How to get diamonds in minecraft. How to get diamonds in Minecraft. Minecraft video how to find diamonds

Minimum set of resources:

  1. Iron pickaxe
  2. Torches
To this set, you can also take a shovel, if you have the resources for it. It will make it easier for you to dig out gravel deposits. Why should you choose an iron pickaxe? Therefore, you cannot destroy a diamond with weaker pickaxes, or rather you destroy it, but nothing will fall out of it. Sword, torches and food, I think there is no need to explain what they are for, everything is for your good.

How to quickly find diamonds in minecraft

So, full combat readiness! Press the F3 button and look at the Y value... It means what level of altitude we are at. We have to go deep underground, to level 10-15. It is in this gap that most diamonds are located. From personal experience, I want to say that I always start digging a small 2x2 tunnel at level 12 and for at least 10 minutes the diamonds are already in my inventory. Sometimes you are lucky and in the same time you can find much more deposits of this expensive ore. As you dig, you will also come across coal, gold, redstone, and lapis lazuli. Do not skip these ores, they will also come in handy in crafting.

If your task is to search for all kinds of ore, then you can travel through ordinary caves, they can also contain diamonds, provided that the cave is at the right level. There are no secrets, everything is very simple. Find diamonds in minecraft easier than you think, no need to focus on this, just use the proven method and you will find them!

Each of us had such cases when during one trip we returned with a huge amount of diamonds, and from another trip we brought only iron and coal. So what determines the amount of mined resources and how to find diamonds in minecraft? Let's figure it out!

First, we need to go down to block 12. There are 3 options for descending.

  1. Dangerous but fast.
  2. Safe, but a little more expensive and longer.
  3. Unprofitable, long and extremely outdated.
  • The first way is to descend by digging a tunnel into one block, but there is a high danger of falling into lava or canyon and dying.
  • The second way is to dig a tunnel in two blocks. Safe when properly positioned between blocks. Thus, if there is lava under one block, you will remain standing on the other and survive. This case is the fastest and most convenient in modern realities.
  • And finally, the third way is the outdated ladder digging. The worst is unprofitable and extremely long. For successful digging of all resources, it is best to go out at the twelfth height under the mountains. Since only deep under the mountains can you find emeralds - the main resource for trading with the inhabitants.

Where to find diamonds in minecraft?

Do not forget to take food, a shovel and a bucket of water to fill the lava lakes underground. The fact is that, as a rule, there are diamonds above them, and a bucket of water will help to overcome the lava lake.

Digging is 3 blocks high. This is the ideal tunnel height for maximum effect, digging according to the diagram below. Thanks to this scheme, you are guaranteed to get the maximum amount of resources on the minimum territory and you can quickly find diamonds.

Make the main tunnel as long as possible. Child branches should not be longer than 120-130 blocks. As soon as the entire territory of the daughter tunnels around the main one has been excavated, it is worth starting to make a new main tunnel or continue this one. Everything should be done depending on the circumstances.

There are 2 more dangerous and expensive ways how to find diamonds in minecraft, in which there is an explosive digging of tunnels.

  1. Moving only one tunnel with dynamite, however, it is extremely expensive and unprofitable.
  2. Summons the Wither and a gradual retreat. He will chase after you and will blow up everything, as a result, after his death, you will have a long tunnel that will be full of resources. However, this method is also unprofitable and there is a huge chance of not paying off.

Diamonds in Minecraft can be used to make the strongest objects, an enchantment table and just beautiful things. But at the same time, this block is very difficult to find. Finding diamonds can take a very long time if you don't know where to look.

Diamonds are mined from diamond ore found in dungeons. The highest chance of finding a vein is at level 12. And, if you're lucky, you can get 10 gems at a time. Ore can often be found right under the lava. That is why it is not recommended to dig directly under you. Pouring lava with a bucket into the lava dug nearby.

To mine diamonds you will need:
  • diamond or iron pickaxe;
  • many torches to light up the dungeons;
  • a sword or other weapon to defend against mobs;
  • stove for melting ore.

It is more logical to put the stove near an already explored place in order to melt ore into diamonds without going far.

If you are too lazy to dig caves on your own, then you can find a ready-made one. Many of them are huge, and most likely there is diamond ore somewhere and more than one. But in pursuit of diamonds, do not forget about the dangers: lava and mobs.

Diamonds can be found in chests, fortresses, villages, and very rarely they can be obtained as loot from a monster. Since this method is quite costly, both in terms of time and resources, it is not popular.

In addition to searching, you can use cheats. For example, having downloaded X-Ray, you can see deep into the depths and find not only diamonds, but also other minerals. Please note that cheats are prohibited on many servers and if the admin detects their use, you may be banned.

If you put the Industrial Craft2 mod, then diamonds can be crafted. To get one diamond:
  • we crush 64 blocks of coal (you need a crusher);
  • create a charcoal ball from the resulting dust and 8 blocks of silicon;
  • then we use a compressor to compress the resulting ball;
  • we craft a block of coal from a compressed coal ball and an iron block (it is fashionable to use obsidian or brick);
  • squeeze the block and get a diamond.

You can get an endless source of diamonds. To do this, you need to build a plant to reproduce them. But for its construction you will need valuable materials and one diamond.

You will need:

  • build a portal to Hell (you need 10 obsidian stones and a lighter);
  • from the portal on both sides put nine blocks, for example, wool;
  • pour water into the resulting pool;
  • put two workbenches on the parapets;
  • then we climb into the water and put a block of diamond on one of the workbenches;
  • two diamond blocks will appear next to our structure.

