What paints on CX in L2. Hyde on CX - Guides by Persians - Guides - Catalog of Articles - Clan "Free Flock". More detailed analysis of spell data

Race of dark elves expresses sympathy from many Lineage2 players, but do everyone know where they appeared from?
Initially, there was a raus elves, which was created by Shilen, the goddess of water, then, after bloody wars in the territory of the world of Lineage2, a division occurred. "Among the total mass of the elves, called themselves, a group of brown elves was distinguished. They insisted on to continue the battle for power, even if using forbidden black magic. However, the rest of the elves did not share these views." After the brown elves studied the dark magic of Daspaarion, they declared their new patron of Gran Cain, Einhazad remained patronizing wooded. "Next," at the crucial moment, brown elves used a deadly spell of black magic to destroy the wooded elves. Those agonizing, nevertheless managed to impose a curse on the brown elves, turning those in Rasa Darkness, known to all as the racial of the dark elves. "

Basic parameters (Dark Elf Mystic)

- Number of Health Points from the character. Initially, the NR indicator is 95. (the lowest among magicians)

- Number of Mana Points from the character. Initially, the indicator of MR is 58.

- Chart speed. The speed of the dark magician is 125.

- Maximum transfer weight. 62,000. (The smallest indicator among the magicians).

- affects the p.atk - 23 indicator

- affects: atk.speed, accuracy, critical, evasion, movement speed, probability of impact shield shield - 23

- affects: Load, maximum HP indicator, HP recovery rate, time staying under water, probability of imposition to a state of shock, probability to get bleeding (BLEED) - 24 (the lowest measure among magicians)

- affects the indicator M.ATK - 44 (the largest among all classes in the world of Lineage2)

- Influences: Casting Speed, Critical Damage Speed \u200b\u200bChance, Debuffs Resistance, Hold Spell Resistance, Sleep, Silence, Cancel, Paralize, Fear. - nineteen

- affects: M.Def, maximum indicator of MR, the rate of recovery of MR, resistance to spells, carrying the character of the poison, the chance of interrupting the spell when attacking the enemy. - 37 (the lowest measure among magicians)

Thanks to the most intact, the dark elves of mystics are achieved the greatest damage with one spell. This is compensated by a small Wit indicator, and, as a result, low Casting Speed, which can affect PvP, which will tell below. Men in the dark elves also leaves much to be desired, due to the lowest level of Men among the magicians, at the dark elf mysticism the smallest indicator M.Def.

Now let's look at the most important spells for this profession.

1. War spells.

Hurricane - Powerful wind spell, hurricane across the enemy.
Aura Burn. - The spell granted to you on the profession of Dark Wizard "A - sometimes can help in battle.
Curse: Poison. - poison.
Vampiric Claw. - Spell of the same force as Hurricane, worth more than MR, but it sues the health of the opponent, restoring HP to yourself.
Shadow Flare- The most powerful spell up to 68 levels. When damage is drawn, 3 times higher than the remaining number of HP enemy is given a bonus to ExP and SP.
Death Spike.- Similar to the power of Hurricane and Vampiric Claw, 1 Cursed Bone is required for cluster.
Curse Death Link - It is useful when you have little HP left, transfers your opponent pain, the less HP, the more damage on the enemy. If Hp is the maximum number, damage will be equal to 1.
Aura Symphony.- Deals the enemy a very large damage without an element base (if there are 2 hours of any magic on the player successfully). Power 350.
Demon Wind. - Deals the enemy a very large damage of air magic (if 2 spells of air magic are successfully superimposed on the player) further reduces the rate of recovery of HP enemy. Power 350.
Elemental Storm - causes the enemy a huge damage mixed elemental basis (if the player has successfully imposed spells of magic of fire and water). Strength 500. By law, it can be considered a spell appreciating the greatest damage in the game, for Spellhowler has the highest INT indicator and, as a result, M.ATK.

2. Debuffa

Curse Chaos. - Reduces the accuracy of the enemy.
Silence - deprives the opponent of the opportunity to pronounce spells.
Slow. - slows down the enemy.
Surrender to Poison. - makes the enemy vulnerable to poison.
Surrender to Wind - Does the enemy vulnerable to the wind.

3. Mass Spella

Poisonous Cloud. - mass poison, very useful in sieges, PVP masses.
Tempest. - Mass defeat of enemies by the wind, as great Spell for Opij and Mass PVP

4. The rest

Body to Mind.- HP distables in MR, very useful at quality.
Corpse Life Drain. - Suspens the HP at the corpse. In combination with Body to Mind, almost non-stop quality.
Sleep. - shifts the enemy for 30 seconds.
Seed of Wind. - imposes on the enemy the spell of air magic. If within 5 seconds, additional spells will not be applied on the enemy, the imposed spells will dispel.

5. Passive skills

Fast Spell Casting. - Increases the speed of the magic attack. An important skill for Spellhowler "A, from nature deprived by Casteid.
Clear Mind. - Increases the speed of the MP recovery, when walking and in the sitting position. Combined with Body to Mind and Corpse Life Drain guarantees non-stop kach!

More detailed analysis of spell data.


1. Hurricane "What you will crawl mobs," hurricane "will always help you :) Especially effective in a bundle with Surrender to Wind and on Mobs, who have a vulnerability to wind spells, for example, on the largest boss - Antaras.
2. Vampiric Claw. - If Mob subscribed to you, use the vampire claws to heal your wounds, while still making a significant damage to Mob.
3. Shadow Flare - Dark attack, more powerful Hurricane and Vampiric Claw, stitching a little longer, but it is worth it! still over-hit in addition :).
4. Death Spike. - Mainly used at PVP or on Mobs, which have a resiston to the wind, and on which Hurricane will not act very well.
5. CURSE DEATH LINK- For example, Mob almost finished you, you have quite a bit of HP, and Moba is still decent, use this spell, and you will apply it to him even more compared to Hurricane and Shadow Flare damage and save your life. Next, Corpse Life Drain - and Batz! You already have a decent HP :)


1. Silence- Usually used in PVP, it is not relevant in PVM.
2. Slow. - In the initial levels, the spell is not relevant, too little speed is delivered, but then there is an excellent thing for PVP and PVM.
3. Surrender to Poison"I think the skill is not very necessary, because the kach with poison can hardly be called efficient, and in PVP poison, it is rarely used, especially since he knocks down Sleep.
4. Surrender to Wind - a good debuff at PVP and PVM, in PVP usually overlaps after a successful sleeping of the enemy, the Surrender to Wind is first superimposed in PVM, then the MOB falls hurricane "Ami, allows you to save BSPs

Mass rods

1. Poisonous Cloud. - It can be used for the masses of PVP, with sieges and, so-called "locomotives", a useful thing, in one word.
2. Tempest.- Again, for the Opad, the masses of PVP and the "locomotives". Deals damage equal to 1/2 damage from Hurricane.


1. Sleep. - If you hit your mob with whom you can not cope, or in the group you want to help a person who has hit a few mobs - Sleep will help you. Usually the first used spell in PVP.
2. Body to Mind and Corpse Life Drain. Used in PVM, the more often you use this connection, the less you sit on vacation.

Life spellhowler "a

1. 40th level. Equipment and space for kach.
There are many options here, for example, if you have a Knowledge set (+ 10% m.atk -5% to the MP regeneration rate), then you can not worry about clothes yet, and if in the hands of Demon Fangs, and even sharpened to +3 Or more, then forget about shump change in the next 8-10 levels.
If you have funds (about 6.5kk), you can afford Sage "s Staff, and you can leave clothes (Knowledge SET), or if you are confused by your custom, buy Karmian Set (+ 5.24% p.Def, +15 % Castspeed).

