Fortune telling by wish 1 card. Online fortune telling by wish - the constellation Cassiopeia. Peaks - unfavorable prognosis

Fortune telling is a popular way to find out the unknown about something that worries you. Often, worries about whether what you want will come true fills all your thoughts and does not allow you to live in peace. Now is the time to lift the veil of the future, with the help of fortune-telling using playing cards.

Here is one of the simple and accurate ways to tell fortunes with playing cards:

A carefully shuffled deck of 36 cards is taken. The fortuneteller must focus on the deck and make a wish. After this, the cards are laid out into 9 piles, face down. The top cards of the stacks are revealed. If there are cards that match in value, they are removed in pairs to the side, and the cards lying under them are revealed. And so on. If at the end of the fortune telling all the cards were put away, it means that the wish will come true, otherwise it will not.

So, with the help of simple fortune-telling on playing cards, you can calm yourself down a little by learning about what will happen.

1. Black rose

For this fortune telling, a deck of 36 cards is taken. You need to concentrate on your desire. Start shuffling the deck and keep thinking about what you have in mind. After a little time (you should feel this moment) draw any card. Its meaning will give you information.

The meaning of the cards

Ace - your wish must come true!

King, Queen, Jack - there is a chance that your wish will come true.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the chances that the wish will come true are very high.

Ace - A wish must come true!

King, Queen, Jack - everything will come true, but it will be quite problematic.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the wish should come true, but with some problems.

Ace - unfortunately, the wish will not come true.

King, Queen, Jack - there are many doubts that your wish can come true.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - there is very little chance that your wish will come true.

Ace - the plan will not come true.

King, Queen, Jack - dubious prospects that a wish can come true.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - there are chances that the wish will come true, but they are small.

This fortune telling allows you to determine whether your wishes and plans are destined to come true.

For fortune telling, take a deck of 36 cards. Focus on what you want to learn about. Shuffle the cards and remove them with your left hand.

Now start laying out the cards face down, while saying: “six”, “seven” and so on until the ace. The cards that are laid out, the meaning of which will coincide with your words, must be put aside. The process can be repeated 3 times.

All set aside cards are laid out in a row and interpreted. Please note that there are interpretations for some combinations.

Card meanings:

Ace - rest assured, you are loved.

King - everything planned will come true.

Lady - don’t reveal your feelings, you are being watched.

Jack - they remember you and want to see you.

10 - repeat the fortune telling

9 - You are very loved.

8 - A new person will decide your fate.

7 - be careful.

6 - Your intentions may end in trouble.

Ace - the plan will not come true.

King - be careful, you may be deceived.

Lady - expect insults.

Jack - Your jealousy has no basis.

10 - work will help you get rid of sadness.

9 - the serious condition will soon pass.

8 - good news ahead.

7 - soon everything will change for the better.

6 - Treason awaits you.

Ace - You made a mistake, so don't expect success.

King - hurry up, otherwise you can lose everything.

Lady - a worthy reward awaits you.

Jack - the one you love will make you sad.

10 - don’t make friends, otherwise you may regret it.

9 - sad news is possible.

8 - soon it will become known about the illness of a loved one.

7 - your enemies will praise you.

6 - the unexpected will happen.

Ace - believe what you are told.

King - Good news awaits you.

Lady - your wish should come true soon.

Jack - your efforts are in vain, you can’t expect anything.

10 - great happiness lies ahead.

9 - protect your secret.

8 - danger is closer than you think.

7 - future trouble will be retribution for the past.

6 - try to be prudent.

Card combinations:

K+D - secret bride or married woman.

D+K - your loved one is devoted to you.

10+D+10 - love confession.

7 near the Ace of Spades - illness of one of the relatives.

8 near any Lady - gossip.

King between 10 and Ace - promotion at work.

10 diamonds near the Ace of spades - a quarrel.

Queen and 10 near the King of the same suit - the man will receive a response to his love.

King and 10 near the Queen of the same suit - the woman will receive a response to her love.

T+T+T+T - your wish will come true.

K+K+K+K - You will find yourself in a big society.

D+D+D+D - Gossip and conversations await you.

B+B+B+B - big troubles lie ahead.

10 +10+10+10 - a wedding is coming.

9+9+9+9 - a change will occur in life.

7+7+7+7 - there will be big troubles.

6+6+6+6 - a long road ahead.

3. One card

Formulate a question in your head regarding the fulfillment of your desire. Shuffle the cards while still keeping the question in mind. Draw a card at random - they will be the answer. If, while shuffling the cards, one of them falls out of the deck, there is no need to put it back - it will be the answer.

Card meanings:

Ace - a wish not to be fulfilled.

