Diablo 3 things. Items and equipment. Other items Other items

It is around the items that you can dress your character with that this game revolves. Not the plot, not the leveling, not the gameplay - all these things are not important here. The main thing is who has the coolest gear. The letters to the right of the items indicate classes: m - monk, k - sorcerer, o - demon hunter, v - barbarian, h - sorcerer. Characters of other classes cannot use such items.


  • Helmets
  • Spiritual stone M
  • Voodoo mask K
  • Sorcerer's Hat
  • Pauldrons

  • Chest armor
  • Cloaks O
  • Bracers


  • Gloves
  • Belts
  • powerful belts B

  • Trousers

  • Boots

  • Amulets
  • Rings

For left hand
  • Shields
  • Quivers O
  • Charms K
  • Spheres H

Weapon One-handed
  • Maces
  • Daggers
  • Spears
  • Swords
  • Axes
  • Fist weapon M
  • Powerful Weapon B
  • Ceremonial knives K
  • Maces
  • Polearm weapon
  • Swords
  • Staves
  • Axes
  • Daibo M
  • Powerful Weapon B

  • Crossbows
  • Bows
  • Wands H
  • Hand crossbows O

  • Gems
  • Paints
  • Health Recovery Potions

  • Raw materials
  • Sketch of a blacksmith
  • Jeweler's sketch
  • Tome of Learning Pages
Angel wings Available only to owners of the collector's version of the game.
Classification of objects Items can most easily be divided into five categories:
  • Regular(no magical effects). Items without magic, white or gray, may not be picked up at all, except at the very beginning.
  • Magical. Magic ones will live in your arsenal until approximately the end of the first playthrough. Then they are collected only for sale to a merchant.
  • Rare- already serious things, it is very likely that you will go through the Inferno with such things. It is rare items that are the most popular at auction.
  • Legendary- very controversial subjects. On the one hand, they fall out very, very rarely. It would seem that legendary items should be the best? No matter how it is. Their characteristics are often worse than those of rare ones. However, the best of the legendary items are potentially superior to the best of the rare ones. Look at the characteristics, not the color!
  • Set (set). These are the same legendary ones, but if you wear several items from the same set at the same time, you can receive additional magical bonuses, which are indicated in the descriptions. When you have a full set of good set items (not counting weapons - they are usually not very good), this is the best thing you can put on your character. But such items also cost many millions of gold, since they drop out even less frequently than legendary ones.

Item level and required level It is important not to confuse these two parameters. The required level is a parameter that directly determines whether your character can take it or not. Item level is most important among items that require level 60. So, level 61 items can be worse than level 63, although both require the character to be level 60.
Item cost Not the one that is put up for auction by players. And the one that is indicated in the characteristics. So: this value is not at all an indicator of quality. It only means how much this item can be sold to a regular in-game merchant.
Magic effects After making sure that the item is suitable for your class and level, and in the case of weapons, you are satisfied with the damage it causes, you should pay close attention to magical effects. It is impossible to say for sure what effects you need at the moment; each case is unique. However, the first thing you need to understand is that increasing characteristics beyond the basic class and vitality is generally pointless. They will hang on the object as a dead weight for you. There is also no point in gaining elemental resistances one at a time; it is better to take resistances to all elements at once. Please note that bonuses to damage or armor are already included in this indicator of large numbers for an item. How to recognize an object? In Diablo II, you had to collect or buy identification scrolls to do this. And if the player saved Deckard Cain, he could ask him to recognize the magical properties of the item for free.
In Diablo III, the process has been simplified to a minimum. To recognize an item, just click on it [right mouse button].

Parameters affecting damage Very important information! The following indicators directly affect damage per hit and damage per second (DPS):
  • Main class characteristic. One point of this characteristic increases one-time damage by 1%. So 2000 will give a 2000% bonus to damage.
  • Bonuses from passive skills. They are not displayed in items in any way, of course, but they participate in the calculation of DPS.
  • Attacks per second. It has a huge impact on DPS. Needless to say, 2x attacks per second doubles the DPS compared to 1x. However, it is important to understand that the higher this indicator, the faster the resource (mana, rage, etc.) is consumed. However, if you use not too expensive techniques, or have gained bonuses to your recovery speed, then a high attack speed will be a plus for you. But for the most resource-demanding attacks or traps, high one-time damage is more suitable, since the benefit of attacks per second simply does not exist for them.
  • Critical Strike Chance and Critical Damage Bonus. These two parameters are tightly intertwined and are of little use without each other. There needs to be a balance here. The more probability and direct bonus to critical damage you gain, the better, and the greater the DPS.

