WoW Druid is better. Guide to the druids "WoW": description and secrets. Base Ability Priority

In the game (tank, damage dealer, healer). Great for beginners who have not yet decided on the choice of the main character or those who prefer variety in the game.

Not all races can be druids, the Horde has tauren or trolls, the Alliance has night elves or worgen. The main equipment is leather armor, wearing only "Skin" you will receive a bonus of the main characteristics.

There are several specializations of the druid:

  • Balance. A ranged fighter, thanks to the appearance of a moonkin, uses the magic of nature and arcane magic.
  • Healing. Healer uses his abilities to restore the health of his allies.
  • The power of the beast. Melee fighter, uses the form of animals to deal damage, the main form for maximum effect is a cat.
  • Guard. Tank, turning into a bear gives you the opportunity to take blows on yourself, protecting allies.


Consider all the possible talents and uses in PvP and PvE
First talent tier
Here we will select the talents that contribute to the druid's mobility.
Cat's Celerity is a Feral Druid or PvE mission talent that allows you to quickly get to the enemy or run between boss phases. Stacks with boots enchant.
Astral Leap - is very popular in the balance of druids, allows you to quickly bounce 20m from an opponent. Allows you to avoid taking damage.
Rapid Charge - mainly used in PvP, in two-tiered arenas. Suitable for both restaurants and balance. Allows you to protect a friendly target from the hunter's traps.
Second talent tier
The choice will be made between healed talents.
Cenarion Shield is one of the most popular talents on the tier, and is very popular with healers and balancers alike. Allows you to quickly defend yourself or an ally.
Renewal - talent is taken mainly for PvE, restores the health of an ally as a percentage.
Gift of Ysera - probably the most used talent, allows you to passively restore your health or an ally. No need to worry about using, great for beginners.
Tier three
Magic swarm - slowing down the enemy by 50%, rarely used by players. There is almost always a character in the group with the same passive spell.
Mass Entanglement - the talent is applicable for PvP and RBG, allows you to issue additional control on the target and nearby enemies.
Typhoon - a favorite talent from the druid range, allows you to knock back the target, slow down the opponent, and cancel the spell.
fourth tier
Talents that increase damage dealt.
Soul of the Forest - Gives bonuses when using basic abilities in each of the specifications.
Shapeshifting is a talent that changes the appearance of the character, makes a huge increase in damage for all druids.
Force of Nature - the talent is a frequent choice in PvP, gives additional control when used correctly, summons ancients that cast "Roots" and "Wrath", initially has 3 charges, cooldown every 20 seconds. Has no overall cooldown.
Tier five
Paralyzing Roar - Disorients the enemy next to you for 3 seconds, when damage is dealt it goes astray. It is well used in PvP to bring down the cast of the opponent.
Ursol's Whirlwind - a defensive spell that makes it possible to delay the player / mob by returning to the center of the created funnel.
Powerful stun - a great talent for both PvP and PvE, allows you to stun the enemy. It is recommended to apply from the back, the probability of a miss disappears.
Tier six
Heart of the Wild - a talent that allows you to play the role of another specialty. For example, if you are a restorer, it is allowed to deal high damage with a cat or spells.
Sleep of Cenarius - a defensive spell for PvP, helps to heal allies.
Natural Sensitivity - the most used talent, another save, allows you to convert damage into healing.
Seventh Tier
Here for each specialty there is a different selection of talents.

Balance Druid

Euphoria - recognized as the best talent at level 100.
Starburst is a multi-target talent.
Balance of power - do not take a talent while it is considered useless, perhaps something will change in the future.

