How to highlight a region with a grid. How to private territory in Minecraft

Most likely, many users are familiar with the giant of the gaming industry called Minecraft. This product is very popular among young people and has long been a leader in its niche. Players who have little experience behind them very often ask the same question on the forums: how to remove the private grid? Today we will give you the most concise and accurate answer to this question.

What does it mean?

The "Private Grid" is an essential part of the game plugin called WorldEdit. It is intended for global server-side Bukkit modification. This extension is very easy to use and does a great job of editing the world. The "World Editor" is relevant for both single player and multiplayer games. The developer has added over 100 parameters for making changes to the map. The sk89q studio is still engaged in the support and development of software for this game.

The intrusive feature is designed to work with terrain highlighting within the game. On game servers, she plays the role of a "privatizer", without which the player has a very difficult time. How to show a private grid? In order to activate this function, you need to register the command “/ rg sel” in the chat.

Important! To activate the function, you must be in your region, otherwise nothing will work.

How do I get rid of this feature?

There is nothing difficult here either. In order to remove annoying stripes from the screen, you need to open the game chat and write the command “// sel”, to completely delete the area, you need to write “/ rg delete”.


Now you know how to remove the private grid. Nothing else will cloud your gameplay, enjoy!

Everyone, starting to play Minecraft on our Minecraft servers with a launcher and mods, wondered how to privatize territory in Minecraft, and in our case, how to privatize territory in Minecraft on the server? In this article we will try to sort everything out and explain each aspect: you will learn how to create your first region, how to allocate territory for private, what flags are and how to use them, basic commands for working with regions and private territory in Minecraft.

Creation of the region

First, you need a wooden ax, which you can get with the // wand command.

Please note that a wooden ax does not cut wood!

The right mouse button is used to select the first private point, while the left mouse button is used to select the second private point. Also, to select positions, you can use the commands // hpos1 and // hpos2 (in this case, you need to look at the block that you want to mark) or // pos1 and // pos2 (you must stand on the block that you want to select as a position) ...

The allocation of the territory consists of a cuboid, that is, it is necessary to select diagonally.

After you enter the command // wand - you will receive the following message in the chat:

We proceed to the allocation of the territory. We marked 2 points with a wooden ax:

The allocated area is marked in the world green grid... If you have selected the area incorrectly or have already selected, but the green grid remains - you can clear the selection with the command // sel. By the way, you can select an already created region with a green grid with the / region select command

And so, we have allocated a territory, but in height it occupies only 1 block... Now it is necessary expand the territory in height (Y coordinate).

You can expand or reduce the region in the following directions:

  • north- north.
  • south- south.
  • west- west.
  • east- East
  • up- up.
  • down- way down.
  • Looking at one of the cardinal points.
  • To the sky and to the bedrock.

To indicate the direction, you can use the short names of the sides ( N, S, W, E, U, D).
To decrease the region, use the // contract command
You can determine the size of the region with the command // size

For clarity, examples of expanding and reducing the selected region:
// expand 10 up will increase the region up by 10 cubes

Using the command // contract 10 down, the region will decrease from top to bottom by 10 cells

And so, we expanded the territory in height, to which we received the following messages:

As soon as we have allocated the territory - it is necessary to create a region and thus seize territory.

To save the region, use the / rg claim command<название региона>... And so, I named my region DanchikMINER123, therefore, my command will look like this: / rg claim DanchikMINER123.

If you did everything correctly, you will receive the following message:

Deleting a Region

To remove a region, use the / region remove command<название региона> . Only region owners can delete a region

If you made a mistake when selecting the territory, but the region has already been saved - you can select the points again and update it using the / region update command<название региона>

Region check

To check the territory for the presence of a region - take an ordinary stick and right-click on the territory:

Adding a player to a region

Also, you can add a player to your region with two commands: / rg addmember<ваш регион> <ник игрока>- in this case, the player is added to the region as a participant. He can build on it, but he cannot rule the region itself.

