Who needs what for work. Game “Who needs what? Speech therapist reading a story

A selection of didactic games for preschoolers 5-7 years old to consolidate knowledge on the topic “Professions”

Description: I use this set of tasks in classes with preschoolers aged 5-7 years (with mental retardation) to consolidate and enrich knowledge on the topic “Professions”. A selection of games and exercises will contribute to the development of active and passive vocabulary, the formation of counting concepts, and will help develop thinking and attention. The material may be useful to educators, speech therapists, speech pathologists, and parents
- to activate, consolidate and generalize students’ knowledge on the topic “Professions”
- promote the development of coherent speech
-develop auditory attention, ability to answer questions
- to cultivate patience, diligence, accuracy in work, the ability to complete the work started.

Game number 1. “Name it correctly”
Target: consolidation and enrichment of knowledge on the topic “Professions”, development of active and passive vocabulary, development of auditory attention
This game can be used both at the stage of acquaintance with new professions for children, and to consolidate and generalize knowledge. For work we use these cards (we laminate, cut, select occupations that are suitable for the topic - the pictures were found by me on the foreign Internet and some professions may not be so popular in our country - for example, private detective, rescuer). Here is a list of all professions that can be used in classes with children 5-7 years old
1-cook, 2-traffic controller, 3-trainer, 4-dentist, 5-astronaut, 6-builder, 7-farmer, 8-janitor, 9-doctor, 10-private detective, detective, 11-firefighter, 12-gardener ,13-painter,14-nurse,15-military,16-librarian,17-postman,18-rescue worker,19-teacher,20-garbage collector,21-journalist,22-mechanic,23-policeman,24-veterinarian

Task options: One by one, we show the students the cards and ask who is this? What does he do? (for example, this is a cook, he prepares food, this is a fireman, he puts out a fire, etc.)
You can also choose riddles based on the topic. We put 3 or 4 cards on the desk, ask the children to listen carefully to the riddle and find a suitable picture with the answer
Game number 2. “What you need for work”
Target: development of active and passive vocabulary, development of thinking, attention
We also use this game at the stage of consolidating knowledge about professions.
Progress of the game: We put 2 cards with windows and 12 suitable pictures mixed on the desk. We ask the children to put pictures in the appropriate boxes and tell why this item is needed for work.

Children of primary preschool age can be given another game task (it is very convenient to work in pairs) - we distribute roles: for example, Vasya will be a fireman, and Petya will be a policeman. Find all the items that will be useful to you in your work. When all the pictures are collected, ask the children to tell about their profession. For example, in my picture there is a fireman, he puts out a fire, which means he needs a fire extinguisher and a hose, a fire truck and special boots, etc.

Game number 3. “Count, name and color”
Equipment: printout with the task, colored pencils, felt-tip pens
Target: consolidation of the names of various professions in speech, development of counting skills, development of imagination
Progress of the game: We show the children a sheet of tasks, ask them to count how many people of different professions are in the picture, and write the appropriate numbers in order in the boxes. We remember and pronounce the names of all professions, ask you to color the pictures

Game number 4. “Bingo”
Equipment: individual cards for the game, a set of cards for the teacher, a set of numbers 1-9 for each player
Target: development of attention, consolidation of graphic images of numbers 1-9

Progress of the game: Preschoolers are very fond of various competitions, and to consolidate knowledge on the topic of professions, you can arrange a comic competition like this. We distribute individual cards with drawings of professions and numbers to students. The teacher has a set of similar pictures with professions, but without numbers. We explain to the children the conditions of the game: I will show you these big pictures one by one, and you must name the profession correctly and hide the same small picture under a suitable number. The winner is the one who hides all the little people under the numbers the fastest.
Next, we show pictures of professions one by one, in random order, taking pauses between rounds so that everyone has time to find the appropriate number.