King, Queen, Jack - there is a chance, but one in a thousand.

The rest of the cards - there are chances, but not many of them.

Ace, King, Queen, Jack - there are a lot of doubts that the desire will come true.

The remaining cards indicate that there is a chance that everything will come true, albeit small.

Ace, King, Queen, Jack - the desire will come true, but with difficulties.

The remaining cards represent the desire to be fulfilled, not without hassle.

Ace - your wish will definitely come true!

King, Queen, Jack - the chances of execution are very high.

The remaining cards represent a desire to be fulfilled, although you will have to work hard for this.

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Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

First way. For fortune telling, we take a deck of 36 cards, carefully shuffle them and make our wish. After this, we lay out one card at a time into 3 piles. Having laid out all the cards, we take out 3 cards from each pile: one from the bottom, the second from the middle, the third from the top. This makes a total of 9 cards. We lay them out the same way we pulled them out, as follows: first, the first row - 3 bottom ones, the second - 3 middle ones, the third - 3 top ones. We look at which cards there are more: figures (jack, queen, king), small cards (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) or aces. Next, we interpret the cards according to the interpreter.


If aces fall out or 2 aces and two figure cards lie in a row, then the wish will come true.
One is an ace and one is a figure card and the other is a small card, then this is a complication in the family, troubles.
2 aces, two figures and small cards- your spouse is unfaithful to you.
3 aces, one piece- You will have or already have strong enemies.
4 kings- success.
4 ladies- love is under threat.
4 jacks- vanity, troubles, stupid work.
Ace, king, queen, jack, small cards- usual life.
Small cards- failure, the wish will not come true.

Second way. Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place all the cards into 9 piles with 4 face down cards in each pile. After this, reveal the top cards of the piles. Those open cards of the piles that match in value are put aside. Accordingly, open the cards that were under them. And then remove cards in pairs. If, as a result of laying out, all the cards are removed, then your wish will come true, otherwise it will not come true.

Third method (Fortune telling with four aces).

Option 1. Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place 15 cards face up on the top of the deck on the table. If there are aces among the cards laid out, then put them aside. Then collect the cards from the table, mix them with the deck, shuffle them and put 15 cards face up on the table again. If there are aces among the newly laid out cards, then put them aside. If not all aces came out, then repeat the above steps a third time. If all 4 aces come out in no more than 3 card layings, then your wish will come true, otherwise it will not come true.
Option 2. Take a deck of 32 cards and shuffle it thoroughly. Make a wish. Place 13 cards face up on the top of the deck on the table. If there are aces among the cards laid out, then put them aside, and in the order in which you take them. Then collect the cards from the table, mix them with the deck, shuffle them and put 13 cards face up on the table again. If there are aces among the newly laid out cards, then put them aside, observing the sequence in which you take them. Continue laying out cards in this manner until all 4 aces come out. If the first to appear on the table is the Ace of Spades, then your wish will not come true; if the Ace of Clubs, then your wish may come true, but with great hassle and difficulty; if the Ace of Diamonds, then your wish will come true with little difficulty; if the Ace of Hearts, then your wish will certainly come true.

Fourth way. Take a deck of 36 cards in your hands, shuffle it thoroughly and arrange it into 5 closed piles of cards, so that each pile contains 7 cards. After this, you will have 1 card left in your hands, make a wish on it. Then start revealing cards from the first pile, discarding those whose suits do not match the chosen one. Of the cards whose suit matches the chosen one, keep only cards with a ten and above. If any pile of cards does not contain any of the five highest cards (10, jack, queen, king, ace), then discard the entire pile aside. Do this procedure with all the stacks of cards, after which collect the cards into a deck, carefully shuffle them and arrange them into 4 piles. Inappropriate suits must be discarded again. Do this operation several more times, laying out the deck into 3, 2 stacks, until you get 1 stack. If only 5 cards remain in this one pile, and these are 10, jack, queen, king and ace of the intended suit, then the wish will come true, but if there are others among these cards, then you will have to wait for the wish to come true. You cannot make one wish several times!

Fifth way. Make a wish. Pick up a deck of 36 cards and shuffle it carefully. Then take one card from the middle of the deck and place it closed in the center of the table. Below, start laying out the cards in 2 rows. The cards are placed face up. First put the card in the first row, then in the second, then in the first row, then again in the second, etc. If during the laying out two cards of the same value appear in one row, then remove these cards and move the remaining cards in the row together. Thus, lay out the entire deck. In the row where the fewest cards remain, take the first card and compare its suit with the card that you pulled from the deck and placed in the center of the table. If the colors of the suits are the same, then your wish will most likely come true; if the suits match, then your wish will definitely come true. If the color of the suit does not match, the wish will not come true.

