Useful tips for beginners. Comprehensive guide to The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth The Seven Deadly Sins

Game description

Edmund McMillen, one of the most respected and famous people in the indie gaming scene, co-creator and artist of such acclaimed games as Gish, Braid And Super Meat Boy, who received many awards and prizes for originality and excellent quality of execution, released his new creation called The Binding of Isaac. In this game, McMillen outdid himself: if Super Meat Boy was replete with black humor and psychedelic motifs, and Gish had a gloomy and ominous atmosphere, there is outright grotesquery bordering on guro and shameless mockery of religion and esotericism.

The game tells the story of the adventures of a little boy named Isaac, who escaped into the basement from his religious mother, who decided to sacrifice him according to the old biblical scenario. However, this basement turns out to be filled with all sorts of creepy creatures and goes deeper and deeper into darker and more dangerous places hidden in the bowels of the earth under the house in which he lived all his short life. It seemed what an already frightened and defenseless kid could do when faced with zombie children, huge worms, toothy monsters, and for one and the seven deadly sins in the flesh, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse, while fleeing from a crazy mother with a huge kitchen knife for cutting meat. ? Unless you burst into tears. And it is this, together with a child’s tendency to put everything in his mouth and misuse all sorts of dangerous objects, that will help Isaac get out of this nightmare place alive. Enemies are surprisingly vulnerable to children's tears and other bodily fluids, which Isaac liberally sprinkles on them throughout his adventure. Also, for greater efficiency on the battlefield, Isaac without hesitation injects himself with growth hormones, smears onions in his eyes, makes deals with demons and takes other radical measures to fight his enemies. As a result, halfway to victory, he himself often looks even more creepy than the creatures living in the labyrinth.

The gameplay of the game is a mixture of arcade and roguelike. You cannot save the game, and it is not necessary, since you can complete it in half an hour, but its main feature is that the dungeon and its contents are randomly generated every time. With over a hundred items that give unique effects and an unlimited number of their combinations, a wide variety of enemies and terrains in which to fight them, a huge amount of content that can be unlocked for further playthroughs, you won't soon get tired of going through it over and over again. It is worth mentioning that this is also facilitated by the excellent soundtrack from Danny Baranowski who wrote the music for Super Meat Boy and many other famous indie games.

If you decide to take on the passage or are experiencing difficulties in it, the “articles” section contains useful tips for beginners that will help you understand some basic principles without affecting those aspects of the game that it would be more pleasant to know about first.

At the end of the game The Binding of Isaac one epilogue and thirteen endings. After watching at the end of the game, you can watch them again in the section Stats main menu.

First ten endings

After defeating Mom The floors of the Maw become available. Having won nine times Mom's Heart And It's alive, the player will unlock new endings each time, most of which involve Isaac finding new items. Endings in order:

  • Isaac opens a huge golden chest, which he finds after defeating the Heart of Mom / After poking around in it, he finds the fez of Judas, which means unlocking this character. The picture in the main menu will change (Isaac will be shown standing in a victory stance, with his hands raised up, next to with him a crying heart with a tear in the middle).
  • Finds a noose of rope and hangs himself with it. Artifact - Transcendence.
  • Picks up, stabs himself with a nail, turns into a demon and flies away. Artifact - Nail.
  • Finds a coin in the chest. Artifact - Quarter.
  • He picks up a strange creature in a jar and in the next shot appears dressed as Dr. Germ from Super Meat Boy and holding a jar. Artifact - Embryo in a jar.
  • Mom's voice from the chest calls Isaac. Her huge hand hits him, grabs him and drags him into the chest. After the ending, the inscription “Everything is Terrible” appears, and below the inscription “Game just got harder!” (The game has become more difficult!). The picture in the main menu will change (Isaac will be shown crying harder and with an enlarged head).
  • Isaac finds some sort of tablet with a plus on it. Artifact - Waffle.
  • His eyes turn into dollars and he shows his gold tooth. Artifact - Money=Power.
  • Isaac is poking around in the chest, but then It Live falls from the ceiling from behind, smiles and screams. The picture in the main menu will change (an embryo with an umbilical cord will be shown, which may be Isaac).
  • Isaac finds a dead child in the chest and begins to panic. The picture in the main menu will change (shown???, flies flying around him)
  • At the end, Mom corners Isaac. And when there is no longer any chance of salvation, the Bible falls on Mom’s head, which leads to her death. The picture in the main menu will change (a jubilant Isaac will be standing on Mom’s lying corpse).

Ending of the Underworld

With the Halloween update they added to the game Underworld and the "true ending", which is unlocked by defeating Satan. However, McMillen has already stated that in the addon Wrath of the Lamb a new and final “true ending” has appeared.

In the Underworld ending, Isaac opens the golden chest after defeating the boss. Instead of taking something out of the chest, Isaac stands in front of it and changes his appearance one by one to the appearance of all the characters, including the demon from the ending with the Nail. Again, the character??? is not among them. Reaching into the chest, looking over his shoulder at the closed door, Isaac closes the lid to hide from his mother.

There are many interpretations of all these endings and a large number of explanations have been proposed. The role of the golden chest in some of these endings is very interesting, as is the loading screen that shows Isaac being trapped. In ending 6, Mom's hand grabs Isaac and pulls him into the chest. In ending 10, a livid, possibly suffocated, dead child is found. And at the end of the underworld, Isaac himself climbs into the chest to hide. Perhaps this indicates that Isaac is real??? after being locked in a chest for some time.

