Story games for a walk, senior group. “Autumn Journey to the Forest” (role-playing game in a dhow). Story-based role-playing game "Space Adventure"





Guiding a role-playing game in a senior group (card file of games).

Game "Kindergarten".

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about the work of a nurse and doctor, laundress, cook, janitor and other kindergarten workers. Fostering interest and respect for their work. Developing in children a sense of gratitude for the work of adults for them, a desire to provide them with all possible help. Development of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in collective creative play.

Dolls, toy dishes, Doctor set, toy telephone, substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Excursion to the doctor's office. Introducing attributes for organizing the game of “children’s doctor”. Reading the story “Our Doctor” by A. Kardashova. Observation of the work of a laundress. Organization of children's work - washing doll clothes. A tour of the kitchen. Lesson “Let’s bake buns for ourselves and the kids.” Modeling products for playing “cook”. Conversation “Who works in our kindergarten and how.” Drawing on this topic. Introducing attributes for organizing a collective game in the “kindergarten”.

Game roles. Doctor, nurse, teacher, manager, music worker, assistant teacher (nanny), cook.

Progress of the game. Before the game starts, the teacher carries out preliminary work. Together with the children, they visit the medical office, the kitchen, the laundry room, the rhythm room, the manager’s office and talk with the nurse and doctor, cook, laundress, and manager about their work.

After this, the teacher conducts a conversation in the group “Who works in our kindergarten and how”, and summarizes the knowledge gained on the excursion. Then you can play the game “Daily Routine” with the children, thereby outlining a game plan. You can also read stories and poems about kindergarten with your children and prepare the necessary attributes for the game: instruments for the doctor, doll dishes, etc. Next, the teacher can invite the children to play on their own, if the children have not yet developed a proper interest in the game, The teacher can act in the game as an equal partner, playing a major or minor role, indirectly influencing changes in the game environment, he can correct the game relationships. For example, he can offer children the following roles: “doctor”, “nurse”, “teacher”, “manager”, “music worker”, “teacher’s assistant”, “cook”. When all the roles have been distributed, the teacher encourages the children to play: “Now you need to do exercises with the dolls, then sit them down to have breakfast.” “Nanny needs to quickly go to the kitchen and bring breakfast.” “After breakfast, you need to go for a check-up with a doctor.” After breakfast, the “doctor” and “nurse” carefully examine the “children” and give each one recommendations. One child is sick and the “teacher” needs to call the parents on the phone: “Your daughter is sick, she needs to be picked up from kindergarten.” After a medical examination, the “children” need to go to a “music lesson,” etc. As the game progresses, the teacher monitors the correct development of the plot, smoothes out emerging conflicts, advises what else can be invented, and introduces new roles for the children if they wish.

Game "Family".

Target. Encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Improving the ability to independently create a game environment for a planned plot. Formation of valuable moral feelings (humanity, love, sympathy, etc.).

Subject development environment (equipment):Dolls, toy dishes, furniture, play attributes (aprons, scarves), musical instruments, substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Game-activities “It’s like we have a baby at home”, “It’s like dad and grandpa are at home, but mom is not at home”, “Mom’s holiday”, “Holiday in the family”, “Doll’s birthday”. Conversations about family relationships. Joint games with children of preparatory and junior groups.

Game roles. Grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, mother, father, brother, sister.

Progress of the game. In order to develop the game, the teacher can first talk with the children on the topic “Where do parents work.” Reveal the moral essence of the activities of adults: a responsible attitude to their responsibilities, mutual assistance and the collective nature of work. Next, the teacher encourages children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Invites the children to build a house according to their imagination, using building materials. During the construction of a house, he teaches children to agree on joint actions, draw up a preliminary design plan, and bring the work to completion. Then he brings in toys (dolls, furniture, dishes, etc.), game attributes (aprons, scarves). After this, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the following game situations: “When mom is not at home,” “We have guests,” “I’m helping mom,” “Family holiday,” etc.

The game “When Mom Isn’t Home” can be organized together with younger children, having previously explained the purpose of the joint game: to teach the kids to assign roles, plan the game, and play independently.

The game “We have guests” should teach children how to properly invite guests, greet guests, give a gift, and behave at the table.

In the game “I Help Mom,” the teacher needs to introduce elements of labor into it: washing doll clothes, mending clothes, repairing books, cleaning the room. As the game progresses, the teacher must select and change toys and objects, construct a play environment using a variety of auxiliary materials, use his own homemade products, and use natural materials.

The teacher must introduce new content into the plots of children's favorite games. For example, the game “Family Holiday” involves showing a concert in a kindergarten using children’s musical instruments: a piano, a metallophone, a tambourine, rattles, pipes, triangles, etc. “Family members” perform songs and dances, read poetry, joke, and ask riddles. This game requires preliminary work; the teacher, together with the children, can, at their request, decide who will do what at the holiday.

Also, the teacher can combine games that are similar in theme, creating the opportunity for long-term collective games, for example: “Family” and “School”.

Game "School".

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children to fairly distribute roles in games. Encouraging children to reproduce in games the everyday and socially useful work of adults.

Subject development environment (equipment):Dolls, furniture, building materials, play attributes (magazine, notebooks, pens, pencils), substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Excursion to school. Conversation with a 1st grade teacher. Reading the works of L. Voronkova “Girlfriends Go to School” or E. Moshkovskaya “We Play School” and others. Joint games with children of the preparatory group.

Game roles . Teacher, students.

Progress of the game. Before the game starts, the teacher organizes a tour of the school. There the children meet teachers, schoolchildren, and talk with them. It is also necessary to take the children around the entire school: show them the classrooms, canteen, workshops, locker room, etc. Then, in a group, discuss their impressions of the school. Then, to further enrich knowledge about school, the teacher reads to the children the work of L. Voronkova “Girlfriends Go to School” (or E. Moshkovskaya “We Play School”, etc.). This is followed by a conversation about what it means to be a schoolchild, who teaches the lesson, what supplies the student has, etc. The teacher also helps children in mastering expressive means of playing a role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures). Together with the children, the teacher can make attributes for the game: a magazine for the teacher, headbands for the attendants, etc. During the game, when constructing a school building or classroom, the teacher develops the design creativity and ingenuity of children, encourages the construction of interconnected buildings (street, school, cultural park , bridge, underground passage); proposes to use auxiliary materials in buildings (cords, pegs, planks, cones, wire, etc.). The methods of managing this game are different: the teacher plays the role of “teacher”, talks with children about how they will play, joint construction of a school or class. The use of such techniques promotes children’s independent organization of games, where they act in accordance with their selective interests (conduct reading, physical education, and mathematics lessons). Acting as an equal partner or playing a major (minor) role, the teacher must indirectly influence changes in the gaming environment and correct gaming relationships. The teacher should also facilitate the reproduction of everyday and socially useful work of adults in games. To consolidate knowledge of the Rules of the Road (the road from home to school and back), to combine games that are similar in theme, creating the possibility of long-term collective games: “Family” - “School” - “Road to School” - “City Travel”.

Game "Journey through the seas and oceans."

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Getting to know the labor of a guard. Strengthening children's ideas about the work of adults at the river station, on the ship. Consolidation and generalization of knowledge about the work of rural workers. Fostering a respectful attitude towards work. Getting to know the life of people in the North and South of our country.

Subject development environment (equipment):Construction material, technical toys: wind-up cars, boats, motor ships, steering wheels, clothing for sailors, a set of “Road Signs”, a set of toy animals and birds, substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Excursion to the river station and the ship. Conversation with a policeman, navy workers, and village workers. Reading the works of M. Ilyin, E. Segal “Cars on our street”; A. Sokolovsky “Hello, comrade, policeman!”; M. Markov “About the Furnace the Sailor”; F. Lev “We ​​are sailing on a self-propelled gun”; L. Voronkova “Tanya enters the village”; P. Donchenko “Petrus and the Golden Egg”; G. Yurmina “All works are good!”; S. Baruzdin “The Country Where We Live”; A. Chlenova “How Alyoshka lived in the North”; B. Zhitkova “What did I see?” Making attributes for the game: police shoulder straps, duty armbands, badges (sleeves), signs “Police”, “Staff Police Post”, “Lost and Found”; modeling of ships with different “lights” from multi-colored plasticine.

Subject development environment (equipment):Policeman, harbor master, cashier, salesman, duty officer, captain, boatswain, sailor, cook, ship's doctor, milkmaid, poultry worker, reindeer herders, lumberjacks, geologists, border guards, gardeners, etc.

Progress of the game. The game "Journey" is one of the favorite children's games. It can be implemented in various versions, for example: “Travel around the city”, “Trip along the river”, “Trip to the village”, “We are going to the North”, “We are going to the South”, etc.

When starting the game “Travel Around the City,” the teacher can first of all conduct an excursion to get acquainted with the sights of the city, buildings, the work of a policeman, etc. In the group, discuss what they saw, generalize knowledge, and answer questions that interest the children. Then the teacher can introduce the children to the works of M. Ilyin, E. Segal “Cars on our street”; A. Sokolovsky “Hello, comrade, policeman!” Discuss the moral meaning of people’s activities, the nature of their relationships. Jointly make attributes for the game: police shoulder straps, duty armbands, badges (sleeves), signs “Police”, “Traffic Police Post”, “Lost and Found”. Next, the teacher can invite the children to build buildings according to the idea and model (drawing, photograph, diagram). When playing with a building, use small rubber and plastic toys and objects (electric flashlight, pump). During independent play, the teacher teaches children to select the necessary play and work material, agree on joint games, follow the rules of behavior in a group game: share toys, play together, help a friend.

In the game “Journey along the river (lake, sea)” the role of the teacher is to systematically and systematically communicate to children information about the activities and relationships of river workers. In this game, the teacher leads children to the opportunity to combine several storylines. “POST OFFICE”, “SUPERMARKET”, “MEDICAL STATION”, etc. may appear during the process.

The teacher begins preparing for the game “Journey to the Village” by reading the works of L. Voronkova “Tanya Enters the Village”, P. Donchenko “Petrus and the Golden Egg”, G. Yurmin “All works are good!”, examines illustrative material with the children, tells on the topic “What I saw in the village”, conducts a conversation “About the work of village workers.” In order to implement positive play behavior in the game, the teacher can discuss with the children the characteristics of collective farm workers, for example, a milkmaid gets up early in order to have time to prepare food for the cows and calves, waters them and washes them, milks the cows, helps her comrades in their work, etc.

The teacher offers children sample game plots:

“Harvest on the collective farm”, “Our livestock farm”, “Harvest festival on the collective farm”, “Visiting grandma”, “Excursion to the poultry farm”, “Concert for village workers”, helps children in drawing up plot plans, in selecting episodes that can be included in the game, highlighting the actors (characters). After the game, the teacher, together with the children, discusses the behavior of the participants: means of conveying the role, role relationships, the ability to fulfill the learned norms and rules (culture of behavior, friendly collective relationships).

To create interest in the plot of the game “We are going to the North”, the teacher can read a “letter” from Yakutia with an invitation to visit the children, show postcards depicting the life of people in the North or briefly talk about individual Yakut cities and villages, invite the children to “go” to travel to the North, recommend that they discuss individual roles, reveal the moral meaning of the work of adults (reindeer herders, loggers, geologists, border guards, etc.). In order to create a sustainable interest in the topic of the game, the teacher can invite the children to look at illustrative material, compose a story on the topic “What did I see?”, read works, for example, S. Baruzdin “The Country Where We Live”, A. Chlenova “How Alyoshka Lived” in the North"), B. Zhitkova “What did I see?”.

You can arouse interest in the plot of the game “We are going south” by reading letters from Georgian children and showing photographs, postcards, toys.

Game "Russian Army".

Target. Formation of the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Formation in preschoolers of specific ideas about the hero-warrior, the moral essence of his feat in the name of his Motherland. Enriching children's knowledge about the feats of tank soldiers and sailors in their hometown. Expanding children's understanding of the types of warships: submarine, cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, missile boat, tank landing ship. Instilling in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their Motherland, and admiration for the heroism of people.

Subject development environment (equipment):Construction material, caps, scarves, bags for nurses, sandbags, helmets, substitute items.

Preparing for the game.Excursions to monuments and places of military glory. Review of illustrative material on the topic. Reading the works of L. Kassil “Monument to the Soviet Soldier”, V. Nikolsky “What Tankers Can Do” from the book “Soldier’s School”, J. Dlugalensky “What Soldiers Can Do” from the book “Don’t Lose the Banner”. Compiling an album about warrior heroes. Making attributes for games. Modeling of a tank, warship. Construction of military equipment from building materials.

Game roles. Tanker, soldier, nurse, captain, sailor.

Progress of the game. This game can be presented in various versions: “Tankmen”, “Combat Infantry”, “Warships”, etc.

