Shaman “Elements. Shamans in WOW Legion - changes, stronghold, artifacts, T19 set Which shaman is better in the legion

Shaman “Elements” uses the power of fire, earth, air and water in different forms to overcome difficulties along the way. Also, the elem shaman is subject to various representatives of these elements - elementals. Find out about this and other equally important things from our WoW guide.


Basic information on spec:

The “Elemental” shaman deals damage from a distance, and like “Enhancement”, he uses 2 types of resource: whirlpool, as the main resource for dealing damage, and mana for auxiliary abilities.

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of this specialization:


  • Excellent single target DPS
  • Strong AoE
  • The current build allows you not to lose DPS on dashes
  • Average survival
  • Availability of a huge range of useful situational abilities


  • High dependence on Azerite traits
  • Lack of immunity
  • There is no particular uniqueness, it can be easily replaced in a raid by more useful classes













Miles and range zone


WoW for Russian players initially existed only in foreign languages, since the native language of the game is English, many terms to this day are formed from the English names of established mechanics and many abilities.

AoE- (from the English Area of ​​Effect) literally - this is the area in which the effect occurs, whether damage is done in this area or healing is performed does not matter. Typically this abbreviation is used as a command to deal damage in a group/raid to multiple targets. It is also used to describe any boss ability with the effect described above.

Buff- positive effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its top edge.

Burst— (from the English Burst), an ability that allows you to inflict a large amount of damage in a short time in various ways.

Gir— (from the English Gear) is essentially equipment.

GKD— (short for English Global Cooldown) is the total recovery time of abilities.

Debuff- negative effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its bottom edge.

DoT— (from English Damage over Time) is an effect that causes damage over time

DPS— (from the English DPS — Damage per Second) is a value that reflects the damage dealt per second.

Cleve— (from the English Cleave) the ability to inflict damage on secondary targets by inflicting damage on the main target while having no loss (or with minimal loss) on the main one.

Cooldown- (from the English Cooldown, you can often find the abbreviation “CD”, or “kdshki”), the main meaning is the recovery time of the ability. Also often used in relation to bursts or various defensive abilities.

Miles and range zone- (from the English Melee and Ranged, respectively) Miles - means a melee zone, also used to name all classes/specs that deal effective damage directly in this zone. Range (can also be found “range”) usually means a zone that is not a melee zone, and, accordingly, is also used to name all classes/specs that can effectively deal damage from a distance.

Trait— (from the English Trait) the name of the “talents” of your artifact.

Basic Abilities

Offensive Abilities


General information. As you reach several new levels, new “tiers” of talents will open up for you. In each such line, you can select only one talent at a time. Talents can influence abilities in different ways: add new ones, replace old ones, passively modify various effects and spells. You can change talents while in sanctuaries or in any recreation areas, however, if there are no such places nearby, you can use the “Tome of the Tranquil Mind,” which will allow you to change talents within a minute. Talents cannot be changed in battle. A talent cannot be changed if the talent chosen in this tier is on cooldown; you will first have to wait for it to be restored.

Tier 1. 15lvl

  1. Echo of the Elements
  2. Lord of Totems
  3. Your choice
  4. Lord of the Elements
  5. Your choice
  6. Ice Fury / (for AoE or multi-dot fights)
  7. Keeper of Storms
  1. Echo of the Elements
  2. Aftershock
  3. Your choice
  4. Lord of the Elements
  5. Your choice
  6. Lord of the Primordial Elements
  7. Keeper of Storms


Azerite traits are additional enhancements and customization options for your character that are available in three pieces of special armor. Head, shoulders and chest. You won't find any other armor in these slots in Battle for Azeroth.

The current build of the elem shaman is entirely based on the use of three traitsCombustible potential . However, there are still 3 free traits left. Among class traits they can be filled by: Harmony of the elements, Echo of the ancestors or Lava Shock and Tectonic rumble for AoE. In addition to them, there are many other traits of this order, for example,An insidious agreement , and there are also traits of the second tier. Among them the most interesting are:Overwhelming Power , Unstable Flame, Rip Up and Hear My Thunder .

We recommend using the resource Herodamage and AzeritePowerWeight addon . Import a line from the site into the addon and you can easily compare your Azerites right in the game.