The Wrath of the Lamb ending

12 Ending:

Isaac stands with the Bible in his hands near the mirror, which reflects his true essence (Isaac sees a demon in the mirror). He gets upset and realizes that he is not the real Isaac, looks at the chest and realizes that the real Isaac is in the chest!

13 Ending:

Photos of Isaac with his mom and dad, as well as with Isaac's sister (Magdalene?) appear in the chest. Isaac's sister looks strange and scary. Also shown is a photo of Mommy with a knife and a photo of Father leaving the house, and Isaac and Mommy looking through the window (Apparently, this is why they give the Dad's Keys artifact).


  • The sounds of Isaac's transformations in the Underworld ending are the same as the sounds of switching layers in McMillen's Time Fcuk.
  • The sounds of using a buff pill are the same as the sounds of taking a pill in McMillen's game Spewer.

These bosses are only available after defeating Mom, when you unlock the secret after the credits. "The Horsemen are on the loose!". They leave a piece of meat behind when defeated, and the player can encounter them all in one playthrough using the Book of Revelation.

"Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" - a term describing four characters from the sixth chapter of the Revelation of John the Theologian, the last of the books of the New Testament.

Scholars still disagree on what exactly each of the horsemen represents, but they are often referred to as the Conqueror (Plague, Disease), War, Famine and Death (Pestilence). God calls them and gives them the power to wreak holy chaos and destruction in the world. The horsemen appear strictly one after the other, each with the opening of another of the first four of the seven seals of the book of Revelation.

You can read more in the Wikipedia article.


Hunger is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a boss encountered in Basement after defeating Mom. Looks like an eyeless zombie on a wooden horse.
Attacks: When the character is on the same horizontal line with him, he makes a dash towards the player and begins to quickly fly around the room. Produces Fat Flies. Can sometimes produce a Very Fatty Fly. When Hunger reaches one third of his health, his body falls off (only his head remains), his horse disappears, and he begins spitting triple projectiles at the player.
Until the second phase, the main threat is Fat Flies. Hunger itself slowly moves towards the character if you do not stand on the same horizontal line as him.

His stalking attack destroys fat flies on contact. Tactics of special provocation for persecution can sometimes help.
Hunger, like all horsemen, leaves "Cube of Meat" or "Ball of Band-Aids" after death.


ᅠFamine is mentioned in Revelation 6:5
“And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come and see. I looked, and behold, a black horse, and his rider had a measure in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, hinix wheat for a denarius, and three quinixes of barley for a denarius; but you shall not damage oil or wine."


Plague is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, a boss encountered in Caves. Unlocks after defeating Mom. It looks like a rotten horseman riding an infected horse. Plague is completely immune to poisoning
Attacks: Shoots green projectiles (like Leni's) that explode on contact with a surface and deal damage to an entire heart. After the explosion, the projectile leaves a poisonous puddle for some time, causing damage. The Plague itself also leaves poisonous green traces (like Brains, but much larger in width).

Summons Tooth Grubs and Spitters.
In the second phase, her head disappears, leaving her body astride the horse. Continues to leave toxic trails and starts firing projectiles faster. Her horse now spawns red and black flies instead of Jaw Grubs and Spitters.


War is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, recognizable by his red skin color. Is a boss that can be encountered in Depths instead of a normal boss after the player kills Mom. Unlike the other riders, War sits on a bull, not a horse.
Attack: It rushes around the room, jumping out from the other side. He stops after running three times around the room. Always pops up about half the height of the room below where he left the room. .
After stopping, it usually fires 8 bloody shots in different directions.

Can jump into the air, leaving Troll bombs in the room and land after they explode.
After losing half his health, his bull dies and the boss begins to chase the player on foot, similar to Gemini or Lust. He is extremely fast, but like Gemini, he stops from time to time to rest. Slows down if you shoot him, making him easier to fight without speed upgrades. The easiest way to stop him is to leave a bomb in his path.


ᅠUsing poison items like Rotten Bob's Head may cause bugs. If War takes damage while he is off screen dropping bombs from above, he may get stuck there and not return, often requiring a game restart. This also happens when using "Candles".

ᅠIn order not to start over, you can try to hit "With a candle" to the place where he last took damage "With a candle" before he disappeared.


Death is one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He is a boss that can be found in Maw 1. The boss is gray in color and rides a gray horse with a skull instead of a head. He probably has power over the Knights, as he can summon them in the second phase of the fight.
Attacks: At the beginning, Death rides his horse, summoning four scythes that fly around the room, or two scythes that chase the character. With good aim and good damage, you can destroy the scythes, which is easier than hiding from them all the time.

During combat, Death can use an item "Hourglass", reducing movement speed for a few seconds and slowing down tears.

At 50% health, Death jumps off the horse, which flies to the right and reappears on the left a little lower (if the end of the screen is lower, it will appear on top, like War) and will repeat the process until the player kills it. At this time, Death calls upon the Knights. Damage to the horse does not affect Death's life bar, but it and the summoned enemies must be killed to complete the fight.

If a horse runs over the Knights, they will die. There is a possibility that, instead of the old ones, Death will summon another version of the Knights, attacking the character if he is in their field of vision.

Doesn't affect Death "Death tarot card" And "Necronomicon".

general information

The game is a special subgenre of RPG called Roguelike. During each individual playthrough, you need to fight your way through terrible monsters and bosses, develop your hero: increase characteristics, acquire useful things and temporary enhancements. But all this will be useless after the first lost life.