Don't take it as PR. But it’s a useful thing if you’re looking for items for auction. The fact is that it does not show the change in the hero’s parameters when theoretically replacing items, as if you hovered over an item in your inventory. For this case, there is a damage calculator - this is a website where you can enter the parameters of all your ammunition. And then, by substituting the characteristics of either the item worn or the item from the auction, you can clearly see how your DPS will change.

Diablo 3 is rich in various interesting items with very good affixes (characteristics) and in this article we will try to collect information about all significant parameters, as well as their maximum values. We hope you find this information useful in your travels around the world of Sanctuary or when trading at an auction.

Attention! Legendary items are not counted in the tables! Because they may have exclusive unique characteristics and a patch has not yet been released that buffs the legendary items. Information will be added later.

Also note that the total values ​​are given for the case with two rings on, excluding precious stones. Totals for dual wield and other options are given separately.

Basic characteristics

Using dual weapons gives the maximum increase in all basic characteristics.
Item type Dexterity Intelligence Force Vitality
Weapon 350 350 350 350
Left hand 178 178 178 178
Shield 200 200 200 200
Ring 178 178 178 178
Amulet 302 302 302 302
Shoulders 200 200 300 200
Helmet 200 300 200 200
Trousers 200 200 200 300
Gloves 300 300 200 200
Chest armor 200 200 200 300
Bracers 200 200 200 200
Boots 300 200 200 200
Belt 200 200 300 200
Demon Hunter - Cloak 178 178 178 258
Barbarian - Powerful Belt 178 178 258 178
Monk - Spiritual Stone 178 258 178 178
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask 178 258 178 178
Sorcerer's Hat 178 258 178 178
Amount (Dual Wield) 3,158 3,158 3,158 3,158
Amount (weapon and left hand) 2,986 2,986 2,986 2,986
Amount (weapon and shield) 3,008 3,008 3,008 3,008

Health characteristics

A dual-wielding barbarian may have a maximum damage-to-health conversion value that is higher than other classes. All this is due to the presence of this characteristic on Mighty Belts (Barbarian class item), while ordinary belts cannot have such a bonus. The maximum damage to health conversion value for the Barbarian is 9%. If you use dual weapons with sockets containing one Star Amethyst, you can achieve the maximum health replenishment bonus on hit - 4,431 health per hit.
Item type Health Sphere Bonus Health Replenishment Health on Kill Health on hit Health when Spirit is spent Health Leech % % Health
Weapon - - 2,878 959 64 3 -
Left hand 5,977 234 - - - - 9
Shield 12,794 342 - - - - 16
Ring 5,977 234 985 328 - - 9
Amulet 5,977 410 1,971 657 - - 14
Shoulders 12,794 342 - - - - 12
Helmet 12,794 342 - - - - 12
Trousers 12,794 342 - - - - -
Gloves 12,794 342 - - - - -
Chest armor 12,794 599 - - - - 12
Bracers 12,794 342 - - - - -
Boots 12,794 342 - - - - -
Belt 12,794 342 - - - - 12
Demon Hunter - Cloak 5,977 410 - - - - 9
Barbarian - Powerful Belt 5,977 234 - - - 3 9
Monk - Spiritual Stone 5,977 234 - - 30 - 9
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask 5,977 234 - - - - 9
Sorcerer's Hat 5,977 234 - - - - 9
Amount (Dual Wield) 120,283 3,871 9,697 3,231 158 6 80
Amount (weapon and left hand) 126,260 4,105 6,819 2,272 94 3 89
Amount (weapon and shield) 133,077 4,213 6,819 2,272 94 3 96