2. Now the question arises: where to swing?
- from 40th to 45-46th You can swing in CRUMA Tower in a party or in solo, depending on the circumstances (I personally in a circle always rocked on your golems - approx. author). Sometimes you can go out in Ivory Tower or Enchanted Valley to knock out books.
- from 45-46 You can either swing in a party on the 2nd floor of CRUMA TOWER, or go to the cemetary and clean the terrain from Deprive and Ratman, "but be careful! - DEPRIVE can suck out of you the vital MR. Up to 48 levels you should have enough.
- 48-52 : We move deeper in The Cemetary and start throwing all kinds of orcs that are there and Grave Guard, from which you, if you're lucky, can fall out top c-grade weapons, such as Eminence Bow or, especially important, Deadman "s Staff, Ghoul "s STAFF and DEMON" S STAFF with
Which one to collect is to solve you, since you are already spellhowler with experience, and you can make a solution for yourself (I chose Zubei Set - approx. Author)
On the 52+ levels You can safely go to a party with Soklanians in The Giant "S Cave or Lair of Antharas, from there you can not get out of the level of up to ~ 70, combining quality with knocking out precious resources and pieces B and a grade things.
On the 60 level You can start collecting some of the A-Grade networks, for example:
1. Dark Crystal Magic Set (+ 8% p.Def, + 15% M.aspd, +7 Movement slightly reduces the chance of interrupting a spell challenge when the enemy hit, + 50% to the resistance of paralysis spells) is a very good set;)
2. Nightmare Magic Set (+ 4% to the regeneration rate MP, + 8% M.ATK, + 70% to resistance to sleep spells and immobilization) mainly for PVP.

The issue of equipment is not yet closed, there is such a wonderful set as Demon Set (-270 HP +4 int, -1 Wit) gives a significant increase in M.ATK, some go to this set to maximum levels. But, if the Demon "s Tunic and Demon" s stockings can be bought in the Luxury Store for the crystals, unfortunately, Demon "S Gloves can be obtained only by completing the quest Wishing Potion, and you still have to be very lucky enough to fall.


Many consider SpellHowler "a the worst in PvP among magicians, due to the low level of Castspeed, but it is not so. We will examine several examples.
A real threat to Spellhowler "Present only magicians and archers (the others fall on the arena without questions;)).
1. Opponent - Spellsinger, Sorcerer
Here who is lucky who first suicides the enemy - he will win, let's say, you put the enemy, then we impose Debuffes Surrender to Wind, Slow, Silence, still slip Slip, and now you can dwell the enemy Hurricane "Ami, Shadow Flare" Ami and Vampiric Claw "Ami.
2. Opponent - Necromancer
Again, it all depends on the luck, but here already after you have no chance of the chance - Silence, Curse: Gloom, Slow - and you will not be able to do anything else, if you managed to put the enemy, then act again for example discussed in paragraph 1.
3. contrary - Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Hawkeye
In this case, things are worse, the archers can bring down the carting of your sleep and more than once, the main thing to put the archer, then apply Debuffs: Silence, Curse: Chaos, Surrender to Wind, Slow - and hammering the fighting rods to the death of the enemy.

Mass Pvp / Sieges

We try to be behind the tanks and in front of the buffers / healers, constantly casting on the enemies of Poisonous Cloud and Tempest, sometimes choose point targets and make nemussian combat skills.


spellhowler "A is the biggest damage among magicians, he inflicts it stable, so in the party the desired character.
If you prefer to swing not to Fullpati or solo, but two, then the best partners for you will be shilien elder (SE) or the second spellhowler (SH).


Methods of kacha were considered above, you can only choose the appropriate;)
The usual tactics at the mobs of your level is to just hammer on them Hurricane "Ohm, sometimes making a bunch of Body to Mind and Corpse Life Drain, in order to sit at the restoration of MR and HP.
If the mobs are above you in terms of level, it will be better to cast onto the MOD SURRENDER TO WINE first, and then as in the last case - Hurricane + BTM + CLD

SpellHowler - Lord of Storm

Study Let's start with the fact that our Mag was a dark elf, refers to one of the elemental magicians whose element is the wind.

First look at the character.

Magician Magician: Lucky Team, Pented Press. The feature of the race that immediately rushes into the eyes, this is the position in which they run, deflection forward. Female Gender: It is very famous in the world of L2, probably because of their breast forms and ass, and the outfits look very attractive on them. And when they run in the deflection forward, it is not embarrassing as on a male field.

Consider the basic characteristics.
Intellect - 44, the highest among spontaneous magicians, which highlights us from all, is responsible for the power of the magic attack and debugs
Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all spontaneous magicians, is responsible for the speed of pronouncing spells and the likelihood of a critical strike. Here we were not lucky and without additional plays, Equap and Tattoo, we should not go on the path of war.
Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its restoration, also affects the magician protection and resistance to the mental attacks. Here we are also in the last place, but it does not touch us much. Because This is the first characteristic that all magicians downhill.
Power - 23, more than everyone, is responsible for the strength of attack in the near battle, but there is no important thing for us.
Dexterity - 23, for us it is only the speed of movement, the oppression and probability of the block of shields, we give only light elves.
Endurance - 24, this is the amount of life (HP) and its restoration, resistance to shocking attacks and the amount of portable weight, here we are also in the last place.


There is no global diversity, on 40 LVL we can supply all 3 tattoo. Before that, this is not necessary.

the first two tattoo is:
+ 4intext / -4Duhh (to increase the power of the impact of magic)
+ 4MUMD / -4DUCH (to increase the speed of pronouncing spells)
the third tattoo may be
+ 4 Highness / - 4Sil (because HP is not enough for us all the same, and we don't need power, besides this tattoo will give to transfer more "nipples" of blessed charges)
+ 4th loss / - 4Sil (for those who want to quickly run)
+ 1MUMD / -1DUCH (for even greater speed of caste)

In the early Lvlah, we will rather have an aden to put a tattoo + 4 / -4, so you can safely put + 4 / -5 purchased in the store. Later you can remove them and put on 4/4.

at 76 tattoo do not change.

Theory Kacha

Introduction: How quickly and efficiently pump, this question sets himself any gamer playing any game. So and Lineage2 The official Russian server is no exception. The first thing is to note that Premium Account (PA) gives you * 2 Rate - this experience will always be twice as much as that of a character that he has no. Many will begin to shout all this Donat - it is not so, and more people will agree that this is a small fee for crowding pumping to those LVL when the game begins to bring pleasure not only from murder of mobs, but also participation in high levels in high levels: Castle Captures, Clan and allied battles on the expanses of the game. In addition to PA gaming opportunities, give us to purchase the runes of experience or joint venture, who at least once acquired, will surely say it - it helps to quickly take or run the desired level in very short periods of time. But I do not insist, so everyone will decide himself.
Well, let's turn to the process itself, namely, the process of accumulating experiences that leads to the desired Lvlu) is divided into solo kach, where you are shaking one without a party, or this is a group where you serve the role of DD (the character belongs to monster Maximum damage in the group)

Colo Kach

And so solo quality implies that you are shaking one, for the magician it is one of the fastest pumping processes, but then you are limited to the opportunity to find friends and companions on weapons. But how to swing when there are no boughs, because Buffes "Assistants of newcomers" only up to 62 LVL, it is necessary to think about it now. Then they can replace the huts of the baff from them (game store) or such as Petom Kukabarra.


