexorably. After purchasing a power-up, the empty cell will turn color, and the corresponding hieroglyph will light up in the rage skill window. At the top of the Fury skill tree, some slots will be locked. Locks can only be removed by leveling up your rage skills. Four cells under the lock, as shown in the screenshot, means that the rage skill is pumped to 6 out of 10.

You can redistribute rage seals within one rage skill, then the free seals will be displayed in the upper right part of the window. But in order to completely remove the seals of rage from the skill and return them to your inventory, you will need scrolls.

And finally, we can say a few words about air combat skills. Why just a couple? Because air combat is rare.

After opening the second milestone (Oro, from level 39), the first two cells for air combat skills will open. A little later, according to the orange quest, the player will be given the first two skills. As with the rage skills, the remaining aerial combat skills must be purchased in book form. Upgrading air combat skills is limited only by the character's level, and to improve them you will need taels.

Good day to all!

We carefully read the instructions, from which you will learn everything in detail.

Why is this necessary? While exploring the fascinating world of Revelation Online, sooner or later you will need to return to real life.

So, the character will be idle in your absence? But this time can be spent usefully by going to the SPA center!

From this article you will learn:

What kind of location is this?

This is a peaceful location in Revelation. It is called “Steam room” or “Bath”. You can get here using a teleport. Portals are available in various cities, for example, at coordinates 5659/1512 in a large city.

If your hero has already reached the login parameters, all that remains is to simply select “Bathhouse” from the list.

What's next?

So, you have successfully been transported to the recreation area. Here you will meet two NPC merchants offering to purchase snacks and alcoholic drinks. It is these items that are buffs in the location.

Merchants are different. One offers to make a purchase for coins and heavenly currency, the second wants to exchange it for fish. It’s the second option that interests us.

Where can I get fish?

Not far away. There is a backwater nearby. It is home to a delicacy of local “currency exchange”.

If you don’t have everything you need and don’t have the required beginner’s kit (didn’t buy gear, didn’t complete quests), don’t worry. There is an NPC near the reservoir, and you can buy everything you need from him.

The fishing set is as follows:

  1. Bait.
  2. Beginner's rod.
  3. Beginner's float.
  4. Hook.

How to fish?

You give new clothes to your character by right-clicking in the inventory. You run along the shore of the pond, determining where there are circles in the water.

This is where the fish are splashing. Point at the circle and see information about the distance to the target.

Open the professions window, go to the last tab. In addition to fish, you can catch professions, there is a skill that needs to be dragged to the action panel for convenience.

Click and see that you can choose: use automatic or self-catching. You can also change bait here.

For the required distance, press the F key, see a status bar with a running bar, press at the required moment, the float flies to the specified distance. Voila, the fish is caught.


You are making an exchange. Snacks provide a social experience; drinks provide a casual experience.

You can use two positive effects at the same time. But keep in mind, there is a limitation. One hundred points per day are given for food and one hundred points for drinks.

If parameters are not used, they accumulate - 500 points in five days. And that’s it, then the accumulation stops.

The simplest food costs 100 points, and this also applies to drinks. It turns out that you can eat no more than five dishes and knock out five bottles a day.

The Bathhouse location in Revelation is often used by high-level players who act as mentors. They transfer experience to their students through meditation.

This is also a great place to level up your craft - you will get an increase in your character level!

I will tell you about the remaining features of the game in the following publications. Follow the announcements!

We bring to your attention three very important guides for Revelation that will help you gain experience, reputation and game currency.

In Revelation you will have an exciting journey of developing your character and participating in a huge number of events - both PvE and PvP, and general game ones.

There are a number of options available to create a truly powerful hero. It's not enough to just reach the maximum level and get a good set of equipment. The development system is very deep and allows you to optimize the character’s characteristics in strict accordance with the tasks facing its owner.

This list of main events in the game will help you not to get lost in the diverse world of Revelation, as well as the cheat sheet below with a list of what you should pay special attention to at certain levels. We also advise you to pay attention to the section on the forum “”, where experienced players share their accumulated knowledge with beginners.



As your character gains levels, new skills will be unlocked (K key). By investing development points in each of them, you can create unique “builds” for different situations. The game offers the ability to store several “builds” at once and switch between them at the right time. For example, to bet on different skills in PvP and PvE, simply save both combinations and use them alternately.


All skills have their own development tree - a set of additional modifying talents. These talents can increase damage dealt, reduce mana consumption, apply a burning or freezing effect to the target, etc. In this way, you can add uniqueness to your own “build” by choosing the most effective combinations for you. The higher the level of your character and the more development milestones he has unlocked, the more talent points are available to him. You can get them by spending experience gained and Asterion Taels, earned for completing tasks and killing monsters.


