My rune sword. Rune swords Blacksmiths ready to forge from ore and runes

Comment from Thalsayder

The most beautiful katana I've ever seen, besides, it looks like a two-handed one, but is worn in one hand, Rogi has one and can't wait 4.3. to make it as his weapon).

Comment from FerzRRN

More samurai-themed swords:

Of course, the Hunts were lucky with the A9 set - truly samurai :) - Furious Gladiator's Robe

Comment from Suicide777

hmm, I recently sold it at an auk for 500 g, but judging by the chance of a drop and the rarity of samurai swords in general in Vova, I understand that I sold cheap :(

Comment from Megauguugu

I sold it at auction for 250g (my second blade), bought it up almost instantly, made the campaign much cheaper, the first one was leaked to the vendor, because. didn't know the cost...
Clumsiness - Black Scar

Comment from orest

According to legend, the first samurai sword was forged by the blacksmith Amakuni in Yamato around 700 AD, and although there is no exact historical confirmation of it, it seems logical, since the history of the earliest swords in existence in modern times can be traced back to the blacksmith Yasutsuna of Hoki circa 900 AD Amakuni was the leader of a group of blacksmiths who forged swords for the imperial army. One day, Amakuni and his son Amakura stood at the door of their forge and watched the soldiers returning from battle. The emperor passed by, but did not even look in the direction of Amakuni, as he usually did, and the blacksmith always regarded this glance of the emperor as a sign of gratitude for his efforts. Amakuni then noticed that nearly half of the returning soldiers had their swords broken.
Broken Blade of Heroes.
Amakuni and his son collected the fragments of the swords and began to examine them: it turned out that the swords were poorly forged and broke from strong blows. The smith's eyes filled with tears, and he whispered, "I will make swords that will not fail even in the fiercest battle." Having taken such an oath, Amakuni and his son locked themselves in the forge and prayed for seven days and nights to the Shinto deities.
Blade of Heroes Reforged
Slowly but surely they worked on this difficult task, and thirty days later, exhausted, exhausted, but joyful, the blacksmiths brought to light a slightly curved sword with one-sided sharpening. Of course, the other blacksmiths thought they were out of their minds,
but Amakuni and son carefully sharpened and polished the new Reforged Blade of Heroes. Father and son continued the work they had begun and produced many such improved swords. And when the next spring the soldiers returned from the war, the blacksmith stood by the road and counted his swords: 27, 28, 29, 30 ... 31! All the swords of his work, even after the battle, were in excellent condition! The emperor rode up to him and said, “You are an excellent blacksmith. None of your swords failed in the cut.” Amakuni rejoiced and felt that his life had regained fullness and meaning.
Characteristics of the katana.
The length of the handle is from 25 to 30 cm, and the length of the working area (between the tsuba and the tip) is no more than 75 cm. The decoration of the katana differs from slightly barbaric luxury tati(tati is another type of longer samurai sword used mainly by mounted warriors, the length of its working area was 100-110cm). Its decor can be conveyed by the words "modesty", "elegance", in extreme cases - "restrained chic", but no more. It was in the mount of the katana that the traditional features of the Japanese understanding of beauty were most clearly manifested, formulated by the four formulas of the "measurement of beauty" - wabi, sabi, shibui and yugen. The first three are rooted in the ancient religion of Shinto, while "yugen" is a Buddhist category.

"Wabi" is the absence of anything deliberate, pretentious, catchy, that is, in the view of the Japanese, vulgar. This is wise restraint, the beauty of simplicity.

"Sabi" - literally "rust". This concept conveys the charm of attrition, a certain touch of time, patina, traces of the touch of many hands. It is believed that time helps to reveal the essence of things. Therefore, the Japanese see a special charm in evidence of age. They are attracted by the dark color of an old tree, mossy stone in the garden, etc. The category "sabi" expresses the connection of art with nature.