This is a bird (chicken) with two heads that you need to download at this stage, or start even earlier. Up to 55 LVL is unfortunately a pet that will only squeeze you, but it grows by 55.
From 55 LVL Max inspiration for 2min, Blass on Manu 6lvl 20min, pours Manu Magu about 170
With 60 adds Blade Body 6 LVL 20min and a shield of 3lvl 2 min, pours about 200
With 65 insight and concentration of Max LVL.
Also, "Chicken" has Battle Hil. At 55 about 600, 60 about 700 HP instantly, at a hp less than 20%, it can save you at any time when you do not expect Crete from Moba or when there are more than one.
It can be either buying from clans having kx, or to go through the quest on it is not difficult and brief, takes the manager of the manager in Gludio, after which you will have a pet 24 lvl Click on the sweater from he next to you.
But what else should you remember: for the baptes and the bay of the MP you will pay the feed Pet, buy him protection So that a random mob did not kill him from one strike, and the percentage of the experience of the resulting 5%.

If there is a pa, then the first place to go once a day is "Solokamalok". In addition to experience, there you can get points and various awards of WVID charges, elixirs and chilly.

Solo Kach is good, but on Hai LVL after 3 profes will begin problems with what, many seeds require proper matches, where there will be a full-fledged BAU and teamwork. Locations with mobs on 2-3 nights are less and less as your height.

Pati Kach

Well, there are several options. It is a duo quality with her (neck), nothing in speed is not inferior to the solo, to the fact of the living Potcher neck and it will not replace you with any pet.
Also good conventians for you are the database (giving an increase to the magician attack and spell speeds. And Over, after 62 lvl gives a full-fledged BAU and an indispensable compatarius on High Lvl locations.

If you have a concrete (constant party) 9 people, everyone together to swing on the early Lvla is not advisable, it is easier to break up on the mini group and swing on the wellness of sideways where and Duo. DD in any contest should pull the Sapport and not allow him to lag behind LVL.

On medium LVL 60+, you can walk matheat in a catacombs or necropolis corresponding to the LVL. And on all sides where fat mobs. The earliest: it is the lair of Antaresa (Loa), the tower of the audacity (TOI) and the wall of the Argos (VO), etc. As LVL grows.

The more likely there is a party who knows how who behaves in the game and played during the achievement of High Lvl. That will be easier for her on PVP and for quality in High Lvl locations.

Now we will consider the dark in several stages. What skills we have is what they give and what they are sharpening on High Lvl. What to wear yourself and where you can run at each stage.

1) 40LVL - 51 LVL
2) 52LVL - 60 LVL
3) 61LVL - 75 LVL
4) 76LVL - 79 LVL
5) 80lvl - 83 LVL

i do not consider a period from 0 to 40 lvl. It takes a very short time, where from 0 to 20 this is 1.5 hours by following the assignment of the "Assistant Newcomers", with the leading of the grace, we are now accompanied by the Nub Bafa, already up to 62 LVL, issuing a shadow weapon. And to 40 one or three days with the passage of 2 professions.


note: The whole magician of the sets must be normal, for the magician there are no conventional clothes that do not give any bonuses, except for physical protection.

With Greed (40-51)- 2 sets are relevant.

Seth Carmian- Setle Bonus: Phys. Row. + 5.26%, soon. Magician + 15% - the convenient and most common set for all occasions of life up to 52 LVL, due to low wisdom and slow spells for the dark magician is the best choice.

Set Demon- Seth Bonus: Max. HP -270, Int + 4, MDR-1 - The second set of need is usually used at quality on the monsters that die from one skill, or when a trip to the Republic of Belarus for applying a larger demag due to +4 to intelligence.

From weapons, we can on nostalgic on the previous chronicles and buy a normal magic sword of the Gomunkula (Homa)insert CA to insight (+ 15% speed of magic) and swing to 52 LVL with it. You can save money and buy a conventional top with a sword or stick, Ca You do not insert, but M. Attack will be more than that of Homa, but by 52 LVL there will be money on in c Weapons.

Jewelry can be purchased in the store, normal, it can be swapped by + 6, + 7 and up to a or s gr in it.

Places Kacha

Suitable for solo and Duo Kacha:

- Plains of Glory
- Plains of fury
Both locations are near the city of Aden, it is not necessary to flee from a newcomer's assistant with a bug. You can start on 40 lvl, but it is desirable to make a tattoo on intelligence to swing you can safely up to 47-49 LVL
- Cemetery
Here you can move to the surroundings around the Aden, the mobs are from 50+

- ivory tower
You can start with the pit under the tower of 40 lvl to 44, then move to the location around it and swing on them to 50-52 lvl
- Forest Robber
After the surroundings of the ivory tower, you can move to this lacquer there to 53-54 LVL.

- Morior Spore
Also, the location that suits us where to swing from 40 Lvl to 50 deepening deep into the depths if we are becoming green.

- Dragon Valley
Good location that also allows us to start kach at 40 LVL and complete the monsters to 56 LVL at the depth of the valley.

you can also reach from 40 to 48 on these locations:
- surroundings of the village of hunters
- Island of Alligators

Locations where you can go swing mini mats.

- Cruise Tower (40 - 52)
Here you can swing a small party, first on the first floor later on the second, mobs here * 2khp

- The catacombs of the excision mobs here * 4khp from 40 to 48 lvl, so that the magicians swing well, suits the mini party 2Mag, the database, neck (her), the Pool here is an indispensable prof, and then you will constantly sit on the pope and replace MP.

B Greid (52 LVL - 60 LVL) - Equipment

B Greid, the first thing you need to purchase this weapon, because The more apply Demag on monsters, the faster you will swing. BGD Equipment is sold in the gianne in the Lubsor's store for crystals B and C Greed, they can be received from breaking on the crystals of things or buy them from players or dwarves.
And so the sword of Valhalla- It costs 579 in Cree and 1737 with Cree.

Cats Avadona - Sketch bonuses: F. Zash. + 5.26% and soon. Caste. + 15%. To buy the set, we will need 291 in CR and 870 with Cree. In the same Luxor store.

B c. Jewelry Black Seth The usual is well dropped with mobs, normal falls in the Kamaloks of the Republic of Belarus and Labyrinth or Kraft.

Places Kacha

Forgotten plains
You can go here for 48-50 LVL, there are mobs here with 54 LVL, but have a vulnerability to the wind.
- Valley of silence
as LVL grows at 54-56, you can move from the forgotten plain into the pit or the left cave of giants on the map. Here you can swing to 60-61 LVL. Good quality + aden.

- Brani field
- surroundings around the ruined castle
At these two surroundings, it is possible to start kach at 50-52 LVL and up to 62 Lvl, moving into the depths of the location. But more suitable Sauport classes. who beat the holy attack because Location is full of undead.

alternative location for kaches.
- Forbidden gates from 56 to 62
- Ice labyrinth from 56 to 66.

And grade (61lvl - 75 LVL)

And grade, this grad only crafes.
From weapons choose one-handed magic Legendary Sword (COM) or Branch of the Tree of Life, insert CA to insight.

From sets to AGR, we recommend only Seth:
Set Crystal Darkness (DC) - Sate Bonuses:
F. Zash. + 8%, soon. Caste. + 15%, running speed +7, a small chance to reduce caster interrupt, paralysis resistance -50%, Wit + 2, and Men-2.

And c. Metage bijouterie, it is possible to scribe, but if you have an accurate HR or BGR, then you can leave resources for crafting S gras.

Places Kacha

Saints Valley (BRE)
with you are well dressed and b G-plea is sharpened, then you can go here for 58 lvl and swing:
up to 60 -\u003e 64 SPOTs next to the TVPort point
up to 62 -\u003e 66 SPOTs from the middle of the location
up to 64 -\u003e 72 SPOTs in the very depth of location at the other end from the point of teleport.
Tips Try to pick up monsters killed with 2 nuklv, the mobs here are well criticized by magic, it is desirable to 61 Lvl already like a c jewelry. Also on medium sideways a recipe for DC pepper, which can be crafting or sell at a good price. Immediately there is a quest for resources taken by necromancer at the very beginning of the location.