Restaurant Druid

Moment of Clarity - allows you to cast Restoration without spending mana. In PvE this is a small amount of time, in PvP it allows you to survive the burst.
Inception - allows you to apply two rejuvenations on each target, an excellent talent.
Wild Growth - the rejuvenation talent does not require cooldown, Swiftmend deals 20% of healing, but dispels Rejuvenation and restoration effects (recovery is priority if it weighs two hoots)

Guardian of death

Lunar Inspiration - Allows you to cast Lunar Fire in Cat Form, granting one Combo Point and costing 30 Energy. energy. Gives you an advantage against multiple opponents.
Blood Claws is the best talent for a single target, it is advised to hang scratches under the effect of this ability.
Claws of Shirvallah is a rarely used talent, an alternative to claws.

Hyde Balance

It's no secret that the owl is a universal killer, whose main task is to help allies. Yes, yes, you heard right! Despite the huge damage on the target, your tasks will include saving teammates with healing spells and control, helping to deal damage during bursts, huge AoE pressure (PvP) / damage (PvE) throughout the time.

The main parameter, as for any caster, will be Intelligence and Spell Power. Next, we choose the priority of the stats, everyone has different considerations about this, but my choice is as follows:

Mastery > Crit = Hast = Multistrike = Versatility

Mastery is the main secondary stat, the rest become equivalent.
When dealing damage to the 1st target:
Euphoria + Soul of the Forest/Transformation
First, cast Starsurge (gaining Lunar Peak energy) > turn on Shapeshift + Planet Alignment + Solar/Moonfire > Lunar Empowerment per proc > then cast Starfire/Starsurge on Lunar Peak > when moving to Sun Peak, cast "Wrath" / "Starsurge" + update Sun and Moon fire and so on in a circle.

AoE Damage:
For excellent AoE damage, you need to put a symbol of Sunfall > go to the middle of the Solar Eclipse > throw Solar Fire on one target > passively throw it on all targets within a radius of 5 m > turn on "Sunfall"

That's the whole tactic for balancing the druid.

Guide restaurant

Restoration Druid is the most mobile healer in the game, has a large number of instant spells, which helps to heal allies during the dashes between bosses or run into opponents in PvP. Has powerful AoE healing, but at the same time calmly heals one target.

Stats and main characteristics:
Intelligence remains the main stat for the healer as well. Each point of intelligence is equal to one point of spell power, and the greater the spell power, the more healing. The second most important stat is haste, which reduces spell casting speed and adds additional Rejuvenation and puddle procs. Mastery - increases the effectiveness of healing with spells, the more% mastery the greater the healing, works both for direct spells and for periodic spells. The rest of the stats are not that important for a restorative druid. As a result, the graph looks like this:

Intelligence > Speed ​​= Mastery > Multistrike > Crit > Versatility

How to heal?
The order of casting spells and the choice of spells depends on the amount of health of the raid / group.
If the raid is at 70-95% health
Lifebloom > Rejuvenation > Quick Recovery > Restoration > Healing Touch
50-70% health
Rejuvenation > Wild Growth > Tranquility > Swiftmend > Healing Touch > Restoration
Up to 50% health
Tranquility > Wild Growth > Rejuvenation > Swiftmend > Rejuvenation > Healing Touch
1st Target Healing
Lifebloom > Restoration > Rejuvenation > Swiftmend > Mushroom > Healing Touch > Ironbark

Now you are ready to go to the raid / group.

Guide The Power of the Beast

In the simple people, the druid is a feral, for many patches there have been no changes in the mechanics, the most important thing when playing as a feral is to be careful. Has a serious offensive potential, combined with defensive abilities. If necessary, it can remove some controls from allies. It is one of the simplest in terms of mechanics.

Stats and main characteristics:
Now we have moved into a completely different type of play as a druid, instead of ranged attacks we will need to attack up close and for this we need other characteristics. In my opinion, the priority of characteristics should be like this:

Agility > Weapon DPS > Attack Power > Crit > Mastery > Versatility = Multistrike > Speed

Damage dealt:
Dealing damage with Feral is easy enough, the main thing is not to lose sight of your target, and thanks to your abilities it is quite simple. You can also actively use your invisibility to get closer to the target. Your control spells (whirlwind and roots) can still work from a distance. What do you need to know about dealing damage? Watch the duration of the abilities on you and the remaining bleeding time on the target, trying to maintain them without harming the overall damage.