But "wabi" and "sabi" are old words, and gradually they began to be used together, together, as one concept. This is how the popular word "shibui" was born. If you ask a Japanese what this means, he will answer: "Shibui is what a person with good taste calls beautiful." Thus, "shibui" is the final verdict in the evaluation of a subject. Over the centuries, the Japanese have developed an almost mystical, intuitive ability to recognize the qualities defined by the shibui category. This is the beauty of naturalness plus the beauty of simplicity. This is the beauty inherent in the purpose of this item, as well as the material from which it is made. A sword or knife is beautiful not because it is adorned with dragons. First of all, it should feel the sharpness of the blade and the strength of the hardening. That is why all Japanese blades inspire unconscious fear mixed with admiration. M

For a short-term increase in the effectiveness of swords in The Witcher, whetstones and grinding stones are used, which increase damage by two dozen percent, as well as diamond dust, lubricants and stone runes (silver swords). Unlike ordinary weapons, they are custom-forged and have additional permanent bonuses, but in order to get them, you have to work hard, crushing more than a dozen enemy heads. The first good steel sword in the game is issued by Vesemir before leaving Kaer Morhen, the witcher has a silver sword in the second chapter.

Blacksmiths are engaged in the creation of weapons. Each major region has its own master, who is ready to take on the job and forge a sword for a fee. To strengthen steel swords during forging, the following is used: blue(SMR) - critical pain + 10%; red(KMR) - damage + 15%; yellow(ZHMR) - damage + 20%, pain, stun, accurate strike + 30%. Silver swords get stronger runes of the sun(RS) - ignition and blinding + 25%; runes of the moon(RL) - susceptibility to silver + 10%; runes of the earth(RZ) - damage + 10%, knockdown + 25%. Blacksmiths work with runes, as well as with ore. Using two or more pieces of the same type gives additional improvements.

The weapon creation interface looks like a regular purchase, that is, swords appear in the blacksmith's assortment, which he can forge from the ores or runes currently available to the witcher. After forging, the sword will replace the one in the inventory; old weapons are thrown away. To prevent this from happening, you need to sell the thing in advance to any merchant located somewhere near the forge, thus earning some money.

Steel meteor swords in The Witcher:

  • Meteor Sword(CMP + CMP + CMP) - damage depends on the style; critical pain +45%, disarmament +20%.
  • Meteor Sword(SMP + SMP + CMP) - damage + 5%; pain +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(SMP + SMP + FMP) - damage + 8%; Pain +35%, Disarm and Precise Strike +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(KMR + KMR + KMR) - damage + 40%; bleeding +30%.
  • Meteor Sword(KMR + KMR + SMR) - damage + 20%; pain +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(CMR + CMR + FMR) - damage + 28%; Pain, Stun and Precise Strike +10%.
  • Meteor Sword(FMR + FMR + FMR) - damage + 24%; Pain, Stun, Bleeding and Accurate Strike +30%.
  • Meteor Sword(FMR + FMR + SMR) - damage + 16%; Pain +30%, Disarm and Precise Strike +20%.
  • Meteor Sword(FMR + FMR + CMR) - damage + 21%; Pain, Stun and Precise Strike +20%.
  • Meteor Sword(SMR + FMR + CMR) - damage + 13%; Pain +20%, Stun and Precise Strike +10%.

Silver rune swords in The Witcher:

  • Rune Sword(RS + RS + RS) - damage depends on the style; blind and ignite +75%, susceptibility to silver +15%.
  • Rune Sword(RS + RS + RZ) - damage + 15%; blind +25%, knockdown and accurate hit +50%.
  • Rune Sword(RS + RS + RL) - damage depends on the style; blind and ignite +50%, susceptibility to silver +15%.
  • Rune Sword(RL+RL+RL) - damage depends on the style; susceptibility to silver + 45%.
  • Rune Sword(RL+RL+RZ) - damage depends on the style; knockdown +75%, susceptibility to silver +30%.
  • Rune Sword(RL+RL+RS) - damage depends on the style; blind and ignite +25%, susceptibility to silver +30%.
  • Rune Sword(RZ + RZ + RZ) - damage + 45%; knockdown +75%.
  • Rune Sword(RZ + RZ + RL) - damage + 30%; knockdown +75%, susceptibility to silver +15%.
  • Rune Sword(RZ + RZ + RS) - damage + 30%; blind +50%, knockdown and accurate hit +25%.
  • Rune Sword(RS + RL + RZ) - damage + 15%; knockdown, blind and ignite +25%, susceptibility to silver +15%.