- Forest of non-adhesive (Fodod). Here you can swing from 62 to 77 LVL. Up to 64 LVL can be swap in the northwestern part. In Foday, there are high-level spots where you can roll to 77 LVL: on one there is a sign board (Spot is more often called a tablet) and (damned bookcase), the vampires live here. All other seats are suitable for Kach 64-72 LVL. All SPOTS FODs are characterized by the presence of a very uneven relief and the presence of a large number of obstacles (stones, trees, ruins, etc.). Mob's density is medium-low (day), medium-high (night). Therefore, for an unattended kach, these places are not suitable. Exp on Eye (64-70) and the best on vampires. There is also a quest for resources.

- Running fusions (BS). Remarkable place can be swing from 70 to 77 LVL. First, on the bottom location, then climes closer to 74 on the spots where the orcs of the orc chams, they can be swinging at least to 77 lvl, even not paying attention to that the mobs begin to shine.

For mini pati suitable.

- Hot springs (xs) You can start swing already from 70 lvl, mobs here * 2xp begin with 73 LVL. You can swing as on the KDL in solo or Duo on the location where the tents, or mini mats, in the depths of xs where aggressive mobs, but on the KDL it will be dangerous here.

- Wall of Argos (VO). Here you can swing mini mats from 60 to 74 lvl mobs there from 2 * HP to 3 * HP

- Tower of Drying (TOI)
- Antaresa Lair (Loa)
both locations allow you to pump from 60 to 76-77 LVL, here you can swing the full patience with all the baffs and full-fledged DD.

- Catacombs and necropolis of the corresponding LVL.

Here you passed the quest for the 3 profession on the lord of the storm.

S grade (76lvl - 79 lvl)

S Greed is also obtained by crafting and mining recipes and pieces on them.

Our main weapon at this stageStaff Tyne (Arch), also insert CA to insight, + This grade allows you to insert the stones of the attribute, for our class are wind stones . Stones increase the spontaneous damage.

Somet of Tyne - SET BONUSES: WIT + 1, INT + 1, MEN-2, Magic Attack power + 17%, run speed +7, resistance to Cancellation -50%, vulnerability to Stun -50%, weight limit +5759. Due to the fact that our dark magician has the lowest speed of spells, up to 80 LVL it is recommended to stay in the Arg SET.

From the jewelry set of Tatehosseat. Also kraft and wearing.

Places Kacha

Forge of Gods (Fogh)
In this location, Monsters 78+ have a dense cluster with multipliers * 5xE. With a competent party in 2-3 mages, with the support of SBS, database, it, horse breeding, Bisha and Overa, SVS or DB collects a wig, magicians work for (massive) skills, over rutitis and debat. Approximately 15K Exppace at 0 Vitalyti and the normal number of adena in "+" from costs. A wig of 10-15 mobs falls at 10 seconds. Also, the quest for the recipe s cm of weapons is done, if you have a permanent party, it is better for one member of the party.

- ketter / cooking
On long-range sobs, the same matsion described above, you can collect 15-25 mobs. Immediately, you can have a mini matsia of 1-2 mage, its (s), database or over. Also here is the quest on the grade Equip, if you have a permanent party, it is better to raise the Alliance LVL from one member of the party.

- Pagan temple (Pagan)
Located under the city of Rune, to get there to fulfill the quest at the NPA, which is located before the descent to the bottom where this location is located. The place is more suitable for the classes of holy attack classes, but here we can feel great, in Full Pati. Most of all, we are interested in distant rooms, where you can spoil pieces on the Tynesky Staff (Arch), and Monsters here 78 LVL C * 5HE, give good experience.http://danieldefo.ru/forum/showthread.php?t\u003d7316

Crystal Easpens (IOP)
This location is ideal for Duo Kacha, Monsters here 80+. What it is interesting to us except Kacha is a quest on s80 grade Equip + attribute stones that fall from monsters, to insert in GR and Next. http://forum.4game.ru/index.php?showtopic\u003d357906&st\u003d0Entry6603731
- the tomb of emperors (IT)
The first rooms are suitable for the straw, but very few monsters and great competition. That in the depth of the tomb has a very dense cluster and up to * 5xp 78+ Lvla. Also need Full Pati. The place is interesting to the quest on c weapons.

- Monastery of Silence (Mos)

So reached the first stage to the top of the mastery of magic. They took 80 LVL.

S80 Grade (80 LVL - 83 LVL)

Seth Dynasty Sate Bonuses: INT + 2, WIT + 1, MEN-2, soon. Caste. + 15%, Maximum MP +321. +8 To resist the darkness, the protection against the mill increased, increases M.A. by 6.6%

Printing dynasty (sigil)
When using printing raises the magician. ATK. by 4% and recovery MP by 17%

Set of dynasty jewelry

places Kacha

Head Ada
An interesting location, there is a quest for S80 sets, 83+ mobs, without a full party and s weapons with a 150 argument there is nothing to do, do not really dress. Below is a link to the full hedge on this location.

- Best Island
Island of filling dinosaurs, LVL 80+, Qathai Magician. Resources for S80 are well falling in location.http://danieldefo.ru/forum/showthread.php?t\u003d7413.

Also run ahead that it is waiting for us in grace +, the update that falls about autumn-winter. Changes in the territories for Kacha Magic, both the Pati and Solo.
- Fields of silence and whispering fields, it is the territory near the city of Hane, the location is made for solo or Duo Kacha after 80 lvl. Details of all changes, monsters can be read on this link -http://forums.goha.ru/showthread.php?t\u003d306292.

- Primitive Island, the territory also subjected to changing and now it is possible to swing solo or Duo, details -http://forums.goha.ru/showThread.php?t\u003d305253.

Sharpening skills

In order to sharpen the skill, you will have to go to the Hardin Academy (the school of dark magic in the dungeon between Hiran and Oren) to Magist Anasty.
Going to it, you will see that the master offers on one, and at once 4 options:
Consider them in turn:

1) skill improvement
This is so-called. "Ordinary Enchant", which is in most cases and produced by players. For anyone not sharpened skill, you can choose any of the available entrants branches (see below), which will require a special book, as well as a certain amount of SP and EXP (SP \u003d Exp Costs).
If the skill is already sharpened at least by +1, the selection of the branch is not provided and the book is not required, but the cost of SP and EXP grow the faster, the stronger the skill is sharpened.
Each attempt sharpening skill has its own chance indicated in the Enchanta window. In the case of failure, the skill sharpening level will reset (thus you irrevocably lose the book and all spent on the sharpening SP and EXP) and to re-attempt sharpening a book again.
Books The giant code required for such sharpening can be obtained in the following ways:
1) One thing ("for heating") is issued for the passage of the quest to the 3rd profession.
2) Lords of the castles can buy these books for fruits from Manura.
3) buy in Olympus shop for 5,500 points.
4) buy on the market for players

2) Safe improvement.
This is so-called. "Safe Enchant", which is most often made by players 80+ levels to achieve impressive (first of all that came under such skill enemies) sharpening levels of skills.
Such a sharpening is possible only for sharpened at least by +1 skills. Each attempt of safe sharpening requires a special book and spends 5 times more exp and SP than in case of sharpening of this, the same skill "ordinary enchant." The chances of successful sharpening are the same as when "ordinary enchant." In case of failure, only the book, EXP and SP on this attempt disappears, the sharpening skill level remains unchanged.
Books Code of Giants - Mastery required for such sharpening, can be obtained in the following ways:
1) Buy from the NPS an orc Fortress Border Watch, wandering around each fortress, for 1800 EPULA + 1.8KK ADEND.