Wild Roar > Rip > Rake > Shred > Ferocious Bite (if you have extra moves)

Wild roar - should always hang on you in battle, hang all bleeding only with it;
Tiger Fury - use when you see the need for energy;
Bloody Claws - use before discarding tricks;
Rip - always maintain on the target, recommended with Bloody Claws, Tiger's Fury;
Deep wound - accept the same as Rip;

"We are the keepers of the balance, now and always, while Malfurion sleeps. Don't forget it."

Tauren Druid

Druids(eng. Druid) called themselves those who receive strength from sources associated with nature and the Emerald Dream. The early night elf druids were regarded as the custodians of the world, with healing and the preservation of the environment as their primary concern, but later druidism developed among other races who were able to connect with the Emerald Dream and the spirits of nature in various ways.


The druids of the night elves followed the wisdom of the Ancients and Cenarius, most important to them was the balance of nature, maintaining the delicate balance between plants, animals, and climate. Druids drew their powers from the wild, using them to transform their bodies into animal forms and control the weather, for example.


Notable Representatives

  • Cenarius - lord of the forests, son of Elune.
  • Malfurion Stormrage is an arch druid.
  • Broll Bearpelt is a night elf arch druid and friend of Varian Wrynn.
  • Remulos is the guardian of Moonglade.
  • Hamuul Runetotem is a tauren archdruid.
  • Fandral Staghelm is a former night elf archdruid who betrayed his people.
  • Zeitar is the father of the centaurs.
  • Zen "tabra is the leader of the Darkspear Druids.


cataclysm to World of Warcraft.

Zen "tabra - the first druid of the Darkspear

Darkspear Trolls

The source of information in this section is an addendum cataclysm to World of Warcraft.

The troll medicine men succeeded in becoming druids and actively participated in the overthrow of Zalazane. An agreement between the nature spirits and the druids of Darkspear is that the spirits will assist in the training of the new druids of the tribe while life flourishes on the Echo Isles.


The source of information in this section is an addendum cataclysm to World of Warcraft.

Some of the kingdom's inhabitants have long practiced druidism, although they do not assume the forms known to the night elves. It is known that with their magic they helped farmers in lean years.

After the residents of Gilneas moved to Darnassus, these druids were able to become familiar with night elf druidism and learn more about it.


The source of information in this section is board game guides in the Warcraft universe.

Like all descendants of Cenarius, centaurs distinguish druidism from other beliefs. However, centaur druids do not fit into the usual confines of the teachings. Instead of striving for balance with nature, these druids manipulate it, using it to serve their own purposes. If a plant or animal does not obey the centaur's will, it must be enslaved or destroyed. For weeks, night elf or tauren druids heal the damage done to nature by centaur druids.

Defined as a hybrid class that can fill any role and occupy any niche in the gameplay. They use the power of nature to protect the natural balance and protect the world around them. An experienced druid can attack his opponent with a blast of pure natural energy, using skystorm, tree roots, or a furious whirlwind as weapons.

Who can become a druid?

If the player is fighting on the side of the Alliance, then he will have a chance to choose between night elves and worgen. If on the side of the Horde, then you will have to choose between tauren and trolls. It means that the best candidates from the Alliance are the night elf race. The Horde's best candidates are the troll race.

Equipment and weapons

Druids "WoW" are available armor made only from cloth and leather. Depending on the chosen race, the characters will initially be able to use different weapons, but as they progress they will be able to hone their skills in certain areas:

  • Staves.
  • One-handed and two-handed hammers.
  • Knives.
  • Wrist weapon.
  • Polearms (added to the game with patch 3 0 8).

Druids "WoW" do not know how to use shields, as well as occupy two hands at once with one-handed weapons.