Blacksmiths ready to forge from ore and runes:

  • Dwarf Smith- Outskirts of Vizima, near the village tavern in the first chapter. It’s better not to ask about the Skoya "taels, otherwise you will be offended.
  • Malcolm Stein- Vizima's Temple Quarter, a forge north of Detective Raymond's house.
  • Gunsmith of the Order- Vizima's Temple Quarter, a forge south of Detective Raymond's house.
  • Blacksmith(bring amber, ruby, sapphire or diamond) - Vizima's merchant quarter, south of Triss' house.
  • Blacksmith- Dark water, village.
  • Gunsmith of the Order- temporary forge on the opposite side south of the clinic in Stara Vizima, after killing Azar Javed in the laboratory.

The Hidden Mines of Al-Aziz(Al-Aziz) - a hidden hidden location that does not have a permanent location, access to which the player can ONLY get in exchange for (i.e. it's impossible to just accidentally stumble upon it, even if you know the approximate respawn locations).
For me, these mines appeared in the endless sands of D'Shar and the dense forests of Laria, and even in the foothills of a.

And why are the Al-Aziz mines needed?
To exchange your Dragon Tears for a unique rune weapon (axe, glaive, bow, sword or two-handed weapon) that has the most powerful stats (even Noldor gunsmiths take a break).

How to get rune weapons

Obtaining a rune weapon is a complex process that ultimately requires three gems to maximize the effect of wielding it. In case you do not plan to improve your runes, you will need two dragon tears.

First step: Find Brother Randalf, the bookseller, you may have to search all Pendor's taverns for this, be patient. Stock up on wine along the way (in principle, 1 slot is enough).

Second step: talk to Randaf - in the list of conversational options, he will offer you to show the location of the Al-Aziz mines in exchange for one coveted pebble.

Third step: Enter the Al-Aziz Mines. There you will see two men - enter into a dialogue with the left of them, whose name is Hamidaron (this is the artifact weapons dealer). The exchange rate is quite simple - 1 to 1, choose the right one and say goodbye to your second Kualis.

This is what the Al Azis mines look like at night. Here is a man in a jacket, but here it is a tree!

Fourth step: Not required. If you talk to the second man (Azis Khamit), then his addiction to wine will become clear, without which he will not say or do anything intelligible. This is where the wine that you stocked along the way, looking for Randaf, comes in handy. After drinking wine, Azis Hamit will become kinder and offer to upgrade your rune weapon. The fee is standard - 1 tear. Three upgrade options for each weapon that changes its characteristics and color.

  • Ruby will give the weapon additional damage, including transforms cutting to piercing, which is most effective against heavily armored enemies such as Demon Magnus.
  • Emerald gives a balance between speed and damage, increasing both, but does not modify cutting damage into piercing ("golden mean").
  • Sapphire makes the weapon insanely fast - much faster than any other weapon in the game. However, this upgrade does not affect the damage stats (although any rune weapon already has a lot of damage).

Rune weapon stats

Name Pricking Cutting Speed Length
Rune Ax 20 55 95 98
Sapphire Rune Ax 20 55 130 98
Ruby Rune Ax 20 65 (k) 95 98
Emerald Rune Ax 30 55 98 105
Rune Sword 24 45 98 93
Sapphire Rune Sword 24 45 138 93
Ruby Rune Sword 24 55 (k) 98 93
Emerald Rune Sword 29 55 108 93
Runed two-handed sword 38 65 95 158
Sapphire Runed Two-Handed Sword 38 65 135 158
Ruby Runed Two-Handed Sword 46 75 (k) 95 158
Emerald Runed Two-Handed Sword 42 75 105 158
Runeglaive 23 52 83 245
Sapphire Runeglaive 23 52 123 245
Ruby Runeglaive 43 62 (k) 83 245
Emerald Runeglaive 33 62 103 245

For a bow, such characteristics as length and cutting damage are irrelevant, but a very interesting parameter appears: accuracy, which is simply fantastic for rune bows. To give you a better feel for the power of the Rune Bow, I've added a few models to the table that are available for sale, including the Noldor Bow from Quigfen's shop.