3) Cancel improvement skill.
This option allows you to reset the cryptla sharpening level. At the same time, 80% sp, spent on the "ordinary enchant" to the level of sharpening, which was from your skill. Exp spent lost irretrievably.
The zeroing of skills is used if it was mistaken when choosing an enchanta branch, but did not have time to sharpen especially strongly (for example, I sharpened by +1 and understood my mistake).
Such an anti-sharpening is possible only for sharpened at least by +1 skills. Fool is clear that one zeroing of one skill \u003d one book.
Books Code of Giants - oblivion required for such sharpening, can be obtained in the following ways:
1) Buy from the NPS an orc a fortress border watch wandering around each fortress, for 200 EPULA + 1KK ADEND.
2) knock out a fortress / castle in the ship.
3) buy in the market for characters

4) Change the improvement path.
This option is designed to change the Skeil sharpening direction. When changing the direction is possible (rarely) loss up to 3 sharpening levels. It is most often used, or if by mistake, the skill is not on the branch, or if the expected effect of sharpening on this branch was strongly separated with the real effect. Sometimes it is used when updating the game to new chronicles when developers add new interesting sharpening options to old skills.
Such a sharpening is possible only for sharpened at least by +1 skills. Each change of sharpening direction requires a special book and does not require EXP or SP.
To Nortex Code of giants - discipline required for such sharpening, can be obtained in the following ways:
1) Buy from the NPS an orc a fortress border watch wandering around each fortress, for 540 EPULA + 1.26KK ADEND.
2) knock out a fortress / castle in the ship.
3) buy in the market for characters

Table chances of sharpening skills depending on the level:

Additional links: - which will help you find important information on the gameplay


Little from yourself:
It is enough to return to the beginning of Heyda and look at our characteristics, and understand what we lack us and what can save us from enemies of omnipresents. Disputes and reflections were a lot, but personally I will offer several classes on the sub:
1. First these classes of warns - what will be useful from them, this is a skill for 75 LVL to increase the joint venture +738
2. Classes of tanks - from them an interesting skill on 75, increasing the physical and magician protection by 20% upon receoning damage, but for 15 seconds
3. Classes of sammoners - from them you can get skill by 75, also upon receipt of damage, which increases the characters (10% caste speed \\ magician attack, 10% fiz. Speed \u200b\u200b\\ Piz. Attack, 15 s)
But everything is learned by samples and errors. And no one can solve for you who take a lot on the sub-factors.

F.A.Q. - Frequently asked questions and answers to them will be published.

Question: Where can I buy "damn bone"?
Answer: Cursed bone is sold at the Hardin Academy at the NPS of Sema. He is chosen - to buy shadow items to find bones. The second way to buy from the characters of necromancers they have a skill to call for damned bones, for this they need Cree.

Question: What game abbreviations (jargon) are used by the lord of the storm?
CX - (from ang


First look at the character.

Status Let's start with the fact that our magician Dark Elf refers to one of the spontaneous magicians whose element is the wind. What we highlighted on the background of other magicians is the power of the magician attack - it is not just big, it is huge. In PVP, we are afraid of more than any other magicians .. and right

Consider the basic characteristics.

  • Intelligence - 44, the highest among spontaneous magicians, which highlights us from all, is responsible for the power of the magical attack and the imposition of debaphs
  • Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all spontaneous magicians is responsible for the speed of pronouncing spells and the likelihood of a critical strike.
  • Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its recovery, also affects the magician protection and resistance to mental attacks.
  • Force - 23, more than everyone, is responsible for the strength of attack in the near battle, but there is no important importance for us.
  • Dexterity - 23, for us it is only the speed of movement, the opposite and the likelihood of the block of shields, we give only light elves.
  • Endurance - 24, this is the amount of life (HP) and its restoration, resistance to shocking attacks and the amount of portable weight.


There is no global diversity, on 40 LVL we can supply all 3 tattoo. Before that, this is not necessary.

  • the first two tattoo is:
    • + 4intext / -4Duhh (to increase the power of the impact of magic)
    • + 4MUMD / -4DUCH (to increase the speed of pronouncing spells)
  • the third tattoo may be
    • + 4 Highness / - 4Sil (because HP is not enough for us all the same, and we don't need power, besides this tattoo will give to transfer more "nipples" of blessed charges)
    • + 1MUMD / -1DUCH (for even greater speed of caste)

In the early Lvlah, we will rather have an aden to put a tattoo + 4 / -4, so you can safely put + 4 / -5 purchased in the store. Later you can remove them and put on 4/4.

The foundation

it would be nice to make a quest for Kukabarra ( Baby Kookaburra.)

  • 52-61

Equipment character

We carry a set of devotion, the mobs do not reach us, and from d Greed Caste does not give anything.

Theory Kacha

Here everyone chooses himself as and where it is more convenient to swing. In general, I advise you to swing with a party, but in the guide we will look at solo kach.

Naturally, it is desirable to have a PA (premium account) for a faster character pumping (X2), as well as the runes can be purchased in Ita, it will still increase the speed of pumping. As usual our faithful satellite is Baby Kookaburra. (Chicken. Not Camael, although it looks like!)

If there is PA, then the first place to go once a day is the "Solo of Kamaloka". In addition to the experience there you can get points and various awards in the spirit charges of the Spirit (souls), elixirs and chilok.

Zones hunting

  • From 20 to 40
    • - Quest in Livina (in the village of Orkov) and Moira (Guild of Orcs in Shuggart) - we get 21 lvl.
    • - Quest from Lewis in the glove - we get 26-27 LVL.
    • - Quest at the Alva in the glove - we get 29-30 LVL (depending on Vitalit).
    • - Solo Kama + Kama + Laba - we get 35 lvl.
    • - The branch of quests in the temple is a preacher of the temple, the executioner of the temple, the Warrior of the Temple - 1, the Warrior of the Temple - 2 - we get 37 LVL.
    • - We perform the first 2 brands (test of wisdom, trust test) - we get 38.5 LVL.
    • - Quests in Heyne (Space Fox 1-3) - We get 39.5 LVL.
    • - Test of magic - we get 40.3 Lvl take the profooth and joyfully equipped in C Greed. On the pocket of order 2kk of pure adena, excluding spending on d guns, gear, elk and BSSD.
  • From 40 to 52
    • Swinging near the crater of the ivory tower or near Adena, not far from the cemetery.
    • At 46 lsle to swing in the forest of robbers.
  • From 52 to 61
    • Labyrinth or forgotten plains, can also go in the battlefield.
  • From 61 to 76
    • Saints Valley.

Swing to the port of space up to 63, also take the quest "Heart in search of power"

    • Next, we go to the middle spots of the Saints Valley, then to the distance ... In general, sit there until 72 Lvla. You can also go to the blazing fopies and make a quest for the reigners.
    • Next, we can go to hot springs, the forest of the unaccificed, the ardard district.
  • From 76 to 80
    • At the beginning we pass the quest for the 3 profession. In general, on this lvle, it's time to have a permanent party for kacha, but if it is not, then:
    • Swing in cooking, ketre, forever forest or go to the crystal island to beat the fire stones for our weapon, as well as in solo locations for magicians. Next, I do not care without a party, look for the right.