The Binding of Isaac is built in such a way that you can go through it endlessly. The main goal of the game, ultimately, is to find all the items from the collection (341 items), and discover all kinds of secrets (178 secret achievements).

Version history

September 28, 2011 - the original game “The Binding of Isaac” was released.

Game structure (floors)

Number of levels
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

For the first time, to complete the game you need to go through 6 floors-levels.

After the first successful passage, floors 7 and 8 open.

Each floor has two design options. The option is chosen randomly just before the start of the level. The option that appears slightly changes the appearance of the level and the set of monsters that appear. For example, the first two levels can be called The Basement, then there will be stone walls around and flies will appear more often, or Cellar, then there will be wooden walls around and spiders will be the enemies.

After ten successful completions of 8 floors, 9 will open. You can choose what the 9th floor will be like: - Jumping into the hatch in the floor, you will find yourself in Sheol (underworld); - Entering the beam of light falling from above, you will find yourself in the Cathedral.

In the Cathedral, the last 10th level of The Chest is opened only when the character has The Polaroid item with him.

In the Underworld, the last 10th level of the Dark Room opens only when the character has The Negative item with him.

The Basement
The Caves
The Depths
The Womb
Dark Room
(A dark room)
The Chest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

Curses complicate the level structure in various ways.

During normal play, floors with curses may appear randomly. The "Challenges" mode has special challenges based on curses.

You can protect yourself from the appearance of curses with the item Black Candle.

There are a total of 7 types of curses in the game.

Curse of the Blind
(Curse of Blindness)
All collectibles appear as question marks. You can identify a thing only after taking it.
Curse of Darkness
(Curse of Darkness)
There is almost no lighting at the level. Objects are visible only close to the character. But you can illuminate rooms with fire, bomb explosions, and lasers.
Curse of the Lost
(Curse of wandering)
The floor map is not displayed, only a black square with a question mark remains in its place. Using items that open the level map does not cure this curse.
Curse of the Maze
(Curse of confusion)
It's confusing to move from room to room. For example, if you go through the right door, you may accidentally end up in the left room.
Curse of the Unknown
(Curse of the unknown)
The screen does not display the amount of remaining health. The player will not know whether he needs to replenish his health, and which blow will be his last.
Curse of the Labyrinth
(Curse of the Maze)
Combines two floors into one large one. Such levels have the addition "XL" in their name (for example, Catacombs XL). Floors XL have two treasuries and two boss rooms. Having passed floor XL, you thereby pass two regular floors and immediately find yourself on two floors below.
Curse of the Cursed
(Curse of the damned)
Changes all doors to spiked doors. Thus, any movement from room to room reduces half a heart. The curse is only found in the Cursed! challenge.

Structure of levels (rooms)

Each floor in the game is a set of standard-sized rooms (13x7 blocks). But in the new version of the game there are rooms that are 2 or 4 times larger in size.

The rooms are generated randomly, so behind each next door there may be any monsters, obstacles or bonuses. The already explored part of the level is constantly displayed on the map in the upper left part of the screen.

In addition to monsters, an ordinary room may also contain: stone obstacles, spikes, abysses, piles of waste, chests and objects. In each such room, the player must destroy all opponents, after which a regular item (heart, coin, key or bomb) will drop out as a reward and the doors to the neighboring rooms will open.

Also on each floor-level there are special rooms (on the map they are indicated by special pictograms):

Located behind the golden gate (you need a key to open it), marked in yellow on the map.
The room contains no enemies or obstacles, only a valuable item in the center on a special pedestal.
Located behind wooden doors (you need a key to open them), marked on the map with a coin.
In this room, the player can purchase 2 - 6 different items randomly selected by the game. The cost of items can be from 3 to 15 coins. Sometimes items may be sold at half price (the price will be in red). Sometimes, instead of a store, you can get to a mini-boss Greed.

There is sometimes a Donation Machine in the store. You can throw your coins into the box in order to improve the store or get an achievement. Donated coins are saved and accumulated throughout all playthroughs. The box can be blown up to get a few coins out of it, but this will remove them from the accumulated amount.
There are several store upgrade levels available:
Level 1 (20 coins) - 3 items for sale
Level 2 (100 coins) - 4 items for sale
Level 3 (200 coins) - 5 items for sale
Level 4 (coins) - 6 items for sale

10 coins – item unlocked Blue Map
50 coins – item unlocked There's Options
150 – item unlocked Black Candle

The entrance to the library is blocked by a locked door.
Inside the room are two random books that can be picked up for free.

Located behind a closed door (which requires a coin to open) labeled "Arcade". It is depicted on the map as a red game cube.
There are three mini-games in the room: a slot machine like a one-armed bandit, a blood donation machine and a game of thimbles.
Slot machine
requires a coin each time it is used, for this the player can win a bomb, key, coin, pill, fly. There is a small chance of winning the jackpot - item A Dollar(+99 coins).
For playing thimbles you need to give up a coin, but you can win a bomb, a key or a special item Skatole(flies do no damage). It is useless to watch the shuffling of shards, the animation is always the same, you can only rely on your luck.
Blood donation machine(donor machine)
It takes away half your heart, giving you 1, 2, 5 coins in return (at Womb levels it takes away a whole heart at once). If you use one such machine about 10 times, it will break and an item will fall out of it Blood Bag(+1 maximum health).
- Bedroom
The door, boarded up, is destroyed by two bombs.
There is a bed in the room. If you lie down on the bed, the hero’s health will be fully restored. Can only be used once.
There is a small carpet in the center of the room. If you blow it up with a bomb, there is a possibility that a hatch will appear to the next floor.
- Storage

