A conspiracy to attract money for 5 rubles. Prayer for a coin for good luck and financial gains. Plot for a rich life

    Now, of course, this method of conspiracy is difficult, since ten paper rubles are no longer produced, and you can’t find that kind of money anymore... If you just put up an ad and ask who has it and exchange it =) But the conspiracy is good, I like it, I need to look for dozens . Although I’ll try to make a spell on a five-ruble coin, there are plenty of them! In a month it means I’ll be rich =)

    It turns out that this is the secret of wealth, and I’m sitting reading smart books! By the way, they still produce ten-ruble notes and often give change with them, so if anyone needs them, just ask around at grocery stores! I even have a couple of pieces in my wallet now, I can try it, if I get rich, then I will officially admit that I owe the authors of this site!!!))))

    If people believe in talismans, then why not believe in conspiracies? Because talismans probably speak the same way. It seems to me that this is the same, and there is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that conspiracies have always been in our lives, it’s just that now everything is encrypted, for example, in prayers. These are also conspiracies in their own way. At least that's my opinion. If you work day and night and end up not seeing any money, this is considered the norm. Then why not try conspiracies and deceive the system of life?

    There were some financial problems. And then, as luck would have it, you have to pay for the loan.. In general, I couldn’t think of anything better than reading conspiracies to attract money. Moreover, I’ve heard a lot about it, and at least the same money tree. I decided to try the ten-ruble method, and you know, I didn’t buy myself a lombargini, but I managed to solve my current money problems. Therefore, my advice to you: do not neglect such ways to improve your financial situation)

    She made a conspiracy to increase capital. I also read on the Internet that you don’t know exactly how the conspiracy is implemented. So they didn’t want to give me a loan, but today one of the largest banks called and said that I could come get a loan. Happy and very grateful to you))

    I also sometimes use conspiracies. Helps.

    I have actually read and tried many conspiracies, but money ones are the most effective! Honestly, I tried quite different things, went to fortune tellers and grandmothers, but the long-awaited capital never grew. And the fact is that I am not asking for a money tree or coins from heaven, just a constant state of need and the opportunity to buy toys for the children that drives me to despair! Conspiracies work! The main thing is to find the one that suits you!

    Of course, you want to live in abundance and get everything you want from this life. But it happens, especially in our country, that there is never too much money. It’s very sad that I can’t even go on vacation. So I decided to use spells, what if I got lucky? . It really worked.

We ourselves control our destiny by doing certain things. However, there are magical rituals that can correct certain areas of human life, including financial status. There are many conspiracies to attract wealth, but the ones that are most often practiced are those that involve a coin. Let's find out how to charm a coin for money and good luck, what is needed for this and who can do it.

The essence of the ritual

What is a ritual to attract money? This is a text written in a special way that will change a person’s destiny by changing his financial situation. It is important to follow all points of the ritual so that the resulting effect is positive. You also need to have strong faith in yourself and the result, this will be half the success.

Is it possible to make a conspiracy to make money flow on your own at home? Of course, yes, because these rituals belong to a subtype of household magic; even those who have never dealt with magic can read them. There is no point in turning to third parties - professional magicians and clairvoyants, fortune-tellers, since coin spells do not require special skills or additional items. There is also a considerable probability that the advertised magician will turn out to be an ordinary deceiver who has nothing to do with magic, but works only to defraud clients of money.

What rules must be followed

Before you start reading coin conspiracies, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules; this will significantly increase your chances of success.