You also need to obtain and develop your rage skills. Rage skills are character superpowers that require the use of a special type of energy that is restored during combat. For each class, rage skills are unique and are one of the key features. Therefore, their development should be given especially close attention. We get the first ultimate skills (F-skills). There are a total of 8 of them for each class, and they are divided into three types (star skill, two-star and three-star).

A star skill can be obtained by completing the storyline, a two-star skill is obtained automatically upon reaching a certain level, 3* rage skills require Fragments of the Book of Rage, which, in turn, can be obtained as a reward for completing the Abode of Suffering instance in training mode, available for older characters Level 25, for completing some quests, and they can also be exchanged for Pages of Books of Rage from the NPC Meter Otta in Asterion. Fragments of books of rage are also sold in the Game Store.

The more often your character uses rage skills, the more powerful they become. Apply these skills whenever possible, and their level and effectiveness will increase. In addition, you can upgrade your rage skills from the Evil Yari at the guild base. To do this, you will need points earned by completing guild quests. But in this case, the level of the rage skill increases in passive mode - the character’s presence at the base at this time is not necessary.

Each rage skill has a development tree. By activating its “branches”, you can give skills special properties. For example, one of the druid’s abilities that heals allies, after improvement, will not only restore health, but also create armor on the target. To modify rage skills, you will need special orbs, which can be purchased for PvP or PvE reputation, and can also be obtained by killing monsters in dungeons. You can upgrade all these skills at the Guild Base with a special NPC. To do this, you will need guild contribution points for this, so you need to do guild quests daily, and also donate guild resources that drop from dungeons or you receive by sq. Guide to ultimates.


All characters have access to 6 development milestones. The discovery of each new milestone provides a number of bonuses. This could be additional stat points, the ability to use aerial combat skills, an increase in maximum health and attack power, the ability to use a unique class mount, and much more. Each milestone has its own requirements. Almost all of them are related to the development of your character: gain a certain level, use talent and stat points, improve your rage skills, etc. Those who carefully complete story tasks will be able to receive a special item as a reward, necessary to activate each milestone.


A bracteate is a special disk into the center of which a magic crystal is inserted. The better the quality of the disc, the more holes it will have. By inserting different combinations of gems into them, you can activate passive bonuses. For example, an increase in character characteristics, an increase in magic resistance or the effectiveness of healing abilities. By changing combinations of stones on the disk, you can use bonuses at the right time to achieve various game goals.



There are several types of equipment in Revelation, each of which suits certain classes. The Mage and Druid wear cloth clothing, the Marksman and Reaper wear leather armor, and the Guardian and Knight wear plate armor. All classes also have exclusive weapons. For example, only a Druid can deftly handle a magic bell, and only a Shooter can hold a powerful sniper rifle in his hands. All this should be taken into account when forming a group in order to balance the number of applicants for equipment of the same type.


Equipment has several quality levels, which are indicated by colors. From lowest to highest they are gray (or white), green, blue, purple and gold. In addition, there are already special materials for creating even cooler equipment - orange. And the developers are preparing to add it to the game soon. Green and blue items can be obtained by killing monsters in the open world and in dungeons, as well as by completing certain tasks. Purple ones are obtained in dungeons or by killing bosses in the open world, and can also be purchased for city reputation, honor points, and reputation points in the Order of the Guardians.

The most valuable equipment in the game is gold. It can be obtained by completing a dungeon, purchased for honor points if your character has reached the required PvP rank, or for reputation points in the Order of the Guardians. And you can only create the best equipment yourself. The first set of such armor can be obtained at level 37 by completing special missions in the main story and collecting or purchasing resources. Created items differ from ordinary gold items by having higher characteristics. Additionally, once a hero reaches a higher level, crafted gold items can be reforged and leveled up, retaining additional upgrades.


Revelation characters have 5 basic stats (strength, stamina, energy, agility, intelligence) and 33 secondary stats (for example, chance to inflict a critical hit, chance to evade enemy attacks, resistance to physical damage). Equipment can provide bonuses to any characteristics. The selection and targeted upgrade of equipment, combined with the ability to change secondary parameters, provide the ability to “fine-tune” the character. The flexibility of Revelation is also evident in the fact that the resources necessary for upgrading equipment can be obtained in different ways - in dungeons or in the open world, received for completing tasks, or purchased for reputation and currency.

Some secondary parameters appear on equipment under certain conditions: for example, additional damage from various elements is revealed only when the item awakens. And parameters such as additional damage and damage resistance in PvE and PvP are only available on gems.