Just like representatives of other classes, druids have three branches of unique talents. Their main difference is that each such branch leads to completely different results.

  • Druids of balance (called simply owls among players) are a class of DPS casters. The playstyle of this specialization is something between mages and shadow priests, while their armor is the equivalent of armor. The main resource of such druids is mana. In addition to excellent DPS, Balance Druids can provide their group or raid with various useful bonuses.

  • Feral Strength is a branch for those who prefer to fight in close combat or tanking. For close combat, druids take the form of a cat, which uses energy as its main resource. The mechanics of the cat is more like a rogue. As for tanks, another form is suitable for them, also available in the Animal Power branch - the form of a bear. Here, rage is used as the main resource. The mechanics of a bear is similar to a warrior. Bear tanks are very durable, as their armor, health and evasion are at a high level.
  • Restoration - In this specialization, druids take the form of the Tree of Life. The main resource is mana. Druid healing can easily compete with the most powerful AOE healers. The abundance of HoT and numerous instant spells make the Tree of Life a very useful fighter in some fights.

Guide to the druids "WoW": advantages and weaknesses. Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to once again mention important information on this class and note several main pros and cons.

  • Versatility in playstyles.
  • The ability to change one's own shape.
  • Weapon variability.
  • Strongest buffs.
  • The ability to resurrect fallen allies in battle.
  • Druids only have access to leather and cloth armor.
  • While in animal form, druids cannot cast spells.

Feral experience.

Hello everyone.

Quit playing Naruto Online and vowing to myself never to deal with companies like 101 xp I returned to the good old World Of Warcraft, since my departure almost coincided with the opening of a new realm on Light's Hope , where 10k+ online promised a fun and interesting pastime.

This time I decided to play as a druid, because I, like many others in my time, were motivated by those PvP movies in which top players showed miracles of survival and control with this class, constantly changing forms and managing to win battles even with several opponents. And this confidence of the druid in PvP was perhaps the decisive factor for me when choosing this class, because in vanilla as you know, you have to fight a lot and often. Of course, looking ahead, I can say that everything turned out a little differently than I expected and the druid did not always emerge victorious from the battles, but I have no one to blame but myself, and so that you can avoid similar mistakes, let's talk about what a druid is maybe and what not.


Swing for a druid classic wow quite easy and enjoyable. Naturally, he is not as good as a hunter, warlock or mage, but in comparison with a warrior or a rogue, a druid is much more effective. Up to level 10 you will have to swing like a normal RDPS (see obscure slang abbreviations in the dictionary at the end of the article) spending mana on spells and periodically taking forced breaks, but with the completion of the quest to receive bear shape pumping becomes noticeably faster. The thing is that while in the form of a bear, you spend a resource called rage while your mana continues to recover quietly and in which case you can get out of the form, heal, use a couple of spells and jump back into the skin of a bear.

By the way, I recommend a great addon Druid Bar for version 1.12.1 allows you to see your mana even when in the form of a cat or a bear. Command to call /druidbar

At 18 (or 16?) level, you will be able to do a quest for a water form, and at 20 you will also have at your disposal the form of a cat. Unlike a bear, a cat uses energy (like robbers), has less armor and HP, but on the other hand, deals much more damage, can use invisibility, and when taking the talent, it can also move 30% faster. Personally, I prefer to use a cat, because a bear, in comparison, beats well, very slowly. Of course, this does not mean that you will no longer need the bear skin, it is not: in PvP, tanking dungeons or elite monsters, in critical situations with several opponents and other difficult moments, you will definitely have to switch. In general, a competent druid should use all his abilities to the maximum and shapeshift is a prerequisite for victory.

It is better to swing in the feral branch than in balance or restoring. Why? In balance, you will spend mana very quickly, while throwing points into the restaurant branch you will deprive yourself of useful attacking and defensive talents for a cat and a bear. Naturally, you can also use all these forms, but their effectiveness, and therefore the speed of killing mobs, will be less. There is nothing wrong with that, closer to level 60 or when you get it, you can simply simply change your talents to the option that suits you or your guild. Speaking of talent.