First of all, when preparing for a series of games, children in the older group need to be introduced to the monuments that perpetuate the feat of our people during the Great Patriotic War. These are obelisks, monuments, cannon monuments, tank monuments, airplane monuments, ship monuments, erected in honor of the liberation of their native land. The teacher should organize excursions with the children to places of military glory. After the excursion, the teacher talks with the children about the Russian Army to form the idea that people honor the memory of heroes. During the conversation, the teacher should talk about the street in his hometown, which bears the name of a tank hero, a pilot hero, a sailor hero, etc. The teacher also introduces children to images of various types of warships: submarine, cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, missile boat , tank landing ship, etc. Then the teacher can read to the children the stories of L. Kassil “Monument to the Soviet Soldier”, V. Nikolsky “What Tankers Can Do” from the book “Soldier’s School”, J. Dlugalensky “What Soldiers Can Do” from the book “Don’t Lose the Banner” " Together with the teacher and parents, the children can create an album about heroic warriors. The teacher also invites children to draw a tank, plane, warship, combat vehicle, binoculars, and build a tank or ship. Then the teacher can offer a collective building of his choice: a tank, a warship, etc. During construction, he should pay attention to the dependence of the form of the building on its purpose, teach children to jointly discuss the plan of the structure and the organization of the subject-play environment. Together with the teacher and children from the preparatory group, the children can prepare attributes for the game: caps, scarves, bags for nurses, sandbags, helmets. Then the teacher can organize military sports games in which children reflect the peaceful service of infantry soldiers, tank crews, missilemen, and sailors. Children are asked to do what soldiers can do: shoot at a target, quickly crawl from bush to bush, run. The teacher organizes these exercises in the kindergarten area. The teacher first takes on the role of “Commander”; he monitors the correct execution of movements: throwing sandbags, crawling, jumping, etc. He notes the best performance of the role and encourages the achievements of indecisive children. Repeats exercises in order to achieve the desired result. Filling the roles of “soldiers” requires children to take certain actions and display certain qualities. Thus, the “commander” must definitely outline a task in the game and monitor how it is carried out; the “soldiers” must perfectly complete the task: throw far, quickly run across, deftly jump over. “Med-144 sisters” must also act quickly and be able to complete the task. Before each game, the teacher and the children need to have a conversation-discussion: who takes on what role, how they act, whose orders they carry out. A fairly large number of children in the group usually take part in such games, and coordination of their actions is important. Communication with adults in the game helps children to better understand the moral qualities of the warriors whose roles they play. To make the game purposeful, the teacher can develop a diagram map and familiarize all participants with it. The teacher prepares it with the children, outlines where the sentries should stand, where the first-aid post is located, where the ship is anchored, etc. And then the children independently outline their routes, discuss them together with the “commander,” and draw a map plan. On the map there is a headquarters and a hospital. The teacher also highlights on the map those objects that need to be overcome: a narrow bridge (log), a minefield (jump over an obstacle), a wire fence (stairs). Under the influence of children’s knowledge about the feats of warriors in their hometown, plots of games like “Tankers liberate the city” and “Crossing the River” arise. For example, the goal of the game: “tankers” and “infantrymen” need to destroy enemy tanks. The teacher says that the path is difficult and dangerous. The soldiers need to cross the river on a fallen log, then jump over the ditch, walk along the lake, cross the swamp along the hummocks and destroy enemy tanks. The tank is then considered destroyed if there is a hit on the target. "Wounded" soldiers are assisted by "nurses". After the victory, the “soldier” joyfully greets the population of the liberated cities and villages. The game can be repeated in different versions and take place not only on the territory of the kindergarten, but also on the river bank, in a park, square. This makes it possible to make wider use of natural materials and natural barriers. In this game there must be a relationship between creative and sports games. During the subsequent game, the teacher can suggest the following stories: “N. Gastello’s crew on a mission”, “Rescue of the Chelyuskinites”, “Valery Chkalov and his military friends are preparing for the flight”, “Storm at sea. The passenger ship has lost contact with the ground”, “Emergency rescue squad of the Black Sea Fleet”, “Warship protects the city”, “Aircraft carrier “Brave” in training”, etc. Always after the end of the game, the teacher should support the children’s conversations about the past game, when this is noting the role behavior of individual game participants, their game interaction and relationships, as well as the use of game substitution means.

Game "Supermarket".

Goals. Teach children to coordinate their own game plans with those of their peers, and change roles as the game progresses. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games; develop dialogical speech.

Example game actions:

Arrival at the supermarket;

Purchasing necessary goods;

Consultations for managers;

Sale announcements;

Payment for purchases;

Product packaging;

Resolving conflict situations with the director or administrator of the supermarket.

Subject development environment (equipment):Cash register, food sets, workwear for salespeople, cashiers, managers, souvenirs, checks, bags, wallets, money; sets of small toys; magazines, newspapers, clothing, shoes, hats, account books, price tags, indexes, department names, telephones, walkie-talkies, microphones, packaging, grocery carts.

Preliminary work:Events within the framework of the thematic week “Let's eat right, try to be healthy”

Game roles: Seller, mom, dad, grandma (teacher).

Game actions:The grandmother (teacher) says that there are not enough products in the house and asks to go to the store. Mom and dad decide to go shopping with the whole family - taking the baby in the stroller with them. Grandmother asks to buy only healthy products so as not to harm your health. Arriving at the store, mom and dad ask the seller to give them vegetables, fruits, dairy products (they call each), pay, receive change, put the products in a bag and stroller and return home. The grandmother looks through the groceries and asks mom to cook dinner, and dad to take a walk with the baby, since she herself is tired and wants to lie down. The game then develops according to a plot familiar to children.

Game rules:the rule does not yet completely determine behavior, but the immediate desire to violate the rules prevails. He notices better from the outside.

Real and playful relationships between children playing: the role is clearly obvious, the name stands out. Role-playing speech addressed to a fellow player appears, but sometimes ordinary non-game relationships appear.

Pedagogical support of the game:The teacher provides organization and discreet guidance.

Predicted results, game development:the fulfillment of a role and the flow of actions from it, among which actions begin to stand out that convey the nature of the relationship to another participant in the game.

Game "Construction".

Goals. Teach children to assign roles and act in accordance with the role they have assumed, use attributes in accordance with the plot, construction sets, building materials, resolve disputes fairly, and act in accordance with the game plan. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, develop the creative imagination and expressiveness of children’s speech.

Example game actions:

  • selection of construction site;
  • selection of building material, method of its delivery to the construction site;
  • construction;
  • building design;
  • delivery of the object.

Subject development environment (equipment):construction plans, various building materials, tools, uniforms, construction equipment, helmets, material samples,

design magazines.

Game roles: “bricklayer”, “crane operator”, “builder”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “painter”.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called...? (house)". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.

Game “Ambulance. Clinic. Hospital"

Goals. To develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of medicine. Foster respect for the work of medical workers, establish rules of conduct in public places.

Example game actions:

  • arrival at the clinic, registration;
  • doctor's appointment;
  • prescribing medication;
  • calling an ambulance;
  • hospitalization, placement in a ward;
  • treatment assignments;
  • examinations;
  • visiting the sick;
  • extract.

Subject development environment (equipment):gowns, doctors’ caps, patient cards, prescriptions, directions, “Little Doctor” kits, “medicines”, telephone, computer.

Progress of the game : the teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, and come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases turn to the doctor: the bear has toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door, etc. We clarify the actions: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment and are admitted to the hospital. Children of older preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Game "Television".

Goals. To consolidate the role actions of television workers, to show that their work is

collective, the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one person. To consolidate children’s ideas about the media and the role of television in people’s lives.

Example game actions:

  • program selection, program compilation by editors;
  • writing texts for news and other programs;
  • preparation of presenters and spectators; studio design;
  • work of lighting and sound engineers; showing the program.

Subject development environment (equipment):computers, walkie-talkies, microphones, cameras, firecrackers, programs (texts), symbols of various programs, costume elements, makeup, cosmetic sets, interior elements, scenery, scripts, photographs.

Preliminary work:conversation with children on the topic “Television”; production of a “logo” for the program in the form of an application, identification badges for the participants in the filming (presenters, cameraman, reporters, guests of the program); preparing space for decorating the studio, watching fragments of several programs.

Progress of the game.

The first day. Preliminary conversation.

Guys, guess the riddle.

There is a magic chest in the corner,

Sings songs, tells fairy tales.

A house on legs, with a window in the middle,

The window will light up and a movie will appear.

That's right, it's a TV. Do you like watching TV? What do you like to watch most? (children's answers).

Television is a foreign word, it consists of two parts:

“tele” - into the distance, “video” - look, see, i.e. look into the distance.

There is a saying: “Television is a window to the world.” How can you explain this saying? (children's explanations).

Guys, television is called information technology, it is one of the types of information. With its help we learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We can say that this is a basic, modern, interesting, creative, necessary, colorful source of information.

Television produces programs on a variety of topics.

Many different specialists participate in the filming: cameramen (they film with a video camera), reporters (talk with people, collect material about various interesting events), announcers or presenters (introduce TV viewers to the news or conduct programs on various topics).

Each program is broadcast from its own studio, which has its own logo, i.e. distinctive sign.

I suggest you guys set up your own studio and film the program “Our Favorite Kindergarten.”

Let's come up with a symbol for our show.

Children offer their own options. We choose an image of Cheburashka, since our kindergarten is called “Cheburashka”. Together with the children we make an applique on whatman paper. We cut out small circles from cardboard and draw icons that identify the participants in the shooting.

We distribute the roles: two presenters, five to six reporters, guests, the role of the operator is performed by the teacher (he will film the program).

Guests should prepare in advance, think about what they can tell about their kindergarten.

Children are encouraged to think about their roles at home and tell their parents about the game.

Day two – filming.

I remind the children that today we will be filming the program “Our Favorite Kindergarten.” We are preparing the studio: setting up a table and chairs for the presenters, attaching a logo.

We are filming the first part of the program: the guys - the presenters - sit down at the table and start broadcasting.

"Hello. The program “Our Favorite Kindergarten” is on air. Its presenters are Nastya and Marina in the studio. What interesting things do we have in our kindergarten?

Today we will find out about it.” If children find it difficult, an adult can suggest the right words, but there is no need to limit children’s independent statements.

Then the reporters film, the guys interview the guests of the program, then you can arrange a tour of the kindergarten.

"Hello. What is your name? Why do you love our kindergarten? Tell us in more detail. Thank you. Vanya was with you."

Another reporter gives a tour of the kindergarten and talks about it.

Filming at the studio is wrapping up. The presenters say goodbye to the audience and can express their opinion about what they saw.

Day three.

An adult prepares the material (parents can be involved), it is formatted similarly to the “News” program.

The teacher invites the children to watch the program. Then there is a discussion: what you liked, what you didn’t, whether you liked playing the chosen roles, whether you want to do another show.

Game "At a car service station"

Goals. Teach children to distribute roles and act according to the role they assume, to reflect the relationships between the players. To cultivate interest and respect for the work of transport workers, to awaken the desire to work conscientiously, responsibly, to take care of the safety of equipment, to consolidate knowledge of traffic rules. Develop children's memory and speech.

Example game actions:

  • the dispatcher issues waybills to drivers;
  • the driver goes on a flight, checks the car’s readiness, refuels the car;
  • a mechanic carries out repair work;
  • provides the necessary assistance to a friend; delivers the cargo to its destination;
  • puts the car in order;
  • returns to the garage.

Subject development environment (equipment):steering wheels, plans, maps, road maps, various documents (licenses, technical passports of cars), tool kits for car repairs, road signs, traffic lights, insurance cards, car first aid kits, telephones.

Progress of the game: inform the children that there are a lot of cars on the city roads and these cars break down very often, so we need to open a car service station. Children are offered to build a large garage, equip a place for car washing, and choose employees and maintenance personnel. They are introduced to a new working specialty - a mechanic who repairs cars (engine, steering, brakes, etc.).

Game "Atelier" House of Fashion"

Goals: To develop the ability of children to divide into subgroups in accordance with the plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. To cultivate respect for the work of a seamstress, fashion designer, cutter, to expand the idea that their work is collective, that the quality of the work of another depends on the conscientious work of one person. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of measurement methods in the game. Develop children's dialogical speech.

Example game actions:

  • cutters take measurements, make a pattern; the receptionist places the order, determines the deadline for completing the order;
  • the seamstress fulfills the order, tries on the product;
  • the head of the studio monitors the execution of the order, resolves conflict situations when they arise;
  • the cashier receives money for a completed order;
  • Delivery service may apply.

Subject development environment (equipment):sewing machines, fashion magazine, sewing tools (cm, threads, fabric samples, etc.), accessories, patterns, order forms, “mannequins”.

Game "ABC of Traffic"

Goals: Develop a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to distribute roles and act in accordance with the role assumed. To instill respect for the work of traffic safety inspection workers, to reinforce the idea of ​​their importance for the life of the city, working conditions and the relationship between “inspector - driver”, “inspector - pedestrian”. Develop dialogical speech.

Example game actions:

1. “Traffic accident.” Upon an alarm signal, police, ambulances, and fire trucks go to the scene of the traffic police. A policeman examines the scene of the incident. Firefighters extinguish the fire. The doctor provides first aid to the victim (doll).

2. “Excursion to the traffic light.” The child takes on the role of a teacher. A group of children follows him. At an intersection near a traffic light, a child-teacher asks how to cross the road correctly. The children answer. The child-teacher stands in the middle of the road and raises a red flag, the children cross the road.

3. “Red, yellow, green.” Children are pedestrians. The red light comes on - the children are standing still, yellow - they are getting ready, green - they are crossing the road.

4. “Traffic congestion.” There was a traffic jam at the intersection. A police officer helps resolve the situation.

5. "Road signs." Children pretending to be cars drive along the “street” paying attention to road signs.

6. “The ball rolled out onto the road.” Children play with a ball. The ball rolled out onto the road. There is a jam. The traffic controller comes to the rescue. It helps cars pass. Then he approaches the children and explains that they cannot play near the road.

7. “Safety island”. Children pedestrians with dolls walk along a pedestrian crossing at a green light. The yellow light turns on, pedestrians have reached the middle of the road. They stand on the traffic island and wait for the next traffic light to turn green.

8. “There is no traffic light or the traffic light is broken.” There was a large flow of cars due to a broken traffic light. Pedestrians cannot cross the road. A traffic police officer comes to the rescue and helps

Resolve the situation.

9. “Pedestrian Rules.” Children pedestrians walk along the sidewalk, observing the rules for pedestrians: walk, keeping to the right; do not come close to the roadway.

10. "Passenger transport". The bus “travels” around the city, stopping at stops. “Passengers” get off the bus and cross to the other side of the road, observing the rule “walk around the back of the bus”

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations from the series “For preschoolers about the rules of the road”; didactic games: “Road Signs”, “Traffic Light”; reading fiction: A. Usachev “Road Rules”, H. Taidre “Me and the Street”, M. Kamensky “At the Crossroads”.

Subject development environment (equipment):costumes “Transport”, “DPS Officer”, “Policeman”, control rod, steering wheels, portable road signs, traffic lights, canvas “Pedestrian Crossing”, flags for crossing the street, models of buildings and trees, model of a gas station (gas station): gas station, canister, cash register, model of a car repair shop: tools, a bucket with a brush, a pump, strollers and dolls, toys - cars “Modes of Transport”, wallets, money, tickets for public transport, head masks with images of cars.

Game "Pirates"

Goals: To develop the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team, to learn to create the necessary buildings, to use substitute items, to understand the game situation and act in accordance with it. Display in the game impressions of the literature you read, cartoons and films you watched. Develop creative imagination, activate children's speech.

Example game actions:

  • building a pirate ship;
  • treasure hunt;
  • meeting of two ships;
  • conflict resolution.

Subject development environment (equipment):Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, tape recorder, gymnastic stands (2 pcs.), arches, map (2 pcs.), compass, binoculars, toy fish, screen, tulle, gymnastic sticks (2-3 pcs.), buckets, dishes, shovels, chest, attributes for pirates, anchor, steering wheel, attributes for providing medical care, flag, sail.