/ Rg addowner command<ваш регион> <имя игрока>should only be used if you trust the player! It gives full power over the region: you can add / remove players from it, put flags and delete the region itself.


For the greater security of your region, flags... To set the flag value, use the / region flag command<название региона> <флаг> <значение флага>... Most of the flags available to players can only have three values ​​- allow, deny, none (default).

Flag Description Meaning* Rights
use vanilla buttons, things, doors, gates, music blocks, etc. deny All players
pvp Allows or prohibits PvP in your region. deny All players
chest-access Allows or denies the use of vanilla chests. deny All players
fake-players Allows or prohibits the use of some special mod items. deny All players
mods Allows or prohibits the use of things from mods. deny All players
ic2 Allows or prohibits the use of items from the mod Industrial craft 2. deny All players
lava-flow Allows or denies lava flow. allow All players
water-flow Allows or prohibits the flow of water. allow All players
vehicle-place Allows or prohibits the installation of minecarts. allow All players

* - default value.

For example, let's take a flag pvp(prohibits PvP in the region), thus, to enable PvP - you must write the following command: / region flag<название регионе>pvp allow.

The flags are also divided into groups, of which there are only five:

Let's look at the example of a flag use:

  1. Create a new region, by default the use flag always in the meaning of deny
  2. We add a participant to the region, we see that he cannot open doors, workbenches, tables, etc.
  3. To avoid this, we need to enable the use flag for the group. members, that is, the participants
  4. We write the following command: / rg flag my_region -g members use allow
  5. Participants can now open doors, workbenches, tables, for all others the flag will be the default, that is, deny

Sometime back in 2011, a Swedish programmer under the nickname Nothc (real name Markus Persson) wrote a game on the Java engine in which gamers could build various objects from blocks and simply develop their own world. Now this project has grown into a multimillion-dollar company, moved from PC platforms to mobile and console, and people who once started filming videos of this game have become millionaires (and someone even acquired the title of the most popular YouTuber in the world). Of course, we are talking about Minecraft.

Multiplayer in Minecraft

In this "sandbox" players can create their own separate world and rebuild it alone, or they can unite on the server and do the same as a team of friends. True, sometimes on the servers there are not only friends or good acquaintances, but also persons who do not quite adequately relate to the guests of the server and their only goal is to destroy other people's buildings. They are also called griefers.

In this article you can get answers to various questions related to the private territory. How to remove the private grid? How to privatize a territory? How do I remove the grid after a private chat?

What are private territories? If this happened in the real world, it would be called privatization. The player personally chooses for himself a plot that he wants to receive in ownership, and reserves it for himself and his friends (optional). Except for him and those whom he added to the white list, no one will be able to enter this zone.

Territory privatization process

To start the "privatization" process, you need to go to the server chat and type the command // wand and press "Enter" (Enter). An ax will appear in the player's inventory, with which you need to select two blocks in any zone. This will allow the plugin to build a prismatic private area.

  • The resulting zone can be significantly expanded using the // expand command.
  • To increase the number of blocks down by n, you need to write // expand n down.
  • To perform similar actions, but only with the upper sections, you need to change the word down to up.

Attention! This is not the end of the sealing process. The most important point remains. Once the desired territory has been allocated using the commands listed above, you need to enter the command / rg claim * name of the territory *. Instead of * name of the territory *, you need to enter some kind of name, that is, give the territory a name. Anything will do: a word, a player's nickname - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it does not contradict the rules of the server.

In order for the player's friends to be and build in the sealed region, you need to add them to the whitelist. This is done in the following way. You need to enter the command / rg addmember * territory name * * nickname *, and instead of * nickname * you need to write the player's name on the server.

In order to find out who was added to the whitelist, you need to write the / rg info command in the chat. Then a message will appear, where the owner of the territory will be indicated in front of the owners column, and those players who have been whitelisted will appear in front of the members section.

The answer to the question: "How to remove the private grid in Minecraft?"

It should be noted that after the privatization of the territory, a red grid remains, which shows the reserved area. It is clearly inconvenient to play with her. How to remove the private grid? To get rid of the unwanted construct, just enter the // sel command.