Still, despite the tempting speed and accuracy of the Sapphire Rune Bow, I prefer Ruby. Since only NPS can benefit from super speed. Surely you have already encountered the troops of the Noldor or even have them in your service. The impression from their shooting is as if a sniper rifle was crossed with a machine gun ... and after all, their bows have a speed of 94, which is already redundant for the player. But penetrating damage of 50 (!) units with comparable speed and accuracy is a child prodigy!

Despite the fact that in all parts of the series there are samples of very different weapons, you can only use swords. It is impossible to explain the witchers' addiction to this type of deadly weapon, but such are the realities - no matter how impressive in appearance you find an ax, it is useless for the character. However, despite the fact that the main weapon in the game The Witcher is a sword, it has different purposes. Silver specimens are responsible for the destruction of various evil spirits, and steel ones are designed to kill animals and people.

So the steel was tempered

Let's start with the first part of the famous game. The main weapon that the witcher uses is swords made of steel. Although the player is a monster slayer, battles with a variety of bandits will also take up a considerable amount of time. It is for them that the weapons for murder described below will be required.

The next set of swords is not designed for serious combat and it will not be difficult to get it. Products have mediocre characteristics and will not cause serious damage.

  • Rusty sword.
  • Temerian steel sword.
  • Sword of the Order of the Flaming Rose.
  • Temerian iron sword.

Next on the list are useless and ineffective, due to insignificant damage, weapons. Although they have additional characteristics, their use is not recommended due to the low base modifier. In The Witcher, the swords that the player finds are not always better than the one they use, so such garbage can only be picked up for sale.

  • Rune sword from Dol Blathanna.
  • Ceremonial sword from Deitwen.
  • from the Blue Mountains.
  • Sacred Sword of the Order.
  • Forbidden sword. It comes closest to the concept of "efficiency". You can get it in the 3rd chapter, taking it from a killed assassin.

The most reliable comrade in the game "The Witcher" will be a sword made with your own hands. Meteor Swords are crafted from three pieces of the appropriate material and differ in stats depending on the color of the ore used.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the unique weapons from the game "The Witcher" - swords, found in a single copy and having their own names.

  • Runic sigil from Macaham. You can get it after completing the quest "It won't hurt".
  • Garwal. It can only be found in the second chapter near the mage's tower in the swamps.
  • Gvikhir. Bought from the blacksmith's son. But it is available only in the fourth chapter.
  • D "yaebl. When you finish the task with the striga and remove the curse, you can get it from Velerad.


The best remedy against a wide variety of evil spirits, which the witcher owns, is swords made of silver. In the first part of the game there are not as many of them as we would like, but they fully cope with the task:

  • Basic Witcher's Silver Sword.
  • Arondite. You can get it only in the 4th chapter, after completing the "Kill Dagon" quest.
  • The Moonblade is the best example of a witcher's weapon. After killing 10 special monsters, you can get it from the Chief Royal Stalker.

The Witcher 2

Starting from this part, the developers took up the task of filling the game with content. However, most of the swords that you will meet in the game The Witcher 2 are either completely useless or are "passing", and you will change them in just five minutes.