Design of a developing environment: thematic exhibition “In the Blue Expanse” (illustrative material, paintings by marine painters, as well as marine-themed items).

Preliminary work:

Stories from children’s personal experiences “How I vacationed at sea in the summer.”

Drawing "I'm on an island."

Watching the cartoon "The Adventure of Captain Vrungel."

Making attributes for the game.

Visit to the Oceanarium in Voronezh.

Reading works:

G. Vieru “By the Sea”.

R. Kipling “Where does a whale get such a throat.”

S. Sakharov “Who lives in the sea.”

G. Snegirev “The Seagull”.

K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”.

Game roles: captain, sailors, fishermen, cooks, nurses, pirates, travelers.

Estimated course of the game.

Disturbing music sounds. On the screen there is a sandy shore and a sealed bottle thrown out by the waves.

The teacher and the children examine the bottle and notice that there is something inside it. The children open the bottle and discover a card. Examining it, they come to the conclusion that it is a pirate map, which indicates the place where the treasure is hidden. The teacher suggests going in search of pirate treasure, since the bottle was found on the seashore, the journey will begin from the seashore.

The teacher asks a series of questions: “What is necessary for traveling by sea? What can we build a ship from? What do you need to take with you on the road? How will these items help us in the future?”

During construction, ship models appear on the screen.

When construction is completed and the travelers are gathered on the ship, the teacher reminds them that they need to choose a captain and crew members.

While traveling by sea, an image of the sea during a storm appears on the screen. The sound of waves sounds.

During a storm, one of the team members ends up in the open sea. The teacher asks the question: “How do we save the man overboard?” Children make a number of proposals aimed at salvation. The sailors choose one of them and save the person and provide first aid.

There is a tropical island on the screen. The birds of paradise are singing.

Travelers find themselves on the island and come to the conclusion that it is necessary to build a house and improve their daily life. The house is built from scrap materials, consulting with each other. Then the travelers discuss how they will get their food (hunting, fishing) and prepare their food. During cooking, injury is possible (cut, burn), while hunting (bruise, broken leg). Children, using the attributes of the game, provide assistance. Boys hunt, fish, girls cook, clean the house, and provide medical assistance if necessary.

Night on the screen. The pirate song from the cartoon "Treasure Island" is playing.

The course of the game involves the resistance that children offer to pirates, the role of the teacher is to prevent cruelty.

The pirates beg for mercy and, in gratitude for their release, tell them where the treasure is hidden. The children find a chest, in it they find a map and a letter informing them that the treasure was stolen by Captain Jack Rip the Head and hidden in another safe place. The pirate offers to find them using a map.

The travelers look at the map and come to the conclusion that they must look for pirate treasure in the desert.

During the conversation, the teacher suggests continuing the search for treasure in the desert in the next game.

There is an image of the sea on the screen. Cheerful music is playing.

The children on the ship are returning home.

Game "Model Agency".

Goals: Continue to teach children to assign roles. To develop the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, to unite again into a single team. Learn to create the necessary play space, use substitute objects, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. To cultivate respect for the work of a seamstress, fashion designer, cutter, designer, makeup artist, model and expand the idea that their work is collective. Learn how to design a spring collection of children's clothing. Continue to teach how to model role-playing dialogue, develop dialogical speech, and expand children’s vocabulary. Cultivate friendly relations with each other. Display the phenomena of social life in the game.

Example game actions:

  • distribution of roles between children;
  • selection of models for display;
  • selection and discussion of the model with the fashion designer, selection of material;
  • cutters take measurements and make patterns;
  • advertising designers design the window display;
  • the sewing workshop cuts out the silhouette of clothes from fabrics and glues them onto album sheets - making a collection;
  • make-up artists select hairstyles, jewelry and accessories;
  • fashion show.

Preliminary work:Acquaintance with professions: artist - fashion designer, designer, seamstress, cutter, makeup artist, model. Viewing a CD showing recordings of the work of a modeling agency, clarifying the actions performed by a person in each profession. Getting to know fabrics. Making exclusive handbags for a fashion show with parents.

Subject development environment (equipment):sewing machine, centimeter, clothing models, fabrics and materials for applique. Colored paper, cardboard for making advertisements, scissors, pencils. Makeup artist kits – combs, hair dryers, hair clips, fabric face masks, etc. Belts, sashes, hats. Camera, agency-style decorations, music. Plastic bags of different colors and sizes, tape. Collection of exclusive handbags, accessories.

The prospect of enriching the subject-development environment: creating an album with photographs, a portfolio with models.

Progress of the game

Educator. Guys, spring has come. And I have a problem, I don’t know what clothes I can buy for my daughter to make her elegant and fashionable. Can you help me with this? Let's create a new children's spring clothing collection. Do you agree?

Educator. What do we need for this?

Educator. We will create a new collection of children's spring clothing. Guys, I suggest you open a real modeling agency. Let's come up with a name for it together and work there. What do you think? (children's suggestions)

Educator: So, our agency will be called “Fashionable Spring”.

But if we open a modeling agency, what professions should we invite?

Children's answers (seamstress, makeup artist, designer, fashion designer, cutter, model).

Educator. Our agency needs a showcase, this is the face of the company and our advertising. Who wants to become a window display designer?

Children are chosen at will.

You need to make the inscription “FASHIONABLE SPRING”. You can cut letters out of paper, cardboard or fabric and place the inscription at the entrance to our agency. Place dolls in the display case and make elegant costumes (children are offered different materials to work with).

Your profession is called window dressing designers.

Educator. Who can be an artist-fashion designer in our agency?

Children are chosen at will.

The teacher invites the children to their workplace. You will need: paper, colored pencils, a collection of fabrics from which you can sew clothes (pieces of leather, etc.). Your task is to draw new clothing models and choose fabric for them. Your profession is called fashion designers.

The teacher places a sign with the name of the profession.

Educator: Guys, we don’t have models yet, what should we do?

Give children the opportunity to answer the question.

And I think I know, I’ll now call the “Volskaya Beauty” competition and ask them to send models to work for us at the agency, and they will help and show us our clothing collection. All agree?

The teacher calls on the phone. Hello! Is this the Volskaya Beauty modeling competition? Could you send five girls to work with us to show our collection? They're already on their way! Thank you.

Model girls join the group.

Educator: greet the models with applause. Dear models, you can go to the makeup artist, you can just relax in the chair.

Educator: Dear makeup artists, take your jobs.

Children go to the chairs if they wish.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to the sewing workshop with me. We will sew clothes according to the sketches of our fashion designers.

Educator: A lot of different materials were delivered from our warehouse, let's see what we have? Takes out: plastic bags, paper, boxes.

Children and their teacher examine, discuss, and decide what material the clothes will be made from.

Paper gets wet, tears, is not durable, the size of the leaves is not suitable, etc. Boxes are not suitable for sewing clothes.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you use plastic bags. We look at them, find out what could come out of them (rustling, soft, with a pattern, such things will be resistant to moisture). Get to work!

The teacher and the children cut out armholes for the head and arms from the bags. Add accessories: belts, belts, hats. We invite models.

Educator: Guys, we need to dress the models in our fashionable spring collection of clothes and add accessories.

Dressed girls - models go into another room, everyone sits down to watch.


What's happening today

There are no empty seats in the hall!

Someone is walking along the catwalk,

Raising my head proudly,

Viewers, support us,

Give an admiring look!

Fashion show of models accompanied by music. Models walk down the proposed catwalk.

Educator: Friends! We owe the birth of our wonderful collection to people of different professions, and we greet them with thunderous applause. We invite artists - fashion designers, makeup artists, window display designers, cutters, seamstresses, designers. The teacher introduces workers of different professions and calls the children by name.

Game “Sailors. Fishermen. Submarine".

Goals: To form patriotic feelings in children based on familiarization with the military actions of our people. To improve children's ability to creatively develop a plot, to combine several plots with one content. Develop speech and role interaction, coherent monologue and dialogic speech. Continue to form positive relationships between children during play. To cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards warriors, which is expressed in imitation of them in agility, speed, courage, and the desire to be like them.

Preliminary work:Reading fiction: A. Mityaev “Our Weapon”, “Why the Army is Dear to Everyone”; L. Kassil “Your defenders”; Examination of the illustrations “Dear Army”, conversation “Defenders of the Motherland”, drawing “Across the seas - along the waves”, meeting with a veteran, a veteran’s story about an incident on a ship.

Subject development environment (equipment):building material, vest, naval collar, captain's cap, visor, medical gown, radio headphones, computers, lifebuoy, anchor, rudder, binoculars, medical kit, weapons.

Example game actions:

  • construction of a ship, submarine;
  • preparation for swimming, choosing a route;
  • swimming, performing role-playing actions;
  • ship repair;
  • divers' work;
  • raising the flag on a ship;
  • return to the port (dock).

Tracking screen; periscope.

Game "Circus".

Goals: Teach to distribute roles and act in accordance with the role assumed, to cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. To consolidate children's ideas about cultural institutions, rules of behavior in public places, to consolidate knowledge about the circus and its workers.

Example game actions:

  • production of tickets, programs for circus performances;
  • preparing costumes;
  • purchasing tickets; coming to the circus;
  • purchasing attributes;
  • preparing artists for performances, drawing up a program;
  • circus performance with intermission;
  • photographing.

Preliminary work:Looking at plot pictures about the circus, listening to the songs “Circus Chapiteau”, “Clowns and Children”, “Circus, Circus, Circus”, “Where the Circus Went”. Reading the story by V. Dragunsky “Girl on the Ball”, E. Uspensky “School of Clowns”.

Subject development environment (equipment):posters; tickets; programs; costume elements; attributes: spouts, caps, whistles, soap bubbles, “ears”; garlands, clown figures, flags, etc.; attributes for circus performers: ropes, hoops, balls, clubs; makeup, cosmetic sets; special clothing for ticket takers, buffet workers, etc.

Progress of the game: I gather the children in a circle and address them:

Guys, look how beautiful and cozy it is here, warm and light. Let's welcome our guests:

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello little flower!

We live in our native land!

We welcome you all!

After the greeting, the children sit on chairs in a semicircle.

I draw the children's attention:

Guys! Look who's rushing to visit us. The postman comes in and brings a letter from the circus director saying that the animals in his circus are very sick.

Children! Let's help the circus director replace the animals. Shall we help? (Yes).

I ask the children questions:

Guys, which of you was in the circus? (We)

Do you know what a circus is? (There are animals performing, clowns making people laugh, acrobats and gymnasts showing their routines...)

Where is the most important circus in Russia? (No).

The most important circus is located in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and it is named after the funniest clown who made your grandparents, mothers and fathers laugh - this is Yuri Nikulin.

Guys! Who is the most important person in the circus? (Circus director).

Right. And without whom the circus performance will not take place? (Without circus performers).

What circus performers do you know? (jugglers, trapeze artists, clowns, strongmen, magicians, animal trainers).

Well done! Guys, what does a juggler do? (children's answers), trainer? (children's answers), clown? (children's answers).

Well done! Tell me, please, what professions do people work in the circus? (a cashier who sells tickets, a controller who checks tickets, a barmaid who sells sweets, juices, sellers who sell souvenirs and toys...)

Guys! Do you want to go to a circus performance and help the director replace the animals? (Yes).

Then let's choose circus performers (animals). Distribution of roles.

What does Alyosha want to become? - a tiger. And Dima? - a lion. (Another lion is chosen). And who will be the trainer of wild animals? -Danya. And who will help Dana? - Lily. (According to this principle, animal artists - horses, dogs - are selected).

Children, who do you choose as a clown? (children offer a teacher).

Guys! Do you know who runs the program at the circus? (No).

This is the entertainer! I suggest choosing Natalya Alexandrovna. Do you agree? (Yes).

We also need to choose a cashier, a controller. (Children continue to assign roles).

Children, do you know who meets artists with music? (Orchestra).

Let's choose who will play in the orchestra. (Children choose).

Well, the roles have been assigned. How will we go to the circus? (By bus).So we need to choose a driver first? Who wants? (children choose).

And now you can hit the road. We get on the bus. (The song “Smile” plays).

Stop "Circus". Everyone gets off the bus and goes to the ticket office. (Children buy tickets and take their seats)

Well, the roles have all been assigned, I invite the artists to go backstage and prepare for the performance. And the rest of the children will meet the artists while playing in the orchestra.

After the orchestra's performance, the compere comes out:


The circus is great!

It's festive and bright everywhere!

There's a lot of laughter here!

Everyone is invited to visit!

Welcome! Our circus lights up! (music added).

Our holiday program is opened by the famous clown Vasya! Please welcome him! (Applause sounds, a clown runs onto the stage to cheerful music and shows his act).

Applause! Applause!

And now the trainer of the smallest dogs in the world, Elizaveta Sobachkina, is performing with her pets. "Room with dogs"

Applause to our artists!

And now the most fearless animals in the world—predators—and their trainer, Daniil Tiggrov, are performing. Meet! "Room with tigers and lions"

Applause to our bravest wild animal trainer!

The clown Vasya comes out and plays with a hoop.

Entertainer: What are you doing, Vasily? Are you ruining the show?

Vasya: I’m learning how to spin a hoop.

Entertainer: This should not be done during a performance and it takes a long time to learn. Don't interfere with the program. (clown Vasya leaves offended).

Entertainer: And now there’s a surprise for you! The famous acrobat from Argentina, Elizaveta Obrucheva, performs. Meet! "Number with a hoop"

Entertainer: And the final number of the program - the kindest animals perform. Meet! The horse trainer is Victoria Zherebtsova, and helping her is Guys, look! Yes, this is our clown Vasya. "Room with horses."

Entertainer: Applause to our artists!

The time for parting comes,

But let's not be sad goodbye

We are always happy to meet again.

The Circus of Miracles says goodbye.

And nothing will interfere

To meet friends again.

The circus is moving around the world,

But he will still come back to us!

All the artists of the Alle Parade!

After the alley parade, the children change clothes (who were animals and trainers).

Guys! You were all great. The show is over, and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. We get on the bus again. (Children get on the bus).

Here we are again in kindergarten. Did you guys like it at the circus? (Yes). What did you like most? (children's answers).

I am very glad that you all helped to help out the circus director and he sent you gifts (distributing candy to children).

Game "Theater".

Goals: Teach children to act in accordance with the role they assume, to form a friendly attitude between children. To consolidate children’s ideas about cultural institutions and their social significance. To consolidate children's knowledge about the theater, about the theater troupe, theater workers, to show the collective nature of work in the theater, to develop expressiveness of speech, to form play activities, to develop the plot, the ability to interact during the game, to implement the plan, to distribute roles, to plan, to select attributes, to equip the place games, to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.