It's quite simple, so the question of how to remove the private grid in Minecraft is clearly no longer relevant.

It can also happen that the player accidentally seized the wrong territory that he needs. How to remove the private grid in this case? To remove a private, you need to refer to the command / rg remove * territory name *. Then the private zone will be canceled and the territory will become public.

Server features

When playing on any server, you must follow the rules that were established by the portal administration. This should always be taken into account so as not to accidentally show disrespect to other players or spoil someone's ideas, creative projects and other objects.

On some servers, players are given a strictly defined number of private blocks. Free, anyway. The rest will have to be purchased as needed.

By the way, if a player suddenly forgot the commands, he can turn to the chat with a question, for example, "how to remove the private grid?" and there is a possibility that one of the admins will answer him intelligibly or other players will do it.

To privatize a territory, the WorldEdit plugin must be installed on the server. Without it, most likely nothing will work.

Allocating the territory

There are several ways to select an area. The most common is using an ax. At the same time, it is not necessary to create it, you can simply write a command in the chat;

With the left mouse button, first mark the lowest point of your territory. If the coordinates appear, then you did everything right. Next, you need to mark the highest point. Move the character to the desired place and rise to the required height and mark the second point with the right mouse button.

It is possible not to select the highest or lowest points, but mark those that are at the same height. After that, write two commands in the chat:

The first command marks the height of 20 cubes down, the second, respectively, the height of 20 cubes up. The number of cubes can be changed at will. This will save you from building tall pillars and digging deep holes.

The question may arise, why mark the territory that goes inward or is at the top. After all, there are no buildings on it. This is done so that evil players cannot harm you, for example, flooding the entire territory with lava or digging and not getting to your chests.

The next method is similar to the previous one. Only instead of an ax, we will use commands. You also need to stand at the lowest point of your territory and write a command in the chat;

You can also use the commands;

They mark the points the character is looking at. That is, where the cross in the middle of the screen is directed.

Most importantly, do not forget that the territory will be privatized obliquely. If you select a straight line with points, then only what is between these two points will be locked.

Let's take the territory

After the territory is allocated, there is very little left for it to become completely yours. In the chat you need to enter the command

Name is the name of the site, you can choose any.

And that's all, the territory is sealed. Each territory has its own owner and members who have access to it and their actions are limited. If you have created a region, then you automatically become its owner and can add new members to it.

For example, you created a region and want to build something in it. And your friends want to help with this.... In order for them to perform actions, you need to register a command in the chat;

/ region addowner "name of the territory" "name of friend1" "name of friend2"

Only all names and titles are written without quotes. Also, you don't need to separate them with commas or periods, just a space.

After the construction is over and you want to live in peace and quiet, you can forbid other participants to perform any actions as a team;

/ region removeowner "name of the territory" "name of friend1" "name of friend2"

We also write all names and titles without quotes.

Protection of private territory

Flags can be used to protect your region. Flags in Minecraft are the imposition of any restrictions on the territory. They can only be installed by the owner of the region.

The flags are set by the command;

/ region flag "region name" "flag name" "value"

Everything, of course, is written without quotes. There can be three values: deny-it is forbidden, allow-can, none-not installed.

Flags that can be used to defend your territory:

  • Pvp- attack of other players, if you put a ban, then no one can attack you
  • Sleep- whether players can sleep on the territory.
  • Creeper-explosion- explosion of a creeper, if you put a ban, then creepers will not be able to explode on your territory and will not be able to cause any damage to you or your buildings.
  • Lighter- the use of a lighter, if prohibited, no one (including you) will be able to use a flint and light a fire. On the one hand, no one will inflict damage, on the other, you cannot get to the lower worlds.
  • Lava-flow- damage from lava. When banned, no one will be able to flood your entire territory with streams of hot lava, which causes huge damage.
  • Potion-splash- damage from potions. When banned, you do not take damage from potions.
  • Water-flow- water damage. With a ban, no one will be able to flood and destroy buildings.
  • Ghast-fireball- fireball damage. If you put a ban, then no one will be able to use the fireball throughout the territory.
  • Use- Using mechanisms, doors. With a ban, no one will be able to open doors and use mechanisms. The favorite pastime of the griffins is to use the piston and use it to move the house beyond the grabbed territory. And on it already rob.
  • Chest-access- The use of chests. When banned, no one will be able to use your chests.