  • You must be mentally prepared for the fact that you can become a really rich person. As you know, money spoils a person, magic does not tolerate this, so don’t turn up your nose and remain the same person if the ritual works.
  • If you do not need money, but simply want to exaggerate your financial situation, you should not resort to such rituals. Magic will consider this a mockery and mere curiosity, and accordingly there will either be no effect, or your bank account may become significantly poorer in the near future.
  • It is important to say all the words of the conspiracy exactly as it is written in the instructions, without changing the order, without adding anything “of your own.” Well, if you can cast the spell from memory, it will significantly increase the chances of success.
  • It is strictly forbidden to read coin spells to pregnant women. The fact is that a child should not become a participant in a magical ritual; this can negatively affect his health and cause developmental problems in the future.
  • Follow temporary recommendations when reading magical prayers for a coin. If it is written that you need to read it strictly at night, on the full moon, do just that.
  • If it is not you, but a third party who is reading the coin spell, it is important to generously thank the performer of the ritual afterwards. However, it should not be money or alcohol. A culinary dish prepared by oneself is considered ideal.
  • If you are a celebrant, you must prepare properly for the reading. A week before pronouncing the whisper for money and luck, you need to fast, it is forbidden to lead an immoral lifestyle, and also to make trouble with loved ones. It is also strictly forbidden to cut meat, much less kill animals. Be sure to clean the house - perform a magical ritual after washing the floor.
  • It is important not to let anyone in on your plans, that is, to say that you plan to read a spell for a coin or money. Even the closest people - husband, wife, children, and so on - should not know about this.
  • There are days that contribute to the maximum success of money conspiracies - these are Saturday and Sunday. Also considered successful are conspiracies carried out on church holidays - Easter, Christmas, Maundy Thursday, Palm Sunday, and so on.

What additional items may be needed?

A love spell on a coin is a fairly powerful spell. There are reviews from real people saying that with their help they went above the poverty line and have their own business. Throughout their lives, they are helped by higher powers, providing assistance in the financial sphere.

In order to enhance the effect of the spell, as well as prolong its effect, additional magical items are used. It can be:

  • Inflorescences and herbs, dried flowers
  • Tree bark
  • Some animal body parts are teeth, claws or fur.

All this is collected in advance and involved in reading the coin plot. This brings additional power as the forces of nature are attracted. Let's move on to specific coin spells that are cast in order to attract money and wealth into a person's life.

Strong ritual for a coin

Of the many coin spells, this text is most often used, since it most often works in practice. To perform it you will need a coin. This can be an ordinary five-ruble coin (5 rubles, 50 rubles, and so on, the denomination does not matter), or a special Chinese coin that can be bought in a specialized store or souvenir shops. The coin found will be considered the most successful.

You need to take a coin, put it under a spreading old oak tree and cover it a little with earth. After this, start reading the magical text:

“As the old tree grows, so will my wallet grow in breadth. Twelve months will pass, they will bring me money, year after year, day after day, I will be happy now. Amen".

After that, go home, straight to the kitchen and start baking homemade bread. Repeat baking 12 more times, each time for a full moon. This will consolidate the effect of the ritual. The peculiarity of this spell is that the effect does not occur quickly; you will have to wait from several weeks to several months. However, subsequently a comfortable existence will remain with you for a long time.

How to get rich quickly with a coin

There are a number of conspiracies for those who do not want to wait and want to get the desired wealth right now. For one of these rituals you will need a coin, a pinch of wheat grains, your personal handkerchief with your traces (preferably not new).

Place the grains in the ground along with a coin and water them with clean drinking water for three days. When the first sprouts of wheat appear, look at them and read the following words:

“Bread, bread, the head of everything. Mother, you are our mother. Not a single table can get by without you, neither a child nor an old man sits down to eat without you. From your grain, let me have one, but from a coin, let the money grow. I will water and take care, and she will bring me fruit. Amen".

Continue to care for the sprouts and water them regularly. It is important to cover the pot with a handkerchief at night, especially important to do this during the waxing moon. When the moon is full in the sky, place a few drops of wax on your handkerchief to keep the spell working.

Moon coin spell

Many conspiracies use one or another stage of the moon; conspiracies to attract money are no exception. The waxing moon (new moon) is considered the ideal time, since as it grows, your financial condition will be exaggerated. To perform it, you need to choose a suitable day when the moon is in the desired stage (waxing, waning or full moon), stand near the window so that the moonlight falls on you. You need to hold a coin in your hand, look at the moon and say the following words:

“A rich man goes, a merchant follows him, and there I will go. Let this coin become my helper so that money will come to me.”

You need to read these words at least three times. During the last reading, you need to take the coin in your right hand and move the edge along your left wrist. Moreover, it is important to make movements counterclockwise and nothing else. Then you need to tap the coin on your forehead three times.