Supporting Features

Don't forget what you get additional 20% of the probability of finding magic items (Magic Find) and gold (Gold Find) of your Companion. If you play in a group with other people, your probability of finding magic items and gold shared between all group members, i.e. if your bonus to the probability of finding magic items is 90% MF, and there are 2 more people in your group, then each will have a bonus of 30% MF.
Item type Search for magic items % Search for gold % Experience Movement speed Orb/gold collection radius Reduced level requirements Nests
Weapon - - 24 - - 18 1
Left hand 18 20 24 - - - 1
Shield 20 25 24 - - - 1
Ring 18 20 22 - - - 1
Amulet 40 40 24 - - - 1
Shoulders 20 25 24 - 7 18 -
Helmet 20 25 24 - 7 18 1
Trousers 20 25 24 - 7 18 2
Gloves 20 25 24 - 7 18 -
Chest armor 20 25 24 - 7 18 3
Bracers 20 25 24 - 7 18 -
Boots 20 25 24 12 7 18 -
Belt 20 25 24 - 7 18 -
Demon Hunter - Cloak 18 20 24 - 7 16 3
Barbarian - Powerful Belt 18 20 24 - 7 16 -
Monk - Spiritual Stone 18 20 24 - 7 16 1
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask 18 20 24 - 7 16 1
Sorcerer's Hat 18 20 24 - 7 16 1
Amount (Dual Wield) 236 280 332 12 56 N/A 12
Amount (weapon and left hand) 254 300 332 12 56 N/A 12
Amount (weapon and shield) 256 305 332 12 56 N/A 12

Attack stats - damage modifiers

Cold damage is lower than from other types of damage, because By dealing cold damage, you reduce the speed of enemies.
Note: Dual wielding grants a 15% bonus to attack speed, which is not listed in the table.
Item type Damage % Crit chance % Critical Damage % Attack Speed% Unit to min. damage Unit to max. damage Unit to elemental damage Unit to cold damage
Weapon 50 - 100 11 - - 667 399
Left hand - 8.5 - 15 - - - -
Shield - 10 - - - - - -
Ring - 4.5 35 9 27 27 - -
Amulet - 8.5 65 9 27 27 - -
Shoulders - - - - - - - -
Helmet - 6 - - - - - -
Trousers - - - - - - - -
Gloves - 10 50 9 - - - -
Chest armor - - - - - - - -
Bracers - 6 - - - - - -
Boots - - - - - - - -
Belt - - - - - - - -
Demon Hunter - Cloak - - - - - - - -
Barbarian - Powerful Belt - - - - - - - -
Monk - Spiritual Stone - 4.5 - - - - - -
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask - 4.5 - - - - - -
Sorcerer's Hat - 4.5 - - - - - -
Amount (Dual Wield) 100 39.5 385 58 81 81 1334 798
Amount (weapon and left hand) 50 48 285 62 81 81 667 399
Amount (weapon and shield) 50 49.5 285 47 81 81 667 399

Defensive characteristics

Note: Special monsters are bosses, champions, unique and rare monsters. Basically, all are not ordinary enemies.
Item type Armor Blocking % Reduces damage from melee attacks % Ranged attack damage reduction % Reduces damage from attacks of special monsters % Spikes Decrease in efficiency control %
Weapon - - - - - - -
Left hand - - - - - 979 -
Shield 397 9 6 6 7 2,544 14
Ring 240 - - - - 979 14
Amulet 360 - 4 4 - 1,712 14
Shoulders 265 - - - - 2,544 -
Helmet 397 - - - - 1,454 14
Trousers 397 - - - - 1,454 -
Gloves 265 - - - - 1,454 -
Chest armor 397 - 6 6 7 2,544 -
Bracers 265 - 6 6 - 1,454 -
Boots 265 - - - - 1,454 -
Belt 265 - - - - 2,544 -
Demon Hunter - Cloak 397 - - 6 - 2,544 -
Barbarian - Powerful Belt 265 - - - - 2,544 -
Monk - Spiritual Stone 397 - - - - 1,454 14
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask 397 - - - - 1,454 14
Sorcerer's Hat 397 - - - - 1,454 14
Amount (Dual Wield) 3,488 - 16 16 7 18,572 70
Amount (weapon and left hand) 3,488 - 16 16 7 19,551 70
Amount (weapon and shield) 3,885 9 22 22 14 21,116 70


Monks who accumulate one type of resistance, as well as having additional resistance to all elements on all items, are able to reach the resistance value to all elements in the amount of 1620(using the skill "Absolute Harmony")
Item type All types Phys. damage Cold Fire Lightning Poison Arcane Magic
Weapon - - - - - - -
Left hand - - - - - - -
Shield 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Ring 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Amulet 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Shoulders 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Helmet 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Trousers 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Gloves 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Chest armor 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Bracers 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Boots 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Belt 80 60 60 60 60 60 60
Demon Hunter - Cloak 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Barbarian - Powerful Belt 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Monk - Spiritual Stone 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Sorcerer's Hat 70 50 50 50 50 50 50
Amount (Dual Wield) 850 630 630 630 630 630 630
Amount (weapon and left hand) 850 630 630 630 630 630 630
Amount (weapon and shield) 930 690 690 690 690 690 690