The ban command, for example, the use of chests in the House region will look like this;

/ region flag House chest-access deny

If you put a ban on all flags, then your region will be ready for any surprise and will become invulnerable.

How to lock a house

Private home is no different from private territory... As a matter of fact, the player simply limits the territory in which the house is located. So the procedure is the same.

When allocating a territory, you need to mark points with a margin of distance. There must be at least five cubes from the border to the wall or roof. This way you can create maximum protection. When marking the territory, make sure that it does not capture someone else's region, otherwise you will not succeed.

You can go the other way. Securing things separately, every detail of the house and its furnishings, but it is very tedious, long and tedious. If you have a lot of time, you can try.

Creating a child region

On each private territory, you can create another private region. For example, if you are not alone and you have a house that friends have access to. And you want to have only your own private room in it.

Team first;

select the zone that will be the region in the region, then enter the command;

/ rg claim "new region name"

without quotes. After that, you need to make this territory a child, for this write in the chat;

/ region "main region name" "child region name"

All names are without quotation marks.

This will be useful for those who have a large territory and many players are present in it.

How to check the territory for private

After all the actions have been completed and the commands have been entered, it will be necessary to check whether it was possible to seize the territory. You need to pick up a stick (if the old version, then a cobweb) and poke it into any block. A message will appear as the name of the territory or will not appear.

This method works with the territory and other players, and will also be useful if for some reason you forgot the name of your region.

Other useful private commands

If you get tired of the private area, you can delete it. Of course, you can not do this, but then a piece of the world will be inaccessible to other players, and if they stop deleting private, then the territory may become inaccessible. Therefore, it is better to act like an honest crafter. Private from the territory is removed by the team;

/ region delete "region name"

Remember that by deleting your region, you lose all buildings and acquired property.

If you want to enlarge or move a region, then it is not at all necessary to delete it and do it anew. There are special commands for these actions. First you need to select a new area or your territory and enter;

/ region redefine "region name"

/ region move "region name"

/ region update "region name"

The private area will be changed, but the flags will remain in place.

You can also add a co-owner, but this is highly discouraged. He will have the same rights as you. The co-owner is added by the team;

/ rg addowner "region name" "player name"

You can delete it by registering in the chat;

/ rg removeowner "region name" "player name"

By the way, having become a co-owner, he will also be able to use this command and remove you from your own region. So choose your partner carefully.

If you want to add friends, but you don't quite trust them, then the team;

installs protection on chests, doors, stoves, hatches, elevators and so on.

If you need to give access to them, then after the command, write the player's nickname. You can also set a password and not register a new team with the player's name every time. It is installed if you write in the chat;

/ cpassword "password"

Now you can just share your password with the right people. If you forget it, then all password-protected chests and doors are opened using the command;

And removes protection;

If you have several regions, you can see their list by typing the command in the chat;


Many servers have certain restrictions that apply to private territory. This could be:

  • The prohibition of the allocation of territory from the very bottom of the world to the sky;
  • Ban on the allocation of the whole world;
  • Restriction on the allocation of blocks (for example, the maximum number of cubes in the territory is 30,000);
  • Limit on the number of people in one region;
  • On some servers, it is forbidden to name the region by your nickname;
  • Restriction on ownership of regions (for example, one person can only own 3 regions);
  • A ban on the seizure of someone else's grabbed territory.

During the private region, be careful, find out what restrictions are on the server and carefully check the territory. Especially the starting points, it may come out so that the wrong thing will be seized. Don't add unverified people, they can ruin everything you've worked so hard on. Try to create reliable protection from griefers and you can not worry about your property.

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