(AzeritePowerWeights:1:" - Stacks_1T_T23":7:262: 457=10, 193=7.14, 562=6.67, 196=6.47, 526=5.93, 522=5.92, 82=5.90, 447=5.78, 416 =5.67, 501=5.49, 504=5.35, 478=5.27, 483=5.26, 479=5.17, 448=5.11, 222=5.09, 494=5.00, 488=5.00, 486=4.98, 492=4.98, 195=4. 97 , 157=4.97, 495=4.85, 489=4.85, 480=4.83, 485=4.78, 521=4.75, 194=4.74, 482=4.65, 523=4.49, 178=4.48, 30=4.40, 192=4.36, 5 05 =4.28, 561=4.25, 481=4.01, 498=3.94, 156=3.91, 459=3.73, 500=3.65, 31=3.49, 22=3.34, 487=3.30, 493=3.30, 560=3.27, 21=3.24 , 499=3.23, 461=3.08, 38=3.05, 497=2.88, 491=2.88, 541=2.87, 18=2.86, 462=2.86, 496=2.73, 490=2.73, 512=1.79)

Dealing Damage

Basic priorities:

  1. Maintaining effects fromLord of Totems .
  2. Fire Elemental / Storm Elemental per CD
  3. Fire Shock , if it is not on the target or its duration<7 секунд
  4. Keeper of Storms per CD
  5. Magma Totem on CD, if taken
  6. Earth shock , if the whirlpool value is close to maximum or you are about to move
  7. Frost Shock with Frost Fury buff
  8. Lava Burst
  9. Ice Fury
  10. Lightning

Using talentLord of the Elements introduces greater diversity into the system of priorities. If you have a talent buff:

  1. Lightning under the Guardian of Storms buff
  2. Earth shock delay until you get the buff unless it causes the whirlpool to overcap
  3. Earthquake , if 2 or more targets are present
  4. Ice Shock under the ice rage buff
  5. Lightning
  6. Ice Fury
  7. Ice Shock


When playing with

Welcome to the PVE Elem Shaman guide. This guide is based on statistical data collected from many characters. This guide is simply a tool to help you optimize your character - through understanding which stats and talents are optimal, as well as effective rotation. The largest part of DPS depends on the players themselves - how quickly the player reacts, has a good ping and FPS, as well as the availability of consumables.

Players like to emphasize the value of stats, talents, and equipment levels. They are important, but even the best equipment will not help you achieve high results if you play like jam. This guide will give you a good start in mastering the class, but much of your success is up to you.

Feature Priority

Intelligence > Mastery > Crit > Haste > Versatility


Increases the damage and healing of your spells.


Mastery grants a passive bonus to your character based on the chosen specialization. Mastery: Elemental Overload spells such as Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst have a certain probability of hitting the target again.


A critical hit increases your chance to deal increased damage or healing.


Speed ​​increases attack and spell speed, as well as periodic damage or healing (DoTs and HoTs) and reduces GCD (global cooldown)


Versatility increases your damage, healing and absorption, and also reduces all damage to you.

Stones and charms


The choice of stones and enchantments for the PVE elem shaman is based on stat priorities. Below are the best stones and enchantments to use. 3 options are shown in descending order of effectiveness.


Don't forget about Corrupted Enhancement Rune, which can be used in conjunction with infusions.


Below is a pve build of Elem Shaman Legion based on data from SimulationCraft. We recommend carefully reviewing each talent you select before changing them. First you need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your character, this will help you choose the right build.

If you want to get acquainted with each talent in more detail, here is the link to the build on Wowhead (will open in a new tab).

Upgrading the Fist of Ra-den artifact

Below you will find the Elem Shaman Artifact progression path based on SimulationCraft tables. This path is divided into steps so that you can improve your artifact as you progress in the game to achieve the best result.

Guide Shaman Enhancement (enx shaman, Enhancement Shaman) PBE 7.3.5

If you want to get acquainted with each talent in more detail, here is the link to the build on Wowhead (will open in a new tab).

And here he is! The Legion is already here. Of course, patch 7.0 is not the same as Legion, but all the systems that will be used in the upcoming addon are already available. This means that all the major changes have already affected us. Main changes for enhancement shamans: change in rotation, many abilities work differently, new resource and its generation. Now you know about the main changes.

Right now this spec looks better than before, but it may feel completely new and different to you if you're returning to the spec or haven't played in a while. We offer you a small summary of changes and talents. What your rotation will look like, how abilities work, and what talents you should take to fight the new enemy.