Effects on impact

Special stats that cause different effects on enemies when you hit them.
Note: All types of two-handed weapons can have a maximum chance of causing these effects - 5.1%.
Item type Probability...
stun % discard % slow down % immobilize % to freeze %
Weapon 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
Left hand 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
Shield 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
Ring - - - - -
Amulet - - - - -
Shoulders - - - - -
Helmet - - - - -
Trousers - - 5.1 - -
Gloves 5.1 - - - -
Chest armor - - - - -
Bracers - 5.1 - - -
Boots - - - 5.1 -
Belt - - - - 5.1
Demon Hunter - Cloak - - - - -
Barbarian - Powerful Belt - - - - 5.1
Monk - Spiritual Stone - - - - -
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask - - - - -
Sorcerer's Hat - - - - -
Amount (Dual Wield) 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3
Amount (weapon and left hand) 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3
Amount (weapon and shield) 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3

Item type Probability...
cause bleeding % terrify % cause numbness % blind %
Weapon 35 2.6 2.6 2.6
Left hand 35 2.6 2.6 2.6
Shield 35 2.6 2.6 2.6
Ring - - - -
Amulet - - - 5.1
Shoulders - - 5.1 -
Helmet - 5.1 - -
Trousers - - - -
Gloves - - - -
Chest armor - - - -
Bracers - - - -
Boots - - - -
Belt - - - -
Demon Hunter - Cloak - - - -
Barbarian - Powerful Belt - - - -
Monk - Spiritual Stone - 5.1 - -
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask - 5.1 - -
Sorcerer's Hat - - 5.1 -
Amount (Dual Wield) 70 10.3 10.3 10.3
Amount (weapon and left hand) 70 10.3 10.3 10.3
Amount (weapon and shield) 70 10.3 10.3 10.3


Use your inner strength to regenerate resources faster.
Item type Recovery... Maximum stock...
spirit hatred mana magical energy energy during crits concentrations mana rage
Weapon 2.5 1.33 14 10 15 10 150 15
Left hand - 1.17 11 10 15 10 119 -
Shield - - - - - - - -
Ring - - - - - - - -
Amulet - - - - - - - -
Shoulders - - - - - - - -
Helmet - - - - - - - -
Trousers - - - - - - - -
Gloves - - - - - - - -
Chest armor - - - - - - - -
Bracers - - - - - - - -
Boots - - - - - - - -
Belt - - - - - - - -
Demon Hunter - Cloak - 1.17 - - - 10 - -
Barbarian - Powerful Belt - - - - - - - 15
Monk - Spiritual Stone 2.5 - - - - - - -
Sorcerer - Voodoo Mask - - 11 - - - 119 -
Sorcerer's Hat - - - 10 15 - - -
Amount (Dual Wield) 7.5 3.83 50 30 45 30 419 45
Amount (weapon and left hand) 5 3.67 39 30 45 30 388 30
Amount (weapon and shield) 5 2.5 25 20 30 20 269 30

Weapon characteristics "Attacks per second"

And one more useful plate in everyday life, reflecting all the existing values ​​of an important parameter of any weapon - “Attacks per second”, i.e. how many attacks per second can you make using this type of weapon. As you know, in Diablo 3 there are several types of weapons, moreover, there are two-handed and one-handed, and the spread of the affix value between the extreme values ​​is as much as 0.7 attacks per second!
Note: This characteristic depends on the +% affix to attack speed, i.e. if you find a one-handed spear (the base speed of one-handed spears in the game is 1.2 attacks per second) and it has an affix of +8% to attack speed, then you will see a value equal to 1.3 (actually 1.296, values ​​​​are rounded by the game to the nearest hundredth).
Item type Attacks per second (APS)
One-handed weapon
Mace / Spear1.2
Axe/Mighty Weapon1.3
Sword / Ceremonial Knife / Wand / Fist Weapon1.4
Hand Crossbow1.6
Two-handed weapon
Mighty Weapon / Axe / Staff1.0
Daibo / Sword / Crossbow1.1

Translated and supplemented: demer (www.site)
English version: d3rmt.com

→ Diablo 3: Traders and Legendary Items

The main component of the Diablo 3 game is farming rare and legendary items. Finding out exactly how to find legendary items in diablo 3 is unrealistic, since there is no specific pattern and chance of this or that item falling out. In Diablo 3, the drop rate of things is not the same as in line 2, for example, which makes it more difficult in terms of farming a certain item. A game auction comes to the rescue in such a situation, which can help you sell an unnecessary legendary item and buy the perfect one for yourself. So far in Diablo you can buy 3 things both for game currency and for real money.

