How to make paper dominoes with letters. Lotto and dominoes. DIY board games. We play by the rules

Marinka's school is hosting a "Parade of Books" event. As part of the "Parade", the children received a task - they were given a list of books participating in the event, the child had to choose one of them and make a project based on it. There were several options:
1. Write your own story with the characters of the chosen work and arrange it in the form of a book;
2. Make a game based on the book;
3. Write a script/play;
4. Dramatize some scene from the book and post the video on Youtube.

Of course, in such a matter it is difficult to do without the help of parents. And naturally, Marina came to me.
Let's be honest - I am naturally deprived of creativity, so, scratching my head, I took the easiest route - I suggested that Marina make a game. For some reason, dominoes immediately came to mind.

I told Marina that she could choose a book, draw 5-6 characters in the story, and I would connect her drawings in pairs on the computer, like dominoes.

Marina liked the idea; but for a whole week she forgot to choose a book and bring it home. When I quite angrily demanded that she write herself a note with a reminder, only then did Marina bring a book and sit in the evening doing creative work)))
The chosen book turned out to be this one:

And the heroes in it are 4 people and a cat))))
Marinka copied from the book, in the same minimalistic manner as there, and in the end we got 5 drawings:

I took them with my phone and dragged them onto the computer. The next stage was on my conscience - to mold these figures in pairs. Well, I’ve already done something similar in the past, so I didn’t see the problem... until I opened Photoshop))) At that moment I realized that I didn’t have the slightest idea how to do this, because I had the previous version of the program - one) simpler, two) in Russian.
I suffered for about an hour... I tried to watch videos on Youtube, read all sorts of sites... In the end, I still got confused in layers, transformation, etc., and angrily closed the FS))) I had already decided to wait for Zhenya, when suddenly it occurred to me thought...

And 15 minutes after she came to me, I had these collages ready on my iPhone:

Thus, we got 15 paired pictures.
Then it’s simple - I printed it out on a color printer, and on Friday evening Marina and I started making the actual dominoes.

There won’t be any special photos of the process - except for three ugly phone shots ( Sharikumka I really asked to see it, so I filmed it for her ;)).

We took thick cardboard, black paint, transparent wide tape; I brought a box of chocolates from work.

First, I cut the printed designs into rectangles; I cut cardboard to size. However, one layer of cardboard seemed to me not enough, so I made a double layer. While I was cutting, Marina painted the back of the cut cardboards black

When the paint was dry, we glued two layers of cardboard together and glued the drawings onto the top. I wrapped the resulting rectangular “domino” with transparent tape. It turned out like this:

Last but not least, we covered the lid of the chocolate box with multi-colored crepe paper - and that’s where my strength and my handicraft patience ended)))

Today we will do some difficult wood crafts, of course they are for men. I will tell you how to make huge sized wooden dominoes with your own hands. This handmade domino will decorate your garden and give it exclusivity, and you can really enjoy this game in nature. We won’t need a lot of material, and if you have some experience, it won’t take much time to make.

To create a wooden domino we will need:

1. Wide and thick board;
2. Automatic circular saw;
3. Grinding apparatus;
4. Stain;
5. Special brush;
6. White paint.

You need to figure out the length of one piece. We measure the width and make the length twice as large. So we need 28.

This is what should happen in the initial version. And there are a total of 28 of these.

We make all the blanks at once, put them together to measure the size. Of course there will be small discrepancies, but this is not a problem.

We process the workpieces with a grinding machine. Then we lubricate it with stain and leave it to dry, and so on several times.

Now we will draw sticks and dots on the domino bones. Divide it in half with white paint and apply the values.

This is how you need to distribute the values ​​on the boards:

1. two zeros, and then from 0\1 to 0\6;
2. two units, and then from 1\2 to 1\6;
3. two twos, and then from 2\3 to 2\6;
4. two triples, and then from 3\4 to 3\6;
5. two fours, and then 4\5 and 4\6;
6. two fives and 5\6;
7. two sixes.

We leave the paint to dry and after a while you can play on the grass.

- do it yourself? Easily! You can always make dominoes at home, quickly and most importantly, simply. What you need for this: a high-quality template in pdf, just one sheet of A4 format, a loose sheet of white cardboard and a regular black and white printer. Making a homemade domino set is very simple. The main thing is that you have 15-20 minutes of free time. So, how to make dominoes with your own hands from paper.

Print the template

The first thing to do is print the template. I offer the file in pdf. There is no need to edit anything. Just click on “print”. If necessary, you can edit the template in a photo editor.

Download and print paper dominoes:

There are a total of 28 dice in the set. All of them fit on one A4 sheet. A little advice: since paper dominoes do not last long, it is better to print 3-4 sheets at once. Paper templates need to be glued onto previously prepared cardboard templates. I use loose, plain cardboard. Bone size: 25 x 50 mm.

Who among us did not play a variety of board games - adventure games, lotto and dominoes with pictures as a child! Perhaps there is no such person. We see that modern children do this with pleasure (if, of course, the computer is not available to them at that time).

In this section we offer you hundreds of successful options for making board games for children yourself. You'll see: the very process of creating a homemade game yourself will captivate you! As your creativity progresses, you will certainly come up with several of your own innovations to your favorite version of the game. How nice it is to see children’s sincere passion for a homemade game! For example, when in the evening, while waiting for their parents, children play it with such interest that even when mom or dad arrives, they are reluctant to tear themselves away from the game.

Create cool board games with your own hands, MAAM will help!

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  • Board games. DIY board-printed children's games
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All sections | Lotto and dominoes. DIY board games

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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You've probably seen giant chess that can be played in the park or in the country. This way you can combine mental and physical activity. But it is very difficult to make such chess with your own hands, but you can make a huge domino without any problems. This is exactly what we propose to do.

Materials and tools for making dominoes:

  • fairly wide boards (depending on how big the domino you want to make)
  • dark stain
  • White paint
  • paint brush
  • a circular saw
  • grinder

How to make dominoes

Prepare the required number of boards. The length of each domino bone should be twice the width of the board. There should be 28 such bones.

Saw the boards into equal rectangles. Use a sander to sand all edges.

Treat the boards with stain. If they are not dark enough, the stain can be reapplied. Let the stain dry.

Using a line of white paint, divide each bone into two halves.

Mark the bones:

  • two zeros and then 0/1 to 0/6
  • two units and then 1/2 to 1/6
  • two twos and then from 2/3 to 2/6
  • two triples and then from 3/4 to 3/6
  • two fours, and then 4/5 and 4/6
  • two fives and 5/6
  • two sixes.

Let the paint dry. Giant dominoes are ready. You can go out into the yard and play with friends.

Original article in English.

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