  • In the "Prologue" the player is unlikely to find anything worthwhile. The only thing to mention is that if the gamer imports saves from the first part, then depending on the final equipment, you can get a number of good blades.
  • The first chapter is rich in good weapons, which are acquired through crafting. Carefully inspect the list of goods in Flotsam. There you can get one of the most interesting drawings. Berthold can help create the best sword in the series.
  • In the second part of the story, you can find three wonderful steel swords. All of them are at the passage of the "Jovert path". You will receive the unique personalized blade "Gwihir" upon completion of the "Nightmare of Baltimore" quest. The "Poisoned Zerrikan Saber" hangs over the fireplace in Philippa's room after the siege is over. The Kaedweni Black Sword can be knocked out of the hands of one of the officers on the way to the mines.
  • If you were able to get Gwihir, then you will not need a replacement soon. You will find many good blades on store shelves. In the fourth chapter there are three nominal swords, which are worth dwelling on separately. "Garval" is sold by a merchant in the camp of the Knights of the Burning Rose. You will find the “Forgotten Sword of the Vrans” by going through the “Roche Path”: select the option to release Anias, and you will find the blade you are looking for in the Detmold safe. "Kerm" can be obtained by crafting, and in order to find the blueprint, you will have to defeat the gargoyles and decipher the manuscript.

silver glitter

The Witcher 2 is also rich in silver weapons. And unlike steel counterparts, it makes sense to change them more often, since they are rich in various bonuses that need to be selected for a specific playing style.

  • In the Prologue, you will receive Arondite and Moonblade when importing saves from the first part, if you had them in your inventory.
  • The first chapter is very poor in a variety of weapons against evil spirits, and most of the items found will be useless, especially if you have the Moonblade left. You should pay attention only to the "Excellent Silver Witcher's Sword" - you will receive its drawing when completing various contracts and are unlikely to miss it.
  • But in the second chapter, the player will already have plenty to choose from. "Parliamentor" is available when passing both paths. You can remove it from the corpse of the killer of kings or get it after the quest "The Eternal Battle". Further, the player will encounter several blades with high damage, but with less effective bonuses, so the replacement is not recommended. At the end of the chapter, you can get the "Blood Sword". You need to look for him in the catacombs near Vergen.
  • In the third chapter, even the worst blade will be better than anything you've seen before. But in order to make it, you need to buy a drawing from the merchant Bras in Ban Ard. You can also purchase a drawing of the Zerrikanen sword from him - this is the best weapon in the entire game.

The Witcher 3: Beginning

In the third part of the Witcher game, steel swords are trash that you can safely sell. You can find such weapons everywhere: in killed monsters and bandits, chests, treasures and merchants. The same applies to silver weapons. Complete quests, carefully search locations and study the world map, then you will certainly be able to find equipment that suits your level.

Many players, however, highlight individual blades that differ in damage and effectiveness from the rest. These are the so-called set items. At the beginning of the game, in the White Garden location, you can find a pair of swords that are marked "Snake Schools". You are unlikely to be able to forge a silver sword, since at this stage it is quite impossible to find.

To get the blueprints, head to the north of the "White Garden" in the cemetery. There you will have to fight a level 7 ghost, after which he will flee to the crypt. Hack the door with the Aard symbol and continue the fight. After the final victory, carefully search the dungeon. Here you will find the remains of an unlucky witcher and a drawing of a silver sword of the Snake school. In addition, a mark on the location of the steel sword of the same school will appear on your map. There you will have to defeat the bandit camp, and in the chest you will find the desired drawing. In The Witcher 3, swords belonging to sets are never just in a chest, so you also have to get the materials needed to make them.

Cat School

This is a couple of interesting blades that belong to the light armor set. You can find drawings for them on the map of Novigrad. The drawing of the silver sword is in the ruins of the temple in the southeast of the city. To get it, you will have to use the Aard sign to break open the locked door.

The steel sword mark will appear on the map immediately after receiving the blueprint. There you will again have to use the sign to get into the basement. On the spot, you will find a diagram of the blade and a new note with the coordinates of the drawing of the crossbow.

This way you can get the best low-level equipment in the game. The "Bear" and "Gryphon" sets can be considered its analogues, but it is not necessary to look for them, since it is a little more difficult to get them.