Question 1 about diablo 3: how to find legendary items?

In Diablo 3, only those players who know how to quickly knock out items in the shortest possible time are engaged in selling legendary rank items. The essence of such farming is to find the most suitable locations and acts. Locations are selected exclusively with the presence of a large number of elite monsters, since they most often drop legendary items. In the latest patch 1.0.5, the game introduced the ability to change the strength of monsters, which significantly increased the drop of legendaries. What's the salt in this? Each level of monster power increases the monster's strength, amount of life, and chance of dropping rare items.

In diablo 3, traders with high level characters can easily set monster strength to level 5 and have a high MF level (Magic Find). Thus, in Diablo 3, the chances of dropping a legendary item are much higher, although this item will not always cost 10+ million. On Diablo 3 game sites you can often find topics discussing item drops. In general, it all comes down to luck and the speed of clearing locations. In Diablo 3, the sale of items of each rank depends on the characteristics that the item has. You should not rejoice immediately after knocking out a legendary item, since in fact it may turn out to be just another piece of bullshit that is better to be dismantled for materials. Also in Diablo 3, selling goods obtained from dismantling legendary items can fill your pockets well, so I do not recommend giving garbage legendary items to the vendor.

Question 2 about diablo 3: how to find legendary items and sell them effectively?

After receiving a Legendary, first of all, make sure that it is suitable for the auction. At any time, look at the market where in diablo 3 a merchant is selling a brown item for coins. In patch 1.0.5, it became possible to compare items, so you can see if an item is worth a few pennies. Whenever checking an item for sale, use the characteristics below your item in the search. This method will allow you to study the cost of an item as efficiently as possible. In Diablo 3, you can buy things both for gold and for real money, but you shouldn’t get carried away and throw any garbage at a real auction. I don’t see any point in arguing with Diablo 3 about the drop rate of things, since sometimes 2-3 legendaries can drop in an hour, and sometimes you can spend several sleepless days without any loot.

Question 3 about diablo 3: how to get legendary items quickly?

Farm, farm and farm again. Check each act, each difficulty, in turn. After such long runs, compare the loot for each option and only then start diligently farming the most profitable place. In dablo 3, merchants primarily need set items, so pay more attention to exactly those places where they were knocked out the most. To quickly clear the levels of diablo 3 you need to have good equipment, so do not think about legendaries until you reach the maximum level of dps.

True, it all depends on your determination and the time allocated to obtain the necessary things. In Diablo 3, you can buy things with maximum MF characteristics for pennies, but do not forget about the priority characteristics of the character, without which it will be very difficult to kill elite monsters. For convenience, at first it is best to combine MF and priority characteristics (main stat, resistance, crit chance). At the moment, it is easiest to farm rare items in Act 3 with 1 monster power, since such a run takes about an hour of time, and there is always a lot of drops (there will not always be a legendary, but a few yellow items are also good). Then, if you wish, you can sell gold in Diablo 3 or buy yourself the necessary equipment.


With the release of patch 2.3, Diablo 3 has more legendary items than ever before. And although the chance of their drop was increased a long time ago, knocking out the much-coveted “Crucible” from the demons is hardly easier. The addition of Kanai's Cube also adds another source of Legendaries to the game alongside Kadala, but which one is better?

Legendary items may be even more common in Diablo 3 than in World of Warcraft, but the goal for the end game in both games is the same: get more loot that will be better than the items you have equipped.

WoW wants to correct us and says: “Getting loot is more beautiful,” while Diablo 3 grins and responds: “You can only dream about my transmog system.” But while WoW guides players down the One True Path to obtaining the best gear, Diablo 3 gives players multiple ways to earn Legendaries.

As we know, players will find the “best” solution for everything. There are two main methods for obtaining a specific Legendary item in Diablo 3, and below we will delve into the calculations behind each of them to determine which method is better depending on what you are trying to get.

Tables for theorycraft

Tables are especially closely related to theorycraft when it comes to selecting equipment. While Diablo 3 doesn't have a traditional database like Wowhead due to the randomness of stats on items, you can still use tables to figure out drop rates and drop rates.

While browsing the Diablo class subreddits, you'll often come across this table, although I think the alternate version is a little more useful, as it contains comparisons of not only drop rates or the number of Blood Shards required, but also the approximate number of Death's Breaths required.