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their destiny. How will tomorrow go? Will you be lucky in love? Will next year be successful? In ancient times, fortune telling for the future was as common an activity as going online is now for us. Cards, dice, colors and many other paraphernalia were used for fortune telling. Today we offer you wish fortune telling online to find out everything about the future.

What is online fortune telling for wish fulfillment?

Another second and you will find yourself in the amazing world of wish fulfillment, which was developed by professional fortune tellers, experts on runes and ancient Tarot cards, and card solitaire experts. You don't need to light candles, send a photo of yourself, or walk under the moonlight. Fortune telling is absolutely free and gives a 99% correct answer. Are you ready to find out your fate?

If yes, then close your eyes and imagine the desire you are waiting for to come true. Clearly formulate the question, visualize it and boldly throw the dice (the “Start fortune telling” sign).

Roll the dice

After 2 seconds you will receive an answer to the question:

  1. The wish will come true very soon.
  2. It will come true, but a little later.
  3. It won't come true.

Or maybe everything will turn out differently? It is impossible to predict the answer of our magic dice, because it is individual for each person. Virtual fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish does not easily give dry answers “yes” or “no”, depriving you of the right to choose. Fortune telling pushes you, brings clarity, and going towards your dream is your happy path, filled with experience, sweet anticipation and achievement of your intended goal.

Will the expected come true or not? Now this question no longer worries you, you know whether it is worth going towards the goal, or whether it is pointless. We invite you to plunge into the world of your secret or open desires. Look into the future with magic dice cubes that never deceive and give the most truthful answer.

The background of fortune telling with bones, or all about card predictions

There are many divination technologies: using coffee grounds and melted wax, when Gin or other signs were looked for in a blurred image. Fate can be seen in a mirror or ball of fate, read it in a book, simply by wishing for the page and line number.

Fortune telling with cards probably appeared with the invention of the first card deck. Of course, these were still primitive drawings, and the decks were used for games. But only enlightened and naturally gifted people knew that in their hands, cards turn into messengers of the future and predict the most accurate development of events.

Today you can tell fortunes for your wish to come true for free on the Astrog website. For example, card games “Golden Fish”, “Yes-No”, “Four Kings” and others. The principle of these online fortune telling on cards is simple: each card and its suit has its own meaning. So, for example, an ace of hearts in fortune telling is good news from afar, and an ace of clubs denotes a friend, and ace of spades means sad news.

Remember that for fortune telling on a real deck, you need “unplayed” cards, that is, a new deck. Cards on which “Fool” or “Preference” were played lose their true power.

A simple way of card fortune telling

The simplest way to wish is fortune telling using the 36 cards of a standard gaming deck. Make a wish, if you can’t concentrate, then write it down with a pen on paper. After this, shuffle the deck and pull out a card. The red card represents luck and success, while the black card represents pipe dreams.

History of bone divination

Fortune telling with bones is as old as the world; generations of people have resorted to it, and dice are found even during excavations in the territories of disappeared cultures.

The use of bones, as we have already understood, is rooted in sorcery and fortune telling. Initially, parts of the sheep's spine called astragalus were used for these purposes. This part of the spine has a relief surface, it was convenient to throw it and, what is important, it was convenient to interpret meanings from it.

In each culture, such ancient bones were made using a special technology: symbols were carved on them, patterns were painted with red and black natural paint. The latter option is the great-grandfather of modern dice, which are made of plastic and wood is also used.

Surprisingly, fortune telling with dice according to desire gave truthful answers. But the person who made this wish had to throw the dice. If an outsider is guessing, then you should put the cubes in a glass, shake them and throw them on a table or other flat surface to get an accurate result.

Plunge into the world of your desires and find out the most accurate answer using online dice divination!

Our ancestors learned about the future with the help of fortune telling: they turned to shamans, and they, using stones, bones, observing the location of the stars, foreshadowed a person’s future fate. By the time cards appeared, people could already tell their own fortunes. To find out whether your plans will come true, it is enough to choose an accurate fortune-telling for your desire. Let's look at some of them.

First method: fortune telling for the desire “Black or red”

Fortune telling occurs as follows:

  1. By shuffling the deck, the one who makes a wish formulates it without saying it out loud.
  2. Then he draws any card from the deck.
  3. Now you can find out the answer to the question:
    • the ace of spades means that what you have planned will not come true and you need to completely forget about it;
    • the jack, queen or king of spades says that you will have two or three opportunities to make this wish come true;
    • values ​​from two to ten peaks indicate that there will be more such opportunities;
    • clubs jack, queen, king, ace - you should reconsider your dream;
    • clubs from two to ten - there is a risk of the planned actions, but the probability of their successful completion cannot be excluded;
    • suit of diamonds from jack to ace - the dream is quite feasible, but it will require considerable effort;
    • a suit of diamonds from two to ten means that upcoming difficulties will prevent you from achieving what you want;
    • the ace of hearts says that you need to take on your plans without doubt;
    • hearts king, queen, jack mean that there is no doubt, and you are guaranteed at least 90% of a successful outcome;
    • worms from two to ten - try hard to achieve what you want - it is quite feasible.