The “catch” of this game is that on the cards the children have the same sets of pictures under different numbers, which means that all the little people will be hidden at the same time - so that friendship wins the competition))
Game number 5. “Help the postman”
Target: development of attention, consolidation of counting skills and graphic images of numbers within 12
Equipment: printouts with the task, felt-tip pen or pencil
Progress of the game: We ask the children to help and guide the postman (mechanic, teacher) along the path of numbers from 1 to 12

Game number 6. “True or false”
Target: development of attention, development of thinking, consolidation of knowledge about various professions
Equipment: a set of pictures of people of various professions, a red and green card for each player

Progress of the game: We distribute red and green cards to the children, announce the conditions of the game - Now I will show you pictures and name the profession of this person. If I call correctly, you must show me the green card. If I call incorrectly, I'm deceiving you - you show me a red card.
Next, we show the cards one by one, alternate correct and incorrect judgments, ask the children to correct your mistakes, for example - Is this a cook? (we show a picture with a policeman, the children correct - no, this is a policeman)

Goals: develop auditory attention, form the grammatical structure of speech, teach the use of the dative case of nouns, and the formation of relative adjectives.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to listen to the sentence, find the mistake, correct it, and repeat the sentence correctly.

Need a saucepan...cook (to the cook). Need a saw...carpenter (carpenter). Need a machine...a lathe (to the turner). Need flour... baker (to the baker). Brushes needed... artist (to the artist). I need an ax... a lumberjack (lumberjack). Need scissors... tailor (to the tailor). Need a hammer... shoemaker (to the shoemaker).

Game "Scattered Syllables"

Target: develop syllable analysis and synthesis, visual attention and visual memory, activate vocabulary on the topic “Professions”.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to “fix” the words that have fallen apart. On the carpet printer - the syllables: TOR - PO - PA - ZHE - RIK - MA - DOV - NIK - SA - DOG - HU - NIK -IN - HER - NER - DOC - VAR. Children make words from them.

Words: artist, hairdresser, doctor, gardener, engineer, cook.

Game “Name the sounds”

Goals: improve phonemic processes, the ability to determine the first and last sounds in a word.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks the children to name the first and last sounds in words - names of professions.

Words: cook, doctor, engineer, carpenter, machinist, carpenter, mason, artist, painter, architect.

Game "Who to be?"

Goals: develop coherent speech, teach coherent monologue statements, and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Professions.”

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to add to the story.

One day in kindergarten, children dreamed about what they would be when they became adults. Petya said:

I want to heal people. I will be (who?)... .

And I,” said Yulia, “when I grow up, I will begin to raise small children.” I will be (who?)... .

What's this! - Vasya answered. “Soon I’ll be saving people from the fire, fighting the fire.” I will be (who?)... . .

Just think, fireman! - Katya laughed. - I’ll start painting pictures. I will become (who?)... .

The smallest boy Oleg looked at the guys and said quietly:

And I will cook food for you. I will become (who?)...

WITH. Chesheva

Text for retelling


Petya and grandfather were great friends. We talked about everything.

A grandfather once asked his grandson:

And why, Petenka, do people need hands?

“To play with a ball,” Petya answered.

And also for what? - asked the grandfather.

To hold a spoon.

To pet the cat.

To throw pebbles into the river...

Petya answered his grandfather all evening. He answered correctly. Only he was small and judged everyone else by his own hands, and not by the labor, working hands with which all life, the whole world is held together.

E. Permyak Questions:

What did grandfather ask Petya? What did Petya answer? Why did Petya answer like that? What does a person need hands for most?

Text for retelling


Two plows were made from the same piece of iron and in the same workshop.

One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work, while the other lay for a long time and completely useless, in the merchant’s shop.

It happened some time later that both fellow countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which lay idle in the shop, darkened and became covered with rust.

Tell me please, why do you shine so much? - the rusty plow asked his old acquaintance.

From work, my dear,” he answered. - And if you got rusty and became worse than you were, it’s because all this time you lay on your side, doing nothing.

K. Ushinsky


How and where were the two plows made?

Who got one plow and what happened to the other?

What did the two plows look like when they met again?

What were the two plows talking about?


New vocabulary

Nouns: hammer, axe, saw, screwdriver, pliers, needle, scissors, vice, plane, shovel, rake, thimble, nail, knife, wood, metal, glass, plastic, rubber, leather, fabric, paper, stone.


hammer, chop, saw, repair, build, assemble, disassemble, dig, unscrew, screw, sew, cut, dig, rake.


leather, metal, brick, glass, sharp, heavy.

Lesson summary for the middle group “Who needs what for work?”

Program content. To consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the equipment needed by people of different professions, about the importance of their work. To cultivate respect for working people, to reveal the attitude of workers to their work.