Crafted equipment items in Revelation receive several characteristics. Blue characteristics are fixed. Green ones are random (there can be from 1 to 3, and the bonus value is determined randomly). By spending resources, you can change the green characteristics of an item an unlimited number of times until you are satisfied with the result. All indicators (number of characteristics, increased parameter and bonus size) will be determined anew.


All items in Revelation, except bracteate and amulets, can be improved at the Armorer using whetstones. There are 16 levels of enchantment in total - the higher the level of the item being improved, the more of these levels are available for it. Each increases the item's stats by a few percent within a given range (for example, 2-5%). The chance of successful improvement depends on the amount of invested resources, and it can be increased to 100%. But the result of sharpening will remain random. Each level of improvement can be tried again to achieve a better result. Repeated attempts are carried out separately for each level an unlimited number of times.


If your character needs to change equipment, but you are sad to lose the level of improvement received for the old equipment, you can transfer the improvements to the new set. To do this, you will need to collect a certain amount of resources and find a gunsmith. Resources will be required to transfer the enhancement level without loss. If you transfer an improvement from a stronger item to a weaker one, then saving the level will be free. Improvements can also be transferred between different types of items. That is, for example, from weapons to armor.


In Revelation, any item of hero's combat equipment can be awakened: the characteristics of things gradually increase when the character on whom they are worn kills monsters. There are four levels of item awakening. The first three become available at the 5th, 9th and 13th levels of improvement (sharpening). The item gains random additional characteristics. The color with which the characteristics are highlighted corresponds to the strength of the bonus they provide (from least to greatest - green, blue, purple, gold). Unlike sharpening, awakening occurs automatically. By collecting special resources, you can independently activate up to three additional characteristics on an awakened piece of equipment. And from a special NPC, for example, from Vienna in Hot Springs, you can awaken the item a fourth time for a fee.


With the help of a special NPC, you can create slots for gems in items. 1-2 regular cells for PvP and PvE stones and 1 additional one, which requires the use of a special resource). If desired, the stones can be pulled back out. 4 identical stones can be combined into one higher quality stone. In addition to ordinary precious stones, there are runic stones that can only be inserted into a bracteate.

Level 1-35

The main task

You have to undergo training, get acquainted with the world of the game, and complete your first tasks. Collect precious experience, level up and prepare for future challenges. Forward!

Available events

With 45, new levels of dungeon difficulty open up: the deadly mode "".

Then it’s time to think about creating legendary equipment, the resources for the creation of which can be obtained in deadly levels of dungeons, exchanged for rewards for exploits and points of the Order of the Guardians, mentoring and others.

At this stage of development you will need a large amount of game currency! The League of Adventurers and "" will help fill the gap!

At level 49 you will be able to purchase your own house. To become a homeowner, take the task “My First Home” from realtor Elis, who is located in Sulan.

Level 50-59


Continue to conquer all the dungeons available to you to collect resources. They will be needed to upgrade equipment and skills. Don't forget to complete important weekly tasks, improve your equipment, and also gain experience and buy talent points.

From level 55 you will be able to buy or create a second set of gold equipment for yourself. Completing dungeons in new interesting modes will help you get the resources you need for this.


Dungeon "" - to obtain bronze gardeons, Rage Skill Books and amulet enhancements.

Dungeon "" - to obtain legendary equipment of level 50-59 and various useful items for leveling up your character's skills and abilities.

Dungeon "" - to obtain blueprints for creating level 50-59 legendary equipment, wings, a mount, and items for creating the highest level equipment.

Level 60-69


Congratulations! Your character has become truly powerful and ready to conquer the highest level content in the game. Continue to improve your equipment and skills, and also receive achievements and rewards for conquering dangerous dungeons. You've probably already mentored a couple of newcomers and know a lot about the game. However, the most interesting things are yet to come! Up to the highest level, level 79, you still have many feats ahead of you to become a worthy rival to other players and go down in the history of the game!


Battlefield "" - for battles of 30x30 players in pursuit of points of glory and resources.

Dungeon "" - for obtaining legendary equipment of level 60-65.

We wish you success in the game!

05.09.2016 Admin 27 732

Video blogger Requiem from the large community TheRED made a small guide for new players, where he briefly talked about how to upgrade your character in Revelation from the very beginning to level 79.

Requiem warns:

These are the basic basic things that will need to be done every day, perhaps I didn’t act quite correctly by showing you everything through the letter O, but no matter how much I played, I didn’t run out of feathers, I don’t know how it will be on the RU server. I may have forgotten some places, but I think I said everything.

The blogger roughly divided the entire process of leveling up a character into stages: 1-20; 20-30; 30-34; 35-49; Levels 50-79.