Sab skil


Any subtleties are familiar personally. You only tell you the basis of which you will build your style of play. Spoiler:

PVP 1х1 I will not consider (if you can look very interesting in the Olympus section, the tactics will be almost the same) PVP party to the party: against the party of the Milishniks your main goal will be chairs with Kansel Pick and Sat (soul brokers \\ executioners). And only after them you kill the chilira, then DD, and so the Potos everything will remain. As soon as 2+ enemies appear in the field of reach, we use the Flash aura (the one knives the goals), and then beat your goal. It is advisable to kill enemies after resa right away, so as not to be buggy Nobl.

against the part of the magicians of your main goal, there will be magicians enemy - no magician, no damage, everyone is satisfied. After that, we kill the chyleries, then who will remain. It is advisable to kill enemies after resa right away, so as not to be buggy Nobl.


with the advent of enlightenment and the NPS-Buffer, we can be if not serious Olli Farmer, then thunderstorms of all middling. It is important to understand that for a serious approach to Olympus needs Lvl close to top, sharpened skills and shapes close to the top (a set of unickers, sharpened armor and wearing). It is also useful to have several sets with a different attribute to change them under the enemy. For most militant fighting - Enlightenment, Vortex, moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk. The fineness of the game will come with experience. Also, at first it would be nice to have 1-2 mentors who will suggest actions and point out errors (with this role it's good to cope and fraps - viewing the movies well helps to understand errors).

things that will be useful on Olympus

several Lowe weapons with useful ls - Kemetal, the active VM set of talismans (which is written below) radar or friend in W / TS which will warn with whom. Potions for fishing, potions from the heat on hb, the potion for breathing under water (?) It is useful for TV escape to paralysis resistance (x2) and ruta (x2), also if there is no epics then the resistance is stunning.


on Olympus, we can use talismans, now I will allocate the main:

  • talisman for invulnerability - gives p.Def 3600, M.DeF 2700

come in handy against all classes

  • mascot at Max Clariti - you can use skills without MP (Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity MP Consumption for Skill Decreases with the Power of the Talisman.)

may be useful against conportans

  • silence Talisman

against magicians \\ CSS and Kamaeley

  • metal Metal Talisman Attacks (White Talisman of Bravery Increases Resistance To Mental Attack When Equipped With Talisman.)

against a conversation

  • rutha resistance mascot (White Talisman of Freedom Increases Resistance To Hold When Equipped With Talisman.)

against tanks

  • mascot on the Main Talisman (White Talisman of Grounding Increases Resistance To Shock When Equipped With Talisman.)

against tanks, bers and archers, gnomes

  • talisman at Paralysis Resistance (White Talisman of Motion Increases Resistance To Paralysis When Equipped with Talisman.)

against the executioner, necra and school

  • talisman to increase running speed (Yellow Talisman of Speed \u200b\u200bIncreases Speed \u200b\u200bWhen Equipped With Talisman.)

against tanks

main tactic

  • daggers - Talik is useful on the UD. The main thing here is the first bacstub, then fall for a couple of nuitsa under enlightenment.
  • hilers - Usually it will be so - enlightenment, demon Wind, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Our task to try to kill for the time of enlightenment, if you are unsubelected, we can lose.
  • magi. "Who flew out the first Crete that he won." Enlightenment, Vortex + Slav, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.
  • sAMONERS - Some of the most innocuous creatures. You can just sniff the owner without a servant.
  • archers - It is dangerous only by the mill, and so harmless and die faster than the Stan stretched.
  • glades \\ Tiry. - It is dangerous that they can run up close and put 1-2 abbots from which we glow. Here you need a tall on the UD, and the rest of the standard is enlightenment, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.
  • gnomes \\ Kopeychiki - Nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Although once a year can be drained and smuggling
  • bD \\ SSS - The first is dangerous only by the jellyfish, in which we can pay off at zero and kill. The fact is dangerous only by Silence for a minute. If this nasty was not passed, they die in a second or two.
  • tanks * - There is almost no chance against serious tanks. You can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have and mirror \u003d \\
  • bers - Pray to not knocked out weapons and did not find it - if you kill it, and so usually kill us \u003d \\
  • executioner - There is almost no chance. The maximum resistant to paralysis (a set of crystal Darkness + TV Bej with a resist to paralysis) the correct selection of the baff against its theft.
  • dESTER - There is also a little chance. The main chances of killing them appear only in the Talik on the UD.

Changes when updating the game


  • added 20% CPU

Video games for class

© 2008-2019, Linedia - Lineage 2 knowledge base and encyclopedia in Russian: quests and descriptions, passing and articles, things and monsters, classes and races, benefits and guides, skills and skills.



Earrings: Chan and Antaras.

Skills (sharpening)

Main skills:

Surrender to Wind:

Vampiric Claw:

Aura Flash:

Wind Vortex:

Wind Vortex Slug:

Throne of Wind:

Arcane Power:

Curse Fear:

If skill + 30 \u003d + 25% M.Def

Pasivka (from sabs):


So now hp

Int +1 \\ wit +1
So now books

Magician "S Will 1
Star Fall 1.
Protection of Rune 1
Protection of Elemental 1
Hurricane Armor 1.


against magicians \\ CSS and Kamaeley

against a conversation
against tanks

Against Sat, Nekra and Shk

against tanks

Something like this

Con +4 p -4 (+ hp (before another resist Stuna i gave, right now I do not know) - F. Kazak) \\ Wit +1 men - 1
I would advise an elegy, it gives a big p.def and resists and not a bad increase to M. Tak, but you can andmonrai , the resist will give less and P.Defa, but more than M.Taku from MV bonuses.
Necklace: here is your choice, roller \\ Freya, from the roller M attacks there will be more and gain to debuff, from Frei resist will be more
Earrings: Chan and Antaras.
Rings: Well, my choice
Beles. Both lives will give more resist and M.Defa.
Skills (sharpening)
CX hits the wind, so almost all skills will be on the wind!
Main skills:
This is the main percussion skill, to sharpen it on the turn.
Surrender to Wind:
Temporarily lowers the resistance of the target to the air attacks and increases the resistance to the land attacks, to sharpen to a downgrade to the wind \\ can be a chance
Vampiric Claw:
Sucks life from the goal, restoring your health, point to absorb
Aura Flash:
Releases the power of elements on the nearest enemies, knocking them the purpose of the attack. 3 Spirit Ore is required, sharpening
Wind Vortex:
Creates a air vortex. When using air magic immediately decreases the stability of the enemy to air magic, speed, soon. ATK. by 10% and soon. Mage by 30%. Constantly reduces MP. Possible superpower. Power 140 .. Sharp on a chance
Wind Vortex Slug:
Creates a powerful wind whirlwind, which causes damage to the wind on the enemy from 195, amplifying added User "M .. ATK. To sharpen on the belief
Throne of Wind:
Uses the power of the storm to weaken the enemy for 10 helpers and cause 173 hp. Damage per second, point to power
Arcane Power:

Maximizes magic efficiency, increasing M .. ATK. 30% and consumption of a member of parliament to 10%. Every month, 50 hp Consumed, point to power
Makes the enemy to sleep for 30 assistants,
accurate on the cost of \\ but duay all the same ray chance , for 30 seconds you can have time to throw debafs.
Staff of evil spirits - blessing of the body. Gives a 20% chance of Witchcraft Bless The Body when using a beneficial skill on target. Effect 5.
Ada knife - magic mental shield. Gives a 50% chance of imposing a mental shield when using a beneficial skill on target. Effect 4.
Daggers - Talik will come in handy. The main thing here is the first bacstub, then fall for a couple of nuitsa under enlightenment.
Hilers - usually it will be so - enlightenment, demon wind, Vortex +
slag, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory . our task to try to kill for the time of enlightenment, if you are unsubelected, we can lose.
Mages - who flew out the first Crete he won. Enlightenment, Vortex + slag, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.
glades \\ Tires are dangerous that they can run up close to the kissalet and put 1-2 abbutts from which we glue. Here you need a tall on the UD, and the rest of the standard is enlightenment, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.