After this, wash your hands with soap and put the coin in your wallet for three days. After that, you need to spend it on something that you have wanted to buy for yourself for a long time, but refused for some reason.

Conspiracy in the sun

It is worth saying that not only the moon can contribute to the success of money rituals. Quite often the sun is involved in the ritual. In order to carry out a solar spell, you will need a yellow metal coin. Place it on a balcony or windowsill so that it receives direct sunlight. Then start reading the text of the conspiracy:

“The sun’s rays warm not only the body and soul, but also warm the money so that it grows quickly and does not decrease.”

The coin should remain for another three hours, after which it is placed in a pocket or purse and carried with you constantly. It is important not to waste the coin, otherwise the effect of this amulet will pass to the new owner, and you will be left with nothing.

Charming a coin for a new wallet

In order for the money to be transferred, you will have to purchase a new wallet. Ideally, if you don’t buy it for yourself, but it will be a gift from a loved one. Take a new wallet, put one coin in the change compartment and head to the nearest source of water - a river, sea or spring. If this is impossible to do for some reason, you can go to an open water tap, although this may cause the ritual to fail.

You need to wet both hands and lightly wet your wallet. After that, read these words:

“The coin is lying there and will not fall out. Now she will bring me joy and money. My wealth flows to me like water. And it will always be like this."

Never spend a coin, this will cancel the ritual.

Add money quickly with coins

This coin spell does not require any special preparation at the very beginning. You just need to raise your gaze to the sky more often. If you happen to see a young moon in a clear sky, the birth of which is taking place before your eyes, immediately take a coin out of your pocket or wallet and hold it tightly with your right hand. Look at the new moon and whisper the following words:

“A month, a month you are young, you are in the sky like gold. As you grow, so does the money in your pocket. Give this coin power, let it help me.”

The coin cannot be released until you get home. At home, unclench your fist, read the words of the money plot on the coin again while looking at the coin. After this, make a hole in the coin and wear it as a talisman, never removing it. This will be your personal fiat coin.

Coin spell using water

To carry out the ceremony you will need a copper coin (ideally silver, but shiny). As for time, it is better to choose the first half of the day, preferably before twelve o'clock in the afternoon. Find two identical buckets (glasses) and fill them to the top with water. Moreover, the water in the first bucket should be enchanted, and in the second it should be silent. For reference: silent water is water during the pouring of which not a word was spoken, and there were no witnesses to its pouring.

Dip one hand into the first bucket, the second into the second, at this time say the following whisper:

“Silver water flows, it will carry away sorrows. When the water stands, it brings wealth."

After this, take a nickel and dip it into both buckets one by one, holding your hand for a few seconds.

Conspiracy to attract money from Vanga

Any magical act whose name includes Vanga is in special demand. Conspiracies to raise money from Vanga are no exception. To perform this effective ritual you will need:

  • A small crust of black bread
  • Antique coin of any denomination and origin. Preferably an ancient coin from the Tsarist era.

An important condition is that the performer of the hex must experience slight hunger. Thus, try not to eat anything a few hours before you start reading the spell from Vanga.

As for time, this plot is read only at night, when no one can stop you. You need to find a cozy place in your apartment or house and get started.

Take a crust of bread, place a coin under it, and stand in front of it. Looking at it, read these words:

“Bread feeds us, as always, since he is the head of everything. Feed everyone now, bring the money to us. May everyone in my house be well-fed and have enough money.”

After the words are spoken, eat the crust without drinking water. It is believed that within a few days the charmed coin will begin to bring money - you can win the lottery, make a good profit from selling it in trade, and so on. Therefore, never lose it and carry it in your wallet with you.

Everyone needs money. There is no such person who would not dream of getting rich. This is why magical rituals and conspiracies to attract money have become so popular. They belong to white magic, so they cannot harm anyone. A spell for good luck and attracting money is often performed using a coin. Being in many wallets, they are charged with powerful monetary energy. And magical spells make this energy work for good luck and attracting “your own kind.”