Preliminary work:

● conversations about the world of theater;

● reading a fairy tale, watching the “Turnip” puppet theater;

● joint production of attributes for the game, posters for the “performance”;

● games – improvisation;

● examination of the “Theater” illustrations;

● watching older children play; children's stories about games;

● building a bus from modules.

Example game actions:

  • choice of theater;
  • production of posters, tickets;
  • the arrival of spectators to the theater;
  • preparing actors for a performance;
  • preparing the stage for the performance by theater workers;
  • performance with intermission.

Subject development environment (equipment):screen; various types of theaters; posters; tickets; programs; costume elements.

Progress of the game.

1) Techniques for creating interest in the game.

Bring in the costumes of the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”: grandfather, grandmother, turnips, granddaughters, bugs, cats, mice.

Go out to the children dressed as Baba Yaga, talk with the children about this role; dress up in a stargazer costume. Talk about different roles in the theater. Offer to be real artists by going to the “theater”.

Build a “bus” with the children - chairs, “wheels”; arrange chairs for spectators. Advise where it is better to arrange the attributes for the game: in the “buffet” (“treats”), in the “dressing room” (sets of toy cosmetics), in the “costume room” (stage clothes, various hats). Remind how passengers should behave when boarding a bus, in a theater, and pay for tickets before watching a performance.

2) Conspiracy to play:

Discuss the plot plan with the children (The driver is waiting for passengers who need to be taken to the theater. In the theater, clothes are handed over to the wardrobe, the audience goes to the auditorium or to the buffet, the actors go to the costume room, to the dressing room. The compere announces the start of the performance. They show a fairy tale. Spectators give flowers to the actors and take autographs.)

Distribute roles with children using a counting rhyme or as desired.

3) Techniques for teaching game actions.

Give the children an example of how a costume designer selects costumes, a make-up artist applies makeup, and how a barmaid delivers ice cream during intermission.

The teacher participates in the children's play when introducing new roles: cloakroom attendant.

4) Techniques for maintaining and developing the game.

If the game stops, then the teacher joins the game in the role of a photojournalist who is late for the performance or needs to interview an actor.

Invite the children to use substitute objects: a cube - “cell phone”, a rolling pin - “microphone”, a cardboard tea box - “camera”, encourage children to independently search for substitute objects and ways to realize the game goal.

5) Techniques for forming relationships in the game.

Remind about polite relationships and attention to each other. Help children agree and act together if difficulties arise.

Game over.

Discuss with the children how each performed the role. Offer to remove the attributes and prepare for another type of activity: make “tickets” for the next game.

Game rating

Assess the relationships between the children, whether they played together, and how they coped with the role they took on.

Game "Explorers".

Goals: Teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they take on. To consolidate children's knowledge about scientists, about their interesting and difficult work, and specific working conditions. Learn to model game dialogue.

Example game actions:

  • selection of research object;
  • creation of a laboratory;
  • carrying out experimental work;
  • photographing, recording intermediate results;
  • recording research results in a journal;
  • science Council;

Subject development environment (equipment):laboratory kits; microscopes; magnifying glasses; various insects (plastic); natural materials; cups, test tubes, mirrors, magnifying glass, pipettes, tweezers, clay, sand, pump.

Game "Mail"

Target: Continue to form in children realistic ideas about the work of people in different professions. Expand children's understanding of the work of postal workers. Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help. Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.

Preliminary work:conversations, looking at illustrations, reading literature, making a mailbox, stamps.

Subject development environment (equipment):postman suit, truck, stamps, envelopes, white sheets of paper, colored pencils, markers, candy wrappers, plasticine, glue; circles, squares and triangles for decorating mittens, mittens made of colored cardboard, a box for parcels, a letter.

Example game actions:

  • design of a post office with various departments;
  • work of the delivery department;
  • work of the communications department;
  • work of the department of postal orders and parcels, parcels;
  • telegraph.

Subject development environment (equipment):postmen's bags; envelopes; postcards; newspapers magazines; parcels; subscription sheets; forms; reference journals;

seals, stamps.

Game roles: postmaster; sorter,postman, driver.

Progress of the game:

Situation “Sending letters”

Children prepare letters: draw pictures for each other and seal them in envelopes glued together. They cut out and glue printed pictures and numbers onto envelopes that correspond to the pictures and numbers of their locker in the locker room. The finished envelopes with letters were placed in the group mailbox.

Plot "Retrieval of Letters"

Postal workers, having received instructions from the postmaster, remove letters and transfer them to the sorting department.

Plot "Sorters"

Sorters sort letters, newspapers, and magazines. The postmaster monitors the progress of the work.

Plot "Postmen"

We clarify ideas about the duties of a postman. Postmen deliver correspondence to the address.

Game "Editorial"

Goals : actions of editorial staff to show that their work is collective, the result of the entire team depends on the quality of the work of one. To consolidate children's knowledge about the media, about the role of newspapers and magazines in our lives. Develop children's speech.

Example game actions:

  • editorial team;
  • making a newspaper or magazine layout;
  • distribution of tasks and their implementation;
  • photography, writing articles;
  • using pictures, coming up with titles;
  • compilation of a newspaper (magazine).

Subject development environment (equipment):cameras; magazine layouts; notepads; photos; camera roll; typewriter; computer; drawings.

Progress of the game.

1. Motivation.

Message via intercom: “Good morning, dear colleagues! Listen to the announcement: The editor-in-chief asks you to come to the conference room for a planning meeting.”

2. Conducting a planning meeting.

The children pass and sit at a round common table.

The plan for the new working day is being discussed.

Editor-in-Chief: Hello, dear colleagues! I am glad to see you! At yesterday's work meeting, we discussed the proposed topics for publishing a new issue of our magazine. Please, express your ideas.

What would you like to write a report about?

What month is it now? March – what month?

What topic do you think is especially relevant now, with the onset of spring?

Arina Sergeevna, please name the topic of your report.

What will Alena Yuryevna work on?

Yakov Dmitrievich, please tell us the topic of your report. What exactly will you tell our readers about?

Sabir Siranovich, do you have any photos ready? Think about maybe doing some more photography on topics that interest your colleagues.

Are graphic designers ready to work?

Dear colleagues, you can start your work. If you have any questions, please contact me, I’m in my office. Have a nice day!

3. Children's play activities.

The children themselves work on creating reports. In case of difficulties, please contact the editor-in-chief.

4. The result of the gaming activity.

The office manager invites everyone to the conference room.

Employees bring their reports and talk about them.

The material is sent to the printing house for final printing.

Game "Zoo"

Goals: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love and humane attitude towards animals, expand children's vocabulary.

Example game actions:

  • purchasing tickets to the zoo;
  • studying the plan of the zoo,
  • route selection;
  • young animals playground,
  • work of guides with young animals;
  • tour of the zoo, observation of animal feeding, cleaning of enclosures;
  • recreation area.

Subject development environment (equipment):tickets; zoo layout; signs; construction material; elements of animal costumes; set of animal toys.

Progress of the game: The teacher tells the children that a zoo has arrived in town and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. There they look at the animals, talk about where they live and what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals and how to care for them.

Game "Cafe" McDonald's. Pizzeria".

Goals: Teach to independently distribute roles and act in accordance with the role, teach to independently create the necessary buildings, and develop the skills of a friendly attitude among children. Encourage children to more widely use knowledge about the life around them in games.

Example game actions:

  • table selection;
  • getting to know the menu;
  • order acceptance;
  • order preparation;
  • eating;
  • work with the manager if necessary (complaint, gratitude);
  • payment for the order;
  • cleaning the table, washing dishes.

Subject development environment (equipment):aprons; sets of dishes; trays;

menu; tablecloths; towels; napkins; product sets; pizzeria.

Game "Space Explorers"

Goals: Teach children to independently assign roles, understand an imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. To consolidate children's knowledge about space research, about the specific working conditions of researchers, to teach how to model game dialogue, to use various construction sets, building materials, and substitute objects. Develop children's creative imagination and coherent speech.

Example game actions:

  • selection of a research object (planet, star, soil from another planet, etc.);
  • creation of a laboratory;
  • work at the observatory;
  • carrying out experimental work;
  • study of photographs, videos from space;
  • use of space scientific stations;
  • Academic Council;
  • summing up the research results.

Subject development environment (equipment):map of the cosmic sky; constellation map; elements of spaceships; binoculars, walkie-talkies; observation log.

The prospect of enriching the subject-development environment:telescope.

Progress of the game:The guys are told that the spaceship will take off in a few minutes. Those who wish can become space tourists. But in order to fly into space, you need to think about what qualities you need to have? (Be smart, brave, strong, kind, cheerful.) And you also need to be healthy. Anyone who decides to go into space must undergo a medical examination. The doctor examines tourists and issues a permit. Children choose a Pilot, a Doctor on a ship, a Navigator. Everyone is ready to fly. The dispatcher announces the start. Passengers fasten their seat belts. From a height, children look (pictures) at the view of the planet Earth, talk about why it is called the blue planet (most of it is covered with water). Children tell what oceans, seas, and mountains they know. The spaceship makes a stop on the planet Mars. Tourists go out, examine the planet, and draw conclusions about the existence of life on this planet. The ship flies on. Next stop is Jupiter. Tourists are once again exploring the planet, sharing their knowledge and impressions. The ship returns to Earth.

Game "Dry Cleaning".

Goals:Form joint activities aimed at the quality of role performance. Use substitute items if necessary. Reflect in the game ideas about the service sector, consolidate children’s knowledge about dry cleaning employees. Develop memory, activate children's speech.

Example game actions:

  • order acceptance; placing an order;
  • payment for the order;
  • cleaning clothes;
  • using the laboratory to find new remedies;
  • fulfillment of an order;
  • order delivery.

Subject development environment (equipment):admission forms; covers for clothes; cloth; laboratory kit; washing machine; iron.

Game "Rescue Service".

Goals:Create conditions and encourage social creativity, develop the ability to divide into subgroups in accordance with the game plot and, at the end of a given game action, unite again into a single team. Expand children's understanding of the humane nature of the work of the rescue service, its necessity, and mobility in emergency situations. Develop children's speech.

Example game actions:

  • alarm call;
  • inspection of the scene of the incident, location orientation;
  • distribution of rescue work between different groups;
  • use of special-purpose equipment;
  • rescue of victims;
  • provision of first aid;
  • delivery of necessary items to the incident area;
  • return to base.

Subject development environment (equipment):

  • a set of special-purpose equipment;
  • walkie-talkies, telephones;
  • plans, maps;
  • rescue service symbols;
  • tools;
  • safety helmets, gloves;
  • lanterns;
  • using attributes from other games, such as Ambulance.

The prospect of enriching the subject-development environment:control panels,

freight transport; cables (ropes).

Game "Library".


Coordinate your own game plan with the plan of your peers, change roles as the game progresses. Display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, show the social significance of libraries. Expand ideas about library workers, establish rules of behavior in a public place. Develop children's memory and speech.

Example game actions:

  • registration of reader forms;
  • acceptance of applications by the librarian;
  • work with the. card index (using a computer);
  • issuing books;
  • searching for necessary books in the archive; reading room.

Subject development environment (equipment):computer; index cards; books; card index, magazines, baby books, subscriptions /reader forms/; reader tickets; children's computer; invoice for new books; portraits of writers; clothes hangers; pictures-numbers for the wardrobe, book forms, pockets for books, bookmarks for books, pictures for stickers in readers' forms, tape, glue, paper for repairing books.

Game roles:Library manager, cloakroom attendant, driver, librarians, readers.

Game actions:

● Preparation of forms

● The librarian accepts requests for books

● Selection and distribution of books to readers

● Working with readers’ files

● Ordering new books and preparing an invoice for books

● Acceptance of new books using an invoice /using a children’s computer/

● Systematization of new books by topic

● Design of the book exhibition “New Books”

● Visiting the reading room/viewing magazines; drawing pictures based on books read/


  1. Game “Kindergarten”………………………………………………………2
  2. Game “Family”………………………………………………………3
  3. Game “School”………………………………………………………4
  4. Game “Journey through the seas and oceans”……………………………5
  5. Game “Russian Army”…………………………………………… 6
  6. Game "Supermarket"……………………………………………………8
  7. Game “Construction”…………………………………………………………………… 9
  8. Game “Ambulance. Clinic. Hospital" …………….. 10
  9. Game “Television”………………………………………………….. 10
  10. Game “At a car service station”…… 12
  11. Game "Atelier" Fashion House"………………………………………………………… 12
  12. Game “ABC of Road Traffic”………………………………... 13
  13. Game “Pirates” ……………………………………………………… 14
  14. Game “Model Art”…………………………………………. 15
  15. Game “Military Sailors. Submarine"………………………….. 18
  16. Game "Circus" …………………………………………………………… 18
  17. Game “Theater”……………………………………………………………. 21
  18. Game "Explorers" ………………………………………………… 22
  19. Game "Mail" …………………………………………………………… 23
  20. Game “Editorial”……………………………………………………….. 24
  21. Game “Zoo” ……………………………………………………… 25
  22. Game "Cafe" ……………………………………………………………. 25
  23. Game “Space Explorers”………………………………………. 26
  24. Game “Dry Cleaning” ……………………………………………………… 26
  25. Game “Rescue Service”…………………………………………………………. 27
  26. Game "Library" …………………………………………………….. 28

Card index of plot -
role playing games in secondary

Tasks: Strengthen children's ideas about family and the responsibilities of family members. Develop interest in the game. Teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they assume, to develop the plot. Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life through play. Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes. Foster love and respect for family members and their work.
Resource support: Furniture, dishes, attributes for equipping a house, “kindergarten”, large construction set, toy car, baby doll, toy stroller, bags, various substitute items.
Preliminary work: Conversations: “My family”, “How I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?” “What do we do at home?” Examination of plot pictures, photographs on the topic. Reading fiction: N. Zabila “Yasochkin’s kindergarten”,
A. Barto “Mashenka”, B. Zakhoder “Builders”, “Driver”, D. Gabe from the series “My Family”:
“Mom”, “Brother”, “Work”, E. Yanikovskaya “I go to kindergarten”, A. Kardashova
"Big Wash".
Game roles: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, eldest daughter, preschool children, baby doll.
Plots played out:
"Morning in the Family"
"Lunch in the Family"
"Dad is a good boss"
“We have a baby in our family”
"Evening with the Family"
"Mom puts the kids to bed"
"Family Day Off"
“A child in the family fell ill”
“We help mom wash clothes”
"Big House Cleaning"
"Guests have come to us"
"Moving to a new apartment"
“Holiday in the family: Mother’s Day, New Year, birthday”
Game actions:
Mom teacher gets ready and goes to work; prepares everything necessary for activities with children; accepts children and works with them; plays, walks, draws, teaches, etc.; gives children to parents, cleans the workplace; returns home from work; relaxes, communicates with her children and husband; helps grandma, puts the children to bed.
Mom-housewife collects and escorts her daughter to kindergarten, her husband to work; takes care of the youngest child (doll), walks with him, cleans the house, prepares food; meets a child from kindergarten, a husband from work; feeds them, communicates, puts the children to bed.
Dad the Builder gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; builds houses, bridges; returns from work, picks up the child from kindergarten, returns home; helps his wife around the house, plays with the children, communicates.