Gnomes \\ Kopeaniki - nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Although once a year can be drained and smuggling

DB \\ CSS - the first is dangerous only by the jellyfish, in which we can pay off to zero and kill. The fact is dangerous only by Silence for a minute. If this nasty was not passed, they die in a second or two.

Tanks are thin, there is almost no chance against serious tanks. You can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have and mirror \u003d \\

Bers - praying to not knocked out weapons and did not survive - if you were lucky, and so usually kill us \u003d \\

wTF Palace? - There is almost no chance. The maximum resistant to paralysis (a set of crystal Darkness + TV Bej with a resist to paralysis) the correct selection of the baff against its theft.
something like this

And you are not bad!
I like
Be sure to use

Status Let's start with the fact that our magician Dark Elf refers to one of the spontaneous magicians whose element is the wind. What we highlighted on the background of other magicians is the power of the magician attack - it is not just big, it is huge. In PVP, we are afraid of more than any other magicians .. and right

Intellect - 44, the highest among spontaneous magicians, which highlights us from all, is responsible for the power of the magic attack and debugs
Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all spontaneous magicians, is responsible for the speed of pronouncing spells and the likelihood of a critical strike.
Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its restoration, also affects the magician protection and resistance to the mental attacks.
Power - 23, more than everyone, is responsible for the strength of attack in the near battle, but there is no important thing for us.
Dexterity - 23, for us it is only the speed of movement, the oppression and probability of the block of shields, we give only light elves.
Endurance - 24, this is the amount of life (CP) and its restoration, resistance to shocking attacks and the amount of portable weight.

So swing some as a 40 lvl to the circle Taver (DION) from 40 to 61 - the forest (Rune) and from 61 to 70 in the cooking, from 70 to 80 in Tomb (C4), after we go to zi (Iluzzi's hall) and There, and farm, and quality is excellent. Well, it is possible to swing from 79 to 84 on the seals. Here is the link Klitz.
(Your opinion where to swing it should not coincide with the author's opinion)

I am not Bahei Bers because it declines a lot and gives little (useful), on our server he squeezes the magicians. (It is bug for kacha)
In Songag, there may be a dispute, well, one resist wants, others are different!

Int +4 men -4 (+ M.Taka - M.Def)
WIT +4 MEN -4 (+ CAST - M.DEF)
Kone +4 p -4 (+ HP (before another resistant from the chair gave, right now I do not know) - F. Kaza) \\ Wit +1 men - 1


Take advice S84 ARCHANGEL ACUMEN, TC Demaga from Greed will be more. 2Wariant 2ruk Cycllic Cane Empower, well, it is despite the fact that you accelerate caste, then take this empty caster, it does not give, M.Taka will just be space and demag.

I would advise Elegia, it gives a large p.def and resists and not a bad increase to M. Tayk, but it is possible and a monster, the resist will give less and P.Def, but more than M.Taku from MV bonuses.

Necklace: here is your choice, roller \\ Freya, from the roller M attacks there will be more and gain to debuff, from Frei resist will be more

Earrings: Chan and Antaras.

Rings: Well, my choice of Beles and Bakhum will give more resist and M.Def.

Skills (sharpening)

CX hits the wind, so almost all skills will be on the wind!

Main skills:

This is the main percussion skill, to sharpen it on the turn.

Surrender to Wind:

Temporarily lowers the resistance of the target to the air attacks and increases the resistance to the land attacks, to sharpen to a downgrade to the wind \\ can be a chance

Vampiric Claw:

Sucks life from the goal, restoring your health, point to absorb

Aura Flash:

Releases the power of elements on the nearest enemies, knocking them the purpose of the attack. 3 Spirit Ore is required, sharpening

Wind Vortex:

Creates a air vortex. When using air magic immediately decreases the stability of the enemy to air magic, speed, soon. ATK. by 10% and soon. Mage by 30%. Constantly reduces MP. Possible superpower. Power 140 .. Sharp on a chance

Wind Vortex Slug:

Creates a powerful wind whirlwind, which causes damage to the wind on the enemy from 195, amplifying added User "M .. ATK. To sharpen on the belief

Throne of Wind:

Uses the power of the storm to weaken the enemy for 10 helpers and cause 173 hp. Damage per second, point to power

Arcane Power:

Maximizes magic efficiency, increasing M .. ATK. 30% and consumption of a member of parliament to 10%. Every month, 50 hp Consumed, point to power

Makes the enemy to sleep for 30 assistants, to sharpen on the price \\ but the dual of all the same ray chance, in 30 seconds you can have time to throw debafs.

Curse Fear:

Makes the enemy run away from fear, accumulate

Reduces the goal accuracy to 12 for 30 assistants, to sharpen on a chance or power simply to choose it, useful against onions.

To accurate Magic Defense + 1 OE increases M.Def by 1%

When subsequent sharpening increases M.Def by 0-1%
If skill + 30 \u003d + 25% M.Def

Pasivka (from sabs):


So now hp

Int +1 \\ wit +1
So now books

Magician "S Will 1
Star Fall 1.
Protection of Rune 1
Protection of Elemental 1
Hurricane Armor 1.

As an example of a variety of boughs, as I said, everyone can have a slightly different option!

Staff of evil spirits - blessing of the body. Gives a 20% chance of Witchcraft Bless The Body when using a beneficial skill on target. Effect 5.

Ada knife - magic mental shield. Gives a 50% chance of imposing a mental shield when using a beneficial skill on target. Effect 4.

Daggers - Talik will come in handy. The main thing here is the first bacstub, then fall for a couple of nuitsa under enlightenment.

Hilers - Usually it will be so - enlightenment, demon Windows, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Our task to try to kill for the time of enlightenment, if you are unsubelected, we can lose.

Mages - who flew out the first Crete he won. Enlightenment, Vortex + Slav, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.

Glades \\ Tires are dangerous that they can run up close to the kissalet and put 1-2 abbutts from which we glue. Here you need a tall on the UD, and the rest of the standard is enlightenment, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.

Gnomes \\ Kopeaniki - nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Although once a year can be drained and smuggling

DB \\ CSS - the first is dangerous only by the jellyfish, in which we can pay off to zero and kill. The fact is dangerous only by Silence for a minute. If this nasty was not passed, they die in a second or two.

Tanks are thin, there is almost no chance against serious tanks. You can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have and mirror \u003d \\

Bers - Praying In order not to knocked the weapon and did not find it - if you kill it, and so usually kill us \u003d \\

The executioner is almost no chance. There is a maximum resistant to paralysis (set of crystal Darkness + TV Bej with a resist to paralysis) the correct selection of the baff against its theft.

Destinations are also small. The main chances of killing them appear only in the Talik on the UD.


On Olympus, we can use talismans, now I will allocate the main:
1. Talisman for invulnerability - gives p.def 3600, M.DeF 2700
come in handy against all classes
2. Talisman at Max Clariti - you can use skills without MP (Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity MP Consumption for Skill Decreases with the power of the talisman.)
may be useful against conportans
3. Talisman for Silence
against magicians \\ CSS and Kamaeley
4. Metal Attack Resistance Talisman (White Talisman of Bravery Increases Resistance To Mental Attack When Equipped With Talisman.)
against a conversation
5.Talisman on root resistance (White Talisman of Freedom Increases Resistance To Hold When Equipped With Talisman.)
against tanks
6. Talisman on the resistance of the bird (White Talisman of Grounding Increases Resistance To Shock When Equipped With Talisman.)
against tanks, bers and archers, gnomes
7. Paralysis resistance talisman (White Talisman of Motion Increases Resistance To Paralysis When Equipped With Talisman.)
Against Sat, Nekra and Shk
8. Talisman to increase running speed (Yellow Talisman of Speed \u200b\u200bIncreases Speed \u200b\u200bWhen Equipped With Talisman.)
against tanks

Something like this

you yourself read what I wrote?