Basic Abilities

  • Rockbiter: This is our main one for replenishing the resource, and you will have to press it every time there is nothing else left. It has no cooldown, so you can use it as often as possible to replenish enough maelstrom. In practice, you will use it as a rotation filler, that is, all the time.
  • Flametongue: Applies an effect to your weapon - it will now deal fire damage over 16 seconds, but on a shorter cooldown. In theory, this ability should also be a resource generator, but for now it’s just additional damage if this buff hangs on you.
  • Stormstrike: This will be your main ability that will do a lot of damage. There is a small chance that this ability will proc and the cooldown will reset and the cost will be halved. Use the ability every time you get the chance.
  • Lava Lash: The main method to spend a resource if you overcap the resource and have other abilities on cooldown. In other cases, it is essentially useless.
  • Crash Lightning: The main AoE ability, hits enemies in front of you, strengthens your weapon (if you hit two or more enemies), and also increases the damage of Stormstrike and Lava Lash, making them AoE. Use whenever you have two or more targets. Stormstrike and Lava Lash will have a greater effect if the lightning buff is active.

  • Feral Spirit: The main cooldown you have. Summons our wolves and generates a lot of resources. Use it when it is ready and be prepared to spend a lot of resources that will be generated very quickly.
  • Astral Shift: Our main save, which reduces damage taken by 40% for 8 seconds. Good to use when taking a lot of damage. Problems can arise in PvP as you will be stunned there, so this ability is less useful in PvP.
  • Healing Surge: This ability works a little differently than before. It is essentially free, but if you have more than 20 units of resource, it will be applied instantly, it will “eat” the whirlpool. A useful item for survival, quite flexible in use, especially if you play alone.
  • Stormlash: Has a chance to buff all raid members, increasing their damage if your weapon is buffed. Unfortunately, we no longer have totems, but now we ourselves have become totems.
  • Lightning Bolt: Still around, free and instant. Mainly used as a first ability when pulling, or when you need to keep your distance, in other situations it is generally useless.

So what will your rotation look like? For one target you should probably start the fight with Tongue, then build up the resource with Rock and spend it on Storm or Lava as often as you can, don't forget Feral if it's available. With AoE, it's basically the same start, build up a resource and then use Lightning before you use Lava Lash or Stormstrike so you get extra AoE damage. A lot depends on what talent selection you have.

Something you need to understand about talents is that once you get an artifact, a lot will change, so any recommendations you read now are not final. For example, the first tier of talents is very artifact dependent. But now it’s August, so we act in current realities. It's important to note that talents depend on your playstyle and change it in one way or another, so I've highlighted the ones that don't so you can figure out talents and rotations. And so, let's go.

Level 15: Boulderfist is a fairly obvious choice here; instead of a not very strong ability, we get another, stronger one, which also generates a resource and also strengthens our weapon: increasing damage and the chance to inflict critical damage. Windsong is in second place, but it is not so relevant and important in the current conditions, although the attack speed buff is a great thing. Take this talent if you feel like there are too many buttons for you.

Level 30: Rainfall is an incredibly useful ability for survival. This is probably the best choice for solo and group play, you heal players in melee range and your attacks extend the duration of the rainstorm.

Level 45: I like this ability, it's a good control - Voodoo Totem. This ability offers us the ability to control crowds of enemies. The other choice in this tier is more suitable for PvP or is too situational. You won't use the totem very often, but it's fun when you manage to use it at the right time.

Level 60: Lightning Shield is my pick here, it still works the same as before so it's a great choice. Passive ability for defense. Ancestral Swiftness gives you some speed and is generally useful if you have bad gear.

Level 75: Tempest is probably the best choice at the moment, simply because it adds damage to your rotation, allowing you to use Stormstrike more often. Cool talent, much easier to use the same ability twice instead of adding lightning to your rotation.

Level 90: Crashing Storm is a great talent for buffing your AoE, the best choice despite being too situational. Doesn't really impact your rotation.

Level 100: Landslide is a great buff for your weapon and is probably the best choice in this tier if you are still getting used to a new rotation. If you want to experiment, then take wind song in the first tier, take it and play around this talent by choosing Earthen Spike. This will allow you to deal damage more intensely and burst a little more often.

Of course, this is a choice for PvE, try to create a PvP build yourself. This one that I presented to you is not suitable for PvP at all.

What's the result?