Dad Driver gets ready for work, takes the child to kindergarten, goes to work; delivers loads (bricks) to the construction site, unloads them, goes for new ones; picks up the child from kindergarten and returns home; helps his wife around the house; invites neighbors over for tea; sees off neighbors; communicates with children, plays with them, puts them to bed.
Grandmother collects and escorts grandchildren to kindergarten and school; cleans the house; turns to her eldest granddaughter for help; picks up her granddaughter from kindergarten and asks the teacher about her behavior; cooks dinner, bakes a pie; asks family members how the work day was; offers to invite neighbors to tea (dinner), treats everyone to a pie; plays with grandchildren; gives advices.
Grandfather helps grandma, dad, reads newspapers, magazines; plays with grandchildren, communicates with neighbors.
Eldest daughter helps grandmother prepare food, wash dishes, clean the house, iron clothes; plays and walks with his younger sister, communicates.
Preschool children get up, get ready and go to kindergarten; in kindergarten they do: play, draw, walk; return from kindergarten, play, help parents, go to bed.
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the content of labor actions of kindergarten employees. Induce in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults. Cultivate friendly relationships in games between children.
Resource support: Dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, washing machine, basin, drying rack, ironing board, irons, stove, cookware set, food, vacuum cleaner, musical instruments .
Preliminary work: Supervising the work of a teacher and assistant teacher. Conversation with children about the work of a teacher, assistant teacher, cook, nurse and other kindergarten workers. Excursion-inspection of the music (physical education) hall, followed by a conversation about the work of muses. manager (physical supervisor). Excursion-inspection of medical. office, observation of the doctor’s work, conversations from the personal experiences of children. Inspection of the kitchen, conversation about technical equipment that makes the work of kitchen workers easier.
Game-dramatization based on N. Zabila’s poem “Yasochkin’s kindergarten” using toys. Excursion to the laundry. Organization of children's work - washing doll clothes, handkerchiefs.
Game roles: Doctor, nurse, teacher, music worker, sports director, nanny, cook, laundress.
Plots played out:
"Morning Reception"
"Our classes"
"Exercise in kindergarten"
"Nanny Job - Breakfast"
"Nanny's job - group cleaning"
"On a walk"
"At a music lesson"
"At a physical education class"
"Medical examination"
"Lunch in the garden"

"The work of a cook in a kindergarten"
“Working in the laundry room of a kindergarten”
Game actions:
Educator receives children, talks with parents, plays with children, conducts classes.
Gym teacher does morning exercises and physical education.
Junior teacher keeps order in the group, assists the teacher in preparing for classes, receives food...
Music supervisor conducts music class.
Doctor examines children, listens, makes appointments.
Nurse measures temperature, height, weighs, gives vaccinations, checks the cleanliness of groups and kitchens.
Cook prepares food and gives it to the teaching assistants.
Laundress washes the clothes, dries them, irons them, folds them neatly, and gives them clean clothes to the nanny.
Tasks: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. Develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Fix the names of medical instruments: phonendoscope, syringe, spatula.
Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Vocabulary work: phonendoscope, spatula, grafting, vitamins.
Resource support: doctor's gown and cap, nurses' gowns and caps, medical instruments (thermometer, syringe, spatula), bandage, brilliant green, cotton wool, mustard plasters, patient cards, vitamins.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observing the work of a doctor. Reading fiction: J. Rainis “The doll got sick”, V.
Berestov "Sick Doll". A. Barto “Tamara and I”, P. Obraztsov “Treating a doll”, A.
Kardashov "Our Doctor". Dramatization “The Animals Are Sick.” Looking at the album
“We play doctor.” Making attributes for the game. Conversations with children “We are being treated by a doctor and a nurse”, “How should we behave in a doctor’s office?”
Game roles: Doctor, nurse, patient.
They act out the following stories:
"At the doctor",
"Calling the Doctor Home"
"I hurt my finger"
"Sore throat"
“Let’s put a prick”
"Let's get vaccinated"
Game actions:
Doctor receives patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens, looks at their throats, makes prescriptions.
Nurse gives injections, gives medicine, vitamins, puts mustard plasters, lubricates wounds, bandages.
Sick comes to see a doctor, tells what worries him, and follows the doctor’s recommendations.

"I am a driver"
Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the profession of a driver or auto mechanic. Develop the ability to build role-playing dialogue, use role-playing speech, creativity in the game, using real objects to create a game environment. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.
Foster a culture of behavior in transport.
Vocabulary words: gas station, gasoline, canister, tanker, conductor, mechanic, baton, inspector, license.
Resource support: tools for car repair, gas pump, building material, steering wheel, canister, hose for simulating filling a car with gasoline, a bucket with a rag, tickets, money, a bag for the conductor, a traffic light, a baton, an inspector’s cap
Traffic police, driver's documents (licence).
Preliminary work: Excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus, taxi and driver's work. Introduce simple control gestures:
“stop”, “get ready”, “passage is permitted”. Outdoor games: “Pedestrians and Taxi”, “Traffic Light”. Reading and looking at illustrations on the topic “Chauffeurs”. Di
“Attentive driver”, “Recognize the car”, “Repair the car”. Reading: V. Suteev
“Different wheels”, 3. Alexandrova “Truck”, A. Kardashov “Rain car” E.
Motkovskaya “I am a car” B. Stepanov “Chauffeur”, “Bus Driver”, B. Zhitkov
“Traffic Light”, N. Kalinina “How the Guys Crossed the Street”, N. Pavlova “By Car”.
Game roles: Taxi driver, bus driver, conductor, passengers, truck driver, mechanic, gas station attendant, policeman (traffic police inspector).
Plots played out:
"Building a bus"
"Learning to Drive a Bus"
"The bus carries passengers"
"Car repair"
"I'm filling up the car"
“A truck is carrying furniture to a new house.”
“The truck carries cargo (bricks, sand, snow)”
“A grocery car carries food (to a store, to a kindergarten, to a hospital)”
“I’m taking passengers to the station”
"I'll go to the garage"
"We're going to kindergarten"
"Riding around the city"
"We're going to visit"
"Trip to the Dacha"
Game actions:
Taxi driver delivers passengers to their destination, takes money for travel, takes care of passengers, helps stow luggage.
Truck driver loads and unloads cargo.
Bus driver drives the bus, turns the steering wheel, gives a signal, troubleshoots problems, makes stops, announces them.
Conductor sells tickets, checks travel tickets, keeps order inside the bus, answers passengers' questions about where it is most convenient for them to get off.
Passengers get on the bus, buy tickets, get off at stops, yield

seats for elders, passengers with children, help them get off the bus, follow the rules of behavior in public transport, communicate; preparing for a long trip
– collect things, water, food for the road; they dress up and comb their hair if they go on a visit or to the theater.
Mechanic carries out repair work, checks the condition of the car before the trip, washes the car with a hose - wipes it.
Refueler inserts a hose, pours gasoline, takes money.
Police officer (traffic police inspector)– regulates traffic, checks documents, monitors compliance with traffic rules.
Tasks: Introduce the specifics of the work of male and female hairdressers. To form children’s understanding of how women care for their nails. To teach them to perform several sequential actions aimed at fulfilling their duties. Develop the ability to engage in role interaction and build role dialogue. Foster a culture of communication with
Vocabulary words: master, hairdryer, apron, cape, razor, manicure.
Resource support: Mirror, bedside table for storing attributes, various combs, bottles, curlers, hairspray, scissors, hair dryer, cape, apron for hairdresser, manicurists, cleaners, hairpins, elastic bands, bows, towel, magazines with hairstyle samples, razor, hair clipper hair, towels, money, mop, buckets, dust cloths, floor cloths, nail polish, nail file, cream jars.
Preliminary work: Conversation “Why do we need hairdressers.” Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Reading stories by B. Zhitkov “What I saw”, S. Mikhalkov “In the hairdresser”. Excursion to the hairdresser.
Consideration of items necessary for the work of a hairdresser. Didactic games
“Beautiful hairstyles for dolls”, “Let’s learn how to tie bows”, “Choose a bow for a doll”, “Miracle hairdryer”. Consider shaving items. Making game attributes with children (aprons, capes, towels, nail files, checks, money, etc.).
Making the album “Hairstyle Models”.
Game roles: Hairdressers - ladies' and men's stylists, manicurists, cleaners, clients (visitors): mothers, fathers, their children.
Plots played out:
“Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser”
"Dad takes his son to the hairdresser"
“Let’s give the dolls beautiful hairstyles”
“We’re going by bus to the hairdresser.”
“Doing hair for the holiday”
"Let's get ourselves in order"
"In the men's room"
“Purchasing goods for the hairdresser”
“We invite a hairdresser to a kindergarten”
Game actions:
Women's salon hairdresser puts a cape on the client, dyes his hair, washes his hair, wipes it with a towel, cuts his hair, shakes off the cut strands from the cape,

puts hair in curlers, blow-dries hair, varnishes it, braids hair, pins it, gives recommendations on hair care.
Men's salon hairdresser shaves, washes hair, blow-dries hair, gives haircuts, combs clients' hair, shapes beard and mustache, offers to look in the mirror, refreshes with cologne.
Manicurist files his nails, paints them with varnish, applies cream to his hands.
Clients they greet politely while waiting in line - look at albums with illustrations of different hairstyles, read magazines, can drink coffee in a cafe; asking for a haircut or manicure; they consult, pay money, thank you for your services.
Cleaning woman sweeps, dusts, washes the floor, changes used towels.
"Shop - Supermarket"
Tasks: To form children’s ideas about the work of people in a store, the variety of stores and their purpose. Learn to perform different roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Develop visual and effective thinking and communication skills.
Cultivate goodwill, the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of playing partners.
Vocabulary words: showcase, cashier, confectionery.
Resource support: showcase, scales, cash register, handbags and baskets for customers, seller's uniform, money, wallets, goods by department, vehicle for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.
“Grocery store”: dummies of vegetables and fruits, various pastries made from salt dough, dummies of chocolates, candies, cookies, cakes, pastries, boxes of tea, juice, drinks, sausages, fish, milk cartons, cups for sour cream, jars from yoghurts, etc.
Preliminary work:
Conversations with children “What stores are there and what can you buy in them?” “Who works in the store?”, “Rules for working with the cash register.” D/i “Shop”, “Vegetables”, “Who needs what?”. Reading the poem “Toy Store” by O. Emelyanova. B. Voronko “A Tale of Unusual Shopping” Making bagels, buns, cookies from salt dough, making candy.
Game roles: Seller, buyer, cashier, store director, driver.
Plots played out:
“Bakery-confectionery (bread department, store)”
"Vegetable shop (department)"
"Meat and sausage shop (department)"
"Fish shop (department)"
"Dairy store (department)"
"Grocery store"
"Musical Instrument Store"
"Book Shop"
Game actions:
Salesman puts on a uniform, offers goods, weighs, packs, puts goods on shelves (designs a display case).
Store director organizes the work of store employees, makes requests for goods, pays attention to the correct work of the seller and cashier, and monitors order in the store.

Buyers come for shopping, choose a product, find out the price, consult with sellers, follow the rules of behavior in a public place, pay for the purchase at the cash register, and receive a receipt.
Cashier receives money, punches a check, issues a check, gives change to the buyer.
Chauffeur delivers a certain amount of various goods, receives requests for goods from the store director, unloads the delivered goods.
Tasks: Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals, their appearance, habits, and nutrition. Expand children's understanding of the responsibilities of zoo employees. To develop in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of a game using building floor material and to act with it in a variety of ways. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.
Foster a kind, caring attitude towards animals.
Vocabulary words: veterinarian, guide, aviary (cage).
Resource provision:“Zoo” sign, building material (large, small), truck with cage, animal toys, plates for food, food models, brooms, scoops, buckets, rags, apron with sleeves for workers, tickets, money, cash register, white coat for a veterinarian, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit.
Preliminary work: A story about a visit to the zoo. Talk about animals using pictures about the zoo. Conversation “Rules of behavior in the zoo.”
Guessing riddles about animals, Reading poems by S.Ya. Marshak “Children in a cage, “Where did the sparrow have dinner?”, V. Mayakovsky “Every page, then an elephant, then a lioness.”
Making the album “Zoo”. Drawing and sculpting animals. Didactic games:
“Animals and their babies”, “Riddles about animals”, “Who lives where? ", "Animals of hot countries", "Animals of the North".
Game roles: Zoo director, tour guide, zoo workers (servants), doctor
(veterinarian), cashier, builder, visitors.
Plots played out:
“Building cages for animals”
“The zoo is coming to us”
"Tour of the Zoo"
"We're going to the zoo"
"Purchasing food for animals"
"Feeding the Animals"
“Cleaning enclosures (cages)”
"Animal Treatment"
Game actions:
Zoo director manages the work of the zoo.
Guide conducts excursions, talks about animals, what they eat, where they live, their appearance, how to treat animals, talks about safety measures and how to care for them.
Zoo workers) receives food for animals, prepares

special food for animals, feed them, clean cages and enclosures, wash their pets, and take care of them.
Doctor (veterinarian) examines the animal, measures the temperature, gives vaccinations, treats zoo inhabitants, gives injections, gives vitamins.
Cashier sells tickets to visit the zoo and excursions.
Builder builds an enclosure for an animal.
Visitors buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo, look at the animals.
"Sailor Fishermen"
Tasks: Teach children to take on and play out the roles of captain, helmsman, sailors, cook-cook, and sailor-fishermen. Continue to teach how to use substitute items and clearly carry out the chain of game actions. Activate children's speech.
Foster friendly relationships and a sense of teamwork.
Vocabulary work: Cook, anchor, steering wheel.
Resource support: large building material, captain's cap, caps, guy collars, lifebuoy, medical gown, medical instruments, anchor, steering wheel, binoculars, bucket, mop, cook suit, tableware, toy fish, nets, fish box, money.
Preliminary work: Reading fiction about fishing, ships, sailors. View photographs, paintings about the sea, sailors, ships. Conversation
"Who works on the ship." Drawing and sculpting fish.
Game roles: Captain, fishermen, doctor, cook (cook), driver.
Plots played out:
"Building a ship"
"Sailors sail on a ship on the sea"
“Sailors fish, work as fishermen”
"Sailors check their health with the ship's doctor"
“Sailors sail the sea, fish, have lunch”
"Sailors go ashore and go to the hairdresser"
“Sailors bring their catch ashore and hand over the fish to the store.”
“Sailors sail to the big city and go to the “Zoo”
“The sailors returned from sailing and went to the store”
Game actions:
Captain steers the ship, turns the helm, looks through binoculars, gives the command to cast off, drop anchor, fish, controls the work of the fishermen, gives the command to moor to the shore.
Sailor fishermen they carry out orders, wash the deck, unwind the net, throw it into the sea, catch fish, put it in boxes.
Doctor examines sailors before sailing, allows them to go to sea, and treats those who are sick on the ship.
Cook (cook) prepares food, feeds sailors.
Driver drives up to the ship, checks the quality of the fish, buys the fish from the fishermen, loads it into the car and takes it to the store.