Status Let's start with the fact that our magician Dark Elf refers to one of the spontaneous magicians whose element is the wind. What we highlighted on the background of other magicians is the power of the magician attack - it is not just big, it is huge. In PVP, we are afraid of more than any other magicians .. and right

Intellect - 44, the highest among spontaneous magicians, which highlights us from all, is responsible for the power of the magic attack and debugs
Wisdom - 19, the lowest among all spontaneous magicians, is responsible for the speed of pronouncing spells and the likelihood of a critical strike.
Spirit - 37, is responsible for the amount of mana and its restoration, also affects the magician protection and resistance to the mental attacks.
Power - 23, more than everyone, is responsible for the strength of attack in the near battle, but there is no important thing for us.
Dexterity - 23, for us it is only the speed of movement, the oppression and probability of the block of shields, we give only light elves.
Endurance - 24, this is the amount of life (CP) and its restoration, resistance to shocking attacks and the amount of portable weight.

So swing some as a 40 lvl to the circle Taver (DION) from 40 to 61 - the forest (Rune) and from 61 to 70 in the cooking, from 70 to 80 in Tomb (C4), after we go to zi (Iluzzi's hall) and There, and farm, and quality is excellent. Well, it is possible to swing from 79 to 84 on the seals. Here is the link Klitz.
(Your opinion where to swing it should not coincide with the author's opinion)

I am not Bahei Bers because it declines a lot and gives little (useful), on our server he squeezes the magicians. (It is bug for kacha)
In Songag, there may be a dispute, well, one resist wants, others are different!

Int +4 men -4 (+ M.Taka - M.Def)
WIT +4 MEN -4 (+ CAST - M.DEF)
Kone +4 p -4 (+ HP (before another resistant from the chair gave, right now I do not know) - F. Kaza) \\ Wit +1 men - 1


Take advice S84 ARCHANGEL ACUMEN, TC Demaga from Greed will be more. 2Wariant 2ruk Cycllic Cane Empower, well, it is despite the fact that you accelerate caste, then take this empty caster, it does not give, M.Taka will just be space and demag.

I would advise Elegia, it gives a large p.def and resists and not a bad increase to M. Tayk, but it is possible and a monster, the resist will give less and P.Def, but more than M.Taku from MV bonuses.

Necklace: here is your choice, roller \\ Freya, from the roller M attacks there will be more and gain to debuff, from Frei resist will be more

Earrings: Chan and Antaras.

Rings: Well, my choice of Beles and Bakhum will give more resist and M.Def.

Skills (sharpening)

CX hits the wind, so almost all skills will be on the wind!

Main skills:

This is the main percussion skill, to sharpen it on the turn.

Surrender to Wind:

Temporarily lowers the resistance of the target to the air attacks and increases the resistance to the land attacks, to sharpen to a downgrade to the wind \\ can be a chance

Vampiric Claw:

Sucks life from the goal, restoring your health, point to absorb

Aura Flash:

Releases the power of elements on the nearest enemies, knocking them the purpose of the attack. 3 Spirit Ore is required, sharpening

Wind Vortex:

Creates a air vortex. When using air magic immediately decreases the stability of the enemy to air magic, speed, soon. ATK. by 10% and soon. Mage by 30%. Constantly reduces MP. Possible superpower. Power 140 .. Sharp on a chance

Wind Vortex Slug:

Creates a powerful wind whirlwind, which causes damage to the wind on the enemy from 195, amplifying added User "M .. ATK. To sharpen on the belief

Throne of Wind:

Uses the power of the storm to weaken the enemy for 10 helpers and cause 173 hp. Damage per second, point to power

Arcane Power:

Maximizes magic efficiency, increasing M .. ATK. 30% and consumption of a member of parliament to 10%. Every month, 50 hp Consumed, point to power

Makes the enemy to sleep for 30 assistants, to sharpen on the price \\ but the dual of all the same ray chance, in 30 seconds you can have time to throw debafs.

Curse Fear:

Makes the enemy run away from fear, accumulate

Reduces the goal accuracy to 12 for 30 assistants, to sharpen on a chance or power simply to choose it, useful against onions.

To accurate Magic Defense + 1 OE increases M.Def by 1%

When subsequent sharpening increases M.Def by 0-1%
If skill + 30 \u003d + 25% M.Def

Pasivka (from sabs):


So now hp

Int +1 \\ wit +1
So now books

Magician "S Will 1
Star Fall 1.
Protection of Rune 1
Protection of Elemental 1
Hurricane Armor 1.

As an example of a variety of boughs, as I said, everyone can have a slightly different option!

Staff of evil spirits - blessing of the body. Gives a 20% chance of Witchcraft Bless The Body when using a beneficial skill on target. Effect 5.

Ada knife - magic mental shield. Gives a 50% chance of imposing a mental shield when using a beneficial skill on target. Effect 4.

Daggers - Talik will come in handy. The main thing here is the first bacstub, then fall for a couple of nuitsa under enlightenment.

Hilers - Usually it will be so - enlightenment, demon Windows, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Our task to try to kill for the time of enlightenment, if you are unsubelected, we can lose.

Mages - who flew out the first Crete he won. Enlightenment, Vortex + Slav, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.

Glades \\ Tires are dangerous that they can run up close to the kissalet and put 1-2 abbutts from which we glue. Here you need a tall on the UD, and the rest of the standard is enlightenment, Vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory.

Gnomes \\ Kopeaniki - nothing unusual - enlightenment, vortex + moisture, Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk - Victory. Although once a year can be drained and smuggling

DB \\ CSS - the first is dangerous only by the jellyfish, in which we can pay off to zero and kill. The fact is dangerous only by Silence for a minute. If this nasty was not passed, they die in a second or two.

Tanks are thin, there is almost no chance against serious tanks. You can try to kill under enlightenment, but they have and mirror \u003d \\

Bers - Praying In order not to knocked the weapon and did not find it - if you kill it, and so usually kill us \u003d \\

The executioner is almost no chance. There is a maximum resistant to paralysis (set of crystal Darkness + TV Bej with a resist to paralysis) the correct selection of the baff against its theft.

Destinations are also small. The main chances of killing them appear only in the Talik on the UD.


On Olympus, we can use talismans, now I will allocate the main:
1. Talisman for invulnerability - gives p.def 3600, M.DeF 2700
come in handy against all classes
2. Talisman at Max Clariti - you can use skills without MP (Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity MP Consumption for Skill Decreases with the power of the talisman.)
may be useful against conportans
3. Talisman for Silence
against magicians \\ CSS and Kamaeley
4. Metal Attack Resistance Talisman (White Talisman of Bravery Increases Resistance To Mental Attack When Equipped With Talisman.)
against a conversation
5.Talisman on root resistance (White Talisman of Freedom Increases Resistance To Hold When Equipped With Talisman.)
against tanks
6. Talisman on the resistance of the bird (White Talisman of Grounding Increases Resistance To Shock When Equipped With Talisman.)
against tanks, bers and archers, gnomes
7. Paralysis resistance talisman (White Talisman of Motion Increases Resistance To Paralysis When Equipped With Talisman.)
Against Sat, Nekra and Shk
8. Talisman to increase running speed (Yellow Talisman of Speed \u200b\u200bIncreases Speed \u200b\u200bWhen Equipped With Talisman.)
against tanks

Something like this

the same situation here .. stupidly guide from the Asteros forum copied
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