This spec feels different depending on who is using it, especially for those who are used to heavy AoE in Warlords. Instead of spreading debuffs, blowing things up, we went back to a series of quick attacks, hoping for a benefit. So the new spec will be closer to those who are veterans of shamanism, or for those who abandoned this spec in the cataclysm and did not really understand them after.

Of course, there will be a period of adaptation, and for some time you will doubt the new spec, the selection of talent, so try, be sure to try. The current gameplay allows for experimentation. A lot has changed, but we are still strong in close combat. You just need to get used to it.

For thousands of years, since the time of the first tribal cultures, the inhabitants of Azeroth and Draenor have experienced a sacred fear of and worshiped the natural elements. Mystics interacted with the forces of earth, air, fire and water and learned to command them. Over time, the spiritual leaders realized that the forces of nature were not very favorable. Instead, they are embroiled in the violent, chaotic, never-ending conflict that once consumed the material world. This is how shamans appeared, whose task is to keep unstable energy in balance and draw from it power designed to heal... or kill.

The main distinguishing feature of shamans is totems, but their mechanics have long been in need of adjustment. There have always been many restrictions associated with totems. They can only be installed next to you, they only have 5 units. strength, only one totem of each element can be installed at a time. While this was originally all about making the totems unique, we were eventually forced to come up with weird ways to get around the restrictions, like Totem Projection or Totem Durability. In Legion, we're going to remove restrictions on totems.

Shamans will now be able to place multiple totems of the same element at the same time, such as the Healing Stream Totem and the Healing Tide Totem. Elementals are no longer bound to totems, but instead become guardians that follow and aid the hero. The maximum health of totems is now always equal to the maximum health of the shaman. Finally, totems that should be placed in a specific location can now be summoned directly where needed using a pointer. So, to summon an Earthgrab Totem in the middle of a gang of nasty orcs, you no longer need to dive straight into their arms or use a separate spell. In general, the mechanics of totems are based on temporary effects (positive or negative) that act in a certain area. This differs from supported effects, which must be refreshed immediately upon completion of the cooldown.

To bring clarity to the resource system, we have stopped hiding some of them under the guise of buffs. The Lightning Shield (Elemental) charges, Maelstrom Weapon (Enhancement) charges, and mana for these two specs have been replaced with a new single resource called Maelstrom. Mana as a resource is suitable for shaman healers, so in their case everything remains unchanged.


For some shamans, deep connections with the elements have special meaning. Their gaze reaches beyond the elemental realm, capturing rare visions of a distant past when unstable energy raged throughout Azeroth. Through long and careful study of this power, shamans gain the ability to form destructive magical currents from it. The shaman's body is pierced by lightning, as if in a thunderstorm, and flashes of flame, as if during a volcanic eruption. The spirits of earth, fire and storm come to their aid. Fighting such a shaman is like fighting nature itself.

The shaman's body is pierced by lightning, as if in a thunderstorm, and flashes of flame, as if during a volcanic eruption.

Game process

The themed set of abilities for elemental shamans already looks good. With Legion, we'll be maintaining the existing gameplay while smoothing out some of the rough edges. The previously mentioned transition to a new resource, the Maelstrom, is important. Elemental Shamans will accumulate it by casting Lightning Bolt, Lava Burst, and Chain Lightning spells, and spend it, in particular, on Earthquake and Shock category spells. This change will remove the cooldown on Shock spells, as they now have a new limiting factor. Elemental shamans will have greater freedom in using Shock spells. For example, you will have a choice: accumulate more Maelstrom and use it on Fire Shock, or apply several damage over time effects. Another major change is the return of the original Mastery, Elemental Overload. Unfortunately, Molten Earth did not perform as well as we would have liked and only served to confuse players.

To give you an idea of ​​how Elemental Shamans will perform in combat, here is a quick overview of their main combat abilities.