Tasks: To form children's ideas about the work of postal workers. Expand children's understanding of ways to send and receive correspondence. Develop imagination, thinking, speech. Foster independence, responsibility, and the desire to benefit others.
Vocabulary work: printing, parcel, postman, sorter, receiver.
Resource support: a table for sending and receiving parcels, a mailbox, a postman's bag, envelopes with paper, stamps, postcards, parcel boxes, children's magazines and newspapers, attributes for the "pigeon" character, money, wallets, stamps, a car.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the post office, monitoring the reception of correspondence and mail dispatch. Conversations about different types of communication: mail, telegraph, telephone, Internet, radio. Watching the films “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in
Prostokvashino", "Snowman-Postman". Reading S. Ya. Marshak “Mail”, Y. Kushan
"Postal History". Making stamp seals, envelopes, postcards, stamps, mailboxes for letters, bags, money, wallets, etc. Collecting postcards, magazines, calendars. Didactic games “Send a letter”,
“The journey of a letter”, “What you need to work as a postman”, “How to send a parcel”. Listening to “The Postman's Song” by B. Savelyev.
Game roles: Postman, sorter, receiver, driver, visitors.
Plots played out:
“A letter arrived, a postcard”
« The carrier pigeon brought a letter"
"Send a greeting card"
“Buying a magazine at the post office”
“Send a parcel to your grandmother”
"A message from a fairy-tale hero"
"The driver is carrying the mail"
Game actions:
Postman picks up letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards from the post office; distributes them to addresses; sends correspondence to the mailbox.
Visitor sends letters, postcards, parcels, packs them; buys envelopes, newspapers, magazines, postcards; complies with the rules of behavior in a public place; takes a turn; receives letters, newspapers, magazines, postcards, parcels.
Receiver serves visitors; accepts parcels; sells newspapers, magazines.
Sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, parcels, puts a stamp on them; explains to the driver where to go (to the railway, to the airport...).
Chauffeur takes letters and postcards out of the mailbox; delivers new newspapers, magazines, postcards, letters to the post office; delivers parcels; delivers letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.

The most important period in a child’s life is preschool childhood. After all, at this time the formation of his personality takes place. Children develop character and develop skills of correct behavior.

It is in this period that the child acquires basic knowledge about the life around him, and at the same time, his attitude towards the people around him, their actions and behavior is formed. In addition, the game can relieve any negative feelings.

What does play give to a child?

Everyone working in kindergartens is very well aware of the importance that play has in the formation of children’s personality, their acquisition of various skills, abilities and knowledge, development. All this will be necessary during the period of schooling.

A collection of role-playing stories, specially prepared by adults during the development of the Federal State Educational Standard, helps educators discover additional talents in children. This includes creativity and mastery of the elements of theatrical acting. Using game techniques, it is very easy to prevent the development of negative qualities in a child, such as isolation and laziness.

Role-playing game is the basis of a child’s social development

All this happens in the game, since it is the main activity for children. The older the child gets, the more valuable it becomes, especially if directed by a teacher.

Thanks to this, forms of behavior are formed. Through it, the ability to establish relationships in a children's team is formed, find suitable partners and choose the necessary means in order to realize what is planned.

A card file of plot-based role-playing games in the senior group with the goal of developing the necessary social skills in children provides an opportunity to master everyday skills and choose the right lines of behavior when communicating with different people. Simply put, through the games presented in the card index, the child is introduced to life in society.

What is this teaching material?

A card index of role-playing games in the older group provides a great help to the teacher for the proper organization of children's activities. This material is very convenient to use in your work, because each of the proposed cards presents not only the plot of the proposed game, but also full paraphernalia for it.

They can be either single-sided or double-sided, so to make them durable, simply stick each one onto cardboard or laminate it. The card index is represented by 17 colorfully designed cards, each of which represents a certain branch of life with possible scenes for playing.

For example, a home and family or a hairdresser, a store, a zoo. Each game has a full description: what tasks and goals are set, roles for playing out situations, preliminary work, necessary material that should accompany the proposed plot, actions.

Why do we need a role-playing game?

All games based on role-playing certain plots are of great importance in the development of a child’s personality. After all, through them it is very easy to form both social and moral feelings in preschoolers. But when modeling relationships, the main emphasis should be on those that carry kindness and humanity.

A card index of role-playing games in the senior group with the goals of instilling in children responsiveness, mercy and respect for people is a great help for educators, especially those who are just starting their careers. And it will be very useful for parents.

Such games are interesting to both girls and boys, as they affect their emotional sphere. Thanks to them, not only gaming, but also real relationships develop, learning to obey certain rules, coordinate actions and subordination. The ability to express love, respect and care, as well as to comply with the necessary rules of behavior is formed.

Self-expression and self-affirmation of the child through role-playing games

The most susceptible to any influence is the preschool age, because a critical attitude towards everything that happens around has not yet been formed, but the degree of perception of everything that happens is very high.

The file of role-playing games in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard is designed to give the child the opportunity for self-affirmation and self-expression through taking on a certain role in a playful way and demonstrating a creative approach to it. Due to this, the overall development and maturation of the child occurs.

How to use games to create positive emotions in children?

The card index of role-playing games in the older group also plays a very important role in the formation of positive moral and ethical qualities, relationships among themselves and emotions in preschoolers. All qualities that were formed in everyday life become stronger during role-play.

With the right approach from the teacher, positive feelings are also stimulated by joint preparation for the lesson, when a place for it is selected, the necessary attributes are prepared and roles are assigned.

Thanks to the development of emotionality, the child has the opportunity to regulate behavior and learn to avoid actions that he could commit by succumbing to fleeting desires or random circumstances. In addition, the teacher can determine the state of his inner world based on the child’s emotions.

What techniques can you use to guide children in play?

The use of such necessary material in the classroom as a card index with role-playing games for the older group gives educators the opportunity to supervise the actions of children and direct their activities. There are several basic techniques for this:

  • joint discussion of the plot of the game and assistance in choosing the right lines of behavior for each of the participants;
  • correct selection of a play group, taking into account the combination of active and passive children;
  • the use of priority in those roles that are most popular.

A special card file with role-playing games for the older group allows educators to direct the game without disturbing its plot and while preserving the creative nature of preschoolers’ activities. The teacher can take part in a role-playing role or help with explanations and advice along the way.

You can also regulate game relationships when using a multi-character plot, for example, not one, but two cooks, or when determining the rules of behavior for a puppet character introduced into the game.

Thanks to the developers of the Federal State Educational Standard, such a file cabinet appeared. The older group, with role-playing games designed as separate cards, will not have problems choosing topics. After all, the card index contains a wide variety of them.

What is needed to properly organize such games?

In order for all role-playing games on a certain plot to produce the necessary effect, a subject-developmental environment must be organized in the group, taking into account the needs of children both in self-affirmation and in creativity. It is diverse, changeable, dynamic and represents a large field for activity.

The card index of role-playing games in the older group suggests the abandonment of stationary play areas that have always existed in kindergartens, since they fetter the initiative of children by offering ready-made plots. All didactic material and attributes should be placed in bright trays made of wood or plastic, equipped with special markings, for example, a book for “library” or a red cross for “pharmacy” and “hospital”.

Moreover, thanks to the imagination of children and such methodological material as a collection of role-playing games for the older group of kindergarten, attributes can be combined with each other, because the hospital has both a canteen and a reading room. Therefore, this placement of the subject-development environment is very convenient. It gives preschoolers the opportunity to choose the necessary items or add missing ones as the game progresses.

The role of attributes in games

The subject-development environment presupposes the presence of a sufficient amount of the necessary attributes. After all, with its help it is possible for children to become more fully accustomed to the chosen images. What catering establishment can do without dishes and food, and what library can do without books? It is best to do all this yourself.

The card index of role-playing games in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard offers games on any topic, but all of them will become much more interesting for preschoolers if the teacher shows creativity in making the necessary attributes.

For example, for a role-playing game such as “a visit to the cafeteria,” it is very easy to make pieces of cake from dishwashing sponges, and candy from pieces of plasticine wrapped in leftover candy wrappers. For each plot, you can make the necessary colorful attributes together with the children, the main thing is to show your imagination.

General rules for conducting role-playing games

But just a subject-based developmental environment for conducting such classes is not enough. A card index with role-playing games for the older group also involves preparatory work. Before the start of the game, a thematic excursion is conducted, with the goal of introducing the child in more detail to the activities of the institution on the topic of which the lesson will be held.

After the excursion, a conversation is also necessary, during which the acquired knowledge is summarized. In addition, you can play mini-games that will outline a plan for a future role-playing game, read poems and stories that correspond to the theme, and prepare the necessary attributes.

And as the action progresses, the teacher’s task will be to ensure that the plot develops correctly, to introduce additional roles at the children’s request, to advise new turns of events, and to smooth out emerging conflicts. The teacher can also take part in the game by choosing a role for himself.

How is a card index useful in organizing children's activities?

A collection of card files of role-playing games is necessary not only for young educators. Teachers with extensive experience also enjoy using it in their activities. The card index has gained recognition and popularity not only for its variety of topics and ease of use, but also for the fact that it gives children the opportunity to gain the necessary everyday knowledge and experience in a playful way without stress.

During the game, preschoolers have the opportunity, starting with a simple plot proposed by the developers, to move on to more complex ones and independently come up with further development of the action, which very well stimulates creativity and speech activity. Through such activities, the child learns to cooperate with other children.

Memo to the teacher when methodically planning a role-playing game

When using such games in their activities, teachers should also remember the tasks of developing children’s various skills in them. A collection of role-playing games for the senior group of a preschool institution suggests focusing on the following tasks:

  1. To develop in children such qualities as the ability to interact well with other people, the joy of cooperation and emotional perception during it, the ability for imaginative thinking and imagination.
  2. Teach preschoolers to unfold the plot of the game in speech terms, explain their plan, understand other people, come up with multi-themed plots and events, change the plan according to the suggestions of other participants.
  3. Activate children's imagination.

It should also be remembered that the card index of role-playing games in the older group suggests the emergence of new games proposed by children, since thanks to increasing communication with the outside world and television, their creative fantasies increase.

Junior group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Family", "Kindergarten", "Shop", "Visiting the nesting doll", "Puppet show", "Mishka's Birthday", "Bus", “Let’s put the doll to sleep”, “Moidodyr visiting the guys”, “For a walk with the doll Sonya”, "Lunch hour has arrived".

2nd quarter: "Hospital", "Salon", "Big Wash", "At the Christmas tree festival".

3rd quarter: "A toy shop", "Steamboat", "Zoo", "Chauffeurs", "Talking on the phone".

The rest of the games are more difficult.

Middle group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Sailors", "At the dentist", "Laundry", "Vegetable shop".

The rest of the games are more difficult.

2nd quarter: "Beauty saloon", "Winnie the Pooh Bear's Birthday", (Carlson, "Theater", "Excursion to the Museum", "Puppet show", "Dining room", "Concert for dolls".

3rd quarter - all games with complication.

Senior group

List of games:

1 quarter: "Confectionery Factory", "Shop"(confectionery, bread, dairy, "Polyclinic", "Harvest", "Steamboat"(the work of river workers, "Steamboat"(we are sailing along the river Vorona, Khoper, "Transport"(land, air, "Livestock breeders", "Journey to Atlantis or to another planet", "Journey to Distant Lands", "Hospital with different departments", "Pharmacy", "Cosmodrome Builders".

2nd quarter: "Building a city of the future", "Airport", "We are artists", "Studio", "Circus", "Adventure Journey"(on land, at sea, "Border Guards", "We are artists", "Fishing vessel", "Library".

3rd quarter: “We are building the city of Borisoglebsk”, "Animal hospital", "Mail", "Mom's holiday at home", "Space trip", "We are circus performers", "Newsstand", "Cooking", "Disco", "Forest School", "Spring Ball", "Traffic", "Premiere at the theater", "In the Botanical Garden".

Preparatory group

List of games:

1 quarter: "School", "Travel to Russia", "Toy Factory", "Autumn Fair - Gifts of Nature", "We are farmers", "Library", "We're playing theater", "We are going to another country", "Canning factory", "Journey through the desert, or steppe", "Journalists", "Photo studio".

2nd quarter: "Stadium", "Family"(grandmother's, grandfather's anniversary or other family holiday, "Cinema", "Circus", "Ambulance", "Farewell to Winter", "A television", "KVN", "I'm doing an interview", "Pantomime Theater", "Livestock breeders", "Sewing Studio", "Railway", "Space".

3rd quarter: "Fire Department", "Ambulance"(burns, poisoning, "Animal hospital", "We are aliens", "Morning Star", "Carnival in Africa", "Dentistry", "Polyclinic"(bites, injuries, "Fashion house", "A space flight", "Field of Dreams", "Voyage on the bathyscaphe", "Herbal Pharmacy", "Stadium"(sport games, "Beauty contest"(clothing modeling, "Ambulance"(ingress of foreign bodies, donors, "Flight to the moon", "Dog show", "Border Guards".