Contains several chests (or four different types of chests, or four gold chests, or several regular chests).
- Room - cube face
A door locked with chains is opened with 2 keys.
There may be several useful items or chests in the room. On the floor of such a room there is a carpet with the image of a cube face. If you step on the carpet, the effect will be similar to that of a game cube. The effect depends on the number of points on the face:
1 – The types of character items change;
2 – The types of basic items in the room change;
3 – The types of basic items on the entire floor change;
4 – The types of collectibles at the level change;
5 – The entire floor is changed. The level restarts;
6 – Character characteristics change, all types of objects on the floor change.

Found behind a grated door with two crossed swords. The grid only opens under certain conditions: if the player has more health than the maximum value (that is, there are blue or black hearts in stock, and there are more of them than lost red health).
There is a chest inside in the center. After opening the chest, the player will have to fend off three waves of enemies. After destroying all enemies, the door from the room opens. At the end, another item may appear, just like when clearing a regular room.
Death Challenge Room
Enter the room through a gate with crossed swords and a skull. The grate to the room opens when the hero has his last health remaining or half of it (with the “flight” ability, you can enter the room through a closed grate).
In the center of the room there is an object on a pedestal. After taking it, you will need to defeat two bosses that will appear one after the other. The bosses always appear the same:
Basement Level: Monstro + Larry Jr.
Caves Level: Chub + Peep.
Level Depths: Monstro II + Loki.
Womb level: Fistula + Loki + Chub.

The entrance to this room is not closed by a door; instead, the path is blocked by spikes on all sides. When entering and leaving such a room, you will lose half a heart (with the “flight” ability, health does not increase when entering, only when leaving).
There may be one or two Pandora's chests inside. Very often, this room may be adjacent to a secret room, in which case the passage from Pandora's room to the secret room will be blocked by spikes.
Sacrifice room
The whole room is covered in blood, and there are spikes in the center of the floor. Stepping on the spikes will cause you to lose a whole heart of health, but in exchange you will get a chance to spawn a chest with random contents. Only one chest may appear; further self-torture is useless.

It has no visible entrances, and is not marked on the map (after opening it is marked with a question mark). The secret room is located outside the level, but at the same time it necessarily borders on 3-4 visible rooms. The following things help in finding secret rooms: compass, map, X-ray glasses, miner's helmet. To get into the secret room, the player must detonate a bomb near the middle of the wall bordering the intended location of the room.

There is a chance that there is a super secret room on the floor. It is invisible on the map, like the secret room, the only difference is that it is adjacent to one single room, which means there is only one entrance to it. If there are enough bombs or explosive attacks, it is worth checking the strength of each wall in the level.
These rooms come in several types:
Secret trinket room: Looks like the Cellar room, contains a trinket.
Secret basement room: contains 5 pills.
Secret Room of the Deep: Contains a magic machine gun.
Secret Heart Room: Looks like the Maw's room and contains a lot of hearts.
Cursed Secret Room: Looks like a normal Cursed Room, contains one or two red chests, and has no spikes at the entrance.
Cathedral Secret Room: Contains half a white heart.
Dark Room: Contains one black heart.
Mini-boss room
It is indicated on the map as a gray head.
The room contains one of seven mini bosses(are references to the seven deadly sins).

Located behind the large doors with the skull. It is depicted on the map as a skull.
This room is the exit from the level. There is a boss inside. After its destruction, several hearts and one item on the pedestal drop out, and most importantly: a hatch in the floor opens, leading to the next level. Sometimes a door to the Devil's room or Angel's room may appear.
Devil's Room
Sometimes appears after destroying the boss. The chance depends on how much damage you took in the level. The less damage received, the higher the chance of getting into the room.
The principle is the same as in a store, only you need to pay not with coins, but with a decrease in the maximum health reserve (if all health is spent, the hero will die). This room is where you can purchase the most powerful items in the game.

Can randomly appear after defeating the boss (instead of the devil's room). Conditions for appearance: no deals with the devil, one of the sacred objects.
Inside the room, a faceless angel offers you to pick up a random sacred item (sacred heart, dead dove, destiny, miter, rosary, nun's robe) for free.
Treasure between levels
The room can be entered by using the hatch to quickly move to the next floor (the hatch can be called with an object We Need To Go Deeper! or found under rocks after an explosion).
Having entered the hatch, we go along two stairs, go out to the next hatch, to the right of it there will be four items to choose from or a black market, where you can buy items for maximum health.
Wrong room
It is not part of the level; it can only be reached by using a “teleport” item or a pill with a teleportation effect.
Inside is a man who says "I AM ERROR" (a reference to the NES game Zelda II). The room is a regular store, only with rarer items.
The only exit from this room is a hatch leading to the next level.
Destroying Bosses(Boss Rush)
If you complete all the main levels in less than 20 minutes (the timer can be seen on the level map or on the floor map), then after defeating mommy, a crack will appear in the wall leading to a special room.
In the large room you can choose from 1 of 4 items. After this, you need to defeat 15 waves, 2 bosses in each. After victory, the character receives his personalized item and the corresponding achievement:
Isaac: Isaac's Head; Maggy: Maggy's Bow;
Cain: Cain's Other Eye;
Judas: Judas" Shadow; Eve: Eve"s Mascara;
???: ???"s Only Friend
Samson: Samson's Chains; Lazarus: Missing No.; Azazel: The Nail;
Eden: Undefined; The Lost: D100. Final boss room At the end of level 10, the boss room is closed by a large golden door. Requires an item to open And Dad's Key.
or two halves of a broken key:

Key Piece 1

Key Piece 2

Inside the room you will have to fight the Mega Satan boss. Game characters Throughout the game you will need to develop your hero. In addition to visual resources such as the amount of health and the supply of bombs and keys, the character has six more characteristics (they can only be viewed in the pause menu): Hero Hero
Name Har-ki
The main character of the game. Initially available character(Magdalene)
Available after receiving 7 red hearts in one playthrough
Available after accumulating 55 coins or more in one playthrough

Judas (Judas) Available after completing the game (8 levels) If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Binding of Isaac , you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Unfortunately, every time you start the game, the levels will be recreated and generated, so you won’t find a normal full walkthrough anywhere. But in our article you will find information on battles with bosses, special enemies and some information about items.


Fly- an ordinary harmless fly that does no damage.

Attack Fly - chases the player, deals damage when touched.

Twin Fly - pursues the player, upon death it divides into two attacking flies.

Eternal Fly - an immortal fly that flies around leeches and cannot be killed.

Fat Fly - moves slowly, shoots blood at the player.

Very Fat Fly - shoots two charges, not one, like a fat fly.

Explosive Fly - flies diagonally, explodes upon death.

Red Explosive Fly - flies diagonally, explodes upon death and shoots 6 charges in different directions.

Bloodsucker - slowly pursues the player, and upon death, releases 4 charges in different directions.

Explosive Bloodsucker - slowly stalks the player, and upon death throws a bomb at you.

Spider - moves slowly around the room, causing damage when touched.

Big Spider - slowly moves around the room, upon death it divides into two ordinary spiders.

Spider Jumper - Jumps and attacks the player when touched.

Abscess - shoots blood in different directions, dies after several attacks. Motionless.

Gut - also motionless, shoots explosive charges in different directions.

Cocoon - motionless, creates spiders.

Walking Boil - moves slowly, shoots blood in all directions.

Walking Gut - moves slowly, shoots explosive charges in different directions.

Walking Cocoon - moves slowly, creates spiders.

Crybaby - a harmless monster that is afraid of the player. Summons spiders upon death.

Whiner - a harmless monster that is afraid of the player. Leaves behind a bomb after death.

Plaka-Kamikaze - chases the player, explodes along with the bomb when touched by the player.

Hive - walks around the room, calling flies.

Lev-Roy - walks around the room, calling fat flies.

Horse - jumps around the room, causing damage on contact.

Burning Horse - also jumps around the room, only the distance between jumps is greater.

Jumper - like a horse, it jumps around the room, but upon landing it shoots blood to the sides.

Pacer - harmless and safe, just walking around the room.

Fountain - walks around the room, letting out a fountain of blood.

Gawker- a normal enemy that deals touch damage. When killed, it turns into a pacer or a fountain.

Gloomy Gawker - has the abilities of a Gawker, but moves slower.

Gurgling Gawker - slowly follows the player and shoots bombs.

Mister Mo - an ordinary monster, deals damage with a touch, can throw off its head at any moment and let out a fountain of blood.

Horf - a motionless monster, shooting blood.

Mo - follows the player, shoots blood.

Red Mo - quickly moves behind the player, and upon death, fires charges to the sides.

Mo-Psychic- shoots homing projectiles at the player.

Knight - Deals touch damage and tries to avoid the player. Will only die from damage to the back.

Globin - moves at medium speed and deals damage with bites. When damaged, it turns into a pile that must be destroyed, otherwise the enemy will be reborn.

Staring Globin- moves quickly and causes damage with its bites. When damaged, it turns into a pile that must be destroyed, otherwise the enemy will be reborn.

Selfie Knight - accelerated version of the knight.

Mask+Heart - the mask can only be destroyed if you destroy the heart, which constantly moves quickly and shoots blood. The mask itself deals damage by touch.

Meat Piece - a slow piece that moves around the room and shoots 4 projectiles.

Clot - accelerated piece, moves around the room and shoots X-charges.

White Clot - moves slowly, fires 8 projectiles.

Larva- moves chaotically, deals damage with touch.

Tooth Grub- moves chaotically, attacks the player and tries to bite him upon meeting him.

Brain - moves around the room, leaving behind a pool of blood that causes damage.

Membrane - jumps and shoots charges to the sides.

Guts - sticks to the player or other surface and begins to spin on it.

Mom's Guts - jumps around the map, fires projectiles. Upon death, it disintegrates into ordinary intestines.

Paravoz - sticks to other monsters and attacks with red balls from them.

Fred - shoots charges, when it crawls out of the ground, it begins to fire 4 charges in different directions.

Mole - attacks from the underground and is constantly out of sight of the player.

Pimple - moves exactly the same as the mole, only in addition it fires 3 charges.

Leech - quickly moves around the room and immediately attacks the player if it sees him.

Saint-Leech - behaves like an ordinary leech, only it explodes upon death.

Leech-Kamikaze- also explodes like a holy leech, then it can commit suicide at any moment.

Observer- a motionless monster, you can kill him only in a standing position, in any other position he is invulnerable. Fires 3 charges.