A spell for good luck and attracting money is often performed using a coin

Spell on a clean saucer and coin

A coin spell will help you turn into a magnet and constantly attract good luck and money. To perform this ritual you must:

  • Take a clean saucer and place a coin on the bottom.
  • Sprinkle wheat grains on top and cover with a damp cloth.
  • In three days the first shoots will appear. The following words should be spoken to them:

    “Our mother, you provide food for infants and old people, the poor, and the noble family. From a grain you give 10, and 1, and 20. Send good luck to me, the Lord’s slave, so that money is born, like this sprouted grain of wheat. As it grows day and night, so they will increase and feed the family, your blessing is upon me, Lord.”

Cash income will multiply and grow, just as wheat sprouts increase.

Love spell for 5 kopecks

A coin spell performed on a full moon works well. To carry it out you need:

  • take a five-kopeck coin;
  • stand by the window and, looking at the moon, read the plot:

    “I go to the market as a merchant, I fly in as a young falcon, having wealth with me, God send me, so that there is enough for everyone. Amen!";

  • repeat this incantation three times, holding the coin in your right hand and performing circular movements in a clockwise direction with your left hand.

After completing all elements of the ritual, you need to wash your hands in salt water. After that they go to bed. For the ritual to work, you must store this enchanted coin for 30 days. Then you should spend it by buying something you need. If you can’t buy anything with this coin, then it is added to the money that is in your wallet. And when the next new moon comes, cast a spell on a coin, another one, again.

To constantly have money, you can perform a ritual using yellow coins. They should be placed under the rays of the sun and the love spell should be read loudly three times:

“The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, little penny, light up with golden fire, bring wealth.”

After this you need to leave. The coin should be exposed to the sun for 12 hours. Subsequently, you need to carry it in your wallet without spending it on purchases. This coin spell attracts good luck and money. It helps you get rich.

To constantly have money, you can perform a ritual using yellow coins.

When buying a new wallet, so that money is not transferred in it, you should perform the following ritual:

  • Place a small coin in your wallet.
  • Go to the spring, if there is none, then you can go to the river.
  • You need to put your hands in the river, and then lightly spray your wallet with drops of water. This must be done so that one drop remains on the coin in the wallet.
  • After this, the following hex should be read three times:

    “The water in the river (fontanel) will not end. And money flows into my wallet, for my wealth, for all the good.”

  • After the words of the conspiracy have been read three times, the coin must be spent within the first 30 days.

Full moon conspiracy

The next spell for money must be carried out on a full moon. The coins are laid out on the windowsill so that the moonlight illuminates them. You need to read the words out loud three times:

“Luna princess, you are made of silver, gold, growing and increasing. Direct the reflections of the moon onto my pennies so that there is an increase in money. Moonlight gives strength to a coin, fills a house, adds wealth.”

The coin must be charged by moonlight for 12 hours. The charmed coins are kept in a wallet. They cannot be spent within 30 days. Such a ritual will attract cash flow. After a month, these coins are spent, and the ritual is repeated with the next coins with the onset of the next full moon.

Ritual with water for good luck

There is a ritual for good luck and luck, which must be performed during the waxing moon and alone. To complete it, you need to take a copper coin and two buckets. Buckets can be anything. The door to the room should be closed and the lights should be turned off. The ritual is performed in the morning or evening. It is quite effective and efficient:

  • The coin is lowered into an empty container (bucket).
  • Another bucket is filled with water, which is called silent, that is, collected alone and silently. It's good to use unscooped water. This is water collected in a well from which no one has drawn for 12 hours.
  • Water must be carefully poured from a full bucket into an empty one and the following text must be read three times:

    “The river flowed long, there was a clean field around, a mighty stream of water rushed through the river, suitable for all the animals and blades of grass to live on. If only gold and silver would flow into my bins in a stream, wealth would fill my house. Words are forged with iron, a strong knife cannot pierce, money is called into the wallet.”

  • After the words have been read three times, the coin is removed from the bucket and kept constantly in your wallet. Under no circumstances should it be wasted. The loss will weaken the spell, and the ritual will have to be repeated with a new coin.