Approximate distribution of role-playing games by year of study

First year of study

October, November, December, January, February - training in actions with various toys (dolls, animals - dog, cat, chicken, horse, hare, fox, squirrel, bear, hedgehog).

March, April, May - training in operations with engines (truck, train, bus).

Second year of study

October - sequential playing with the doll.

November, December - "Mothers and Daughters".

January - "Bus".

February - "Toy Store".

March - “Family” (playing with a doll, bus trips, walks, visiting guests, etc.).

April - "Doctor" (doctor's appointment in kindergarten).

May - "Kindergarten" (using the game "Bus" and "Family").

Third year of study

September, October - "Toy Store" and "Grocery Store".

November - "Doctor".

December - “Family” and “Bus” (combination of plots).

January - "Kindergarten".

February - "Barbershop".

March - “Calling a doctor to your home”, “Family”, “Shop”, “Hairdresser” (combination of plots).

May - "Puppet Theater" (the game includes dramatizations of fairy tales).

June - "Zoo".

Fourth year of study.

September - "Store" (Supermarket). October - "Polyclinic". November - "Polyclinic" and "Pharmacy". December - "Doctor's house call", "Ambulance". January - "Kindergarten". February - "Sailors". March - "Mail".

April - “School” and “School Supplies Store” (plot combination). May - "Zoo".

Approximate list of topics for playing with dolls (1st year of study ): “Our guest is the doll Anya (Vanya)”; "The doll wants to sleep"; "Anya's doll's breakfast"; "Dani Bear's Birthday"; "Baby Walk"; "Matryoshka has a housewarming party"; "Bathing naked babies"; "Wash"; "Christmas tree holiday"; “Matryoshka dolls came to our new house”; “The nesting dolls came to visit us”; “Let’s dress my daughter for a walk”; "Anya woke up (morning doll)"; “A trip to visit by bus,” etc.

Preparatory work: didactic games to clarify the names of objects and actions; reading children's literature.

An approximate list of topics for playing with animal toys : “We’re going to visit the dog in the yard (doghouse...)”; “They gave us a kitten”; "Let's feed our hen and chicks"; "Let's ride a horse"; “A walk in the forest (meeting the animals)”, etc.

An approximate list of topics for playing with motor toys : “We’ll bring cubes on a truck to build a house”; "Housewarming" (transportation of furniture by truck); "Let's ride the animals on the train"; “Let’s ride the animals on the bus,” etc.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Family"": "Morning in the family"; "Lunch in the family"; "Evening in the family"; "Day off in the family"; "A child in the family got sick"; "We help mom wash clothes"; "Big cleaning of the house"; "Family to came to visit the family"; "Moving to a new apartment"; "Family holiday: mother's day, New Year, birthday, etc."

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Family” and “Washing Laundry” (see various sets of paintings for kindergartens); pictures "Object in action", reading children's literature.

Attributes: dolls in images (mother, father, children, grandmother, grandfather, baby dolls), clothes for dolls; apartment equipment for dolls (kitchen and living room): wardrobe, sofa, bed, table, chairs, clothes hanger, kitchen furniture, stove, sink, dishes, ironing board, irons, basins, children's washing machine, vacuum cleaner, drying stand linen, clothespins, children's sewing machine, aprons for children, toy mixer, "Little Housewife" set, etc.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Kindergarten" ": "Admitting children to a group"; "A trip on the bus to a kindergarten and receiving children to a group"; "Exercise in a kindergarten"; "Nanny's work in the morning - breakfast"; "Nanny's work - cleaning the group"; "Cook's work in kindergarten"; "Work in the laundry of a kindergarten"; "A teacher conducts a lesson in a kindergarten"; "A speech therapist conducts a lesson in a kindergarten"; "A teacher conducts a lesson in a kindergarten" (children observe the work of a speech therapist, a speech pathologist and can sufficiently convey it accurately); “The music director is conducting a lesson in kindergarten,” etc.

Preparatory work: a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize a nanny, teacher, cook with the work; paintings from the series “We Play” (paintings for kindergartens); an excursion to the doctor’s office, the kitchen, the laundry room, observation of the work of the assistant teacher and teacher (in his group, in the younger group), music director, teacher, speech therapist, etc.; reading children's literature.

Attributes: dolls with a set of clothes, furniture, dishes, small toys, mops, buckets, rags, aprons, bathrobes, washing machine, basin, drying rack, ironing board, irons, gas stove, cookware set, food, vacuum cleaner , musical instruments, various games (for playing teacher and speech therapist), etc.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Bus" ": “We are building a bus”; “Learning to drive a bus”; “We are going to kindergarten”; “We are going to the park”; “We are riding around the city”; “We are going to visit”; “We are going to the theater”, etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the paintings “The Driver” (from the series “Who to be?”), “Riding on the Bus” (from the series “We Play”), various illustrations, pictures about transport, etc.; excursion to the bus stop, observation of the bus and the driver’s work; reading children's literature.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Shop" ": vegetable, grocery, bread, clothing store, toy store, etc. The game "Department Store", "Universam" is organized with children of senior preschool age.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Seller” from the series “Who should I be?”; a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize the seller and cashier with the work; didactic games for classification, highlighting unnecessary things, etc. (vegetables, fruits, food, toys, etc.); excursion to various stores (depending on the theme of the game), reading children's literature.

For the game, money, checks, wallets, and bags for customers must be prepared. A stationary counter on which all kinds of goods are beautifully laid out (depending on the theme of the game), scales if necessary, next to a cash register, a adding machine, and a robe for the seller. Additionally, everything necessary for a specific type of store is included.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Barbershop" : “Mom takes her daughter to the hairdresser (playing with a doll)”; "Dad takes his son to the hairdresser (playing with a doll)"; “Children go with their parents to the hairdresser (distributed in the halls)”; "We're going by bus to the hairdresser"; “The sailors went ashore and went to the hairdresser”; "Doing hairstyles for the New Year's holiday"; “We invite a hairdresser to a kindergarten,” etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Hairdresser” from the series “Who should I be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize oneself with the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser; reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: dressing table with mirror, washbasin, towel, large and small hairdryer, set of napkins, cape, robe for the hairdresser, cologne, perfume, cream, shampoo, varnish (all toy, you can use empty bottles at the beginning of the game), scissors, set for shaving (everything is made of cardboard or a children's "Hairdresser" set is used), combs, brushes, curlers, ribbons, albums with hairstyle drawings (hairstyle samples), a set of special toys "Children's Hairdresser". A salon is equipped for the game, a place for the hairdresser - a table with a mirror, a table with a washbasin, a stationary hairdryer (as in real hairdressing salons), a waiting area (a table with a set of pictures of hairstyles, books, magazines, etc.).

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Doctor" " (2nd year of study): "At a doctor's appointment in kindergarten"; "Calling a doctor at home (the doll got sick)", "Katya the doll got sick (visiting a doctor at the clinic)", "Dad calls a doctor to the sick person's house daughter" etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Doctor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor and nurse; excursion to the medical office; reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: robe, cap, doctor's bag, play set "Doll Doctor", phonendoscope tube, spatula for examining the throat, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, iodine, tablets, medicine (all toy, made of unbreakable material), heating pad, prescription forms .

Approximate list of topics for role-playing games "Policlinic" ", "Pharmacy", "Ambulance" (3rd and 4th year of study): "Reception of a doctor and nurse"; "Work of a registrar at the clinic reception desk"; "Work of specialist doctors: pediatrician, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist" ( all acquaintances are conducted at the most accessible level); “Mom calls a doctor at home”; “Calling an ambulance”; “The ambulance is coming to treat Katya”; “The ambulance is taking Katya to the hospital”; “Katya the doll has recovered and is being discharged from the hospital”; “Pharmacy and pharmacist”; “Visiting a doctor at a clinic and buying prescriptions at a pharmacy.”

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Doctor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a doctor and nurse; pharmacist; excursion to the clinic, pharmacy; observation of ambulances on the street (during any walk, excursion); reading children's literature; didactic games.

Throughout the entire training process, children’s experiences are actively used; if children have negative experiences, it is important not to focus on them; on the contrary, one should give a positive assessment of the doctor’s activities and try to switch the child to positive emotions.

Attributes: for this game you need to equip a doctor's office and a waiting room where patients will wait their turn. In the office for the appointment, medications and instruments should be prepared: in a jar or glass - thermometers, in a box - syringes, a pack of mustard plasters (neatly cut rectangular sheets of velvet or plain yellow paper), a spatula, a stethoscope, a hammer, a pipette, a stick for smearing with iodine or ointment, cotton wool, bandage, a mirror for examining the nasopharynx or ears, “alcohol” for lubricating the injection site, “iodine” for cauterizing wounds, drops, medicine, medicine for injections, powders, tablets, ointment, tables for testing vision with pictures and etc.

It is necessary to equip the registrar's office, make each child his own card and number during manual labor classes. A special place should also be allocated for organizing a pharmacy. It is necessary to present a wide variety of “medicines”, medical items, and personal hygiene items.

When organizing this game, you need to pay special attention to the selection of things, to what all the equipment is made of, since preschool children with intellectual disabilities can put in their mouths, suck medications, etc. You cannot use natural medicines!

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Sailors": "Learning to build a ship"; "Sailors are sailing on a ship on the sea"; “Sailors fish, work as fishermen”; "Sailors check their health with the ship's doctor"; “Sailors sail the sea, fish, have lunch”; “Sailors go ashore, go to the theater”; “Sailors bring their catch ashore and sell the fish to the store”; “Sailors sail to a big city and go to the “Zoo”, etc. Thus, the game “Sailors” is gradually united with the games “Bus”, “Policlinic”, “Shop”, “Puppet Theater”, etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Sailor” from the series “Who to be?”, a set of sequential pictures (individual pictures or a screen) to familiarize yourself with the work of a captain, sailor, ship doctor, fisherman; excursion to the port, river or sea embankment (based on possibilities), involvement of parents in this excursion (individual excursions of children with parents); excursions to the Naval Museum or any other relevant type (with parents); reading children's literature; didactic games.

Attributes: a ship from a large builder, a steering wheel, an anchor, binoculars, caps, jacks, nets, fish, etc.

This game can be played in another scenario. For the game, the teacher makes a large ship out of children's chairs, on board of which a lifebuoy is attached. A large pipe is installed in the center, a ladder board is placed, and a ticket office is installed on the pier. Passengers with children (dolls) take food with them on the trip to feed the children when they get hungry, as well as money for tickets. Passengers arrive at the pier - some by bus, some by car, some on foot; buy tickets and board the ship. The sailor on duty stands at the gangway, checks tickets and helps passengers board. The captain walks along the deck with a telescope, the helmsman is waiting for his order; When everyone is settled, the ship departs. The ship makes a stop, the passengers go for a walk in the forest, then sail back home.

An approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "School": " To the store for school supplies”, “Merry counting lesson”, “At a big break”, “Puppet theater visiting schoolchildren”, “Schoolchildren on a city tour”, “In the school library”, “Lunch in the school canteen”, “ At a physical education lesson," etc.

Preparatory work: examination of the painting “Teacher” from the series “Who should I be?”; school excursions; video film about the school (author's materials); reading children's literature; didactic games.

A play corner for playing “School” is equipped, in which desks and a table for the teacher are placed, a corridor for walks during recess is fenced off, a school cafeteria is set up, etc.

First, the children go to the “Shop” (the group is equipped with a “School Supplies Store”), where they buy everything necessary for the schoolchild. Most of these supplies are pre-made by children with teachers during manual labor classes (small notebooks, albums, pencil cases, etc.). After that, they can go to the hairdresser to get a haircut to be neat. Then the children visit the clinic, where they undergo a medical examination. Only after this do they go to school, where the teacher meets them. The role of the teacher is assumed at the beginning of the game by a speech pathologist. She introduces the children to the school, tells them what they will do here, how they should behave at school, etc. During subsequent play sessions, the children sit down and the teacher conducts the lesson. During recess, children leave the classroom, walk along the corridor, have breakfast at the buffet, etc. The game ends with the children going home after school.

Gradually, the role of the teacher is transferred to each of the children in the group; with the help of a speech pathologist and educators, he plays out the entire plot or part of it. Particular attention is paid to the bell, the clock showing the time of lessons, etc.

When organizing the game, teachers constantly come up with different communication situations, alternate “lessons,” and conduct the entire game very emotionally, showing children how interesting it will be to study at school.

Approximate list of topics for the role-playing game "Zoo" ": "We're building cages for animals", "A tour of the zoo", "We're going by bus to the zoo", "We're sailing on a ship to the zoo", "Where did the sparrow have lunch? (game-dramatization based on a poem by S. Marshak), “Cleaning animal cages,” “Feeding the animals,” etc.

Preparatory work: excursion to the zoo (if there is one in the city); viewing a painting from the “Wild Animals” series; examining and constructing according to sample drawings, followed by playing out the “Zoo” from the Lego constructor; reading children's literature; didactic games.

For the game, teachers together with children build cages for animals, depending on their size, and place them conveniently. The entire territory is surrounded by a fence, a gate is made, and a cash register is placed next to it. Children go to the zoo by bus. At the entrance, they buy tickets at the box office, which are then checked by the controller. At the zoo they are met by a guide (defectologist), who tells and shows the animals. Children see how to care for animals (an attendant takes care of them; at the first lesson this could be a teacher): feed, wash cages, etc. After the excursion, children can buy ice cream and ride a pony. At the end of the game, the children go home.

The plots for this game can be varied; the game provides teachers with a great opportunity to activate children’s speech and consolidate existing ideas about the environment.

Anastasia Chernyaykova
Card index of plot-role-playing games. Senior group. Part 4.

Goals: choose a role and act in accordance with it, develop cooperation skills. Reflect the phenomena of social reality in the game, reinforce the rules of behavior in public places, and develop speech etiquette skills.

Approximate game actions: visiting the bank, selecting the necessary services; operation of a cash desk, currency exchange office; registration of documents, acceptance of utility payments; working with plastic cards; consultations with the bank director.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: forms; cash register; savings books; computer.

Design studio.

Goals: learn to independently assign roles and act according to the role, develop the skill of speech etiquette, learn to join in group work and independently find attractive moments in it, learn to evaluate the quality of a task (your own work and play partners, learn to express your opinion publicly; consolidate children’s knowledge about the life around them, continue to introduce them to the employees of the design studio.