Red Observer - differs from a regular observer only in that it fires 5 rounds.

Belly- shoots a laser at the player, which consists of sulfur.

Double Belly - when it sees the player it begins to shoot a sulfur laser in two directions.

Chubby's Belly - deals increased damage, abilities like the belly.

Spiked Trap - moves near walls, is not destroyed and disappears after all enemies are killed.

Spiked Platform- also moves like traps, only it does not disappear when enemies die.

Eye - shoots a laser quickly.

Bloody Eye- quickly fires an amplified laser.

Duplicate - completely copies all the player’s actions and movements.

Hell Duplicate- a strengthened duplicate of the player, has more health units.

Embryo - Moves randomly around the room, causing damage when touched.

Baby moves randomly around the room, shoots blood and can disappear from the map for a few seconds.

Angel- has all the abilities and features like the baby, only shoots 3 charges.

Stinginess - fires a v-charge that destroys all of the player's coins.

Hanged Man - flies around the map, shoots three v-charges in a row, which destroy coins.

Turret - a monster that shoots at a player stops shooting when the enemies are killed. Motionless.

Vomit Turret - a monster that shoots at a player stops shooting when the enemies are killed. He can also throw bombs and is also immobile.


Twins - The large monster constantly attacks the player, and his Siamese twin attacks with blood. Kill the older brother first, you can just leave bombs behind you. And then when he dies, the younger brother will begin to attack you and try to bite you.

Monstro - Constantly tries to shoot saliva at the player. Sometimes he will try to corner the player with his jump. Constantly move and walk around him, do not use bombs against him.

Larry Jr - One easy group of worms that constantly move around the map and leave piles of crap behind them. They are only dangerous if you get in their way. To make it easier to defeat the worms, feed them bombs or shoot at the center of their bodies.

Stephen - No different from Blitzens, sometimes you come across them instead. True, Steven moves faster and does more damage than Gemini.

Widow - Constantly creates white cocoons from which spiders emerge. Monstro jumps faster and more often. Try to focus on the boss and not on the cocoons, because when they are destroyed the boss will quickly create new ones.

Pin - Appears from underground at a random point, jumps on the player and tries to bite. He can be killed with the Necronomicon or the Death Tarot card (if you're too lazy to shoot him).

DukeMuh- Flies around the room, creating a lot of flies. It is they who create the main problems, while the Duke himself is passive for most of the battle and moves very slowly.

GerdyJunior - Constantly moving and sliding, releasing a huge number of flies. Try not to be on the same diagonal with her, then you won’t have problems. You can hide behind the rocks and shoot back from her.

Fistula - Constantly divide your body into parts, usually 2 pieces. Each of them is protected by flies.

Empty - A copy of Larry Younger, only he attacks and moves not in a straight line, but in diagonals, so it’s better not to stand on the same line with him either.

Disadvantaged - She has the same abilities as the Widow, only she still releases permanent acid underneath her, so you won’t be able to get close to her and plant a bomb.

Felfruit - Big Brother tries to damage you at point blank range, which is very high. His younger brother sometimes helps him if he is attacked, but otherwise he is passive.

Monstro II - It differs from the usual Monstro in that upon landing it creates additional servants around itself.

Mother - Shoots lasers from his eyes, stomps his feet and releases monsters. She is very fast and can attack on all fronts; against her you need to run quickly and constantly shoot from the sides.

Mask of Shame - To defeat the monster, simply destroy the heart. The mask only shoots blood

Long legs - Jumps and stomps on nagas. Due to the element of surprise, it tries to crush the player.

Loki - Shoots projectiles from various letters, can fly.

Triachnid - Constantly divide your body into parts, usually 3 pieces. Each of them is protected by flies.

Scolex - Improved version of Pin.

Germ-Bubble - Jumps around the map, creates small monsters and shoots 8 charges at a time.

Fatty - Stands still, throws bombs at the player and shoots blood. Towards the end of the battle, his eyes will try to hit you.

It's alive - Summons monsters, usually present with Mom on the map.

HeartMoms - Descends onto the map to create monsters. Only at this moment you need to attack him, and the rest of the time kill enemies.

Teratoma - Constantly divide your body into parts, usually 4 pieces. Each of them is protected by flies.

Satan - At first he simply moves around the map, the danger is borne by his servants - leeches. Then he stands on the pedestal and begins to shoot blood, in addition, Satan can kill with his body, just like Mom.

Isaac - Essentially this is your clone, it shoots tears, moves and leaves bombs. It's just as easy to defeat him as it is for you.

Fallen - A demon that constantly divides into several parts, each of which shoots blood in 4 different directions. Don't try to kill him quickly, otherwise you will be driven into a corner and brutally killed.

??? - At the beginning of the battle, the boss simply creates flies, then starts shooting bombs and throwing arrows. Finally, to these attacks he adds rays of light that can burn and he can also fly.

Krampus - At first, he simply releases 3-4 charges towards the player. After he has less than half health left, he begins to shoot blood in 4 directions. He is very fast, so you need to constantly move with him and try not to stay in one line for long.


The Antichrist Cookbook - creates 6 bombs on the map that explode at once.

Bob - When activated, it releases a gas that poisons enemies.

Rotten Bob Head - the hero can throw his head at the enemy, then he explodes and poisons his target.

Bible - gives the hero wings that allow him to fly. Also kills Mom when activated.

Book of the Devil - gives +2 damage in the room where it was activated.