To better understand the sequence of actions, watch the video:

In fact, if you set out to get more diamonds, then it will not be difficult. There are several principles that must be followed when mining any mineral. Therefore, if it seems to you that gravel is easier to mine than diamond, then you are deeply mistaken. To explain this, let's look at how to get diamonds in Minecraft.


The first way to get the item you are looking for without cost and special preparation is provided by Minecraft itself. It won't work out quickly anyway.

You can start by exploring the surface of the world. Find an abandoned fortress or temple. There, in the chests, you can find a small amount of diamonds. This will be a great help before you dig deep into the mines.

Besides the abandoned places, you should visit the village. In it, you can either buy diamonds from the villagers, or try to steal them from the blacksmith's chest. But how can you get diamonds in Minecraft in another way?


If long hikes are not for you, then it is worth preparing for a fairly long excavation of the earth's interior. Where to get diamonds in Minecraft? Rocks can be located at very different depths. In particular, it was noted that deposits of this mineral are found in large quantities at a depth of 12 blocks. Moreover, they can be found even more often near lava. But more on that later.

Before you go digging for diamond ore, you will need to make some items to take with you, namely:


So, how to get diamonds in Minecraft if you are already fully prepared? You have at least two options.

  1. We descend to a depth of 12 blocks and equip ourselves a room with all the equipment indicated above. We fully illuminate it. Be sure to put a door at the entrance. You now have three bare walls. Start digging straight to one side. The hole should be 2x2. Every two blocks you create a semi-room, from which a branch will then be built. It will also be 2 blocks in height, but already 4 in width and length. Then again we dig a 2x2 corridor. And so - as long as the endurance is enough. It's better not to go too far: you can fall into a cave or open a lake. In the same way, from the initial room, we dig to the remaining sides. After digging in all directions, you can tackle the branches and dig them according to the same principle as the main tunnels.
  2. We descend to the maximum depth and find lava. Dig along and next to it, and also try using the tips from the previous paragraph.

Big boom

The fastest, but also the most dangerous way to get diamonds in Minecraft. Having descended to the required depth, which was mentioned earlier, you dig a long tunnel. At the end, place dynamite and activate it. Now run as far as possible. The explosion will be strong, but it will "work out" a huge layer of earth. The main thing is to make sure that there is no water or lava above and below, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted.

  • To keep your diamonds safe, you can put them in chests or stoves.
  • Diamonds are very common near lava.
  • If you plan on digging for a long time, then create a secure and equipped base, with a bed, chests, an oven, and most importantly, a garden to grow food (watered with blocks of water and lit with torches).
  • Always carry a large amount of wood, a furnace, and a crafting table so that the mined iron can be smelted into bars and create a large number of pickaxes.
  • If you find diamonds in a lava pool, pour water on it, or place a block on it; if you don't, diamonds can fall into the lava and be destroyed.
  • If you come across a cave, don't go too high as you won't find diamonds there. Just cover the passage for future examination.
  • You will be able to survive the attack of any mob underground using barriers. Skeletons are vulnerable at short range; hit their feet when they are outside the fence.
  • Always dig a wide hole, even if it takes longer.
  • If you do not have food and a sword, or you do not want to carry them with you, you can always switch to peaceful mode, since there are no hostile mobs and hunger in it.
  • Don't get too high; you can fall.
  • To find out about your location, press F3.
  • If you would like to learn more about mining ore read here:
  • Crawl when you are near the edge so as not to fall into the lava, or in principle.
  • Digging upwards is also dangerous. There may be gravel or lava above you.
  • Listen carefully while mining the ore, you can hear hostile mobs other than creepers. If you are playing on Peaceful difficulty, then don't worry about hostile mobs. Dig as much as you want!
  • Diamond ore only spawns at Y: 5 and Y: 12.
  • If you're digging in the pocket version, then you shouldn't be afraid to dig straight down, as there are no lava pools underground. However, there may be deep caves and ravines there, so be careful.
  • Diamond mining takes patience!
  • If you see lava or water flows, block them even if there is a bypass. Who knows, you might find diamonds!
  • If you do not want to be disturbed by mobs while mining diamonds, switch to peaceful mode.
  • Try to find ravines, these textures often contain a lot of coal, iron, gold and even diamonds.
  • Remember the golden rule of mining! Never dig straight up or down (you may fall into lava, be attacked by a mob, drown in water, or choke on dust).
  • Always create a defense perimeter for your underground base - even leaf blocks will be useful.
  • If you are digging in survival mode, do not dig straight down as you will most likely fall into lava or from a ravine. Try to make a ladder.
  • Try asking others for help with diamond mining. The more people, the more diamonds you find.
  • Diamonds can only be mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe.
  • If you are digging, set up torches to avoid spawning hostile mobs.
  • Don't go to dark areas with hostile mobs without a sword, ax, or bow / arrow!
  • Diamonds are most often mixed with stone, not next to lava. It's true - you can find diamonds near lava, but this reduces the amount of diamonds in the veins.
  • Fortune III picks multiply the search for diamonds by 4. If you have such a pick, then use it to mine diamonds!
  • When you find a diamond deposit, carefully study the area around it, so as not to simply lose a valuable resource. After all, lava lies in wait everywhere
  • When playing the pocket version, use the first method. You will definitely find gold and diamonds.
  • Take food as you will spend a lot of time underground. You will not like it if you lose all your mined diamonds and ore due to hunger.
  • Dig down to the root passages, and then up 12 blocks, then mine ore. You will find additional ore.
  • Never carry diamonds with you in case you die. Put them in a chest, preferably in the Ender Chest.
  • If you are playing in survival mode, then build a house in the mountains so that you will not be attacked by mobs.
  • Look around when you find diamonds, some veins contain hidden nuclei.
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