Preliminary work. Observations of people of different professions (cook, janitor, doctor, dressmaker). Examination of pictures reflecting their activities. Introduction to songs and poems about work. Demonstration of toys - models of work equipment. Acquaintance with games that reflect the work of people of different professions.

Material. Elements of costumes for a cook, janitor, dressmaker, doctor. Pictures reflecting the process of activity of people of these professions (a cook serves cutlets, a janitor rakes autumn leaves, a doctor examines a patient, a dressmaker transfers a pattern to fabric). Pictures depicting objects of labor (for a cook: a knife, a cutting board, an apron, a meat grinder, a spatula, a plate for cutlets; for a janitor: a broom, a rake, an apron, a large dustpan, a shovel, a cart with a box for transporting garbage; for a doctor: a robe, thermometer, syringe, bandage, cotton wool, bottle of medicine; for a dressmaker: sewing machine, needle, thread, set of fabrics, fashion album, scissors, patterns, centimeter).

Progress of the lesson

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator. Today we will talk about how people work, what equipment and tools they need for work, what benefits their work brings to people. I will show you pictures, and you try to answer who is depicted in them and what he is doing.

4 pictures are shown sequentially one after another. The children's answers are approved, the teacher corrects them only in case of difficulty or incorrect answer.

Educator. Well done, you know what people of different professions do. Which of them needs what tools and work equipment? And we will find out in the game. Let's choose guys who will become a cook, a janitor, a doctor, a dressmaker.

The selected children approach the teacher, and he invites them to put on costumes. Attach the pictures previously shown to the children to the chest of each player.

Educator. Now each of you will take a picture. The pictures show the equipment needed for each worker. Think about who needs this or that item.

The teacher walks along the sitting children and invites everyone to take one of the cards.

Educator. So the game begins. Guys, show your pictures to the workers. Now let the cook choose the children whose cards show the equipment he needs.

The teacher turns to the child, whose picture shows an item that the cook needs, with a request to tell him why the cook needs this item. After this child, the cook names the next one, etc. The questions are repeated. In a similar way, the teacher addresses other workers.

- Come on, janitor, tell me what items you need?

- Come on, doctor, show me what equipment you need?

- Come on, dressmaker, tell me what you need for work?

Thus, children gather near each worker and hold the objects of labor that everyone needs for work.

Educator. The incredible happened: all the pictures got mixed up. Now cheerful music will start playing, and the guys will scatter throughout the room. Just remember: when the music stops, you must gather near the workers. Got it? Tell me (names the child), who will you look for? And you (names another child), who will you run to?.. Well, okay, listen to the music.

The game “Which link will get together sooner” is played.

Educator. Let's see if everyone has found their workers.

Children depicting people of the indicated professions name the objects that the children gathered near them are holding in their hands.

Educator. Let's repeat the game. Do you want?.. Then exchange cards with whoever you want. And the workers will choose other children.

The game repeats itself.

Educator. You played well, now relax and sit on the carpet. Today we remembered who needs what for work. Now tell me, what benefit does the work of each worker bring to people?

The information obtained during the lesson is summarized. The teacher concludes: “All the works are good, choose according to your taste!”

On the board on the right are pictures of different professions, on the left are tools for their work.

Speech therapist. Who needs what for a picture with tools to the person who needs them (a pointer, a textbook are needed by the teacher...).

Game "Let's go to the zoo."

L ogoped. I suggest you go a hundred and bring food for the animals.

I will say what food we will take, and you will say to whom we will give it. For example: The meat... we'll give it to the lions.


Hay, grass...

Grain... etc.

Physical education minute.

4. Ball game “Who needs what?”

Speech therapist I will throw the ball and the one who catches the ball will say who needs them: For example: Pomade- woman.

Razor, tie -

Textbooks, notebooks

Nipples, bottles -

Collar, food - etc.

Game "Change the word."

L ogoped. I will say sentences, and you must change the last word so that the sentences sound beautiful and correct. For example: Give the book brother (give the book brother).

Tie a bow sister.

Give way, old lady.

Give me some medicine, grandpa.

Masha goes to the doctor.

The children walked through the forest.

We walked along the road.

III. Summary of the lesson.

Topic: “Retelling the story “Sly Vanya””


1. Clarification of the idea of ​​​​fish.

2. Expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic.

3. Development of coherent speech (learning to compose a retelling).

4. Development of thinking, memory, attention, visual perception.

5. Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: pictures depicting fish swimming right - left, up, down (for each child), riddle pictures with superimposed images of aquatic inhabitants (for each child).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Game "Trace the fish."