Book of Revelation - gives +1 heart.

Book of Shadows - creates a field around the player that absorbs damage for 10 seconds.

Book of Sins - creates a random item (key, bomb, coin, heart).

Dead Sea Scrolls - allows you to use any of your items a second time (if it has already been used).

Card deck - gives the player a random Tarot card.

D6 - allows you to change your artifact in your inventory to any other.

Doctor's remote control - with its help you can select a target and attack it with a rocket.

Forget about me - completely restarts the level with new enemies, weapons and artifacts.

GameKid - heals some of your health and gives you short-term invulnerability.

Hourglass - slows down enemies and their attacks for 7 seconds.

Kamikaze - creates a small blast wave around the player.

Lemon Crash - the player pees on the floor, the urine damages enemies.

Mom's Bottle of Pills - creates a random pill.

Mom's Bra - The player puts a bra on his head, enemies cannot attack for 7 seconds.

Mom's Pad - players run away from the player.

Guide to Monsters - calls a random assistant.

Monstro's Tooth - a monster appears and jumps on the enemy, dealing 120 damage to him.

Mister Boom - a large bomb that deals damage in a large radius.

My little Unicorn - gives the player invulnerability for 5 seconds, while dealing 40 more damage.

Nail - adds +1 soul heart.

Necronomicon - deals 40 damage to all players.

Pony - increases the player's movement speed and allows him to jump over chasms.

Turd - the player poops, his poop prevents enemies from passing through.

Razor - exchanges 1 player life for increased damage.

Scissors - cut off the player's head, the body begins to deal damage to all enemies, and the head calmly moves around the location.

Shoop Da Whoop - the player starts shooting lasers from his mouth.

Tammy's head - starts shooting charges around the player. Total 10 shells.

Teleport - transports the player to a random room.

We need deeper -

Yum-Heart - Replenishes 1 full heart.

Heart - Replenishes health, adds +1 heart.

+1 - if you are permanently killed, you will respawn in the room in which you were killed.

Battery - Replenishes the contents of any used artifact.

Belt - increases speed by 0.3 units.

Blood of the Martyr - increases damage by 1 unit, turns ordinary tears into bloody ones.

Boom - gives the player 10 bombs.

Breakfast - Gives the player a full health container.

Brother Bobby - follow the player and attack with him with projectiles.

Vampire Charm - Every 13 monsters killed restores a heart.

Compass - opens all icons in the level.

Piece of meat - creates a clone of you.

Cupid's Arrow - your attacks pierce enemies.

Dessert - gives 1 full health container

Dinner - gives 1 health container.

Delight at a Distance - flies fly around the player and cause damage to enemies.

Dollar - you get 99 coins.

Embryo in a jar - the player starts shooting bombs.

Forever alone - one fly begins to fly around the player and shoot, sometimes it leaves bombs.

Growth hormones - increases movement speed and attack speed.

Dead Cat - You have 1 heart left, but you can die 9 times.

Halo - increases all player stats from 0.35 to 1.

Ninb of the Flies - adds 2 flies next to the player, which deal damage when touching enemies.

Inner Eye - the player starts shooting three tears.

Ladder - allows you to bypass pits that occupy 1 cell.

Little Ch.A.D. - for killing three enemies gives you 1 heart.

Little Chubby - adds a larva to the player's shots and increases attack speed.

Little Gish - follows the player, attacks with projectiles that slow down enemies.

Little Steve - The selud follows the player and attacks with homing projectiles.

Horns of Rocky - allows you to shoot in 4 different directions.

Lord of Yam - adds wings to the player, reduces movement speed.

Happy foot - increases the chance of winning the lottery.

A piece of coal - increases the player's damage.

Dinner - gives one full health container.

Magic Mushroom - completely heals the player, improves the player's performance.

Magnet - pulls objects towards the player.

Max's head - increases damage by 0.5 units.

Label -

Mini Mushroom - increases movement speed and attack range.

Mom's Lenses - The player's shots can petrify an enemy.

Mom's Eye - you can shoot forward and backward at the same time.

Mom's Heels - increases attack range by 7.75.

Mom's Lipstick -

Mom's Pantaloons - increases attack range by 7.75.

Money-Power - increases damage depending on the number of coins you have.

Mister Mega - gives 5 bombs.

Agreement - the player changes body color and receives 2 hearts.

My Reflection - tears fly like a boomerang.

Number one - increases the rate of fire.

Pentagram - increases damage by 1 unit.

Doctoral Diploma - restores two hearts and gives a pill.

Quarter - gives 25 coins.

Cold - your attacks poison enemies.

Raw Liver - Increases health to maximum.

Relic - gives a blue heart.

Baby Robot - follows the player and shoots a laser.

Steroid Fury - increases movement speed by 0.6.

Rosary - add 3 soul hearts.

Rotten Meat - gives a full health container.

Bag of Coins - Gives out coins after every 2 rooms completed.

Sad Onion - increases rate of fire by 0.7.

Sister Maggie - follows the player and attacks with projectiles.

Skatol - flies no longer damage you.

Pebble - increases damage and rate of fire.

Key to all doors - gives 99 keys.

Miner's helmet - shows the location of the secret room in the level.

Spider Bite - The player's tears slow down enemies.

Spoon flexor - the shells fly forward and return back in a different way.

Stephen - increases damage by 1 unit.

Sale on Steam - reduces store prices by 50 percent.

Super-Patch - gives a container of health and 2 units.