How to level up from levels 1 to 20 in Revelation:
Up to level 20 Requiem, we recommend leveling up solo and through quests. Follow the storyline of the game - go where the quests send you.

Levels 20-30:
You have the opportunity to visit your first dungeon () - you will have to look there often. From level 25 it will become available to you - one of the easiest ways to level up your character.

Levels 30-34:
Opening the dungeon of the 30th Macaque, solo, regular quests. The important thing is that at level 30 a window will become available, with its help you can gain quite a bit of experience. Don't forget about the plate grind zone on the 1st and 2nd floors, depending on your level. If you are a guild player, then do not forget about guild quests, which are available from lvl 30.

Levels 35-49:
The Spider dungeon opens at level 35, solo tower, grind plate on floors 2 and 4, quests, exorcism, bathhouse, weekly quests.

Levels 50-79:
Grind zone, adventurer quests, 50th tower, quests, bay quests, 55th weekly quest, exorcism, bathhouse.

This is exactly how leveling up your character in Revelation from level 1 to 79 will take place, according to Requiem. Of course, we should not forget about the various events that will be constantly held by Russian publishers.

All details about pumping in the video

Explore Revelation with us in our!

Revelation- this is an open world, flights, PvP on the ground and in the air, a chain of quests, unique dungeons, difficult bosses, sieges for up to 5000 players, arenas with a personal rating, more than 15 PvP modes, interserver wars, three control styles, standard classes, wedding, top guild. The official start in Russia has already taken place! You can start playing Revelation now! Follow

The entire pumping process can be divided into the following stages:

→ Leveling up from level 1 to 20. At this stage everything in Revelation is very simple and there shouldn't be any problems. Just follow one quest story chain of the game and before you know it, you’ll reach lvl 20.

→ From level 20 to 35 In addition to the plot, new types of quests appear. And also there is no need to forget about the first solo dungeon Makak, where you need to fight the boss. By completing this quest you will get a lot of experience, and in addition you will get dressed up.

There are as many as five passes to the Makaka dungeon per day

But that's not all, at this stage the following appears:

The bathhouse is a place where you can passively gain experience;

Arena of the Four Gods;

Guild quests. Every day you complete a chain of 10 quests and you will earn good experience. At the same time, develop your guild by building a guild base.

At level 30, it will open, which will give you a daily quest to complete the insta. As you progress, you will receive experience, bronze gardeons and marinite.

→ Leveling up in Revelation from level 35 to 50— at this stage we do every day the same thing as in the previous one, with the exception of Macaque. At lvl 35, the most powerful sources of gaining experience open up, namely the Spider, the Ship and the Plates.

Let's start, perhaps, with Platerochka's instagram.

From the NPC Monster Hunter we take double the experience, kill mobs and get a lot of experience. The most important thing is not to forget to activate the freezing of the time that you have left when leaving the same NPC. Because 1 hour of double experience is given only once a week. In addition, do not forget to use the “Potion of Experience” jars that are given to us as a gift. They have the same experience doubling effect.

The number of mobs can be increased with food received daily as gifts. This food can also be purchased from the NPC Magic Goods Merchant. Please note that you can eat it once a day.

This instance can be improved using the craft branch, thereby increasing the number of mobs that are given to us to kill. To do this, you need to upgrade 2 points, namely “Experienced Hunter” and “Legendary Hunter”. To upgrade each branch, you need to extract resources and craft things for which mastery is awarded. And through skill, curiosity will improve, which will give access to the 2nd volume of the Book of Crafts.

From level 1 to 49, for daily activity, certain achievements, in quests, instances... you will receive “Experience Stones” (Marinite). In addition to all this, once a week you can buy 2 such stones for the currency of different Factions.

Press the “C” button, select “Factions”, then look at which of them has Marinit in their goods, click the Factions task and select orders. When fulfilling orders, we will be given the currency of different Factions, which we need to fill 100 pieces per week. After which, for currency we will be able to buy two stones from each Faction. Also, 3 stones can be purchased for bronze gardeons and for resource points, for pvp activity. But this will require the 4th rank of the Order and the 3rd pvp rank.

Focus points are another very effective way to level up in Revelation Online. The concentration button can be found in the character window, in the lower right corner. Every day, depending on the character’s level, it will give a certain amount of points of that same concentration.

At a certain level of concentration, the experience we receive sometimes doubles or even triples. Concentration is spent when you receive a certain amount of experience. If you want to get ahead in terms of level, you need to do what gives the most experience, and this is completing the 35th Spider, sitting in the bathhouse, and using Marinite stones.

We do not recommend skipping important instagrams where you can get dressed or get important resources. There is no need to fanatically level up in Revelation, skipping useful dungeons in order to reach the maximum level faster.

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