You can find quite a few guides for every druid specialization on YouTube, but the problem is that all of these talent builds assume you're already level 60 and getting ready to raid. I want to talk about what talents and why you need to choose when pumping.

So, what, why and in what sequence do we teach?

I think that the first 5 points are better to throw into Furor in the Restoration branch. The usefulness of this skill can hardly be overestimated in both PvE and PvP - when shapeshifting into the form of a cat, it will give you additional energy, which will allow you to immediately use skills, and in the form of a bear, it will give you rage, which will allow you to immediately apply Feral Charge and close the distance from adversary.

Next, we move on to the Feral Combat branch and are immediately faced with a choice: Ferocity or Feral Aggression? In my opinion Feral Aggression is a talent for later PvP and PvE content or for tanking. Personally, I prefer Ferocity as it allows me to use my skills more often and deal more damage. Throw in 5 points.

Feral Instinct will be the next useful acquisition, and I use it not so much to help with tanking, but for improved invisibility. Sneak past elite mobs in a dungeon, gank a gaping Horde from behind, something like that. Throw in 5 points.

Brutal Impact is a late PvP talent and won't help you in leveling...

As for Thick Hide, you may need it at level 60, but now it seems to me that improved invisibility is better.

At levels 25-26, immediately download Feline Swiftness. This talent not only grants 4% evasion, but also 30% extra speed outdoors, which is true classic World Of Warcraft "a would be a pretty big bonus. (I remind you that the first mount becomes available only at level 40 and costs 60+ gold).

Feral Charge is a very useful talent, you won't regret taking it. In one of my builds (and I spent over 30 gold before level 40 experimenting with talents) I tried to play without it and was punished more than once for it. Allows the druid not only to quickly close the distance, but also to knock down the enemy's casts.

Next I take Sharpened Claws. An excellent talent that you will appreciate when attacking the Horde from invisibility with the Ravage skill. It also unlocks Blood Frenzy.

Predatory Strikes. More damage is always good. Moreover, this talent increases your AP, which directly affects the damage from the cat's skills.

Throw in 1 point in Blood Frenzy for now to get access further.

The next point is better to throw in Faerie Fire. This talent will allow us to use Faerie Fire in the form of a cat or a bear for free. Speeds up leveling and allows you to control invisible characters.

Savage Furi. Increases the damage of two main attack skills in the form of a cat and a bear (although I personally almost never use Swipe a bear, but there is more damage increase for a cat).

We get Blood Frenzy to 2/2 and put the next point in Improved Shred. This is a required talent for a raiding PvE cat, but we don't really need it so far, so 1 point here is only needed to go further.

5 points of Heart of the Wild gives us not only an increase in intelligence by 20%, but also additional HP for a bear or strength for a cat.

We take the final talent Leader of the Pack, add 1 point to Improved Shred and go to the Balance branch.

I forgot to mention the Primal Fury talent... in leveling, it seems completely useless to me, it is possible, of course, that some raiding bear tanks use it, but even in this case, it makes no sense to take it before 60.

In the Balance branch, we take the Nature's Grasp talent and then throw another 4 points into Improved Nature's Grasp. A good talent that allows you to control opponents in both PvP and PvE.

Omen of Claruty - not to say that it's a very cool talent, the chance of triggering, according to my feelings, is somewhere around 30%. But in view of the fact that there is nothing else useful for the cat, it is better to take it.

Well, the last 3 points are thrown into Natural Shaptshifter. A very useful talent if you are going to raid with a cat.

In general, that's all, this is practically the final layout of talents in raids for a cat. The only talents that can change over time are Ferocity to Feral Aggression, since it is unlikely that you will be given a free slot for the debuff from Rip "a. And perhaps Feral Instinct changes to Thick Hide (but it is not exactly). If you are going to heal or maybe play an owl, then there are enough guides on the Internet on the topic of scattering talents for these specializations. Moreover, I'm not very good at this, so let's move on to ...