Griffin School

Items of this set specialize in strengthening signs. You can start searching for them already from the seventh level, but it will be quite problematic for a character without good equipment and pumping. In The Witcher 3, swords will not only help you in hand-to-hand combat, but also improve your sign skills.

  • The initial version of the kit is located in Velen. First, go to the ruins of Hendhold to the north of the Hanged Man tree. Harpies will attack you there. After killing them, go up to the nest and stand in front of it. There will be a secret door to your left. With the help of the witcher's instincts, you will find a drawing on the body of one of the soldiers. The silver sword is hidden on the lone rock lighthouse. To get the item, you will have to kill a level 14 wyvern. However, the battle can be avoided if you wait until the monster flies away.
  • Item upgrade charts are much easier to find. The blueprint for the improved steel sword is located in the bandit camp west of Undergrowth. Scheme of the silver blade - in a cave west of the Nilfgaard camp.
  • A great set weapon requires a character to be level 21. In the port of Urial, on a hill, you can find a drawing of a steel sword. The silver sword is hidden in a cave on the southern cape of the main island of Skellige.
  • A blueprint for a master steel sword can be found in the ruined village of Boxholm. You will find his "brother" in an abandoned fortress on Skellige.

Bear School

Another set from the game "The Witcher". The best swords, according to most players, belong to him. They are also divided into several grades, but as a bonus they give a good increase in critical damage.

  • The first swords can be started as early as level 15 or even higher. You will find a drawing of a steel sword on Skellige in a burnt village. There, in the tavern, level 20 sirens and the corresponding reward will be waiting for you. You will find the silver sword at a hint, but first prepare for a tough fight - gargoyles and a level 30 ice elemental will guard the treasured item.
  • The blueprint for the improved steel sword is located in Fort Caer Almhuld, west of the main island. The silver blade upgrade is stored in an abandoned fortress in the northeast of the main island. Both modifications are hidden in Crooked-ear Marsh.
  • With master swords, everything is much easier. You will find one of them in the bear cave during the story mission, the second one is located on a small island near the road to

Steel Swords

The Witcher's Steel Sword
The Witcher will receive this sword in the prologue, after the Salamanders attack on Kaer Morhen. This is a regular steel sword, so its damage determines the style of combat, and there are no bonuses at all.

Elven Raven Armor

This powerful armor can be obtained by completing the Armor quest in Chapter 5. If the Witcher Geralt decides to join the Squirrels in their fight against the Order of the Flaming Rose, the blacksmith of the non-humans will agree to forge this armor for the White Wolf, provided, of course, that all the components are assembled. This version of Raven's armor features an elven hand design, with a slightly odd variation on the pauldrons and classic pointy-eared bracers. Among other joys, this armor now has three slots for the results of the Witcher's alchemical activities.
Damage -20%
Sign Power: +10%
Energy +25
Energy regeneration: +10%

Raven Order Armor

We get this armor as soon as we complete the Armor quest in chapter 5. If the Witcher took the side of the Burning Rose and decided to end the non-human offspring, the blacksmith of the order will be able to forge this armor for Geralt when all the components are assembled. This version differs, in addition to its set of bonuses, with an abundance of spikes on the shoulder pads and bracers, which gives the Witcher an extremely menacing look. In addition, there are three slots for potions.
Damage -30%
Health +150
Damage +10%
Health Regeneration +10%

Neutral Raven Armor

This armor is the objective of the Chapter 5 quest Armor. If Geralt decided to give a damn about political intrigues, Squirrels and crazy priests and act like a real Witcher, while maintaining neutrality, our good friend, the alchemist Kalkstein, will be able to make this armor for the White Wolf when he brings him all the ingredients (which is taught to these alchemists if they also know how to forge armor ?!). This version is distinguished by the lattice construction of the bracers and pauldrons. There are also three slots for elixirs and a set of bonuses.
Damage -20%
Health +75
Energy +15
Health and energy regeneration +5%
Knockdown Resistance +25%

And here you will find out where the components are:

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