The speech therapist gives children pictures that depict fish swimming to the right - left, up, down.

L ogoped. Circle the fish swimming to the right in blue, to the left - in red, up - in green, down - in yellow. How many fish are swimming to the right? Left? Up? Down?

Today we will talk about fish again and retell the story “Cunning Vanya”.

II. Main part.

Speech therapist reading a story.

One summer Vanya took fishing rods, bait, a large bucket and went fishing. The boy threw out his fishing rod and waited for the fish to bite. Vanya sat on the shore of the pond for a long time, but never caught a single fish. Vanya, upset, trudged home. On the way home, the boy saw a fish store. The cunning Vanya decided to buy a fish and say that he caught it. At home, mom and dad were surprised by their son’s big catch. And suddenly, at the bottom of Vanya’s bucket, dad noticed a receipt from a fish store. Vanya felt ashamed of his deception.

Conversation on the content of the story.

The speech therapist asks the children questions and asks them to answer in complete sentences.

What time of year is the story about?

Where did Vanya go?

What did Vanya take with him on his fishing trip?

Vanya caught at least one fish?

What did the boy come up with?

How did the parents find out that Vanya had cheated?

Did the boy feel ashamed of his deception?

Physical education minute. Finger gymnastics.

Game "Color".

The speech therapist gives children riddle pictures with superimposed images of aquatic inhabitants.

L ogoped. Who is hiding in the picture? Color the starfish red, the seahorse blue, the dolphin blue, and the fish yellow.

Repeated reading of the story by the speech therapist.

The speech therapist reads the story again, then, together with the children, draws up a brief retelling plan (what is said at the beginning of the story, what is said in the middle, what is said at the end).

Retelling the story by children.

III. Summary of the lesson.

L ogoped. What did we talk about today in class? What games did you play?

Topic: "Insects"


1. Expanding children's knowledge about insects, their benefits or harm.

2. Activation and generalization of vocabulary on the topic.

3. Activation of the verb dictionary.

4. Consolidating the skill of agreeing nouns with numerals.

5. Development of attention, memory, thinking.

6. Development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: pictures with images of insects, images of two faces - sad and cheerful, a ball.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Elena Kurilova

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a didactic game for the preparatory group to consolidate knowledge on the topic: “Learning professions.”

Target: expand children’s knowledge about the variety of professions.

Tasks: develop the ability to correlate work clothes, tools with a person’s profession; name the relevant professions; consolidate the ability to write a story about the profession.

Material for the game: sets of attributes, tools, workwear for professions - doctor, fireman and cook.

Rules of the game:

Select tools for a given profession

Select appropriate workwear for your profession and put it on yourself

Name your profession and talk about it

1). Considering the attributes for the game, choosing a profession you like, determining by children what someone needs for work.

2). The children made their choice. During the game, children help each other.

3). Children's story about their chosen profession.

4). The work clothes and tools are chosen correctly.

For the game, the selection of tools, attributes, and overalls can be different, depending on the profession. Children can also choose on their own everything they need for the game.

The material for the game was made by me together with the parents and administration of the kindergarten

Publications on the topic:

What needs to be taken into account to formulate a long-term plan for working with parents Modern families, different in composition, cultural traditions and views on education, have different understandings of the child’s place in the life of society.

Purpose of the game: to introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene and a correct, careful attitude towards their health; find out what is useful and what is not.

Goal: to develop the ability to identify a plant from a picture and find the place on the plan where it grows. Objectives: - learn to identify a plant.

Didactic game about professions “What to whom?” for middle group children And also to help teachers, students and parents. Didactic game: professions “What to whom?” Goal: continue to build knowledge about.

Didactic game on ecology in the preparatory group “What do we take in the basket” 1 slide: Didactic game “What do we take in the basket” 2 slide: Didactic task Goal: Improve the knowledge of preparatory children.

If a child is left-handed, who should parents contact? Many parents become concerned when they notice that their children write or draw with their left hand rather than their right hand, and try to retrain them or even turn them in.

Quiz game for the preparatory group “Why do you need to follow the rules of the road?” Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules, signals and traffic lights in a playful way. Clarify children's ideas.

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