  • Lightning
    • Range: 40 m, cast time: 2 sec.
    • The target is struck by lightning, dealing moderate Nature damage. The shaman accumulates 15 units. Whirlpool energy.
  • Lava Burst
    • Range: 40 m, cast time: 2 sec, cooldown: 8 sec.
    • Molten lava flies towards the target, dealing high fire damage. If the target is affected by Flame Shock, Lava Burst deals 50% more damage. The shaman accumulates 15 units. Whirlpool energy.
  • Fire Shock
    • Costs: from 0 to 20 units. Whirlpool energy, range: 45 m, applied instantly.
    • Inflicts minor Fire damage to the target instantly, then continues to deal minor Fire damage every 2 sec. Action time - from 10 to 30 seconds. depending on the amount of Whirlpool energy spent.
  • Earth shock
    • Costs: from 10 to 100 units. Whirlpool energy, range: 45 m, applied instantly.
    • Instantly hits the target with a shock wave, dealing massive Nature damage based on the amount of Maelstrom energy expended.
  • Lava wave
    • Passive ability
    • When Flame Shock deals damage over time, Lava Burst's cooldown can be reset and the spell itself can be cast instantly.
  • Mastery: Elemental Overload
    • There is a 40% chance (depending on the bonus to Mastery from equipment) that a “Elemental Overload” may occur. When this happens, your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst spells trigger a similar spell that hits the same target. The additional spell deals 75% damage, accumulates 75% of the standard amount of Maelstrom energy and does not create a threat.
  • Maelstrom Totem
    • Range: 40 m, cast instantly, cooldown: 30 sec.
    • The shaman summons a Whirlpool totem near the target, which for 15 sec. Deals average nature damage to random enemies within a 30 m radius. With each totem attack, the shaman accumulates 5 units. Whirlpool energy.


Not only elemental shamans draw power from fire, earth, air and water. Those who choose the Enhancement specialization are in an equally close connection with nature, which helps them in battle. The only difference is the methods they choose to fight. These shamans prefer to use elemental energy to enhance physical attacks and fight at close range. They can be seen in the front rows, surrounded by totems, armed with magically charged weapons and powerful elemental spells.

These shamans use elemental energy to enhance their physical attacks and fight at close range.

Game process

The idea behind the Enhancement spec is a good one, but until now we felt like the mechanics weren't fleshed out enough. We would like the heroes of this specialization to be not just “melee elemental shamans,” but to give a distinct feeling of playing as a “battle mage.” Those who choose this path rely equally on destructive spells and powerful ax blows. Instead of giving the player a bunch of abilities that don't interact clearly, we want to focus on strengthening weapons and allies. Enhancement shamans become much more dangerous when they accumulate Maelstrom energy. Energy should be managed wisely: do not allow excess and maintain it in an amount sufficient for the most powerful attacks at the right moments.

To give you an idea of ​​how Enhancement Shamans will perform in combat, here is a quick overview of their main combat abilities.

  • Rock crusher
    • Range: 40 m, applied instantly.
    • Earth energy strikes the target, causing medium nature damage. The shaman accumulates 15 units. Whirlpool energy.
  • Tongue of flame
    • Range: 10 m, cast instantly, cooldown: 12 sec.
    • The force of the flame hits the target, dealing moderate fire damage, and strengthens the shaman's weapon.
    • Empowered weapons deal a small amount of additional fire damage with each attack, the amount of which depends on the weapon's speed. Action time - 16 seconds.
  • Fury of the Wind
    • Passive ability
    • Each attack with your off-hand weapon has a 7% chance of being followed by three additional attacks, dealing minor physical damage.
  • Lava Eruption
    • Costs: 30 units. Whirlpool energy, range: melee, applied instantly.
    • The shaman charges the weapon in his left hand with the power of lava and strikes the target, inflicting large amounts of fire damage.
  • Strike of the Storm
    • Costs: 60 units. Whirlpool energy, range: melee, applied instantly, cooldown: 16 sec.
    • The shaman charges his weapon with lightning energy and strikes the target, causing great physical damage.
  • Maelstrom Weapon
    • Passive ability
    • By dealing damage with melee weapons, the shaman accumulates 5 units. Whirlpool energy.
  • Storm's Fury
    • Passive ability
    • Each of the Shaman's attacks has a 2% chance of causing Storm's Fury, which resets the cooldown of Stormstrike. The next Stormstrike will have no cooldown, and its Maelstrom energy cost will be reduced by 50%.
  • Mastery: Greater Elemental Power
    • Increases the chance of Storm's Fury and Windfury to trigger by 5% (depending on the Mastery bonus from equipment). Increases damage dealt from fire and nature by 40% (depending on the bonus to mastery from equipment).
  • Split
    • Costs: 60 units. Whirlpool energy, applied instantly, recovery time: 20 sec.
    • The shaman splits the ground in a straight line in front of him, inflicting great physical damage and scattering opponents to the sides.


Some shamans prefer healing water to all other elements. They do not necessarily strive for the Light or other sacred manifestations, but, nevertheless, constantly feel a deep connection with the source of all life in the Universe. Using the healing properties of water, shamans can restore health and cure illnesses. They manage to maintain balance with other elements, being in harmony with nature and purifying allies, like the tide washing a sandy shore.