For a ritual for good luck and luck, you need to take a copper coin and two buckets

Five-ruble coin conspiracy

To carry out this ritual, you need to find an aspen tree. Dig a small hole under it. You need to put a coin in it and sprinkle it with earth. This action is performed on a full moon. The day on the calendar must be even. For this action, read the following plot:

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, a worm cannot eat you away, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen!".

You can say words to your wallet that will attract a powerful cash flow into it. Must read:

“Hello, king of copper, silver and gold. Hello and live with me, in my wallet. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Poppy spell

This conspiracy is quite strong. It is performed as follows:

  • During the full moon, it is recommended to buy a poppy (preferably gray). The purchase must be made from a woman, there is no need to take change.
  • A black scarf is laid out on the table. This table should be clean, there should be nothing on it.
  • Take a piece of soap and draw a circle on the scarf. You should take soap that you have only used yourself.
  • Poppy is poured into the center of the circle. A cross is drawn on it with the ring finger and the following incantation is read:

    “There is a quiet island on the sea-ocean. The island has solid ground. The Lord God, the Mother of God and I live there. I will go closer to them and bow lower. Mother of God, you lived on a sinful earth, you took bread with your hands, you paid money for bread, you carried money in your wallet. Without money they don’t give food, they don’t weave clothes, they don’t sell candles in church. Give me, Lord, as much money in my wallet as there are poppies on this table. I close these words, I close this matter. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

The poppy spell is quite strong

Spell for 12 coins

You need to take 12 coins so that each of them is worth 5 rubles. During the full moon, you need to go to an intersection, extend your hand with coins and say the following words:

“The coins are shiny and want to increase. Higher power, help me! Give heavenly blessings, wonderful luck. There are one coin in hand every month. So my wallet grows as the days fly by. Come, get rich. Amen!".

After completing the plot, all coins are put into the wallet. They cannot be spent during the month and luck will not keep you waiting.

The plot is effective for aspiring entrepreneurs and businessmen. The result is not instantaneous, but reliable. Attract good luck in the following way. They wait until the full moon and perform the following ritual:

  • you need to take a coin so that it has a denomination of 5 kopecks or 5 rubles;
  • turn your face to the moon;
  • holding a coin in your left hand, draw an infinity symbol with your right hand;
  • pronounce words

    “Heavenly powers, start a continuous process of increasing my funds. Amen!".

Numerous coin spells help to attract luck and money into your life. Most of them are performed during the full moon. You just need to regularly read the words of the chosen spell and perform the necessary ritual. There are many conspiracies for good luck and luck, so everyone can check their effectiveness.

From the point of view of parapsychology, a conspiracy is a way of connecting to certain energies.

The person who pronounces it, as it were, becomes a conductor of these energies, he passes them through himself and, thereby, uses them.

If a conspiracy for good luck is read, then the person connects (let’s say, must connect) to the energy of luck, for health - the energies responsible for health come into play.
Along with the appearance in the world of such a concept as money, spells on it also arose. The issue of material well-being has worried people at all times, and remains relevant to this day.

That is why many still use money spells in order to gain the necessary amount or increase it through the energies of wealth.
Esotericists claim that regardless of whether you believe in the text of the conspiracy, whether you understand its meaning or not, it is still
And as soon as you pronounce it, you still hope for its effect. When choosing rituals or conspiracies for wealth, a person is determined to have a quick positive effect. Those who are experiencing difficulties with money hope for a solution to their material problems, while those who are wealthy dream of increasing their financial wealth without risk.

Let's look at some spells that will help with this.

Spell for well-being (for a silver spoon)

Buy a new silver spoon, wash it with holy water and say three times:

“Mountain of Abram, the power of Azdam, I turn to you, I know you with dark power.
Do not refuse me, servant (name),
Like a snake shedding its skin,
So I will throw off hunger, thinness, poverty.
Pick up, morning wind, carry my misfortune to distant lands,
Yes, there are three more forests, and three more seas,
Yes, there is ten vershoks worth of soil in the cheese.
And on the other hand, bring me, wind-breeze,
royal mansions, and a fine horse, and whole bins of gold and silver.
I take a spoon, then I shift the gold and silver,
Yes, I can’t move it for a week, I mix it, but I can’t mix it for a year.
If I put a spoon in gold, I won’t be able to find it, I won’t be able to rake it out.
On that stands an oak tree, on that oak tree there is a castle,
Yes, the key to that castle at the bottom of the ocean sea.
My word is strong. Amen."