If a card falls out while shuffling the deck, you need to pay special attention to it - it could just be the answer to your question. The name of such a card is “fortune”.

The second method of fortune telling with cards based on desire

Principle of fortune telling:

  1. Make a wish.
  2. You shuffle the deck.
  3. Deal the top 15 cards face up, discarding the aces.
  4. Repeat the steps two more times.
  5. If after three hands all the aces fall out, the wish will come true.

Third method: fortune telling for wish fulfillment “Pyramid”

Before you start fortune telling, you need:

  1. Discard all sixes from the deck.
  2. Draw four cards in random order.
  3. Remember them and make a wish on one of those that was not drawn.
  4. Next, lay out the remaining cards as follows:
    • first (bottom) row - six cards;
    • second row - five cards;
    • third row - four;
    • fourth row - three;
    • fifth row - two;
    • sixth (top) row - one card.

If the one you made is located in one of these rows, then the probability of the wish being fulfilled is determined as follows:

  • if in the bottom row, the plan will not come true;
  • if in the second row, there are chances, but they are unlikely;
  • in the third - execution is quite possible;
  • in the fourth - the chances of the dream come true are 50/50;
  • in the fifth row - your plans can come true with a high probability;
  • if in the sixth row, then your wish will surely come true.

Fourth method: fortune telling solitaire “Drunkard”

You can also tell fortunes using solitaire, which plays out like this:

  1. Make a wish.
  2. Take a deck of 36 or 52 cards.
  3. Shuffle, while mentally pronouncing the desire.
  4. Place the cards face down in two columns one by one.
  5. If you come across identical cards in two piles at the same time, set them aside.
  6. When you run out of cards, put both columns together and, without shuffling, lay them out again according to the same principle.
  7. Continue this way until all paired cards are completely thrown away - this will mean that the wish will come true, or you understand that the solitaire game did not work out - then, alas, your plan will not come true.

RED, BLACK. Fortune telling by wish

This is the simplest way of fortune telling. Take a standard deck of 36 cards, make a wish, and then, concentrating on the wish, click on 1 card from the deck and it will tell you about the fulfillment of your wish.

Laying out cards for the fulfillment of a specific desire is one of the easiest ways to find out whether your hopes will come true, or whether the desire will remain in the category of unfulfilled.

Any desire has a chance to come true if it is not interfered with. Depending on whether there are forces that will support the desire in its fulfillment, or whether there are opposing forces, the result depends.

You yourself can influence the outcome of your plans. The same too often can harm the business, but not bring a positive result.

Much depends on how you behave on the way to what you want. To do this, it is important to know which factors will contribute to achieving your goal and which will go against your plans.

Even if you go ahead, it is not at all necessary that you will achieve your plans. Also, the result is not necessarily negative if you just sit and calmly wait for the outcome.

In short, the fulfillment of a desire can be influenced by many factors with varying degrees of force. In order to define the framework and identify the main factors determining the result, you can use our layout.

Please note that the time frame, as with most projects, must be clearly defined. Depending on the nature of the desire, it is optimal to indicate a time frame of three or six months. However, a “short-term” desire, say, buying a new handbag next week, also has its place.

So, decide on the time of fortune telling. Another point that we recommend taking into account is the nature of the desire itself. " Find the love of your life“This is, of course, the dream of almost every life. But it is unlikely that such a desire will be adequately assessed by the cards, much less fit within the agreed time frame.

Finally, ask the right question. " I want to find a new promising job within the next three months" is a good example of a question, and " I want to finally change this shabby office to something more worthwhile" - bad example.

Layout of cards “Wish Fulfillment” diagram

Take seven cards from the deck one by one, each of which needs to be asked a corresponding question. Questions:

  1. What will help in fulfilling your intended desire?
  2. What will counteract and interfere with the fulfillment of desire?
  3. What can I use to achieve my goals?
  4. Trials that may occur on the way to fulfillment of desire.
  5. What needs to be done to avoid these tests?
  6. What will you have to sacrifice to fulfill your desire?
  7. Bottom line.

Please note that the layout assumes a result as a result of taking into account the advice of the cards. If you did not listen to the advice and did it your own way, the result, unfortunately, may be the opposite.

You can order the schedule in the section

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