And since it is based on the first table, it also corrects information about some items. For example, the Summoner's Thorns armor set used to be multi-class, but with the release of patch 2.3 it began to drop only for crusaders. A later version of the table corrects this small difference in patches along with other changes, which in turn slightly affects the share figures.

The easiest metric to understand is Legendary Drop Rate, which reflects the likelihood of the item being the one we're looking for if a Legendary drop occurs.

It is calculated by dividing the “weight” of the desired legendary item by the sum of all “weights” of legendary items of the same type. Item types can be huge categories of equipment shared by multiple classes, such as shoulder pads; or they can only combine class items, like voodoo masks (which can only be equipped by a sorcerer). The “weight” of an item essentially means its rarity: the lower it is, the less common the item is.

You've probably noticed that you, for example, come across more gidbinns and "Last Breaths" among ceremonial knives than the much-coveted star metal kukris. Looking at the Raw Data post you will notice that the gidbinn has a "weight" of 100, while the star metal kukri is the rarest ceremonial knife with a "weight" of only 25.

So let's take ceremonial knives as an example. I want a Dart Dagger (DC) to complete my Evil Carnival Mask build, so I want to know what the chance is that when I drop a Ceremonial Knife I'll get a DC?

To do this, take the “weight” of the AC equal to 50, and divide it by the total “weight” of ceremonial knives equal to 575 - we get 0.0869, or 8.69% chance.

Now let’s take into account that Kadala’s things follow the same calculations, but her categories are larger. Ceremonial knives fall into the category of one-handed weapons, and therefore when rolling the dice at Kadala, we also need to take into account all other one-handed weapons that the sorcerer can use. The final “weight” becomes 3325:

Ceremonial knives = 575
- One-handed axes = 550
- Daggers = 350
- One-handed maces = 650
- Spears = 200
- One-handed swords = 1000

Therefore, the chance of receiving a dagger-javelin (with a “weight” of 50), from the entire selection of one-handed weapons available to the sorcerer, is 50/3325 or 1.50%.

To consolidate the material, let's calculate the chance of getting an evil carnival mask. Since Voodoo Masks, like Ceremonial Knives, are class items, the drop rate for this particular mask will be similar - 50/550 or 9.09%.

But voodoo masks are also a subtype of helmets, which, however, are slightly smaller than the one-handed weapons from the previous example. Thus, the chance of receiving an evil carnival mask from Kadala is approximately 3.70%.

Calculating the cost of items

Now that we've covered the basics of drop rates, we can calculate the average cost. Of course, the main nuance is that this average cost, and, accordingly, this Not a fixed amount of bloody shards or breath of death, which you spend guaranteed receive the item.

You may get lucky and get the item you're looking for in your first few attempts, or you may only get the Legendary you want at the end of the season.

The formula for calculation is as follows: 100 / drop chance from Kadala * Item price from Kadala * 10.

Since our drop rates are percentages, they have a 100-try factor, so we'll flip the fraction to find out how many 100-try chances we'll need on average to get the Legendary we need.

Of course, each attempt will cost Kadala a certain number of Blood Shards, so we will multiply the final number of 100 attempts by the cost of the category in which we tried to obtain the item.

The drop rates we looked at earlier were based on the fact that the item in question was a Legendary item to begin with. Kadala doesn't guarantee that you'll get a legendary: she can fill your entire inventory with junk - literally and figuratively - and she won't care. It has a 10% chance of giving you a legendary item, which ultimately gives us another multiplier in addition to the variables we already have.

So, if I'm trying to get a Dart Dagger, on average I'll have to spend a little less than 50,000 Blood Shards (calculations would be: 100/0.0150 (Kadala Chance) * 75 Blood Shards * 10 = 49,875 Blood Shards). To put that into perspective, that's 57 times more shards than I've gotten so far with my seasonal heroic character. Well it will be for you! This price is peanuts compared to the cost of a Star Metal Kukri, which will cost you an average of 99,750 Shards!

The evil carnival mask has a higher chance - twice as high as the dagger-dart! Everything is even better, the price in bloody shards for a helmet is only 25 units, which is three times less than the price for a one-handed weapon. Therefore, on average, it will take you about 6,750 shards to get an evil carnival mask.

Kanai, please don't skimp on weapons.

Another method of obtaining the necessary legendary items appeared with patch 2.3 and the addition of Kanai's Cube to the game. One of the recipes, Khaine's Hope, can turn a level 70 rare item into a legendary item of the same type.