Spell for prosperity (for a silver ring)

Take a silver ring, go out at midnight to an intersection where no one is driving, stand in the middle of the intersection, throw the ring behind your back and say:
“The Mother of God walked through holy places, through high mountains,
I collected the dew and poured it into the cup of gold.
Whoever drinks from this cup, wealth comes to him.
Whoever takes a sip does not know the need.
Whoever drinks two drinks, the trouble recedes from him.
Whoever drinks three drinks, God blesses him.
Gold, silver, house and livestock, and all sorts of goods.
Let it be so."

Take the ring in the morning. If there is no ring, it means the ritual failed :).

Spell for wealth (for a silver coin)

Fill a glass with water. Put a silver coin or the one you like in it.
For this water, read the following plot (3 times):

“As many fish in the sea as there is money in my wallet.”

Then close the glass with a lid. After 3 days, remove the coin from the water and put it in your wallet. She will be your money talisman, which will attract money to you.
Leave the water in the glass on the windowsill (without a lid) until the water has completely evaporated.

Spells for money and luck for wheat and a silver coin

Here is a simple way to cast a spell on money and good luck: put silver/copper money on a simple saucer without a pattern, pour wheat on the bottom, cover with gauze, water a little with warm water every three days to make the wheat grow, and say while watering:

“Mother wheat, you feed both young and old, and ours.
From the grain you give ten, fifteen, and twenty.
Let me, God’s servant, give birth to money, like this wheat.
How it grows day and night and doesn’t let you die of hunger,
so let my money grow and feed me.
God bless."

Wheat sprouted in this way can be used for a number of powerful rituals that give amazing results in increasing wealth.

Spell for silver against lack of money

At three o'clock in the morning they place silver money on their left palm and say three times:

“I like you in my spirit,
I buy money like a slave,
I'll keep it forever.
And as long as my spirit
It will not disappear from the earth,
This money, my slave,
It will not escape my hand.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language".

Full Moon Spell

Do it on full moon days, at midnight, when the sky is cloudless. Fill a pot or deep bowl halfway with water and throw a silver coin into the water.
Place the pot so that the light from the moon falls into the water. Make light movements with your hands above the surface of the water, symbolically scooping and collecting lunar silver in your palms.
At this time, say a spell for money and luck:

"Beautiful maiden of the moon,
I ask you to give me your wealth,
fill my hands with silver and gold.
My wallet will hold everything you give."

Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water into the ground.
This spell is read three times on a silver coin for three days in a row on the new moon (new moon).
At the end of reading the plot, the coin is locked three times with a cross.

Conspiracy for the New Moon

The plot should be read in the evening by moonlight. At the end of the spell, place the charmed coin on the window so that moonlight hits it, and leave it there until dawn. In the morning, put it in your pocket and carry it with you.
The coin cannot be spent or given to other people so that the conspiracy does not lose its power. This is a personalized coin, and it will not be of any use to other people.

“The month, the month is young,
You wander a lot across the sky among the stars,
You know a lot, You have magical powers.
The month, my golden friend, silver horns,
You, month, help me, talk money.
You can’t count the stars in the sky, and I (name) can’t collect money.
I lock up the money and carry it with me,
I bring earthly goods into the house.
Let it be so".

When the time of the new moon comes and the new moon appears in the sky again, the coin will lose its power, and then you need to repeat the whole ritual.
based on materials from www.astromeridian.ru


So, conspiracies work, but in different ways. That is, I want to say that the power of words is determined by the person who pronounces these words. The correct state of the person reading the plot is important. The power of a text spoken by a person who believes in the mystery is many times greater than the power of the same words spoken by a person far from magic.