Healers constantly feel a deep connection with the source of all life in the Universe.

Game process

The healing shaman mechanics are well defined and we don't want to change too much of what everyone is used to. The changes will be aimed at making the process more interesting and rich. We want to put more emphasis on targeted healing spells to move away from the constant use of Chain Heal. We'll also be making major improvements to some talents to give players more opportunities to make meaningful, meaningful choices. Finally, healing shamans will benefit the most from the removal of restrictions on the use of totems.

To give you an idea of ​​how such shamans will perform in battle, here is a brief overview of their main combat abilities.

  • Wave of Healing
    • Cost: 2.1% mana, range: 40 m, cast time: 2.5 sec.
    • A slow but effective spell that restores an average amount of health to an ally.
  • Healing Surge
    • Cost: 4.1% mana, range: 40 m, cast time: 1.5 sec.
    • A quick but costly spell that restores an average amount of health to an ally.
  • Chain Heal
    • Cost: 5.6% mana, range: 40 m, cast time: 2.5 sec.
    • Restores an average amount of health to the target, and then to the most seriously injured nearby party or raid members. The amount of healing done to each new target is reduced by 30%. The maximum number of targets is 4.
  • Rapids
    • Cost: 1.5% mana, range: 40 m, cast time: 6 sec.
    • The ally is bathed in healing waters, restoring an average amount of health instantly and an average amount of health over the next 18 seconds.
  • Healing shower
    • Cost: 4.3% mana, range: 40 m, cast time: 2 sec, cooldown: 10 sec.
    • The shaman calls down healing rain in the selected area, restoring an average amount of health to allies in the area for 10 seconds. The maximum number of targets is 6.
  • Healing Stream Totem
    • Cost: 1.7% mana, applied instantly, cooldown: 30 sec.
    • The shaman summons a water totem next to him, which restores a small amount of health to wounded party or raid members within a 40 m radius every 2 sec. The totem lasts 15 seconds.
  • Tidal waves
    • Passive ability
    • When the Shaman casts Chain Heal or Riptide, he will gain Tidal Waves, reducing the cast time of his next Healing Wave by 40% or increasing the critical strike chance of his next Healing Surge by 40%. This effect can stack twice.
  • Mastery: Deep Healing
    • Increases the power of the shaman's healing spells by 60% (depending on the bonus to mastery from equipment). The bonus depends on the target's current health level (the lower the health, the greater the amount of healing).
  • Spring
    • Cost: 2.4% mana, range: 30 m, cast time: 1.5 sec, cooldown: 12 sec.
    • The shaman creates a stream of water that rushes forward, restoring a large amount of health to all allies in a wide sector.

We hope you enjoy these changes for Shamans!

Shaman “Improvement” specializes in dealing damage in close combat, in which he is helped by brute strength combined with the use of elemental magic: nature, fire, ice. Read our WoW guide to understand all the intricacies of controlling this shaman.


Basic information on spec:

“Enhancement” uses one main combat resource - whirlpool, and auxiliary mana. Accordingly, all abilities are aimed at accumulating the whirlpool and spending it.

Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of this specialization:


  • Excellent single target damage, although a little unpredictable
  • Lossless switch
  • Damage acceleration to a single target through secondary
  • Many unique opportunities for the group, in the form of stuns, slowdowns, dispelling magic from enemies, removing curses from allies


  • Quite weak AoE
  • Due to the lack of DoT, it is very dependent on a constant presence in the melee zone
  • No immunes













Miles and range zone


WoW for Russian players initially existed only in foreign languages, since the native language of the game is English, many terms to this day are formed from the English names of established mechanics and many abilities.

AoE- (from the English Area of ​​Effect) literally - this is the area in which the effect occurs, whether damage is done in this area or healing is performed does not matter. Typically this abbreviation is used as a command to deal damage in a group/raid to multiple targets. It is also used to describe any boss ability with the effect described above.

Buff- positive effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its top edge.

Burst— (from the English Burst), an ability that allows you to inflict a large amount of damage in a short time in various ways.

Gir— (from the English Gear) is essentially equipment.

GKD— (short for English Global Cooldown) is the total recovery time of abilities.

Debuff- negative effect. By default it is displayed to the left of the minimap along its bottom edge.