I don’t know about others, but in my case, PvP is at low levels (yes, actually now at 40) it looked like a typical game for the Rat - found a victim, waited until it starts a fight with 1-10 monsters, crept up from behind, killed it in 1-2 hits. Perhaps some of this game will seem unattractive, but in vanilla wow very little fair PvP: those constant ganks, stealth rogues, hunters (in general, it seems to me that 40% of the players play for hunters), endless fir from warlocks and so on and so forth. The druid has enough problems.

Of course, if you can afford to get hold of a great blue outfit (it is advisable not to forget about the stamina indicator (HP)), then it's quite possible to do the things that you saw in those PvP movies, but I only bet on strength and dexterity, so my current HP does not allow me to do all those cool things that I saw. It is from this problem that my style of PvP arises. But on the other hand, every cloud has a silver lining - a druid from invisibility, from the back, can tear off half of the face of some Horde from a crit, and given that you are already attacking an already beaten enemy, it happens that this blow becomes fatal.

Well, again, everything comes with experience, it's only hunters who can afford not to think anything and, squeezing all their bursts, send a pet to the enemy. So let's recap.


  • Not a difficult ride.
  • Early talent for an additional 30% movement speed and a free marching form at level 30 (40% speed boost). It is also possible to swim quickly and is underwater without restrictions.
  • Invisibility.
  • The ability to perform multiple roles (DPS, Tank, Heal, RDPS), both in PvP and PvE.
  • There are BR.
  • There is a teleport in Moonglade (Kalimdor), allowing you to travel between continents faster.


  • Complex class. You need to clearly understand what when, where and why to click.
  • If you have a choice in PvP at level 60, then in PvE you will most likely play as Heal, since both the cat and the owl, if they are taken to the raid, then no more than 1 pc.
  • According to rumors, the druid is the weakest healer of all.

By the way, if you, like me, are waiting for the release of official vanilla servers and want to learn more about the classic World of Warcraft, then go to our entertainment and educational Instagramm- humor, memes, useful information and much more.

Well, in the end, I decided to bring WOW Dictionary incomprehensible words that will go in the same order as in the text:

  • feral (from English Feral Combat)- A druid who specializes in playing in the form of a bear and/or a cat.
  • RDPS Same as RDD. It's just that on those vanilla servers that I played it is customary to call DD - DPS.
  • Tanking (from English Tanking)- a tank is a player able to withstand/absorb/dodge a lot of damage and have the ability to aggro (distract attention) monsters from other party members.
  • shapeshift (from English Shapeshift)- switching between forms of the druid.
  • Balance, restaurant- Druid specializations. Balance uses spells and owl form to hit enemies from a distance, Restoration is the healing branch.
  • raids(from English Raid) - a group of players up to 40 people, designed either for large-scale PvP battles, or for going into especially difficult dungeons.
  • gank(from English Gank) - an attack of an enemy not ready for battle (Wikipedia).
  • AP(Attack Power) - attack power.
  • BR(Battle Res) - the ability to resurrect a player while in battle.
  • Fir(from English Fear) - fear. The warlock's ability frightens the enemy, disorienting him for a while. In theory, the damage dealt should bring out the target of their fear, but in practice this rarely happens and since fear does not have a high cooldown, you can die without regaining consciousness.
  • Burst (from English Burst)- inflicting the maximum possible damage in a short time. It turns out that the player, as a rule, lives through all his skills that can increase his damage / attack speed / spells / crit and so on.

Of course, I will be happy with interesting comments that can supplement or correct what I have said, since I do not consider myself a cool specialist either in matters of vanilla or even more so a druid and I may well be wrong about something.

P.S. I recently stumbled upon a great restaurant druid guide by Lunar Arrow:

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