Unlike Kadala, this type of item will be narrowly targeted, and therefore, if you put in a rare voodoo mask, you will get a legendary voodoo mask as a result. This makes this method well suited for weapon loot, as instead of rolling dice for the entire range of one-handed weapons available to you, the game will only choose from, for example, one-handed swords.

The only drawback of the method is its cost - 25 breaths of death. Calculating the average cost for Breath of Death will be the same as with Bloodshards, but since we're guaranteed to get a Legendary at the end, we don't have to multiply everything by the Legendary drop rate.

The formula will be: 100/drop chance * 25 (fixed number of breath of death).

Getting an evil carnival mask (with a 9.09% chance) will take on average 275 breaths of death, while getting a dagger dart will require you to spend about half an attempt more - 288 breaths of death. If you gamble among smaller categories like two-handed staves, then, for example, on “Soothsayer Su Wong” you will spend even less breath of death - 163 pieces on average.

Conclusion: Kadala vs. Kanai

Kadala is good for getting armor, especially if you are just starting to collect any set. For example, shoulder pads for any class will cost an average of 2,000 bloody shards, or even less. Trying to get class armor for other equipment slots - for example, a helmet for a sorcerer, wizard or monk - is a little more risky, but still not as reckless as trying to win a good weapon from Kadala.

Specific items like weapons and class equipment are best obtained from Kanai, as you'll either be rolling the dice for a small category or a limited list of the total number of items.

For example, there are seven legendary two-handed maces, but a sorcerer can only equip five of them. Kanai's main problem with gambling is the general rarity of an item for its category. This means that the sorcerer’s chances of getting the “Crucible” are not 1 in 5: the “weight” of this legendary mace means that you will still have to spend about 375 breaths of death on average.

Rings and amulets are not profitable to obtain using any of the methods. Since there are few class jewelry to reduce the lists of available rings and amulets, they will be expensive for Kanai.

Kadala is also not particularly generous with jewelry, because rings cost 50 bloody shards, and amulets as much as 100. Truly rare items, like the same “Crucible,” will also be expensive when using any of the above methods.

It's no secret that almost all of the legendary items in Diablo 3 are trash right now. Finally, with patch 1.0.4 this situation will change. We study new characteristics and get acquainted with new products. How do you like level 63 legendaries?)

Shortly after the release of Diablo III, many of you commented on the topic of Legendary Items. Most of the reviews were pretty harsh - but fair. The legendary items that currently exist in the game mostly look like rare items with the name simply highlighted in a different color. You pointed this out to us and we decided to take action.

We've worked tirelessly to make Legendary items truly Legendary. Update 1.0.4 will introduce new Legendary items, and today I will tell you about the upcoming changes.

Let's look at what most dissatisfied both you and us, and what we did to improve the situation.

Legendary items should feel unique

Many players rightly noted that legendary items do not provide a sense of uniqueness. There were a lot of famous items in Diablo II that everyone wanted to get their hands on. These items were called unique. Now they are called legendary, but while working on them, we tried to keep the word “unique” in mind. Given the extreme rarity of Legendary items, as well as the fact that they are highlighted in a special color, we think they should have a feeling of something special. When you find a legendary item, you shouldn't feel like it's just some ordinary sword. Legendary items should have their own history. Legendary items must be associated with some powerful image - for example, a powerful sorcerer creates this item in a secret section of his library and spends his days weaving special magic into it.

Part of this feeling can come from equipping an item and seeing that it looks unique and different from all the other items. Artists literally tied themselves into knots to make legendary items look truly epic in update 1.0.4. But we will return to this a little later.

And to make legendary items even more unique, we've built spells into some of them. Over 50 items now have their own spells! Here are some of them.

Now players will be able to take revenge on rare and elite monsters, as monster affixes will appear on legendary items. This is just an example.

With this you can force monsters to fight each other, similar to the spellcaster skill.

Not only will you look cool in them, but you will also be able to leave a trail of fire behind you and lure monsters into this trap.

Earlier Now

A pillar of light rushes from heaven to earth, and a real angel comes to your aid! A worthy ally.

There are also just cool things. Everyone wants to be like Khom. When you put on these pants, you will be surrounded by a cloud of gas, and nearby enemies will definitely feel it!

Earlier Now

With this sword you may be able to summon a demon to help you. But this demon is not as simple as it seems! It has the Chains of Fire affix, and these chains bind you to the demon. Ho-ho!