Approximate game actions: object selection, order acceptance; layout competition; selection of materials, measurement of work area; agreement with the customer; interior design, order delivery; additions with decorative details; resolution in the event of conflict or controversial situations; payment for the order.

Subject-game environment. Equipment: albums for interior decoration; samples of fabrics, wallpaper, paint, etc. layout of various rooms; decorative ornaments; flannelograph with set pictures furniture and decorative items; centimeter; roulette.


Tasks: to arouse children’s interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Roles: doctor, nurse, ambulance driver, patient.

Game actions: The patient calls 03 and calls an ambulance help: gives full name, tells age, address, complaints. The ambulance arrives. A doctor and a nurse go to a patient. The doctor examines the patient, listens carefully to his complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, and looks at his throat. The nurse measures the temperature and follows instructions doctor: gives medicine, gives injections, treats and bandages the wound, etc. If the patient feels very bad, they take him away and take him to the hospital.

Preliminary work . Listening to a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit" in recordings. Excursion to the children's hospital. Surveillance of an ambulance. Reading lit. works: I scored “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky "Played at the hospital", V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?". Examining medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.). Didactic game “Yasochka caught a cold”. Conversation with children about the work of a doctor or nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Modeling “A gift for sick Yasochka”. Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, honey. cards, etc. d.)

Game material: telephone, gowns, hats, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

"Veterinary hospital"

Tasks: to arouse children’s interest in the profession of a veterinarian; to cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

Roles: veterinarian, nurse, orderly, veterinary pharmacy worker, people with sick animals.

Game actions: Sick animals are brought to the veterinary hospital. The veterinarian receives patients, listens carefully to the complaints of their owner, asks questions, examines the sick animal, listens with a phonendoscope, measures the temperature, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription. The animal is taken to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, treats and bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel. After the appointment, the owner of the sick animal goes to the veterinary pharmacy and buys the medicine prescribed by the doctor for further treatment at home.

Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Supervising the work of a doctor (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions) Listening to a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit" in recordings. Looking at illustrations to a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky with children "Dr. Aibolit". Reading lit. works: E. Uspensky "Played at the hospital", V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?". Consideration of medical tools: phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tweezers, etc. Didactic game “Yasochka caught a cold”. Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian. Drawing "My favorite animal" Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, etc.)

Game material: animals, gowns, hats, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: to arouse children’s interest in the sales profession, to develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, to cultivate friendly relationships.

Roles: store director, salespeople, cashier, customers, driver, loader, cleaner.

Game actions: The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload, the sellers arrange the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, and orders goods. Buyers arrive. Sellers offer goods, show them, weigh them. The buyer pays for the purchase at the cash register and receives a receipt. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change and a check. The cleaning lady is cleaning the room.

Game situations: "At the grocery store", "Cloth", "Products", "Fabrics", "Souvenirs", "Cooking", "Books", "Sporting goods".

Preliminary work: Excursion to the store. Monitoring the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Conversation with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko "A Tale of Unusual Shopping" and others. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.

Children meet with their mother, who works as a salesperson in a store. Children writing stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread at a bakery?”, “How do I cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks and pencils?” etc. Making game attributes with children (sweets, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).

Game material: scales, cash register, bathrobes, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, machine for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.

"Sewing Studio"

Tasks: to expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a sewing studio, to form the initial idea that a lot of work is spent on making each item, to strengthen social behavior skills, to thank for the help and care provided, to develop and strengthen friendly relationships between children.

Roles: fashion designer, cutter, seamstress, embroiderer, ironer, storekeeper, cashier -


Game actions: choosing a style, advice, placing an order, taking measurements, laying out patterns and cutting, fitting, sewing products, finishing them, embroidery, ironing, the seamstress delivers the finished product to the warehouse, paying for the order, receiving the order.

Preliminary work: Excursion to a sewing studio. Conversation with children about what they saw on the excursion. Observing the work of a wardrobe maid in a kindergarten (repairs clothes). Meeting with sewing studio workers (parents, conversation. Reading works: S. Mikhalkov "Tailor Hare", Viktorov “I sewed a dress for my mother”, Greenberg "Olin's apron". Didactic game “What wool do you have?” Examination of tissue samples. Conversation “What kind of fabric can you sew from?” Album making "Fabric samples". Looking at fashion magazines. Application "Doll in a beautiful dress". Manual labor "Sew on a button". Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (display case, ironing boards, sets of fabrics, buttons, threads, patterns, etc.)

Game material: various fabrics on display, sets containing threads, needles, buttons, thimbles, 2-3 sewing machines, scissors, patterns (patterns, measuring tape, cutting table, irons, ironing boards, aprons for seamstresses, a fashion magazine, dressing table, receipts .

"Photo studio"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in a photo studio, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment to elders and to each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided.

Roles: photographer, cashier, clients.

Game actions: The cashier accepts the order, receives the money, and issues a check. The client says hello, places an order, pays, takes off his outerwear, cleans up, takes a photo, and thanks for the service. The photographer takes photographs, takes photographs. In a photo studio you can take photographs, develop film, view film on a special device, take photographs (including for documents, enlarge, restore photographs, buy a photo album, photographic film.

Preliminary work: Excursion to a photo studio. Conversation about the excursion. Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with sample photographs. Getting to know the camera. Examination of a child's and a real camera. Looking at family photos. Making attributes for the game with children.

Game material: children's cameras, mirror, comb, film, photo samples, photo frames, photo albums, money, checks, cash register, photo samples.


Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite address to to elders and to each other, teach gratitude for the help and service provided

Roles: hairdressers - ladies' master, men's hairdresser, cashier, cleaner, clients.

Game actions: The cashier knocks out checks. The cleaning lady sweeps and changes used towels. Visitors take off their outerwear, politely greet the hairdresser, ask for a haircut, consult with the hairdresser, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for their services. The hairdresser washes hair, dries it, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne, gives recommendations on hair care. Can be connected to the game "Home, family"

Preliminary work: Children visiting the hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. Ethical conversation about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with hairstyle samples. Didactic game “Let’s comb the doll’s hair beautifully” Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making with kids

attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, checks, money, etc.)

Game material: mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, curlers, hairspray, cologne, album with hairstyle samples, hair dye, bathrobes, capes, towels, cash register, receipts, money, mop, buckets, dust cloths, for the floor.

"Beauty saloon"

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about work in "Beauty salon", create a desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite address to to elders and to each other.

Roles: hairdresser, manicurist, beauty salon master, cashier, cleaning lady, clients.

Game actions: The hairdresser washes the hair, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes the hair, shaves, refreshes with cologne. The manicurist does a manicure, coats the nails with varnish, and gives recommendations on hand care. The master of the beauty salon massages the face, wipes it with lotion, applies cream, paints the eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out receipts. The cleaning lady sweeps, changes used towels and napkins. Visitors politely greet the salon employees, ask for a service, consult with the specialists, pay at the cash register, and thank them for the services.

Preliminary work: Children visiting the hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. A teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with hairstyle samples. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetic products. Didactic game “Let’s comb the doll’s hair beautifully”. Didactic game "Cinderella is going to the ball". Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)

Game material: mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, album with hairstyle samples, hair dye, bathrobes, capes, towels, cash register, receipts , money, mop, bucket.

"Building a house"

Tasks: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a simple structure, cultivate friendly relationships in a team, expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, expand their vocabulary children: introduce concepts "construction", "mason", "crane", "builder", "crane operator", "a carpenter", "welder", "construction material".

Game actions: The teacher invites the children to guess riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called? (house)" The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they are building a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently. Game material: large building material, machines, crane, toys for playing with the building, Pictures with the image of people building professions: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.

"On the roads of the city"

Tasks: consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of the road, introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.

Game actions: children are offered to build a beautiful building - a theater. We choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Car drivers can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go to get building materials. But here’s the bad news: the traffic lights don’t work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary for the traffic of cars to be controlled by a traffic controller. Select a Regulator. He forms a circle. He holds red and green flags in his hands. Red flag - "stop", green flag – "go". Everything will be alright now. The traffic controller controls the traffic.

Game material: toy cars, traffic controller flags – red and green.

"At a car service station"

Tasks: expand the theme of construction games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find a good place to play, introduce a new role - a car repairman.

Game actions: inform children that there are a lot of cars on the city roads and these cars are very often break down, so we need to open a car service station. Children are offered to build a large garage, equip a place for car washing, and choose employees and maintenance personnel. They are introduced to a new working specialty - machine repair mechanic (engine, steering, brakes, etc.).

Game material: building material for building a garage, mechanic tools for car repair, equipment for washing and painting cars.


Target: To develop the ability to develop creatively game plot. Introduce the work of a railway worker. To consolidate children's ideas about the work of adults on the railway. Foster a respectful attitude towards work

Equipment: large construction material (construction of a ticket office, timetable, platform, model of a passenger train, uniform of railway workers, attributes of railway workers,

Game roles: Cashier, driver, assistant driver, station attendant, passengers, conductor, track fitters, carriage inspector.

Progress of the game:

Children are invited to build the buildings: railway station, ticket office, platform, train. Children take their places according to their assigned roles.

Children passengers with things enter the railway station building. They approach the schedule board (the teacher asks the children why they need a schedule board at the station). Then, child passengers go to the ticket counters.

Child passengers: Hello, please give us 4 tickets to Moscow.

Cashier: to you, what place carriage: compartment or reserved seat?

The teacher asks the children how the compartment and econom-class train.

Passengers: in a compartment carriage.

Cashier: issues tickets to passengers (informs train arrival time, carriage number, seat).

Passengers thank the ticket agent and proceed to the waiting room.

In the waiting room, children passengers go to the buffet. (The teacher asks the children why the station needs a waiting room and a buffet).

Station duty officer: Dear passengers, be careful and careful fast train "Novokuznetsk - Moscow" arrives on the first path. Train stop 5 minutes.

Children passengers: guys, our train has been announced, we need to get out onto the platform.

Passengers take their things and go out onto the platform. The teacher asks why there is a platform at the station and how to behave on it.

A train arrives at the Prokopyevsk station; the driver and assistant driver are sitting in the locomotive. The teacher clarifies with the children what the work of the driver and assistant is. Children passengers approach their carriage.

Conductor: Hello dear passengers, present your tickets.

The children show the tickets to the conductor. The conductor will check the tickets and invite you to take your seats in the carriage.

Station duty officer: Dear fast train passengers

"Yaroslavl - Moscow" departs from the first path. Passengers are asked to take their seats in the carriage.

The conductor closes the doors. The train is picking up speed.

During the trip, the conductor serves tea to passengers and monitors the cleanliness of the carriage.

During the train's journey, at stations, the cars were inspected by inspectors (the teacher asks the children why people of this profession are needed on the railway).

Passing through towns and villages, children-passengers saw how track fitters were repairing the railway track. (The teacher will clarify why this needs to be done).

And now the trip has come to an end. The station reported that the Yaroslavl-Moscow fast train had arrived on the first track. The conductor says goodbye to his passengers. Children passengers thank the conductor.


Target: Expand children’s understanding of the humane nature of the work of the rescue service, its necessity, and mobility in emergency circumstances.


Create conditions for active use role-playing dialogues in children's speech.

Develop children's creative initiative.

Develop the ability to independently distribute roles.

Expand the understanding of the professions of rescuers, medical workers (emergency doctor, nurse, rescuers, media workers (correspondent, cameraman).

Game material: video camera, microphone, safety helmets, gloves, substitute items (stones - building material, disks, foam tubes, symbols of a food station, ambulance station, hospital set and food set. Costumes for rescuers, cooks, doctors.

Game roles:



Game actions:

Alarm call;

Inspection of the scene of the incident;

Distribution of rescue operations;

Rescue of victims;

Providing first aid;

Feeding victims and rescuers.

Preliminary work:

Introduction to professions: rescuers.

A series of educational conversations about natural disasters and accidents.

Examination of illustrations on topics of extreme situations and composing stories based on them.

Demonstration by a nurse of the correct first aid.

Creating and solving problems with children situations: “what would you do?”, "What to do, if…".

Progress of the game.

Organizational and motivational moment.

The sound of a siren sounds


Guys, I hear an alarming sound. What is this?


Why does it sound?


Yes, there is a service that provides assistance to people in emergency situations. What are the people in this profession called?


Right. What character traits should this person have? Let's gather in my palms the words denoting these qualities.


What do you think you need to do to become a rescuer?


Well done, they answered correctly. Guys, to the rescuers often you have to help people in a variety of situations, you want to try yourself as a rescuer.

For the game we need-

Rescuers, doctors, cooks, victims.

Who wants to become a rescuer?

What will the rescuers do?

Who chose the role of doctor?

What does an emergency doctor do?

The teacher asks a question cooks:

What will you do?


Can I be a correspondent, and my cameraman will be (at the request of the children).

Practical activities (a game).

The teacher turns on audio recording:

Attention! Attention! All rescue services!

The wall of a residential building has collapsed!

Is the team ready to go?

Children put on uniforms, take the necessary attributes, load them onto the car and drive to the scene of the incident. The car drives to cartoon music "Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers".


I am reporting from the scene of an emergency, the first question is for the rescue commander services:

Tell me what happened?


What version of the explosion?


Rescuers are working carefully, clearing the rubble, freeing people, doctors are providing first aid to the injured and wounded. Chefs prepare food.

Rescuers take wounded people to a safe area and there doctors and nurses provide first aid.

An ambulance team is working at the scene of the collapse, I am turning to the emergency doctor.

Are there any casualties or injuries from the collapse?


I ask the second doctor a question.


What happened to this girl and is she seriously injured?

I see the cook trying to cook dinner.

Tell them how long it will take for the victims to get food.


What natural products do you use?


The rescue team has finished clearing the rubble and is approaching the food station to rest.


Doctors continue to examine the victims. They give sedative injections, talk, joke, and reassure.


The rescue service works harmoniously, amicably and professionally.

The victims are under the supervision of medical workers.

Cooks deliver food to victims and rescuers.

Residents of the house thank the rescuers. I am finishing my report from the scene of the emergency, I took the filming and photo report...

Final Part

Educator: You, like real rescuers, cleared away the rubble and helped people. Many troubles can happen due to carelessness and carelessness, due to non-compliance with safety rules.

Emergency call

Word game

Target: stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game rules: make a short story according to plan (sample): correctly and clearly state your first and last name, your location, and briefly describe the problem.

Game actions: compose a short story as the slides appear on behalf of one of the heroes of the situation or an outside observer.

Frames change on the PC screen, children talk into a toy phone about the situation.

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