Prayer is a sincere appeal to the Lord or Saints. And the conspiracy is a manifestation of paganism, our “roots”. The so-called prayers used in spells do not belong to church texts. They consist of words that have acquired the meaning of prayers.
Reading popular prayers before or after a ceremony is nothing more than a way to add weight to the rituals being carried out and an attempt to show people that conspiracies are approved by the church. However, this is far from the truth.
The clergy say: the use of conspiracies is a sin that must be discussed in confession.
Intuition and common sense will tell you the right attitude, so it’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not.

Many people associate wealth with something incomprehensible. But you can attract good luck to your home without much difficulty and stop suffering from poverty and lack of funds with the help of magical rituals and conspiracies.

Coin rituals will help you get rid of want

Attracting wealth

Money is more likely to stay in the house if the energy and atmosphere there are suitable for it. You should not just want a lot of money, but spend it correctly, avoid evil people.

To lure them into the house, you need

Reading rules

There are rules to follow if you are determined to use magic to attract wealth. If you do not adhere to them, then there will be practically no benefit from the ritual.

  1. If you are not sure that you want to perform a magical ritual, it is better not to do it. If you read the plot out of curiosity, but without faith, then nothing good will come of it. You may also harm yourself by doing this. Magic is needed for a person to resort to it in case of emergency, when he unconditionally believes in it and directs all his strength, thoughts and desires to achieve the desired result. Then the ritual will help.
  2. The coin spell must be read and pronounced correctly, delving into each word, understanding its meaning. If at least one word in the text is unclear, then its meaning must be clarified. You need to read clearly, without hesitation.
  3. Enrichment rituals cannot be performed on pregnant women. This is a big risk for the baby's life in the future. With a ritual you can hurt the delicate energy of a defenseless child, so it’s better not to risk it, it’s not worth it.
  4. Conspiracies, rituals, and prayers are completely different, which is why rituals need to be performed at different times of the day and night - all this is indicated in the recommendations for a specific ritual. Don't neglect these features to get the desired result.
  5. If you want another, more experienced person to perform a ritual for good luck and wealth for you, you can use the services. Just be sure to thank this person after the end of the action - give him something other than money and alcoholic beverages.
  6. 3 days before the ceremony, the person who will perform it must observe strict fasting, not offend other people and animals, experience positive emotions, do not get angry over trifles, do not envy and adhere to the basic commandments - luck will pass by the offender.
  7. You cannot tell anyone about your intentions about the coin plot. Even those closest to you should not know about this. Carry your own burdens without involving other people.
  8. Actions to attract money should not be postponed until later. If you decide, act on the conspiracy as soon as possible. Rituals performed

Rituals performed at Christmas will be especially effective.

Existing coin conspiracies

There are conspiracies for different purposes. You just need to choose the one you like, tune in emotionally and spiritually, choose the right time and fulfill your plans.

Spell on a coin to attract money

You need to find a gold coin over which a conspiracy will be carried out. Then a day is chosen when the sun is shining and the sky is clear. You need to place a coin in the room under the beam breaking through the window and read the following words:

“The sun is pouring gold onto the earth. His strength is going into a coin. Get warm. Use a solar magnet. Just as the light of the sun pours into the earth without barriers, so the flow of money will flow to me and will not be interrupted. Light up, coin, shine, flare up, turn into my wealth. Amen!".

After reading, you can sit down near the coin, admire it, think about pleasant things: how you will spend this money, how much joy it can bring you, how much good you can do with it, gifts and surprises for your loved ones, etc. The coin absorbs your energy and will attract good luck in the material sphere. When the sun turns and stops shining on the money, you need it quickly so that it protects and enhances your income.

To the waxing moon

This text can only be read while the moon is in its waxing phase. Otherwise it will not work. At this time, the night celestial body accelerates, attracts, enlarges everything, which is why you need to ask for what you want. When it becomes waning, you need to get rid of everything bad.

For the ritual you will need an equal number of coins and paper money. You need to put them in a room where moonlight penetrates, leave them and say the text over them:

“Magnificent moon, you are growing so quickly, so may my income also increase. Share your light with my money so that it becomes more and more every day. Money grows so quickly because they drink moonlight. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my threshold and house.”