There will be more options for character development
Because Legendary items are unique, we can add different options to them that cannot be added to regular items. One of the main goals of Diablo III in general and the skill and rune system in particular is to offer many options for character development. And legendary items will help with this.

In update 1.0.4 we will be adding several items that suit a specific set of skills. This way, you can try new options for character development. The point is for the player to look at the item and think: “Well, why not?” These items may not provide the maximum damage boost, but they will help you think differently about your class and help you choose a playstyle that suits you.

Some people would like to play as a barbarian thrower. Good idea! Here you are.

A popular suggestion is for the sorcerer to be able to fight in close combat. We must assume that this rod will not remain unclaimed.

Of course, many sorcerers love to summon various creatures... and this item will help them! In update 1.0.4, the sorcerer's pets will be strengthened, and we think that this item will come in handy for more than one sorcerer.

The choice should be interesting
With power comes responsibility. There are affixes in the game that can upset the balance if you equip too many items with such affixes. How to do it so as not to break the wood?

A good example is "Golden Skin". It increases the amount of gold dropped by enemies by 100%. In addition, with each hit, there is a chance that enemies will drop gold. Not bad, right? However, the Golden Skin will be missing key stats. Instead, the “skin of gold” (!) will have resistances, as well as other affixes that reduce damage taken. This way, you will have several options on how to benefit from this item. You'll have to look for other items with the right stats if you want to get your hands on all that shiny gold. Calculating characteristics on objects is not an easy task, and solving it is always interesting.

Respect for elders
Diablo III carries over many items from previous games in the series. However, they are often nothing like their predecessors, except for the name. This was probably wrong - many items turned out to be useless. We scrutinized how the current legendary items correspond to their “ancestors”; it’s not for nothing that they have this or that name. In some cases, we even made these items better than the original.

New mittens look like good old mittens. They enhance cold-related skills and add a significant bonus to cold damage.

We've paid homage to the original: now all arrows fired from a crossbow have a certain chance of ignoring enemy defenses.

They must be powerful
At one time, we deliberately weakened some affixes of legendary items so as not to upset the game balance. But in the end, the items simply became useless. For example, if an item is level 50, then the first affix will always be level 50, the second - 47, and the third - 43. This was done to compensate for the presence of guaranteed affixes and introduce an element of randomness into item generation. However, we have concluded that this is not necessary. We'll be fine with legendary items being powerful. Thus, we decided to remove penalties when generating affixes. Let's say a level 50 legendary item had a guaranteed power affix. Previously, in such a situation, the item would add an amount of power similar to a level 45 item. Now guaranteed affixes will be generated in accordance with the item level.

In addition, legendary items could be, at most, level 62, which meant that finding weapons with good damage was almost impossible. Now the situation has changed. We decided to introduce a ton of new legendary items into the game, and they can be level 63. This means they have a chance for the best affixes in the game.

Two-handed weapons will also be improved in update 1.0.4. Of course, this also applies to legendary items.

Here's a good example.

Earlier Now

About the rest
These are the main changes to legendary items that will appear in update 1.0.4. But there are a few more important points.

Only forward! We remind you: the changes will only affect those items that will be obtained after the release of update 1.0.4. This also applies to unidentified items (as they are generated when dropped). Since we decided to make very large changes, we cannot match old items and new items with 100% accuracy. If affixes on items are regenerated, some items may become worse, while others may become better.

Some things still don't change. Some items are already good enough and don't need to be upgraded. For example, a command helmet. It will not be affected by changes in update 1.0.4.

What about kits? Items from the set whose names are highlighted in green are actually legendary (they just have set bonuses in addition). This includes everything we said about legendary items. In addition, some set bonuses will be changed - they will become more significant. Many of the items in the set will also be level 63.

New kit names. Since set bonuses for existing items will remain the same, new sets will have new names (this also applies to set items). This way, it will be possible to distinguish between items obtained before and after the update was released.

Crafted legendary items. If you already have a design for a Legendary item and that item is being modified, you will not have to mine or purchase a new design for the same item. After the release of update 1.0.4, you will be able to create modified items using the old sketch.

Thank you for your feedback! We are very interested in what you have to say about the new legendary items that will appear in update 1.0.4. Stay tuned for future updates on update 1.0.4 - we will publish them regularly.

Yes, and more!
I'm very proud of how everyone worked together to make these changes. This was our common cause. When we first discussed how to improve legendary items, the artists really liked your ideas and gave it their all. And the items turned out just great! You will see some of these transformations in the video. And it also shows new affixes that are triggered with some probability when hit.

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