DoT— (from English Damage over Time) is an effect that causes damage over time

DPS— (from the English DPS — Damage per Second) is a value that reflects the damage dealt per second.

Cleve— (from the English Cleave) the ability to inflict damage on secondary targets by inflicting damage on the main target while having no loss (or with minimal loss) on the main one.

Cooldown- (from the English Cooldown, you can often find the abbreviation “CD”, or “kdshki”), the main meaning is the recovery time of the ability. Also often used in relation to bursts or various defensive abilities.

Miles and range zone- (from the English Melee and Ranged, respectively) Miles - means a melee zone, also used to name all classes/specs that deal effective damage directly in this zone. Range (can also be found “range”) usually means a zone that is not a melee zone, and, accordingly, is also used to name all classes/specs that can effectively deal damage from a distance.

Trait— (from the English Trait) the name of the “talents” of your artifact.

Basic Abilities

Offensive Abilities


General information. As you reach several new levels, new “tiers” of talents will open up for you. In each such line, you can select only one talent at a time. Talents can influence abilities in different ways: add new ones, replace old ones, passively modify various effects and spells. You can change talents while in sanctuaries or in any recreation areas, however, if there are no such places nearby, you can use the “Tome of the Tranquil Mind,” which will allow you to change talents within a minute. Talents cannot be changed in battle. A talent cannot be changed if the talent chosen in this tier is on cooldown; you will first have to wait for it to be restored.

Tier 1. 15lvl

Tier 3. 45 lvl

  • Wolf Spirit . While in Spectral Wolf form, your movement speed is increased by 5% and damage taken is reduced by 5% every 1 sec. The effect stacks up to 4 times.
  • Earth Shield . Surround an ally with a shield of earth that increases your healing done to that ally by 10% and heals them for a small amount of health when they take damage. Has 9 charges. This effect does not trigger more than once every few seconds. Can only be supported on one target.
  • Static discharge . Reduces the cooldown of Condensation Totem by 5 sec. for each enemy he stuns (up to 20 sec).

* The default should be Wolf Spirit , since it is the most effective in terms of survival and speed of movement. In the open world, healing from Earth Shield . Dungeons may require you to stun more often, soStatic discharge It can be useful.

Tier 4. lvl 60

  • Blazing Assault. With a tongue of flame, it leaves a fiery DoT on the target for 6 sec.
  • “Hail Storm”. Ice Brand is now similar to Flame Tongue. While this effect is active, your attacks deal additional Frost damage.
  • Reloading. “Lightning” will now consume up to 40 whirlpool, while its damage will be increased up to 1500%, but it now has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Tier 5. lvl 75

  • Guardian of Nature . When your health drops below 35%, you are instantly restored to 20% of your maximum. Triggers no more than once every 45 seconds.
  • Ferocious thrust. Pounce on an enemy located 8 -25 meters away from you. CD 30 sec.
  • Wind Gust Totem . Place a totem within a radius of 40 meters in the specified area, which will exist for 15 seconds with an area of ​​effect of 10 meters. Allies who find themselves in this area will increase their movement speed by 60% for 5 seconds. The effect is updated when you enter its area of ​​effect again. CD 2 minutes.

* To improve survivability, your choice is Guardian of Nature . If your group or raid needs a sprint, thenWind Gust Totem . Ferocious Lunge if you want burst mobility or the ability to interrupt knockback.

Tier 6. 90 lvl

  • Crushing Storm. Crash Lightning will leave behind a small area for 6 seconds that deals a small amount of Nature damage.
  • Wrath of the Air. Activates a buff that will consume 6 whirlpools per second, dealing Nature damage to all enemies and slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds. Radius 8 meters.
  • Schism. for 20 whirlpools, hit all enemies in front of you, causing them a large amount of damage from the forces of nature and scattering them slightly to the sides from the epicenter.

Azerite traits

Azerite traits are additional enhancements and customization options for your character that are available in three pieces of special armor. Head, shoulders and chest. You won't find any other armor in these slots in Battle for Azeroth.

Your talents and Azerite traits are the two determining factors of your build. Wild Fuse in the amount of 3 synergizes perfectly with Hot Hand, Lord of Totems, Elemental Spirits.If you have several Harmony of the elements, then it’s worth using Hail Storm . Seething Storm is always a good trait, regardless of talents. In addition to them, there are many other non-class traits of this order, for example,An insidious agreement , and there are also traits of the second tier. Among them the most interesting are:

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