Technology - the player shoots a laser.

Gallows - The player's body disappears and the player now flies.

Treasure map - shows a complete treasure map.

Virus - Poisons players and deals increased damage.

Waffle - Adds damage resistance to the player.

Wriggling Worm - makes tears fly along a wave-like trajectory.

Wire Hanger - increases the rate of fire by 0.7 units.

Wooden spoon - increases movement speed by 0.3 units.

X-Ray Vision - reflects all the secret rooms on the level.

9 Volt - restores the artifact's scale by 2 full points.

Blood bag - Increases health by 2 hearts.

Bobby Bomb - gives 5 bombs.

Bag of Bombs - Every three minutes 2 bombs fall on the map.

Sulfur - the player begins to shoot a wave of blood from his mouth.

Bucket of Sal - gives two containers with hearts.

Dead Bird - the bird attacks the enemy who caused damage to the player.

Baby Demon - flies behind the player and deals damage.

Baby Guardian - guards the player and blocks damage. Lasts for 7 hits and then disappears.

Mom's Knife - increases damage, can be improved.

Thin Miracle Mushroom - increases movement and attack speed.

Thick Miracle Mushroom - increases damage and attack speed.

Session Board - allows the player to fly over obstacles.

Whore of Babylon - upon death, the player turns into a demon that shoots blood.

Seven Deadly Sins

Envy - It moves quickly around the map and begins to divide when receiving damage. Try not to attack him quickly and forcefully, because the huge number of flying heads is hard to defeat. The only exception can be made if you have a barrier or rocks nearby that you can hide behind. After defeating Envy, you will receive the Shoop Da Whoop artifact.

Pride - He moves chaotically around the map, throws bombs and sometimes emits pulsating impulses in the form of the letter X. Try to stand on the same line opposite him and then you will not have problems. For killing Pride you will receive the Antichrist Cookbook.

Gluttony - Shoots a wave of blood in one of the directions, except diagonals. Killing him is very easy, after defeating you will receive a Bucket of Salo or raw liver.

Laziness - Leaves behind a green puddle that deals damage. In addition, he throws dangerous bombs. You need to be careful with this sin; it is very easy to die at its hands. Killing Sloth will reward you with Rotten Bob's Head.

Greed - Moves quickly around the map and fires three charges. This sin can also summon horses, which causes even more problems for you. Keep the enemy as far away as possible. For killing him you will receive a treasure map.

Anger - This sin can only throw bombs and he is afraid of you, so he will constantly move around the map and leave dangerous bombs behind him. Just have time to return them to the owner and then victory on Wrath is guaranteed to you.

Lust - He simply runs around the location and attacks Isaac with his touch. Try not to stay on the same line with this boss for too long, constantly move. After defeating Lust, you will receive the Virus or Steroid Fury.

Super Envy - It differs from the original only in color. It falls apart all the time, so be careful. Killing her will give you the Forever Alone artifact.

Super Pride - It differs from the original only in color. Likes to throw bombs and make 8 waves. Killing him will reward you with a Dead Cat.

Super Gluttony - It attacks like Gluttony, only the wave of blood spreads in two directions, in one continuous line. For killing him, you are given a Bucket of Sal or many hearts.

Super Laziness - Attack with two bomb shells, sometimes it creates two or three spiders. For killing him you will receive the Curse of Bob or Double Peak artifact.

Super Greed - It is larger than the normal Greed and attacks with four projectiles. Sometimes this deadly sin scatters coins on the map. Upon death, it drops coins or the Eternal Heart.

Super Anger - He likes to throw super bombs at you and moves very quickly around the map. For killing him, one of the explosive artifacts is given.

Super Lust - It has no attacks, sin moves purely and leaves behind red trails of blood that can damage you. When you kill him, you can get a Yum Heart.

Ultra Pride - Leaves behind a green liquid and shoots homing projectiles. After defeating him you will receive the Left Hand keychain.

Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Hunger - One of the four horsemen, can be found in the Basement after the battle with Mom. If you are in line with him, he will start ramming you. Hunger can create two types of flies, and when he is low on health, part of his body falls off and the rider's head begins to shoot bolts. For defeating him you will receive a Piece of Meat.

Conqueror - May be found instead of War in the Depths or instead of Death in the Womb. Considered one of the heaviest riders. The Conqueror can easily move around the map and create up to four clones of himself. He also shoots purple balls in all directions. When he gets especially angry, he starts shooting beams of light from the sky at the map.

Plague - You can meet this rider in the Caves after the battle with Mom. The plague summons maggots that try to attack you. The boss also leaves behind a green trail that can cause damage to you. The rider also shoots green poison. After Plague reaches half his health, his head will break off and he will start shooting poison faster and creating flies.

War - A red horseman who can only be found in the Depths. He can be found after killing Mom. Runs around the entire room, shoots eight charges. May leave bombs in the room. When he has less than half his health left, he begins to run after you on his own two legs at an accelerated pace. After defeating him you will receive the Meat Cup

Death - You can meet this horseman in the Maw only after replaying the game. He summons scythes that fly around the room and try to hit you. When he has less than half his health left, Death abandons his horse and begins to summon knights.

Headless horseman - This boss can be found in any location instead of any rider. The special thing about the Headless Horseman is that he has the abilities of the other horsemen. It consists of two enemies, at any moment it can separate a part into itself and throw it at you. In this case, the body and head shoot charges in different directions and in certain areas.

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