You need to leave the money in this room and go to another. You cannot turn on the light during the ritual. After 2 hours, you can enter the room with money; you need to put it in your wallet and mark it, because the charmed money cannot be spent for a month. After 30 days, you can use new banknotes.

Near the water

  1. it cannot be carried out twice;
  2. it is carried out on an empty stomach;
  3. determine the time of the ceremony so that no one disturbs you;
  4. You need to read the words of the prayer clearly, without stuttering or stopping.

You need to take a piece of black bread, retire to a room and speak to it in these words:

“God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help all members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring good luck to me and take away grief. May the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my home and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone who needs it. Amen".

Read the words out loud 3 times and eat the magic piece of bread yourself.

Homemade strong magic

The ritual does not require the manufacture of special vastsenite objects, tossing coins at the crossroads, reading runes, only free time and candles.

You need to buy 3 candles of different colors: brown, green and white. Do not neglect the shades, they have a lot of meaning and the success of the entire ritual depends.

  1. White is the color of purity of soul, innocence, sincerity of the actions of the person performing the ritual.
  2. Green is the color of wealth, money and success that you need.
  3. Brown is the color of your work, the work you put into achieving success and wealth.

You need to choose any time of day, place the candles on the table, one opposite the other, so that you get a triangle. Light them up. Look at the fire and feel its energy within you. Then say these words:

“There is a fire burning in my soul. There is power and strength in money, so let me have both power and authority.”

Continue looking at the candles without looking away for a couple of minutes. Then carefully, deftly connect all the candles into one large one. Let these three colors merge together and help you in all your endeavors. Watch them burn until the candle burns out completely. The wax that remains will become your reliable amulet. It needs to be hidden in the apartment. This powerful conspiracy cannot be carried out again.

Green candle symbolizes wealth

If you need money extremely quickly

There are times in life when you need money very urgently. To do this, there is a coin conspiracy to quickly attract money with a nickel:

  1. choose a golden coin, place it inside a small clean plate;
  2. sprinkle grains of wheat on top - a symbol of prosperity, satiety and wealth;
  3. cover it with a cloth or handkerchief;
  4. After three days, pour clean water over the plate, read the magic text:

“Most Holy Mother, you give food to the elderly and infants, the noble family and the poor. From your grain you give 10, and 27, and fifty. Grant me luck, the servant of the Lord, let wealth arise, like a sprouted grain of wheat. Day and night the grain grows, wealth increases. The family will be fed, God bless me.”

  1. pour water on the plate, when the wheat begins to sprout, the coin will be filled with energy and will quickly begin to attract money into your home. You need to speak money wheat once.

Whisper in the corner

The magical number five has always been used as a strong magnet for money. The ritual to always have money is carried out like this: you need to choose a suitable day of the week, at midnight on the full moon, go to where there is an aspen tree.

How to charm a coin for money and good luck? Using a shovel, bury a patch and say a spell over it: “My seedling, receive the blessing of the Almighty. Reach, little sprout, towards the sun, bring me a harvest. A mouse won't be able to gnaw you, a worm won't eat you. Let no one take away my money either. Amen".

You can also try this ancient ritual with 5 rubles: at night, go to the window from which you can see the bright moon. Look at it and read these words:

“Like a merchant going to the market, I fly in like a young falcon, keeping an enormous fortune with me. Lord, send me prosperity. Let there be enough for everyone. Amen".

“Bring wealth over the threshold to me, coin, while I sleep. Shine, sparkle, and with your help I will find good luck.”

Carry an irreplaceable nickel with you for a month, then spend it on something very useful so that the money flows. Another month later, on a new full moon, you need to take a new coin and resume the magic, read the same words. This is how you can spell money for good luck and wealth.


Innocent requests for coins can be used easily and without a twinge of conscience. You can speak absolutely anything: sophia, ansari, kopek, cent, Chinese yen, ruble coin, nickel. Money can be made of any material (copper, silver, iron, gold). Don't worry if you think the ritual didn't work. Everything has its time. Attracting wealth with the help of higher powers is not a problem. The main rule: remember who you were before you became rich, do not neglect the poverty and financial problems of other people, do not acquire arrogance and hardness of soul.

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